Reminder: Donald Trump due in court after Election Day on child rape and racketeering charges
"Trump is, in fact, scheduled to face trials in the immediate weeks after Election Day in two separate lawsuits alleging criminal actions by the real estate developer and former reality TV star."
Monday, October 31, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
How Trump Took Hate Groups Mainstream
"Extremists made him their chosen candidate and now hail him as "Emperor Trump" because he has amplified their message on social media—and, perhaps most importantly, has gone to great lengths to avoid distancing himself from the racist right. With the exception of Duke, Trump has not disavowed a single endorsement from the dozens of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, and militia supporters who have backed him. The GOP nominee, along with his family members, staffers, and surrogates, has instead provided an unprecedented platform for the ideas and rhetoric of far-right extremists, extending their reach. And when challenged on it by the press, Trump has stalled, feigned ignorance, or deflected—but has never specifically rejected any of these other extremists or their ideas. This stance has thrilled and emboldened hate groups far more than has been generally understood during the 2016 race for the White House. Moreover, Trump's tacit welcoming of these hate groups into mainstream American politics will have long-lasting consequences, according to these groups' own leaders, regardless of the election outcome."
"Extremists made him their chosen candidate and now hail him as "Emperor Trump" because he has amplified their message on social media—and, perhaps most importantly, has gone to great lengths to avoid distancing himself from the racist right. With the exception of Duke, Trump has not disavowed a single endorsement from the dozens of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, and militia supporters who have backed him. The GOP nominee, along with his family members, staffers, and surrogates, has instead provided an unprecedented platform for the ideas and rhetoric of far-right extremists, extending their reach. And when challenged on it by the press, Trump has stalled, feigned ignorance, or deflected—but has never specifically rejected any of these other extremists or their ideas. This stance has thrilled and emboldened hate groups far more than has been generally understood during the 2016 race for the White House. Moreover, Trump's tacit welcoming of these hate groups into mainstream American politics will have long-lasting consequences, according to these groups' own leaders, regardless of the election outcome."
‘He doesn’t really know what he’s talking about’: Economists trash Trump’s ‘ridiculous’ policy plans
‘He doesn’t really know what he’s talking about’: Economists trash Trump’s ‘ridiculous’ policy plans
"Conservative and liberal economists are saying that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s economic plan for U.S. growth is a “ridiculous” fraud that bears no resemblance to real economic proposals."
"Conservative and liberal economists are saying that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s economic plan for U.S. growth is a “ridiculous” fraud that bears no resemblance to real economic proposals."
Here's the Laughable List of Everything Trump Wants Barred as Evidence in His 'Trump U' Case
Here's the Laughable List of Everything Trump Wants Barred as Evidence in His 'Trump U' Case
"Basically, Trump wants a trial where nothing he’s ever said or done can be used against him in a lawsuit aimed at exposing him for being a corrupt, unethical crook who defrauded innocent people out of tens of thousands of dollars. Perhaps the only thing more delusional than Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is this list."
"Basically, Trump wants a trial where nothing he’s ever said or done can be used against him in a lawsuit aimed at exposing him for being a corrupt, unethical crook who defrauded innocent people out of tens of thousands of dollars. Perhaps the only thing more delusional than Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is this list."
The Threat of a Right-Wing Supreme Court: Analyzing Trump's Prospective Justices
"Trump has vowed to nominate justices in the mold of Antonin Scalia. The late justice favored unlimited corporate election spending. He opposed reproductive rights, universal health care, same-sex marriage, affirmative action, voting rights, immigrants' rights, labor rights, LGBT rights and environmental protection."
"Trump has vowed to nominate justices in the mold of Antonin Scalia. The late justice favored unlimited corporate election spending. He opposed reproductive rights, universal health care, same-sex marriage, affirmative action, voting rights, immigrants' rights, labor rights, LGBT rights and environmental protection."
Colin Powell to vote for Hillary Clinton
Colin Powell to vote for Hillary Clinton
"Powell said Clinton’s rival, Republican Donald Trump, was not qualified to be president and had insulted huge swaths of people during his campaign."
"Powell said Clinton’s rival, Republican Donald Trump, was not qualified to be president and had insulted huge swaths of people during his campaign."
Here are 4 ways Trump supporters might harass you at the polls and what you can do about it
Here are 4 ways Trump supporters might harass you at the polls and what you can do about it
"We shouldn’t have to fight for our right to vote anymore, but welcome to 2016 in America. Keep calm and vote on."
"We shouldn’t have to fight for our right to vote anymore, but welcome to 2016 in America. Keep calm and vote on."
Vote early. Seriously. Just do it. Now. Today. Vote.
"Here’s a list of when early voting starts, by state"
"Here’s a list of when early voting starts, by state"
North Carolina counties slashed their early voting hours and now this is what the lines look like
"The court struck down the vast majority of North Carolina’s election changes, calling them an attempt to suppress voters of color “with surgical precision.” But one piece allowed to stand was the elimination of straight-ticket voting — the option for a voter to check a single box in order to vote for a party’s candidates up and down the ballot. A study by the non-profit voting rights group Democracy North Carolina found that 2.5 million voters used straight-ticket voting in 2012. Since it takes much longer to vote for each candidate individually, the organization fears this could slow down the already long wait times at the polls."
"The court struck down the vast majority of North Carolina’s election changes, calling them an attempt to suppress voters of color “with surgical precision.” But one piece allowed to stand was the elimination of straight-ticket voting — the option for a voter to check a single box in order to vote for a party’s candidates up and down the ballot. A study by the non-profit voting rights group Democracy North Carolina found that 2.5 million voters used straight-ticket voting in 2012. Since it takes much longer to vote for each candidate individually, the organization fears this could slow down the already long wait times at the polls."
Sean Hannity melts down online: He’s ‘slowly losing his mind right before our eyes’
Sean Hannity melts down online: He’s ‘slowly losing his mind right before our eyes’
"The ongoing debacle left some Twitter users concerned about Hannity’s mental health."
"The ongoing debacle left some Twitter users concerned about Hannity’s mental health."
New Study: Having Daughters Helps Parents See How Horrible Donald Trump Is @alternet
New Study: Having Daughters Helps Parents See How Horrible Donald Trump Is @alternet:
"And, of course, there’s all of the standing assault allegations against Trump, but in terms of sexism in Trump’s political platform, there’s his gender role-enforcing, heteronormative maternity leave plan; his opposition to reproductive rights, essentially reducing women to baby-making machines; and his backwards appraisal of the wage gap. Unrelated to politics, he’s also on the record suggesting husbands should keep their wives from working and that pregnant women are workforce inconveniences, but alas, I digress."
"And, of course, there’s all of the standing assault allegations against Trump, but in terms of sexism in Trump’s political platform, there’s his gender role-enforcing, heteronormative maternity leave plan; his opposition to reproductive rights, essentially reducing women to baby-making machines; and his backwards appraisal of the wage gap. Unrelated to politics, he’s also on the record suggesting husbands should keep their wives from working and that pregnant women are workforce inconveniences, but alas, I digress."
Chief Justice Roberts "Had It In for the Voting Rights Act"
"In 2013, when Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. issued the most far-reaching Supreme Court decision on voting rights in the 21st century, he finally succeeded in gutting a civil rights law he has been fighting his entire career. For three decades, Roberts has argued that the United States has become colorblind to the point where aggressive federal intervention on behalf of voters of color is no longer necessary—and this case, Shelby County v. Holder, was the pinnacle of that crusade. Roberts honed his views on race and voting as a clerk for Justice William Rehnquist, a man who as a court clerk himself had written a memo endorsing Plessy v. Ferguson, the "separate but equal" doctrine upholding segregated schools. On the high court, Rehnquist helped redefine opposition to civil rights laws as a commitment to color blindness, and he used this theory to undermine the 1965 Voting Rights Act."
"In 2013, when Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. issued the most far-reaching Supreme Court decision on voting rights in the 21st century, he finally succeeded in gutting a civil rights law he has been fighting his entire career. For three decades, Roberts has argued that the United States has become colorblind to the point where aggressive federal intervention on behalf of voters of color is no longer necessary—and this case, Shelby County v. Holder, was the pinnacle of that crusade. Roberts honed his views on race and voting as a clerk for Justice William Rehnquist, a man who as a court clerk himself had written a memo endorsing Plessy v. Ferguson, the "separate but equal" doctrine upholding segregated schools. On the high court, Rehnquist helped redefine opposition to civil rights laws as a commitment to color blindness, and he used this theory to undermine the 1965 Voting Rights Act."
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
REVEALED: Shady pro-Trump PAC targeting blacks and ‘suburban moms’ with ‘voter suppression’ campaign
REVEALED: Shady pro-Trump PAC targeting blacks and ‘suburban moms’ with ‘voter suppression’ campaign
"A consultant for a Donald Trump super PAC admits in newly revealed video footage that brazenly deceptive ads targeting black voters are part of a “voter suppression” campaign. Jesse Benton, who described himself as a consultant to the Great America PAC, spoke to undercover reporters from The Telegraph, where he revealed the scheme — along with the political group’s willingness to accept Chinese funding to help elect Trump. Foreign nationals are prohibited by law from donating to U.S. federal elections."
"A consultant for a Donald Trump super PAC admits in newly revealed video footage that brazenly deceptive ads targeting black voters are part of a “voter suppression” campaign. Jesse Benton, who described himself as a consultant to the Great America PAC, spoke to undercover reporters from The Telegraph, where he revealed the scheme — along with the political group’s willingness to accept Chinese funding to help elect Trump. Foreign nationals are prohibited by law from donating to U.S. federal elections."
A people's history of Donald Trump's business busts and countless victims
"He preens about successes he obtained only by destroying the wealth, careers and reputations of other people. He takes credit for the victories of others and denies any blame for his many failures. In his impulsive pursuit of self-aggrandizement, his victims are legion.And now he vows to do to America what he did to them."
"He preens about successes he obtained only by destroying the wealth, careers and reputations of other people. He takes credit for the victories of others and denies any blame for his many failures. In his impulsive pursuit of self-aggrandizement, his victims are legion.And now he vows to do to America what he did to them."
Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories are making his supporters paranoid—and dangerous
"Scholars of authoritarian states have seen this pattern before. Paranoia is not only a trademark of an authoritarian leader, it is a method of movement building—one that is playing out at Trump rallies across the nation."
"Scholars of authoritarian states have seen this pattern before. Paranoia is not only a trademark of an authoritarian leader, it is a method of movement building—one that is playing out at Trump rallies across the nation."
Here is why John McCain has hit a new low with his destructive politics
Here is why John McCain has hit a new low with his destructive politics
"So John McCain, in his 28th year in the Senate, is promising an even more extreme version of the nihilistic politics practiced by congressional Republicans since Barack Obama took the oath of office."
"So John McCain, in his 28th year in the Senate, is promising an even more extreme version of the nihilistic politics practiced by congressional Republicans since Barack Obama took the oath of office."
Samantha Bee Hilariously Dismantles 'D**k-Waving Little B**ch' Donald Trump (Video)
Samantha Bee Hilariously Dismantles 'D**k-Waving Little B**ch' Donald Trump (Video)
"She was hilarious, passionate and absolutely blasted Donald Trump and the entire GOP for subjecting the country to this level of shame and embarrassment."
"She was hilarious, passionate and absolutely blasted Donald Trump and the entire GOP for subjecting the country to this level of shame and embarrassment."
Donald Trump's Surreal Alternate Reality @alternet
Donald Trump's Surreal Alternate Reality @alternet:
"Trump's failure to appreciate his actual reality is part of what would make him such a dangerous president"
"Trump's failure to appreciate his actual reality is part of what would make him such a dangerous president"
From Richard Nixon to Donald Trump: How right-wing myths about Tricky Dick fueled today’s nightmare
From Richard Nixon to Donald Trump: How right-wing myths about Tricky Dick fueled today’s nightmare
"The entire conservative media universe exists, in large part, to shield its heroes from unpleasant facts."
"The entire conservative media universe exists, in large part, to shield its heroes from unpleasant facts."
Trump Trolls Now Shouting Nazi Slurs At Reporters, Targeting On Twitter
Trump Trolls Now Shouting Nazi Slurs At Reporters, Targeting On Twitter
"Buzzfeed's Rosie Gray tweeted this video over the weekend of supporters shouting the term Lügenpresse! at her."
"Buzzfeed's Rosie Gray tweeted this video over the weekend of supporters shouting the term Lügenpresse! at her."
Seth Meyers rips four-hour voting lines: ‘That’s longer than Trump prepared for any of the debates’
Seth Meyers rips four-hour voting lines: ‘That’s longer than Trump prepared for any of the debates’
"The result has been long lines, particularly in African-American communities and near college campuses."
"The result has been long lines, particularly in African-American communities and near college campuses."
Hey Everybody, Let's Watch Alex Jones Lose His Marbles!
Hey Everybody, Let's Watch Alex Jones Lose His Marbles!
"Yeah this is the Alex Jones act, where he takes the old Glenn Beck "I fear for my country" rodeo clown act from 2009 and puts it on steroids / cocaine."
"Yeah this is the Alex Jones act, where he takes the old Glenn Beck "I fear for my country" rodeo clown act from 2009 and puts it on steroids / cocaine."
‘Tough year for sexist, old, throwback men’: Internet drags Newt Gingrich over Megyn Kelly meltdown
‘Tough year for sexist, old, throwback men’: Internet drags Newt Gingrich over Megyn Kelly meltdown
"Gingrich lost it on air, shouting at Kelly, “I’m sick and tired of people like you using language that’s inflammatory that’s not true!” This has been the response from many Trump supporters on the right who also claim that calling out his misogyny is playing the “woman card"."
