Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Fox News brings back Obama birther lies: Donald Trump, Dennis Miller and the revolting post-Paris sliming of the president

Fox News brings back Obama birther lies: Donald Trump, Dennis Miller and the revolting post-Paris sliming of the president

"Lots of people just saying out there these days. It’s a mode of communicating conspiracy theories that has a couple of major benefits. First, it allows the conspiracy theorist to perpetuate the theory without coming right out and saying it, giving them a blanket of plausible deniability when they’re called out for it (which will likely happen in response to this article). Second of all, it perpetuates the idea that conservatives in this country are oppressed, that they are so unable to speak freely that they have to communicate their ideas in coded ways. It’s a paranoia twofer! The world is clearly out to get you guys, so better stay home and mainline more Fox News."

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