Union decline lowers wages of nonunion workers: The overlooked reason why wages are stuck and inequality is growing:
"Pay for private-sector workers has barely budged over the past three and a half decades. In fact, for men in the private sector who lack a college degree and do not belong to a labor union, real wages today are substantially lower than they were in the late 1970s. In the debates over the causes of wage stagnation, the decline in union power has not received nearly as much attention as globalization, technological change, and the slowdown in Americans’ educational attainment. Unions, especially in industries and regions where they are strong, help boost the wages of all workers by establishing pay and benefit standards that many nonunion firms adopt. But this union boost to nonunion pay has weakened as the share of private-sector workers in a union has fallen from 1 in 3 in the 1950s to about 1 in 20 today."
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Donald Trump’s Lack of Respect for Science Is Alarming
"one of the two major party candidates for the highest office in the land has repeatedly and resoundingly demonstrated a disregard, if not outright contempt, for science. Donald Trump also has shown an authoritarian tendency to base policy arguments on questionable assertions of fact and a cult of personality."
"one of the two major party candidates for the highest office in the land has repeatedly and resoundingly demonstrated a disregard, if not outright contempt, for science. Donald Trump also has shown an authoritarian tendency to base policy arguments on questionable assertions of fact and a cult of personality."
Donald Trump got his start like Donald Trump runs his campaign—with racism
"What liberal, Democratic administration was it that accused Trump of racist practices? That would be the Nixon administration, hardly the most activist team when protecting the rights of minorities. But Trump’s actions were so easily documented, so much the textbook definition of racism as Paul Ryan might say, that they couldn’t be overlooked. And the practices weren’t new. Before Donald took the helm his father, Fred, had been tossing the applications of black tenants, and when the New York Commission on Human Rights looked into it ... After the hearing, Ms. Brown was offered an apartment in the Wilshire, and in the spring of 1964, she moved in. For 10 years, she said, she was the only African-American in the building. In Donald’s case, Rather than confess and pay, Donald Trump hired Joe McCarthy’s lawyer, Roy Cohn, who filed a countersuit of $100 million against the government. It was laughed out of court. Donald and his father weren’t the only ones in the Trump organization with racist attitudes. It was baked in."
"What liberal, Democratic administration was it that accused Trump of racist practices? That would be the Nixon administration, hardly the most activist team when protecting the rights of minorities. But Trump’s actions were so easily documented, so much the textbook definition of racism as Paul Ryan might say, that they couldn’t be overlooked. And the practices weren’t new. Before Donald took the helm his father, Fred, had been tossing the applications of black tenants, and when the New York Commission on Human Rights looked into it ... After the hearing, Ms. Brown was offered an apartment in the Wilshire, and in the spring of 1964, she moved in. For 10 years, she said, she was the only African-American in the building. In Donald’s case, Rather than confess and pay, Donald Trump hired Joe McCarthy’s lawyer, Roy Cohn, who filed a countersuit of $100 million against the government. It was laughed out of court. Donald and his father weren’t the only ones in the Trump organization with racist attitudes. It was baked in."
Former KKK leader David Duke: Vote for me and Donald Trump
"Duke tells Buzzfeed there’s a good reason for this: “Everyone is saying they’re voting for Duke and Trump"."
"Duke tells Buzzfeed there’s a good reason for this: “Everyone is saying they’re voting for Duke and Trump"."
Call the 'Alt-Right' Movement What It Is: Racist as Hell
"Recently, Trump made his ties to the Alt-Right movement much more explicit by hiring Steve Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart – a longtime safe space for white-supremacist ideology – as campaign CEO. The Alt-Right movement's rise to prominence, by way of the Republican nominee's campaign, is why the movement matters, and why we can't afford to frame its members as anything less than a band of racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, white-nationalist xenophobes who spew dangerous bullsh*t while hiding behind their keyboards. The Alt-Right crowd is an ensemble of bigots who want us to understand their affinity for intolerance."
"Recently, Trump made his ties to the Alt-Right movement much more explicit by hiring Steve Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart – a longtime safe space for white-supremacist ideology – as campaign CEO. The Alt-Right movement's rise to prominence, by way of the Republican nominee's campaign, is why the movement matters, and why we can't afford to frame its members as anything less than a band of racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, white-nationalist xenophobes who spew dangerous bullsh*t while hiding behind their keyboards. The Alt-Right crowd is an ensemble of bigots who want us to understand their affinity for intolerance."
Trump’s Professed Ignorance Of The Alt-Right Fits His Know-Nothing Pattern
"Clinton, in her speech, calmly walked through the extensive list of Trump’s ties and overtures to the movement. “This is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like the user who goes by the name ‘white-genocide-TM,’” she said, referencing a blatantly white supremacist Twitter account Trump has retweeted during the campaign. “Trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people.” It was 37 minutes of example after example of how Trump has clearly courted and emboldened the movement; in all, a devastating attack. Since then, leaders of the Republican party have been conspicuously silent. The alt-right, meanwhile, is rejoicing over the media coverage. American Renaissance, another flagship group of the movement, responded in a press release that only emphasized the alt-right’s white-nationalist premise. Trump, however, trotted out his usual defense — ignorance. On CNN, Anderson Cooper asked Trump point-blank if he was embracing the alt-right. “I don’t even know — nobody even knows what it is,” Trump said. Cooper responded by pointing out that Stephen Bannon, the former Breitbart News boss who Trump recently appointed as his new campaign CEO, has boasted about his site’s ties to the alt-right."
"Clinton, in her speech, calmly walked through the extensive list of Trump’s ties and overtures to the movement. “This is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like the user who goes by the name ‘white-genocide-TM,’” she said, referencing a blatantly white supremacist Twitter account Trump has retweeted during the campaign. “Trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people.” It was 37 minutes of example after example of how Trump has clearly courted and emboldened the movement; in all, a devastating attack. Since then, leaders of the Republican party have been conspicuously silent. The alt-right, meanwhile, is rejoicing over the media coverage. American Renaissance, another flagship group of the movement, responded in a press release that only emphasized the alt-right’s white-nationalist premise. Trump, however, trotted out his usual defense — ignorance. On CNN, Anderson Cooper asked Trump point-blank if he was embracing the alt-right. “I don’t even know — nobody even knows what it is,” Trump said. Cooper responded by pointing out that Stephen Bannon, the former Breitbart News boss who Trump recently appointed as his new campaign CEO, has boasted about his site’s ties to the alt-right."
The Racist Alt-Right Dictionary: 7 Terms You Need to Know to Understand Trump's Most Hateful Supporters @alternet
The Racist Alt-Right Dictionary: 7 Terms You Need to Know to Understand Trump's Most Hateful Supporters @alternet:
"The old white supremacist fringe is rebranding itself with its own special code, and claims Trump as its "glorious leader"."
"The old white supremacist fringe is rebranding itself with its own special code, and claims Trump as its "glorious leader"."
Here's How Vladimir Putin Is Using Donald Trump To Advance Russia's Goals
Here's How Vladimir Putin Is Using Donald Trump To Advance Russia's Goals
"Not since the beginning of the Cold War has a U.S. politician been as fervently pro-Russian as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump."
"Not since the beginning of the Cold War has a U.S. politician been as fervently pro-Russian as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump."
5 Dumbest Right-Wing Moments This Week: Eric Trump’s Ridiculous Assertion
5 Dumbest Right-Wing Moments This Week: Eric Trump’s Ridiculous Assertion:
"The Trumpian universe vacillates between dumb and evil, sometimes in the same sentence. Following their fearless leader, Trumpians talk (or tweet) first, and think later, or perhaps not at all. When that fails, they simply deny saying what they said, or that words have any meaning. Or they just keep saying things that are demonstrably untrue because they feel true. Examples abound from the week that was, starting with the family."
"The Trumpian universe vacillates between dumb and evil, sometimes in the same sentence. Following their fearless leader, Trumpians talk (or tweet) first, and think later, or perhaps not at all. When that fails, they simply deny saying what they said, or that words have any meaning. Or they just keep saying things that are demonstrably untrue because they feel true. Examples abound from the week that was, starting with the family."
New Book Reveals Trump Is Actually Sleazier and Slimier Than We Ever Thought @alternet
New Book Reveals Trump Is Actually Sleazier and Slimier Than We Ever Thought @alternet:
"David Cay Johnston has been one of the nation’s premier investigative reporters for decades, specializing in the ways government works for the wealthy at the expense of everyday Americans."
"David Cay Johnston has been one of the nation’s premier investigative reporters for decades, specializing in the ways government works for the wealthy at the expense of everyday Americans."
Trump companies owe $650 million: NY Times
Trump companies owe $650 million: NY Times
"Companies belonging to Donald Trump have at least $650 million in debt, more than twice the amount shown in public filings made by his presidential campaign, the New York Times reported Saturday."
"Companies belonging to Donald Trump have at least $650 million in debt, more than twice the amount shown in public filings made by his presidential campaign, the New York Times reported Saturday."
Donald Trump Jacked Up His Campaign’s Trump Tower Rent Once Somebody Else Was Paying It
"After bragging for a year about how cheaply he was running his campaign, Donald Trump is spending more freely now that other people are contributing ― particularly when the beneficiary is himself."
"After bragging for a year about how cheaply he was running his campaign, Donald Trump is spending more freely now that other people are contributing ― particularly when the beneficiary is himself."
Republicans Are Escalating the War on Low-Income Families
Republicans Are Escalating the War on Low-Income Families:
"Illinois Governor Rauner recently cut "Meals on Wheels" for seniors and at-risk youth services. Chicago residents were hit with a nearly 13% property tax increase. Some Chicago public schools could face 2017 cutbacks of an incredible 20 percent. But six of Illinois' largest corporations together paid ALMOST ZERO state income taxes this year. Full payment of their taxes would have exceeded the $1.1 billion Chicago Public School deficit. It's much the same around the nation, as 25 of the largest U.S. corporations, with over $150 billion in U.S. profits last year, paid less than 20% in federal taxes, and barely 1% in the state taxes that are vitally important for K-12 education. Because of the missing corporate tax revenue, House Republicans have tried to break even by proposing cuts to programs that are essential to mothers and children, such as Centers for Disease Control health programs, family planning, contraception, and -- unbelievably, again! -- food stamps. It is estimated that almost two-thirds of the proposed cuts would largely impact low- and moderate-income families. At the state level, the suffering residents of Louisiana are facing some of the steepest regressive tax increases, along with cuts to vital programs that investigate child abuse and provide pediatric day care. The maternal death rate rose dramatically in Texas after women's health programs were cut. In Kansas, where a Republican state senator has called Governor Brownback's lowering of taxes on the rich a "train wreck," 2017 cuts are targeting universities, Medicaid recipients, and the Children’s Initiatives Fund."
"Illinois Governor Rauner recently cut "Meals on Wheels" for seniors and at-risk youth services. Chicago residents were hit with a nearly 13% property tax increase. Some Chicago public schools could face 2017 cutbacks of an incredible 20 percent. But six of Illinois' largest corporations together paid ALMOST ZERO state income taxes this year. Full payment of their taxes would have exceeded the $1.1 billion Chicago Public School deficit. It's much the same around the nation, as 25 of the largest U.S. corporations, with over $150 billion in U.S. profits last year, paid less than 20% in federal taxes, and barely 1% in the state taxes that are vitally important for K-12 education. Because of the missing corporate tax revenue, House Republicans have tried to break even by proposing cuts to programs that are essential to mothers and children, such as Centers for Disease Control health programs, family planning, contraception, and -- unbelievably, again! -- food stamps. It is estimated that almost two-thirds of the proposed cuts would largely impact low- and moderate-income families. At the state level, the suffering residents of Louisiana are facing some of the steepest regressive tax increases, along with cuts to vital programs that investigate child abuse and provide pediatric day care. The maternal death rate rose dramatically in Texas after women's health programs were cut. In Kansas, where a Republican state senator has called Governor Brownback's lowering of taxes on the rich a "train wreck," 2017 cuts are targeting universities, Medicaid recipients, and the Children’s Initiatives Fund."
12-year-old Running Trump Campaign Office In Colorado
12-year-old Running Trump Campaign Office In Colorado
"I guess they really are starved for field operatives in Colorado, where Trump now finds himself down double-digits to Hillary Clinton. Ironically, it's because younger voters have deserted him there. Trump runs behind Gary Johnson of the Libertarians among those under 30."
"I guess they really are starved for field operatives in Colorado, where Trump now finds himself down double-digits to Hillary Clinton. Ironically, it's because younger voters have deserted him there. Trump runs behind Gary Johnson of the Libertarians among those under 30."
Michael Savage: President Trump Must Violate The Civil Rights Of Liberals To Save America
Michael Savage: President Trump Must Violate The Civil Rights Of Liberals To Save America: "Conservative radio host Michael Savage has high hopes for a Donald Trump presidency, urging the GOP nominee yesterday to “rule by decree” and to pick Savage for a post in his administration if he is elected. Savage said Trump should launch a “crusade” against the “radical left-wing fringe controlling this country,” even if it means undermining their civil rights. Savage said that Trump should launch inquiries into “treasonous” organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, “the head of the serpent” that “must be broken apart,” with a renewed “House of Un-American Activities Committee investigation"."
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Scientific American sounds alarm on Trump: He ‘takes antiscience to previously unexplored terrain’
Scientific American sounds alarm on Trump: He ‘takes antiscience to previously unexplored terrain’
"Scientific American broke with tradition and spoke out against the Republican Party’s presidential nominee over concerns that he is violating “the nation’s founding principles of truth and evidence"."
"Scientific American broke with tradition and spoke out against the Republican Party’s presidential nominee over concerns that he is violating “the nation’s founding principles of truth and evidence"."
Here are the lies about Social Security in Donald Trump's new nationwide ad
"The Trump Presidential campaign rolled out its first major television ad last week, aimed at voters in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. For Social Security experts and advocates, it wasn’t worth waiting for."
"The Trump Presidential campaign rolled out its first major television ad last week, aimed at voters in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. For Social Security experts and advocates, it wasn’t worth waiting for."
Fact Check Devastates Trump As His First Ad Averages 1 Lie Every 4 Seconds
"All total, theTrump ad managed to jam seven lies into 30 seconds. Trump is airing an ad that tells a lie to voters once every four seconds."
