Thursday, May 12, 2016

Uh Oh: Trump Named In The Panama Papers 3,540 Times!

Uh Oh: Trump Named In The Panama Papers 3,540 Times!

"Today we learn of another puzzle piece regarding Herr Trump's shady financial dealings and wow, this one is a doozy. For months, Herr Trump has been dodging requests to show his taxes and just yesterday said "There's nothing to learn from them." Ironic, considering in 2012 he publicly blasted Mitt Romney for being slow to release his taxes. Well, now Herr Trump is flat out refusing to share his until AFTER the election. Yes, after. Because, you know, nothing shady going on there. Some possible explanations for this refusal are that he isn't as rich as he says he is (probable), he doesn't pay a high tax rate (he gloats about this), he doesn't donate to charities (ha, did anyone think he really did?) or he is pretty much broke (hmmm). Wait, just today, not one day after that flat out declaration from a man who, up until this point loves putting his name on any and every product he can possibly slap a "Trump" label on (see full list here.) has been named in the infamous Panana Papers. Another possible reason why Herr Trump is refusing to release his returns."

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