Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mueller Has Provided Congress With Everything It Needs to Impeach Trump
"Nadler elicited responses from the special counsel that can and should figure in articles of impeachment that would target Trump’s lawless acts but that would echo those approved by a previous Judiciary Committee that targeted former President Richard Nixon. To wit: NADLER: Director Mueller, the president has repeatedly claimed your report found there was no obstruction and completely and totally exonerated him. That is not what your report said, is it? MUELLER: Correct, not what the report said. NADLER: You wrote: “If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are not able to reach that judgment.” Does that say there was no obstruction? MUELLER: No. Nadler pursued the matter further, asking, “Can you explain what that finding means so the American people can understand?” Mueller replied, “The finding indicates that the president was not exonerated for the act he allegedly committed.” That may not have been a revelation for Americans who read the Mueller report. But it was a conclusion that was so jarring, when stated by a veteran investigator and prosecutor, that Nadler sought a final confirmation of the special counsel’s determination. “In fact,” said Nadler, “you were talking about incidents in which the president sought to use this official power outside of usual channels to exert undue influence over your investigations. Is that right?” “Correct,” replied Mueller."

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