"All total, theTrump ad managed to jam seven lies into 30 seconds. Trump is airing an ad that tells a lie to voters once every four seconds."
Trump's New Ad: Social Security Lies, White Nationalist Sources
Trump's New Ad: Social Security Lies, White Nationalist Sources
"Donald Trump hasn't spent much money on political ads so far, but when he does he makes sure they have as many lies as possible."
"Donald Trump hasn't spent much money on political ads so far, but when he does he makes sure they have as many lies as possible."
The Trump Campaign Is Now Fully Aligned with White Supremacists @alternet
The Trump Campaign Is Now Fully Aligned with White Supremacists @alternet:
"Trump sees his path to victory through the swamps of hatred and resentment inhabited by the white nationalist “alt-right"."
"Trump sees his path to victory through the swamps of hatred and resentment inhabited by the white nationalist “alt-right"."
Michele Bachmann: Donald Trump's New End Times Foreign Policy Adviser
Michele Bachmann: Donald Trump's New End Times Foreign Policy Adviser:
"Michele Bachmann, who earlier this summer joined Donald Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, said in an interview with Minnesota Public Radio last week that she is now advising Trump on foreign affairs"
"Michele Bachmann, who earlier this summer joined Donald Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, said in an interview with Minnesota Public Radio last week that she is now advising Trump on foreign affairs"
Scam alert: Trump raised rent on himself after donors started paying bills for Trump Tower office
Scam alert: Trump raised rent on himself after donors started paying bills for Trump Tower office
"Donald Trump jacked up the rent at the New York City building he named after himself after donors started paying the tab. Trump raised the rent nearly 500 percent for his campaign’s headquarters at Trump Tower in July, when he was hauling in money from donors, compared with March, when he was self-funding his White House bid"
"Donald Trump jacked up the rent at the New York City building he named after himself after donors started paying the tab. Trump raised the rent nearly 500 percent for his campaign’s headquarters at Trump Tower in July, when he was hauling in money from donors, compared with March, when he was self-funding his White House bid"
Donald Trump appeals to the paranoid fantasies of the ‘FEMA camps’ crowd
Donald Trump appeals to the paranoid fantasies of the ‘FEMA camps’ crowd
"Obama’s election in 2008 led to an explosion in hate groups spouting such ideas, and as their numbers have swelled some of their beliefs have gone mainstream, stoked by broadcasters like Michael Savage, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck; right-wing filmmakers; and a host of websites featuring screaming headlines such as: “UPDATE: All Armed Americans to Be Detained in FEMA Camps Starting In 2017!??!” Taking their cue from the popularity of such thinkers and theorists, some American politicians can’t resist adding their official encouragement to the discussion. Among those joining Trump is Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who last year gave credence to the rumor that the Department of Defense was preparing to invade his state during a training exercise called Jade Helm. It is now possible to meet Americans who have made major life decisions—such as leaving homes and jobs and yanking children out of school—based on the belief that it is only a matter of time before their own government comes to get them. A Florida radio host has been exhorting people to join colonies of conservatives in Central America before the U.S. government rounds them up. At the Republican Convention in Cleveland, I met martial law conspiracy theory believers who were convinced that only Trump stands between them and one of the secret FEMA camps, those with the electronically operated turnstiles that rotate in, not out."
"Obama’s election in 2008 led to an explosion in hate groups spouting such ideas, and as their numbers have swelled some of their beliefs have gone mainstream, stoked by broadcasters like Michael Savage, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck; right-wing filmmakers; and a host of websites featuring screaming headlines such as: “UPDATE: All Armed Americans to Be Detained in FEMA Camps Starting In 2017!??!” Taking their cue from the popularity of such thinkers and theorists, some American politicians can’t resist adding their official encouragement to the discussion. Among those joining Trump is Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who last year gave credence to the rumor that the Department of Defense was preparing to invade his state during a training exercise called Jade Helm. It is now possible to meet Americans who have made major life decisions—such as leaving homes and jobs and yanking children out of school—based on the belief that it is only a matter of time before their own government comes to get them. A Florida radio host has been exhorting people to join colonies of conservatives in Central America before the U.S. government rounds them up. At the Republican Convention in Cleveland, I met martial law conspiracy theory believers who were convinced that only Trump stands between them and one of the secret FEMA camps, those with the electronically operated turnstiles that rotate in, not out."
Bannon Hire Is The Nail In The Coffin Of RNC Latino Outreach Effort
"Shortly after the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) director of Hispanic communications announced a Latino engagement campaign that she said signified “a dramatic change” from what the community has come to expect from the RNC and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, news broke that Trump had appointed Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen Bannon as his campaign’s chief executive. Under Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart News has frequently used anti-immigrant slurs, defended Trump’s worst attacks on immigrants and Latinos, and published “war on Spanish” and alt-right, nativist-appealing content."
"Shortly after the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) director of Hispanic communications announced a Latino engagement campaign that she said signified “a dramatic change” from what the community has come to expect from the RNC and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, news broke that Trump had appointed Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen Bannon as his campaign’s chief executive. Under Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart News has frequently used anti-immigrant slurs, defended Trump’s worst attacks on immigrants and Latinos, and published “war on Spanish” and alt-right, nativist-appealing content."
The Complete History Of Donald Trump's Relationship With The White Nationalist Movement
"White nationalists haven't only praised Trump from afar: They've rubbed elbows with the campaign. Trump himself has repeatedly retweeted white supremacist messages and accounts, such as “WhiteGenocideTM.” Trump surrogates have directly courted white nationalists by giving interviews to white nationalist media outlets. A “pro-white” radio host received press credentials to cover a Trump rally and the Republican National Convention. And Trump selected the leader of a white nationalist political party to be a convention delegate (he resigned following media exposure). White nationalists have used Trump's tacit and direct support to breathe new life into their movement. The movement’s leaders have said they have seen "unprecedented interest" in their activities and message. They have used Trump to fundraise and build up their organizations. And white nationalist leaders say they and their ideas are now "firmly in the mainstream" thanks to Trump."
"White nationalists haven't only praised Trump from afar: They've rubbed elbows with the campaign. Trump himself has repeatedly retweeted white supremacist messages and accounts, such as “WhiteGenocideTM.” Trump surrogates have directly courted white nationalists by giving interviews to white nationalist media outlets. A “pro-white” radio host received press credentials to cover a Trump rally and the Republican National Convention. And Trump selected the leader of a white nationalist political party to be a convention delegate (he resigned following media exposure). White nationalists have used Trump's tacit and direct support to breathe new life into their movement. The movement’s leaders have said they have seen "unprecedented interest" in their activities and message. They have used Trump to fundraise and build up their organizations. And white nationalist leaders say they and their ideas are now "firmly in the mainstream" thanks to Trump."
Internet explodes when Trump predicts he’ll score 95 percent of African-American vote
Internet explodes when Trump predicts he’ll score 95 percent of African-American vote
"While standing in front of a sea of primarily white supporters, Donald Trump pledged that he will score 95 percent of the African-American vote after serving four years in the White House."
"While standing in front of a sea of primarily white supporters, Donald Trump pledged that he will score 95 percent of the African-American vote after serving four years in the White House."
How Breitbart News Spreads Lies About Planned Parenthood And Birth Control
"Deriding the media for discussing women’s health, Breitbart News tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos made a number of unsupported claims about the effects of using contraceptives. Yiannopoulos argued that birth control not only “destroyed the institution of marriage” but also makes women “fat,” “unsexy,” and “a slut.” After making these claims, Yiannopoulos warned that, if a woman stops taking birth control, “you will be faced with a woman who has spent the last half-decade not learning how to deal with the Twilight Zone insanity endemic to the female brain"."
"Deriding the media for discussing women’s health, Breitbart News tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos made a number of unsupported claims about the effects of using contraceptives. Yiannopoulos argued that birth control not only “destroyed the institution of marriage” but also makes women “fat,” “unsexy,” and “a slut.” After making these claims, Yiannopoulos warned that, if a woman stops taking birth control, “you will be faced with a woman who has spent the last half-decade not learning how to deal with the Twilight Zone insanity endemic to the female brain"."
Gold Star Dad Tells Trump To Put Up Or Shut Up (Updated)
Gold Star Dad Tells Trump To Put Up Or Shut Up (Updated)
"You may recall Gold Star Dad Fred Boenig from his confrontation with "Tehran Tom" Cotton last year. Boenig has three children on active duty and lost one in Iraq."
"You may recall Gold Star Dad Fred Boenig from his confrontation with "Tehran Tom" Cotton last year. Boenig has three children on active duty and lost one in Iraq."
6 Manufactured News Scandals Produced and Promoted by Breitbart News and New Trump Campaign Chief Bannon @alternet
6 Manufactured News Scandals Produced and Promoted by Breitbart News and New Trump Campaign Chief Bannon @alternet:
"Breitbart News CEO Stephen K. Bannon brings those same fact-free, mud-slinging values to yet another reboot of Donald J. Trump’s flagging presidential campaign."
"Breitbart News CEO Stephen K. Bannon brings those same fact-free, mud-slinging values to yet another reboot of Donald J. Trump’s flagging presidential campaign."
Ron Johnson Is Perfectly Fine With Trump Having Nuclear Codes
Ron Johnson Is Perfectly Fine With Trump Having Nuclear Codes
"When the gentle reader reads his full answer, it doesn't make things any better: When pressed on the question again of whether Johnson trusted Trump with the nation’s nuclear weapons, Johnson said, "Certainly. Take a look at his vice president pick, take a look at his Supreme Court justices, take a look at his family." Yeah, picking a fascist and homophobe for a running mate is a sure confidence builder."
"When the gentle reader reads his full answer, it doesn't make things any better: When pressed on the question again of whether Johnson trusted Trump with the nation’s nuclear weapons, Johnson said, "Certainly. Take a look at his vice president pick, take a look at his Supreme Court justices, take a look at his family." Yeah, picking a fascist and homophobe for a running mate is a sure confidence builder."
Wake-up call for Trump: He’s confronting the reality of a general electorate that looks nothing like GOP primary voters
Wake-up call for Trump: He’s confronting the reality of a general electorate that looks nothing like GOP primary voters
"The average Republican primary voter is not the average general election voter. Trump’s jingoism is toxic to everyone outside the GOP bubble. Thus he’s backed himself into a corner of sorts: If he shape-shifts into a non-racist candidate, he’ll alienate the racists who propelled his campaign in the first place."
"The average Republican primary voter is not the average general election voter. Trump’s jingoism is toxic to everyone outside the GOP bubble. Thus he’s backed himself into a corner of sorts: If he shape-shifts into a non-racist candidate, he’ll alienate the racists who propelled his campaign in the first place."
Conspiracy Nuts Voting for Trump, Study Finds @alternet
Conspiracy Nuts Voting for Trump, Study Finds @alternet:
"All of these ideas are actively pushed by Infowar’s Alex Jones, a man who has dedicated his life to propagating—usually by yelling himself red in the face (see: this video)—every paranoid, insane theory that exists. (Gay people are being manufactured by the government; the pope is the Anti-Christ; Beyonce is a tool of the CIA.) So it follows that followers of Jones are also 4 times more likely to follow Trump than to follow Clinton."
"All of these ideas are actively pushed by Infowar’s Alex Jones, a man who has dedicated his life to propagating—usually by yelling himself red in the face (see: this video)—every paranoid, insane theory that exists. (Gay people are being manufactured by the government; the pope is the Anti-Christ; Beyonce is a tool of the CIA.) So it follows that followers of Jones are also 4 times more likely to follow Trump than to follow Clinton."
Hannity’s Shameless Trump Town Hall Includes Lies That Trump Opposed Iraq And Opposed Troop Withdrawal
"Sean Hannity’s town hall with Donald Trump included several lies about the war in Iraq that were repeated by Hannity throughout the night."
"Sean Hannity’s town hall with Donald Trump included several lies about the war in Iraq that were repeated by Hannity throughout the night."
“Totally Synced”: How Donald Trump And Alex Jones’ Conspiracy Theory Movement Speaks With One Voice
"Trump and Jones have also been in lockstep on other conspiracies. Jones has often promoted the birther conspiracy that President Obama was not born in the United States, a nonsense theory that Trump has eagerly pushed. Infowars promoted the idea that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had been killed around the same time Trump floated the theory in an appearance on Michael Savage’s radio show. And when Trump argued, without evidence, that Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, he was echoing a claim that had already been made on Jones’ website."
"Trump and Jones have also been in lockstep on other conspiracies. Jones has often promoted the birther conspiracy that President Obama was not born in the United States, a nonsense theory that Trump has eagerly pushed. Infowars promoted the idea that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had been killed around the same time Trump floated the theory in an appearance on Michael Savage’s radio show. And when Trump argued, without evidence, that Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, he was echoing a claim that had already been made on Jones’ website."
So Much For Dog Whistles. Trump Has Now Fully Embraced White Nationalists.
"Donald Trump has built his campaign on the strength of his white-nationalist dog-whistle. He has a habit of retweeting racist and anti-Semitic memes from white-supremacists. His campaign gives radio interviews to explicitly racist media outlets. Yet while Trump’s comments outraged many — like his claim that a Latino judge couldn’t be impartial — a virulent subculture heard his call and came out swinging. When Trump talks about “heritage” and the criminality of immigrants and people of color, white nationalists hear an endorsement of their core beliefs. Over the past year, they’ve come out in droves: making robocalls, organizing rallies, and raising money. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke cited Trump as his inspiration to run for Senate. But until now, Trump has danced around openly embracing the white nationalist alt-right: He’ll retweet their adulation of him and borrow their talking points, but when asked, say the absolute minimum to defuse the controversy. To the white nationalists, Trump’s words are taken as a tacit signal of approval, but it’s one that still leaves Trump some wiggle room to claim ignorance in front of more mainstream audiences. On Wednesday, Trump named Steven K. Bannon, the executive chairman of the conservative website Breitbart News (known for their drooling Trump coverage), as his new campaign CEO. In doing so, Trump signaled that he’s ready to formally embrace the alt-right and their white nationalist views."
