Jeb Bush Needs to Be Held Accountable for His PNAC Role in Urging Iraq War
"Jeb Bush was signatory to the formation of PNAC and has endorsed almost all of its principles (even after its formal dissolution) up to and including his current presidential campaign. That means that Jeb holds part of the collective responsibility for creating the false frame that "justified" the Iraq War - and for focusing on conventional military force expansion at the expense of taking heed of terrorism threats from non-nation states.
In short, Jeb needs to defend his brother because otherwise his culpability as a supporter of the PNAC principles would call his personal advocacy of the Iraq War and of the cover story of "weapons of mass destruction" for the war into a present-day campaign issue. Because Jeb was governor of Florida from 1999-2007, he was not directly involved in the Iraq War, but he was a full-fledged member of the neocon PNAC club that became the nucleus of Bush-era military policy."
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