Sunday, February 28, 2016

Trump Plays Dumb On David Duke’s History Of White Supremacy. Here’s Proof He’s Lying.
"But in an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union, Trump declined to unequivocally condemn the racism of Duke or disavow the support of white supremacists. Instead, he feigned ignorance."

Trump Proudly Tweets Quote By Fascist Leader Mussolini

Trump Proudly Tweets Quote By Fascist Leader Mussolini

"You know who was another Fascist leader? Adolf Hitler. It is well known that Trump slept with a copy of My New Order, a collection of Hitler's speeches, on his nightstand. Nothing like a little hate speech to help you drift off into a good night's sleep, right? Seems to fit Trump. Scary that his supporters don't see how real of a threat he poses to all Americans, not just the groups he ridicules and threatens to expel in large numbers."

Donald Trump: ‘It would be very unfair’ to disavow KKK and David Duke until I ‘do research on them’

Donald Trump: ‘It would be very unfair’ to disavow KKK and David Duke until I ‘do research on them’

"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Sunday refused to distance himself from the Ku Klux Klan and former KKK Grand Dragon David Duke because he said that he wanted to “do research” on the groups supporting him. Last week, the Anti-Defamation League called on Trump to repudiate white supremacist groups and “publicly condemn their racism” after Duke endorsed him, saying that white people who did not vote for Trump had committed “treason to your heritage"."

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Donald Trump loves Hispanics, but the feelings aren’t mutual: If he makes it to November, they won’t forget his toxic hate speech

Donald Trump loves Hispanics, but the feelings aren’t mutual: If he makes it to November, they won’t forget his toxic hate speech

"Hispanics are an increasingly important voting bloc. Every presidential election, it becomes harder and harder to win without the support of Hispanic voters. The Republican establishments knows this, which is why they’re trying desperately to appeal to Hispanic Americans – with little success. And although Trump insists the Hispanics love him, it’s pretty clear they don’t. According to the poll cited above, Trump has the highest negative ratings among Hispanic voters of any of the major Republican candidates. Eighty percent of respondents said they have an unfavorable opinion of Trump."

Thin-Skinned Bully Donald Trump Says He Wants To Do Away With the First Amendment
"Now it just about goes without saying that taking control of the media is the kind of thing a dictator does, particularly one who from the very start is as childish and insecure as Trump. But it’s still fascinating to throw this onto the pile of pie-in-the-sky promises Trump is making to those stupid enough to believe him. No, he’s not going to frog-march 11 million people out of the country. No, he’s not going to make Mexico pay for a f*cking wall along our border. And no, he’s absolutely not going to adjust the Constitution so that he can sue anyone who writes something negative about him. But the fact that all of these represent his vision of an America under President Donald Trump should be a stark reminder that we can’t let this rampaging a**hole anywhere near the White House."

Former KKK Grand Wizard Urges Followers to Get Off Their "Rear End" and Support Trump
"David Duke, a white supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, added his name to Donald Trump's ever-growing list of racist supporters when he urged listeners of his radio show on Wednesday to volunteer to help elect the real estate magnate to the White House."

This Week Proves That Donald Trump Owns The Insane Republican Party

How the Republican Elite Created Frankentrump
"To rouse its voters, the GOP exploited hate, anger, and paranoia—and set the stage for the tycoon."

Trump May Have To Take A Break From Campaigning To Handle Fraud Case Against Trump University
"The “university,” which first began operating in 2005 and no longer exists, was not accredited and did not have a campus. It also did not give students degrees. Instead, students went to the website and bought expensive CDs and DVDs; some of them paid as much as $35,000 for their Trump University education. There are 72 witnesses on both sides of the case concerning Trump University, which has been going on for five years. Trump’s lawyers have denied charges that Trump University defrauded students. Lawyers also argued the plaintiffs can’t successfully claim that the online classes didn’t have value, according to the Financial Times. But students aren’t the only ones to question Trump University’s tactics. In 2010, the New York State Department of Education sent a letter to Trump University asking it to stop using the word “university,” leading it to change the name to “Trump Entrepreneur Initiative.” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman also sued the company for false claims about its classes and the case is still pending."

