Friday, November 24, 2017

Congress can’t stop Trump from picking Census chief who believes ‘competitive elections are bad for America’

Congress can’t stop Trump from picking Census chief who believes ‘competitive elections are bad for America’

"The Trump administration appears likely to name Thomas Brunell, a political science professor who believes “competitive elections are bad for America,” to oversee the U.S. Census Bureau. The University of Texas at Dallas professor has testified more than half a dozen times in favor of Republican efforts to redraw congressional districts — which always seem to target likely Democratic voters, reported Politico. That would put Brunell — who has no government experience — in position to oversee the 2020 Census, which determines whether states gain or lose electoral voters and seats in the House of Representatives."

That Swamp: What Trump Really Meant Was to Drain the Pockets of Americans Who Make Less Than $500,000 a Year @alternet

That Swamp: What Trump Really Meant Was to Drain the Pockets of Americans Who Make Less Than $500,000 a Year @alternet: The plutocrats should set aside a moment to thank all the voters suckered by the Trumpian promise to drain the swamp. As Americans gather for Thanksgiving, we can only hope that the richest among us have the good graces to give thanks for the bounty they expect to receive in a few days thanks to how Donald Trump and the Republican leaders on Capitol Hill conned millions of voters.The plutocrats should set aside a moment to thank all the voters suckered by the Trumpian promise to drain the swamp. What Trump really meant was to drain the pockets of Americans who make less than $500,000 a year so the richest of the rich can have more.

Donald Trump Aims To Boost GOP Gerrymandering Advantage With Census Pick

OMB Director Mulvaney Lies About GOP Tax Bill Raising Taxes On Middle Class Americans

OMB Director Mulvaney Lies About GOP Tax Bill Raising Taxes On Middle Class Americans:

"According to a recent poll by Quinnipiac, the majority of Americans aren't buying the Republicans' attempt to sell their trickle-down snake oil tax cut plan, so Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration have been out in force this week doing what we've come to expect from them when they're about to pass extremely unpopular legislation that harms the majority of their constituents -- lying about it on the cable news shows."

Republicans in Congress Think You’re an Idiot
"Republicans in Congress must believe voters are dolts. Nothing else can explain the tax bill that just passed the House with 227 Republican votes and no Democrats. No rational person would make the choices that are in this bill. Even granting that big GOP donors want this legislation, and that cutting taxes and spending are the core Republican mission, this bill is ridiculous. Anyone who voted for it should be drummed out of Congress simply for the insult."

Death Date Announced For The Internet

Wall Street Wants to Kill the Agency Protecting Americans From Financial Scams
"Since 2011, Republicans have introduced 135 bills and resolutions aimed at killing or weakening the CFPB in the House and Senate. And CFPB executives have been summoned to Capitol Hill more than 60 times since the agency was created."

Stacking the Bench
"Talley is only 36 — and extraordinarily unqualified. He was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week for a lifetime position on the Alabama federal bench and will be voted on by the full Senate as early as this week. As The New York Times reported, Talley has never tried a case, has practiced law for just three years and was unanimously deemed “not qualified” by the American Bar Association"

Ajit Pai Ensuring Net Neutrality Will Stay Dead

Trump’s HHS Pick Alex Azar Is the Worst Pharma Bro of All
"Azar’s face is the industry’s face, not just that of one corrupt fraudster. And his shame is the industry’s shame. And now the date has been set for his Senate nomination hearing: November 29."

Watch CEOs admit they won’t actually invest more if tax reform passes
"An awkward — but extremely telling — moment arose yesterday at a Wall Street Journal “CEO Council” event that featured the Trump administration’s top economic policy hand, Gary Cohn, as a key speaker."

Trump Ignores Nixon lesson With Department of Justice Pressure

'Say Goodbye to Local Media,' as Trump FCC Opens Corporate Merger Floodgates
"In "an awful new low" that elicited warnings about "a new wave of media consolidation," the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Thursday rolled back media ownership regulations under the guise of trying "to modernize its broadcast ownership rules & to help promote ownership diversity"."

There Is More to the Story of Trump's Latest Unqualified Judicial Nominee
"One of Trump's latest judicial nominees, Brett Talley, has caught the public spotlight for good reason. But the glare of his inexperience is obscuring an even more troubling story about what is at stake in Alabama's Middle District, where there are currently two vacancies on the bench. Talley is only 36 -- and extraordinarily unqualified. He was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week for a lifetime position on the Alabama federal bench and will be voted on by the full Senate as early as this week. As The New York Times reported, Talley has never tried a case, has practiced law for just three years and was unanimously deemed "not qualified" by the American Bar Association"

How To Buy A Supreme Court Seat

Lisa Murkowski is looking for an excuse to vote for Obamacare repeal, tax cuts for the super rich
"Murkowski should end this farce now by acknowledging the reality that her conditions for voting for the tax bill cannot possibly be met. Because right now she's just transparently lying to her constituents."

Battle Lines Drawn as GOP Moves Closer to 'Greatest Transfer of Wealth to the Super-Rich in Modern American History'
"With their passage of a deeply unpopular $1.5 trillion tax cut bill on Thursday, House Republicans did their part in "paving the way for the greatest transfer of wealth from regular people to the super-rich in modern American history,"—a move that sparked a flood of outrage from progressive activists and lawmakers who vowed to mobilize and do everything in their power to "kill the bill"."

MAGA Trolls Prove They're Not Only Racists But Also Idiots

Millionaire Senator defends Republican tax cuts for the rich since he was poor ... 50 years ago
"the 83-year-old Hatch is one of the richest members of Congress."

Trump’s penchant for deception is infecting his team: Here are 15 huge lies told by administration officials

Trump’s penchant for deception is infecting his team: Here are 15 huge lies told by administration officials

"From the exaggerated estimates of his inaugural crowd to the unraveling of claims that his campaign never dealt with Russia, Donald Trump's presidency has been a mosaic of untruths, half-truths and distortions. And they are not just his own, which are legion. Many belong to people inside his political orbit. From Cabinet secretaries to White House aides to campaign advisers — even family members — they are all knitted together by the common thread of deception. The fog is so thick inside the Trump White House that it could be cited for violating clean air standards. Some of the falsehoods are causing headaches for the perpetrators as Justice Department and congressional investigators probe Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and whether Trump or his team assisted. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for instance, has faced repeated questioning on Capitol Hill about his contacts with Russians, which were more numerous than he first allowed; his latest confrontation with lawmakers came this week. And Trump White House aide Jared Kushner was taken to task by senators on Thursday for repeatedly failing to disclose communications about WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails of Democratic leaders last year, and a "Russian backdoor overture." The motives behind some of the misrepresentations are petty. Does the fact that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross lied about his wealth and instead of qualifying as a billionaire, he's merely a millionaire many times over, shake the foundations of democracy? Not really. But Sessions' serial evasions about his role in the Russia scandal possibly do."

President Donald Trump And “The Nationalist’s Delusion”

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

New Report Details '13 Terrible Things' About Senate GOP Tax Plan
"Americans for Tax Fairness warns that the bill gives most of the tax cuts to the richest 1%, makes 82 million middle-class families pay more in taxes, and endangers funding for public services"

President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days
"In the past 35 days, Trump has averaged an astonishing nine claims a day. The total now stands at 1,628 claims in 298 days, or an average of 5.5 claims a day. That puts the president on track to reach 1,999 claims by the end of his first year in office, though he obviously would easily exceed 2,000 if he maintained the pace..."

