Friday, July 15, 2016

Republican Mark Kirk insists he's really not a Republican
"Never mind his anti-Obamacare vote, or his participation in all those Republican filibusters before they regained control of the Senate. Or how, just last year, he remained in lockstep with Republicans to allow the Department of Homeland Security to shut down over a fight with President Obama on immigration. You remember that, when he famously said: "The Republicans—if there is a successful attack during a DHS shutdown—we should build a number of coffins outside each Democratic office and say, 'You are responsible for these dead Americans.'" No, nothing Republican about saying that.  Of course, within days of that inflammatory statement there was new polling out on the issue, and Kirk swung wildly around to the conclusion that "I generally agree with the Democratic position here."  So what are Illinois voters to believe? Nothing that comes out of Mark Kirk's mouth."

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