"Gingrich lost it on air, shouting at Kelly, “I’m sick and tired of people like you using language that’s inflammatory that’s not true!” This has been the response from many Trump supporters on the right who also claim that calling out his misogyny is playing the “woman card"."
Friday, October 21, 2016
Carl Bernstein fears Trump TV will serve as nexus of ‘a real neo-fascist movement and media empire’
Carl Bernstein fears Trump TV will serve as nexus of ‘a real neo-fascist movement and media empire’
"That could set up Trump to preside over a genuine neo-fascist movement in the United States, warned journalist Carl Bernstein."
"That could set up Trump to preside over a genuine neo-fascist movement in the United States, warned journalist Carl Bernstein."
‘Booed by a room full of priests’: Trump bombs at the #AlSmithDinner and the Internet goes nuts
‘Booed by a room full of priests’: Trump bombs at the #AlSmithDinner and the Internet goes nuts
"Donald Trump got outright booed at the Al Smith dinner Thursday night. Traditionally, the dinner brings both major parties and candidates together for self-deprecating humor and general silliness."
"Donald Trump got outright booed at the Al Smith dinner Thursday night. Traditionally, the dinner brings both major parties and candidates together for self-deprecating humor and general silliness."
Trump adviser likens new rule protecting retirees to discrimination against slaves
"Until recently, financial advisers who helped clients decide where to invest their retirement money were legally able to steer them toward products that made themselves money at their clients’ expense. That should soon change, thanks to a new rule from the Department of Labor finalized in April that will require these brokers to adhere to a fiduciary standard and to always put clients’ interests ahead of their own. But an economic adviser to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is already promising to roll that rule back."
"Until recently, financial advisers who helped clients decide where to invest their retirement money were legally able to steer them toward products that made themselves money at their clients’ expense. That should soon change, thanks to a new rule from the Department of Labor finalized in April that will require these brokers to adhere to a fiduciary standard and to always put clients’ interests ahead of their own. But an economic adviser to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is already promising to roll that rule back."
GOP senators aren’t happy that John McCain was probably caught telling the truth
"If America wants to have a Supreme Court in five years, in other words, it better elect the same party to the White House and the Senate."
"If America wants to have a Supreme Court in five years, in other words, it better elect the same party to the White House and the Senate."
Trump taking Hillary's bait about the Emmy Award was priceless
"The funny thing is: he probably does deserve an Emmy for his outrageous portrayal of someone supposedly running for president."
"The funny thing is: he probably does deserve an Emmy for his outrageous portrayal of someone supposedly running for president."
Patrick Murphy sweeps, earns endorsements of Florida's four major papers
"Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy has rounded up the endorsements of the four big newspapers in Florida in his run to unseat Sen. Marco Rubio, but it's also true that little Marco has lost those endorsements. Really lost them. Consider the Miami Herald, which points out that as Rubio's hometown paper, they were bullish on his career but have decided "Rubio has been a disappointment"."
"Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy has rounded up the endorsements of the four big newspapers in Florida in his run to unseat Sen. Marco Rubio, but it's also true that little Marco has lost those endorsements. Really lost them. Consider the Miami Herald, which points out that as Rubio's hometown paper, they were bullish on his career but have decided "Rubio has been a disappointment"."
Sandy Hook dad lashes out at Trump for legitimizing ‘delusional sociopath’ Alex Jones
Sandy Hook dad lashes out at Trump for legitimizing ‘delusional sociopath’ Alex Jones
"Donald Trump’s friend Alex Jones spends a lot of time promoting the Trump campaign for president when he’s not promoting conspiracy theories about the government."
"Donald Trump’s friend Alex Jones spends a lot of time promoting the Trump campaign for president when he’s not promoting conspiracy theories about the government."
John McCain Calls For Perpetual Supreme Court Obstruction Until A Republican Wins The White House
"After refusing to fulfill their duties and obstructing the sitting president’s Supreme Court nominee for nearly a year, it seems that Republicans are getting ready to say that Clinton won’t be allowed to fill the vacancy even if she does win in November."
"After refusing to fulfill their duties and obstructing the sitting president’s Supreme Court nominee for nearly a year, it seems that Republicans are getting ready to say that Clinton won’t be allowed to fill the vacancy even if she does win in November."
The Debate Question That Should Scare Us All to the Polls
"the next president will appoint at least one justice to the Supreme Court, and possibly more. Those appointments will determine the future of the Court for decades. Will the Court continue along the path of extreme conservatism that it has walked over the past two decades? Or will it change course and become more moderate, or even liberal? This election will decide exactly that."
"the next president will appoint at least one justice to the Supreme Court, and possibly more. Those appointments will determine the future of the Court for decades. Will the Court continue along the path of extreme conservatism that it has walked over the past two decades? Or will it change course and become more moderate, or even liberal? This election will decide exactly that."
‘Spoken like a true man-child’: The internet rips Trump for saying he’ll accept election ‘if I win’
‘Spoken like a true man-child’: The internet rips Trump for saying he’ll accept election ‘if I win’
"True to form, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has decided to pour gasoline onto a fire of his own creation."
"True to form, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has decided to pour gasoline onto a fire of his own creation."
Donald Trump's deflated, defeated, low-stamina body language after the debate says it all
"Donald Trump might be sending out 3 AM tweets claiming debate victory and citing bogus internet polls, but let’s take a moment to look back at the Republican nominee’s own body language in the immediate moments after the debate. While Hillary Clinton warmly greeted people in the audience, flashing a wide smile and confidently moving around the crowd in her stunning suffragette-white pantsuit, Donald Trump was sulking on the stage, appearing to have completely run out of stamina. His own body language is a dead giveaway that he knows he lost—and lost bigly."
"Donald Trump might be sending out 3 AM tweets claiming debate victory and citing bogus internet polls, but let’s take a moment to look back at the Republican nominee’s own body language in the immediate moments after the debate. While Hillary Clinton warmly greeted people in the audience, flashing a wide smile and confidently moving around the crowd in her stunning suffragette-white pantsuit, Donald Trump was sulking on the stage, appearing to have completely run out of stamina. His own body language is a dead giveaway that he knows he lost—and lost bigly."
Donald Trump's Abortion Policies Would Kill Women
"When Trump opened his mouth to respond, he released a flurry of ignorance so ugly it would have been shocking if it weren't coming from the planet's most ignorant excuse for a human being"
"When Trump opened his mouth to respond, he released a flurry of ignorance so ugly it would have been shocking if it weren't coming from the planet's most ignorant excuse for a human being"
Call Me a Nasty Woman, Thank You Very Much @alternet
Call Me a Nasty Woman, Thank You Very Much @alternet:
"The more Trump makes this election all about himself, the more women of America will choose to make it about themselves. And in that event, Trump clearly loses."
"The more Trump makes this election all about himself, the more women of America will choose to make it about themselves. And in that event, Trump clearly loses."
Debunking 10 of the Biggest Lies Donald Trump Says About Hillary Clinton
Debunking 10 of the Biggest Lies Donald Trump Says About Hillary Clinton
"what’s been so remarkable about this is that Trump’s the only candidate who seems completely impervious to being fact checked. He’ll lie, have someone present facts that disprove his lie, and just keep on insisting that his lie is still true while belittling anybody who says otherwise. What allows him to get away with this is the fact that he’s supported by people who really couldn’t care less about facts and only believe whatever drivel comes out of his mouth."
"what’s been so remarkable about this is that Trump’s the only candidate who seems completely impervious to being fact checked. He’ll lie, have someone present facts that disprove his lie, and just keep on insisting that his lie is still true while belittling anybody who says otherwise. What allows him to get away with this is the fact that he’s supported by people who really couldn’t care less about facts and only believe whatever drivel comes out of his mouth."
Trump dismissed Clinton as a ‘nasty woman’ — and now women will give him a nasty result at the polls
Trump dismissed Clinton as a ‘nasty woman’ — and now women will give him a nasty result at the polls
"With those four words, Donald Trump confirmed for every thinking woman in America that all of his talk that “nobody respects women more than I do,” is as worthless as the bankrupt companies that litter his past."
"With those four words, Donald Trump confirmed for every thinking woman in America that all of his talk that “nobody respects women more than I do,” is as worthless as the bankrupt companies that litter his past."
Steve Schmidt: Trump Like An Old Man In The Park Feeding Squirrels Arguing With Himself
Steve Schmidt: Trump Like An Old Man In The Park Feeding Squirrels Arguing With Himself
"Republican strategist and pundit Steve Schmidt's reaction just after the debate last night was one of stunned and subdued shock"
"Republican strategist and pundit Steve Schmidt's reaction just after the debate last night was one of stunned and subdued shock"
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Robert Reich explains why it is vitally important that Democrats take back the Senate
Robert Reich explains why it is vitally important that Democrats take back the Senate
"Win five of these races and we’d have a chance for a Supreme Court that would prioritize the rights and needs of average Americans rather than big corporations and overturn Citizens United!"
"Win five of these races and we’d have a chance for a Supreme Court that would prioritize the rights and needs of average Americans rather than big corporations and overturn Citizens United!"
Here Are All of the Trump Products Made Overseas @alternet
Here Are All of the Trump Products Made Overseas @alternet:
"Like everything else about his campaign, Trump's trade talk is a pure scam."
"Like everything else about his campaign, Trump's trade talk is a pure scam."
Watch Colbert on Trump: “He’s going to keep us in suspense on whether he’ll wipe his fat ass with the Constitution”
Watch Colbert on Trump: “He’s going to keep us in suspense on whether he’ll wipe his fat ass with the Constitution”
"Late Show host Stephen Colbert was right on top of Tuesday’s Presidential Debate and laid into GOP nominee Donald Trump for refusing to state that he would gracefully concede should he lose November 8."
"Late Show host Stephen Colbert was right on top of Tuesday’s Presidential Debate and laid into GOP nominee Donald Trump for refusing to state that he would gracefully concede should he lose November 8."
Trump Crosses a Red Line in 3rd Debate, Refusing to Say Whether He Would Accept Election Results @alternet
Trump Crosses a Red Line in 3rd Debate, Refusing to Say Whether He Would Accept Election Results @alternet:
"While he is likely to have stopped some of that bleeding among core supporters and far right-wingers—by sticking by his pledges to build a wall along the Mexican border, by saying he would appoint anti-abortion federal judges, by saying he would cut taxes for the wealthy and businesses—there was little in Trump’s performance that would attract new or undecided voters that Americans have not seen before."
"While he is likely to have stopped some of that bleeding among core supporters and far right-wingers—by sticking by his pledges to build a wall along the Mexican border, by saying he would appoint anti-abortion federal judges, by saying he would cut taxes for the wealthy and businesses—there was little in Trump’s performance that would attract new or undecided voters that Americans have not seen before."
Donald Trump's Alpha Male Insecurity: Getting His Butt Kicked by a Girl Is Just Too Much for Him @alternet
Donald Trump's Alpha Male Insecurity: Getting His Butt Kicked by a Girl Is Just Too Much for Him @alternet:
"This must gall Donald Trump so, so much. He has built his entire persona on being the biggest bully on the playground. Yet the worse the outlook for his campaign becomes, the smaller he looks, the more his bluster is revealed as cheap and empty, as shimmery a mirage as his purported net worth."
"This must gall Donald Trump so, so much. He has built his entire persona on being the biggest bully on the playground. Yet the worse the outlook for his campaign becomes, the smaller he looks, the more his bluster is revealed as cheap and empty, as shimmery a mirage as his purported net worth."
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
John McCain’s Grand Obstructionist Party: His comments reveal the GOP’s tired gameplan for a Hillary Clinton administration — obstruct at all costs
John McCain’s Grand Obstructionist Party: His comments reveal the GOP’s tired gameplan for a Hillary Clinton administration — obstruct at all costs
"McCain has been in the Senate for 30 years. He is more than aware of both the written and unwritten norms that allow the chamber to function. Or allowed it to function, back before Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008. He knows especially that there is long-standing precedent for the Senate to allow a president leeway in staffing his or her administration by confirming all but the most objectionable nominees to Cabinet posts or other high-ranking positions. He knows that there is precedent for confirming judges to various levels of the judiciary, even the Supreme Court, even (sometimes) when those judges are ideological extremists. Yet McCain still spent the last eight years gleefully participating in Republican efforts to block each and every legislative initiative or executive and judicial appointment by President Obama. He is now promising to do the same for the next president."
"McCain has been in the Senate for 30 years. He is more than aware of both the written and unwritten norms that allow the chamber to function. Or allowed it to function, back before Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008. He knows especially that there is long-standing precedent for the Senate to allow a president leeway in staffing his or her administration by confirming all but the most objectionable nominees to Cabinet posts or other high-ranking positions. He knows that there is precedent for confirming judges to various levels of the judiciary, even the Supreme Court, even (sometimes) when those judges are ideological extremists. Yet McCain still spent the last eight years gleefully participating in Republican efforts to block each and every legislative initiative or executive and judicial appointment by President Obama. He is now promising to do the same for the next president."
Republicans May Block Any Of Clinton’s Supreme Court Nominees, McCain Says
"The main pretext Republican senators have offered for leaving open the Supreme Court seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia is that the next president, not Barack Obama, should be the one to fill it. But now that his party’s nominee, Donald Trump, seems headed for a loss in November, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) appears to be changing his tune ― and may be signaling that more unprecedented obstruction is on the horizon if Hillary Clinton wins the White House. “I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up. I promise you,” McCain said Monday, according to CNN."
