Thursday, August 31, 2017

New Evidence About Russia Hotel Deal Raises Stakes In Probe

The More Things Change, the More They Stay Rigged
"Under no circumstances can this plan be called "populist" unless the definition of that word has been changed to "whatever we can get the rubes to believe." The first round will come from the House, where zombie-eyed granny starver Speaker Paul Ryan is putatively in charge, and nobody believes in the supply-side fairy more fervently than he does. That bill will be a horror in many levels. The president* might even call it mean."

Trump Tries to Make Tax Cuts for Rich People Sound Populist
"To pass their tax plan, the GOP is relying on an unpopular president to mobilize public support for an unpopular policy. Selling supply-side snake oil — in this economy — might be the most difficult con of Trump’s illustrious career. On Wednesday, he didn’t seem up to the challenge. But his party’s “special interests” just might be."

President Donald Trump Steps Into The Hurricane Harvey Tragedy

Jeff Sessions Is Bringing Back Civil Forfeiture with a Bang
"In mid-July Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a policy rollback that’s getting criticism from both sides of the aisle, and the center, too. As The Washington Post notes undoing this Obama-administration policy is a big deal — and means big money. Known as “adoptive forfeiture,” the program — which gives police departments greater leeway to seize property of those suspected of a crime, even if they’re never charged with or convicted of one — was a significant source of revenue for local law enforcement. In the 12 months before Attorney General Eric Holder shut down the program in 2015, state and local authorities took in $65 million that they shared with federal agencies, according to an analysis of federal data by the Institute for Justice, a public interest law firm that represents forfeiture defendants. President Trump even mentioned the process in a now somewhat infamous exchange with Texas law enforcement officials when he vowed to “destroy” a state lawmaker that stood in the way of asset seizures. Civil asset forfeiture has become increasingly controversial, especially because of the extremely limited chance to appeal the proceedings. And then there’s the fact that you don’t have to be convicted of a crime to be subject to civil forfeiture — it’s the property that is at issue. The Institute for Justice found in a 2015 report that between 1997 and 2013, 87 percent of the Department of Justice’s forfeitures did not require any criminal charge or conviction."

Follow the Money: They Say It Was About Russian Orphans. They’re Lying.
"Trump’s latest cover-up ended on July 31, 2017, when The Washington Post’s headline proclaimed: “Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer.” Even press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders admitted that Trump “weighed in” on Don Jr.’s statement before it went out. The revelation was just another of the presidential lies permeating the Trump-Russia story. For months, Trump and his minions insisted that there had been no contact with Russians during the campaign. They were lying. Trump’s second defense admitted to such contacts, but asserted there was no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. A related talking point was that Russia actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win because Putin feared that Trump would be tougher on Russia. Don Jr.’s email chain obliterated those positions. While trying to explain away Don Jr.’s emails, Trump tried a third defense: Anyone would have taken the June 9 meeting. “It’s called opposition research,” Trump said. That defense quickly became counterproductive because accepting help from a foreign adversary is illegal. Trump and his minions then moved to defenses four and five: The Russians didn’t offer anything helpful, and whatever they did to help Trump hadn’t made a difference. Those “believe me,” “trust me” assertions from a serial liar aren’t working. We’re now at defense number six: Ignore whatever happened. Trump is still a legitimately elected president. But the evaporation of defenses one through five is making that a tough sell. As the facts seep out, Trump uses every available obstacle — even prevarication from his son’s mouth — to block pathways to the truth. The inference is unavoidable: That truth must be worth hiding."

Will President Donald Trump Be Called To Testify In Russia Investigation?

The Village Voice did a profile on Donald Trump back in 1979—nothing's changed, he's always lied
"The story had taken Barrett months to research and put together. At the time Barrett was 33. He’s now 70, and the Village Voice is revisiting this past profile or our current unpopular president. Barrett’s series was the first to take a fine-tooth comb to Trump’s business practices. The reporter focused on two prominent development projects — the Hyatt Hotel in midtown and a proposed convention center on the West Side — and plumbed them in meticulous detail. As the article points out, Trump has boasted of these old successes since he began campaigning in 2015, even though he hasn’t built anything but a name brand since. And as Barrett explains—he didn’t really build those buildings the way he said he did either. But Barrett’s reporting paints a picture of Trump’s background that’s somewhat at odds with the one he paints for himself. Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political. Far from an independent capitalist, Barrett showed, Trump was a businessman who relied heavily on government largesse. “This is a guy whose wealth has been created by political connections,” Barrett says today. And at the time the story was published, even Trump’s political connections came secondhand, through his father. The idea that Trump is a business-world antidote to the world of political entanglement, as he often implies, is “ludicrous,” as Barrett puts it. Trump would go on to be a business failure by 1991, when Trump filed his first of six bankruptcies that he would file through 2009."

I Have No More Patience for Trump Supporters
"He's frightened of the responsibilities of his office, of the mounting unpopularity of both himself and his policies, and of the hounds baying at the frontiers of his shady past and shadier present. He's terrified, and he should be. He's desperately shoring up the bubble that his ovine followers helped him build to insulate him from the truth and from empirical reality."

Trump wanted McConnell to ‘protect him’ from Russia scandal probe
"At face value, the fact that the Republican president and the Republican leader in the Senate engaged in “a profane shouting match” is itself a dramatic development, to the extent that intra-party warfare may affect GOP policymakers’ ability to govern in the Trump era. But there’s another angle to this that warrants scrutiny: if Trump pressured McConnell to intervene in senators’ investigation into the Russia affair, that may bolster allegations that the president obstructed justice. To be sure, there’s already reason to suspect Trump obstructed justice when the president fired the director of the FBI to, in Trump’s words, relieve the “pressure” of the investigation into the scandal. But under federal law, the president cannot attempt to “impede” any congressional investigation, either."

Donald Trump Sought Moscow Business Deal While Campaigning For President

Exxon researched climate science. Understood it. And misled the public.
"The world’s largest oil company has been under some scrutiny lately. Back in 2015, Inside Climate News and the Los Angeles Times published a pair of matching exposes on Exxon, using internal documents to show that the company was well aware of the threat of climate change as far back as the 1970s, but consistently misled the public and investors about it. Now ExxonMobil is under siege from even more directions. Seventeen state attorneys general have said they will begin cooperating on investigations into whether Exxon broke racketeering, consumer protection, or investor protection laws in its climate communications."

State Department Science Envoy Quits With Not-So-Secret Message For Trump: ‘IMPEACH’
"the first letter of each paragraph spelling out a word — that sends a blunter message to Trump: IMPEACH."

Exxon Knew

Conservatives Don’t Want to Admit this Painful Reality About the Republican Party
"Conservative voters are often some of the most angry, unhappy, paranoid, and distrustful people I encounter. Whether it’s blaming Democrats, minorities, trade agreements, “the establishment,” or the media, conservative voters never have any issues finding someone or something to blame for whatever problems they’re having in their lives. That’s rather ironic considering these are people who often proclaim themselves believers in “taking personal responsibility” for yourself and your own actions. The truth is, the reason why conservatives are this way is because the one group of people they do trust, Republicans, are the ones lying to them. Donald Trump’s rise is a perfect example of what I mean. The current “president” ran a campaign based on nothing more than pandering to what conservatives wanted to hear, no matter how dishonest or unrealistic it was. He made it seem like all these bold, usually vague, promises were easily obtainable — all that was needed was “competent leadership.” So, of course, millions of conservatives believed him. Though it’s not just Trump, Republicans have spent decades conning conservative voters into blaming everyone else but the GOP for their problems, all while pushing the cult-like idea that “we’re the only ones you can trust.” Conservative voters are never going to get what they want because they’re supporting people who pass legislation that’s never going to make life any better for the vast majority of conservatives (or the country as a whole). Republicans know this, which is why they zeroed in on social issues like gay marriage, abortion, and religious beliefs to manipulate large groups of people into voting against their own best interests. We’ve had ten recessions since 1953, nine occurred while a Republican was in office. Meanwhile, two of the strongest and longest periods of economic and job growth during that same time occurred during the 16 combined years of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama’s presidencies."