"Donald Trump has built his campaign on the strength of his white-nationalist dog-whistle. He has a habit of retweeting racist and anti-Semitic memes from white-supremacists. His campaign gives radio interviews to explicitly racist media outlets. Yet while Trump’s comments outraged many — like his claim that a Latino judge couldn’t be impartial — a virulent subculture heard his call and came out swinging. When Trump talks about “heritage” and the criminality of immigrants and people of color, white nationalists hear an endorsement of their core beliefs. Over the past year, they’ve come out in droves: making robocalls, organizing rallies, and raising money. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke cited Trump as his inspiration to run for Senate. But until now, Trump has danced around openly embracing the white nationalist alt-right: He’ll retweet their adulation of him and borrow their talking points, but when asked, say the absolute minimum to defuse the controversy. To the white nationalists, Trump’s words are taken as a tacit signal of approval, but it’s one that still leaves Trump some wiggle room to claim ignorance in front of more mainstream audiences. On Wednesday, Trump named Steven K. Bannon, the executive chairman of the conservative website Breitbart News (known for their drooling Trump coverage), as his new campaign CEO. In doing so, Trump signaled that he’s ready to formally embrace the alt-right and their white nationalist views."
‘Burn every single ni**er!’: This is how Trump supporters talk when they think nobody’s listening
‘Burn every single ni**er!’: This is how Trump supporters talk when they think nobody’s listening
"A Massachusetts convoy of Trump supporters drove from Wrentham to Foxboro in their trucks, RVs and SUVs on July 31 and were caught on tape spewing racist epithets and calls for anti-black violence"
"A Massachusetts convoy of Trump supporters drove from Wrentham to Foxboro in their trucks, RVs and SUVs on July 31 and were caught on tape spewing racist epithets and calls for anti-black violence"
Trump’s damage has already been done: He has nurtured a generation of racist bullies
Trump’s damage has already been done: He has nurtured a generation of racist bullies
"This will be Trump’s shameful legacy long after he has slunk away from the political spotlight."
"This will be Trump’s shameful legacy long after he has slunk away from the political spotlight."
Trump Campaign Absorbs 'Trump's Personal Pravda,' Moves Further To The Racist Fringe
Trump Campaign Absorbs 'Trump's Personal Pravda,' Moves Further To The Racist Fringe:
"The choice of Bannon, whom former employee Ben Shapiro has described as a “vindictive, nasty figure” and “a smarter version of Trump,” is likely to take the Trump campaign yet another step in the direction of unabashed, racist nationalism."
"The choice of Bannon, whom former employee Ben Shapiro has described as a “vindictive, nasty figure” and “a smarter version of Trump,” is likely to take the Trump campaign yet another step in the direction of unabashed, racist nationalism."
Trump Says He Doesn't Trust And Won't Use, US Intelligence
Trump Says He Doesn't Trust And Won't Use, US Intelligence
"As far as military intelligence gathering goes, Trump said "the people that have been doing it for our country, I mean, look what’s happened over the last 10 years. … It’s been catastrophic. Very easy to use them, but I won't use them, because they’ve made such bad decisions.” Trump neglected to remember or point out how the George W. Bush administration doctored intelligence and ignored experts in their pursuit of a war in Iraq."
"As far as military intelligence gathering goes, Trump said "the people that have been doing it for our country, I mean, look what’s happened over the last 10 years. … It’s been catastrophic. Very easy to use them, but I won't use them, because they’ve made such bad decisions.” Trump neglected to remember or point out how the George W. Bush administration doctored intelligence and ignored experts in their pursuit of a war in Iraq."
The Hostile Takeover Of The GOP Is Now Complete
The Hostile Takeover Of The GOP Is Now Complete:
"For years the Republican Party used dog whistles to avoid accusations of racism. (The strategy was famously explained by former RNC Chair Lee Atwater.) The Trump/Breitbart ideology now unflinchingly promotes racism, while openly courting the support of bigots."
"For years the Republican Party used dog whistles to avoid accusations of racism. (The strategy was famously explained by former RNC Chair Lee Atwater.) The Trump/Breitbart ideology now unflinchingly promotes racism, while openly courting the support of bigots."
Donald Trump Is a Menace to American Society, Presidential Candidate or Not @alternet
Donald Trump Is a Menace to American Society, Presidential Candidate or Not @alternet:
"In many ways, Trump is the natural end result of a GOP that has leaned toward violent rhetoric and racial divisiveness for years, starting with the Southern Strategy and more recently witnessed in Sarah Palin’s 2010 crosshairs map that included a target for former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who a year later was shot in the head by mass shooter Jared Loughner. The Republican Party has been fomenting hate and bigotry for decades through messaging that has grown increasingly full-throated—the language used against President Obama during the last eight years alone is a treasure trove of right-wing scariness. Trump is what all that messaging hath wrought and then some. His fanbase of racists and xenophobes, whipped into a frenzy, have responded to his calls for violence with violence. This goes far beyond the beatings doled out to protesters at Trump rallies."
"In many ways, Trump is the natural end result of a GOP that has leaned toward violent rhetoric and racial divisiveness for years, starting with the Southern Strategy and more recently witnessed in Sarah Palin’s 2010 crosshairs map that included a target for former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who a year later was shot in the head by mass shooter Jared Loughner. The Republican Party has been fomenting hate and bigotry for decades through messaging that has grown increasingly full-throated—the language used against President Obama during the last eight years alone is a treasure trove of right-wing scariness. Trump is what all that messaging hath wrought and then some. His fanbase of racists and xenophobes, whipped into a frenzy, have responded to his calls for violence with violence. This goes far beyond the beatings doled out to protesters at Trump rallies."
Donald Trump campaign remodel: Even more conspiracy theory, fewer facts
"Donald Trump already had an astounding record of putting forward groundless assertions, enough to earn him an unmatched 70 percent untruthful rate at Politifact. This move is designed to erase that last 30 percent."
"Donald Trump already had an astounding record of putting forward groundless assertions, enough to earn him an unmatched 70 percent untruthful rate at Politifact. This move is designed to erase that last 30 percent."
VIDEO: How Right-Wing Lies Become Mainstream News
"The Fox Cycle is the process by which Fox News pushes right-wing fringe stories into the mainstream news. Fox distorts facts, spreads myths as truths and devotes heavy, one-sided coverage to make viewers believe in baseless, manufactured stories -- and, worse, to convince mainstream media outlets to cover these lies."
"The Fox Cycle is the process by which Fox News pushes right-wing fringe stories into the mainstream news. Fox distorts facts, spreads myths as truths and devotes heavy, one-sided coverage to make viewers believe in baseless, manufactured stories -- and, worse, to convince mainstream media outlets to cover these lies."
The Party Of Honest Abe Now Stuck With Dishonest Don
"Win or lose this November, Donald Trump is headed for the record books regardless, presidential historians say, albeit with an admittedly dubious achievement: the most falsehood-prone candidate in the two centuries of the republic."
"Win or lose this November, Donald Trump is headed for the record books regardless, presidential historians say, albeit with an admittedly dubious achievement: the most falsehood-prone candidate in the two centuries of the republic."
WATCH: 5 Straight Minutes Of Donald Trump Lying And Contradicting Himself
"when it comes to political hogwash and making mountains out of mole hills, Republicans are professionals."
"when it comes to political hogwash and making mountains out of mole hills, Republicans are professionals."
Donald Trump Spreads Economic Fairy Dust
"He’s pushing the same old failures of Reaganomics: tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, along with nostalgia for an industrial era long gone."
"He’s pushing the same old failures of Reaganomics: tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, along with nostalgia for an industrial era long gone."
Donald Trump's Economic Plan For America is Literally Garbage
"It was standard fantasy Republican economics based on the long disproved notion that giving lots of money back to rich people somehow makes everyone wealthier"
"It was standard fantasy Republican economics based on the long disproved notion that giving lots of money back to rich people somehow makes everyone wealthier"
Who Said It: Donald Trump or The Onion
Who Said It: Donald Trump or The Onion
"There are many ways to describe Donald Trump. From a bigot, to a racist to a raving lunatic with the temperament of a spoiled 13-year-old and the vocabulary of a 3rd grader, he’s easily the most ridiculous presidential candidate most of us have seen in our lifetimes."
"There are many ways to describe Donald Trump. From a bigot, to a racist to a raving lunatic with the temperament of a spoiled 13-year-old and the vocabulary of a 3rd grader, he’s easily the most ridiculous presidential candidate most of us have seen in our lifetimes."
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Make No Mistake: The Koch Brothers Are Helping Donald Trump @alternet
Make No Mistake: The Koch Brothers Are Helping Donald Trump @alternet:
"They may not wish to get all of that Trumpy dirt—the calls to violence, the obvious racism and misogyny, the invitation to Russia for cyberespionage on his own country—on their manicured hands, but they’re keen to turn out the voters needed to maintain Republican control of both houses of Congress. And there’s no way to turn out those voters without helping the quisling from Queens. People who live in Koch World have a sweet deal. If you’re a politician in the brothers’ orbit, you’re likely dependent on the ground operation of Americans for Prosperity—or other Koch astroturf outfits, such as Libre Initiative or 60 Plus—to get your voters to the polls. If you’re an employee of any of the multitudes of Kochlinked organizations that dot the Republican landscape, you’re dependent on them for your paycheck. And if you’re the Koch brothers, seeking to hold onto your congressional majority, you’re dependent on your people seeing to it that Republican voters are not so turned off by Donald Trump that they fail to show up to vote for your favored candidate for either the House or the Senate. So it should come as no surprise that we see House Speaker Paul Ryan, after all his tsk-tsks about Donald Trump’s racism and bad language, brushing off the candidate’s apparent call to violence against Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton as “a joke gone bad.” Ryan has long been championed by Americans for Prosperity, and even received its Wisconsin chapter’s “Defending the American Dream” award as far back as 2008. (The award was presented to him by a young county executive named Scott Walker.) And it really shouldn’t be surprising that Indiana Governor Mike Pence agreed to sign on as Trump’s running mate—a move he surely would not have made had he received signals that the Kochs were opposed, given his frequent speaking gigs at the events of Koch-linked organizations, and the love he’s received from Americans for Prosperity for his tax-cutting policies."
"They may not wish to get all of that Trumpy dirt—the calls to violence, the obvious racism and misogyny, the invitation to Russia for cyberespionage on his own country—on their manicured hands, but they’re keen to turn out the voters needed to maintain Republican control of both houses of Congress. And there’s no way to turn out those voters without helping the quisling from Queens. People who live in Koch World have a sweet deal. If you’re a politician in the brothers’ orbit, you’re likely dependent on the ground operation of Americans for Prosperity—or other Koch astroturf outfits, such as Libre Initiative or 60 Plus—to get your voters to the polls. If you’re an employee of any of the multitudes of Kochlinked organizations that dot the Republican landscape, you’re dependent on them for your paycheck. And if you’re the Koch brothers, seeking to hold onto your congressional majority, you’re dependent on your people seeing to it that Republican voters are not so turned off by Donald Trump that they fail to show up to vote for your favored candidate for either the House or the Senate. So it should come as no surprise that we see House Speaker Paul Ryan, after all his tsk-tsks about Donald Trump’s racism and bad language, brushing off the candidate’s apparent call to violence against Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton as “a joke gone bad.” Ryan has long been championed by Americans for Prosperity, and even received its Wisconsin chapter’s “Defending the American Dream” award as far back as 2008. (The award was presented to him by a young county executive named Scott Walker.) And it really shouldn’t be surprising that Indiana Governor Mike Pence agreed to sign on as Trump’s running mate—a move he surely would not have made had he received signals that the Kochs were opposed, given his frequent speaking gigs at the events of Koch-linked organizations, and the love he’s received from Americans for Prosperity for his tax-cutting policies."
Friday, August 19, 2016
11 Dangerous Right-Wing Kooks, Cranks and Operatives Surrounding Donald Trump @alternet
11 Dangerous Right-Wing Kooks, Cranks and Operatives Surrounding Donald Trump @alternet:
"Here we present a list—by no means comprehensive—of the fear-mongering, conspiracy-spinning and violence-inciting characters surrounding the Republican Party’s standard-bearer."
"Here we present a list—by no means comprehensive—of the fear-mongering, conspiracy-spinning and violence-inciting characters surrounding the Republican Party’s standard-bearer."
Donnie’s little lies are yuuuge: Trump has redefined what it means to be deceitful on the campaign trail
Donnie’s little lies are yuuuge: Trump has redefined what it means to be deceitful on the campaign trail
"What we have here is the same old failed, establishmentarian, economic elitist hokum that Republicans have been peddling for decades, only bigger and more extreme. Rhetoric aside, the reality of Trump’s plan is to replace Ronald Reagan’s trickle-down theory with his own arrogant, anti-worker scheme of tinkle-down economics. As an early 19th Century labor leader noted, “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.” That fits The Donald perfectly."
"What we have here is the same old failed, establishmentarian, economic elitist hokum that Republicans have been peddling for decades, only bigger and more extreme. Rhetoric aside, the reality of Trump’s plan is to replace Ronald Reagan’s trickle-down theory with his own arrogant, anti-worker scheme of tinkle-down economics. As an early 19th Century labor leader noted, “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.” That fits The Donald perfectly."
Donald Trump embraces a toxic dump of hipster racists with his new fantasy-spewing campaign CEO
Donald Trump embraces a toxic dump of hipster racists with his new fantasy-spewing campaign CEO
"If any more confirmation is needed of Donald Trump’s embrace of white nationalism, look no further than his selection of Stephen K. Bannon, the head honcho of Breitbart News, as his presidential campaign’s new chief executive. With one hire Trump dispelled the fairytale he would act more presidential, while doubling down on his hate-powered campaign by allying with a toxic dump of racists, fabulists, and conspiracists posing as a news outlet. This move is perfectly aligned with Trump’s tin-foiled conspiracies that shot him to prominence beginning with blatantly fraudulent birtherism."
"If any more confirmation is needed of Donald Trump’s embrace of white nationalism, look no further than his selection of Stephen K. Bannon, the head honcho of Breitbart News, as his presidential campaign’s new chief executive. With one hire Trump dispelled the fairytale he would act more presidential, while doubling down on his hate-powered campaign by allying with a toxic dump of racists, fabulists, and conspiracists posing as a news outlet. This move is perfectly aligned with Trump’s tin-foiled conspiracies that shot him to prominence beginning with blatantly fraudulent birtherism."
