Rand Paul Is Trying To Sell Signed Copies Of The Constitution For $1,000 – Seriously
"this outrageously overpriced autographed Constitution is a testament to how much of a fraud Paul actually is. Then again, that’s to be expected from someone who literally owes the entirety of their political success to their father. That’s really the only reason why he got elected to the Senate in the first place. And while I rarely agreed with his father on much of anything, at least Ron Paul had the courage to stand by his convictions, even if he knew deep down doing so meant he’d never have a legitimate shot at becoming president. The same can’t be said for his son. Rand Paul has proven time and time again that he’ll say and do anything to try to become president. While he has no problem trying to grovel to what’s left of the libertarian roots his father strived in, the younger Paul pathetically tries to somehow blend that with the rabid big government religious fanatics who love war and want to turn this nation into a theocracy. And now that Paul has officially announced that he’s running for president, the country is about to get a good, long look at what a spineless, pandering hypocrite he really is."
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