"Really, there are no words left for how grotesque the man is in every possible way, or how grotesque his cheering, vapid, and brick-stupid supporters are. He has been a criminal his whole life. He has been a business failure his whole sorry existence, propped up solely by his papa and whatever crime rings he could ingratiate himself to. He has assaulted whichever women he wanted to assault, and gotten away with it each time via threats or cash payments or simply lying. The sneering, raging manchild of his rallies is who he is, and who his party is. It is who Mitch McConnell is, and Chuck Grassley, and yes, Jeff Flake. It is every one of his enablers, and every pundit who stares into a camera and declares that the human toilet is not doing the things that every American can plainly see him doing. To hell with them all. There is no possible redemption there."
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