Trump Lies 9 Times a Day on Average Lately @alternet

Trump Lies 9 Times a Day on Average Lately @alternet:

"As of 3am Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, Donald Trump has told 1,628 lies since taking office. We know this because the Washington Post has been diligently watching the numbers, keeping tabs on Trump’s huge fibs and falsehoods. Over the 298 days since his inauguration, Trump has told an average of 5.5 lies every single day of the week, Monday to Sunday. While he barely works weekdays and golfs every weekend, he apparently never takes a vacation from lying. Over the last 35 days, Trump has been even more dishonest than usual, upping his daily average to 9 lies every 24 hours. Thanks to the extra effort he’s put into misleading the country on a diversity of topics in recent weeks, he’s likely to reach “peak liar” status by January 20. “That puts the president on track to reach 1,999 claims by the end of his first year in office, though he obviously would easily exceed 2,000 if he maintained the pace of the past month,” the Post notes. Trump tends to lie about the same things over and over again. Near the top of his greatest hits are taxes. Trump falsely stated 40 times that GOP tax reform will yield the biggest tax cut in history, and 50 times erroneously suggested the U.S. is the highest taxed nation in the world. Fifty-five times Trump has boasted about achievements he played no part in, especially when it comes to saving or creating jobs. But Trump has lied about Obamacare more than any other topic, stating some 60 times “some variation of the statement that the Affordable Care Act is dying and ‘essentially dead,’” according to the Post. That is just not true. “Indeed, healthy enrollment for the coming year has surprised health-care experts,” according to the outlet. Trump’s lies are dangerous for reasons many have acknowledged. Obviously, the spread of misinformation and disinformation and the obliteration of truth may hold deep consequences for society and our already flawed democracy."

Trump's Pick for Health Secretary Led Company That Jacked Up Insulin Prices
"The Canadian research team that developed insulin as a breakthrough treatment for diabetes back in 1923 sold the patent for just $3, essentially giving its intellectual property away for the greater good. Nowadays, the companies that manufacture this crucial medicine raise the price on a regular basis in order to maximize profits. One of those companies is Eli Lilly and Co., where Alex Azar II, the man that President Trump has selected to run the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently worked as a top executive. During Azar's eight-year tenure as president and vice president of Eli Lilly's operations in the United States, the pharmaceutical giant raised the price of Humalog, a fast-acting form of insulin, from $2,657 per year to $9,172. That's a 345 percent price increase for a drug that millions of patients depend on, according to Peter Maybarduk, the director of the Access to Medicines Program at the watchdog group Public Citizen. President Trump announced on Wednesday that he is nominating Azar to replace a disgraced Tom Price as health secretary"

Apple Writing Republican Tax Plan?

5 Times Republicans Admitted They Work for Rich Donors @alternet

5 Times Republicans Admitted They Work for Rich Donors @alternet:

"The threat of losing wealthy donors has some GOP lawmakers so off their game, they’ve started publicly admitting they work for the rich. Here are five times Republicans admitted they’re just trying to keep their rich donors happy."

Pay Attention to the Kansas Disaster: It's What Republicans Want for the Whole Country
"what happened in Kansas is precisely what the Republican Party has in mind for the country. This will necessarily including burying the evidence the way Brownback and his government have in Kansas. What happened there was a pure experiment in the supply-side, laissez-faire economics that are the primary foundation of respectable conservative crazy. They don’t work. They never will work. Their impact on the lives of ordinary people is inevitably and profoundly destructive."

We must learn from the failed tax experiment in Kansas

'Welfare for the Wealthy': 227 House Republicans Pass $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut for Corporations and the Rich
"By a vote of 227-205, House Republicans on Thursday passed a tax bill that would permanently cut taxes for massive corporations, reward the extremely wealthy by eliminating the estate tax, trigger billions of dollars in automatic cuts to Medicare, and raise taxes on millions of middle- and working-class families."

The Senate Tax Bill Threatens Access to Health Care
"This week, Senate Republicans announced that they plan to pay for their tax cuts for large corporations and millionaires not only by imposing tax increases on the middle-class but also by undermining people’s access to health care."

The failure of trickle-down economics

Russia’s social media meddling in the United States was just the tip of the iceberg
"From Brexit to Barcelona to bloodshed in South Sudan, the perils of fake social media accounts spread far beyond American borders."

The GOP's Tax Cut Bonanza Is a Major Attack on Medicare @alternet

The GOP's Tax Cut Bonanza Is a Major Attack on Medicare @alternet:

"To be clear: If the tax bill passes the Senate and is signed into law by Trump, nothing more needs to be done to cut Medicare. If the House and Senate do nothing, the cuts take effect immediately after the end of the congressional session and get bigger every passing year. A vote for this tax bill is a vote to cut Medicare."

Monday, November 20, 2017

VICIOUS Republican Tax Plan Passes House

Senate Judiciary Committee: Kushner forwarded emails about a 'Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite'
"President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, forwarded emails about a "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite" to Trump campaign officials and failed to produce those emails to the Senate Judiciary Committee, two senators on the committee said in a letter to Kushner's lawyer on Thursday. Kushner also failed to produce emails he was copied on involving communication with the anti-secrecy agency WikiLeaks and with a Belarusian-American businessman named Sergei Millian, the senators said. Millian most recently headed a group called the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce."

Robert Mueller Has Subpoenaed More Than a Dozen Trump Officials for Documents Related to Russia: Report @alternet

Robert Mueller Has Subpoenaed More Than a Dozen Trump Officials for Documents Related to Russia: Report @alternet:

"The Wall Street Journal reports that a source has confirmed investigators under special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed the 2016 campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump for documents containing Russia-related keywords. More than a dozen individuals are included among those compelled to turn over documents."

CEO's Admit They'll Pocket Their Tax Breaks, Not Hire

'Any Russians In The Room?': Jeff Sessions Cracks Jokes About His Perjury

'Any Russians In The Room?': Jeff Sessions Cracks Jokes About His Perjury:

"Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III paid a visit to the Federalist Society meeting, where he opened his remarks by joking around about his own perjury."

The Trump–Russia story is a story about money laundering in real estate. Full stop.
"That Trump’s campaign team agreed to look into the Magnitsky Act isn’t something they’re doing for Russia. It’s something that they’re doing for themselves. They need to keep that pipeline open. To make sure that the oligarchs banned from US transactions under sanctions are free to insert their dollars … right into Trump’s bank account. Sure, the Russians helped Donald Trump get elected. Sure, Trump’s campaign contacted Russia over and over to coordinate on ways to attack Hillary Clinton and the best use of Russian trolls and ad dollars. Sure, Russia made it clear that the payoff for their help would come in the form of reduced sanctions. That’s the sideshow. The real show? It’s billions of dollars moving from oligarchs in Russia, to banks in Cyprus, to real estate in New York. Putin wants that flow open. Trump wants his cut. The White House is a tool to make that happen."

Lawrence: GOP Tax Bill Is Biggest Transfer To The Wealthy In U.S. History

Blaming Lack of Sleep, Sessions Says He Forgot About Meeting With George Papadopoulos
"Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions claimed he had forgotten about a March 2016 meeting with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos when he previously insisted under oath that he was "not aware" that anyone involved with Trump's presidential run had any connections with the Russian government."

Trump White House officials panicking as Mueller ‘works through the staff like Pac-Man’: report

Trump White House officials panicking as Mueller ‘works through the staff like Pac-Man’: report

"Top White House aides are trying to project calm in the West Wing, even as special counsel Robert Mueller draws closer to the Oval Office with his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign."

Republican Tax Bill Would Create American Dynasties

Rep. Ted Lieu Gets Under Jeff Sessions' Skin During House Judiciary Committee Hearing @alternet

Rep. Ted Lieu Gets Under Jeff Sessions' Skin During House Judiciary Committee Hearing @alternet: "U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions may either have the worst memory in recorded history or be a total liar. That's the point Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) decided to demonstrate during Sessions' hearing."

Mike Pence Keeps Getting Caught In A Web Of Deception
"It is far from the first time Pence appears to have been caught in a web of deception."

Trump campaign was a chaotic, bumbling mess, except for its consistency on one issue: Russia
"First of all, just because Trump's campaign was stacked with a battalion of rogue "nincompoops" doesn't relieve them of culpability. Whether or not a conspiracy succeeds is inconsequential, it's the intent of the actions they took that matter. And where intent is concerned, what's fascinating is how Russia was the glue that held the whole blundering enterprise together. Regardless of how muddled the campaign hierarchy was, it was riddled with attempts to connect with Russian operatives."