Wake-up call for Trump: He’s confronting the reality of a general electorate that looks nothing like GOP primary voters
Wake-up call for Trump: He’s confronting the reality of a general electorate that looks nothing like GOP primary voters
"The average Republican primary voter is not the average general election voter. Trump’s jingoism is toxic to everyone outside the GOP bubble. Thus he’s backed himself into a corner of sorts: If he shape-shifts into a non-racist candidate, he’ll alienate the racists who propelled his campaign in the first place."
"The average Republican primary voter is not the average general election voter. Trump’s jingoism is toxic to everyone outside the GOP bubble. Thus he’s backed himself into a corner of sorts: If he shape-shifts into a non-racist candidate, he’ll alienate the racists who propelled his campaign in the first place."
Trump campaign chair Manafort organized protesters who threw rocks at US troops: report
Trump campaign chair Manafort organized protesters who threw rocks at US troops: report
"On Wednesday, we learned that Ukrainian authorities have accused Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of organizing protests against a NATO military exercise in Ukraine on behalf of the pro-Russian Party of Regions. Now we’re learning about some of the details of that protest and they are not pretty. Fusion.net talked with Lt. Colonel Tom Doman, who was one of the U.S. soldiers who was in Ukraine to help plan the NATO exercise, dubbed Sea Breeze 2006. When he and 112 of his fellow soldiers were en route to a NATO compound, anti-NATO protesters descended upon their vehicles. “We had rocks thrown at us,” Doman tells Fusion. “Rocks hit Marines. Buses were rocked back and forth. We were just trying to get to our base"."
"On Wednesday, we learned that Ukrainian authorities have accused Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of organizing protests against a NATO military exercise in Ukraine on behalf of the pro-Russian Party of Regions. Now we’re learning about some of the details of that protest and they are not pretty. Fusion.net talked with Lt. Colonel Tom Doman, who was one of the U.S. soldiers who was in Ukraine to help plan the NATO exercise, dubbed Sea Breeze 2006. When he and 112 of his fellow soldiers were en route to a NATO compound, anti-NATO protesters descended upon their vehicles. “We had rocks thrown at us,” Doman tells Fusion. “Rocks hit Marines. Buses were rocked back and forth. We were just trying to get to our base"."
VIDEO: How Right-Wing Lies Become Mainstream News
"The Fox Cycle is the process by which Fox News pushes right-wing fringe stories into the mainstream news. Fox distorts facts, spreads myths as truths and devotes heavy, one-sided coverage to make viewers believe in baseless, manufactured stories -- and, worse, to convince mainstream media outlets to cover these lies."
"The Fox Cycle is the process by which Fox News pushes right-wing fringe stories into the mainstream news. Fox distorts facts, spreads myths as truths and devotes heavy, one-sided coverage to make viewers believe in baseless, manufactured stories -- and, worse, to convince mainstream media outlets to cover these lies."
A Perfect Match: Donald Trump And Breitbart Share A Curious Relationship With The Truth
A Perfect Match: Donald Trump And Breitbart Share A Curious Relationship With The Truth:
"Besides its feverish promotion of Trump’s presidential bid , Breitbart News often promotes bogus, racist and conspiratorial claims, much like the candidate himself."
"Besides its feverish promotion of Trump’s presidential bid , Breitbart News often promotes bogus, racist and conspiratorial claims, much like the candidate himself."
Marco Rubio: Vote For Donald Trump To Have More Scalia-like Justices On The Supreme Court
Marco Rubio: Vote For Donald Trump To Have More Scalia-like Justices On The Supreme Court: "Florida Sen. Marco Rubio may stand by his belief that Donald Trump is a dishonest “con man,” but in an interview last week with the Christian Broadcasting Network, he said that pastors should support Trump anyway, noting that “Donald Trump is committed” to appointing Supreme Court justices in the mold of the late Antonin Scalia."
‘Trump Youth’ group run by Hitler apologist will teach millennials to root out ‘parasites’
‘Trump Youth’ group run by Hitler apologist will teach millennials to root out ‘parasites’
"The founder of “Trump Youth” has called on young Americans to come together to fight the “parasites” of society. The Jewish newspaper Forward reported on Tuesday that activist Jayme Liardi had launched the “Trump Youth” program with rhetoric that “evokes the Hitler Youth, a wing of Germany’s Nazi party.” A website for the group encourages young voters to “[e]mbrace your destiny and become a part of the greatest battle the world has ever seen"."
"The founder of “Trump Youth” has called on young Americans to come together to fight the “parasites” of society. The Jewish newspaper Forward reported on Tuesday that activist Jayme Liardi had launched the “Trump Youth” program with rhetoric that “evokes the Hitler Youth, a wing of Germany’s Nazi party.” A website for the group encourages young voters to “[e]mbrace your destiny and become a part of the greatest battle the world has ever seen"."
In Major Shake-Up, Trump Hires Breitbart Exec and Citizens United Propagandist Bannon to Lead Campaign @alternet
In Major Shake-Up, Trump Hires Breitbart Exec and Citizens United Propagandist Bannon to Lead Campaign @alternet:
"The writer/director of a number of films produced by Citizens United, Bannon is a curious choice to lead a campaign in turmoil. His expertise is as a propagandist, not a politico. Citizens United is best known as the plaintiff in the lawsuit that yielded the Supreme Court decision that allowed for the flooding of U.S. political campaigns with cash from unnamed donors."
"The writer/director of a number of films produced by Citizens United, Bannon is a curious choice to lead a campaign in turmoil. His expertise is as a propagandist, not a politico. Citizens United is best known as the plaintiff in the lawsuit that yielded the Supreme Court decision that allowed for the flooding of U.S. political campaigns with cash from unnamed donors."
Did Trump Campaign Manager Reap Millions in Stolen Ukrainian Wealth?
Did Trump Campaign Manager Reap Millions in Stolen Ukrainian Wealth?:
"Today, the story deepened, thanks to an exposé in the New York Times on the looting of Ukraine's treasury during the presidency of Putin ally Viktor Yanukovych, to whom Manafort served as a political consultant. It's bad enough that Manafort made his living by aiding the political fortunes of a leader described by the Guardian as "a thug," and who, before he fled Ukraine in the wake of a popular uprising against government corruption, was an enemy of the U.S. But the latest revelations about Manafort's Ukrainian adventure should disqualify him to serve as the chief strategist for the presidential campaign of the Republican Party."
"Today, the story deepened, thanks to an exposé in the New York Times on the looting of Ukraine's treasury during the presidency of Putin ally Viktor Yanukovych, to whom Manafort served as a political consultant. It's bad enough that Manafort made his living by aiding the political fortunes of a leader described by the Guardian as "a thug," and who, before he fled Ukraine in the wake of a popular uprising against government corruption, was an enemy of the U.S. But the latest revelations about Manafort's Ukrainian adventure should disqualify him to serve as the chief strategist for the presidential campaign of the Republican Party."
Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Reportedly Paid Millions By Russia's Puppet
Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Reportedly Paid Millions By Russia's Puppet
"The New York Times helpfully reports that Manafort received as much as $12.7 million in cash payments from former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his Russian cohorts. Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials. They go on to note that Manafort never registered as an agent of a foreign government under FARA, which is generally required when Americans serve as consultants to foreign governments."
"The New York Times helpfully reports that Manafort received as much as $12.7 million in cash payments from former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his Russian cohorts. Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials. They go on to note that Manafort never registered as an agent of a foreign government under FARA, which is generally required when Americans serve as consultants to foreign governments."
Trump’s populist hogwash: His debunked trickle-down proposals would only serve folks in his tax bracket
Trump’s populist hogwash: His debunked trickle-down proposals would only serve folks in his tax bracket
"Trump’s economic plan is based on discredited economic dogma that places the economic interests of billionaires and corporations above those of the working and middle class."
"Trump’s economic plan is based on discredited economic dogma that places the economic interests of billionaires and corporations above those of the working and middle class."
Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief
"On a leafy side street off Independence Square in Kiev is an office used for years by Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine’s ruling political party. His furniture and personal items were still there as recently as May. And Mr. Manafort’s presence remains elsewhere here in the capital, where government investigators examining secret records have found his name, as well as companies he sought business with, as they try to untangle a corrupt network they say was used to loot Ukrainian assets and influence elections during the administration of Mr. Manafort’s main client, former President Viktor F. Yanukovych. Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles, including a palatial presidential residence with a private zoo, golf course and tennis court. Among the hundreds of murky transactions these companies engaged in was an $18 million deal to sell Ukrainian cable television assets to a partnership put together by Mr. Manafort and a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin."
"On a leafy side street off Independence Square in Kiev is an office used for years by Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine’s ruling political party. His furniture and personal items were still there as recently as May. And Mr. Manafort’s presence remains elsewhere here in the capital, where government investigators examining secret records have found his name, as well as companies he sought business with, as they try to untangle a corrupt network they say was used to loot Ukrainian assets and influence elections during the administration of Mr. Manafort’s main client, former President Viktor F. Yanukovych. Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles, including a palatial presidential residence with a private zoo, golf course and tennis court. Among the hundreds of murky transactions these companies engaged in was an $18 million deal to sell Ukrainian cable television assets to a partnership put together by Mr. Manafort and a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin."
Rudy Giuliani: No Terrorist Attacks Occurred During The Bush Administration
Rudy Giuliani: No Terrorist Attacks Occurred During The Bush Administration:
"It was just the latest bit of creative history from the Trump campaign."
"It was just the latest bit of creative history from the Trump campaign."
Chief NC scientist resigns, accuses GOP administration of misleading the public about water quality
Chief NC scientist resigns, accuses GOP administration of misleading the public about water quality
"Megan Davies, North Carolina’s chief epidemiologist, resigned this week in the latest bit of drama over drinking water safety — drama that involves the state’s biggest utility and the administration of Republican Gov. Pat McCrory. Davies, who accused state officials of deliberately misleading residents, gives up her post of seven years and an $188,000 annual salary. The story begins in 2014, when a Duke Energy power plant spilled 40,000 tons of toxic coal ash and 27 million gallons of wastewater into the Dan River. The ash is a byproduct of burning coal, and it’s harmful to people and ecosystems, containing silica, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. In the aftermath of the spill, public concern grew over Duke’s 32 coal ash storage sites around the state. Many of them were revealed to be unprotected, sitting in unlined basins — just heaps of coal ash in giant pits, leaching toxic elements and a carcinogen called hexavalent chromium into the water table. Soon after, hundreds of households near the storage sites were told by state officials not to drink from their wells due to concerns over water quality. In April 2015, Duke Energy began providing bottled water to those homes. The do-not-drink order, however, didn’t last. A year after warning residents that their well water wasn’t safe, representatives from the state’s Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health and Human Services changed their minds, writing to the impacted households that their water was actually fine. Testing, however, showed that well water near the coal ash sites still had levels of hexavalent chromium higher than in the municipal water supply. And Duke Energy, it turned out, had lobbied the state to reverse the do-not-drink order, even though nothing about most of the storage sites had changed. There were still unlined coal ash sites dotting the state, and there were still toxins in the water."
"Megan Davies, North Carolina’s chief epidemiologist, resigned this week in the latest bit of drama over drinking water safety — drama that involves the state’s biggest utility and the administration of Republican Gov. Pat McCrory. Davies, who accused state officials of deliberately misleading residents, gives up her post of seven years and an $188,000 annual salary. The story begins in 2014, when a Duke Energy power plant spilled 40,000 tons of toxic coal ash and 27 million gallons of wastewater into the Dan River. The ash is a byproduct of burning coal, and it’s harmful to people and ecosystems, containing silica, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. In the aftermath of the spill, public concern grew over Duke’s 32 coal ash storage sites around the state. Many of them were revealed to be unprotected, sitting in unlined basins — just heaps of coal ash in giant pits, leaching toxic elements and a carcinogen called hexavalent chromium into the water table. Soon after, hundreds of households near the storage sites were told by state officials not to drink from their wells due to concerns over water quality. In April 2015, Duke Energy began providing bottled water to those homes. The do-not-drink order, however, didn’t last. A year after warning residents that their well water wasn’t safe, representatives from the state’s Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health and Human Services changed their minds, writing to the impacted households that their water was actually fine. Testing, however, showed that well water near the coal ash sites still had levels of hexavalent chromium higher than in the municipal water supply. And Duke Energy, it turned out, had lobbied the state to reverse the do-not-drink order, even though nothing about most of the storage sites had changed. There were still unlined coal ash sites dotting the state, and there were still toxins in the water."
Conservative Radio Host Admits Right-Wing Media Created a 'Monster' That Doesn't Believe Facts @alternet
Conservative Radio Host Admits Right-Wing Media Created a 'Monster' That Doesn't Believe Facts @alternet:
"a cash-strapped and dysfunctional company where paychecks bounced, the power was shut off due to unpaid bills and important health insurance was cancelled — after a cancer diagnosis."
"a cash-strapped and dysfunctional company where paychecks bounced, the power was shut off due to unpaid bills and important health insurance was cancelled — after a cancer diagnosis."
No electricity and bouncing paychecks: What it was like to work for Trump Magazine
No electricity and bouncing paychecks: What it was like to work for Trump Magazine
"a cash-strapped and dysfunctional company where paychecks bounced, the power was shut off due to unpaid bills and important health insurance was cancelled — after a cancer diagnosis."
"a cash-strapped and dysfunctional company where paychecks bounced, the power was shut off due to unpaid bills and important health insurance was cancelled — after a cancer diagnosis."
What You Need To Know About The Trump Campaign’s New Chief Executive And His Bigoted Website
"Here’s what you need to know about Bannon and the bigoted news empire he has run since 2012."
"Here’s what you need to know about Bannon and the bigoted news empire he has run since 2012."
Trump Knows His Backers Believe Every Outrageous Lie About Obama – and He's Giving Them What They Want @alternet
Trump Knows His Backers Believe Every Outrageous Lie About Obama – and He's Giving Them What They Want @alternet:
"It’s hard to overstate how extraordinary it is that the GOP nominated a birther for president. These are people who reject the legitimacy of our first African-American president, precisely because he’s African-American. This is Trump’s chosen base, and he owes his political existence to their allegiance. It’s why he’s been dog-whistling to white nationalists since he started campaigning."
