Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fox News’ bogus CIA terror analyst fed off a nation hooked on lies: Wayne Simmons is a symptom of a much deeper disease

Fox News’ bogus CIA terror analyst fed off a nation hooked on lies: Wayne Simmons is a symptom of a much deeper disease

"Hell, how many Americans believe that Obama has raised taxes to record highs, or that illegal immigrants are flooding across the border in record numbers? How many people believe that wasteful social programs are to blame for our national debt, that free-market capitalism is guaranteed to bring prosperity to all and that Americans lead longer, healthier and happier lives than Europeans (ruled as they are by Sharia and socialism and other forms of unfreedom)? Those things are not remotely true or approximately true or halfway true. They’re just lies, brilliantly woven into a suffocating ideological fabric that smothers democracy and snuffs out the possibility of social change. We are a nation hooked on lies, and Wayne Simmons’ only mistake was that his lies weren’t good enough."

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