Thursday, January 19, 2017

No, Mitch McConnell, we’re not going to “get past” it — the president your voters elected is a dangerous idiot
"Don’t forget: this is an incoming chief executive who’s admitted to being nukes-curious. He’s repeatedly expressed interest in the question of why we’ve never used any of our nuclear weapons (minus, of course, two). He has also pledged to significantly augment our nuclear triad (after learning what it is), even though there are non-proliferation treaties in place against such a process. This alone is justification enough for the rest of us to skulk through our daily lives worrying whether this malicious circus peanut wrapped in gold lamé will wake up one morning and decide to pop off a nuclear weapon somewhere, either as a test or an attack, because … whomever … decided to tweet something about Trump’s stupid hair. That’s why it was so alarming this week when we learned that Trump was firing the appointees who run the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), which is responsible for overseeing our nuclear arsenal. It’s not so much about the firing of these particular officials, which is something that often happens when a new administration steps into the White House. The fear over this decision emerges from wondering who exactly Trump will pick to fill those posts. Knowing what we know about Trump’s process, it’s a safe bet that it’ll be sycophants who fit Trump’s dress- and facial hair qualifications — “the look.” More importantly, though, will these appointees make it that much easier for Trump to play war with live nuclear ammo? We don’t know, and again, that’s the problem. It’s yet another on a growing list of many reasons why, no, Sen. McConnell, we won’t and shouldn’t get over the election. Sixty-two million Americans, through their poorly-considered, nihilistic votes, have stupidly chosen to shut down the containment grid, Ghostbusters-style, releasing untold horrors into the atmosphere. I challenge anyone to predict what those things will be. But knowing Trump’s vindictiveness, his ignorance and his lack of core values, none of it can be good."

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