Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Trump would rather destroy American credibility than admit that something Obama did is working

"When Trump’s own advisors are coming forward to inform that the Iran deal is providing stability and blocking Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and the State Department certified that Iran was in compliance with the deal … what was causing Trump to throw a no-deal fit? It’s not really a surprise. “He doesn’t want to certify the Iran deal for more domestic reasons than international ones,” said Vali Nasr, dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. “He doesn’t want to certify that any piece of the Obama strategy is working.” Trump’s refusal to listen to reason made White House staff come up with a plan that would let Donald Trump stomp his foot and scream about the plan, but actually throw in a roadblock to eliminating the deal. Coming up with elaborate ways to soothe the fury of Trump while desperately working behind the scenes to stop the world from blowing up fits in with a series of actions where staff has attempted to keep Trump from either exploding, or blowing up the rest of us. That’s how things work at the White House daycare. The occasion during which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a f#$%ing moron, was a meeting where Trump looked at a graph showing the number of US nuclear weapons, and declared that he wanted to put the US back at the top by building 68,000 new warheads—ten times what we currently have. Not because we need the weapons. Because Trump didn’t like being at “the bottom of the curve” on the graph. Clearly, Tillerson’s declaration was well-earned. But handling Donald Trump with kid gloves and scrambling to find ways to work around his temper tantrums is putting the nation, and the world, at constant risk."

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