Jared Kushner REALLY Appears To Be Guilty Of Obstruction Of Justice

Ex-Watergate prosecutor: ‘Jeff Sessions has made it a lot easier’ for special counsel Mueller to find him guilty of perjury

Ex-Watergate prosecutor: ‘Jeff Sessions has made it a lot easier’ for special counsel Mueller to find him guilty of perjury

"Ackerman outlined the three times Sessions lied in sworn testimony: first, when he falsely claimed at his confirmation hearing that he “didn’t recall” meeting with any Russians (he met thrice with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak); second, when he sent a letter to Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) claiming outright that he never had contact with Russian officials; and third, when he “denied any knowledge about any [Trump campaign] surrogates having any contact with Russia.” The latter was proven to be a lie after it was revealed that former campaign aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page told Sessions about their contacts with Russians."

How do I love thee? Newsweek has counted the ways that Trump loves Putin so you don't have to
"a history of Trump's admiration for the Russian president."

Fox Host Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theory, So Fox Viewers Want Him Fired

Mike Pence Can't Keep His Lies Straight, and It's Starting to Catch Up with Him @alternet

Mike Pence Can't Keep His Lies Straight, and It's Starting to Catch Up with Him @alternet:

"Whether the vice president has any knowledge of or involvement in collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian agents remains unknown, but he is certainly up to his eyeballs in falsehoods and deceptions on the matter. Unfortunately for Pence, appearing to be clueless and incompetent is not a defense that will protect him from Robert Mueller or other investigators."

WATCH: Jeff Sessions gets testy as he’s grilled by Sheila Lee over Russia contacts

WATCH: Jeff Sessions gets testy as he’s grilled by Sheila Lee over Russia contacts

"Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-NY) grilled Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday about his failure to recall Trump campaign operatives telling them about their efforts to meet with Russian government officials during the 2016 presidential campaign."

President Trump Openness To Corruption Mars US Standing

The Wikileaks/Trump Jr. exchange shows a conspiracy ... and that Wikileaks is an absolute fraud
"The biggest thing to be learned from the Trump Jr./Wikileaks exchange is just how slimy both sides were. How little concerned they were with the idea of actual honesty or openness. How ready they were to conspire together to give the impression of honesty, while privately snickering at the gullible. Like when Wikileaks proposed they publish some of Trump’s tax information … If we publish them it will dramatically improve the perception of our impartiality. This is the real kicker. That means that the vast amount of stuff that we are publishing about Clinton will have a much higher impact, because it won’t be perceived as coming from a “pro-Trump” “pro-Russia” source, which the Clinton campaign is constantly slandering us with. This statement … is amazing. If Trump Jr. will help sneak Wikileaks some information, they can use it to cover up the fact that they’re helping him … which would really stick it to those bastards who say Wikileaks is helping him. And hey, isn’t it also amazing that the only website that Wikileaks located for them, and “guessed the password” was the one about Putin?"

The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks
"The transparency organization asked the president’s son for his cooperation—in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia’s ambassador to the United States."

Jared Kushner Didn't Disclose He Was Contact By A Vladimir Putin Ally

Wikileaks Wanted To Publish Trump’s Tax Returns To Hide Collusion With Trump And Russia
"The Wikileaks/Trump/Russia conspiracy was so intent on fooling US voters that Wikileaks asked Trump Jr. if they could publish one of Trump’s tax returns so that their attacks on Hillary Clinton would have more impact. Here is the request via The Atlantic: “Hey Don. We have an unusual idea,” Wikileaks wrote on October 21, 2016. “Leak us one or more of your father’s tax returns.” Wikileaks then laid out three reasons why this would benefit both the Trumps and Wikileaks. One, The New York Times had already published a fragment of Trump’s tax returns on October 1; two, the rest could come out any time “through the most biased source (e.g. NYT/MSNBC).” It is the third reason, though, Wikileaks wrote, that “is the real kicker.” “If we publish them it will dramatically improve the perception of our impartiality,” Wikileaks explained. “That means that the vast amount of stuff that we are publishing on Clinton will have much higher impact, because it won’t be perceived as coming from a ‘pro-Trump’ ‘pro-Russia’ source.” Anybody who ever believed Wikileaks or thought that they were only responsible for dumping the emails was played for a sucker. Assange and Wikileaks were working with the Russians and the Trump campaign to help Trump win."

Former intelligence chiefs blast Trump’s ‘reprehensible’ attacks, naive embrace of Putin
"Two of the country’s highest ranking former intelligence officials took President Donald Trump to task on Sunday for his continued refusal to acknowledge Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections, a stance that they say puts the United States in danger."

Senate Asks Jared Kushner For Info About 'Russian Backdoor Overture'

Everybody owns Trump: But with Vladimir Putin, it’s special
"There is one exception to this pattern, however. Trump's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin is different. While Trump is just as unctuous in Putin's presence as he is with other foreign leaders, he's equally submissive from a distance. Indeed, he hasn't said a harsh word about Putin or Russia for years and goes out of his way to defend the Moscow strongman. This trip was no exception."

Mueller looking into Michael Flynn's meeting with pro-Russia Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
"There’s no firmer supporter of Vladimir Putin than Dana Rohrabacher. That’s true whether you’re canvassing the United States House of Representatives, or the Russia Duma. And there’s no representative more deserving of being entangled in the Trump–Russia investigation."

Donald Trump Junior Exposed For Wikileaks Contacts

The GOP Has Just Been Caught in Perhaps Its Biggest Tax Lie @alternet

The GOP Has Just Been Caught in Perhaps Its Biggest Tax Lie @alternet:

"After repeatedly promising that all Americans would get a tax cut under their plan, Republicans have had to change their tune—or to, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did, admit that “I misspoke on that.” Just an innocent misspeaking, mind you, and not a calculated PR effort to sell tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy."

Robert Reich: The Trump Tax Plan Is Downright Unpatriotic @alternet

Robert Reich: The Trump Tax Plan Is Downright Unpatriotic @alternet:

"The reason Republicans give for enacting the plan is “supply-side” trickle-down nonsense. The real reason is payback to the GOP’s mega-donors. A few Republicans are starting to admit this. Last week, Gary Cohn, Trump’s lead economic advisor, conceded in an interviewthat “the most excited group out there are big CEOs, about our tax plan.” Republican Rep. Chris Collins admitted that “my donors are basically saying, ‘Get it done or don’t ever call me again.’” Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham warned that if Republicans failed to pass tax reform, “the financial contributions will stop.” Republican mega-donors view the tax payback as they do any other investment. When they bankrolled Trump and the GOP, they expected a good return."

Trump Breaks His Previous Record, Now Lies To The Public 5.5 Times PER DAY!

'There You Have It': McConnell Says He 'Misspoke' When He Promised No Tax Hike on Middle Class
"Following the release of a slew of analyses showing that the GOP tax plan would raise taxes on many middle class families—despite repeated promises to the contrary by the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers—Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) conceded in an interview with the New York Times Friday that he "misspoke" when he declared last week that "nobody in the middle class is going to get a tax increase"."

Ugly Stuff: GOP Tax and Budget Plans Will Destroy Finances of Average Americans With Sick Elders or Family Members With Disabilities @alternet

Ugly Stuff: GOP Tax and Budget Plans Will Destroy Finances of Average Americans With Sick Elders or Family Members With Disabilities @alternet:

"Tax breaks for the rich, while the GOP targets healthcare safety nets for society's most vulnerable."

Expert On Dictators: President Donald Trump On A Path Of Despotism

'Get It Done or Don't Call Me Again': GOP Admit Their Tax Plan Is All About Rich Donors
"It has everything to do with the affluent donors who bankroll GOP campaigns."

Ali Velshi Flattens GOP Tax Cut Claims: 'Do You Actually Believe In Trickle Down?'

Ali Velshi Flattens GOP Tax Cut Claims: 'Do You Actually Believe In Trickle Down?': Rep. Rodney Davis had that 'deer in the headlights' look as Ali Velshi laid down some actual facts about tax cuts for the rich.

