Monday, April 30, 2012

Tea Partiers Who Opposed Bank Bailout Take Campaign Donations From Bailed-Out Banks

Tea Partiers Who Opposed Bank Bailout Take Campaign Donations From Bailed-Out Banks: Tea Party-backed candidates swept into Washington in 2010 on a wave of opposition to bank bailouts. Now that they’re in Washington, however, their campaigns are drowning in campaign cash provided by the very banks that benefited from the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The 10 freshmen Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee who have Tea [...]/p

AZ Lawmakers Lash Out At Imaginary United Nations Conspiracy With Assault On All Poverty & Environmental Laws

AZ Lawmakers Lash Out At Imaginary United Nations Conspiracy With Assault On All Poverty & Environmental Laws: Earlier this year, Texas U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz touted a bizarre conspiracy theory claiming that George Soros secretly partnered with the United Nations to eliminate the game of golf. Seriously, we aren’t making this up. Unfortunately, this fantasy isn’t limited to just one unusually radical candidate for elected office. Rather, the Arizona House is [...]/p

Thursday, April 26, 2012

PERRspectives: Romney's "Vision" Blind to Economic History

PERRspectives: Romney's "Vision" Blind to Economic History
"Romney would deliver a massive tax cut windfall for the rich, paying for it by gutting the social safety net each pretends to protect. He would end Medicare as we know it with a premium support gambit that would dramatically shift health care costs to America's seniors. While increasing defense spending, the GOP White House hopeful would repeal the Affordable Care and leave at least 30 million people without insurance. And despite his pledge to end many tax loopholes and deductions to fund their gilded-class giveaway, Mitt Romney doesn't have the courage to say which ones. As a result, Mitt "Cut, Cap and Balance" Romneywould actually add trillions more in red ink to the national debt."

Why Is Mitt Romney So Incredibly Weird? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Why Is Mitt Romney So Incredibly Weird? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
"He seems incapable of natural conversation and frequently uncomfortable in his own skin."

Using ALEC Playbook, Bobby Jindal Radically Reshapes Public Education | | AlterNet

Using ALEC Playbook, Bobby Jindal Radically Reshapes Public Education | | AlterNet
"Jindal’s agenda and the strategy to move it come right from the playbook of conservative advocacy group ALEC, in an effort to revive Jindal’s national political profile."

Monday, April 23, 2012

Utah Tea Party Adds A Fifth Tenther Extremist To The 2012 U.S. Senate Election

Utah Tea Party Adds A Fifth Tenther Extremist To The 2012 U.S. Senate Election: Most Republicans are smart enough not to openly admit that they think America’s social safety net is unconstitutional, even if they do misunderstand our founding document to prohibit Medicare or Medicaid or Social Security. Instead, the Republican leadership normally placates the most radical parts of their base with vague rhetoric about respecting the Tenth Amendment, [...]/p

Thursday, April 19, 2012

CHART: 17 Years After Oklahoma City Bombing, Right-Wing Extremism Is Significant Domestic Terror Threat

CHART: 17 Years After Oklahoma City Bombing, Right-Wing Extremism Is Significant Domestic Terror Threat: By Ken Sofer and CAP National Security team intern Molly Bernstein Seventeen years ago today, Timothy McVeigh and co-conspirator Terry Nichols detonated 4,800 pounds of homemade explosives under the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building’s daycare center in downtown Oklahoma City. The explosion resulted in 168 dead, 680 injured and over $652 million in damage. The [...]/p

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Tax Day without The Tea Party | Common Dreams

A Tax Day without The Tea Party | Common Dreams
"Over the past several years, few annual occasions have been more symbolic of the direction of political discussion in our country than Tax Day. This year, the IRS due date bears witness to the impact of the Occupy movement in American politics."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Top 10 Koch Facts | AlterNet

Top 10 Koch Facts | AlterNet
"Everyone seems to be investigating Charles and David Koch lately, with exposés of their corrupt political behavior popping up in places like the New Yorker,AlterNet, ThinkProgress, and Brave New Foundation’s film Koch Brothers Exposed."

Paul Ryan Cites Catholic Social Teaching To Defend Budget That Ignores It

Paul Ryan Cites Catholic Social Teaching To Defend Budget That Ignores It: When House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released his latest “Path to Prosperity” budget last month, it was immediately admonished as an “immoral disaster” that “robs the poor” by Catholic religious leaders. That echoed the backlash Ryan received last year, but it hasn’t stopped him from attempting to use Catholic social teaching to support [...]/p

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Deciphering Right-Wing Code: What Conservatives Are Really Saying When They Seem to Spew Nonsense | Visions | AlterNet

Deciphering Right-Wing Code: What Conservatives Are Really Saying When They Seem to Spew Nonsense | Visions | AlterNet
"Whether the proposals will be to revoke their charters, close campuses, or sell off their facilities to for-profit colleges, you can bet that ALEC already has the bills in the can, and will be introducing them in state legislatures presently."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tea Party Introduces ‘Wacky’ And ‘Ludicrous’ Conspiracy Bill To Shut Down Arizona Energy Efficiency Programs

Tea Party Introduces ‘Wacky’ And ‘Ludicrous’ Conspiracy Bill To Shut Down Arizona Energy Efficiency Programs: Citing conspiracy theories about “a one-world order,” the Arizona Tea Party is attempting to slip a bill through the legislature that could strip programs designed to help residents in the state become more energy efficient. The bill’s sponsor, Arizona State Senator Judy Burges, says her goal is to wipe out any environmental program administered or [...]/p

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Proposed Arizona Law Defies Constitution, Outlaws Being ‘Lewd’ And Annoying On The Internet

Proposed Arizona Law Defies Constitution, Outlaws Being ‘Lewd’ And Annoying On The Internet: A bill passed by the Arizona legislature and now sitting on the desk of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) would make it illegal to be annoying on the internet — at least in ways that are deemed “lewd” or “profane.” H.B 2549 has solicited outrage from free speech groups and Arizona bloggers alike, who rightly [...]/p

Monday, April 2, 2012

Five Preposterous, Persistent Conservative Myths | Common Dreams

Five Preposterous, Persistent Conservative Myths | Common Dreams
"With the mainstream media in the hands of the mostly conservative wealthy, it's difficult for average Americans to learn the truth about critical issues. The following five conservative claims are examples of mythical beliefs that fall apart in the presence of inconvenient facts:"

The Death Of The Middle Class

Republicans' Medicare plan finding few takers

Republicans' Medicare plan finding few takers
"The Republican Medicare plan, which does indeed end Medicare as we know it (just a little bit slower than the Paul Ryan budget they adopted last year) isn't finding much support outside the party"