Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Neo-Nazis Threaten To Murder Professor After Fox Hypes ‘Antiwhite’ College Class
"These are the same people, Including Fox News (especially Fox News), that regularly marginalize minorities in America. They lament the lost days of slavery and Jim Crow even as Republicans pass new versions of them. They celebrate White Supremacy in America and want the status to stay very quo.
So why are they so angry that someone would discuss White Supremacy in a college classroom? That’s actually quite simple: As I’ve discussed before, modern White Supremacy only works as long white skin is invisible. That way, when a white person commits a crime, it’s only about that individual but when a black person does the same, magically it’s an indictment of all blacks.
If we start thinking of white people as “white” or, god forbid, stop thinking of black people as “black,” a lot of the advantages white people get for being the “right” color disappear. That is the most terrifying thing in the world to a White Supremacist. So, of course, discussing whiteness and White Supremacy in its proper historical context is, I kid you not, “anti white"."

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