Sunday, August 27, 2017

I Have a Few Words for the Fake Republican Outrage Over Trump’s Racism
"Words cannot express how sick and tired I am of Republicans claiming that their party isn’t driven by racism. The modern day GOP was built upon a foundation of racism ignited in the 50’s and 60’s in large part by the racist political maneuver commonly known as the “southern strategy.” Since then, Republicans all over the country have been pandering to white resentment and racism, constantly pushing the idea that people “not like them” were “ruining their country.” As I’ve mentioned numerous times before, it’s not a coincidence that nearly every state that comprised the Confederacy is, today, “strongly Republican.” The ideologies of the parties switched during the civil rights era, but the ignorance of conservatives in the areas that opposed ending slavery, women’s suffrage, desegregation, the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act remained the same. When it was discovered a couple of years ago that Rep. Steve Scalise had attended a white nationalist event, not only did he keep his spot as House Majority Whip, but the party backed him. When Trump spent years pushing the blatantly racist birther conspiracy against our country’s first African American president, most Republicans said nothing. When Trump appointed then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, a man Republicans denied a spot as a federal judge in the 80’s over accusations that he was a racist, he was easily confirmed by the very same GOP as our current attorney general. What we’ve seen over the last few decades, and especially over the last several years, is Republicans only offer lip service when condemning racism. That’s how a blatant racist and bigot like Trump managed to not only win their party’s nomination, but the “presidency,” too. This is someone who launched his campaign by pandering to bigotry by calling most Mexican immigrants “rapists and criminals.” He then proceeded build one of the most hate-driven campaigns in modern political history."

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