Monday, February 10, 2014

PERRspectives: Post's Thiessen Tortures Logic with Bogus $70 Billion Obamacare Pay Cut

PERRspectives: Post's Thiessen Tortures Logic with Bogus $70 Billion Obamacare Pay Cut

"And now for today's math quiz. Let's say you decide to work 2 percent fewer hours this year. At the end of the year, your total compensation is 1 percent lower. Does that mean you got a pay cut?
If you answered "yes," you might want to reread the question. Or, you might be Marc Thiessen, former Bush speechwriter and torture enthusiast turned AEI fellow and Washington Post columnist.
Writing in Monday's Post, Thiessen tried to add a sequel to the GOP's discredited sound bite that the Affordable Care Act will cost the U.S. economy 2.5 million jobs over the next decade. On the same day the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) once again debunked that tried but untrue talking point, Dubya's former wordsmith concocted a new one"

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