Thursday, June 18, 2015

Paul Ryan’s Disastrous Obamacare Interview Shows Republican Ideology is Officially Bankrupt
"Ryan’s inability to put forward literally anything that resembles a serious plan for the country’s health care system is indicative of a much wider problem the GOP will have to grapple with if it wants a shot in 2016. The truth is, the Republicans don’t actually have any serious ideas about anything. When your entire political philosophy has been built on the premise that free markets solve everything, you’ve pretty much absolved yourself of having to think about anything ever again. Sure, you can criticize those in power actually engaging in policy, pointing out problems, inconsistencies etc, etc, but you never have to offer anything up yourself. This works well in opposition, but tends to fall apart when applied – as did the country when free market militants took over from 2000-2008.
While impossible to predict the nature of the 2016 Presidential election, we can be sure it won’t be a battle of ideas. Because one side categorically doesn’t have any."

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