James Clapper Admits He's Terrified Trump Has Access to the Nuclear Codes @alternet

James Clapper Admits He's Terrified Trump Has Access to the Nuclear Codes @alternet: The former Director of National Intelligence questions Trump's 'fitness for office.' CNN anchor Don Lemon was disgusted by Tuesday night's rally in Phoenix, Arizona. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper took it one step further, admitting that he's terrified that Trump has access to the nuclear codes.Clapper is a nonpartisan voice who has served in both the Obama and the George W. Bush administrations.'I really question his ability to be—his fitness to be—in this office, and I also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it,' Clapper told Lemon.

Former intel boss questions Trump’s ‘fitness to be in office,’ suggests he’s ‘looking for a way out’
"Trump's former favorite intelligence official admits he's worried about him having the nuclear codes."

Trump Thinks Clean Coal Means That Workers Literally Hand Wash Pieces Of Coal

Arizona GOP busted for using Margaret Cho sit-com picture to show support for ‘Asian Americans’

Arizona GOP busted for using Margaret Cho sit-com picture to show support for ‘Asian Americans’

"The Arizona Republican Party is using a promotional photograph for the 1994 sitcom, “All American Girl” with the caption, “Asian Americans,” Vice News reports."

‘Who thought Phoenix had that much green?’ Trump fans used fake photo to wildly inflate rally size

‘Who thought Phoenix had that much green?’ Trump fans used fake photo to wildly inflate rally size

"According to AZ Central, a popular photo meme that purports to compare the size of the crowd of protesters versus the crowd of supporters in Phoenix, AZ on Tuesday night is actually a Getty Images shot of a 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers victory parade. “And frankly, anyone who is at all familiar with Phoenix should have known better. It’s a desert people,” wrote AZ Central’s Kellie Hwang and Garrett Mitchell. “Who really thought Phoenix had that much green?” The photo was spread as a new image by @TEN_GOP, an unofficial account for Republicans in Tennessee"

Paid Actors, a Fake Publicist, and Retweeted Bots: How Trump Creates His Own Reality @alternet

Paid Actors, a Fake Publicist, and Retweeted Bots: How Trump Creates His Own Reality @alternet:

"Trump’s history of using deceit to manipulate the media and project self-advantageous messages indicates that there’s perhaps nothing accidental about his tendency to retweet bots. For three decades, starting in the 1970s, Trump infamously pretended to be a fictional publicist named John Miller and used that pseudonym to plant pro-Trump stories in the media. In June 2015, Trump paid actors to cheer for him during his announcement that he would run for president, during which he called Mexican immigrants rapists. Trump has said that he retweets for a reason and that the retweets are an endorsement “to a certain extent.” This doesn’t leave much room to question the intentionality behind his insidious strategy. Automated social media accounts are said to have played a role in the 2016 presidential election, an issue that the Senate is still investigating. During Trump’s campaign, his digital operations -- many aspects of which were manned by the recently reinstated head of Steve Bannon’s Cambridge Analytica and Jared Kushner’s and Brad Parscale's Project Alamo -- focused on building a loyal audience that was mostly isolated from anti-Trump narratives and was predisposed to distrusting the press and any unfavorable media coverage. For this loyal audience, Trump’s retweets of praiseful bot or sock-puppet accounts reinforce what they already feel; it's like reading the positive blurbs of a book they know they like. So they enthusiastically endorse him by retweeting them, thus becoming important magnifiers in the propaganda loop."

EPA Chief Says That Science Shouldn’t Dictate Policy In America

Monday, August 28, 2017

Trump Associate Tried To Broker Moscow Deal So That ‘Our Boy Can Become President’
"And Trump’s personal lawyer reportedly asked a top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin for help."

‘All Putin’s team will buy in on this’: Trump partner promised Russian help so ‘our boy can become president’

‘All Putin’s team will buy in on this’: Trump partner promised Russian help so ‘our boy can become president’

"One of President Donald Trump’s business partners, Felix Sater, reportedly agreed in 2015 to manage a relationship with Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, that would guarantee the U.S. presidency for Trump."

FLASHBACK: Trump abruptly walked out of interview after being asked about Felix Sater connections

FLASHBACK: Trump abruptly walked out of interview after being asked about Felix Sater connections

"Felix Sater, a Trump-linked Russian-born businessman who in 1998 pleaded guilty to taking part in a mafia-related stock fraud scheme, is at the center of the latest revelations surrounding the Trump campaign’s potential collusion with Russian government officials to influence the 2016 presidential election."

Who is Felix Sater?

Who is Felix Sater?

"The New York Times reported Monday that businessman Felix Sater told then-candidate Donald Trump's lawyer in 2015 that he was working on a real estate deal that could help "get Donald elected." Sater was emailing Michael Cohen about building a Trump Tower in Moscow, as was reported Sunday night by The Washington Post."

REVEALED: Trump’s longtime lawyer reached out directly to the Kremlin amid 2016 campaign

REVEALED: Trump’s longtime lawyer reached out directly to the Kremlin amid 2016 campaign

"In other emails turned over to Congressional investigators, Sater boasted to Cohen that he could get Putin and the entire Russian government to help Trump’s presidential campaign if Cohen could help him get the Trump Tower Moscow deal back on track."

This Story About Ben Carson's Role in the Trump Administration Is Damning
"This is a shrewd observation by MacGillis of the general approach to government that conservatives have followed ever since Ronald Reagan gave them the green light in his 1981 Inaugural Address. Hell, it's what they've been doing to the Affordable Care Act ever since it passed. You sabotage a law, or a policy, or an entire department and, when it breaks down, you point and say, "See, government doesn't work"."

Pattern Of Hacking Preceded Attendee Of Donald Trump's Camp Russia Meeting

Follow the Money: They Say It Was About Russian Orphans. They’re Lying.
"Trump’s latest cover-up ended on July 31, 2017, when The Washington Post’s headline proclaimed: “Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer.” Even press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders admitted that Trump “weighed in” on Don Jr.’s statement before it went out. The revelation was just another of the presidential lies permeating the Trump-Russia story. For months, Trump and his minions insisted that there had been no contact with Russians during the campaign. They were lying. Trump’s second defense admitted to such contacts, but asserted there was no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. A related talking point was that Russia actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win because Putin feared that Trump would be tougher on Russia. Don Jr.’s email chain obliterated those positions. While trying to explain away Don Jr.’s emails, Trump tried a third defense: Anyone would have taken the June 9 meeting. “It’s called opposition research,” Trump said. That defense quickly became counterproductive because accepting help from a foreign adversary is illegal. Trump and his minions then moved to defenses four and five: The Russians didn’t offer anything helpful, and whatever they did to help Trump hadn’t made a difference. Those “believe me,” “trust me” assertions from a serial liar aren’t working. We’re now at defense number six: Ignore whatever happened. Trump is still a legitimately elected president. But the evaporation of defenses one through five is making that a tough sell. As the facts seep out, Trump uses every available obstacle — even prevarication from his son’s mouth — to block pathways to the truth. The inference is unavoidable: That truth must be worth hiding."

Trump’s relationship with McConnell deteriorating over his refusal to defend against Russia investigation: report

Trump’s relationship with McConnell deteriorating over his refusal to defend against Russia investigation: report

 "The Times is reporting that McConnell was distressed after an August 9th phone call with the president where Trump accused McConnell of failing him on his health care plan. Additionally Trump expressed his frustration with the Senate leader for not leading his defense against investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election."

