Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I'm Ashamed Republicans Represent My Country

I'm Ashamed Republicans Represent My Country

"Then again, these are the same folks who thought Jade Helm was a plot by the Obama administration to seize guns. Sadly, these sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories have become the norm among many Republicans. This is also the party that has Donald Trump and Ben Carson as its two leading presidential candidates: a 69-year-old infant who throws hissy fits on Twitter almost daily and a former brain surgeon who thinks the pyramids in Egypt were grain storages and clearly doesn’t know anything about the Middle East. Nowadays the Republican party is nothing more than our country’s largest hate group. Not only is hate-filled rhetoric allowed, but it’s encouraged. Hell, Trump’s “plan” is to get elected president then proceed to deport 12 million immigrants to who knows where. Apparently Trump believes every illegal immigrant in the U.S. is from Mexico as that’s the only nation he typically references. Despite the fact that this “plan” is completely unrealistic and flat-out inhumane, it’s embraced by the majority of conservatives. And let’s not forget about Trump’s latest suggestion that Muslims might need to be tagged and registered into a database to be tracked. You know, sort of like the Nazis did to the Jews before WWII. We have the Syrian refugee crisis where these so-called “Christians” are blatantly fear-mongering to their ignorant base – something that might actually be funny if it wasn’t for the fact that these scumbags are playing politics with the lives of thousands of desperate people fleeing almost certain death. Because that’s what this anti-refugee nonsense is – Republicans playing politics. They know we’ve allowed over 80k Iraqi refugees into the country since 2007, and several thousand from Syria already, but that doesn’t stop them from irrationally fear-mongering all for the sake of trying to galvanize the hate and ignorance that drives their party."

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