Friday, September 28, 2018

It's Difficult to Overstate How Unhinged, and Legitimately Scary, That Trump Presser Was
"It is difficult to pinpoint one moment, or even three, that truly showcase the range of unhinged behavior on show here. For instance, he once again magicked up the idea the United States was on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea before he was elected, saving "millions of people." Here he is suggesting the Chinese government has "great respect" for his "very, very large brain": Trump: Expert says China has great respect for "Donald Trump's very, very large a'brain." But perhaps the most critical moment was when the president seemed to suggest he always sides with the accused in cases of alleged sexual misconduct because he himself has been accused (at least a dozen times, though Trump suggested it was four and you could verify that with Sean Hannity), and those who accused him were "paid off." What, exactly, is he saying happened? It's almost impossible to decipher. Some women were paid off, but some recanted their stories, but the stories were front page in The New York Times, but the Times wouldn't print that their own stories were fake, but the good things they said about him were front page in The New York Times. Does anyone seriously think this person's brain is functioning well? And did you notice when he said "another one had other things happen" as evidence one of his sexual assault accusers was paid off? And then there was George Washington. President Donald Trump: "If we brought George Washington here ... the Democrats would vote against him." "And he may have had a bad past, who knows ... George Washington would be voted against one hundred percent by Schumer and the con artists," he adds This is the most powerful man in the world. This is the man whom Republicans in Congress think is doing a bang-up job, and there's nothing to worry about. This is the man vouching for Brett Kavanaugh. This is the man getting laughed at in front of the world. But everything's going great—just ask Sean Hannity."

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