Donald Trump Dossier Testimony From Senate Judiciary Could Be Published

Analysis | President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
"In seven months, President Trump has made 1,057 false or misleading claims."

1,000 Lies in 200 Days: A Detailed Look at Trump's Catalog of Falsehoods
"A new video produced by the Washington Post asserts that President Donald Trump has mislead or blatantly lied to the public more than 1,000 times since taking office in January. The newspaper counted a total of 1,057 lies, with the president averaging nearly five falsehoods per day since his inauguration. The video catalogues just a few of President Donald Trump's most frequent lies about his influence on the economy, the negative impact of the Obama administration, and his ongoing battle with the news media. Trump's lies frequently involve the promotion of his status as a "deal-maker." As the Post notes, he has repeatedly taken credit for cutting the cost of the F-35 fighter jet, an increase in defense spending by NATO member countries, and Ford's decision to build a plant in Michigan instead of Mexico—though the president had nothing to do with any of these developments. The video also shows that Trump's supporters are so familiar with his frequent characterization of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a "disaster" that many are able to finish his sentences about the law. (The ACA has actually been deemed stable by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, and following the passage of the law the uninsured rate dropped to a historic low of nine percent.) Readers, journalists, and politicians took to Twitter to react to the Post's new tally of Trump's habitual lying, the frequency of which has been called "pathological" by Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.)"

President Trump has made more than 1,000 false or misleading statements

Trump plans major tax cut for the rich but Americans want the exact opposite
"President Trump’s plans to give a massive tax break to the rich but a polling shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans favor raising taxes on the wealthy. The disconnect could complicate Republican efforts to pass tax legislation this year."

Trump Pick to Oversee Worker Protections Promoted Sweatshops
"There’s lobbying, and then there’s working with Jack Abramoff to promote the sweatshop economy on remote Pacific islands. If you want to know about that kind of lobbying, you can ask Patrick Pizzella, President Donald Trump’s pick to be deputy labor secretary. Or maybe you can’t. At a July Senate confirmation hearing, Pizzella said he didn’t remember much about the work he did in the late 1990s to help the Northern Mariana Islands—a US commonwealth 1,500 miles from Japan—defeat a bipartisan effort to rein in a guest worker program that the Labor Department found relied on indentured workers. When Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) asked Pizzella whether he knew about reports of forced abortions and routine beatings at the time, Pizzella replied, “I was not aware of any such thing.” Pressed further, he said reports of abuse by multiple government agencies and newspapers were mere “allegations.” What Pizzella didn’t say was that he helped lead a public relations campaign to rebrand the islands as a paragon of free-market principles."

Lawrence: President Donald Trump's Most Important Lie Is About Himself

How Trump’s team changed his mind about the war in Afghanistan
"The Washington Post’s account of how this unfolded – the president “pinballed between his militaristic and anti-interventionist impulses” – included an important detail. President Trump was frustrated and fuming. Again and again, in the windowless Situation Room at the White House, he lashed out at his national security team over the Afghanistan war, and the paucity of appealing options gnawed at him. […] Trump’s private deliberations – detailed in interviews with more than a dozen senior administration officials and outside allies – revealed a president un­attached to any particular foreign-policy doctrine, but willing to be persuaded as long as he could be seen as a strong and decisive leader. This sounds familiar, which is part of the problem with Trump’s failing presidency. On practically every issue, the president is “un­attached to any particular” policy or substantive preference. Throughout the health care debate, for example, Trump said he simply wanted to sign a piece of legislation, regardless of its contents or outcomes. What’s more, the president clashed bitterly with Australia’s Malcolm Turnbull over refugees, not because Trump had any particular substantive concerns, but because, as the American president told his Australian counterpart, “it makes me look so bad.” This is how Trump seems to evaluate every decision of consequence: as an extension of his personal public-relations branding campaign. And so it comes as no surprise that, as the Washington Post reported, the post-policy president was “willing to be persuaded as long as he could be seen as a strong and decisive leader.” Because as far as Trump is concerned, what else matters?"

Trump wants credit for mission he opposed, had nothing to do with
"As far as Donald Trump is concerned, seven months into his presidency, he’s already implementing national security policies that are having a positive effect. This line from his speech last night on the war in Afghanistan was rather jarring: “As we lift restrictions and expand authorities in the field, we are already seeing dramatic results in the campaign to defeat ISIS, including the liberation of Mosul in Iraq.” In Trump’s mind, drawing connections between unrelated developments is a little too easy. Mosul has been freed of ISIS control, he’s “lifted restrictions” in the field, ergo Mosul has been liberated because of the changes he’s implemented. Except that’s not how reality works. In this case, the mission in Mosul began before Trump was elected: Iraq’s second-largest city was liberated because of a mission launched by Barack Obama. Indeed, what Trump didn’t mention – and may not remember – is that he opposed the mission he now wants credit for."

Donald Trump Attacked Mitch McConnell On Russia Investigation: NYT

The Absurdity of Corporate Tax Cuts During the Corporate Pillaging of the Middle Class
"American corporations benefit the most from our nation's security, public infrastructure, legal system and tax laws. Yet rather than support public education and job creation, they use much of their money for buybacks and foreign hoarding. As a result, our schools and infrastructure are crumbling, and the tax avoiders use this to justify their "government doesn't work" mantra while clamoring for even more tax breaks to 'stimulate' the economy."

Paul Ryan went on national television and told a big lie about the state of Obamacare
"Ryan’s wrong. His comments Monday are part of a consistent pattern by Republicans in Congress and in the Trump administration to misrepresent Obamacare as broken."

Sore losers: Nevada Republicans can't win regularly scheduled elections, so they're forcing recalls
"triggering new elections just to undo the results of the most recent election simply because you don’t like them is a lousy way to do democracy, and it effectively demonstrates why Republicans deserve their minority status. They can’t sell their candidates or their ideas to the electorate, so they’re attempting to trigger (historically) lower-turnout special elections in the hope it will give them more control over who shows up at the ballot box (although recent special election results suggest Republicans are screwed in that regard, too).  We won’t know until late October or early November whether these efforts to trigger recalls will be successful, but the mere fact that Republicans are attempting this farce is both troubling and an insult to these districts’ voters, who sent the candidates of their choice to Carson City as recently as last fall."

For Facts Sake: Ruhle Fact Checks Donald Trump's Arizona Rally

A Catholic Nun Schooled Paul Ryan in Humility Last Night
"This guy is still fighting for a policy that the Congressional Budget Office says would kick 30 million Americans off their health insurance."

Paul Ryan Just Flat Out Lied About Obamacare
"Ryan's flagrant dishonesty is part of the reason why Trumpcare in all its guises failed to pass. The constant lying about Obamacare and the farcical boasts about plans that would leave millions of Americans uninsured meant that no Democrat and enough Republicans rejected it over and over and over again.  History will not look kindly upon Paul Ryan. His major contribution to American society appears to be a steadfast commitment to enabling the worst president in history, and spending an inordinate amount of political energy trying to take people's health care away. Thankfully Ryan's spineless behavior hasn't worked to his advantage in recent times, but he remains a dangerous operator, always willing to lie and always ready to back president Trump no matter how insane he gets."

Moms' Group Sounds Alarm Over Worst GOP Bill "You've Never Heard Of"
"The environmental group Clean Air Moms Action released a new ad campaign Monday urging voters to fight back against two pending  Republican anti-regulation laws."

Donald Trump Advisor Brad Thomas Defends POTUS Amid CEO Backlash

The Trump administration doesn’t want to find out how bad mountaintop removal is for human health
"A study on the health impacts of mountaintop removal by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine has been suspended after the Department of the Interior told the group it was reviewing grants in advance of budget cuts."