"It’s hard to overstate how extraordinary it is that the GOP nominated a birther for president. These are people who reject the legitimacy of our first African-American president, precisely because he’s African-American. This is Trump’s chosen base, and he owes his political existence to their allegiance. It’s why he’s been dog-whistling to white nationalists since he started campaigning."
Happy Birthday Social Security—Let's Remember That Mike Pence Was A Cheerleader For The Program's Destruction
Happy Birthday Social Security—Let's Remember That Mike Pence Was A Cheerleader For The Program's Destruction:
"On August 14, 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. Eighty-one years later it still represents one of the most successful social programs in our country’s history. Nearly 2 out of every 3 seniors rely on the Social Security for the majority of their income. If it did not exist, 44% of the elderly would live in poverty (added link). Currently only 9% do. As a member of Congress, Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee Mike Pence was one of the biggest cheerleaders for George W. Bush’s privatization plans and other reforms that would have harmed the program."
"On August 14, 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. Eighty-one years later it still represents one of the most successful social programs in our country’s history. Nearly 2 out of every 3 seniors rely on the Social Security for the majority of their income. If it did not exist, 44% of the elderly would live in poverty (added link). Currently only 9% do. As a member of Congress, Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee Mike Pence was one of the biggest cheerleaders for George W. Bush’s privatization plans and other reforms that would have harmed the program."
The Trump Anvil Weighs Heavy Around Kelly Ayotte's Neck
The Trump Anvil Weighs Heavy Around Kelly Ayotte's Neck
"Kelly Ayotte has been trying to have it both ways for months now, saying she'll vote for Trump but won't endorse him. This sort of mealy-mouthed non-endorsement of the Republican nominee has done her no favors though, and as Trump's popularity in the state declines so has her chances of remaining in the U.S. Senate."
"Kelly Ayotte has been trying to have it both ways for months now, saying she'll vote for Trump but won't endorse him. This sort of mealy-mouthed non-endorsement of the Republican nominee has done her no favors though, and as Trump's popularity in the state declines so has her chances of remaining in the U.S. Senate."
Donald Trump Has a Huge Conflict of Interest That No One's Talking About
"If elected president, Donald Trump would bring with him to the White House unprecedented conflicts of interest, thanks to his sprawling holdings and various debts, including more than $100 million owed to a foreign bank. But his biggest conflict might be the $200 million hotel project Trump's company is developing a couple of blocks from the White House in the Old Post Office Building, a historic property owned by the federal government and leased to the Trump Organization for 60 years. It seems likely, if not inevitable, that during a Trump presidency the federal government could find itself negotiating with the commander in chief—or his children—over matters relating to the new Trump International Hotel."
"If elected president, Donald Trump would bring with him to the White House unprecedented conflicts of interest, thanks to his sprawling holdings and various debts, including more than $100 million owed to a foreign bank. But his biggest conflict might be the $200 million hotel project Trump's company is developing a couple of blocks from the White House in the Old Post Office Building, a historic property owned by the federal government and leased to the Trump Organization for 60 years. It seems likely, if not inevitable, that during a Trump presidency the federal government could find itself negotiating with the commander in chief—or his children—over matters relating to the new Trump International Hotel."
BOMBSHELL: Ivanka Trump Just Went On Vacation With Putin’s ‘Serious Girlfriend’
"People Magazine is reporting that “daddy’s little girl” and Putin’s likely lady friend, alleged Chinese spy Wendi Deng Murdoch (yes, she was also married to Fox News overlord Rupert Murdoch), were spotted over the weekend enjoying scenic Dubrovnik, Croatia, in Eastern Europe."
"People Magazine is reporting that “daddy’s little girl” and Putin’s likely lady friend, alleged Chinese spy Wendi Deng Murdoch (yes, she was also married to Fox News overlord Rupert Murdoch), were spotted over the weekend enjoying scenic Dubrovnik, Croatia, in Eastern Europe."
Ivanka Trump is sight-seeing in Croatia with her BFF — Vladimir Putin’s girlfriend
Ivanka Trump is sight-seeing in Croatia with her BFF — Vladimir Putin’s girlfriend
"While Donald Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort is under fire for tight relationships with pro-Kremlin allies and Trump is denying he asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, Trump’s eldest daughter and senior Trumpsitting manager is jet setting all over Croatia with Wendi Deng Murdoch, who is Russian president Vladimir Putin’s girlfriend."
"While Donald Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort is under fire for tight relationships with pro-Kremlin allies and Trump is denying he asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, Trump’s eldest daughter and senior Trumpsitting manager is jet setting all over Croatia with Wendi Deng Murdoch, who is Russian president Vladimir Putin’s girlfriend."
Trump campaign chair laid the groundwork for Putin’s Crimea annexation: leaked memo
Trump campaign chair laid the groundwork for Putin’s Crimea annexation: leaked memo
"a senior Ukrainian prosecutor is alleging that Manafort in 2006 orchestrated a series of anti-NATO protests headed up by the pro-Russian Party of Regions, which has since been designated as a criminal organization."
"a senior Ukrainian prosecutor is alleging that Manafort in 2006 orchestrated a series of anti-NATO protests headed up by the pro-Russian Party of Regions, which has since been designated as a criminal organization."
McConnell reiterates message that Donald Trump should be making Supreme Court appointments
"In case you missed it, that's McConnell reiterating again that he would be perfectly fine with a President Trump shaping the federal judiciary, the Supreme Court."
"In case you missed it, that's McConnell reiterating again that he would be perfectly fine with a President Trump shaping the federal judiciary, the Supreme Court."
EXPOSED: Donald Trump’s history of lying under oath
EXPOSED: Donald Trump’s history of lying under oath
"What is most disturbing in Trump’s sworn statements is the amount of nonsense he spouts as he mangles the English language into meanings no rational person could accept. An unsuccessful “development by Donald Trump” is not a “development by Donald Trump.” A successful project built by another developer who paid to have Trump’s name on the building is a “Donald Trump development.” A payment of $400,000 equals a payment of $1 million. An ownership stake of 30 percent is actually a 50 percent stake. In a single sentence, he says he knows some people’s names but not their identities, as if talking about Batman and Superman. He studied résumés, but he only glanced at them. The list goes on, with one point in common: Every one of his answers, while under oath, depends not on the truth but on whether it makes him look good."
"What is most disturbing in Trump’s sworn statements is the amount of nonsense he spouts as he mangles the English language into meanings no rational person could accept. An unsuccessful “development by Donald Trump” is not a “development by Donald Trump.” A successful project built by another developer who paid to have Trump’s name on the building is a “Donald Trump development.” A payment of $400,000 equals a payment of $1 million. An ownership stake of 30 percent is actually a 50 percent stake. In a single sentence, he says he knows some people’s names but not their identities, as if talking about Batman and Superman. He studied résumés, but he only glanced at them. The list goes on, with one point in common: Every one of his answers, while under oath, depends not on the truth but on whether it makes him look good."
Trump Names Serial Misinformer Betsy McCaughey To Economic Advisory Council
"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced that his campaign was expanding its so-called “economic advisory council” to include New York Post columnist Betsy McCaughey, a serial misinformer with no economic expertise and a long track record of promoting outrageous lies through conservative media."
"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced that his campaign was expanding its so-called “economic advisory council” to include New York Post columnist Betsy McCaughey, a serial misinformer with no economic expertise and a long track record of promoting outrageous lies through conservative media."
Karl Rove’s Outside Spending Groups Migrate To New Dark Money Outfit
"While the patriotic-sounding name will mean little to most observers, the team behind One Nation is the same group of Republican operatives that launched a pair of much better known advocacy groups: Karl Rove’s American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS. And they are hard at work at collecting money from donors hoping to preserve a GOP Senate while keeping their own identities a secret."
"While the patriotic-sounding name will mean little to most observers, the team behind One Nation is the same group of Republican operatives that launched a pair of much better known advocacy groups: Karl Rove’s American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS. And they are hard at work at collecting money from donors hoping to preserve a GOP Senate while keeping their own identities a secret."
Paul Krugman Reveals the Despicable Motivations Behind Trump's Most Powerful GOP Supporters @alternet
Paul Krugman Reveals the Despicable Motivations Behind Trump's Most Powerful GOP Supporters @alternet:
"if “populist” Donald Trump wins, taxes on the wealthy will go way down"
"if “populist” Donald Trump wins, taxes on the wealthy will go way down"
Republican Kelly Ayotte's Senate Race Is a Case Study in How Not to Handle Donald Trump @alternet
Republican Kelly Ayotte's Senate Race Is a Case Study in How Not to Handle Donald Trump @alternet:
"Ayotte is one of a number of Republicans who’ve said they will vote for the GOP candidate, but refuse to endorse him. The distinction is unclear, but it seems to boil down to tepidly supporting the candidate, while simultaneously issuing frequent rebukes of some of his more outrageous statements."
"Ayotte is one of a number of Republicans who’ve said they will vote for the GOP candidate, but refuse to endorse him. The distinction is unclear, but it seems to boil down to tepidly supporting the candidate, while simultaneously issuing frequent rebukes of some of his more outrageous statements."
Trump shows that he has absolutely no understanding of energy
"Asked about the nation’s energy situation, Donald Trump got it wrong on almost every point."
"Asked about the nation’s energy situation, Donald Trump got it wrong on almost every point."
Watch Trump Contradict Himself On Almost Every Issue
"It’s not unusual for a politician to change his mind on an issue over time. But it seems like Donald Trump has changed his mind on pretty much all issues. The video above shows the GOP presidential candidate flip-flopping on everything from the Iraq War to minimum wage ― and even the abilities of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. “She’s very talented,” Trump told CNN in 2007. In 2013, he said that Clinton went “above and beyond” as secretary of state."
"It’s not unusual for a politician to change his mind on an issue over time. But it seems like Donald Trump has changed his mind on pretty much all issues. The video above shows the GOP presidential candidate flip-flopping on everything from the Iraq War to minimum wage ― and even the abilities of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. “She’s very talented,” Trump told CNN in 2007. In 2013, he said that Clinton went “above and beyond” as secretary of state."
Meet The Anti-Obamacare Myth-Maker Trump Just Named To His Economic Team
"the greatest asset she brings to Team Trump: an ability to serve up distortions and flat-out falsehoods about Democratic legislation that mainstream Republicans and even credible media outlets devoured and regurgitated as conventional wisdom."
"the greatest asset she brings to Team Trump: an ability to serve up distortions and flat-out falsehoods about Democratic legislation that mainstream Republicans and even credible media outlets devoured and regurgitated as conventional wisdom."
Donald Trump Spreads Economic Fairy Dust
"He’s pushing the same old failures of Reaganomics: tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, along with nostalgia for an industrial era long gone."
"He’s pushing the same old failures of Reaganomics: tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, along with nostalgia for an industrial era long gone."
Paul Ryan Just Proved Republicans at the Top Are Still Craven, Morally Bankrupt Weasels in the Face of Trump
"When pressed by people with microphones and cameras who are at this point f*cking dumbfounded that seemingly rational people are letting this dangerous mental patient run roughshod over them, Ryan pushed back with an oldie but a goodie, saying that a President Trump would bring "better receptivity of our agenda" than a President Hillary Clinton. Which roughly translates into, "I don't give a f*ck if we're giving tax breaks to the four billionaires who survived the Trump-initiated nuclear holocaust in a bunker and there are no more abortions because the radiation has made women infertile, as long as we get our way." At this point there's literally nothing Trump can do that will make these reprehensible a**holes reconsider their decision. The best we can hope for is that Trump truly does take them all down with him."
"When pressed by people with microphones and cameras who are at this point f*cking dumbfounded that seemingly rational people are letting this dangerous mental patient run roughshod over them, Ryan pushed back with an oldie but a goodie, saying that a President Trump would bring "better receptivity of our agenda" than a President Hillary Clinton. Which roughly translates into, "I don't give a f*ck if we're giving tax breaks to the four billionaires who survived the Trump-initiated nuclear holocaust in a bunker and there are no more abortions because the radiation has made women infertile, as long as we get our way." At this point there's literally nothing Trump can do that will make these reprehensible a**holes reconsider their decision. The best we can hope for is that Trump truly does take them all down with him."
Donald Trump's Economic Plan For America is Literally Garbage
"It was standard fantasy Republican economics based on the long disproved notion that giving lots of money back to rich people somehow makes everyone wealthier"
"It was standard fantasy Republican economics based on the long disproved notion that giving lots of money back to rich people somehow makes everyone wealthier"
Noam Chomsky BEGS Americans To Elect Clinton And Save The Planet From Trump (VIDEO)
"This of course, is hardly the first time Chomsky has urged Americans to come to their senses about Trump."
"This of course, is hardly the first time Chomsky has urged Americans to come to their senses about Trump."
Putin's Puppet Donald Trump, Deranged, Impulsive, Narcissistic & Angry, Seeks Nuclear Codes
"Trump is ill-versed in national security, thinking that the nuclear triad is his package, and asking three times in a one-hour briefing why we built nuclear weapons if we aren’t going to use them. We build them so we will never have to use them."
"Trump is ill-versed in national security, thinking that the nuclear triad is his package, and asking three times in a one-hour briefing why we built nuclear weapons if we aren’t going to use them. We build them so we will never have to use them."
Who Said It: Donald Trump or The Onion
Who Said It: Donald Trump or The Onion
"There are many ways to describe Donald Trump. From a bigot, to a racist to a raving lunatic with the temperament of a spoiled 13-year-old and the vocabulary of a 3rd grader, he’s easily the most ridiculous presidential candidate most of us have seen in our lifetimes."
"There are many ways to describe Donald Trump. From a bigot, to a racist to a raving lunatic with the temperament of a spoiled 13-year-old and the vocabulary of a 3rd grader, he’s easily the most ridiculous presidential candidate most of us have seen in our lifetimes."
Donald Trump's Healthcare Plan Would Lead to Disaster Americans would be paying more for worse coverage
"In this short video, we explore the hypothetical reality of TrumpCare and what it would mean for Americans—in short, a public health disaster."