"The main pretext Republican senators have offered for leaving open the Supreme Court seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia is that the next president, not Barack Obama, should be the one to fill it. But now that his party’s nominee, Donald Trump, seems headed for a loss in November, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) appears to be changing his tune ― and may be signaling that more unprecedented obstruction is on the horizon if Hillary Clinton wins the White House. “I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up. I promise you,” McCain said Monday, according to CNN."
The Trump family loves Skittles analogies. So we used one to explain voter fraud to them.
"Voter fraud is exceedingly rare. Loyola Law School’s Justin Levitt did a deep dive into every credible allegation of voter fraud from 2000 to 2014. This includes general, primary, special, and municipal elections. He told Vox’s German Lopez that he only found 35 cases, even though 834 million ballots were cast in national general elections, and hundreds of millions more in primary, special, and municipal elections, among others. Since Trump’s son, Donald Jr., already provided a good metaphor for putting things into perspective — albeit incorrectly — we’re just going to borrow it. It’s like Donald Trump bought a massive bag of Skittles with 834 million pieces in it, and he’s complaining that it’s not a legitimate bag of Skittles because there are so many M&Ms mixed in. Except we only have evidence that there are 35 M&Ms in the Skittles bag. This is what we’re dealing with here"
"Voter fraud is exceedingly rare. Loyola Law School’s Justin Levitt did a deep dive into every credible allegation of voter fraud from 2000 to 2014. This includes general, primary, special, and municipal elections. He told Vox’s German Lopez that he only found 35 cases, even though 834 million ballots were cast in national general elections, and hundreds of millions more in primary, special, and municipal elections, among others. Since Trump’s son, Donald Jr., already provided a good metaphor for putting things into perspective — albeit incorrectly — we’re just going to borrow it. It’s like Donald Trump bought a massive bag of Skittles with 834 million pieces in it, and he’s complaining that it’s not a legitimate bag of Skittles because there are so many M&Ms mixed in. Except we only have evidence that there are 35 M&Ms in the Skittles bag. This is what we’re dealing with here"
Donald Trump’s trail of victims show he has always been less of a builder than a destroyer
Donald Trump’s trail of victims show he has always been less of a builder than a destroyer
"He preens about successes he obtained only by destroying the wealth, careers and reputations of other people. He takes credit for the victories of others and denies any blame for his many failures. In his impulsive pursuit of self-aggrandizement, his victims are legion. And now he vows to do to America what he did to them."
"He preens about successes he obtained only by destroying the wealth, careers and reputations of other people. He takes credit for the victories of others and denies any blame for his many failures. In his impulsive pursuit of self-aggrandizement, his victims are legion. And now he vows to do to America what he did to them."
The full, chilling story of Trump's connection with America's ugliest hate groups
"Trump did not become the object of white nationalist affection simply because his positions reflect their core concerns. Extremists made him their chosen candidate and now hail him as "Emperor Trump" because he has amplified their message on social media—and, perhaps most importantly, has gone to great lengths to avoid distancing himself from the racist right. With the exception of Duke, Trump has not disavowed a single endorsement from the dozens of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, and militia supporters who have backed him. The GOP nominee, along with his family members, staffers, and surrogates, has instead provided an unprecedented platform for the ideas and rhetoric of far-right extremists, extending their reach. And when challenged on it by the press, Trump has stalled, feigned ignorance, or deflected—but has never specifically rejected any of these other extremists or their ideas. This stance has thrilled and emboldened hate groups far more than has been generally understood during the 2016 race for the White House. Moreover, Trump's tacit welcoming of these hate groups into mainstream American politics will have long-lasting consequences, according to these groups' own leaders, regardless of the election outcome. "The success of the Trump campaign just proves that our views resonate with millions," Pendergraft told us. "They may not be ready for the Ku Klux Klan yet, but as anti-white hatred escalates, they will"."
"Trump did not become the object of white nationalist affection simply because his positions reflect their core concerns. Extremists made him their chosen candidate and now hail him as "Emperor Trump" because he has amplified their message on social media—and, perhaps most importantly, has gone to great lengths to avoid distancing himself from the racist right. With the exception of Duke, Trump has not disavowed a single endorsement from the dozens of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, and militia supporters who have backed him. The GOP nominee, along with his family members, staffers, and surrogates, has instead provided an unprecedented platform for the ideas and rhetoric of far-right extremists, extending their reach. And when challenged on it by the press, Trump has stalled, feigned ignorance, or deflected—but has never specifically rejected any of these other extremists or their ideas. This stance has thrilled and emboldened hate groups far more than has been generally understood during the 2016 race for the White House. Moreover, Trump's tacit welcoming of these hate groups into mainstream American politics will have long-lasting consequences, according to these groups' own leaders, regardless of the election outcome. "The success of the Trump campaign just proves that our views resonate with millions," Pendergraft told us. "They may not be ready for the Ku Klux Klan yet, but as anti-white hatred escalates, they will"."
‘You’re dead — watch your back’: AZ paper says threats prove Clinton endorsement was the right call
‘You’re dead — watch your back’: AZ paper says threats prove Clinton endorsement was the right call
"The Republic is Arizona’s largest newspaper and has never previously endorsed a Democrat for president. The editorial board joined other conservative newspapers that ultimately declined to fall in behind the Republican Party’s nominee."
"The Republic is Arizona’s largest newspaper and has never previously endorsed a Democrat for president. The editorial board joined other conservative newspapers that ultimately declined to fall in behind the Republican Party’s nominee."
These Nuclear Launch Officers Are Scared By The Idea Of A Trump Commander-In-Chief
"A group of former nuclear launch officers in the U.S. Air Force have signed an open letter saying they’re disturbed by the idea of Trump standing over what’s known as the “red button"."
"A group of former nuclear launch officers in the U.S. Air Force have signed an open letter saying they’re disturbed by the idea of Trump standing over what’s known as the “red button"."
Donald Trump is a big fat liar — and the unquestioned heir to 50 years of GOP whoppers
Donald Trump is a big fat liar — and the unquestioned heir to 50 years of GOP whoppers
"Lies don’t generally work over the long term. Sometimes they seem to, setting up a belief that the lie is a useful strategy. The “Southern strategy,” the Republican Party’s 50-year campaign of appealing to racial bias, provides a good example. While claiming their success based on the Southern strategy was due instead to their economic policies, conservatives created a belief within the party that the lie can be an effective and sustaining weapon of political battle."
"Lies don’t generally work over the long term. Sometimes they seem to, setting up a belief that the lie is a useful strategy. The “Southern strategy,” the Republican Party’s 50-year campaign of appealing to racial bias, provides a good example. While claiming their success based on the Southern strategy was due instead to their economic policies, conservatives created a belief within the party that the lie can be an effective and sustaining weapon of political battle."
John Oliver Shreds 'Unshackled Trump,' for Spouting the Insane Conspiracy Theories of a Cult Leader @alternet
John Oliver Shreds 'Unshackled Trump,' for Spouting the Insane Conspiracy Theories of a Cult Leader @alternet:
"Trump is saying things a man in a tin foil hat inside of a concrete bunker says."
"Trump is saying things a man in a tin foil hat inside of a concrete bunker says."
It’s time to tell the truth: Donald Trump isn’t running a presidential campaign, he’s leading a cult
It’s time to tell the truth: Donald Trump isn’t running a presidential campaign, he’s leading a cult
"We're watching a presidential candidate who's essentially a mix of alt-right conspiracy sites like Breitbart, Drudge and InfoWars. Donald Trump is a candidate who's going out and telling voters he and he alone can solve all their problems - which is basically the go-to line for every leader of any cult."
"We're watching a presidential candidate who's essentially a mix of alt-right conspiracy sites like Breitbart, Drudge and InfoWars. Donald Trump is a candidate who's going out and telling voters he and he alone can solve all their problems - which is basically the go-to line for every leader of any cult."
Journalist Group Declares Donald Trump A Threat To Press Freedom
Journalist Group Declares Donald Trump A Threat To Press Freedom
"As Donald Trump amps up his hostility toward the press by whipping rally crowds into a frenzy of resentment against reporters and major news outlets, journalists are growing increasingly concerned about their safety and advocates are warning of the consequences. The Committee to Protect Journalists says a Trump presidency would create an "unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and to CPJ's ability to advocate for press freedom around the world"."
"As Donald Trump amps up his hostility toward the press by whipping rally crowds into a frenzy of resentment against reporters and major news outlets, journalists are growing increasingly concerned about their safety and advocates are warning of the consequences. The Committee to Protect Journalists says a Trump presidency would create an "unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and to CPJ's ability to advocate for press freedom around the world"."
Sunday, October 16, 2016
I'm Not Sure Republicans Could Have Headed Off The Trumpocalypse
I'm Not Sure Republicans Could Have Headed Off The Trumpocalypse
"Couldn't the GOP have figured out that this guy is really bad news, and made more of an effort to prevent him from seizing the reins of the party?"
"Couldn't the GOP have figured out that this guy is really bad news, and made more of an effort to prevent him from seizing the reins of the party?"
Trump's tax plan would shovel cash to the rich while doubling the national debt
"Mr. Trump’s tax cuts would be the deepest ever, reducing revenue $6.2 trillion in the first decade and mostly benefiting corporations and the highest-income Americans, the center said. Some middle-income families, however, would receive a tax increase. With interest, the cost would be $7.2 trillion over 10 years, nearly doubling the growth in the federal debt that is otherwise projected."
"Mr. Trump’s tax cuts would be the deepest ever, reducing revenue $6.2 trillion in the first decade and mostly benefiting corporations and the highest-income Americans, the center said. Some middle-income families, however, would receive a tax increase. With interest, the cost would be $7.2 trillion over 10 years, nearly doubling the growth in the federal debt that is otherwise projected."
PATHETIC: Saturday Night Live Jokes Make Donald Trump Throw A HUGE Temper Tantrum
"It’s so easy to make thin-skinned Donald Trump lose his sh*t that it only took a couple minute sketch on SNL to do it."
"It’s so easy to make thin-skinned Donald Trump lose his sh*t that it only took a couple minute sketch on SNL to do it."
Donald Trump, Jr. says women who can't handle harassment 'should go maybe teach kindergarten'
"The apple doesn’t appear to fall far from sexist, chauvinistic, misogynistic, harassing tree."
"The apple doesn’t appear to fall far from sexist, chauvinistic, misogynistic, harassing tree."
Sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump: 12 women say he groped, kissed, or assaulted them
"Donald Trump wanted everyone to believe that he was just boasting when he talked in a leaked recording from 2005 about the way he treated women: “Just kiss, I don't even wait … Grab 'em by the p*ssy … When you're a star, they let you do anything.” But when Anderson Cooper pressed him on it during the second presidential debate, he said he’d never followed through: “Nobody has more respect for women than I do,” Trump said. And when Cooper asked, “Have you ever done those things?” Trump answered, “No, I have not.” Yet a growing number of women are coming forward to say he did."
"Donald Trump wanted everyone to believe that he was just boasting when he talked in a leaked recording from 2005 about the way he treated women: “Just kiss, I don't even wait … Grab 'em by the p*ssy … When you're a star, they let you do anything.” But when Anderson Cooper pressed him on it during the second presidential debate, he said he’d never followed through: “Nobody has more respect for women than I do,” Trump said. And when Cooper asked, “Have you ever done those things?” Trump answered, “No, I have not.” Yet a growing number of women are coming forward to say he did."
Watch: SNL Perfectly Captures How Trump Blew the Debate @alternet
Watch: SNL Perfectly Captures How Trump Blew the Debate @alternet:
"While the cold open of "Saturday Night Live" was hilarious this week, its scenarios didn't land too far away from a condensed version of the real second "and worst-ever presidential debate" it parodied."
"While the cold open of "Saturday Night Live" was hilarious this week, its scenarios didn't land too far away from a condensed version of the real second "and worst-ever presidential debate" it parodied."
Donald Trump is a big fat liar — and the unquestioned heir to 50 years of GOP whoppers
Donald Trump is a big fat liar — and the unquestioned heir to 50 years of GOP whoppers
"Lies don’t generally work over the long term. Sometimes they seem to, setting up a belief that the lie is a useful strategy. The “Southern strategy,” the Republican Party’s 50-year campaign of appealing to racial bias, provides a good example. While claiming their success based on the Southern strategy was due instead to their economic policies, conservatives created a belief within the party that the lie can be an effective and sustaining weapon of political battle."
"Lies don’t generally work over the long term. Sometimes they seem to, setting up a belief that the lie is a useful strategy. The “Southern strategy,” the Republican Party’s 50-year campaign of appealing to racial bias, provides a good example. While claiming their success based on the Southern strategy was due instead to their economic policies, conservatives created a belief within the party that the lie can be an effective and sustaining weapon of political battle."
A Readers' Guide To Trump's Five Favorite Sexual Myths
A Readers' Guide To Trump's Five Favorite Sexual Myths
"Donald Trump not only lies vociferously, but he also relies on America's great myths, a vast storehouse of inaccuracies; longstanding, disproven tales; power-protecting falsehoods that are cultural staples about women and sexual contact--what economist Paul Krugman calls the "zombie ideas," dead ideas that won't die. But Trump's lies are not tall tales or entertaining fantasies; they are designed to land in the dead zones of American belief. Like fish kills and algae blooms, their existence is evidence of waste and irreparable damage; of greed, ego, and entitlement gone awry. Trump's myths are mainly put forward by surrogates."