GOP Follows String Of Failures With Tax Plan

The Super Wealthy Oxycontin Family Supports School Privatization With Tactics Similar to Those That Fueled the Opioid Epidemic @alternet

The Super Wealthy Oxycontin Family Supports School Privatization With Tactics Similar to Those That Fueled the Opioid Epidemic @alternet:

"OxyContin heir and Purdue Pharma director Jonathan Sackler is a major funder of charters and an extensive network of pro-charter advocacy groups. Figuring out who is funding the latest charter school-promoting front group often feels like a game of whack-a-mole. That's why reading Patrick Radden Keefe’s recent New Yorkerpiece, “The Family That Built an Empire of Pain,” made so much fall into place. Keefe writes, “Purdue and other pharmaceutical companies have long funded ostensibly neutral nonprofit groups that advocate for pain patients.” The same influence techniques Purdue used to promote painkillers are now being used by Jonathan Sackler to expand charter schools."

Senate GOP keeps endorsing Trump’s unqualified judicial nominees
"The American Bar Association evaluates the qualifications of judicial nominees, and in most instances, across multiple administrations, the ABA determines that the nominees are prepared to serve on the federal bench. In the Obama era, for example, literally none of the Democratic president’s nominees received a “not qualified” rating. The same is true of Bill Clinton’s nominees. Donald Trump, however, less than a year into his first term, has already sent four “not qualified” judicial nominees to the Senate."

The Trump Presidency: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Senate confirms lobbyist with ‘astounding’ number of conflicts of interest to head EPA air office
"William Wehrum, an industry lawyer and lobbyist, has represented companies who regularly filed legal challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency’s clean air regulations. Nonetheless, President Donald Trump nominated him to head the office at the EPA responsible for ensuring Americans have clean air."

Republicans Using Populist Rhetoric to Sell Greed
"The “jobs” claim of the “tax cuts and jobs” act is based primarily on pouring so much money into corporations that they will create jobs, but Phillips points out that when corporations were given a tax holiday in 2004, similar to what Republicans are now proposing, “a subsequent study showed that companies that took the biggest advantage of that holiday actually were the ones that cut the most jobs because … having more access to capital simply means that they make more and bigger investments offshore.” Once in a while, Republicans will inadvertently admit that their bill is written for their rich friends. In a piece published Tuesday, New York Rep. Chris Collins told a Hill reporter, “My donors are basically saying, ‘Get it done or don’t ever call me again.’ ” As Fink from Patriotic Millionaires told me, “The only thing the Republicans really agree about is greed, and they’re trying to cut everybody in on their greed.” Recent polls show that Americans notice this greed and are not buying the populist rhetoric that is obscuring giveaways to the rich. Not only do most Americans think tax reform is not a high priority, they don’t believe that corporations will turn their extra cash into jobs. A majority of Americans think corporations should pay higher taxes. The GOP has tried in vain time and again over the course of this year to use their legislative power to deceive ordinary people. For the public good, may they fail yet again."

Vice President Mike Pence’s 3 Russia Defenses

Bernie Sanders Sounds The Alarm: Middle-Class Americans Will Foot The Bill For GOP Tax Scam
"In order to pay for the deficit-busting tax plan, the Vermont senator said GOP lawmakers will be taking aim at key programs, like Social Security and Medicare."

Here’s a rundown of the Trump donors keeping their money offshore
"The leaked papers show that a number of Trump’s biggest financial backers were the same billionaire globalists that Trump decried at rallies across the country — and that’s in addition to the tax-dodging globalists currently sitting in his cabinet. The leaks reveal that these men stashed away parts of their fortunes, valued in the tens of billions, to avoid public scrutiny. From there, they could funnel more than $60 million into super PACs supporting Trump’s presidency."

Trump Author: President Donald Trump Deeply Would Like To Be A Dictator

Republicans Say They’ve Got to Act on Tax Reform—or Donors Might Get Mad
"With donors going on the record describing the relationship as nakedly transactional, Collins and Graham’s frankness starts to make more sense."

Senator's basic science questions expose Trump's environmental advisor nominee to be a fraud
"None of this is surprising in that Trump’s administration has shown the kind of disdain for the planet usually only reserved for comically two-dimensional cartoon villains. But boy, does Trump and crew know how to pick truly unimpressive people!"

Republicans Try To Sneak Obamacare Repeal Into Tax Plan

The GOP Tax Plan Tells Us Everything About Who Matters In American Democracy
"The GOP tax plan is a simple political statement about who matters more in American democracy: the heirs to hedge-fund fortunes or everyone else in the country. Trump and the Republicans have chosen the dynasts."

White House’s Cohn touts ‘trickle-down’ benefits in GOP tax plan
"It’s worth appreciating, just as a matter of political rhetoric, that there are certain phrases that the right has learned to avoid. Advocates of privatizing public education, for example, steer clear of the word “vouchers,” for example, because they’re not popular – so they use pleasant sounding euphemisms such as “school choice” instead. Similarly, advocates of massive tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations tend to avoid references to “trickle-down” tax policies because most of the public is repulsed by the idea of giving more money to those at the very top and waiting for prosperity to eventually work its way to everyone else. And yet, Cohn, perhaps inadvertently, said what he actually believed, confirming what critics of the Republican plan have been saying all along. In the same CNBC interview, Cohn added, “It’s not our intention to give the wealthy a tax cut.” Harwood, familiar with reality, responded, “But they’re getting one.” The White House adviser added, “I don’t believe that we’ve set out to create a tax cut for the wealthy.” This might be one of the greatest quotes of the tax debate thus far. According to Gary Cohn, the Republican plan delivers massive tax benefits to millionaires and billionaires, but that’s not what he and the plan’s co-authors “set out” to do. Congratulations, wealthy Americans, Republicans are poised to give you enormous amounts of money – by accident."

Jeff Sessions: I Do Declare! I Don't Recall!

Lindsey Graham Latest Republican to Admit GOP Tax Plan Is All About Keeping 'Financial Contributions' of Donors Flowing
"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Thursday became the latest Republican to admit the GOP is trying to ram through massive tax cuts for the rich to satisfy its wealthy donors, telling a journalist that if the party's tax push fails, "the financial contributions will stop"."

Steven Mnuchin Is Famous for Throwing Tens of Thousands of Americans Onto the Streets in Housing Foreclosures @alternet

Steven Mnuchin Is Famous for Throwing Tens of Thousands of Americans Onto the Streets in Housing Foreclosures @alternet:

"When he isn’t circling the Sunday shows stooging for the president, he regularly plays the willing fall guy for tax policies guaranteed to stoke further inequality in America and for legislation that will remove just about any consumer protections against Wall Street."

Trump Appoints Pharma Price Gouger To "Lower Drug Prices"

Taxpayers pay legal bill to protect Trump business profits
"Taxpayers are footing the legal bill for at least 10 Justice Department lawyers and paralegals to work on lawsuits related to President Trump's private businesses."

Taxpayer money is going toward defending Trump's businesses from lawsuits
"If you're one of the Americans who will soon be paying more in taxes should Senate Republicans follow the lead of House Republicans in passing their latest version of rich person-centric tax "reform," rest assured that your money won't be going to waste. Why, some of it will be going to the noble White House effort to defend Donald Trump's private for-profit businesses from lawsuits."