"In this short video, we explore the hypothetical reality of TrumpCare and what it would mean for Americans—in short, a public health disaster."
Thursday, August 11, 2016
The GOP's Youth-Vote Disaster: Donald Trump's Nomination Could Hurt Republicans for Years to Come @alternet
The GOP's Youth-Vote Disaster: Donald Trump's Nomination Could Hurt Republicans for Years to Come @alternet:
"The risk for the Republicans is that they’ve given away an entire generation of voters to the Democrats. Undoing that damage will take a long time, and Republican officials are well aware of how bad this could be for them. The Republican National Committee’s “Growth & Opportunity Project,” commissioned in the aftermath of Mitt Romney’s 2012 defeat, spelled it out in stark terms. “For many of the youngest voters and new 2016 voters, their perception of the two parties was born during the Barack Obama era, and that perception will help determine their worldview moving forward,” it said. “The RNC must more effectively highlight our young leaders and fundamentally change the tone we use to talk about issues and the way we are communicating with voters.” Instead of doing that, they nominated Donald Trump."
"The risk for the Republicans is that they’ve given away an entire generation of voters to the Democrats. Undoing that damage will take a long time, and Republican officials are well aware of how bad this could be for them. The Republican National Committee’s “Growth & Opportunity Project,” commissioned in the aftermath of Mitt Romney’s 2012 defeat, spelled it out in stark terms. “For many of the youngest voters and new 2016 voters, their perception of the two parties was born during the Barack Obama era, and that perception will help determine their worldview moving forward,” it said. “The RNC must more effectively highlight our young leaders and fundamentally change the tone we use to talk about issues and the way we are communicating with voters.” Instead of doing that, they nominated Donald Trump."
Why Trump May Never Poll Over 45 Percent
Why Trump May Never Poll Over 45 Percent
"America has simply become too diverse for a Nixonian "Southern Strategy" to succeed. No longer can a multicultural Democratic coalition be broken by race-baiting whites. Decades ago, as political scientist Michael Tesler has explained, white attitudes on race were more monolithic and susceptible to wedge politics. Today, such tactics are ineffective to dislodge white Democrats from their party. The Trump campaign has been a test to see if the Republican Party can still win as an essentially all-white party with a platform rooted in racial grievance. All the evidence says it cannot. The Trump campaign can change now or the Republican Party can change later. There is no other option."
"America has simply become too diverse for a Nixonian "Southern Strategy" to succeed. No longer can a multicultural Democratic coalition be broken by race-baiting whites. Decades ago, as political scientist Michael Tesler has explained, white attitudes on race were more monolithic and susceptible to wedge politics. Today, such tactics are ineffective to dislodge white Democrats from their party. The Trump campaign has been a test to see if the Republican Party can still win as an essentially all-white party with a platform rooted in racial grievance. All the evidence says it cannot. The Trump campaign can change now or the Republican Party can change later. There is no other option."
‘This sh*t’s not funny’: Strategist explains that Trump is causing an ‘extinction event’ for the GOP
‘This sh*t’s not funny’: Strategist explains that Trump is causing an ‘extinction event’ for the GOP
"more than 70 prominent Republicans — including several former GOP senators and congressmen — have written a letter begging RNC chairman Reince Priebus to pull the plug on Trump’s campaign and instead spend all their resources protecting down-ballot Republican senators and representatives. “We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide,” reads the letter, which was signed by big names such as former Sen. Gordon Humphrey and former Rep. Chris Shays. “Only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck.” As if that weren’t enough, Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak on Thursday posted an epic tweetstorm describing the abject panic that has set in among Republicans, who now fear that they’ll suffer massive down-ballot losses if Trump stays on his current course."
"more than 70 prominent Republicans — including several former GOP senators and congressmen — have written a letter begging RNC chairman Reince Priebus to pull the plug on Trump’s campaign and instead spend all their resources protecting down-ballot Republican senators and representatives. “We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide,” reads the letter, which was signed by big names such as former Sen. Gordon Humphrey and former Rep. Chris Shays. “Only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck.” As if that weren’t enough, Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak on Thursday posted an epic tweetstorm describing the abject panic that has set in among Republicans, who now fear that they’ll suffer massive down-ballot losses if Trump stays on his current course."
From Fringe to Mainstream: Conspiracies, Baseless Accusations and Lunacy Are the New Normal for Republicans @alternet
From Fringe to Mainstream: Conspiracies, Baseless Accusations and Lunacy Are the New Normal for Republicans @alternet:
"What these stories all have in common is that they are premised on complete and unadulterated bullsh*t, the kind of stuff that used to be limited to shortwave radio transmissions beamed out from trailers in the Nevada desert. Now they are the mainstream of the Republican Party. But this is the problem with the right wing and the Republicans these days. The GOP has no discernment, no firewalls to insulate itself from its crazies and the conspiracies and dark fantasia they spin out. There is no distinction to be made between its presidential candidate, a senator who has been a sleeper darling of the Republican establishment (Bill Kirstol was Cotton’s first mentor when he arrived in Washington), and the lunatics voting for it in this election. It is hard to see how the GOP splits, forming one right-ish party while the far-right kooks slip further out onto the fringe. The kooks are the party now. Separating them out to become a functional party capable of participating in governance may not be possible."
"What these stories all have in common is that they are premised on complete and unadulterated bullsh*t, the kind of stuff that used to be limited to shortwave radio transmissions beamed out from trailers in the Nevada desert. Now they are the mainstream of the Republican Party. But this is the problem with the right wing and the Republicans these days. The GOP has no discernment, no firewalls to insulate itself from its crazies and the conspiracies and dark fantasia they spin out. There is no distinction to be made between its presidential candidate, a senator who has been a sleeper darling of the Republican establishment (Bill Kirstol was Cotton’s first mentor when he arrived in Washington), and the lunatics voting for it in this election. It is hard to see how the GOP splits, forming one right-ish party while the far-right kooks slip further out onto the fringe. The kooks are the party now. Separating them out to become a functional party capable of participating in governance may not be possible."
Trump just gave a bonkers interview to CNBC — here are 4 batsh*t crazy excerpts
Trump just gave a bonkers interview to CNBC — here are 4 batsh*t crazy excerpts
"None of his statements, it goes without saying, were remotely close to being in touch with reality."
"None of his statements, it goes without saying, were remotely close to being in touch with reality."
BUSTED: Trump told 30 lies in two days during 2007 deposition about his ‘billionaire’ claims
BUSTED: Trump told 30 lies in two days during 2007 deposition about his ‘billionaire’ claims
"It was in this deposition that Trump made his now-notorious pronouncement that he bases his net worth on his “feelings"."
"It was in this deposition that Trump made his now-notorious pronouncement that he bases his net worth on his “feelings"."
PERRspectives: Three Lessons from the Rise of Donald Trump
PERRspectives: Three Lessons from the Rise of Donald Trump
"The new GOP plan of conquest was much like the old one. Once again, the Republicans would combine far-right fury with another wave of tried and untrue talking points. No matter that Obamacare reduces the national debt and was not a "government takeover of health care." So what if decades of data showed that higher taxes on "job creators" do not hurt the economy and that the estate tax has little impact on small businesses and family farms. Big deal if the nonpartisan CBO and the overwhelming consensus of economists concluded the stimulus resulted in millions of additional jobs and a significant boost to American GDP? For that matter, who gives a hoot if the record shows that the U.S. economy almost always does better when a Democrat is in the White House? And who cares if Mitt Romney's shameless lie that Obama "made the economy worse" was thoroughly debunked throughout the campaign? For Republicans, this platform of deceit was a feature, not a bug. All of which means Donald Trump is just the newest version of the Republicans' fraud ware."
"The new GOP plan of conquest was much like the old one. Once again, the Republicans would combine far-right fury with another wave of tried and untrue talking points. No matter that Obamacare reduces the national debt and was not a "government takeover of health care." So what if decades of data showed that higher taxes on "job creators" do not hurt the economy and that the estate tax has little impact on small businesses and family farms. Big deal if the nonpartisan CBO and the overwhelming consensus of economists concluded the stimulus resulted in millions of additional jobs and a significant boost to American GDP? For that matter, who gives a hoot if the record shows that the U.S. economy almost always does better when a Democrat is in the White House? And who cares if Mitt Romney's shameless lie that Obama "made the economy worse" was thoroughly debunked throughout the campaign? For Republicans, this platform of deceit was a feature, not a bug. All of which means Donald Trump is just the newest version of the Republicans' fraud ware."
Tax-hating Tea Partiers using taxpayer money to promote themselves for re-election
Tax-hating Tea Partiers using taxpayer money to promote themselves for re-election
"Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) is a staunch Tea Party advocate, who believes Congress should reduce federal spending to 18 percent of GDP. That would mean a 16 percent decrease from literally every single agency from education to defense, as well as intelligence, where Hurd once worked. He supports cutting veterans benefits and slash Medicare funding for the elderly and children. But Hurd is more than willing to spend taxpayer money on free mail to promote himself and his ideology."
"Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) is a staunch Tea Party advocate, who believes Congress should reduce federal spending to 18 percent of GDP. That would mean a 16 percent decrease from literally every single agency from education to defense, as well as intelligence, where Hurd once worked. He supports cutting veterans benefits and slash Medicare funding for the elderly and children. But Hurd is more than willing to spend taxpayer money on free mail to promote himself and his ideology."
The real threat to American sovereignty: Citizens United and global money influencing our politics
The real threat to American sovereignty: Citizens United and global money influencing our politics
"Trump’s recent public request that hackers connected to the Russian government sabotage his opponent Hillary Clinton is the tip of a Trumpian iceberg of foreign influence. He’s also been actively soliciting campaign funds from officials of foreign governments — in the United Kingdom, Iceland, Australia and elsewhere. Terri Butler, a member of the Australian parliament member, was surprised to receive fundraising solicitations from Trump at her official government email address, asking her to make a “generous contribution” to the Trump campaign. Bob Blackman, a member of Britain’s House of Commons, who has also received fundraising requests from the Trump campaign, says “I did not sign up, these are sent unsolicited.” Another member of the U.K. parliament, Peter Bottomley, has received three such solicitations. “Neither [Trump’s] sons nor anyone else has answered my questions about how they acquired my email nor why they were asking for financial support that I suppose to be illegal for [Trump] to accept,” he says, In Iceland, Katrin Jakobsdottir, chair of the Left-Green Movement, a democratic socialist party, has “no idea” how she got on Trump’s fundraising list. Someone should let Trump know it’s illegal for candidates for federal office to solicit foreign money, regardless of whether the donations ever materialize. In addition, foreign individuals, corporations and governments are barred from either giving money directly to U.S. candidates or spending on advertising to influence U.S. elections. Why hasn’t Trump been held accountable? Because the Federal Election Commission, charged with enforcing the law, is gridlocked by its Republican appointees."
"Trump’s recent public request that hackers connected to the Russian government sabotage his opponent Hillary Clinton is the tip of a Trumpian iceberg of foreign influence. He’s also been actively soliciting campaign funds from officials of foreign governments — in the United Kingdom, Iceland, Australia and elsewhere. Terri Butler, a member of the Australian parliament member, was surprised to receive fundraising solicitations from Trump at her official government email address, asking her to make a “generous contribution” to the Trump campaign. Bob Blackman, a member of Britain’s House of Commons, who has also received fundraising requests from the Trump campaign, says “I did not sign up, these are sent unsolicited.” Another member of the U.K. parliament, Peter Bottomley, has received three such solicitations. “Neither [Trump’s] sons nor anyone else has answered my questions about how they acquired my email nor why they were asking for financial support that I suppose to be illegal for [Trump] to accept,” he says, In Iceland, Katrin Jakobsdottir, chair of the Left-Green Movement, a democratic socialist party, has “no idea” how she got on Trump’s fundraising list. Someone should let Trump know it’s illegal for candidates for federal office to solicit foreign money, regardless of whether the donations ever materialize. In addition, foreign individuals, corporations and governments are barred from either giving money directly to U.S. candidates or spending on advertising to influence U.S. elections. Why hasn’t Trump been held accountable? Because the Federal Election Commission, charged with enforcing the law, is gridlocked by its Republican appointees."
Mitch McConnell: Proud Moment When I Told Obama 'You Will Not Fill This Supreme Court Vacancy'
Mitch McConnell: Proud Moment When I Told Obama 'You Will Not Fill This Supreme Court Vacancy'
"He called this "one of the proudest moments" of his political career, a moment of complete intransigence and thumbing his nose at America's democratic traditions by denying a sitting U.S. President's nominee to the Supreme Court even a hearing."
"He called this "one of the proudest moments" of his political career, a moment of complete intransigence and thumbing his nose at America's democratic traditions by denying a sitting U.S. President's nominee to the Supreme Court even a hearing."
Trump Offers Huge Favors to Billionaires, and Calls It a Big Economic Speech @alternet
Trump Offers Huge Favors to Billionaires, and Calls It a Big Economic Speech @alternet:
"The lies were almost too many to count: Point to a sentence, find a lie."
"The lies were almost too many to count: Point to a sentence, find a lie."
American Greed: Trump’s Economic Team Is A Who’s Who Of What’s Wrong
American Greed: Trump’s Economic Team Is A Who’s Who Of What’s Wrong
"These are the architects of the economy Trump would create: a fracker for Energy Secretary, harmful speculators in key advisory roles, and an economy controlled by people who foreclose on widows and profit from gun violence."
"These are the architects of the economy Trump would create: a fracker for Energy Secretary, harmful speculators in key advisory roles, and an economy controlled by people who foreclose on widows and profit from gun violence."
‘He weakens US moral authority’: 50 GOP security experts rip Trump in joint statement
‘He weakens US moral authority’: 50 GOP security experts rip Trump in joint statement
"Fifty prominent Republican national security officials, including a former CIA director, on Monday called party nominee Donald Trump unqualified to lead the country and said he would be “the most reckless president in American history"."
"Fifty prominent Republican national security officials, including a former CIA director, on Monday called party nominee Donald Trump unqualified to lead the country and said he would be “the most reckless president in American history"."
The epitome of Republican ideology
"Trump is the walking, talking manifestation of the right-wing ideology that has taken control of the Republican Party."
