"For a brief refresher on what “dynamic scoring” wrought on stupid Kansans (they did just re-elect “trickle-down” Brownback), look at what the “experiment in conservative economics” created. Brownback brought in “trickle down” scam artist Arthur Laffer to convince Republicans that giving the wealthy massive tax cuts and cutting education, healthcare, and infrastructure programs to death would be a government revenue bonanza, create a million jobs, and make every Kansan rich beyond their wildest dreams. The results, of course, were precisely the opposite and exactly what “official” incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Brownback Republicans lusted to do in Washington when they controlled both houses of Congress.
Kansas Republicans started with a budget surplus and squandered it on huge tax cuts for the rich that Laffer promised would instantly increase state revenue and a job creation explosion. Kansas is going broke and predicted to be bankrupt within two years, job creation is lagging the entire nation, and it is all down to giving tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the state’s economic life. Trickle down Brownback then signed another trickle down package of $1.1 billion in tax breaks for the rich that promptly created a record revenue shortfall and two more credit downgrades; something the CBO determined Paul Ryan’s budget would do if enacted."
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