Trump’s large family and frequent travels are blowing through the Secret Service’s budget
"On Monday, USA Today published an exclusive report on the state of the Secret Service just seven months into the Trump presidency: Facing astronomical costs for protecting multiple properties and the members of a large family, the Secret Service is essentially running out of money for the overtime required to protect the president. The Secret Service is required by law to safeguard the president and his family at all times — but it also has a federally capped budget, and according to USA Today’s Kevin Johnson, “more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally-mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.” The fact that the Trumps are uniquely expensive to keep safe is not exactly new. Back in December, Trump was estimated to be the priciest president-elect to protect, at up to $1 million a day. Trump also likes to get away from Washington on weekends, which adds to the cost. He’s gone so far as to dub Mar-a-Lago, his Florida resort, the “winter White House” and his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, the “summer White House.” Despite criticizing Obama for going golfing as president, Trump has hit the greens more times than his recent predecessors at the same point in their presidencies. And those 53 trips and counting to Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster add up quickly — a single trip to Mar-a-Lago costs the Secret Service more than $3 million. Making matters worse, the number of protectees in the Trump administration is also greater than it was in Obama’s administration. Trump’s children, other family members, and close associates mean that 42 people require Secret Service protection, compared to 31 in the Obama administration. The USA Today report includes some startling details on the Secret Service’s budget woes, including: The compensation crunch is so serious that the director has begun discussions with key lawmakers to raise the combined salary and overtime cap for agents, from $160,000 per year to $187,000 for at least the duration of Trump's first term."

Meet the State Dept. Science Envoy Who Spelled Out "Impeach" in His Resignation Letter to Trump

The Secret Service confronts unique challenges in the Trump era
"USA Today goes a step further this morning, highlighting a different kind of problem. The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump’s family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast. Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year. The agency has faced a crushing workload since the height of the contentious election season, and it has not relented in the first seven months of the administration. Agents must protect Trump – who has traveled almost every weekend to his properties in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia – and his adult children whose business trips and vacations have taken them across the country and overseas. There are currently 42 protectees – up from 31 in the Obama era – including 18 members of the Trump family. USA Today’s report added that even if Congress intervenes with additional funds, “about 130 veteran agents would not be fully compensated for hundreds of hours already amassed.” And while the agency hoped the burdens would ease after Inauguration Day, “the president’s frequent weekend trips” have contributed to a situation in which the Secret Service has been overwhelmed."

White House aide: ‘You have no idea how much crazy stuff we kill’
"Behold, the fine-tuned machine of Donald J. Trump’s White House, where aides aren’t sure the president is fit for office, so they stick around to protect Americans from their boss’ impulses."

Russian 'lobbyist' at Trump Tower meeting was actually asset for Russian spy services
"Considering the other attendees included a man who directly worked with the Kremlin to overthrow the Ukranian government—and that’s just on the American side—saying that Akhmetshin has the most direct ties to the Kremlin is very notable."

Bernie Sanders Called Trump An “Embarrassment,” Says Organized Labor Key To Saving America

Russian lobbyist who attended Don Jr’s meeting has even deeper ties to Kremlin spies than previously reported

Russian lobbyist who attended Don Jr’s meeting has even deeper ties to Kremlin spies than previously reported

"Russian immigrant Rinat Akhmetshin met with then-candidate Donald Trump’s team and now he’s under special counselor Robert Mueller’s magnifying glass due to deeper ties to the Russian government than previously known. In a Monday New York Times expose, it was revealed that Akhmetshin has an association with the Russian spy agency the FSB as well as a history of working for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s allies. Akhmetshin also helped unmask what might be a corruption problem that caused problems with troops at a Kyrgyzstan air force base, where Russians would like American’s removed. He’s even helped Russian business tycoons who coincidentally suffered sophisticated hacks. In a separate incident, Akhmetshin got federal prosecutors to bring charges against an American businessman that turned out to be a CIA agent working in the former Soviet Union."

The Secret Service is running out of money in order to keep the Trump family safe
"President Donald Trump may pay lip service to respecting the men and women who risk their lives for our country, but apparently that doesn’t extend to adopting a routine that allows them to get paid for their work. More than 1,000 Secret Service agents have hit their federal salary and overtime caps for the year, according to a report by USA Today. This is in large part attributable to both Trump and his family maintaining multiple residences and extensive schedules for overseas trips, which has stretched Secret Service resources incredibly thin."

Steve Bannon’s “economic nationalism” is total nonsense
"Trump knows how to work a good hustle"

LEAK: Trump Treats Secret Service "Like Servants"

Dear Republicans: What the Hell Happened to You All?
"I never thought I’d live to see the day where indisputable facts, or even direct quotes, would become “matters of opinion” or “fake news” simply because they don’t want to believe them. Furthermore, today’s Republicans don’t even hold themselves to the same standards and rules they pretend to be outraged over whenever a Democrat doesn’t follow them. There’s not a single person out there who can convince me that had Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton said or done a fraction of what Trump has, many of the same conservative and members of the right-wing media who are now jumping through hoops to defend how awful he is — such Sean Hannity and Alex Jones, two men who’ve proven themselves to be nothing more than con men — wouldn’t be losing their minds. As I wrote about recently, it’s ironic that after years of Trump pushing lies to attack Obama, he’s become so many of the awful things he accused his predecessor of being — yet our 44th president never was. This has led some to joke that Trump’s years of fear-mongering against Obama was actually him prophesying what his “presidency” was going to be like. I miss the days when Republicans were, for the most part, sensible people. While I didn’t always agree with them, I never saw them defending Nazis, trashing U.S. intelligence agencies, defending Russian tyrants, or felt like they were living in a completely different reality than the rest of us. And I’m not even going back to the days of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, men who would be considered ultra liberals by today’s radical GOP standards. Heck, based on the mindset and beliefs of many of today’s conservatives, Ronald Reagan wouldn’t even qualify as a Republican anymore. That’s how ridiculous the party has become."

Gerrymandering is ruining our democracy. Will television news ever care?
"Partisan gerrymandering is not exactly new, but since 2010, Republicans have taken it to a new level. The Associated Press (AP) found that in the 2016 election, gerrymandering helped create the conditions that led to “four times as many states with Republican-skewed state House or Assembly districts than Democratic ones.” Additionally, “among the two dozen most populated states that determine the vast majority of Congress, there were nearly three times as many with Republican-tilted U.S. House districts.” As University of Chicago law professor Geoffrey Stone wrote for HuffPost, “Although partisan gerrymandering has been with us from the beginning, it is now worse than ever, because computer modeling enables legislators to design districts that almost precisely maximize their political advantage.” Racial gerrymandering — which involves “spreading minorities across voting districts, leaving them too few in number in any given district to elect their preferred candidates,” or “concentrating the minority vote in certain districts” — has also helped Republicans hold on to their majority. As The Washington Post’s Wonkblog explained, “Since the minority electorate leans liberal, packing minorities has the same effect as packing Democrats, causing the district map to favor Republicans in the same way it favors whites.” The New York Times’ editorial board described the radical racial gerrymandering that resulted in unconstitutional districts in North Carolina as the GOP’s “unscrupulous efforts to fence off black communities.” While Republicans have been attacking the heart of American democracy, media coverage has been lacking, to say the least. At the same time, activists and politicians from both sides of the aisle have been calling for independent, nonpartisan groups to take the charge on redistricting in the near future. With momentum rising, the question remains: Will media, specifically broadcast and cable news, ever care about gerrymandering? So far, the answer appears to be no."

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Mass Resignations Plague Trump Administration

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family
"The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump's family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast. Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year."

We looked at Trump’s Twitter interactions for more than a year. A lot of them are suspicious.
"Trump frequently does quote tweets from unverified accounts (not using the Twitter “quote tweet” function but literally quoting a tweet). These quote tweets have been called out in the past for featuring white supremacists, and it appears that he also quotes tweets with some frequency from accounts that appear to be either fake accounts or bots."