"Trump is the walking, talking manifestation of the right-wing ideology that has taken control of the Republican Party."
Former Klansman David Duke expects Donald Trump supporters to turn out for him, too
Former Klansman David Duke expects Donald Trump supporters to turn out for him, too
"David Duke, former Klansman and U.S. Senate hopeful, has repeated his support for Trump and said that “of course” people voting for Trump will also vote for him in an interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep. “As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will,” Duke said."
"David Duke, former Klansman and U.S. Senate hopeful, has repeated his support for Trump and said that “of course” people voting for Trump will also vote for him in an interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep. “As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will,” Duke said."
U.S. Nazi Party Leader: Trump’s Campaign Is A ‘Real Opportunity’ For White Nationalist (AUDIO)
"Trump has received support from the worst-of-the-worst within the white nationalist and white supremacist movements."
"Trump has received support from the worst-of-the-worst within the white nationalist and white supremacist movements."
Sanders warns against being inactive: 'the most immediate task we face is to defeat Donald Trump'
"The struggle will continue, he says, both during this election and after it. But in the near term, Clinton's vision for America on climate change, higher education, racial justice, criminal justice, income inequality, universal health care, and the Supreme Court is worth fighting for."
"The struggle will continue, he says, both during this election and after it. But in the near term, Clinton's vision for America on climate change, higher education, racial justice, criminal justice, income inequality, universal health care, and the Supreme Court is worth fighting for."
Jeb Bush's National Security Adviser Unleashes Tweetstorm in Response to Trump's Nuclear Weapon Stance @alternet
Jeb Bush's National Security Adviser Unleashes Tweetstorm in Response to Trump's Nuclear Weapon Stance @alternet: '
"John Noonan is a conservative security commentator and the former national security adviser for both Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney."
"John Noonan is a conservative security commentator and the former national security adviser for both Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney."
Trump’s New Agriculture Adviser Has Some Very Backwards Ideas
"Miller has engaged in some eyebrowing-raising conduct during his tenures as commissioner and as a former state representative. He defended suggesting that the United States nuke the Muslim world and compared refugees to snakes. Asked at a conservative policy forum about what keeps him up at night, Miller responded that he was concerned that the country would turn into a “Muslim country.” He has been accused of using state funds to take a trip to Oklahoma to get a “Jesus shot,” a medical cure-all for his chronic pain (he later reimbursed the funds to the state). And Miller also allegedly used state funds to compete in a rodeo. Other odd behaviors included granting “amnesty” to cupcakes and lifting a ban on deep fryers and soda machines in Texas public schools."
"Miller has engaged in some eyebrowing-raising conduct during his tenures as commissioner and as a former state representative. He defended suggesting that the United States nuke the Muslim world and compared refugees to snakes. Asked at a conservative policy forum about what keeps him up at night, Miller responded that he was concerned that the country would turn into a “Muslim country.” He has been accused of using state funds to take a trip to Oklahoma to get a “Jesus shot,” a medical cure-all for his chronic pain (he later reimbursed the funds to the state). And Miller also allegedly used state funds to compete in a rodeo. Other odd behaviors included granting “amnesty” to cupcakes and lifting a ban on deep fryers and soda machines in Texas public schools."
Eric Bolling Berates A GOP Congressman Refusing To Support Donald Trump
Eric Bolling Berates A GOP Congressman Refusing To Support Donald Trump
"Then Bolling began berating Dent: “If Hillary Clinton gets elected because people like you don’t vote for Donald Trump, you’re gonna have a liberal Supreme Court and if Ruth Bader Ginsburg retires, that will be replaced by yet another liberal. You’ll have a liberal Supreme Court going down, maybe our children, our grandchildren’s lifetimes"."
"Then Bolling began berating Dent: “If Hillary Clinton gets elected because people like you don’t vote for Donald Trump, you’re gonna have a liberal Supreme Court and if Ruth Bader Ginsburg retires, that will be replaced by yet another liberal. You’ll have a liberal Supreme Court going down, maybe our children, our grandchildren’s lifetimes"."
Donald Trump’s Hispanic Outreach Effort Humiliatingly Goes Down In Flames
"Trump’s poll numbers among Hispanics have since gone from bad to downright atrocious even as he scrambles to do ridiculous outreach efforts like eating a taco bowl or having white Trump supporters hold up signs saying Latinos support Trump to somehow draw Hispanic support to his campaign. And it looks like any substantial effort has just gone down the toilet as well."
"Trump’s poll numbers among Hispanics have since gone from bad to downright atrocious even as he scrambles to do ridiculous outreach efforts like eating a taco bowl or having white Trump supporters hold up signs saying Latinos support Trump to somehow draw Hispanic support to his campaign. And it looks like any substantial effort has just gone down the toilet as well."
John Birch Society Continues Comeback With Values Voter Summit Sponsorship
John Birch Society Continues Comeback With Values Voter Summit Sponsorship:
"JBS has long been at least nominally exiled from the conservative mainstream thanks to its history of paranoia and racism, but has recently begun to get a toehold in some conservative establishment events. The group was allowed to sponsor a table at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2010 but was booted from the event in 2012 amidst criticism. As the Southern Poverty Law Center wrote in 2013, “Once considered by the right and the left as the political equivalent of an addled uncle sent down to the basement rec room to drink, rant and hopefully pass out before saying anything too nutty in front of the guests, in recent years the John Birch Society has been invited back upstairs and has even hosted a dinner party or two.” JBS is probably best known for its decades-long obsession with fighting the communist infiltration of America, at one point even accusing President Dwight Eisenhower of being a communist agent."
"JBS has long been at least nominally exiled from the conservative mainstream thanks to its history of paranoia and racism, but has recently begun to get a toehold in some conservative establishment events. The group was allowed to sponsor a table at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2010 but was booted from the event in 2012 amidst criticism. As the Southern Poverty Law Center wrote in 2013, “Once considered by the right and the left as the political equivalent of an addled uncle sent down to the basement rec room to drink, rant and hopefully pass out before saying anything too nutty in front of the guests, in recent years the John Birch Society has been invited back upstairs and has even hosted a dinner party or two.” JBS is probably best known for its decades-long obsession with fighting the communist infiltration of America, at one point even accusing President Dwight Eisenhower of being a communist agent."
Saturday, August 6, 2016
The Kochs, Big Oil Are Taking Their War With The EPA To The Ballot Box
"So where did RAGA get its money? More than $2.4 million — about 13 percent — came from Koch Industries, Murray Energy, the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, and other fossil fuel interests. Another nearly $1.4 million came from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which receives a significant amount of its funds from fossil fuel companies and Koch-backed nonprofits. Attorney general elections don’t garner big headlines. Most Americans likely can’t even name their state attorney general. But these people play a major role in enforcing — or fighting — environmental laws."
"So where did RAGA get its money? More than $2.4 million — about 13 percent — came from Koch Industries, Murray Energy, the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, and other fossil fuel interests. Another nearly $1.4 million came from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which receives a significant amount of its funds from fossil fuel companies and Koch-backed nonprofits. Attorney general elections don’t garner big headlines. Most Americans likely can’t even name their state attorney general. But these people play a major role in enforcing — or fighting — environmental laws."
Scott Walker Is ‘Proud’ Of Gutting University Of Wisconsin Budgets
"The last budget the governor signed into law cut $250 million from the state’s public universities. That number, which was slightly less than the $300 million in cuts Walker sought, matches the contribution taxpayers are making for a new Milwaukee Bucks arena."
"The last budget the governor signed into law cut $250 million from the state’s public universities. That number, which was slightly less than the $300 million in cuts Walker sought, matches the contribution taxpayers are making for a new Milwaukee Bucks arena."
Trump's economic team: cigarette peddler, Nixon’s lawyer, mortgage fraudsters and a fracking lunatic
"Donald Trump has announced his all-male, all-wealthy team of economic advisers. Ready to meet the team? Well, there are a couple of Wall Street hedge fund billionaires, at least two mortgage fraudsters, America’s discount cigarette CEO, the king of crumbling strip malls, Nixon’s former lawyer who moved to Neverland, a fracking crazy oilman who attributes rising stock prices to Trump, a second generation Goldman-Sachs investment banker, and a corporate raider who profited from both the 2008 crash and 9/11. If you were expecting to find an economist among Trump’s economic advisers … have you been paying attention? This is Trump."
"Donald Trump has announced his all-male, all-wealthy team of economic advisers. Ready to meet the team? Well, there are a couple of Wall Street hedge fund billionaires, at least two mortgage fraudsters, America’s discount cigarette CEO, the king of crumbling strip malls, Nixon’s former lawyer who moved to Neverland, a fracking crazy oilman who attributes rising stock prices to Trump, a second generation Goldman-Sachs investment banker, and a corporate raider who profited from both the 2008 crash and 9/11. If you were expecting to find an economist among Trump’s economic advisers … have you been paying attention? This is Trump."
Jeb Bush's National Security Adviser Unleashes Tweetstorm in Response to Trump's Nuclear Weapon Stance @alternet
Jeb Bush's National Security Adviser Unleashes Tweetstorm in Response to Trump's Nuclear Weapon Stance @alternet:
"Noonan did not mince words in an effort to convey his reasons for believing Trump is a threat to world peace."
"Noonan did not mince words in an effort to convey his reasons for believing Trump is a threat to world peace."
Mike Pence Loves ALEC and Keeps Pushing Public School Privatization, Despite Lousy Indiana Record With Charters and Vouchers @alternet
Mike Pence Loves ALEC and Keeps Pushing Public School Privatization, Despite Lousy Indiana Record With Charters and Vouchers @alternet:
"Mike Pence is a hardcore right-winger playing the long game, especially when it comes to privatizing public schools. It’s not just that the Republican vice-presidential nominee and Indiana governor last weekend told a roomful of deregulation-obsessed executives and lobbyists in Indianapolis, “You are the model for Washington, D.C., after this election. You really are.” The nation is “at a fork in the road,” Pence said at the American Legislative Exchange Council’s annual meeting, referring not only to who would be president for the next four years but who would control the Supreme Court for the “next 40 years.” The choice is “whether we will have justices appointed to the Supreme Court, as my partner in this endeavor is committed to doing, that reflect the brilliance and the greatness and the principles of the late justice Antonin Scalia,” he said. “So I would say to all of you, for the sake of the rule of law, for the sake of the sanctity of life, for the sake of our Second Amendment and all of our God-given liberties, we must ensure that the next president making appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States of America is President Donald Trump.” Pence was no stranger to the stage of ALEC, a corporate-funded behemoth that drafts bills and finds right-wing lawmakers to carry them. He’s been an ALEC fixture for years, touting deregulation, privatization and extreme social conservatism"
"Mike Pence is a hardcore right-winger playing the long game, especially when it comes to privatizing public schools. It’s not just that the Republican vice-presidential nominee and Indiana governor last weekend told a roomful of deregulation-obsessed executives and lobbyists in Indianapolis, “You are the model for Washington, D.C., after this election. You really are.” The nation is “at a fork in the road,” Pence said at the American Legislative Exchange Council’s annual meeting, referring not only to who would be president for the next four years but who would control the Supreme Court for the “next 40 years.” The choice is “whether we will have justices appointed to the Supreme Court, as my partner in this endeavor is committed to doing, that reflect the brilliance and the greatness and the principles of the late justice Antonin Scalia,” he said. “So I would say to all of you, for the sake of the rule of law, for the sake of the sanctity of life, for the sake of our Second Amendment and all of our God-given liberties, we must ensure that the next president making appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States of America is President Donald Trump.” Pence was no stranger to the stage of ALEC, a corporate-funded behemoth that drafts bills and finds right-wing lawmakers to carry them. He’s been an ALEC fixture for years, touting deregulation, privatization and extreme social conservatism"
President Obama's Powerful Essay on Women’s Rights: 'This Is What a Feminist Looks Like' @alternet
President Obama's Powerful Essay on Women’s Rights: 'This Is What a Feminist Looks Like' @alternet:
"On his 55th birthday, Obama writes about gender equality, cementing his status as the first sitting president to call himself a feminist."
"On his 55th birthday, Obama writes about gender equality, cementing his status as the first sitting president to call himself a feminist."
The Koch Brothers Are Behind a Plot to Open Up the Grand Canyon Watershed to Toxic Uranium Mining @alternet
The Koch Brothers Are Behind a Plot to Open Up the Grand Canyon Watershed to Toxic Uranium Mining @alternet:
"Unsurprisingly, the issue at hand involves revenue, big power brokers, ramifications of Citizens United, and a familiar actor in the anti-environmental space—the Koch brothers."
"Unsurprisingly, the issue at hand involves revenue, big power brokers, ramifications of Citizens United, and a familiar actor in the anti-environmental space—the Koch brothers."
25 Progressive Reforms Hillary Clinton Promised to Work Toward If Elected President @alternet
25 Progressive Reforms Hillary Clinton Promised to Work Toward If Elected President @alternet: "Clinton has defined the most progressive agenda since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society or Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Of course, the economy is far better now than in 2008, so a more ambitious government agenda is possible."
Thursday, August 4, 2016
9 Terrifying Things Donald Trump Has Publicly Said About Nuclear Weapons
"Trump said he might use nuclear weapons and questioned why we would make them if we wouldn’t use them"
"Trump said he might use nuclear weapons and questioned why we would make them if we wouldn’t use them"
Weekly Standard Writer Slams Trump Over Report That He Might Consider Nuclear First Strike
"Noonan’s nuclear expertise stems from his U.S. Air Force service, including work as a missile-launch officer at a nuclear silo in Wyoming. Noonan wondered if Trump understands “how F’ing dangerous” his foreign policy stances are, hit the nominee for “undoing 6 decades of proven deterrence theory,” and lamented the position of officers down the chain of command who are “[w]ondering if they’ll soon answer to a madman"."
"Noonan’s nuclear expertise stems from his U.S. Air Force service, including work as a missile-launch officer at a nuclear silo in Wyoming. Noonan wondered if Trump understands “how F’ing dangerous” his foreign policy stances are, hit the nominee for “undoing 6 decades of proven deterrence theory,” and lamented the position of officers down the chain of command who are “[w]ondering if they’ll soon answer to a madman"."
