"It is not often that you see a complete panorama of abject cowardice like you saw on the majority side of the dais of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday morning. Eleven white men, with the constitutional duty to advise and consent on the nomination of people to be justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, sitting as mute as a row of tombstones, refusing even personally to yield their time to the hired-gun woman who was questioning Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. They let the befuddled—and befuddling—chairman, Chuck Grassley, yield for them, and they let Rachel Mitchell ask their questions, and they sat there, shirkers and poltroons all. They should send their salaries for the day to battered women's shelters in their home states. By 11 a.m., any moral basis for the continued existence of the Republican Party had evaporated. It was striking. The next time that Ben Sasse or Jeff Flake start moaning about how we've all abandoned "civics," their tongues should turn to fire."
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