One Simple Stat Puts Into Perspective Just How Bad Income Inequality Has Become
"For Democrats and progressives, it’s about the rich becoming richer at the expense of everyone else. It’s about tax cuts that disproportionately favor the wealthy while everyone else picks up the tab. It’s about massive deficits caused by wars and bailouts that some within our government (mostly Republicans) now want the poor and middle class to pay for. For Republicans, it’s the newest talking point they like to throw around considering there’s really nothing else they can say that’s negative about the economy. For years Republicans claimed that Democrats using the phrase “income inequality” was some sort of class warfare – now they can’t seem to shut up about it. Though their “solution” to improve income inequality is more of the same policies that created the income inequality in the first place: Tax cuts for the rich, deregulating big business. It would almost be funny if they weren’t actually being serious."
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