Trump Asked Three Times in an Hour Security Briefing Why We Can't Just Use Nuclear Weapons @alternet
Trump Asked Three Times in an Hour Security Briefing Why We Can't Just Use Nuclear Weapons @alternet:
"While General Hayden was explaining to the Morning Joe crew why he wouldn't vote for Trump, Joe dropped a bombshell about Trump and nuclear weapons."
"While General Hayden was explaining to the Morning Joe crew why he wouldn't vote for Trump, Joe dropped a bombshell about Trump and nuclear weapons."
Trump and Putin: A Love Story
"Vladimir Putin is a cunning and cynical reader of his adversaries. He notices that Trump does not know the difference between the Quds Force and the Kurds, or what the “nuclear triad” is; that his analysis of Brexit was based in part on what might be good for his golf courses in Britain; that his knowledge of world affairs is roughly that of someone who subscribes to a daily newspaper but doesn’t always have time to get to it. Overwhelmed with his own problems at home, Putin sees the ready benefit in having the United States led by an unlettered narcissist who believes that geostrategic questions are as easy to resolve as a real-estate closing. Putin knows a chump when he sees one."
"Vladimir Putin is a cunning and cynical reader of his adversaries. He notices that Trump does not know the difference between the Quds Force and the Kurds, or what the “nuclear triad” is; that his analysis of Brexit was based in part on what might be good for his golf courses in Britain; that his knowledge of world affairs is roughly that of someone who subscribes to a daily newspaper but doesn’t always have time to get to it. Overwhelmed with his own problems at home, Putin sees the ready benefit in having the United States led by an unlettered narcissist who believes that geostrategic questions are as easy to resolve as a real-estate closing. Putin knows a chump when he sees one."
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
"Hypersensitivity to Threat Science has unequivocally shown that the conservative brain has an exaggerated fear response when faced with stimuli that may be perceived as threatening. A classic study in the journal Psychophysiology found that conservatives have a stronger physiological reaction to startling noises and graphic images compared to liberals. A brain-imaging study published in Current Biology revealed that those who lean right politically tend to have a larger amygdala — a structure that is electrically active during states of fear and anxiety. And a 2014 fMRI study found that it is possible to predict whether someone is a liberal or conservative simply by looking at their brain activity while they view threatening or disgusting images, such as mutilated bodies. Specifically, the brains of self-identified conservatives generated more activity overall in response to the disturbing images. So how does this help explain the unbridled loyalty of Trump supporters? These brain responses are automatic, and not influenced by logic or reason. As long as Trump continues his fear mongering by constantly portraying Muslims and Mexican immigrants as imminent dangers, many conservative brains will involuntarily light up like light bulbs being controlled by a switch. Fear keeps his followers energized and focused on safety. And when you think you’ve found your protector, you become less concerned with remarks that would normally be seen as highly offensive."
"Hypersensitivity to Threat Science has unequivocally shown that the conservative brain has an exaggerated fear response when faced with stimuli that may be perceived as threatening. A classic study in the journal Psychophysiology found that conservatives have a stronger physiological reaction to startling noises and graphic images compared to liberals. A brain-imaging study published in Current Biology revealed that those who lean right politically tend to have a larger amygdala — a structure that is electrically active during states of fear and anxiety. And a 2014 fMRI study found that it is possible to predict whether someone is a liberal or conservative simply by looking at their brain activity while they view threatening or disgusting images, such as mutilated bodies. Specifically, the brains of self-identified conservatives generated more activity overall in response to the disturbing images. So how does this help explain the unbridled loyalty of Trump supporters? These brain responses are automatic, and not influenced by logic or reason. As long as Trump continues his fear mongering by constantly portraying Muslims and Mexican immigrants as imminent dangers, many conservative brains will involuntarily light up like light bulbs being controlled by a switch. Fear keeps his followers energized and focused on safety. And when you think you’ve found your protector, you become less concerned with remarks that would normally be seen as highly offensive."
The NY Times Made A Video Of Real Voices From Trump Supporters--Uncensored. It Will Make You Sick.
"It’s hard to remember that these are actually Americans, supposedly raised with American values."
"It’s hard to remember that these are actually Americans, supposedly raised with American values."
Donald Trump may be acting crazy, but it's keeping the news away from the one story he wants to bury
"If there was any evidence Donald Trump was capable of thinking beyond the next moment, it would be easy to suspect that 90% of what’s bubbled from his lips over the last three days is a diversion. Attacking the Khans. Hints that he won’t accept the results of the election. Complaints that the polls are fishy. Saying that women should run away from sexual harassment. Even kicking a baby out of a rally. All of it. Because as bad as all this is, if it serves to fend off media attention from the thing Trump’s campaign has suddenly gone quiet about, it could be worth it. Because the thing they’re not talking about is Russia. While Donald Trump may now claim that his request for Russia to interfere in the election was just an example of sarcasm, it certainly didn't seem that way to those listening on that day. And even if you wave that away—including the calls for a Senate hearing on the topic—other aspects of this story simply can't be passed off as a joke. In particular this is one place where both Donald Trump and campaign manager Paul Manafort are deliberately, publicly, and obviously lying.. And that should be setting off major alarms. Donald Trump campaign Chair Paul Manafort denied Sunday a two-week-old report that the campaign pushed for changes in the Republican platform that softened the party's stance on helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression. … When asked once more if anyone on the campaign was involved, Manafort said, "No one, zero.” The problem with Manafort’s claim is that there are hundreds of witnesses to the contrary. Inside the meeting, Diana Denman, a platform committee member from Texas who was a Ted Cruz supporter, proposed a platform amendment that would call for maintaining or increasing sanctions against Russia, increasing aid for Ukraine and “providing lethal defensive weapons” to the Ukrainian military. … Trump staffers in the room, who are not delegates but are there to oversee the process, intervened."
"If there was any evidence Donald Trump was capable of thinking beyond the next moment, it would be easy to suspect that 90% of what’s bubbled from his lips over the last three days is a diversion. Attacking the Khans. Hints that he won’t accept the results of the election. Complaints that the polls are fishy. Saying that women should run away from sexual harassment. Even kicking a baby out of a rally. All of it. Because as bad as all this is, if it serves to fend off media attention from the thing Trump’s campaign has suddenly gone quiet about, it could be worth it. Because the thing they’re not talking about is Russia. While Donald Trump may now claim that his request for Russia to interfere in the election was just an example of sarcasm, it certainly didn't seem that way to those listening on that day. And even if you wave that away—including the calls for a Senate hearing on the topic—other aspects of this story simply can't be passed off as a joke. In particular this is one place where both Donald Trump and campaign manager Paul Manafort are deliberately, publicly, and obviously lying.. And that should be setting off major alarms. Donald Trump campaign Chair Paul Manafort denied Sunday a two-week-old report that the campaign pushed for changes in the Republican platform that softened the party's stance on helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression. … When asked once more if anyone on the campaign was involved, Manafort said, "No one, zero.” The problem with Manafort’s claim is that there are hundreds of witnesses to the contrary. Inside the meeting, Diana Denman, a platform committee member from Texas who was a Ted Cruz supporter, proposed a platform amendment that would call for maintaining or increasing sanctions against Russia, increasing aid for Ukraine and “providing lethal defensive weapons” to the Ukrainian military. … Trump staffers in the room, who are not delegates but are there to oversee the process, intervened."
This ‘Morning Joe’ Discussion About Trump And Nuclear Weapons Is Terrifying
"Asked which people in the national security community are advising Trump, Hayden said, “No one.” And in response to a question about what steps might stand in the way of Trump using nukes if he’s elected president, Hayden said, “The system is designed for speed and decisiveness. It’s not designed to debate the decision.” Despite characterizing nukes as “the single biggest problem we face,” Trump has had a hard time articulating a coherent nuclear weapons strategy. He’s suggested he’s not a fan of the nonproliferation strategy the United States has successfully pursued for the last three decades. Asked about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in Europe, Trump said he’s “not going to take it off the table"."
"Asked which people in the national security community are advising Trump, Hayden said, “No one.” And in response to a question about what steps might stand in the way of Trump using nukes if he’s elected president, Hayden said, “The system is designed for speed and decisiveness. It’s not designed to debate the decision.” Despite characterizing nukes as “the single biggest problem we face,” Trump has had a hard time articulating a coherent nuclear weapons strategy. He’s suggested he’s not a fan of the nonproliferation strategy the United States has successfully pursued for the last three decades. Asked about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in Europe, Trump said he’s “not going to take it off the table"."
The internet crushes blame-gaming #KatrinaPiersonHistory: ‘Obama’s foreign policy caused 9/11’
The internet crushes blame-gaming #KatrinaPiersonHistory: ‘Obama’s foreign policy caused 9/11’
"she ended up blaming President Obama for Capt. Khan’s death, which happened in 2004, before Obama was president."
"she ended up blaming President Obama for Capt. Khan’s death, which happened in 2004, before Obama was president."
The InfoWars Candidate: How Donald Trump Is Broadcasting Conservative Misinformation
The InfoWars Candidate: How Donald Trump Is Broadcasting Conservative Misinformation:
"And he’s proud of it. Trump has appeared alongside Alex Jones, hailing the unhinged radio conspiracy theorist’s “amazing” reputation. He rejoiced at the news that WorldNetDaily — the site whose “reporting” he has cited to in his birther accusations against President Obama — named him its 2015 Man of the Year. Trump has also made clear that he believes everything he reads in the National Enquirer because if what the grocery store tabloid publishes isn’t true, they can get sued. He often boasts, while making one or another outrageous claim, that he has the best sources."
"And he’s proud of it. Trump has appeared alongside Alex Jones, hailing the unhinged radio conspiracy theorist’s “amazing” reputation. He rejoiced at the news that WorldNetDaily — the site whose “reporting” he has cited to in his birther accusations against President Obama — named him its 2015 Man of the Year. Trump has also made clear that he believes everything he reads in the National Enquirer because if what the grocery store tabloid publishes isn’t true, they can get sued. He often boasts, while making one or another outrageous claim, that he has the best sources."
10 Ways Donald Trump Proves Liberals Have Been Right About the Ignorance of Republicans
10 Ways Donald Trump Proves Liberals Have Been Right About the Ignorance of Republicans
"5. The party is driven by hate, fear, paranoia and conspiracy theories: Donald Trump is essentially the living embodiment of what the comment section of a right-wing blog would look like if it could run for president. Trump has become incredibly successful by pandering to some of the lowest-rungs of our society for support."
"5. The party is driven by hate, fear, paranoia and conspiracy theories: Donald Trump is essentially the living embodiment of what the comment section of a right-wing blog would look like if it could run for president. Trump has become incredibly successful by pandering to some of the lowest-rungs of our society for support."
The Brownbacklash Is Finally Here: Kansas Primary Voters Send Conservatives Packing
"the primaries signal that voters share the frustration that some Kansas Republicans have begun to voice with Brownback’s unbreakable commitment to trickle-down economic policies that have left Kansas so insolvent it can’t pay for a basic public education system."
"the primaries signal that voters share the frustration that some Kansas Republicans have begun to voice with Brownback’s unbreakable commitment to trickle-down economic policies that have left Kansas so insolvent it can’t pay for a basic public education system."
It looks like Russia hired internet trolls to pose as pro-Trump Americans
"It is not surprising, then, that the Kremlin would pay internet trolls to pose as Trump supporters and build him up online. In fact, that would be the easy part. From his interviews with former trolls employed by Russia, Chen gathered that the point of their jobs "was to weave propaganda seamlessly into what appeared to be the nonpolitical musings of an everyday person." "Russia's information war might be thought of as the biggest trolling operation in history," Chen wrote. "And its target is nothing less than the utility of the Internet as a democratic space." From threats about pulling out of NATO to altering the GOP's policy on Ukraine — which has long called for arming Ukrainian soldiers against pro-Russia rebels — Trump is "the gift that keeps on giving" for Putin, Russian journalist Julia Ioffe noted in a piece for Politico."
"It is not surprising, then, that the Kremlin would pay internet trolls to pose as Trump supporters and build him up online. In fact, that would be the easy part. From his interviews with former trolls employed by Russia, Chen gathered that the point of their jobs "was to weave propaganda seamlessly into what appeared to be the nonpolitical musings of an everyday person." "Russia's information war might be thought of as the biggest trolling operation in history," Chen wrote. "And its target is nothing less than the utility of the Internet as a democratic space." From threats about pulling out of NATO to altering the GOP's policy on Ukraine — which has long called for arming Ukrainian soldiers against pro-Russia rebels — Trump is "the gift that keeps on giving" for Putin, Russian journalist Julia Ioffe noted in a piece for Politico."
Another historic Donald Trump first: His convention managed to make him look worse than before!
"this is the first convention ever recorded where the net effect was negative—see the red bar descending down at the far right of the figure above. Congratulations, Mr. Trump! You’ve set a record!"
"this is the first convention ever recorded where the net effect was negative—see the red bar descending down at the far right of the figure above. Congratulations, Mr. Trump! You’ve set a record!"
George W. Bush Slams Trump, Says His Bigotry Will Be The End of The GOP
"At a private fundraiser in Cincinnati this week, former President George W. Bush gave a talk that subtly, but incisively, ripped into the very foundations of the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Bush is no policy hero himself, having failed to manage the mortgage crisis that created the 2008 financial crash, and he started two wars during his presidency in Afghanistan and Iraq that served to further destabilize the Middle East, cost thousands of American lives, and ballooned the federal deficit. But Bush represents saner days, when the president knew better than to use, or threaten to use, nuclear weapons; he didn’t plan to abolish the Department of Education; and he avoided sexist, racist, and islamophobic attacks."
"At a private fundraiser in Cincinnati this week, former President George W. Bush gave a talk that subtly, but incisively, ripped into the very foundations of the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Bush is no policy hero himself, having failed to manage the mortgage crisis that created the 2008 financial crash, and he started two wars during his presidency in Afghanistan and Iraq that served to further destabilize the Middle East, cost thousands of American lives, and ballooned the federal deficit. But Bush represents saner days, when the president knew better than to use, or threaten to use, nuclear weapons; he didn’t plan to abolish the Department of Education; and he avoided sexist, racist, and islamophobic attacks."
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