Thursday, February 19, 2015

White House: Obamacare enrollments reach 11.4 million
"That's a lot of people. A lot of people who now have affordable health insurance. Charles Gaba puts the total, including all the young people who've been able to stay on their parents plans, the people who are in expanded Medicaid and the regular enrollees at 32 million. That's the primary success of the law but it's only part of the success. Healthcare spending has slowed, dramatically. Like the lowest growth in half a century dramatically. A slowdown in Medicare spending is already reducing the deficit and extending the life of the Medicare program. Somewhere around 50,000 lives have been saved because of measures in the law that make hospitals safer.
That's what Republicans want to repeal, make go away entirely and have absolutely no intention of replacing should the Supreme Court decide to cut one of the most critical components out from under it."

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