'Idiocracy' Writer: My Movie Became A Documentary!

Watch Trump supporters duped by fake “blonde Fox News robots” into endorsing the most vile anti-immigrant positions

Watch Trump supporters duped by fake “blonde Fox News robots” into endorsing the most vile anti-immigrant positions

"On last week’s episode of the Hulu series based on Conan O’Brien’s bit “Triumph the Insult Comic Dog,” the titular canine sent out a group of fake “blonde Fox News robots” to talk to crowds gathered outside of rallies for GOP candidates. Not surprisingly, no matter what the fake reporters said, the supporters of Trump were more than happy to go along with it. “Donald Trump announced plans to sterilize Puerto Ricans, until quote ‘until we figure this thing out,'” one reporter told a Trump partisan. “What do you think of this statement?” “I don’t know,” one camouflage-bedecked Trumpeter replied, “I think he’s just saying what everyone else believes.” “I don’t think he’s gone far enough,” another said. “I honestly don’t"."

The Trump family’s troubled past: Donald’s grandfather was an illegal immigrant and pimp

The Trump family’s troubled past: Donald’s grandfather was an illegal immigrant and pimp

"If Donald Trump wins his party’s nomination, historians will have many a field day digging out the contradictions between his anti-immigrant rhetoric and his family background."

John Fugelsang: Electing Donald Trump like Electing Boss Hogg!

Exposing How Donald Trump Really Made His Fortune: Inheritance from Dad and the Government's Protection Mostly Did the Trick @alternet

Exposing How Donald Trump Really Made His Fortune: Inheritance from Dad and the Government's Protection Mostly Did the Trick @alternet:

"It is critical to note, however, that his father’s success, which granted Donald Trump such a great advantage, was enabled and buffered by governmental financing programs. In 1934, while struggling during the Great Depression, financing from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) allowed Fred Trump to revive his business and begin building a multitude of homes in Brooklyn, selling at $6,000 apiece."

How the U.S. Went Fascist: Mass Media Make Excuses for Trump Voters (Video) (from @Truthdig)

How the U.S. Went Fascist: Mass Media Make Excuses for Trump Voters (Video) (from @Truthdig):

"what is really being said is that Trump supporters resent that sexist and racist discourse and policies have been banned from the public sphere. There is ample proof that Trump’s use of ‘political correctness’ identifies it with sexist and racist remarks and actions."

Lindsey Graham 'My Party has Gone Batsh*t Crazy'!

Boston Globe: Please Help Save The Republican Party From Itself!

Boston Globe: Please Help Save The Republican Party From Itself!

"The Republican Party should be embarrassed. The party is a cancer on America's body politic, and would be even if Donald Trump had stuck to reality TV and never joined the presidential race -- look at the spectacle in Washington right now, as Establishment Republicans announce their unwavering refusal even to consider, even to speak with, a Supreme Court nominee chosen by President Obama. Republican voters spend their days listening to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and spend their nights watching Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. They've been in a state of total war with the rest of America for years -- if you're not white, or not heterosexual, or not Christian or Jewish, if you fear gun violence or want a rise in the minimum wage or believe that human beings cause climate change, Republicans hate you. Donald Trump has merely taken a portion of that hatred and talked about it out loud. He's the culmination of the last few decades of Republicanism -- and the Republican Party should not be saved from him. The world should see that this is what the Republican Party is. It's not up to us to save the party from the consequences of its own actions."