"Donald Trump not only lies vociferously, but he also relies on America's great myths, a vast storehouse of inaccuracies; longstanding, disproven tales; power-protecting falsehoods that are cultural staples about women and sexual contact--what economist Paul Krugman calls the "zombie ideas," dead ideas that won't die. But Trump's lies are not tall tales or entertaining fantasies; they are designed to land in the dead zones of American belief. Like fish kills and algae blooms, their existence is evidence of waste and irreparable damage; of greed, ego, and entitlement gone awry. Trump's myths are mainly put forward by surrogates."
Journalist Group Declares Donald Trump A Threat To Press Freedom
Journalist Group Declares Donald Trump A Threat To Press Freedom
"As Donald Trump amps up his hostility toward the press by whipping rally crowds into a frenzy of resentment against reporters and major news outlets, journalists are growing increasingly concerned about their safety and advocates are warning of the consequences. The Committee to Protect Journalists says a Trump presidency would create an "unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and to CPJ's ability to advocate for press freedom around the world"."
"As Donald Trump amps up his hostility toward the press by whipping rally crowds into a frenzy of resentment against reporters and major news outlets, journalists are growing increasingly concerned about their safety and advocates are warning of the consequences. The Committee to Protect Journalists says a Trump presidency would create an "unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and to CPJ's ability to advocate for press freedom around the world"."
CNN's Corey Lewandowski Tries To Hide His Face While Sneaking Off Trump's Plane
CNN's Corey Lewandowski Tries To Hide His Face While Sneaking Off Trump's Plane
"CNN's Corey Lewandowski was caught trying to hide his face from the media when he was spotted leaving Trump's campaign plane this weekend"
"CNN's Corey Lewandowski was caught trying to hide his face from the media when he was spotted leaving Trump's campaign plane this weekend"
Tom Hanks may have come up with the perfect description for Donald Trump
Tom Hanks may have come up with the perfect description for Donald Trump
Movie star Tom Hanks took a shot at US presidential candidate Donald Trump Thursday, branding him “a simplistic, self-involved gasbag of a candidate”."
Movie star Tom Hanks took a shot at US presidential candidate Donald Trump Thursday, branding him “a simplistic, self-involved gasbag of a candidate”."
The cast of ‘Orange is the New Black’ has an important message for the Donald: ‘F*CK YOU TRUMP’
The cast of ‘Orange is the New Black’ has an important message for the Donald: ‘F*CK YOU TRUMP’
"Many are speaking out against the GOP nominee, who says his fame allows him to grab women by the “p*ssy"."
"Many are speaking out against the GOP nominee, who says his fame allows him to grab women by the “p*ssy"."
Solidarity Against Trump: United Steelworkers Sound off on the GOP Candidate @alternet
Solidarity Against Trump: United Steelworkers Sound off on the GOP Candidate @alternet:
"Trump manufactures virtually all his signature products, from suits to shirts, sweaters, belts, ties, tie pins, tie clips, and dozens of others, overseas. Not by American workers in America. Trump could have created American jobs. But he chose not to."
"Trump manufactures virtually all his signature products, from suits to shirts, sweaters, belts, ties, tie pins, tie clips, and dozens of others, overseas. Not by American workers in America. Trump could have created American jobs. But he chose not to."
Saturday, October 15, 2016
President Obama Just Showed Us How to Fix the Republican Party
"The president ran down all the symptoms of the prion disease that has been afflicting the Republican Party—and the conservative movement that is its life force—ever since the party ate all the monkeybrains in 1980. The candidates. The advisers. The talk-radio goons and the direct-mail charlatans. The slogans that pass for policies and the policies that make no sense to anyone who actually lives an actual life in the actual United States of America in the actual year of 2016. And the idiots in The Base who swallow it all whole until they can't express their economic insecurity in any other way except with a TRUMP THAT B*TCH T-shirt. The president presented an obvious and undeniable diagnosis. He framed El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago as not an aberration of the conservative mind, but as its inevitable culmination."
"The president ran down all the symptoms of the prion disease that has been afflicting the Republican Party—and the conservative movement that is its life force—ever since the party ate all the monkeybrains in 1980. The candidates. The advisers. The talk-radio goons and the direct-mail charlatans. The slogans that pass for policies and the policies that make no sense to anyone who actually lives an actual life in the actual United States of America in the actual year of 2016. And the idiots in The Base who swallow it all whole until they can't express their economic insecurity in any other way except with a TRUMP THAT B*TCH T-shirt. The president presented an obvious and undeniable diagnosis. He framed El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago as not an aberration of the conservative mind, but as its inevitable culmination."
Paul Ryan warns of doomsday scenario: Bernie Sanders as Budget Committee chair
"Paul Ryan's doomsday scenario if GOP loses the Senate: "A guy named Bernie Sanders" becomes Budget committee chair"
"Paul Ryan's doomsday scenario if GOP loses the Senate: "A guy named Bernie Sanders" becomes Budget committee chair"
The full, chilling story of Trump's connection with America's ugliest hate groups
"Trump did not become the object of white nationalist affection simply because his positions reflect their core concerns. Extremists made him their chosen candidate and now hail him as "Emperor Trump" because he has amplified their message on social media—and, perhaps most importantly, has gone to great lengths to avoid distancing himself from the racist right. With the exception of Duke, Trump has not disavowed a single endorsement from the dozens of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, and militia supporters who have backed him. The GOP nominee, along with his family members, staffers, and surrogates, has instead provided an unprecedented platform for the ideas and rhetoric of far-right extremists, extending their reach. And when challenged on it by the press, Trump has stalled, feigned ignorance, or deflected—but has never specifically rejected any of these other extremists or their ideas. This stance has thrilled and emboldened hate groups far more than has been generally understood during the 2016 race for the White House. Moreover, Trump's tacit welcoming of these hate groups into mainstream American politics will have long-lasting consequences, according to these groups' own leaders, regardless of the election outcome. "The success of the Trump campaign just proves that our views resonate with millions," Pendergraft told us. "They may not be ready for the Ku Klux Klan yet, but as anti-white hatred escalates, they will"."
"Trump did not become the object of white nationalist affection simply because his positions reflect their core concerns. Extremists made him their chosen candidate and now hail him as "Emperor Trump" because he has amplified their message on social media—and, perhaps most importantly, has gone to great lengths to avoid distancing himself from the racist right. With the exception of Duke, Trump has not disavowed a single endorsement from the dozens of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, and militia supporters who have backed him. The GOP nominee, along with his family members, staffers, and surrogates, has instead provided an unprecedented platform for the ideas and rhetoric of far-right extremists, extending their reach. And when challenged on it by the press, Trump has stalled, feigned ignorance, or deflected—but has never specifically rejected any of these other extremists or their ideas. This stance has thrilled and emboldened hate groups far more than has been generally understood during the 2016 race for the White House. Moreover, Trump's tacit welcoming of these hate groups into mainstream American politics will have long-lasting consequences, according to these groups' own leaders, regardless of the election outcome. "The success of the Trump campaign just proves that our views resonate with millions," Pendergraft told us. "They may not be ready for the Ku Klux Klan yet, but as anti-white hatred escalates, they will"."
Committee To Protect Journalists Declares Trump “Unprecedented Threat” To Free Press
"The Committee to Protect Journalists issued an “unprecedented” statement declaring Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump “a threat to press freedom unknown in modern history"."
"The Committee to Protect Journalists issued an “unprecedented” statement declaring Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump “a threat to press freedom unknown in modern history"."
Michelle Obama goes high while attacking Donald Trump’s “locker room talk”: “This isn’t about politics. It is about basic human decency”
Michelle Obama goes high while attacking Donald Trump’s “locker room talk”: “This isn’t about politics. It is about basic human decency”
"The first lady gave an impassioned speech for women everywhere in the wake of Trump's allegations"
"The first lady gave an impassioned speech for women everywhere in the wake of Trump's allegations"
A Trump presidency is a clean energy nightmare
"Shockingly, Trump has put a climate science denier in charge of his EPA transition. And he is reportedly considering oil executives to run both the Departments of Energy and Interior."
"Shockingly, Trump has put a climate science denier in charge of his EPA transition. And he is reportedly considering oil executives to run both the Departments of Energy and Interior."
The Year of the Woman: How Women Will Take Down Donald Trump
"The barbarity of Trump's performance was gross – almost everyone I spoke to afterwards said they wanted to take a shower – but it was also authentic. This, actually, is the real Donald Trump – it's who he is. Misogyny, combined with a patronizing paternalism, define core aspects of Trump's character. Women have known this, and have been saying it, for a very long time."
"The barbarity of Trump's performance was gross – almost everyone I spoke to afterwards said they wanted to take a shower – but it was also authentic. This, actually, is the real Donald Trump – it's who he is. Misogyny, combined with a patronizing paternalism, define core aspects of Trump's character. Women have known this, and have been saying it, for a very long time."
Publications Broke With Tradition To Endorse Clinton Because Trump Is “Unfit” And “Dangerous”
"Weeks after a string of newspapers, including the The Arizona Republic, The Cincinnati Enquirer, and The Dallas Morning News, made historic endorsements of Clinton -- marking the first time some ever went with a Democrat -- several more publications released surprising recommendations urging readers to support Clinton. Those include The San Diego Union-Tribune, which endorsed Clinton on October 1 -- the first time in its 148-year history it has supported a Democrat -- while The Columbus Dispatch and Foreign Policy magazine joined the effort this past weekend."
"Weeks after a string of newspapers, including the The Arizona Republic, The Cincinnati Enquirer, and The Dallas Morning News, made historic endorsements of Clinton -- marking the first time some ever went with a Democrat -- several more publications released surprising recommendations urging readers to support Clinton. Those include The San Diego Union-Tribune, which endorsed Clinton on October 1 -- the first time in its 148-year history it has supported a Democrat -- while The Columbus Dispatch and Foreign Policy magazine joined the effort this past weekend."
It’s time to acknowledge reality: Donald Trump talks like an anti-Semite
"It’s no secret that Trump has long drawn the support of many from the American far right, including its fetid racist and anti-Semitic constituencies. The Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi website, endorsed him less than two weeks after he launched his candidacy. In a prescient article in August 2015, the New Yorker’s Evan Osnos detailed Trump’s support among white nationalists, who were drawn to his derisive comments about Mexicans and his threats to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Some of those supporters have lashed out at journalists writing critically about Trump with explicitly anti-Semitic language and imagery, something Trump and his family have been slow to condemn. When journalist Julia Ioffe profiled Melania Trump, she was hit with a barrage of hate that included an anonymous caller playing a Hitler speech while others took to Twitter to post doctored photos with her face superimposed onto a picture of a prisoner at Auschwitz. The Daily Stormer called her a “filthy Russian k*ke.” The language was vile and frightening. Melania Trump’s response? Ioffe, she said, had “provoked” it. Melania Trump’s wink-nod response to openly anti-Semitic remarks has been the rule, not the exception. When Duke publicly endorsed Trump in February, the mogul’s initial response was to falsely claim that he didn’t know who Duke was. That was a lie; Trump had denounced Duke as far back as 1991 and in 2000 described him as “a bigot, a racist, a problem.” It took Trump weeks to grudgingly disavow Duke’s support and condemn white supremacy more broadly. That hasn’t stopped Trump and his family from continuing to use language and imagery that carry anti-Semitic undertones or from retweeting comments from supporters with Twitter handles like @WhiteGenocideTM."
"It’s no secret that Trump has long drawn the support of many from the American far right, including its fetid racist and anti-Semitic constituencies. The Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi website, endorsed him less than two weeks after he launched his candidacy. In a prescient article in August 2015, the New Yorker’s Evan Osnos detailed Trump’s support among white nationalists, who were drawn to his derisive comments about Mexicans and his threats to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Some of those supporters have lashed out at journalists writing critically about Trump with explicitly anti-Semitic language and imagery, something Trump and his family have been slow to condemn. When journalist Julia Ioffe profiled Melania Trump, she was hit with a barrage of hate that included an anonymous caller playing a Hitler speech while others took to Twitter to post doctored photos with her face superimposed onto a picture of a prisoner at Auschwitz. The Daily Stormer called her a “filthy Russian k*ke.” The language was vile and frightening. Melania Trump’s response? Ioffe, she said, had “provoked” it. Melania Trump’s wink-nod response to openly anti-Semitic remarks has been the rule, not the exception. When Duke publicly endorsed Trump in February, the mogul’s initial response was to falsely claim that he didn’t know who Duke was. That was a lie; Trump had denounced Duke as far back as 1991 and in 2000 described him as “a bigot, a racist, a problem.” It took Trump weeks to grudgingly disavow Duke’s support and condemn white supremacy more broadly. That hasn’t stopped Trump and his family from continuing to use language and imagery that carry anti-Semitic undertones or from retweeting comments from supporters with Twitter handles like @WhiteGenocideTM."
Right-Wing Alternate Reality Collapses As Obama Approval Rating Hits 56% In Fox Poll
"The new numbers directly contradict constant Republican assertions that Obama has destroyed the country and turned the U.S. into a hellscape. Americans actually think the current president has done a pretty good job."
"The new numbers directly contradict constant Republican assertions that Obama has destroyed the country and turned the U.S. into a hellscape. Americans actually think the current president has done a pretty good job."