Taxpayers Are Paying For Donald Trump’s Legal Fees

Sunday, November 12, 2017

As evidence mounts that coal jobs aren’t coming back, Trump’s false promises become more cruel
"Despite President Donald Trump’s claim of a rebound in coal jobs, he can’t stop the hemorrhaging of more coal jobs in the coming years. Sadly, he can undermine U.S. leadership in clean energy, one of our greatest engines of high-wage jobs. Bloomberg reported Wednesday that the recent coal “bump” — which began before Trump was even elected — is “over.” Coal plants continue to shutter around the country, American coal production rates are dropping below 2016 levels, and automation continues to penetrate the industry. That makes last week’s Reuters story on how some coal miners, duped by Trump’s false promises, were rejecting retraining even more painful. For instance, the Appalachian Regional Commission, a partnership between states and the federal government to boost the local economy, was able to fill only 20 of 95 slots in a major project to teach laid-off miners in the region computer coding. “I think there is a coal comeback. I have a lot of faith in President Trump.” That’s the explanation one 33-year-old son of a miner gave Reuters for why he ended up taking a coal-mining course at a federally funded career training center in Pennsylvania. “I am optimistic that you can make a good career out of coal for the next 50 years,” said another worker, Sean Moodie. He and his brother, who work in the natural gas industry, are also taking mining courses. The only 50-year careers in energy that are being created at an accelerating rate today are in clean energy. Indeed, the wind and solar industries employ nine times as many people as coal. Tragically, Trump and the GOP are working hard to undermine the clean energy sector with their pro-pollution budget, regulatory policies, and even tax policies."

Jim Hightower: The Corporate Class Doesn't Need or Deserve a Massive Tax Break @alternet

Jim Hightower: The Corporate Class Doesn't Need or Deserve a Massive Tax Break @alternet:

"First, the self-serving corporate class is wallowing in warehouses of wealth, greedily hoarding it in offshore tax shelters and stock-buyback schemes, refusing to invest their unconscionable profits to benefit the vast majority of people they've been knocking down and holding down. Second, you shouldn't give away our public treasury when our nation has a budget deficit and faces a frightening backlog of crying needs for public investment -- from our deteriorating infrastructure to our disappearing middle class. Third, our people's sense of equality and social unity has been severely fractured by 30 years of gross wealth inequality, so intentionally widening the wealth gap is criminally stupid and dangerous. Fourth, why would you think over-paid, over-pampered CEOs deserve more pampering? They've become imperious potentates who feel entitled to gouge, cheat, defraud, lie and otherwise run over us commoners."

Steven Mnuchin, foreclosure king of America
"When he isn’t circling the Sunday shows stooging for the president, he regularly plays the willing fall guy for tax policies guaranteed to stoke further inequality in America and for legislation that will remove just about any consumer protections against Wall Street. Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs partner, arrived in Washington with a distinct reputation. Back in 2009, he had corralled a bundle of rich financiers to take over California’s IndyMac bank, shut down amid the 2008 foreclosure crisis by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Bought for $13.9 billion (but only $1.3 billion in actual cash), Mnuchin turned it into a genuine foreclosure machine, in the process sealing his own fate when it came to his future reputation. At the time, he didn’t appear concerned about public approval. Something far more valuable was at stake: the $200 million that, according to Bloomberg News, he raked in personally, thanks to the deal. No such luck, of course, for the bank’s ordinary borrowers. During Mnuchin’s reign, IndyMac carried out more than 36,000 foreclosures, tossing former homeowners (including active duty military servicemen and women) onto the street without hesitation or pity by any means necessary. According to a memo obtained by investigative reporter David Dayen, OneWest, the new name that Mnuchin and his billionaire posse coined for Indybank, of which Mnuchin was now CEO and chairman, “rushed delinquent homeowners out of their homes by violating notice and waiting period statutes, illegally backdated key documents, and effectively gamed foreclosure auctions.” Now, Mnuchin remains bitter and frustrated that he can’t kick the reputation he got in those days. As he told a House Financial Services Committee Congressional hearing this July, "I take great offense to anybody who calls me the foreclosure king." Such indignation would ring truer if, in May, one of Mnuchin’s banking units, a company called Financial Freedom, hadn’t agreed to pay a more than $89 million settlement to the government"

Trump's Trojan Horse Tax Plan I Robert Reich

Virginia voters sent a loud message about health care
"A post-election survey of Virginia voters conducted Tuesday found that health care was a decisive issue in the closely watched gubernatorial race, with 67 percent of voters saying health care was the most important or a very important issue to them."

Science won on Tuesday: Pro-science candidates from the school board to the governor's mansion
"With the Republican Party cementing itself ever more solidly in the anti-science camp, it may seem axiomatic that a vote for the Democratic candidate is also a nod toward reason, logic, and policy that’s informed by sound science. However, there are some candidates who are not only open to listening to science, but have their own grounding in science and engineering. And those candidates did particularly well on Tuesday night."

Corporate Tax Cuts Don’t Create Jobs—Just Ask Carrier Workers

Big Oil loses big in Washington
"On Tuesday night, however, as Democratic candidates swept races from New Hampshire to Virginia, Big Oil found itself starkly rebuked in Washington state, as two candidates running on pro-environmental platforms proved that the fossil fuel industry, though powerful, is not infallible."

Ignoring LePage, Maine voters easily approve Medicaid expansion
"The number of states that have adopted Medicaid expansion now stands at 32 – the most recent previous state was Louisiana, which embraced the policy nearly two years ago – though Maine is the first state to do so through a ballot initiative."

Mike Pence To Attend “Tax Prom” Funded By Corporate Billionaires Next Week

Dems keep their winning streak going in state special elections
"As of September, Democrats had already flipped eight state legislative seats in 2017 from “red” to “blue” – three in Oklahoma, three in New Hampshire, and one each in New York and Florida – on top of a series of other victories. As Vox noted, the party flipped two more in Georgia yesterday. As part of a larger wave of Democratic wins on Election Day 2017, Democrats picked up two seats in special elections held for Georgia’s House of Delegates. Deborah Gonzales won House District 117 with 53 percent of the vote and Jonathan Wallace won House District 119 with 56 percent of the vote. Both seats are in the Athens area and both were vacant, hence the special elections. But not only were the two seats previously held by Republican incumbents, they were uncontested in the 2016 elections. That last point is of particular interest. These districts weren’t seen as especially competitive, to the point that Democrats didn’t even bother fielding candidates in these state legislative races as recently as last year. And yet, yesterday, Dems won both. This doesn’t dramatically change the makeup of Georgia’s state House – there’s still a sizable GOP majority – but the Democratic victories mean that Republicans no longer enjoy a super-majority in the chamber. And speaking of special elections in which Dems flipped a seat, Manka Dhingra (D) easily won a state Senate race in her Seattle-area district, which means Democrats will take control of the chamber. Just as importantly, Dems will now oversee Washington’s executive and legislative branches – the same power it holds in nearby California and Oregon – becoming only the seventh state in which Democrats currently have this power. According to a tally from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, which focuses on Democratic state legislative races, Dem candidates also flipped two seats in New Jersey and one in New Hampshire. And then, of course, there’s Virginia, which didn’t hold special elections, but rather, hosted its usual off-year elections."

8 Election Day Victories That Spell Good News for Democrats and the Progressive Grassroots
"With state and local elections across the United States on Tuesday, the Democratic Party and progressive grassroots organizers were able to claim victories in key battles—including gubernatorial races, state legislatures, ballot initiatives, and local government—a repudiation of both President Donald Trump and the agenda being driven by Republicans."

Trump’s VERY Bad Night: Donald-Loving Politicians Got Hammered In Elections

'You're Not Supposed to Say This Out Loud': GOP Lawmaker Admits Pushing Tax Scam to Please His Rich Donors
"the Trump-GOP tax plan will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans, but it is rare for a member of Congress to express with such clarity the fact that the priorities of rich donors are so often placed above those of the majority of Americans."

And then there was one: Syria joins Paris agreement leaving the U.S. behind
"During a round of U.N. climate talks on Tuesday, a Syrian delegate announced that the country would sign the historic Paris climate agreement, leaving the United States as the only country in the world opting out of the landmark deal."

Economic Development: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Steven Mnuchin: Secretary of the Treasury for the .01%
"Like Donald Trump, Mnuchin is a man intent on making the rich richer and to hell with everyone else."

House Republican on tax cuts bill: 'Who cares' about voters, this is all about the donors
"You might remember Collins having another brush with honesty about this tax cuts bill when he was asked by a Vox reporter about just how unpopular this bill is, “even among Republican voters.” “Who cares?” Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) said before I had a chance to say what the polls showed. Thanks for clearing that up, Rep. Collins. Not that it’s news to any of us that donors come first for Republicans, but the reminder is always helpful."

