Saturday, September 5, 2015

White Nationalists for Trump: The disturbing truth about The Donald’s base

White Nationalists for Trump: The disturbing truth about The Donald’s base

"In Evan Osnos’ excellent New Yorker piece last week detailing Trump’s emerging support among white nationalists, he found many of his rallies were also populated by supporters casually selling white supremacist merchandise, from books such as “The True Selma Story,” “Authentic History of the Ku Klux Klan” to stickers reading “The Federal Empire Is Killing the American Dream”. Indeed, there is little evidence of Trump ever denouncing white nationalism outright, only vaguely belittling their value to him or acting like he doesn’t know who they are. He recently told Bloomberg News, for example, that he “doesn’t need” or “want” David Duke’s endorsement but when asked if he would repudiate the former KKK Grand Wizard, he glibly said, “sure, if it makes you feel better I will.” This answer was apparently good enough for Mark Halperin who quickly moved on but should outrage any thinking person. One should jump at the chance to distance themselves from the KKK, Trump did so reluctantly and only because it made Halperin “feel better"."

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