The Miami Herald Endorses Hillary Clinton: America "Needs a Steady Hand in Perilous Times"
"Their endorsement is very detailed and talks about Hillary’s accomplishments and slams Donald Trump"
"Their endorsement is very detailed and talks about Hillary’s accomplishments and slams Donald Trump"
Donald Trump has gone nuts: In speech meant to defend sex assault allegations, he goes full Breitbart
Donald Trump has gone nuts: In speech meant to defend sex assault allegations, he goes full Breitbart
"We’ve seen a pattern thus far from Republican presidential nominee Trump in which he reacts to bad campaign news by sounding increasingly authoritarian and conspiratorial"
"We’ve seen a pattern thus far from Republican presidential nominee Trump in which he reacts to bad campaign news by sounding increasingly authoritarian and conspiratorial"
There Are Now Armed Men Trying to Intimidate Campaign Volunteers
"This clown is in a strip mall, outside an office in which people are doing nothing more deadly than stuffing envelopes, but he's the one who's being persecuted, so he needs to keep his shootin' 'arn close at hand in the event that a lady with blue hair comes at him with a stamped envelope."
"This clown is in a strip mall, outside an office in which people are doing nothing more deadly than stuffing envelopes, but he's the one who's being persecuted, so he needs to keep his shootin' 'arn close at hand in the event that a lady with blue hair comes at him with a stamped envelope."
Atlantic’s Endorsement SLAMS Trump, Indicts Him As One Of The Most Dangerous Candidates Ever
"They said, in part: Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read. This judgment is not limited to the editors of The Atlantic. A large number—in fact, a number unparalleled since Goldwater’s 1964 campaign—of prominent policy makers and officeholders from the candidate’s own party have publicly renounced him. Trump disqualified himself from public service long before he declared his presidential candidacy. In one of the more sordid episodes in modern American politics, Trump made himself the face of the so-called birther movement, which had as its immediate goal the demonization of the country’s first African American president. Trump’s larger goal, it seemed, was to stoke fear among white Americans of dark-skinned foreigners. He succeeded wildly in this; the fear he has aroused has brought him one step away from the presidency."
"They said, in part: Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read. This judgment is not limited to the editors of The Atlantic. A large number—in fact, a number unparalleled since Goldwater’s 1964 campaign—of prominent policy makers and officeholders from the candidate’s own party have publicly renounced him. Trump disqualified himself from public service long before he declared his presidential candidacy. In one of the more sordid episodes in modern American politics, Trump made himself the face of the so-called birther movement, which had as its immediate goal the demonization of the country’s first African American president. Trump’s larger goal, it seemed, was to stoke fear among white Americans of dark-skinned foreigners. He succeeded wildly in this; the fear he has aroused has brought him one step away from the presidency."
Donald Trump Can’t Figure Out Why AFL-CIO Members Aren’t Showing Up at His Rallies
"This year’s GOP platform: Dismisses the federal minimum wage, declaring that decisions about base hourly wages “should be handled at the state and local level” — where Republican governors and legislators openly question the value of the minimum wage itself. Endorses anti-union “right-to-work” laws enacted by Republican governors such as Wisconsin’s Walker and calls for taking the anti-union crusade national with a proposal “for a national law” along “right-to-work” lines. Attacks the use of the Fair Labor Standard Act to protect workers. Rips the use of Project Labor Agreements to raise wages and improve working conditions. Proposes to gut the 85-year-old Davis-Bacon Act, which guarantees “prevailing wage” pay for workers on federal projects."
"This year’s GOP platform: Dismisses the federal minimum wage, declaring that decisions about base hourly wages “should be handled at the state and local level” — where Republican governors and legislators openly question the value of the minimum wage itself. Endorses anti-union “right-to-work” laws enacted by Republican governors such as Wisconsin’s Walker and calls for taking the anti-union crusade national with a proposal “for a national law” along “right-to-work” lines. Attacks the use of the Fair Labor Standard Act to protect workers. Rips the use of Project Labor Agreements to raise wages and improve working conditions. Proposes to gut the 85-year-old Davis-Bacon Act, which guarantees “prevailing wage” pay for workers on federal projects."
For the First Time in a Century the Columbus Dispatch Endorses a Democrat
"Hillary Clinton is qualified, they write , and Donald Trump is unfit."
"Hillary Clinton is qualified, they write , and Donald Trump is unfit."
Friday, October 14, 2016
Actress Marlee Matlin obliterates Donald Trump for calling deaf people like her ‘retarded’
Actress Marlee Matlin obliterates Donald Trump for calling deaf people like her ‘retarded’
"She continued, “I am Deaf. There are millions of Deaf and hard of hearing people like me, in the United States and around the world who face discrimination and misunderstanding like this on a daily basis. It is unacceptable.” “So what’s my response?” she concluded. “It’s not about insults or taking each other down. As a person who is Deaf, as a woman, as a mom, as a wife, as an actor, I have a voice. And I’m using that voice to make myself heard…and vote"."
"She continued, “I am Deaf. There are millions of Deaf and hard of hearing people like me, in the United States and around the world who face discrimination and misunderstanding like this on a daily basis. It is unacceptable.” “So what’s my response?” she concluded. “It’s not about insults or taking each other down. As a person who is Deaf, as a woman, as a mom, as a wife, as an actor, I have a voice. And I’m using that voice to make myself heard…and vote"."
Armed Donald Trump supporters caught menacing Democratic campaign office
Armed Donald Trump supporters caught menacing Democratic campaign office
"Donald Trump supporters have talked about violence if the Republican candidate loses to Hillary Clinton next month. And now, some of them are starting to put their money where their mouths are. A pro-Donald Trump protester has attracted attention for standing alone outside a Virginia Democratic campaign office with his gun. On Thursday, Daniel Parks stood outside a Palmyra campaign office for congressional candidate Jane Dittmar. Witnesses described him as staring directly into the office all day and turning sideways to expose his gun he was legally carrying. He was eventually joined by another protester, who was also armed. The story is part of a larger trend of implied violence being used by Trump supporters."
"Donald Trump supporters have talked about violence if the Republican candidate loses to Hillary Clinton next month. And now, some of them are starting to put their money where their mouths are. A pro-Donald Trump protester has attracted attention for standing alone outside a Virginia Democratic campaign office with his gun. On Thursday, Daniel Parks stood outside a Palmyra campaign office for congressional candidate Jane Dittmar. Witnesses described him as staring directly into the office all day and turning sideways to expose his gun he was legally carrying. He was eventually joined by another protester, who was also armed. The story is part of a larger trend of implied violence being used by Trump supporters."
Here are 7 times Donald Trump’s sons were just as vile and deplorable as him
Here are 7 times Donald Trump’s sons were just as vile and deplorable as him
"The Trump family is drowning in racism and misogyny."
"The Trump family is drowning in racism and misogyny."
Frankenstein’s monster: Donald Trump was a rampaging paranoid demagogue yesterday — just ask the people who enabled him
Frankenstein’s monster: Donald Trump was a rampaging paranoid demagogue yesterday — just ask the people who enabled him
"Trump’s speech is the paranoid style that has been common to movement conservatism since the 1950s, amplified by the rumor mongering and conspiracy theories that are presented as truth throughout the right-wing news media entertainment echo chamber."
"Trump’s speech is the paranoid style that has been common to movement conservatism since the 1950s, amplified by the rumor mongering and conspiracy theories that are presented as truth throughout the right-wing news media entertainment echo chamber."
Trump Completely Snaps, Embracing Unhinged Conspiracies in Incoherent Rant
Trump Completely Snaps, Embracing Unhinged Conspiracies in Incoherent Rant
"For further proof of this, look no further than a speech he gave on Thursday where he went on an unhinged, incoherent rant that could have been written by any “new world order/global conspiracy theorist” we all used to mock and make fun of — but have now taken over a good portion of the Republican party."
"For further proof of this, look no further than a speech he gave on Thursday where he went on an unhinged, incoherent rant that could have been written by any “new world order/global conspiracy theorist” we all used to mock and make fun of — but have now taken over a good portion of the Republican party."
Donald Trump Jr. says women who “can’t handle” sexual harassment “don’t belong in the workforce”: “Go teach kindergarten”
Donald Trump Jr. says women who “can’t handle” sexual harassment “don’t belong in the workforce”: “Go teach kindergarten”
"Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the Republican presidential nominee, in a 2013 radio interview dismissed sexual harassment as a byproduct of the modern workplace, according to BuzzFeed News. “I’m of that mindset . . . if you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce,” Trump Jr., a self-described “guy’s guy,” said on “The Opie and Anthony Show” when asked if women ought to be allowed in all-male golf clubs. “Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position"."
"Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the Republican presidential nominee, in a 2013 radio interview dismissed sexual harassment as a byproduct of the modern workplace, according to BuzzFeed News. “I’m of that mindset . . . if you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce,” Trump Jr., a self-described “guy’s guy,” said on “The Opie and Anthony Show” when asked if women ought to be allowed in all-male golf clubs. “Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position"."
Revealed: Donald Trump called deaf ‘Apprentice’ Marlee Matlin ‘retarded’
Revealed: Donald Trump called deaf ‘Apprentice’ Marlee Matlin ‘retarded’
"three longtime staffers who worked on the season in which Matlin appeared said that Trump regularly disrespected her and treated her as if she was mentally disabled. This would not be the last time Trump attacked someone with a disability. Early on in the campaign, Trump mocked New York Times reporter Serge F. Kovaleski, who suffers from arthrogryposis — which limits the functioning of his joints. At the time, Ann Coulter dismissed Trump’s behavior, saying that he was just being a “standard retard.” According to the Daily Beast’s report, the insults Trump hurled at Matlin occurred both behind her back and right in front of her. But because of a non-disclosure agreement, no one could speak of the comments without facing legal retaliation. “[Trump] would often equate that she was mentally retarded,” one source explained, noting that both Matlin and her interpreter Jack Jason were kind people. During taping, Trump would reportedly write notes sitting at the table in the set’s “boardroom.” Staff who cleaned up after taping noticed that one such scribble read, “Marlee, is she retarded??” Like with “Access Hollywood,” Trump continued wearing his microphone and would talk with others — including Donald Trump Jr. “[Trump] would make fun of her voice. It actually sounded a lot like what he did [to] the New York Times guy,” another person who worked on The Apprentice said, referencing the reporter Trump mocked. Another staffer noted that Trump’s characterization of Matlin’s deafness as a mental deficiency was a regularity."
"three longtime staffers who worked on the season in which Matlin appeared said that Trump regularly disrespected her and treated her as if she was mentally disabled. This would not be the last time Trump attacked someone with a disability. Early on in the campaign, Trump mocked New York Times reporter Serge F. Kovaleski, who suffers from arthrogryposis — which limits the functioning of his joints. At the time, Ann Coulter dismissed Trump’s behavior, saying that he was just being a “standard retard.” According to the Daily Beast’s report, the insults Trump hurled at Matlin occurred both behind her back and right in front of her. But because of a non-disclosure agreement, no one could speak of the comments without facing legal retaliation. “[Trump] would often equate that she was mentally retarded,” one source explained, noting that both Matlin and her interpreter Jack Jason were kind people. During taping, Trump would reportedly write notes sitting at the table in the set’s “boardroom.” Staff who cleaned up after taping noticed that one such scribble read, “Marlee, is she retarded??” Like with “Access Hollywood,” Trump continued wearing his microphone and would talk with others — including Donald Trump Jr. “[Trump] would make fun of her voice. It actually sounded a lot like what he did [to] the New York Times guy,” another person who worked on The Apprentice said, referencing the reporter Trump mocked. Another staffer noted that Trump’s characterization of Matlin’s deafness as a mental deficiency was a regularity."
Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Response to Donald Trump Allegations
"First Lady Michelle Obama issued a powerful, personal and blistering indictment of Donald Trump's behavior toward women in a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday."
"First Lady Michelle Obama issued a powerful, personal and blistering indictment of Donald Trump's behavior toward women in a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday."
Obama Hilariously Responds To Alex Jones' Claim Obama And Hillary Are Demons
Obama Hilariously Responds To Alex Jones' Claim Obama And Hillary Are Demons
"Is this where I offer the comment that Alex Jones has the stench of desperation on him? If so, consider it offered."
"Is this where I offer the comment that Alex Jones has the stench of desperation on him? If so, consider it offered."
When does early voting start, and how many votes are cast that way? Our guide explains
"As of Oct. 12, 18 states have already started early or in-person absentee voting."
"As of Oct. 12, 18 states have already started early or in-person absentee voting."
Donald Trump's history of misogyny, sexism, and harassment: a comprehensive review
"It's all part of a bigger pattern for the Republican nominee, who has been objectifying and dehumanizing women goes back decades. Before the new revelations, he had twice been accused of sexual assault. Trump’s misogyny has been in plain sight for a long time. In public and private, he’s made clear that women matter to him not as people but as sex objects. Even with women whom he supposedly likes and admires, he’s made clear that he values their looks above all else. Before the recording was released Friday, Trump was trying to claim that his most outrageous comments about women’s looks were made for entertainment. They were so over the top that it could be difficult to take them seriously. But a look at Trump’s actions makes clear that he wasn’t joking. He turned his attitudes into discriminatory policies in his offices, at his resorts, and on his TV show, harassing women he found attractive and urging his employees to fire those he did not. This is a different debate about sexism than Americans have had in previous elections. Usually, the critique of Republican candidates has been based on policy — health care access and abortion rights — or on attitudes heavily influenced by religion."