Elizabeth Warren & Bernie Sanders Break Down the GOP Tax Plan

Trump’s tax plan is full of goodies for wealthy real estate investors
"There are a number of provisions in the proposed tax plan that would ensure that the Trumps and Kushners of the country would reap the biggest benefits."

'America Last': US vs. Entire World After Syria Agrees to Join Paris Accord
"At the COP23 United Nations climate summit in Bonn, Germany on Tuesday, war-torn Syria announced that it would sign on to the Paris agreement, leaving the United States—after President Donald withdrew his support earlier this year—as the only nation on planet Earth to oppose the international accord opponent."

Guess Who Celebrated Election Night With Trump | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Interactive Timeline: Everything We Know About Russia and President Trump
"Since first launched in February 2017, the Trump-Russia Timeline has grown to more than 600 entries"

Putin-linked businessman who Trump claims he can’t recognize showed up at his invite-only election party: report

Putin-linked businessman who Trump claims he can’t recognize showed up at his invite-only election party: report

"Felix Sater, a Russian-American businessman with ties to both organized crime and Russian President Vladimir Putin, attended Trump’s November 8, 2016 party. According to GQ’s reporting, he also gave interviews to news crews there, though it’s unclear if those interviews ever aired. In 2015, Sater emailed Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen to propose a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote to Cohen. “I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.” Sater has become a tense figure for Trump, and he once walked out of an interview when someone asked him about the colorful Russian-American businessman."

Trump’s Former Campaign Adviser Appears To Confirm Collusion Claims In House Testimony

Carter Page's testimony provides more bombshells than the Battle of Britain, and more insanity
"The entire 243-page transcript contains slightly fewer Russian names than The Brothers Karamazov. Slightly."

Carter Page transcript sheds new light on Trump-Russia scandal
"And while we’re all still scrutinizing the transcript for additional details of note, Business Insider’s report added that in mid-July 2016, Page also congratulated members of the Trump campaign’s foreign policy team on July 14 for their “excellent work” on the “Ukraine amendment” – referring to the Trump campaign’s quiet decision to alter the Republican Party’s national platform on U.S. policy towards Ukraine in a direction Russia preferred."

Carter Page Shouldn't Have Admitted This...

Multi-bombshells: Carter Page tries hilariously not to sing like a canary but does anyway
"In other words, he basically confirmed the dodgy lying slanderous dossier’s claim that he was key in carrying collusiony messages to and from Moscow."

Don Lemon Humiliates Trump-Supporting Guest Spinning Fake News @alternet

Don Lemon Humiliates Trump-Supporting Guest Spinning Fake News @alternet:

"Right-wing political commentator Mike Shields tried to deflect from President Donald Trump being "frustrated" about his separation from independent investigations by deflecting to the debunked conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton and the Uranium One deal."

Trump is Lying About Russia | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Russian Propaganda on Social Media in 2016 Has Forever Changed How U.S. Candidates Will Campaign @alternet

Russian Propaganda on Social Media in 2016 Has Forever Changed How U.S. Candidates Will Campaign @alternet: The genie is out of the bottle. The trolling of social media platforms by propagandists who preyed on Americans' deep distrust of their political opponents was unprecedented in 2016, and it isn’t going away, according to analysts with deep ties to the political consulting industry.

Russia launched social media support for Trump almost immediately after he announced his campaign

Russia launched social media support for Trump almost immediately after he announced his campaign

"The Wall Street Journal reports that “Russian Twitter accounts posing as Americans began lavishing praise on Mr. Trump and attacking his rivals” in the summer of 2015. In contrast, a U.S. intelligence analysis released earlier this year claimed that Russian Twitter bots began spamming out messages in favor of Trump starting in December 2015. “In the three months after Mr. Trump announced his presidential candidacy on June 16, 2015, tweets from Russian accounts reviewed by the Journal offered far more praise for the real-estate businessman than criticism — by nearly a 10-to-1 margin,” the Journal reports. “At the same time, the accounts generally were hostile to Mrs. Clinton and the early GOP front-runner, Jeb Bush, by equal or greater margins.” The Journal also reports that many of the Russian accounts sent out virtually identical messages within minutes of each other, which suggests a highly coordinated campaign on behalf of Trump’s candidacy."

P*ssy Riot's Warning About President Donald Trump For The U.S. Resistance

Why George Papadopoulos Is Trump’s New Nightmare
"Team Trump lied repeatedly about pre-election contacts between the campaign and Russia."

A Trump Cabinet official has direct business ties to Putin's inner circle
"Ross failed to disclose the extent of his Navigator investment when he submitted paperwork to the government as part of his Senate confirmation process."

Lawrence: Robert Mueller's Playing Tough In Trump-Russia Investigation

Massive Leak Reveals New Ties Between Trump Administration and Russia, Implicating Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Jared Kushner
"The documents show that many of the wealthy individuals Trump brought into his administration have worked to legally store their money in offshore havens where they would be free from taxation in the United States. Trump has promised repeatedly to “drain the swamp,” in condemning the idea that well-connected individuals in Washington, D.C., preserve their own interests at the expense of the rest of the country. Among the Trump administration officials implicated in the leaks is Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who according to the documents concealed his ties to a Russian energy company that is partly owned by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s judo partner Gennady Timchenko and Putin’s son-in-law, Kirill Shamalov. Through offshore investments, Ross held a stake in Navigator Holdings, which had a close business relationship with the Russian firm. Ross did not disclose that connection during his confirmation process on Capitol Hill. “In concealing his interest in these shipping companies—and his ongoing financial relationship with Russian oligarchs—Secretary Ross misled me, the Senate Commerce Committee, and the American people,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said in a statement on Sunday. He characterized Ross’ financial disclosures as a “Russian nesting doll, with blatant conflicts of interest carefully hidden within seemingly innocuous companies.” Ross has been linked to Russian interests before; in 2014, he poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the Bank of Cyprus, an institution regarded by financial watchdogs as a haven for Russian money laundering. Ross' fellow investors included a pair of Russian oligarchs, including Dmitry Rybolovlev, the man who bought a Trump property in Palm Beach for $95 million, even though it was valued at less than $60 million. Ross became a vice chair of the bank, along with a reported former KGB officer. Former Deutsche Bank executive Josef Ackermann was installed as chairman."

Obamacare enrollment for 2018 reaches all time high

Obamacare enrollment for 2018 reaches all time high

"There are three ways in which people can apply for Obamacare. People can either visit the site to self-enroll or pick up the phone and call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325), which is open 24 hours in a day. If people require further information regarding the process of enrollment or more details about the healthcare offered under the plan, they can call toll free 844-644-5443 with their queries."

House Republican Accidentally Admits That Tax Reform Scam Being Done To Appease His Donors

Kansas ‘Real Live Experiment’ in Trickle-Down Tax Cuts
"This should come as no surprise since Stephen Moore, Larry Kudlow and Arthur Laffer—all of whom consulted with Trump on his campaign tax plan—helped to design the 2012 Kansas tax plan. And when Brownback was in Congress, Paul Ryan—now the speaker of the House—served as his legislative director. In addition to the same fairytale claims of economic and job growth, which are illustrated by the quotes above, the actual tax plan passed by the Kansas Legislature looked similar to what Trump and congressional GOP leaders now propose."

Trump attempted to sabotage ACA open enrollment. 4 days in, sign-ups have soared.
"Additionally, in Virginia, a survey of voters found that health care was top of mind for many people. According to the poll, health care was the most important or a very important issue for 67 percent of voters. Those who said health care was most or very important to them voted for winning Democratic candidate Ralph Northam, who has promised to protect the health care law, by a margin of 62 to 32."

Obamacare Sign Ups Hit Record High

We Are Now One State Closer to Having a Corporate-Dominated Constitutional Convention @alternet

We Are Now One State Closer to Having a Corporate-Dominated Constitutional Convention @alternet:

"Republicans have done many things to rig the rules of elections this decade, from gerrymandering to a deep catalog of voter suppression tactics. While Democrats and Independents were voting Tuesday to reject Trumpism, the GOP in Wisconsin intentionally ignored the public and moved to rewrite the Constitution. Take heed."

