Monday, March 9, 2020

By any means necessary: Trump's prepared to cheat again in 2020 — and lie about it shamelessly
"Trump claims he will protect Medicare and Medicaid ("and the Democrats won't") when his budget actually cut them. He says he's built hundreds of miles of new wall along the Mexican border when he's actually only replaced existing barriers and added one new mile. He says he's passed numerous bills — and was the only one who could do it! — which were actually passed by his predecessors. And of course he says the nation is making vast sums of money from his trade war when, in reality, it's Americans who pay for the tariffs while Trump is handing out millions of dollars in bailouts to farmers who are hurt by them. The entire premise of his "promises made, promises kept" mantra is built on the most bald-faced flagrant lie. He has actually accomplished almost nothing during his term aside from tax cuts for the wealthy. But with the help of the right-wing propaganda media, he's managed to convince his followers that everything good in their lives is directly attributable to him. We know Trump will cheat again, in an even more insidious way, because he already did. While he was cleared of criminal conspiracy charges for his eagerness to accept help from the Russian government in 2016, only a month ago he was impeached for trying to extort another government into doing the same thing for him in 2020. His acquittal by his accomplices in the Senate doesn't change those facts."

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