Monday, November 5, 2018

The President Refuses to Take a Shred of Responsibility. His Propagandists Are Working Overtime.
"These shameless liars will say anything. And Fox's programming in general has gone on as if the spasm of violent bloodshed last week never happened. Remember that the Pittsburgh shooter specifically cited unfounded conspiracies about The Caravan? Here's Fox and Friends' coverage this morning. The immigrants are bringing disease now? This is fascist propaganda. There is not a shred of evidence to support it—not unlike Brian Kilmeade's earlier statement that many migrant children will become MS-13 members in his neighborhood. But it's yet another attempt to dehumanize the supposed invaders coming for the southern border. In reality, the people in "The Caravan" are a thousand miles away, and those that make it to the border will present themselves to American immigration authorities in the hopes of getting an asylum hearing, as is their right under international law and treaties to which the United States is a signatory. In saner times, we might call them "refugees." But not in these times. The idea the migrants in The Caravan are vermin carrying disease is now apparently one of the stock tropes at Fox"

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