"It's all part of a bigger pattern for the Republican nominee, who has been objectifying and dehumanizing women goes back decades. Before the new revelations, he had twice been accused of sexual assault. Trump’s misogyny has been in plain sight for a long time. In public and private, he’s made clear that women matter to him not as people but as sex objects. Even with women whom he supposedly likes and admires, he’s made clear that he values their looks above all else. Before the recording was released Friday, Trump was trying to claim that his most outrageous comments about women’s looks were made for entertainment. They were so over the top that it could be difficult to take them seriously. But a look at Trump’s actions makes clear that he wasn’t joking. He turned his attitudes into discriminatory policies in his offices, at his resorts, and on his TV show, harassing women he found attractive and urging his employees to fire those he did not. This is a different debate about sexism than Americans have had in previous elections. Usually, the critique of Republican candidates has been based on policy — health care access and abortion rights — or on attitudes heavily influenced by religion."
Right-Wing Organization Citizens United Hits New Low in Attempting to Scam Frail Elderly @alternet
Right-Wing Organization Citizens United Hits New Low in Attempting to Scam Frail Elderly @alternet:
"Citizens United—the unintentially ironic name of the conservative non-profit organization best known for the Supreme Court case that decimated the historical definition of personhood—is basically the worst organization to ever take up arms in the righteous battle against our democracy. But according to a new report, the group is even worse than previously realized."
"Citizens United—the unintentially ironic name of the conservative non-profit organization best known for the Supreme Court case that decimated the historical definition of personhood—is basically the worst organization to ever take up arms in the righteous battle against our democracy. But according to a new report, the group is even worse than previously realized."
Trump Is Retreating Into the Fringe Media's Far-Right Paranoid World as His Campaign Falls Apart @alternet
Trump Is Retreating Into the Fringe Media's Far-Right Paranoid World as His Campaign Falls Apart @alternet:
"This retreat is even deeper into the confines of non-reality than Trump’s previous withdrawal into the Fox News bubble. That was when, beginning late summer, Trump began appearing almost exclusively on Fox News, and then within Fox News, appearing almost exclusively on the show of his most ardent supporter, Sean Hannity, and the friendly confines of Fox & Friends. Trump’s current withdrawal is like having Hannity then hand Trump the keys to a small bunker beneath the Fox News bubble—and trying to run a White House campaign from there. For Trump, the Fox News bubble is a reassuring place where his campaign is always soaring and nobody cares about his tax returns."
"This retreat is even deeper into the confines of non-reality than Trump’s previous withdrawal into the Fox News bubble. That was when, beginning late summer, Trump began appearing almost exclusively on Fox News, and then within Fox News, appearing almost exclusively on the show of his most ardent supporter, Sean Hannity, and the friendly confines of Fox & Friends. Trump’s current withdrawal is like having Hannity then hand Trump the keys to a small bunker beneath the Fox News bubble—and trying to run a White House campaign from there. For Trump, the Fox News bubble is a reassuring place where his campaign is always soaring and nobody cares about his tax returns."
Look at how creepy Trump sees girls like meat from the day they are born
"10 years old In an “Entertainment Tonight” Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in ten years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old [...] In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator.” When the girl replies, “yeah,” Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?” 12 years old “Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton,” he said. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’” [...] He then went on to call Hilton “dumb like a fox” and admitted that he had watched her sex tape"."
"10 years old In an “Entertainment Tonight” Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in ten years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old [...] In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator.” When the girl replies, “yeah,” Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?” 12 years old “Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton,” he said. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’” [...] He then went on to call Hilton “dumb like a fox” and admitted that he had watched her sex tape"."
Paul Ryan Has Already Lost More Than He Can Possibly Lose at the Polls
"He senses, with the animal instinct politicians at his level possess, that even his speakership has been tossed into the hazard. He knows that the rockhead portion of his caucus consider him a backsliding RINO, which is kind compared to what the Trumpaloopas think of him at this point. But instead of doing what any average statesman would do, he continues to take his besieged and delicate conscience out for public walks with the usual gang of sympathetic sycophants."
"He senses, with the animal instinct politicians at his level possess, that even his speakership has been tossed into the hazard. He knows that the rockhead portion of his caucus consider him a backsliding RINO, which is kind compared to what the Trumpaloopas think of him at this point. But instead of doing what any average statesman would do, he continues to take his besieged and delicate conscience out for public walks with the usual gang of sympathetic sycophants."
A competent woman just debated a man who has no idea what he’s talking about
"Trump’s ignorance is surprisingly wide-ranging"
"Trump’s ignorance is surprisingly wide-ranging"
‘I want to puke’: Internet recoils in disgust over video of Trump skeezing on a 10-year-old girl
‘I want to puke’: Internet recoils in disgust over video of Trump skeezing on a 10-year-old girl
"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump leered at a pre-teen girl as she rode up an escalator at Trump Tower. “I am going to be dating her in 10 years, can you believe it?” Trump said to the camera."
"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump leered at a pre-teen girl as she rode up an escalator at Trump Tower. “I am going to be dating her in 10 years, can you believe it?” Trump said to the camera."
Thursday, October 13, 2016
While America Was Riveted by P*ssygate, Trump Called for Incarceration of Innocent Minorities—and Almost No One Noticed @alternet
While America Was Riveted by P*ssygate, Trump Called for Incarceration of Innocent Minorities—and Almost No One Noticed @alternet:
"The fact that white nationalists finally feel like they have a candidate who accurately represents their views didn’t cause a mass exodus of GOP leaders, and barely any Republicans mentioned the Central Park Five comments while trying to take the moral high road this weekend. And why would they? Racism in the Republican Party is a feature, not a bug."
"The fact that white nationalists finally feel like they have a candidate who accurately represents their views didn’t cause a mass exodus of GOP leaders, and barely any Republicans mentioned the Central Park Five comments while trying to take the moral high road this weekend. And why would they? Racism in the Republican Party is a feature, not a bug."
You bet Roy Blunt is 'fighting for his political life'—and he deserves to be
"Missouri Democrat Jason Kander has run a disciplined, smart, and engaging campaign for the Senate. Incumbent Republican Roy Blunt has, well, not."
"Missouri Democrat Jason Kander has run a disciplined, smart, and engaging campaign for the Senate. Incumbent Republican Roy Blunt has, well, not."
Journalists Are Calling Out Trump's Lies At The Second Debate
"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has unleashed a torrent of falsehoods during his campaign, spanning a wide range of issues. His disregard for the facts was a prominent feature of the first presidential debate. Trump is heavily lying again during the second presidential debate, and journalists and media outlets are calling him out"
"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has unleashed a torrent of falsehoods during his campaign, spanning a wide range of issues. His disregard for the facts was a prominent feature of the first presidential debate. Trump is heavily lying again during the second presidential debate, and journalists and media outlets are calling him out"
The tax loopholes Donald Trump would write for himself
"Here are the loopholes Donald wants to write for himself, and details on how you or your children would eventually have to pick up the tab."
"Here are the loopholes Donald wants to write for himself, and details on how you or your children would eventually have to pick up the tab."
You Must Watch This Speech By Michelle Obama
You Must Watch This Speech By Michelle Obama
"The fact is that in this election, we have a candidate for President of the United States who, over the course of his lifetime and the course of this campaign has said things about women that are so shocking. So demeaning. I simply will not repeat anything here today."
"The fact is that in this election, we have a candidate for President of the United States who, over the course of his lifetime and the course of this campaign has said things about women that are so shocking. So demeaning. I simply will not repeat anything here today."
Let's Talk About Paul Ryan's Non-Unendorsement
"It means that Ryan doesn't have the stones to rescind his endorsement and that he is telling the rest of his caucus to swim away from the wreckage before it sucks them all down into the abyss."
"It means that Ryan doesn't have the stones to rescind his endorsement and that he is telling the rest of his caucus to swim away from the wreckage before it sucks them all down into the abyss."
Sorry, GOP, Donald Trump Is Your Monster--It's Time To Own Him
"The Republican Party's complacency and encouragement has led to this moment. They hitched their wagon to this deplorable horse and now they are trying desperately to get away from him as he runs right off a cliff at full gallop. But they can't. Donald Trump did not occur in a vacuum. He is the result of their failure to govern. He is the result of their divisive rhetoric. He is the result of their Southern Strategy. He is the result of their continued scorched earth attacks on President Obama. He is the result of their welfare queen myth. He is the result of their LGBT hate. He is the result of their bigotry. He is the result of their war on women. No amount of endorsement pulling and distancing themselves from him is going to save their party; the damage is done. Donald Trump is the GOP's just deserts. Now grab a spoon and eat up"
"The Republican Party's complacency and encouragement has led to this moment. They hitched their wagon to this deplorable horse and now they are trying desperately to get away from him as he runs right off a cliff at full gallop. But they can't. Donald Trump did not occur in a vacuum. He is the result of their failure to govern. He is the result of their divisive rhetoric. He is the result of their Southern Strategy. He is the result of their continued scorched earth attacks on President Obama. He is the result of their welfare queen myth. He is the result of their LGBT hate. He is the result of their bigotry. He is the result of their war on women. No amount of endorsement pulling and distancing themselves from him is going to save their party; the damage is done. Donald Trump is the GOP's just deserts. Now grab a spoon and eat up"
Why Paul Ryan's Refusal to Defend Donald Trump Is Not Enough—Especially Following Brutal Debate @alternet
Why Paul Ryan's Refusal to Defend Donald Trump Is Not Enough—Especially Following Brutal Debate @alternet:
"Spare us the consternation, all of you breast-beating Republican candidates. You own this; you allowed it to happen. The women of America await your contrition."
"Spare us the consternation, all of you breast-beating Republican candidates. You own this; you allowed it to happen. The women of America await your contrition."
Trump lashes out after Paul Ryan tells GOP House members to flee his candidacy
Trump lashes out after Paul Ryan tells GOP House members to flee his candidacy
"On a conference call with fellow Republicans on Monday, House Speaker Paul Ryan said that he would stop defending Donald Trump and would instead work on preserving his party’s congressional majority. Not only that, but Ryan also apparently told Republicans that they should do whatever they could to save their seats — even if it meant rescinding their support for Trump’s candidacy."
"On a conference call with fellow Republicans on Monday, House Speaker Paul Ryan said that he would stop defending Donald Trump and would instead work on preserving his party’s congressional majority. Not only that, but Ryan also apparently told Republicans that they should do whatever they could to save their seats — even if it meant rescinding their support for Trump’s candidacy."
Peak Trump madness: With a month to go, Donald Trump’s supporters descend into conspiracy-theory insanity
Peak Trump madness: With a month to go, Donald Trump’s supporters descend into conspiracy-theory insanity
"What this has led to is a campaign with millions of followers so deeply mired in convoluted conspiracy theories that they have completely lost touch with reality. Most obvious of these, of course, is the birther conspiracy that held that Barack Obama was not a native-born U.S. citizen and was therefore an illegitimate president. Trump didn’t publicly indulge in the more sinister of theories which suggested that Obama was some sort of “Manchurian candidate” planted by a foreign power. But it fits so well with his xenophobic worldview that it’s fair to assume it played some part in his obsession with the tall tale. During this campaign Trump has “wondered aloud” whether Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination, suggested that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death was the result of foul play, said that the president personally intervened to persuade the New York attorney general to investigate Trump University for fraud, insisted that neighbors of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed bombs lying all over their house and didn’t say anything and asserted that climate change is a hoax. Trump has repeatedly suggested that the 9/11 hijackers had girlfriends who were spirited out of the country after the attacks and says that 30 percent of the world’s Muslims are prepared to go to war against he U.S. He claims nobody knows where the Syrian refugees who have been admitted into the country are and claims thousands more are pouring over the southern border illegally. He thinks the Mexican government is “sending” all its criminals to America. Additionally Trump believes that the government somehow prevents people from saying “Merry Christmas” in public and that he’s being targeted by the IRS because he’s a Christian. He says crime is the highest it’s been in 45 years. He is convinced that voter fraud is rampant and that Democrats are routinely stealing elections, including the election of President Obama."
"What this has led to is a campaign with millions of followers so deeply mired in convoluted conspiracy theories that they have completely lost touch with reality. Most obvious of these, of course, is the birther conspiracy that held that Barack Obama was not a native-born U.S. citizen and was therefore an illegitimate president. Trump didn’t publicly indulge in the more sinister of theories which suggested that Obama was some sort of “Manchurian candidate” planted by a foreign power. But it fits so well with his xenophobic worldview that it’s fair to assume it played some part in his obsession with the tall tale. During this campaign Trump has “wondered aloud” whether Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination, suggested that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death was the result of foul play, said that the president personally intervened to persuade the New York attorney general to investigate Trump University for fraud, insisted that neighbors of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed bombs lying all over their house and didn’t say anything and asserted that climate change is a hoax. Trump has repeatedly suggested that the 9/11 hijackers had girlfriends who were spirited out of the country after the attacks and says that 30 percent of the world’s Muslims are prepared to go to war against he U.S. He claims nobody knows where the Syrian refugees who have been admitted into the country are and claims thousands more are pouring over the southern border illegally. He thinks the Mexican government is “sending” all its criminals to America. Additionally Trump believes that the government somehow prevents people from saying “Merry Christmas” in public and that he’s being targeted by the IRS because he’s a Christian. He says crime is the highest it’s been in 45 years. He is convinced that voter fraud is rampant and that Democrats are routinely stealing elections, including the election of President Obama."
Samantha Bee Delivers Her Own Trump-Focused Vagina Monologue
Samantha Bee Delivers Her Own Trump-Focused Vagina Monologue
"Samantha Bee, of all people, would handle it perfectly."
"Samantha Bee, of all people, would handle it perfectly."
Ranking the 5 Most Pathetically Sad Republicans Still Supporting Donald Trump
Ranking the 5 Most Pathetically Sad Republicans Still Supporting Donald Trump
"if someone is a bigot, racist, hates Muslims, is sexist or just an overall vile person who thinks the nation should be led by an egotistical, authoritarian-like dictator who pushes rhetoric taken straight from the “White Nationalist Playbook,” I absolutely get why they would want someone like Trump as president."