Tucker Carlson and the Daily Caller: Taking white nationalism mainstream
"But none of this should come as a huge surprise, since Carlson has been busy promoting white supremacist ideas to the more mainstream audience at Fox News."

Republicans' Staggering Debt Ceiling Hypocrisy

Merriam-Webster Steps In After Trump Tells America To ‘Heel’
"Trump ― a man with the greatest vocabulary, everyone loves his vocabulary ― eventually made his point after deleting his first two attempts. After all of Twitter witnessed the president’s struggle with the four-letter word, the dictionary’s social media account sent him a gentle reminder."

Darrell Issa called for hearings on white supremacists after appearing at conference for hate group
"Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) called on the House Judiciary Committee last week to hold hearings on white supremacists and other hate groups, but in June, Issa gave an interview at a conference put on by a group the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled a hate group and white supremacist organization."

John Oliver Urges Fox News' Weeping Trump Defender to Cry Him a River @alternet

John Oliver Urges Fox News' Weeping Trump Defender to Cry Him a River @alternet: 'No one is making you do it.' On Sunday’s edition of “Last Week Tonight,” host John Oliver recounted President Donald Trump’s disastrous week, which culminated with the firing of White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon.“We begin tonight with the White House,” Oliver said, “still a beautiful building in spite of what’s happening inside it.”The mention of Bannon’s firing brought a huge roar of approval from the audience.

Secret Service Can't Afford Trump

Historians of Christian nationalism are alarmed by its appearance in American pulpits
"When President Donald Trump defended white nationalists last week, it seemed like much of the country couldn’t condemn him fast enough. In addition to a wave of opprobrium from progressives, Republican lawmakers, conservative pundits, and CEOs all rushed to distance themselves from the scandal-prone president. But as the condemnations pile up, one group has yet to abandon the commander-in-chief: his evangelical Christian advisers."

I Have a Few Words for the Fake Republican Outrage Over Trump’s Racism
"Words cannot express how sick and tired I am of Republicans claiming that their party isn’t driven by racism. The modern day GOP was built upon a foundation of racism ignited in the 50’s and 60’s in large part by the racist political maneuver commonly known as the “southern strategy.” Since then, Republicans all over the country have been pandering to white resentment and racism, constantly pushing the idea that people “not like them” were “ruining their country.” As I’ve mentioned numerous times before, it’s not a coincidence that nearly every state that comprised the Confederacy is, today, “strongly Republican.” The ideologies of the parties switched during the civil rights era, but the ignorance of conservatives in the areas that opposed ending slavery, women’s suffrage, desegregation, the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act remained the same. When it was discovered a couple of years ago that Rep. Steve Scalise had attended a white nationalist event, not only did he keep his spot as House Majority Whip, but the party backed him. When Trump spent years pushing the blatantly racist birther conspiracy against our country’s first African American president, most Republicans said nothing. When Trump appointed then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, a man Republicans denied a spot as a federal judge in the 80’s over accusations that he was a racist, he was easily confirmed by the very same GOP as our current attorney general. What we’ve seen over the last few decades, and especially over the last several years, is Republicans only offer lip service when condemning racism. That’s how a blatant racist and bigot like Trump managed to not only win their party’s nomination, but the “presidency,” too. This is someone who launched his campaign by pandering to bigotry by calling most Mexican immigrants “rapists and criminals.” He then proceeded build one of the most hate-driven campaigns in modern political history."

Trump Administration Doesn’t Know How National Security Works – Their Climate Stance Proves It

Tens of Thousands of People Just Showed Nazis (and Donald Trump) What Really Makes America Great
"The largest protest by far was in Boston, where an estimated 30,000-40,000 counter-protesters showed up, according to the Boston Globe."

No one likes Trump’s new infrastructure order
"On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed a new order that rescinded an Obama-era rule requiring federally-funded infrastructure to follow stricter building standards aimed at reducing flood-related damages. The Obama order also required that federally-funded infrastructure built along the coastline take into account future projections for sea-level rise. Trump’s order has already prompted swift backlash from across the political spectrum, with everyone from environmental groups to free market think-tanks arguing that there was little upside to rescinding a rule aimed at saving taxpayer money and preventing loss of life in flood-prone areas."

Anti-racism protesters totally eclipsed Boston's right-wing Free Speech rally
"The dueling demonstrations on Boston Common showed a shocking disparity in size."

Trump Says “That’s Too Bad” When He Learns That 10 U.S. Sailors Are Missing At Sea

EPA Welcomed Industry Feedback Before Reversing Pesticide Ban, Ignoring Health Concerns
"The story that emerges from the documents is a simple one of agricultural industry lobbying and, after its success, celebration. Before the presidential election, the EPA had proposed banning chlorpyrifos based in part on evidence that the chemical causes lasting harm to children’s brains, including attention problems, memory loss, tremors, and autism. In reports issued in 2014 and 2015, the agency acknowledged research showing that children exposed to chlorpyrifos were more likely to have certain developmental problems. In November the EPA issued a report recommending a ban. A 90-day waiting period pushed the finalization of the ban into March, after Trump’s inauguration."

Beer is the greenest beverage
"And craft brewers are speaking out against the Trump administration's anti-environment agenda."

'Swamp's Doing Fine': Amid White House Turmoil, Trump Cozies Up to Right-Wing Donors
"Trump's tax proposals would overwhelmingly favor the wealthiest—and the president himself—while potentially raising taxes on low-income and middle class Americans."

Trump is Fueling Hate

173 TV Network Stations Are Defending Trump’s Indefensible Statements on Race and Nazism: Are They in Your City? @alternet

173 TV Network Stations Are Defending Trump’s Indefensible Statements on Race and Nazism: Are They in Your City? @alternet: The Sinclair Broadcasting Group is pushing unabashed propaganda across its 173 stations. Former aide to President Donald Trump and current administration media shill Boris Epshteyn is now using local television news spots across the country to back Trump in his disgraceful “both sides” treatment of violent neo-Nazism and white supremacy in Charlottesville, VA.

Robert Mueller adds Donald Trump Jr. to those in the focus of his investigation
"Previous reports indicated that Donald Trump’s campaign chair Paul Manafort was under close examination from the Special Counsel’s office both for his magical, no-collateral loans and his flow of funds from overseas. The pairing of Manafort and Trump Jr. as central to the investigation, may suggest that Mueller considers that Trump Tower meeting—which also included Jared Kushner, a Russian attorney with ties to the Kremlin, representatives for a Russian real-estate firm, and a man who had started over 2,000 shell companies for money laundering—as a critical moment. It was a meeting that combined an offer of interference by the Russian government on the behalf of Donald Trump, and one that included many different firms involved in Trump’s emergence as a conduit for moving money out of Russia.  While some reports have suggested that Mueller is looking deeply into Trump’s financial activities, including some that are many years in the past, this report seems heavily aimed at the central question of the Trump campaign’s relationship with the Russian government. That prosecutorial muscle is reportedly bearing down on a variety of people in Trump’s campaign for possible collusion with Russian efforts to sway the election and other issues. Mueller is said to be looking at whether Trump obstructed justice in any way in his conversations with and eventual firing of FBI director James Comey. We may now be focused on Trump’s response to white supremacist terrorism, and before that we spent a week watching Trump raise the security temperature over North Korea. But even if the rest of the nation was momentarily diverted, that doesn’t mean Mueller looked away."

