"As Bregman explained how he was simply echoing how most polling suggests a majority of Americans approve of higher taxes on the rich, he slipped in a jab at Fox News: “No one’s saying it at Davos, just as no one’s saying it on Fox News, right? And I think the explanation for that is quite simple—is that most of the people in Davos, but also here on this channel, have been bought by the billionaire class. You know? You’re not meant to say these things, so I just sat there and thought, you know what, I’m just gonna say it, just as I’m saying it right here on this channel.” Carlson seemingly ignored the Fox-related comments, and noted that “many people have called for higher taxes,” which prompted an amused Bregman to interrupt: “Well, not on this channel. Almost all of the pundits on this channel, for years, have been against higher taxes, right? Even though the vast majority of Americans is in favor of it.” A slightly confused Carlson replied that “it would be interesting to know how many hours of Fox you’ve watched,” before pivoting back to the conversation about assuring that billionaires are unable to avoid paying their tax bill. Eventually Bregman said to the pro-Trump host: “The thing is, you guys have brought into power a president who doesn’t even want to show his own tax returns. Who knows how many billions he has hidden in the Cayman Islands or in Bermuda. So I think the issue really is one of corruption.” And then he brought up Carlson’s own bosses at Fox: “What the Murdochs basically want you to do is to scapegoat immigrants instead of talking about tax avoidance. So I’m glad you’re now finally raising the issue, but that’s what’s been happening for the past couple of years.” “I’m taking orders from the Murdochs, is that what you’re saying?” Carlson replied, growing audibly irritated. “No, it doesn’t work that directly,” the historian answered. “Wait, why don’t you tell me how it does work?” the Fox host asked, now shouting."
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