Thursday, May 12, 2016

Robert Reich: The rich simply can’t lose in our rigged economy

Robert Reich: The rich simply can’t lose in our rigged economy

"They’re typical of the no-lose system in which America’s corporate and financial elite now operate. But the rest of America works in a different system. Theirs is cutthroat hyper-capitalism – in which wages are shrinking, median household income continues to drop, workers are fired without warning, two-thirds are living paycheck to paycheck, and employees are being classified as “independent contractors” without any labor protections at all. Why is there no-lose socialism for the rich and cutthroat hyper-capitalism for everyone else? Because the rules of the game – including labor laws, pension laws, corporate laws, and tax laws – have been crafted by those at the top, and the lawyers and lobbyists who work for them."

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