Monday, January 16, 2017

Report: Infamous Internet Troll Chuck Johnson Working Inside Trump Transition | Crooks and Liars

Report: Infamous Internet Troll Chuck Johnson Working Inside Trump Transition | Crooks and Liars

"Forbes reports that famed internet troll Chuck Johnson, banned from Twitter for doxing women and harassing everyone he can online, is working with the Trump transition to recommend people for the White House team from the ranks of the alt-right. Here's a taste of what he was doing before taking on his Very Important Troll status, via Little Green Footballs: Johnson, of course, is well-known for harassing and outing rape victims, outing Ebola victims, hanging out with white supremacists and writing for white nationalist sites like Takimag and Vdare, and a host of other vile far right activities, and is notorious for threatening to sue anyone and everyone who criticizes him. According to a Forbes report, multiple sources inside the transition team confirm that "he is working behind the scenes with members of the transition team’s executive committee, including billionaire Trump donor Peter Thiel, to recommend, vet and give something of a seal of approval to potential nominees from the so-called 'alt-right.'" I guess we know where his funding came from for his various ventures ahead of Trump's election now."

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