Monday, March 7, 2016

It's Time for States to Invest in Infrastructure
"The condition of roads, bridges, schools, water treatment plants, and other physical assets greatly influences the economy's ability to function and grow. Commerce requires well-maintained roads, railroads, airports, and ports so that manufacturers can obtain raw materials and parts, and deliver finished products to consumers. Growing communities rely on well-functioning water and sewer systems. State-of-the art schools free from crowding and safety hazards improve educational opportunities for future workers. Every state needs infrastructure improvements that have potential to pay off economically in private sector investment and job growth. But rather than identifying and making the infrastructure investments that provide the foundation for a strong economy, many states are cutting taxes and offering corporate subsidies in a misguided approach to boosting economic growth. Tax cuts will spur little to no economic growth and take money away from schools, universities, and other public investments essential to producing the talented workforce that businesses need.[1] This pattern of neglect of infrastructure by states - the primary stewards (along with their local government partners) of the nation's infrastructure - has serious consequences for the nation's growth and quality of life as roads crumble, school buildings become obsolete, and outdated facilities jeopardize public health."

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