Florida provides sickening blueprint for what Republicans want to do to sick kids on Medicaid
"The entire story is a must-read, because it demonstrates just how low Republicans are willing to go to undermine public health care, to inject every bit of public policy-making with pure partisanship. They didn't even try that hard to pretend they were doing otherwise, all but telling the physicians who are supposed to be advising on these decisions that they were irrelevant. In fact, they literally did so, including kicking Dr. Louis St. Petery, former executive vice president of the Florida chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a former CMS director out of a Department of Health meeting with the regional medical directors of CMS, the group of pediatricians who help run the program. He was a critic, so he was barred from attending. Since the state implemented its process for kicking kids out of the program, physicians say they have been completely ignored. The long story is very much worth the time it takes to read. But there's a take-away that isn't in the story that has to be highlighted—this is what congressional Republicans—with House Speaker Paul Ryan leading the charge—want to do to Medicaid across the country. Should their plans for decimating it come to fruition, Florida will provide the blueprint for every Republican governor and legislature for how to kick kids out of health care."

Still Making Excuses for Trump? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

GOP senator questions Donald Trump’s stability, competence
"So far this year, Corker has voted with Trump roughly 90% of the time. For Tim Scott and Jeff Flake, it’s close to 94%. Each of these senators appear to have sincere concerns about the president’s fitness for office, but we don’t yet know what, if anything, they intend to do about it – and to date, they haven’t done much."

Sean Hannity has been dumpster diving with conspiracy theorists again
"Earlier today, the claim made the jump to ZeroHedge, a regular clearinghouse for conspiracy theories."

Weeping Nazi started off as a “men’s rights activist,” which is no huge surprise
"Christopher Cantwell's trajectory from "men's rights" to white supremacy is sadly typical of the alt-right"

Trump Completely Fabricates Story About General Pershing To Manipulate His Base

Friday, August 18, 2017

‘You should fire your press person’: MSNBC’s Velshi and Ruhle obliterate Trump backer in insane interview

‘You should fire your press person’: MSNBC’s Velshi and Ruhle obliterate Trump backer in insane interview:

"Thomas replied that the economy is “doing very very well,” and he looks at the economy “long term.” “The number one catalyst that nobody is going to talk about—especially your show, and others like this—is the number one catalyst is the corporate tax,” Thomas said. “This is the market mover.” “You’re talking to two financial journalists,” Velshi replied, informing Thomas that the market “started going up on March 9, 2009.” “There is nothing Donald Trump has done to cause the market to be where it is,” Velshi said. “You guys keep peddling this myth that Donald Trump is responsible for this market,” Velshi later pressed. “Do you give Barack Obama credit?” “Right now, the commander in chief is Donald J. Trump,” Thomas replied. “And what we’re seeing now is job creation. Donald Trump has created over one million jobs” “Brad stop it, for heaven’s sake!” Velshi shot back, pointing out that Trump is “not even close to being the largest job creator in the first six months of his presidency.” “Why do you continue to say these things?” he asked. Thomas then went on a tangent about Trump being the “number on catalyst,” circling back to the debunked claim that Trump is creating jobs. “I’ve given you evidence that the job creation is not as good under President Trump as it was under President Obama, President Bush, President Clinton in the first six months of their office,” Velshi shot back. “But you just deny it and go on to say other things,” he continued. “Let’s talk about infrastructure, I can go down this road with you as well.” Velshi asked what about Trump’s executive order on permitting will help U.S. infrastructure, prompting Thomas to claim, “it’s just very complicated, and I know this is not your background.” “What are you talking about?” Velshi asked. “It’s far more our background than it is yours.” “You can’t just lie on TV, Brad,” he continued. “I don’t know if your people told you who you were coming on TV with but, you can’t lie about the economy to us"."

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2017
"In fact, the very first time Trump appeared in the pages of the New York Times, back in the 1970s, was when the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination. Since then, he has repeatedly appeared in newspaper pages across the world as he inspired more similar controversies. This long history is important. It would be one thing if Trump simply misspoke one or two times. But when you take all of Trump’s actions and comments together, a clear pattern emerges — one that suggests that bigotry is not just political opportunism on Trump’s part but a real element of Trump’s personality, character, and career."

The Comprehensive Timeline Of Donald Trump's History With Russia

It’s Time to Tell the Truth: Conservatives Have Lost Their Damn Minds
"What were once fairly calm, productive debates over political differences have become battles between reality vs. whatever preposterous nonsense Donald Trump, Fox News, or the rest of the conservative media has told them is true. Indisputable facts have become a “matter of opinion” or “liberal lies.” When reality proves too much for conservatives to ignore, many on the right have turned to conspiracies based on utter nonsense, pushed by sociopaths and con artists making themselves very rich by regurgitating fear, hate, and paranoia. Trump’s ascent to the top of the GOP has fully exposed the true nature of today’s conservatives and the party they support. Time after time he’d say or do something that most people would say, “Okay, that’s going to be what turns conservatives against him” — but it never did. In fact, the more deplorable Trump became, the more his support seemed to grow. He belittled POWs, attacked Gold Star parents, and was caught on video bragging about being a sexual predator, but it never deterred the vast majority of his supporters. Even as Trump’s said and done things that we all know conservatives and members of his own party would be having an absolute meltdown over had a Democrat done them, still, they made excuses for him. That’s all Trump supporters really do is make excuses for him. When the KKK, white nationalists, and Nazis descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia in a “unite the right rally,” a gathering which infamous white supremacist David Duke said was “fulfilling promises of Donald Trump,” his defenders made excuses. Then when Trump made his short, vague statement where he didn’t, specifically, call out the KKK, white nationalists, or Nazis — instead choosing to insinuate that all “sides” were at fault — his supporters made excuses."

John Oliver Excoriates Trump for Flunking the Most Basic Test of Political Leadership and Human Decency @alternet

John Oliver Excoriates Trump for Flunking the Most Basic Test of Political Leadership and Human Decency @alternet:

"At times like this, Oliver said, the U.S. calls for “true leadership from whoever is in the Oval Office. Unfortunately, the current occupant is [President Donald Trump] and even after a few hours to think about it,” the best he could do was a tepid response that blamed “many sides” for the violence and tiptoed around the feelings of the hateful right-wingers who invaded the normally quiet college town. “This was a white nationalist rally, you have to call that out by name,” Oliver said. “There honestly aren’t many instances in modern American politics where you can honestly think: That guy really should have mentioned the Nazis.” He said the situation amounts to a kind of reverse Godwin’s Law: “If you fail to mention Naziism, you lose the argument.” “What kind of f***ing idiot wouldn’t immediately distance himself from them?” Oliver said. “It simply doesn’t get easier than disavowing Nazis. It’s as much of a presidential gimme as pardoning a f*cking turkey. It is almost impossible to screw it up, but that’s exactly what happened"."

Lawrence: Donald Trump Responds To Barcelona Terror Attack With A Lie

Scott Pruitt is dismantling EPA in secret for the same reason the GOP health care bill was secret
"Pruitt is keeping his agenda as hidden as possible for the very same reasons Republicans in Congress tried to keep their recent health care bill a secret: virtually no one likes it and there’s not a coherent policy case to be made for it."

No Nazi Scumbags Allowed In The US Military

Despite White House Chaos, Trump Delivers Favors for Corporate America
"The Trump administration may be dazed and confused about many things, but not about its corporate agenda. From Scaramucci to Spicer, from Kelly to Kushner, one thing doesn’t change at Donald Trump’s chaotic White House: Its devotion to delivering for giant corporations at the public’s expense. During the campaign, Trump directed nearly as much venom toward major U.S. corporations as toward his opponents. He savaged Wall Street, badgered companies for manufacturing products outside of the U.S. and threatened them with onerous penalties. Trump singled out lobbyists who do the bidding of corporations by promising to “drain the swamp.” It was plain enough that Candidate Trump’s anti-industry shtick was bluster. But it wasn’t obvious that he would hand control of the government over to Corporate America. His billionaire cabinet is the most corporate in modern history and his sub-cabinet officials are worse. Trump immediately backtracked on his promise to crack down on lobbyists, choosing to staff his administration with them. Three dozen lobbyists are working for the administration in apparent violation of Trump’s vaunted ethics executive order on conflicts of interest; an additional 100 lobbyists have posts in the administration. While Trump has yet to deliver on Corporate America’s dream for a massive tax cut, he is rushing forward on their other top priority: slashing health, safety, environmental, consumer and other regulatory protections. Likewise, Trump turned to Goldman Sachs, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, OneWest Bank and numerous corporate law firms to fill key posts. The same pattern appears in agency after agency."