Evangelical voters like Donald Trump because he hates the same people they do
"That's Perkins explaining why evangelicals who support Trump instead of his own preferred immigrant-bashing hatemonger Ted Cruz are wrong. It may also have something to do with Donald Trump's insufficient hatred of The Gays, a hatred which is Perkins' sole reason for existing on this earth. But he's not wrong. Evangelicals that are flocking to Trump are doing so for the same reasons other Republicans are. They don't like immigrants, they're mortified that the sitting president is a black man and they are absolutely beside themselves with panic at the thought there are Muslims among us, and Donald Trump is the shouty, red-faced man who promises flat-out that he'll be getting rid of people like that. No muttering about checks and balances or working within the confines of the Constitution, like wimpy Marco Rubio. No nonsense about how immigrants aren't all rapists and drug dealers, like the doomed Jeb Bush piped up quietly with from time to time. Nope. Just good ol' fashioned, white-hot racism with its own private jet. And he's rich, so you know God loves him. That's how it works, right?"

It’s official: ‘Idiocracy’ writer says his satire about a dumber America has become a reality

It’s official: ‘Idiocracy’ writer says his satire about a dumber America has become a reality

"The co-writer of the cult sci-fi comedy Idiocracy confirmed what many of the film’s fans probably felt about the current political climate, The Hill reported. “I never expected Idiocracy to become a documentary,” Etan Cohen posted on Twitter on Wednesday. The 2006 film centered around two people who awaken from a cryogenic sleep to learn that the country is awash in anti-intellectualism."

"Idiocracy" Writer Says The Movie Has Come True

Glenn Beck: Donald Trump Is 'Grooming Brownshirts'

Glenn Beck: Donald Trump Is 'Grooming Brownshirts':

"Beck said that he is facing severe repercussions for his criticism of Trump, noting that his fellow radio host Dana Loesch “is going to the FBI because she’s getting death threats” and “another very famous media reporter” is now “on the highest level of security because of the death threats that’s coming in on them"."

Here are six things Trump did in the last month that prove ‘Idiocracy’ is already here

Here are six things Trump did in the last month that prove ‘Idiocracy’ is already here

"it can be hard to distinguish at times between the real estate mogul and the movie’s boisterous — and belligerent — President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho."

Jimmy Kimmel unveils hilarious Donald Trump spoof ad for his ‘poorly educated’ supporters

Jimmy Kimmel unveils hilarious Donald Trump spoof ad for his ‘poorly educated’ supporters

"Sure, it’s a gag, but with 20 percent of Trump backers going on record with their belief that slavery was a good thing this country gave up on way too soon, it’s probably not so far off the mark."

Pro-Trump robocalls warn the ‘white race is dying out’

Pro-Trump robocalls warn the ‘white race is dying out’

"The xenophobic robo calls were produced the American Freedom Party, a pro-Trump PAC and white nationalist group"

An Astonishing Amount of Donald Trump Supporters Disapprove of Lincoln Freeing Slaves

An Astonishing Amount of Donald Trump Supporters Disapprove of Lincoln Freeing Slaves

"Then again, this is a candidate who’s openly admitted that he knows his supporters are mindless sheep – twice! "

Republicans - Still Playing to the Racists After all these Years...

Fomer KKK Grand Wizard Issues Strong Trump Endorsement

Fomer KKK Grand Wizard Issues Strong Trump Endorsement

"go out, call the Republican Party, but call Donald Trump’s headquarters, volunteer,” he said. “They’re screaming for volunteers.” Duke continued: “You’re gonna meet people who are going to have the same kind of mindset that you have. Educate them"."

Why the Trump University debacle is exactly what his fan base needs to finally understand he’s a predator

Why the Trump University debacle is exactly what his fan base needs to finally understand he’s a predator

"The suits focus mainly on the deceptive marketing tactics and false promises of Trump U that left many of the plantiffs tens of thousands of dollars in debt. In court filings last Friday, lawyers in one of the civil suits named Trump as one of their witnesses, meaning the candidate will be cross-examined and the problem will almost certainly become a major campaign issue. No trial date has been set for the suit, but Yahoo News reports it will be “moving forward” soon. Rubio isn’t the only one hammering the issue. Texas senator Ted Cruz, third in the polls behind Rubio and Trump, has been bringing it up more as of late, telling an audience in Houston, Texas, “It’s a fraud case. I want you to think that if this man is the nominee, having the Republican nominee on the stand in court being cross-examined about whether he committed fraud: you don’t think the mainstream media won’t go crazy on that?” The university was, of course, anything but. It existed mainly in the form of obscenely expensive real estate seminars, CDs and DVDs. It had no classes, teachers or buildings. The scam had to eventually change its name to the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, after New York state education regulators objected to the use of the term “university"."