"if someone is a bigot, racist, hates Muslims, is sexist or just an overall vile person who thinks the nation should be led by an egotistical, authoritarian-like dictator who pushes rhetoric taken straight from the “White Nationalist Playbook,” I absolutely get why they would want someone like Trump as president."
Trump foreign policy adviser bashes the United States for disregarding Russia’s interests
Trump foreign policy adviser bashes the United States for disregarding Russia’s interests
"A foreign policy adviser to U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump has accused Washington of contributing to an atmosphere of mutual contempt with Moscow by disregarding Russia’s interests. Carter Page, a former investment banker whose views on Russia have caused controversy in the past, made the comments in an opinion piece for Russia’s state-controlled Sputnik news agency that was published on Thursday."
"A foreign policy adviser to U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump has accused Washington of contributing to an atmosphere of mutual contempt with Moscow by disregarding Russia’s interests. Carter Page, a former investment banker whose views on Russia have caused controversy in the past, made the comments in an opinion piece for Russia’s state-controlled Sputnik news agency that was published on Thursday."
Curt Schilling defends Trump by asking Fox anchor if she’s fantasized about ‘somebody else’s son’
Curt Schilling defends Trump by asking Fox anchor if she’s fantasized about ‘somebody else’s son’
"In an interview on Fox Business Channel, former major league pitcher Curt Schilling shocked anchor Trish Regan by refusing to condemn Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s sleazy comments about a 10-year-old girl that he made in 1992. Mediaite reported that the former video game entrepreneur asked Regan, “How many times have you looked at a young man and said ‘Wow, he’s a beautiful young man’ or ‘Wow he’s a gorgeous young man?’ and that man was 12, 13, 14, 15?” “I’ll be honest,” Regan said. “Zero.” “See, now, that’s a lie,” Schilling said. “There’s no way you haven’t seen a young man, somebody else’s son and said, ‘Wow, he’s beautiful.'” “Nope, sorry,” Regan said. “You’re on your own on this one"."
"In an interview on Fox Business Channel, former major league pitcher Curt Schilling shocked anchor Trish Regan by refusing to condemn Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s sleazy comments about a 10-year-old girl that he made in 1992. Mediaite reported that the former video game entrepreneur asked Regan, “How many times have you looked at a young man and said ‘Wow, he’s a beautiful young man’ or ‘Wow he’s a gorgeous young man?’ and that man was 12, 13, 14, 15?” “I’ll be honest,” Regan said. “Zero.” “See, now, that’s a lie,” Schilling said. “There’s no way you haven’t seen a young man, somebody else’s son and said, ‘Wow, he’s beautiful.'” “Nope, sorry,” Regan said. “You’re on your own on this one"."
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Donald Trump's Fraud: Using Chinese Steel and Concealing It Through Shell Companies @alternet
Donald Trump's Fraud: Using Chinese Steel and Concealing It Through Shell Companies @alternet:
"Trump says a lot of things, and he declares them to be the best things, the greatest things, like how he’s going to bring steel back to American cities like Pittsburgh. He’s had countless chances to do this and put his money where his mouth is. Yet he hasn’t. A Newsweek investigation by reporter Kurt Eichenwald revealed last week that in at least two of Trump’s last three projects, he chose to use Chinese steel and aluminum. Not only did Trump use foreign materials, but he also tried to conceal that fact by making the purchases through a series of shell and holding companies. Trump may have used foreign aluminum and steel in the third building as well. Eichenwald hasn’t finished that investigation yet. The man who built his entire campaign around a proposal to erect a wall actually built a “big, beautiful wall” in Chicago at the Trump International Hotel and Tower, which opened in 2009. He constructed the Chicago wall with Chinese aluminum. Imagine all of the American workers who could have been employed forging that metal right here in the United States. To make matters worse, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Commerce filed documents with the U.S. Court of International Trade accusing the Chinese company that supplied Trump with aluminum of dumping the metal in the American market. Dumping means selling a product at a price below the cost of manufacturing it."
"Trump says a lot of things, and he declares them to be the best things, the greatest things, like how he’s going to bring steel back to American cities like Pittsburgh. He’s had countless chances to do this and put his money where his mouth is. Yet he hasn’t. A Newsweek investigation by reporter Kurt Eichenwald revealed last week that in at least two of Trump’s last three projects, he chose to use Chinese steel and aluminum. Not only did Trump use foreign materials, but he also tried to conceal that fact by making the purchases through a series of shell and holding companies. Trump may have used foreign aluminum and steel in the third building as well. Eichenwald hasn’t finished that investigation yet. The man who built his entire campaign around a proposal to erect a wall actually built a “big, beautiful wall” in Chicago at the Trump International Hotel and Tower, which opened in 2009. He constructed the Chicago wall with Chinese aluminum. Imagine all of the American workers who could have been employed forging that metal right here in the United States. To make matters worse, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Commerce filed documents with the U.S. Court of International Trade accusing the Chinese company that supplied Trump with aluminum of dumping the metal in the American market. Dumping means selling a product at a price below the cost of manufacturing it."
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Why We're Living in the Age of Fear
"Because, according to Glassner, "we are living in the most fearmongering time in human history. And the main reason for this is that there's a lot of power and money available to individuals and organizations who can perpetuate these fears." For mass media, insurance companies, Big Pharma, advocacy groups, lawyers, politicians and so many more, your fear is worth billions."
"Because, according to Glassner, "we are living in the most fearmongering time in human history. And the main reason for this is that there's a lot of power and money available to individuals and organizations who can perpetuate these fears." For mass media, insurance companies, Big Pharma, advocacy groups, lawyers, politicians and so many more, your fear is worth billions."
Samantha Bee’s ‘vagina monologue’ is the best line-by-line Trump non-apology takedown you’re going to see
Samantha Bee’s ‘vagina monologue’ is the best line-by-line Trump non-apology takedown you’re going to see
"You waited all weekend, and now it is Monday night so we can find out what exactly Full Frontal host Samantha Bee thinks about Donald Trump’s disgusting comments about “grabbing women by the p*ssy"."
"You waited all weekend, and now it is Monday night so we can find out what exactly Full Frontal host Samantha Bee thinks about Donald Trump’s disgusting comments about “grabbing women by the p*ssy"."
November Elections Could See One Quarter of Americans Free From Marijuana Prohibition
"One in four Americans may soon be living in places where marijuana is fully legal, thanks to state ballot initiatives this November."
"One in four Americans may soon be living in places where marijuana is fully legal, thanks to state ballot initiatives this November."
Russian Ambassador’s Defense of Trump Speaks Volumes About Interference in U.S. Election
"The story is about Russia’s United Nations ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, complaining bitterly about a ranking U.N. official’s criticism of Trump."
"The story is about Russia’s United Nations ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, complaining bitterly about a ranking U.N. official’s criticism of Trump."
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal
"This is not funny. It is terrifying. The Russians engage in a sloppy disinformation effort and, before the day is out, the Republican nominee for president is standing on a stage reciting the manufactured story as truth."
"This is not funny. It is terrifying. The Russians engage in a sloppy disinformation effort and, before the day is out, the Republican nominee for president is standing on a stage reciting the manufactured story as truth."
Donald Trump Is America's Enemy-ROLLING STONE
"The Trump campaign's ties to Russia are more than troubling – they're terrifying. His former campaign chairman made millions working for a Russia-backed autocrat who used to rule Ukraine. His top national security adviser has buddied up to Putin. And Trump has personally pursued business opportunities in Russia for decades. His rhetoric on the campaign trail has been solicitous of Putin and, like his words about Syria in the debate, often parroted the Russian line. These are not coincidences. This is a dangerous pattern."
"The Trump campaign's ties to Russia are more than troubling – they're terrifying. His former campaign chairman made millions working for a Russia-backed autocrat who used to rule Ukraine. His top national security adviser has buddied up to Putin. And Trump has personally pursued business opportunities in Russia for decades. His rhetoric on the campaign trail has been solicitous of Putin and, like his words about Syria in the debate, often parroted the Russian line. These are not coincidences. This is a dangerous pattern."
Monday, October 10, 2016
Report: Trump And Putin So Close The Kremlin Is Writing Trump's Talking Points
Report: Trump And Putin So Close The Kremlin Is Writing Trump's Talking Points
"It is crystal clear that the Russians are behind this, they are intentionally feeding misinformation to the Republican candidate and are trying to affect the outcome of the election. Who fed Trump this information? Did he have it before Sputnik published it? This news comes after the news earlier today that Trump had received information in a security briefing that clearly indicated the Russians were behind the hack at the DNC, something he lied about in last night's debate. Should he be receiving national security briefings when he's this close to Putin and Russian oligarchs? When the Kremlin is writing his talking points, it may be time to step back and re-evaluate."
"It is crystal clear that the Russians are behind this, they are intentionally feeding misinformation to the Republican candidate and are trying to affect the outcome of the election. Who fed Trump this information? Did he have it before Sputnik published it? This news comes after the news earlier today that Trump had received information in a security briefing that clearly indicated the Russians were behind the hack at the DNC, something he lied about in last night's debate. Should he be receiving national security briefings when he's this close to Putin and Russian oligarchs? When the Kremlin is writing his talking points, it may be time to step back and re-evaluate."
John Oliver just unleashed the most epic smack down of ‘warthog in a red power tie’ Donald Trump
John Oliver just unleashed the most epic smack down of ‘warthog in a red power tie’ Donald Trump
"After the Last Week Tonight host brutalized GOP lawmakers who are fleeing Trump after letting him take over their party,he launched the most John Oliver-like John Oliver descriptions of Trump uttered since this too long campaign season began."
"After the Last Week Tonight host brutalized GOP lawmakers who are fleeing Trump after letting him take over their party,he launched the most John Oliver-like John Oliver descriptions of Trump uttered since this too long campaign season began."
Why Paul Ryan's Refusal to Defend Donald Trump Is Not Enough—Especially Following Brutal Debate @alternet
Why Paul Ryan's Refusal to Defend Donald Trump Is Not Enough—Especially Following Brutal Debate @alternet:
"Spare us the consternation, all of you breast-beating Republican candidates. You own this; you allowed it to happen. The women of America await your contrition."
"Spare us the consternation, all of you breast-beating Republican candidates. You own this; you allowed it to happen. The women of America await your contrition."
Bush granddaughter endorses Clinton over Trump — and conservatives go bonkers
Bush granddaughter endorses Clinton over Trump — and conservatives go bonkers
"Lauren spends her days working to help feed the poor in impoverished nations through her company FEED Projects, which makes products that engage people in the fight to end world hunger. She began the organization after serving as the World Food Program (WFP) honorary spokesperson. While she’s the granddaughter of George H.W. Bush and the niece of George W. Bush, she has decided to go with Hillary Clinton over her family’s party nominee, Donald Trump, this election."
"Lauren spends her days working to help feed the poor in impoverished nations through her company FEED Projects, which makes products that engage people in the fight to end world hunger. She began the organization after serving as the World Food Program (WFP) honorary spokesperson. While she’s the granddaughter of George H.W. Bush and the niece of George W. Bush, she has decided to go with Hillary Clinton over her family’s party nominee, Donald Trump, this election."
Hillary Clinton for President of the United States FOREIGN POLICY MAGAZINE
"Our readers depend on FP for insight and analysis into issues of national security and foreign policy. We feel that our obligation to our readers thus extends now to making clear the great magnitude of the threat that a Donald Trump presidency would pose to the United States. The dangers Trump presents as president stretch beyond the United States to the international economy, to global security, to America’s allies, as well as to countless innocents everywhere who would be the victims of his inexperience, his perverse policy views, and the profound unsuitability of his temperament for the office he seeks. The litany of reasons Trump poses such a threat is so long that it is, in fact, shocking that he is a major party’s candidate for the presidency."
"Our readers depend on FP for insight and analysis into issues of national security and foreign policy. We feel that our obligation to our readers thus extends now to making clear the great magnitude of the threat that a Donald Trump presidency would pose to the United States. The dangers Trump presents as president stretch beyond the United States to the international economy, to global security, to America’s allies, as well as to countless innocents everywhere who would be the victims of his inexperience, his perverse policy views, and the profound unsuitability of his temperament for the office he seeks. The litany of reasons Trump poses such a threat is so long that it is, in fact, shocking that he is a major party’s candidate for the presidency."
For the First Time Ever, Foreign Policy Magazine Endorses a Candidate: Hillary Clinton
"The reason is quite clear: “A Donald Trump presidency is among the greatest threats facing America, and the Republican standard-bearer is the worst major-party candidate for the job in U.S. history"."
"The reason is quite clear: “A Donald Trump presidency is among the greatest threats facing America, and the Republican standard-bearer is the worst major-party candidate for the job in U.S. history"."
White nationalists see opportunity to pack Trump administration: ‘We are the new GOP!’
White nationalists see opportunity to pack Trump administration: ‘We are the new GOP!’
"William Johnson, chairman of the white nationalist American Freedom Party, and other organized racists who back the Republican presidential nominee see a chance to set White House policy if Trump is elected next month, reported The Guardian. Johnson, who briefly was a Trump delegate from California, and Richard Spencer, director of the National Policy Institute and originator of the term “alt-right,” believe Trump might pack his cabinet with white supremacists."
