Saturday, August 15, 2015

Charles Koch Equates Himself With Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Charles Koch is talking about things like regulations that keep polluters in check. He’s talking about completely eliminating unions and, thus, the right of workers to have a say in how they will be compensated and treated on the job. He’s talking about selling the American people on the idea that corporations are people, just like you and me. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a few million in my back pocket to buy me influence in Washington. Nor am I acquainted with anyone who does. Koch, and those like him, like to conflate the power of what’s left of the American union movement as having the same clout as Koch Industries, or Citibank, or Exxon. If you are among those who believe that nonsense to be true, just ask yourself: Do you really think that the 185,000 member National Nurses United Union that just endorsed Bernie Sanders has anywhere near the money and influence that the Koch brothers billions can exert on lawmakers in Washington? Do you really believe that union could cough up $889 million on advocacy issues like the Kochs are planning to do in the upcoming election?"

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