Rand Paul Kissing Koch Brothers' Asses: 'Libertarianism' In A Nutshell
"Of course, all of this is perfectly normal to a ‘libertarian' like Rand Paul because the political brand name masks the true nature of the philosophy at work: it's anarchism for the rich. Charles and David Koch learned their politics from Robert LeFevre, whose famous "Freedom School" taught lessons on autarchy - the abolition of all government except for the individual, making everyone their own dictatorship and reducing all society to a kind of right wing syndicalism. (Of course, LeFevre had only survived the Great Depression because of those terrible government relief programs.) Based in Colorado, in concept LeFevre's failed dream community resembled Galt's Gulch, the magical make-believe wonderland of strangely Marxist bliss where Ayn Rand's fictional ‘producers' hid out from the maddened ‘moochers' in the world of Atlas Shrugged.
Sen. Rand Paul, who prefers to create his own ophthalmic certification board rather than submit to the indignities of regular recertification by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, definitely likes to make his own rules in the classic LeFevre mold. He's his own best "special interest," and so are the Kochs. You can tell how much he admires them for it."
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