White Supremacists Don't Think They Have Power? Look at the Voting Laws in the States They Come From! @alternet

White Supremacists Don't Think They Have Power? Look at the Voting Laws in the States They Come From! @alternet:

"One of the first four people arrested was from Virginia. The others were from Ohio, Florida and Tennessee. Each of these states has been dominated by white Republicans this decade, who have methodically implemented racist election laws that gave them majority rule in state legislatures and their U.S. House delegations."

Donald Trump's Racial Attitudes Have Been No Secret

Captain Sully to Trump: You're Grounded @alternet

Captain Sully to Trump: You're Grounded @alternet:

"America's most famous airline pilot has shot down President Trump's proposal to privatize the nation's air traffic control system. “Our air traffic control system is the best and safest in the world," declares Captain Chesley Sullenberger in a new video produced by the Alliance for Aviation Across America. Sullenberger famously guided a crippled passenger jet to a safe water landing on the Hudson River in January 2009, a display of calm heroism that saved 155 lives and inspired a Hollywood movie. “Why would we give such an important and valuable national asset to the largest airlines, the same people who continue to make your airline seats smaller and closer together, who often put expedience and cost reduction ahead of the safety and the welfare of others in the long term?” Sullenberger asks. In early June, President Trump called for privatization of the air traffic control system as part of his so-called “infrastructure week.” Previous Republican proposals for privatization have stalled in Congress due to bipartisan opposition, and Trump’s endorsement did not improve its prospects."

There Was Another Right-Wing Terrorist Incident This Weekend
"Early this Saturday, a day most of the country spent watching the violence spilling over from white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, a 23-year-old claiming to be a member of the Three Percenters militia named Jerry Drake Varnell was arrested as he tried to set off a truck bomb outside a bank in Oklahoma City. The bomb was supposed to be constructed of anhydrous ammonia, a chemical homage to Timothy McVeigh and the weapon he used to kill 168 people inside the Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995. Varnell had prepared a bunker to be used after his bomb kicked off a war with Federal agents. “I’m out for blood,” he allegedly told an FBI informant. “When militias start forming I’m going after government officials"."

Lawrence: President Donald Trump Is The Divider In Chief

White Supremacist In Charlottesville Wearing 82nd Airborne Hat Gets Called Out... By 82nd Airborne
"The 82nd Airborne Division fought several campaigns against Nazi Germany during World War II. So after a man in a hat bearing the elite Army paratrooper unit’s insignia was pictured throwing a Ku Klux Klan salute (which resembles and is sometimes mistaken for a Nazi salute) during the weekend’s Charlottesville protests, the division delivered a pointed message."

Stephen Colbert Attempts To List Everything Trump Has Attacked Harder Than Nazis
"Colbert then launched into a full takedown of Trump’s tepid response to the violence... and then attempted to name many of the things the president has verbally attacked with more gusto than Nazis."

Frederick Douglass: How To Deal With 'Treacherous President'

Say His Name When You Denounce His Bigotry
"The racial gunpowder that the Republicans have been storing up since Harry Dent wrote a memo to Richard Nixon has finally found a bright orange fuse. It's not enough to deplore white supremacy from within the safety of your gerrymandered districts. It's time to distance yourselves from the president* who refuses to distance his presidency* from it, and from the policies that made that president* not merely possible, but inevitable."

Donald Trump Has Been a Racist All His Life — And He Isn’t Going to Change After Charlottesville
"Consider the first time the president’s name appeared on the front page of the New York Times, more than 40 years ago. “Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City,” read the headline of the A1 piece on Oct. 16, 1973, which pointed out how Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice had sued the Trump family’s real estate company in federal court over alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act. “The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’” the Times revealed. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.” (Trump later settled with the government without accepting responsibility.) Over the next four decades, Trump burnished his reputation as a bigot: he was accused of ordering “all the black [employees] off the floor” of his Atlantic City casinos during his visits; claimed “laziness is a trait in blacks” and “not anything they can control”; requested Jews “in yarmulkes” replace his black accountants; told Bryan Gumbel that “a well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market”; demanded the death penalty for a group of black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a jogger in Central Park (and, despite their later exoneration with the use of DNA evidence, has continued to insist they are guilty); suggested a Native American tribe “don’t look like Indians to me”; mocked Chinese and Japanese trade negotiators by doing an impression of them in broken English; described undocumented Mexican immigrants as “rapists”; compared Syrian refugees to “snakes”; defended two supporters who assaulted a homeless Latino man as “very passionate” people “who love this country”; pledged to ban a quarter of humanity from entering the United States; proposed a database to track American Muslims that he himself refused to distinguish from the Nazi registration of German Jews;"

Lawrence: What Donald Trump Doesn't Know About Robert E. Lee

Ex-CIA director Brennan pens emotional apology to Wolf Blitzer: ‘Trump put our collective futures at grave risk’

Ex-CIA director Brennan pens emotional apology to Wolf Blitzer: ‘Trump put our collective futures at grave risk’:

"Brennan saw the exchange and wrote a personal note on the, “unspeakable evil of Nazism,” which CNN has shared. “I just want to extend my sympathies not only for their deaths but also to you and your family–and countless others–for the pain inflicted today by the despicable words of Donald Trump. Mr. Trump’s words, and the beliefs they reflect, are a national disgrace, and all Americans of conscience need to repudiate his ugly and dangerous comments,” Brennan wrote. “If allowed to continue along this senseless path, Mr. Trump will do lasting harm to American society and to our standing in the world,” Brennan predicted. “By his words and his actions, Mr. Trump is putting our national security and our collective futures at grave risk"."

‘Patently false’: Newspaper rips Idaho GOPer for defending white nationalists as ‘people who love the Constitution’

‘Patently false’: Newspaper rips Idaho GOPer for defending white nationalists as ‘people who love the Constitution’:

"Controversial Idaho state Rep. Heather Scott defended white nationalists by claiming that racism is not part of the movement."

Trump Is Still Making Excuses for Nazis | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Why Trump’s Charlottesville crisis is shocking but not surprising
"Trump has a ridiculously long history of public racism"

7 Things to Know About the Mindset of the Neo-Nazis @alternet

7 Things to Know About the Mindset of the Neo-Nazis @alternet:

"2. It’s not the economy, stupid. Producing articles about the economic anxiety that plagues Trump’s base has become a virtual cottage industry at certain media outlets. (I see you, New York Times.) That’s a good way of ginning up sympathy for Trump’s most fervent supporters—including the alt-right—but a bad way of getting to the truth of what truly motivates them. The short answer to that question is, racism and bigotry."

Trump And Charlottesville: Too Little, Too Late | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Seth Meyers Takes Trump Apart in Emotional, Must-Watch Monologue @alternet

Seth Meyers Takes Trump Apart in Emotional, Must-Watch Monologue @alternet: 'He showed us again who he really is: a lying racist who’s desperate for praise.'

Trump campaign chair Carl Paladino finally ousted from school board for racist tirade against the Michelle Obama

Trump campaign chair Carl Paladino finally ousted from school board for racist tirade against the Michelle Obama:

"The decision came Thursday from State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, who approved the request from the board that Paladino be removed from the system"

And The Alt-Right Survey Says... Racist!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Why the GOP Sides With the Klan and the Nazis @alternet

Why the GOP Sides With the Klan and the Nazis @alternet:

"That the GOP would put America through all this racial and civil strife just to protect the interests of the few hundred billionaires and multi-millionaires who own them is mind-boggling."