Mitch McConnell: Republicans will drop Trump ‘like a hot rock’ if he wins the nomination

Mitch McConnell: Republicans will drop Trump ‘like a hot rock’ if he wins the nomination

"In private meetings in Washington, Republicans are preparing for their latest worst case 2016 election scenario: Donald Trump might be their presidential nominee. Normally at this point in the election cycle the GOP would be gearing up for attacks on their anticipated Democratic rival for the White House. But party leaders are so distraught at the idea of the blustery businessman heading the ticket, that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has taken to advising candidates to keep their distance from Trump."

These are your Trump voters: 1 in 5 wish the slaves were never freed

These are your Trump voters: 1 in 5 wish the slaves were never freed

"almost a fifth of Trump voters believe it was not a good idea to free the slaves in the Southern states following the Civil War. Five percent of Rubio’s voters hold this view."

Trump Is NOT Self-Funding His Campaign

Friday, February 26, 2016

How an Army of Pharma Lobbyists in Washington Have Locked in One of the Biggest Corporate Ripoff Schemes in America @alternet

How an Army of Pharma Lobbyists in Washington Have Locked in One of the Biggest Corporate Ripoff Schemes in America @alternet:

"Drug companies have devised elaborate schemes for drug sales to states. The Texas attorney general's office charged Janssen with bribing Texas' mental health officials with trips, perks and kickbacks. Janssen also paid drug company-funded front groups, disguised to look like patients, to "give state mental health officials and lawmakers the perception that the drug had widespread support," reported Bloomberg. Many alleged patient groups agitating for approval of expensive new drugs or fighting so-called "barriers" to treatment and mental illness "stigma" are actually slick drug company marketing creations. Many are entrenched in schools and on college campuses to capture "psychiatric patients" at an early age, often ensuring decades of sales. In Texas, a Medicaid "decision tree" called the Texas Medical Algorithm Project was instituted that mandates doctors prescribe the newest and most expensive psychiatric drugs first. The program was funded, not surprisingly, by the Johnson & Johnson-linked Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Another tactic drug companies use is "helping" states buy their own brand-name drugs. No conflict of interest there! An Eli Lilly-backed company named Comprehensive Neuroscience "helped" 24 states use Zyprexa "properly," reported the New York Times."

The Defunct Trump University Was an Education in Fleecing Students

The Defunct Trump University Was an Education in Fleecing Students:

"In court filings last Friday, lawyers for both sides in a long-running civil lawsuit over the now defunct Trump University [reborn as The Trump Entrepreneur Institute] named Trump on their witness lists. That makes it all but certain that the reality-show star and international businessman will be forced to be grilled under oath over allegations in the lawsuit that he engaged in deceptive trade practices and scammed thousands of students who enrolled in his “university” courses in response to promises he would make them rich in the real estate market...."

New Poll Illustrates the GOP's Successful Disinformation Campaign and the Stupidity of American Voters
"Yes, 73 percent of Americans think the deficit has grown under Obama, even though when all is said and done, it's gone down by more than a trillion dollars. Hell, the pollsters even explained what the deficit is, and they still didn't get it. Indeed, the deficit stood at $1.4 trillion by late 2009 as a consequence of George W. Bush's authorization of that year's spending, which occurs the October before the end of the year. In other words, Bush approved $1.2 trillion of 2009's deficit spending in October, 2008. The balance, $200 billion, was Obama's responsibility. Nevertheless, in the years since, Obama has presided over the reduction of the deficit down to $400 billion. That's the biggest cumulative reduction of deficit in American history. And no one knows. Why? Too many people are dumbstupids. That's the main thing. And the GOP has seized upon the less-than-informed status of the American people by deliberately confusing them. The game goes like this: conflate the deficit, which has gone down, with the national debt, which has gone up. The GOP, along with its accomplices at Fox News and AM talk radio, has successfully convinced people that the debt and the deficit are interchangeable.  Until Obama was elected, no one really harped on the national debt. But when the deficit began to drop, the disinformation campaign began. It hit its high water mark in 2012 when the Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, routinely mixed up the deficit and the debt."