Here’s a rundown of the Trump donors keeping their money offshore
"The leaked papers show that a number of Trump’s biggest financial backers were the same billionaire globalists that Trump decried at rallies across the country — and that’s in addition to the tax-dodging globalists currently sitting in his cabinet. The leaks reveal that these men stashed away parts of their fortunes, valued in the tens of billions, to avoid public scrutiny. From there, they could funnel more than $60 million into super PACs supporting Trump’s presidency."

Trump Commerce Secretary Lied About Russian Ties

The Endangered Species Act Is Endangered

The Endangered Species Act Is Endangered:

"When a bill signed into law by Richard Nixon is under assault in the Trump administration, it is clear how radical this administration and many of its supporters in Congress are. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created in December of 1970, during the first Nixon administration. That should give you an idea of just how extreme the current administration has become on environmental matters. Under Trump, the EPA has evolved into the "unprotecting the environment" agency. It is being dismembered by Director Scott Pruitt."

Senate confirms lobbyist with ‘astounding’ number of conflicts of interest to head EPA air office
"William Wehrum, an industry lawyer and lobbyist, has represented companies who regularly filed legal challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency’s clean air regulations. Nonetheless, President Donald Trump nominated him to head the office at the EPA responsible for ensuring Americans have clean air."

Trump’s “Hire American” Lie Exposed As He Hires 70 Foreign Workers For Mar-A-Lago

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Robert Reich: Trump Is Lying to Middle Class Americans Right to Their Faces @alternet

Robert Reich: Trump Is Lying to Middle Class Americans Right to Their Faces @alternet:

"Using the promise of middle-class tax cuts as a Trojan horse for a tax windfall for the rich and deep spending cuts is a tactic dating back to the Reagan administration."

“I don't believe it”: Republicans are unfazed that corporate tax cuts poll really badly
"Republicans really want to cut the corporate tax rate. It’s the centerpiece of every plan they have released, and they’ve spent weeks floating wildly unpopular ways to pay for it. There’s just one problem: It’s really unpopular — even among Republican voters. Sixty percent of registered voters think corporations pay “too little” in taxes, according to a September poll from Morning Consult and Politico, surveying a little under 2,000 Americans. A more recent Morning Consult and Politico survey from October found only 39 percent of Americans think it should be part of the tax plan — with 59 percent of Republican voters supporting it. Another poll from Pew Research Center showed that 53 percent of Republicans think corporate tax rates should either be raised or stay the same. But confronted with these numbers, House and Senate Republicans seemed unfazed. “Who cares?” Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) said before I had a chance to say what the polls showed."

Children paid for the failed Kansas tax cuts and they’ll pay for the GOP tax cuts, too
"Congressional Republicans unveiled a plan Thursday to cut taxes for large corporations and wealthy individuals, transferring $1.2 trillion in benefits to corporations and estates over the next 10 years. The scheme looks a lot like the disastrous Kansas tax experiment pushed through by Gov. Sam Brownback (R) in 2012. And, like the Kansas plan, it’ll likely be paid for on the backs of children."

Republicans Raising Middle Class Taxes, Slashing Billionaires'

The GOP Is Proposing a 250 Percent Tax Hike on Millions of Americans @alternet

The GOP Is Proposing a 250 Percent Tax Hike on Millions of Americans @alternet:

"No wonder the GOP developed the nearly 500-page tax bill in secret"

House Republicans claim an annual salary of $450,000 is middle class
"That's rich! Republicans suddenly believe that one percenters are barely struggling to be in the middle class, party officials revealed. On Thursday, House Republicans issued a fact sheet about their new tax cut plan that referred to Americans earning $450,000 a year as “low- and middle-income” — even though that income level would put those taxpayers in the top 0.05% of all individual Americans. The median household income in the United States is $59,039, after all."

Can't Defend Your Trickle-Down Economics? Change The Subject!

Ex-federal prosecutor: Funny how a federal investigation suddenly sharpened Jeff Sessions’ memory

Ex-federal prosecutor: Funny how a federal investigation suddenly sharpened Jeff Sessions’ memory

"Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti told MSNBC on Thursday that he’s not entirely surprised that Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions suddenly was able to recall a forgotten meeting he took with President Donald Trump and arrested Trump 2016 adviser George Papadopoulos."

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago is hiring 70 foreign workers this winter — a 9 percent boost from last year

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago is hiring 70 foreign workers this winter — a 9 percent boost from last year

"The Palm Beach Post reports that Mar-a-Lago will import 70 maids, cooks and servers from overseas this winter, a 9 percent increase from the 64 foreign workers it employed last year."

Republican Tax Bill Explained

Nicolle Wallace To Trump Surrogate: 'I Hope They're Paying You A Lot'

Nicolle Wallace To Trump Surrogate: 'I Hope They're Paying You A Lot':

"Her takedown of his lies in defense of Donald Trump was a thing of beauty."

Ex-CIA director asked Republicans to condemn Russian sabotage before election — and they refused

Ex-CIA director asked Republicans to condemn Russian sabotage before election — and they refused

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused and threatened to turn any White House efforts to publicly challenge Russia into “an act of partisan politics"."

President Donald Trump Frustrated By Notion Of Independent Justice

Paul Manafort's role in the Republicans' notorious 'Southern Strategy'
"before he was advocating for human rights abusers on the world stage, Manafort was helping the Republican Party gain advantage by embracing the politics of racism at home."

New investigation reveals Russia’s worldwide digital hit list — beyond the US election

New investigation reveals Russia’s worldwide digital hit list — beyond the US election

"The hackers who interfered with the U.S. presidential election targeted a variety of targets worldwide, according to a newly revealed digital hit list. The Associated Press obtained the list — which includes U.S. defense contractors, Russian opposition figures and Ukrainian officers — collected by the cybersecurity firm Secureworks. The list shows detailed evidence of how closely the Russian government worked with hackers to further the Kremlin’s interests."

Ex-Watergate Lawyer: Russia Probe Heading 'Right Toward' Donald Trump

Mueller Reveals New Manafort Link to Organized Crime
"The indictment (PDF), unsealed on Monday, includes an extensive look into Paul Manafort’s byzantine financial dealings. In particular, it details how he used a company called Lucicle Consultants Limited to wire millions of dollars into the United States."

Russia revelations reveal new push for California secession
"For the past two months, it appeared that the fake social media accounts run out of Russia only supported breaking off one state from the US: Texas. But that wasn’t true. As we learned yesterday, at least one of these fraudulent accounts pushed for the simultaneous secession of California, known colloquially as #CalExit."

Lawrence: Pay Attention When Donald Trump Says 'Believe Me'

Here Are Some Of The Ads Russia Paid To Promote On Facebook
"Two months after Facebook first acknowledged it was paid to promote 3,000 divisive Russian-backed ads during the 2016 election, we’re finally getting a look at some of the ads themselves."

‘Different level of crazy’: WSJ reporters furious that pro-Trump editorial page is ‘living in some alternate universe’

‘Different level of crazy’: WSJ reporters furious that pro-Trump editorial page is ‘living in some alternate universe’

"Reporters at the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal spoke to Vanity Fair about the newspaper’s declining credibility one day after staff at the Murdoch-owned Fox News spoke to CNN to air similar gripes."

Al Franken Hammers Facebook Lawyer On Russian Interference

Trump conveniently forgets everything about meeting that could implicate him in Russia probe
"I have “one of the greatest memories of all time,” President Trump said just a few days ago. But, according to the White House, he has no recollection of a critical campaign meeting that could implicate him in the Russia probe, despite previously tweeting about it and posting a photo to Instagram."

“You Can’t Go Any Lower”: Inside the West Wing, Trump Is Apoplectic as Allies Fear Impeachment After Monday’s indictments
"Until now, Robert Mueller has haunted Donald Trump’s White House as a hovering, mostly unseen menace. But by securing indictments of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, and a surprise guilty plea from foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, Mueller announced loudly that the Russia investigation poses an existential threat to the president. “Here’s what Manafort’s indictment tells me: Mueller is going to go over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization,” said former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg. “Trump is at 33 percent in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s f**ked"."