Seth Meyers takes down Trump’s Charlottesville inaction with searing clarity
"with his opening statement on Charlottesville on Monday night, Meyers made it clearer than ever that he will let comedy take a back seat if the news demands some straightforward explanation, and he will not mince words when it comes to President Donald Trump."

‘Unite against fascism’: Fearless women battling ISIS memorialize Heather Heyer

‘Unite against fascism’: Fearless women battling ISIS memorialize Heather Heyer:

"The female members of the anti-ISIS YPG militia in Syria were already badass enough — but their response to the killing of Heather Heyer by neo-Nazi James Fields, Jr. solidified their status."

Donald Trump Remarks Aid White Supremacists' Political Ambitions

How Donald Trump emboldened Charlottesville white supremacists
"Trump has engaged in a disturbing courtship with the racist white nationalist movement and its media figures"

WATCH: White Supremacists March with Torches Chanting Hate Against Jews and People of Color in Virginia @alternet

WATCH: White Supremacists March with Torches Chanting Hate Against Jews and People of Color in Virginia @alternet:

"Chanting "blood and soil," "white lives matter" and "you will not replace us," scores of white nationalists holding torches marched across the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville on Friday night."

Bush-Era Ethics Czar Says Trump’s Far-Right Staffers Are to Blame for Charlottesville Riot: 'I Will Not Support Fascism' @alternet

Bush-Era Ethics Czar Says Trump’s Far-Right Staffers Are to Blame for Charlottesville Riot: 'I Will Not Support Fascism' @alternet:

“This is the face of fascism, this is Breitbart news,” declared former Bush era ethics czar Richard Painter.

Donald Trump Remarks On Racist Rally Force Moral Reckoning For GOP

‘It is personal’: Former ambassador to Russia emotionally defends patriotic US diplomats from Trump’s vitriol

‘It is personal’: Former ambassador to Russia emotionally defends patriotic US diplomats from Trump’s vitriol:

"The former United States ambassador to Russia got emotional on MSNBC when discussing President Donald Trump celebrating Russian President Vladimir Putin’s expulsion of 755 embassy employees."

Combative Trump Pulls His Punches for One Man: Putin
"Given Mr. Trump’s propensity to criticize just about anyone else, including members of his own staff, cabinet and party, his resolute refusal to say anything negative about Mr. Putin has only fueled suspicions about last year’s election. While Mr. Trump adamantly denies any collusion between his team and Russia during the campaign, an email sent to his son, Donald Trump Jr., last summer setting up a meeting with a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties said the visit was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump"."

Maddow: Racism Is 'A Persistent Infection' In White American Culture

Another fiduciary rule delay would cost retirement savers $10.9 billion over 30 years

Another fiduciary rule delay would cost retirement savers $10.9 billion over 30 years:

"The Trump administration’s Department of Labor is actively working to weaken or rescind the “fiduciary” rule (the rule that requires financial advisers to act in the best interest of their clients). The latest step in these efforts is a proposed 18 month delay of key provisions of the rule past their already-delayed implementation date of January 1st, 2018."

Report: the GOP in Indiana is making it harder for Democrats to vote
"An investigation by the Indianapolis Star has found that policies by state and local Republicans in Indiana have restricted voting in predominantly Democratic areas — while expanding voting access in Republican-held areas. At the heart of the controversy: early voting stations. The investigation found that in Hamilton county, a Republican-majority area, officials had added two additional early voting stations, bringing the number of stations to one for every 100,000 residents. However, in Marion County — a county that votes more Democratic, has a large African-American population, and includes Indianapolis, the state’s largest city — the Republican member of the election board has blocked additional stations and prevented the continuation of satellite sites that existed during the 2008 election (notably, when Barack Obama won the state.) Election boards in Indiana have three people — a Democrat, a Republican, and the county clerk — and, since 2001, any decision to expand early voting requires a unanimous vote. The Republican member of the Marion county board has repeatedly blocked efforts to expand early voting since 2010. In 2013, the Republican-controlled legislature passed a law (while Vice President Mike Pence was the governor) that specifically limited the processing of absentee ballots — which are used for early voting — to one site for counties with more than 325,000 people, without unanimous approval from the election board. In Marion, that meant one site for the more than 700,000 voters in the county."

Lawrence: Donald Trump Remains White Supremacists' Favorite Candidate

Corporations pay between 13 and 19 percent in federal taxes—far less than the 35 percent statutory tax rate

Corporations pay between 13 and 19 percent in federal taxes—far less than the 35 percent statutory tax rate:

"The corporate tax code is riddled with loopholes, most notably the deferral loophole which allows large multinational corporations to avoid paying their taxes indefinitely on profits they make offshore. And despite some recent claims to the contrary, a recent CBO report doesn’t overturn, but rather bolsters the research showing that corporations pay less than a 35 percent tax rate."

Mueller assembles growing team of legal all-stars, Trump has trouble keeping handful of also-rans
"The team members include Michael Dreeben, a Justice Department deputy solicitor general who has argued more than 100 cases before the Supreme Court; Andrew Weissmann, the chief of the Justice Department’s fraud section; James Quarles, who worked as an assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force; and Jeannie Rhee, a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel who also came from WilmerHale. That’s just the tip of a still-growing iceberg. Mueller’s team just added its sixteenth attorney, almost all of them with deep knowledge on corruption and financial crimes."

When You Forget Your Klan Hood And The Internet Finds Out

There Are Two New Fronts in the War on Voting
"According to an analysis by The Indianapolis Star, the state's Republicans have systematically monkeywrenched their election system to advantage themselves and to disadvantage Democratic voters, particularly minority ones."

8 Ways Leading European Officials Perceive America's Big Embarrassment in the Oval Office @alternet

8 Ways Leading European Officials Perceive America's Big Embarrassment in the Oval Office @alternet:

"1. He’s obsessed with Barack Obama. Since the moment he launched his political career, Trump has shown an infatuation with his predecessor. He used the birther lie, including questioning Obama’s academic record, to build his base of likeminded racist conspiracists. Since then, he’s continued to invoke the former president at every opportunity, proving Obama is always on his mind. He hated that Obama’s inauguration crowds dwarfed his, tried to pretend the obsession was mutual with wiretapping charges, and has attempted to blame his many political failures on a man who is no longer in office. And you know he just hates that his approval ratings will never match Obama’s, as evidenced by his pathetic retweets of obscure polls that give him the popularity edge. European diplomats have noticed this sad tendency, with one telling Buzzfeed that Trump’s primary motivation seems to be undoing Obama’s legacy. “It’s his only real position,” a European diplomat told the site. “He will ask: ‘Did Obama approve this?’ And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: ‘We don’t.’ He won’t even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama.” 2. He’s viewed as a verbally limited international joke. Throughout his European tour in May, Trump acted like he was raised in a (gold-plated) barn, proving his ignorance, boorishness and social ineptitude at every stop. He hand-wrestled with Emmanuel Macron, physically pushed Montenegro’s prime minister and earned derisive snickers from fellow world leaders. For this reason (though there are so many, many more), most Americans are embarrassed to have Trump as a leader.  At least one European diplomat told Buzzfeed Trump is seen as a joke at international meetups, mocked both for his general idiocy and his third-grade (or fourth- or fifth-grade, depending on who you ask) speaking skills, relying on five to 10 words kept in heavy rotation. “Everything is ‘great’, ‘very, very great’, ‘amazing’,” one diplomat said."

Families Mourn Charlottesville Victims

Denier-in-Chief Trump Should Read NOAA's Frightening New Climate Report
"With a climate denier in the Oval Office, a "fossil fuel puppet" heading the Environmental Protection Agency, and Big Oil lobbyists filling the ranks of secretive deregulatory teams, a new report by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed that 2016 was the hottest—and in some ways most alarming—year on record."

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial
"A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.  The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump."