"The mysterious nature of these conflicts makes it impossible for American citizens to determine what drives the decisions being made in the White House, according to Tribe. "The point of these conflicts, hidden and otherwise, is that they make it impossible for the American people to know which recommendations Jared whispers into the ears of his ill-informed father-in-law — who happens to be president of the United States — are driven by loyalty to the interests of the United States, and which are driven instead by loyalty to the Trump-Kushner criminal enterprise — a phrase I use reluctantly and sadly, but advisedly." As Tribe revealed, this is not the first time that Kushner's fitness to serve as a foreign policy aide has been called into question. In April, it was revealed that Kushner was "Senior White House Official 1" from a memo released by the House Oversight Committee based on a whistleblower's report, which pulled back the curtain on how national security clearances were granted at the White House."
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