Winning His Race: Is Trump the Poster Child for the Rise of U.S. Hate Groups?

This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is Your Frontrunner For the Republican Nomination
"Regardless of Trump's positions on any political or economic issue, his views about women should automatically disqualify him from the White House."

New White Supremacist PAC Robocalls: 'Don’t Vote For A Cuban,' Vote Trump! (AUDIO)
"A white supremacist super PAC is rolling out a fresh robocall campaign this week in Vermont and Minnesota telling voters, “Don’t vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump"."

Former KKK head David Duke to followers: Voting against Donald Trump is “treason to your heritage”

Former KKK head David Duke to followers: Voting against Donald Trump is “treason to your heritage”

"the white nationalist hailed Trump’s victories in Nevada and South Carolina as a “historic day,” urging his listeners to help the Trump campaign in order to meet people with “the same kind of mindset"."

Wall Street Forms Super PAC With Sole Purpose of Attacking Bernie Sanders

7 Astounding Confessions From Conservatives About the Dismal State of the GOP and Likely Nominee Trump @alternet

7 Astounding Confessions From Conservatives About the Dismal State of the GOP and Likely Nominee Trump @alternet:

"5. Get through to the “morons.”At The Federalist, Bill James, cites all the rational reasons why Trump is unqualified to be president, but then notes his party’s base is filled with “morons” supporting him. On the brainy side of this ledger, James said, “Trump is more interested in what is good for Donald Trump than in what is good for America… I don’t think Trump’s background in business prepares him… Trump’s hard-ass approach to problems would be very dangerous for our nation… (And) everything he says is either an outright lie, or something he is merely saying because it is convenient.” James, who says Trump’s message comes down to standing up for yourself, blames the media—“you can’t get away from this egomaniac”—and says the GOP’s pro-Trump base has become a lost and ignorant tribe. “I don’t think that Trump can win, frankly, because I don’t think there are enough morons to elect him. A certain percentage of the American public is just morons; that’s the way it is"."

The racist history of evangelicals proves they’re a perfect match with Trump: Why the religious right’s love for The Donald makes sense

The racist history of evangelicals proves they’re a perfect match with Trump: Why the religious right’s love for The Donald makes sense

"Ronald Reagan gets a lot of credit, for understandable reasons, for helping shape the religious right into a definable and powerful Republican voting bloc. He did this in part by feeding them the anti-feminist rhetoric they wanted to hear, but he also did it by pumping out an endless stream of race-baiting that fed directly into the political style of the religious right, which leans heavily on urban legends and rejects empirical evidence."

Nina Turner on Switching from Clinton to Sanders: He's Been a "Constant Champion" of Civil Rights

Jim Hightower: Why Should You and I Have to Keep Paying Mitch McConnell's Salary? @alternet

Jim Hightower: Why Should You and I Have to Keep Paying Mitch McConnell's Salary? @alternet:

