Friday, June 19, 2015

The GOP’s staggering Charleston cowardice: Why are so many Republicans so scared of admitting the truth?

The GOP’s staggering Charleston cowardice: Why are so many Republicans so scared of admitting the truth?

"Throughout the last 24 hours the right has been doing the usual handwringing over the “politicization” of this mass murder as if it wasn’t inherently political. Dylann Roof politicized it when he stood up in that church, shot 9 people and told one woman that he was letting her live so that she could tell people why he did it: “You are raping our women and taking over the country.” One of the people he assassinated in cold blood was a prominent black politician. That is the terrorist act of a right wing extremist and the political statement of a white supremacist. He was following in a very long tradition of such terrorist acts and political statements."

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