Ari Melber And Lawrence O'Donnell On Robert Mueller Investigation

Paul Manafort’s Daughter Texted Friends About How Tight Her Dad Was With Trump
"AMS: It’s just weird. Like [my dad] doesn’t seem that smart. Like he is smart. But I know I’m smarter than him. Friend: I don’t doubt that, he’s a master manipulator. Which seems pretty key. AMS: He is very manipulative. I did inherit that ability. But I don’t exploit it like he does. I know all his tactics. They aren’t that brilliant but they do work. Friend: But yes you’re right, you have a moral conscious [sic]. AMS: Like he just tells you the sky is green over and over. And eventually you are like is it? I don’t possess the ability to just lie like he does. Friend: Yea he works his charm. AMS: It’s confidence. When you say something unwaveringly, people start to believe it. Friend: I mean yea that got Trump where he is today. AMS: Yup. Perfect allies. Trump probably has more morals than my dad. Which is really just saying something about my dad. My dad is a psycho!!! At least trump let his wives leave him. Plus, Trump has been a good father. AMS: Trump waited a little too long in my opinion, but I can attest to the fact that he has now hired one of the world’s greatest manipulators. I hope my dad pulls it off. Then I can sell my memoir with all his dirty secrets for a pretty penny."

Don Lemon Humiliates Trump-Supporting Guest Spinning Fake News @alternet

Don Lemon Humiliates Trump-Supporting Guest Spinning Fake News @alternet:

"Right-wing political commentator Mike Shields tried to deflect from President Donald Trump being "frustrated" about his separation from independent investigations by deflecting to the debunked conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton and the Uranium One deal."

Lawrence: Jeff Sessions Hits Perjury Trip Wires With New Revelations

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Robert Reich: Trump's Gang Is Plotting the Biggest Heist in American History @alternet

Robert Reich: Trump's Gang Is Plotting the Biggest Heist in American History @alternet:

"You know the plot: The bank robbers set off a bomb down the street from the bank, and while everyone’s distracted they get away with the loot. In the reality TV show we’re now suffering through, Donald Trump is the bomb. The robbers are the American oligarchs who bankroll the Republican Party, and who are plotting the biggest heist in American history – a massive tax cut estimated to be up to 5.8 trillion dollars."

Ali Velshi Explains Manafort's Money Laundering In 2 Minutes
"Ali Velshi explains money laundering in two minutes.  The bottom line? It's making money that comes from illegal activities look like it's legal."

Newly Unsealed Court Documents Tie Paul Manafort, Rick Gates To Russia

Judge Napolitano: Paul Manafort Was Still Engaged In Massive Fraud While Working For Trump

Judge Napolitano: Paul Manafort Was Still Engaged In Massive Fraud While Working For Trump:

"When asked by Fox News' Sandra Smith about "what does this tell you overall about the Mueller probe?" Napolitano said, "That this is the first of many dominoes to fall"."

Could Wilbur Ross Be the Next Trump Official Targeted in the Mueller Probe? @alternet

Could Wilbur Ross Be the Next Trump Official Targeted in the Mueller Probe? @alternet:

"Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment against international lobbyist and Trump campaign chief, Paul Manafort, and pleading by Trump campaign foreign policy aide, George Papadopoulos, cast long shadows over other top Trump administration officials—starting with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross—whose previous financial deals involved the European money-laundering hub of Cyprus. The banking sector of that small island nation in the Mediterranean appear to a crossroads where top Trump campaign associates, such as Manafort and Papadopoulos, and senior administration officials like Commerce Secretary Ross, crossed paths and had layered financial and political dealings with Kremlin-tied Russian oligarchs."

Ex-US Attorney: Donald Trump Team Should Worry As New Aide Testifies

George Papadopoulos’s Plea Deal Is Very, Very Bad News for Attorney General Jeff Sessions
"THE BIGGEST NEWS of Mueller Monday — the rollout of a money-laundering indictment against Donald Trump’s former campaign adviser, Paul Manafort and campaign aide Rick Gates, and the unsealing of a false-statements plea deal by another campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos — may involve someone not named explicitly in either indictment: Attorney General Jeff Sessions. That’s because Sessions has repeatedly testified to the Senate that he knows nothing about any collusion with the Russians. (Though in his most recent appearance, he categorized that narrowly by saying he did not “conspire with Russia or an agent of the Russian government to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.”) But the Papadopoulos plea shows that Sessions — then acting as Trump’s top foreign policy adviser — was in a March 31, 2016, meeting with Trump, at which Papadopoulos explained “he had connections that could help arrange a meeting between then-candidate Trump and President Putin.” It also shows that Papadopoulos kept a number of campaign officials in the loop on his efforts to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, though they secretly determined that the meeting “should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal,” itself a sign the campaign was trying to hide its efforts to make nice with the Russians."

Robert Mueller’s Show of Strength: A Quick and Dirty Analysis
"Mueller’s opening bid is a remarkable show of strength. He has a cooperating witness from inside the campaign’s interactions with the Russians. And he is alleging not mere technical infractions of law but astonishing criminality on the part of Trump’s campaign manager, a man who also attended the Trump Tower meeting."

Lawrence: Trouble For Donald Trump As Ex-Aide Cooperates With Robert Mueller

Facebook Says Russian-Backed Election Content Reached 126 Million Americans
"An estimated 126 million Americans, roughly one-third of the nation’s population, received Russian-backed content on Facebook during the 2016 campaign, according to prepared testimony the company submitted Monday to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by NBC News."

Team Trump’s pre-election Russian contacts draw new scrutiny
"Top members of the president’s team really were in communications with Russian nationals during Russia’s election scheme, and the categorical denials from Trump, Pence, and others were, at a minimum, wrong. To date, there’s been no explanation from Trump or anyone from his team about why they issued bogus denials about pre-election Russian contacts."

Did Trump Spot the Indictment’s Most Damning Phrase? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

This is how Fox News is downplaying and ignoring Mueller’s legal actions
"Fox News has spent most of Monday downplaying the significance of the legal action — or avoiding the topic all together."

Ex-Watergate prosecutor guarantees Papadopoulos has been ‘wearing a wire for months’ and playing ‘dial-a-crook’

Ex-Watergate prosecutor guarantees Papadopoulos has been ‘wearing a wire for months’ and playing ‘dial-a-crook’

"a former Watergate prosecutor explained that a very thorough Special Counsel Robert Mueller has an “ironclad case” against ex-Trump campaign manager, and that the White House should be concerned that former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos has been wearing a wire for months. Speaking with host Ali Velshi, attorney Nick Akerman said he had looked at the indictment against Manafort and said that he had no doubt that Trump associate would be found guilty. “Now this it’s not like a witch hunt where there is nothing,” Akerman began.”Now you have got something that is real.” Following a break to listen to a press conference held by Manafort’s attorney, Akerman picked up on the deal that Papadopoulos made with investigators, saying, if Mueller has done his job properly, the former Trump associate has been wearing a wire for months as part of a deal. “It’s quite obvious that Mueller is playing this out very skillfully,” Akerman explained. “First of all that [Manafort] indictment is a slam-dunk, as I said before, it’s proven by documents. But then you look at the Papadopoulos one that they put under seal all of this time.” “He’s pled guilty, pled guilty to a felony, lying to the FBI,” Akerman continued. “He’s basically, if you looked through his allocution, you have allocute. They don’t name names, it’s against Justice Department policy to do that. But he refers to campaign officials, other officials — it’s very obvious he has information on lots of people and on top of that, he’s been cooperating since July. “If I were the prosecutor, and I guarantee you Robert Mueller has done this, he’s had him out there wearing a body wire, playing dial-a-crook on the phone, trying to get recorded conversations to use as evidence against other people,” he asserted. “If I were the other people, and they know who they are in that information, I’d be extremely nervous right now"."