"William Johnson, chairman of the white nationalist American Freedom Party, and other organized racists who back the Republican presidential nominee see a chance to set White House policy if Trump is elected next month, reported The Guardian. Johnson, who briefly was a Trump delegate from California, and Richard Spencer, director of the National Policy Institute and originator of the term “alt-right,” believe Trump might pack his cabinet with white supremacists."
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Former McCain Adviser: Trump 'Has Exposed The Intellectual Rot In The Republican Party'
Former McCain Adviser: Trump 'Has Exposed The Intellectual Rot In The Republican Party'
"Republican operative and former campaign manager for John McCain's 2008 run Steve Schmidt was on the panel for Meet the Press, and he had no good words for Donald Trump, the Republican Party, or the pathway of this election as it affects Republicans."
"Republican operative and former campaign manager for John McCain's 2008 run Steve Schmidt was on the panel for Meet the Press, and he had no good words for Donald Trump, the Republican Party, or the pathway of this election as it affects Republicans."
Donald Trump's tax records: A tale of business failures
"The bottom line—no pun intended—is this: Trump is not a self-made man. He is a self-made disaster who only avoided personal bankruptcy thanks to his father being there to clean up his messes. In other words, if Trump really was the businessman he pretends to be—an executive who made it on his own through sheer grit and determination, rather than through his family’s ability to bail him out—today he would not be the Republican nominee for president, but instead just another forgotten footnote in the annals of New York real estate development."
"The bottom line—no pun intended—is this: Trump is not a self-made man. He is a self-made disaster who only avoided personal bankruptcy thanks to his father being there to clean up his messes. In other words, if Trump really was the businessman he pretends to be—an executive who made it on his own through sheer grit and determination, rather than through his family’s ability to bail him out—today he would not be the Republican nominee for president, but instead just another forgotten footnote in the annals of New York real estate development."
15 Republican senators openly oppose Trump. 14 are blocking a Supreme Court nominee for him anyway. (UPDATED)
"McConnell announced he’d block all consideration of Supreme Court nominees about one hour after Scalia’s death."
"McConnell announced he’d block all consideration of Supreme Court nominees about one hour after Scalia’s death."
Don't talk to me about justice unless you are voting to secure the Supreme Court
"You want change? Change the damn court. That’s how you lock in change. We are a nation of laws and those laws, reinforced by SCOTUS, can decide that corporations are people while people become discorporate (dead) due to a dearth of Justice. Those laws can give us the right to vote—or remove it. The black robed, right-wing denizens of the Roberts Court are carrion crows picking at the flesh of our liberty, and ultimately taking our lives. You care about the environment? Change the court. You care about women’s rights? Change the court. You care about income inequality? Change the court. You care about criminal justice? Change the court. You care about gun violence? Change the court. I may not have included your specific issue or issues here, but you get my drift. Even the Republicans who loathe Donald Trump are rallying to vote for him because they know that SCOTUS is at stake. The Koch Brothers and others are now dumping huge sums of money into Republican Senate races that are vulnerable in order to maintain a stranglehold on progress. The future of generations to come is in your hands. So vote. For Democrats."
"You want change? Change the damn court. That’s how you lock in change. We are a nation of laws and those laws, reinforced by SCOTUS, can decide that corporations are people while people become discorporate (dead) due to a dearth of Justice. Those laws can give us the right to vote—or remove it. The black robed, right-wing denizens of the Roberts Court are carrion crows picking at the flesh of our liberty, and ultimately taking our lives. You care about the environment? Change the court. You care about women’s rights? Change the court. You care about income inequality? Change the court. You care about criminal justice? Change the court. You care about gun violence? Change the court. I may not have included your specific issue or issues here, but you get my drift. Even the Republicans who loathe Donald Trump are rallying to vote for him because they know that SCOTUS is at stake. The Koch Brothers and others are now dumping huge sums of money into Republican Senate races that are vulnerable in order to maintain a stranglehold on progress. The future of generations to come is in your hands. So vote. For Democrats."
Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump on SNL in the Wake of P*ssygate Is One for the Ages @alternet
Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump on SNL in the Wake of P*ssygate Is One for the Ages @alternet:
"Alec Baldwin did not disappoint on SNL cold open Saturday night."
"Alec Baldwin did not disappoint on SNL cold open Saturday night."
The tax loopholes Donald Trump would write for himself
"Here are the loopholes Donald wants to write for himself, and details on how you or your children would eventually have to pick up the tab."
"Here are the loopholes Donald wants to write for himself, and details on how you or your children would eventually have to pick up the tab."
Newsweek investigation: How Donald Trump ditched U.S. steel workers in favor of China
"He filled his bank accounts with millions of dollars that could have gone to blue-collar workers, many of whom now believe he is the man who will bring back the jobs that he secretly helped to destroy"
"He filled his bank accounts with millions of dollars that could have gone to blue-collar workers, many of whom now believe he is the man who will bring back the jobs that he secretly helped to destroy"
For Love Of Country...
For Love Of Country...
"Watch it all and think about November 8th. Don't wear yourself out fretting about the cow-dumb millions who will flock to the polls and vote for a monster because they're just too fcked-in-the-head to do otherwise. They're lost to us and nothing you do will ever bring them back. Instead, meditate on those who know who know better. Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell. Your Uncle Phil. Men and women who god damn well know better and are still willing to go along on this slow, mad march into Hell. Win or lose, these are the people who can never be forgiven for what they are about to do. Never, ever."
"Watch it all and think about November 8th. Don't wear yourself out fretting about the cow-dumb millions who will flock to the polls and vote for a monster because they're just too fcked-in-the-head to do otherwise. They're lost to us and nothing you do will ever bring them back. Instead, meditate on those who know who know better. Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell. Your Uncle Phil. Men and women who god damn well know better and are still willing to go along on this slow, mad march into Hell. Win or lose, these are the people who can never be forgiven for what they are about to do. Never, ever."
Trump's Attacks Have Raised President Obama's Approval Numbers Tremendously
Trump's Attacks Have Raised President Obama's Approval Numbers Tremendously
"An interesting development is taking place in the Obama presidency. The more Donald Trump attacks his policies, his temperament and his character, the higher president Obama's approval ratings have been climbing."
"An interesting development is taking place in the Obama presidency. The more Donald Trump attacks his policies, his temperament and his character, the higher president Obama's approval ratings have been climbing."
You Knew Who Trump Was When You Endorsed Him, Republican Leaders
"You knew. You all knew. You knew the whole time who and what Donald Trump is. Mike Pence. Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell. Ted Cruz. Chris Christie. Newt Gingrich. Orrin Hatch. John McCain. Marco Rubio. Virtually all of you. You heard every terrible thing he said. You watched every inexcusable thing he did. You knew Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian con man. You knew about his insatiable appetite for power, his bottomless need for affirmation, his dangerous impulsiveness and uncontrollable temper. You knew he was a huckster who ruined businesses and lives. You knew he debased your party, and you personally. You knew. You knew he waged a racist campaign against the president’s legitimacy. You knew he called immigrants rapists. You knew he advocated forbidding Muslims from American soil. You knew he said a federal judge wasn’t qualified because Mexican blood flowed through his veins. You knew he besmirched the parents of a dead soldier. You knew he mocked prisoners of war. You knew he courted white supremacists. You knew he admires dictators. You knew he incited violence. You knew he lies ― blatantly, shamelessly, ceaselessly. You knew all of that, and you asked Americans to elect him president anyway. Shame on you. You knew. Your condemnations are and have always been empty. Your sudden rush to abandon Trump ― after what’s merely the most recently uncovered manifestation of his hatred for women ― is motivated by the same venal cowardice that led you to support him in the first place."
"You knew. You all knew. You knew the whole time who and what Donald Trump is. Mike Pence. Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell. Ted Cruz. Chris Christie. Newt Gingrich. Orrin Hatch. John McCain. Marco Rubio. Virtually all of you. You heard every terrible thing he said. You watched every inexcusable thing he did. You knew Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian con man. You knew about his insatiable appetite for power, his bottomless need for affirmation, his dangerous impulsiveness and uncontrollable temper. You knew he was a huckster who ruined businesses and lives. You knew he debased your party, and you personally. You knew. You knew he waged a racist campaign against the president’s legitimacy. You knew he called immigrants rapists. You knew he advocated forbidding Muslims from American soil. You knew he said a federal judge wasn’t qualified because Mexican blood flowed through his veins. You knew he besmirched the parents of a dead soldier. You knew he mocked prisoners of war. You knew he courted white supremacists. You knew he admires dictators. You knew he incited violence. You knew he lies ― blatantly, shamelessly, ceaselessly. You knew all of that, and you asked Americans to elect him president anyway. Shame on you. You knew. Your condemnations are and have always been empty. Your sudden rush to abandon Trump ― after what’s merely the most recently uncovered manifestation of his hatred for women ― is motivated by the same venal cowardice that led you to support him in the first place."
A Running Tally of Newspaper Endorsements in the Presidential Election
"Faced with the prospect of a Trump presidency, some papers that have endorsed Republicans for decades are painting Hillary Clinton as a qualified and steady leader. As the Dallas Morning News, which last endorsed a Democrat before World War II, wrote in its endorsement of Clinton last month, "Her errors are plainly in a different universe than her opponent's." Some newspapers are also endorsing much earlier than usual, rather than waiting until the final week or two of the campaign. The Chicago Sun-Times, which reversed its 2012 decision to stop making presidential endorsements, explained in its September endorsement of Clinton, "The best way to avert a train wreck is to wave a warning flag as soon as possible"."
"Faced with the prospect of a Trump presidency, some papers that have endorsed Republicans for decades are painting Hillary Clinton as a qualified and steady leader. As the Dallas Morning News, which last endorsed a Democrat before World War II, wrote in its endorsement of Clinton last month, "Her errors are plainly in a different universe than her opponent's." Some newspapers are also endorsing much earlier than usual, rather than waiting until the final week or two of the campaign. The Chicago Sun-Times, which reversed its 2012 decision to stop making presidential endorsements, explained in its September endorsement of Clinton, "The best way to avert a train wreck is to wave a warning flag as soon as possible"."
With zero major newspaper endorsements, Donald Trump makes history again
"As Donald Trump continues to not-prepare for his next debate, his campaign continues to break new ground in sucking. With just a little over a month until election day, Donald Trump has racked up zero major newspaper endorsements, a first for any major party nominee in American history. In American history, we repeat. Donald Trump has achieved something never before thought possible among the country's most prominent newspapers: A nationwide consensus that regardless of party affiliation, one of the two candidates is simply unacceptable. [I]t’s not just the papers but also writers who are taking a stand. Last month, a member of The Wall Street Journal’s traditionally conservative editorial board endorsed Clinton, calling Trump the candidate of “white supremacists and swastika devotees"."
"As Donald Trump continues to not-prepare for his next debate, his campaign continues to break new ground in sucking. With just a little over a month until election day, Donald Trump has racked up zero major newspaper endorsements, a first for any major party nominee in American history. In American history, we repeat. Donald Trump has achieved something never before thought possible among the country's most prominent newspapers: A nationwide consensus that regardless of party affiliation, one of the two candidates is simply unacceptable. [I]t’s not just the papers but also writers who are taking a stand. Last month, a member of The Wall Street Journal’s traditionally conservative editorial board endorsed Clinton, calling Trump the candidate of “white supremacists and swastika devotees"."
For the First Time in a Century the Columbus Dispatch Endorses a Democrat
"Hillary Clinton is qualified, they write , and Donald Trump is unfit."
"Hillary Clinton is qualified, they write , and Donald Trump is unfit."
Against Donald Trump
"Donald J. Trump, who might be the most ostentatiously unqualified major-party candidate in the 227-year history of the American presidency. These concerns compel us, for the third time since the magazine’s founding, to endorse a candidate for president. Hillary Rodham Clinton has more than earned, through her service to the country as first lady, as a senator from New York, and as secretary of state, the right to be taken seriously as a White House contender. She has flaws (some legitimately troubling, some exaggerated by her opponents), but she is among the most prepared candidates ever to seek the presidency. We are confident that she understands the role of the United States in the world; we have no doubt that she will apply herself assiduously to the problems confronting this country; and she has demonstrated an aptitude for analysis and hard work. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read. This judgment is not limited to the editors of The Atlantic. A large number—in fact, a number unparalleled since Goldwater’s 1964 campaign—of prominent policy makers and officeholders from the candidate’s own party have publicly renounced him. Trump disqualified himself from public service long before he declared his presidential candidacy. In one of the more sordid episodes in modern American politics, Trump made himself the face of the so-called birther movement, which had as its immediate goal the demonization of the country’s first African American president."
"Donald J. Trump, who might be the most ostentatiously unqualified major-party candidate in the 227-year history of the American presidency. These concerns compel us, for the third time since the magazine’s founding, to endorse a candidate for president. Hillary Rodham Clinton has more than earned, through her service to the country as first lady, as a senator from New York, and as secretary of state, the right to be taken seriously as a White House contender. She has flaws (some legitimately troubling, some exaggerated by her opponents), but she is among the most prepared candidates ever to seek the presidency. We are confident that she understands the role of the United States in the world; we have no doubt that she will apply herself assiduously to the problems confronting this country; and she has demonstrated an aptitude for analysis and hard work. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read. This judgment is not limited to the editors of The Atlantic. A large number—in fact, a number unparalleled since Goldwater’s 1964 campaign—of prominent policy makers and officeholders from the candidate’s own party have publicly renounced him. Trump disqualified himself from public service long before he declared his presidential candidacy. In one of the more sordid episodes in modern American politics, Trump made himself the face of the so-called birther movement, which had as its immediate goal the demonization of the country’s first African American president."
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