Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Appalling Evil of the Religious Right and All its Works
"They want our country. They want, like the creepy old men of Duck Dynasty, to marry our 15-year-old daughters, to rape our 10-year-old daughters and force them to give birth to their rapist’s children. They want to probe the vaginas of our wives and sisters and daughters, and they want you to pay them for doing it.
Then they’ll teach our kids that a bunch of Bronze Age patriarchs who didn’t know where the sun went at night, know more science than actual scientists, that once you get pregnant, what you eat can change the sex of your fetus, and that God is causing global warming to punish us not because they molest their daughters, but because same sex couples want to get married.
There are no words in the English language suitable to describe the appalling things they say and do. I won’t even try here. If you look at the worst the Old Testament has to offer in intolerance, you will see just a tithe of the horrors being offered by our own Religious Right.
They are utterly, unrepentantly evil."

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