"But it was the economy that took center stage during the interview as O’Malley came out swinging at the Republican economic policies of trickle-down theory and fewer regulations:
“The Republican Party is doubling down on this trickle-down theory that says thou shalt concentrate wealth at the very top of our society. Thou shalt remove regulation from wherever you find it, even on Wall Street. And thou shalt keep wages low for American workers so that we can be more competitive. We have a different theory. Our theory as Democrats and as the longer arc of our story as Americans is that we believe that a stronger middle class is actually the cause of economic growth. What ails our economy right now is 12 years of stagnant or declining wages, and we need to fix this.”
Indeed, O’Malley is determined to raise the minimum wage even higher than the $10 an hour President Obama has proposed. Such a move would almost certainly lift millions of Americans out of poverty and even the playing field in an economy that has tilted heavily in favor of the wealthy. One reason for that is the Republican policy of deregulation, which has help enrich corporate executives at the expense of worker safety and worker’s rights. As a result, Americans work more and earn less."
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