"This is what it's come to. The president is ranting and raving on Twitter about the rapidly expanding investigations into him, as prosecutors at the state and federal levels in multiple states continually find more to investigate the more they dig. He is demanding to see his former fixer's maybe-real book manuscript, perhaps to avoid talking about how he blatantly lied in public about having ordered officials to give the Son-in-Law-in-Chief a security clearance despite warnings from intelligence professionals that Jared Kushner was open to manipulation and blackmail. In fact, representatives of four different countries were caught on tape discussing how they might use Kushner's vulnerabilities, including his financially distressed real-estate company, to pry what they need out of the government of the United States of America. Certainly, he's not much interested in discussing his failed summit with North Korea this week, in which some observers found he got rolled and others found he simply never grasped the terms of engagement from the beginning. Perhaps we should just be glad to go another day without nuclear war. These are the kind of standards we must set for ourselves now that we chose to elect the least-qualified person available to be the world's most powerful man. And all the while, the vice tightens. There is no bottom, and no end to what this grotesque creature embodying all the worst instincts of the American psyche might do. He has corrupted his office, ransacked the operating norms that allow a healthy democracy to function, and convinced his allies in Congress to abandon their role as a co-equal branch of government. He has even subverted the Constitution, declaring a national emergency when there is no national emergency to seize funds that Congress did not allocate with its power of the purse. There is nothing he won't do. Now that staying out of jail might mean staying in office, we're probably about to find out just what that entails."
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