Jeff Sessions' Russia Contacts: Comey 'Can't Discuss In Open Setting' | Crooks and Liars
"James Comey shocked the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing when asked why he didn't discuss Trump's actions before AG Sessions' recusal from Russian investigations. "We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an open setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia related investigation problematic," Comey replied. Wow. This is a massive bit of new information that we were not aware of. What else has Jeff Sessions done to disqualify him from anything to do with the Russian investigations? These answers came about when Sen Wyden asked why Comey didn't discuss Trump's actions with Jeff Sessions, "What was it about the Attorney General's interactions with the Russians or his behavior with regard to the investigation that would have led the entire leadership of the FBI to make this decision?" The former FBI Directer said they had heard the Attorney General was going to recuse himself, but not only because he lied during his confirmation hearing, but for a variety of reasons. Comey said, "We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an opening setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia related investigation problematic"."
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