Saturday, May 21, 2016

Donald Trump Just Lied About Pretending To Be His Own PR Guy, Because We've Gone Insane
"Keep in mind that Trump had already admitted, in 1990, that he used the John Miller alias on occasion. And yet there he was -- lying his ass off. The Today show, the Post and his own unmistakable voice had him dead to rights. No sane person would've denied it was Trump and no sane person would've expected that he could get away with denying it was Trump -- but there was Donald Trump, just bald-face lying to the planet. Because Donald Trump is incapable of telling the truth. About anything. He lies spectacularly and mundanely, about any and all subjects. If you ask Trump what time it is and he answers you, get a second opinion because there's a pretty good chance what he told you is nonsense. Trump is compulsive and pathological, exhibiting the traits not simply of a narcissistic bullsh*t artist but of someone with a genuine personality disorder.  Every day it feels like we fall deeper into a rabbit hole of insanity this election cycle. Every day, particularly with Trump, there's one new moment that's even more batsh*t than the last. I can only imagine what tomorrow's revelation about this buffoonish con man will be, but it should serve as one more reminder that while we can laugh at his ridiculousness, he now stands literally one vote away from becoming the most powerful man in the world. That's not funny. That's f*cking terrifying."

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