"What a silly old squirrel McConnell is! Article II of the U.S. Constitution plainly states that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the Supreme Court." Note that the Constitution says the president "shall" do this -- as a duty to the nation. Nothing in the founding document suggests that this power and duty is voided in an election year. In fact, 13 Supreme Court nominations have been made in presidential election years, and the Senate took action on 11 of them. McConnell's assertion is bogus (and silly), for history and the Constitution clearly back Obama. Ironically, one who would have nailed McConnell for such a slapstick political perversion of plain constitutional language is Scalia himself. He practiced what he called "originalism" in his official judgments, insisting that the Constitution must be interpreted only by the words in it and only by the original meaning those words had for the founders when they wrote them into the document. McConnell's squirrelly stall tactic is as ridiculous as it is shameful. It's also totally hypocritical, since Mitch himself voted in February 1988 to confirm a Supreme Court nominee put forth by Ronald Reagan -- in the last year of his presidency. This leads me to ask, why should you and I have to keep paying McConnell's salary? Not only is he a Senate majority leader who doesn't lead; the lazy right-wing lawmaker really doesn't do anything, refusing to pick up the legislative tools he's been given and go to work on the many things that We The People -- and America itself -- need Congress to do. Imagine if you tried doing nothing on your job -- just drawing your paycheck after ignoring your workload! Repeatedly, this senatorial slug says no to every task at hand."

We're Getting Fleeced: Privatized Water Is 58% More Expensive Than Tap Water, Major New Study Finds @alternet

We're Getting Fleeced: Privatized Water Is 58% More Expensive Than Tap Water, Major New Study Finds @alternet:

"The most affordable water systems in the U.S. are publicly owned and operated by the government, an exhaustive study reveals. At the same time, for-profit private water companies charge 58 percent more than publicly owned ones."

"Thirsty for Democracy: The Poisoning of an American City": Special Report on Flint’s Water Crisis

The Republican Senate Thrusts A Stake Into the Heart of the Republic
"Republicans long ago abandoned a role as a partner in Government, but emerged as the enemy within; resisting democracy on all fronts. They have shut down the Government; suppressed voting rights; advocated refusals to implement the law and clearly violated its terms, all with an arrogant zeal that if the country was not as they thought it should be, they would rather destroy it. It seems that the only thing that somewhat kept things together was the Court and rule of law. They have now taken their Hun-like behavior to the Court itself; the arbiter of rules and the umpire of the republic. By refusing to perform their Constitutional duty and place country ahead of politics, they have mortally wounded the only institution holding everything together as we wait for saner times."

Constitutional Crisis on the Horizon: GOP Leaders Pledge No Hearing on SCOTUS Nominee
"Although Senate Republicans claim to be acting within the confines of the constitution, they could be leading the country into uncharted waters, if successful in their stonewalling. The founding document stipulates no recourse for what should happen, if the Senate opts to continuously refuse the President's pick to fill a Supreme Court vacancy. When an eight-justice Supreme Court votes 4-4, the ruling in that case that preceded the split stands. The longest wait-time for a nominee to receive a vote was 125 days."

Franken Blasts GOP Refusal To Consider Any Supreme Court Nominee

Let's get real: Democrats confirmed Reagan's Supreme Court nominee during the IRAN-CONTRA SCANDAL!
"Not only did a Democratic Senate confirm Justice Anthony Kennedy during Reagan’s final year, but Democrats did so in the midst of the Iran-Contra scandal and Senate hearings — an investigation that ultimately led to the indictment of 14 Reagan staffers and 11 convictions, and included consideration of whether President Reagan should be impeached. That is the true precedent for today’s debate.  For those to young to remember, the Iran-Contra Scandal involved an illegal scheme by the Reagan administration to secretly sell arms to Iran (in violation of an arms embargo) in an effort to ransom the release of several U.S. hostages, and to use the proceeds connected from such unlawful arms sales to illegally and secretly fund the “Contra” militias in Nicaragua. This “arms-for-hostages” deal with a terrorist state, and the funding of a covert illegal war, led to serious talk of whether President Reagan should be impeached and removed from office.  In the March 4, 1987 video above, President Reagan confessed to, and took responsibility for, (some of) his administration’s illegal conduct in the Iran-Contra Scandal."

PERRspectives: GOP's Unprecedented Obstruction of Obama's Judges Began in 2009

PERRspectives: GOP's Unprecedented Obstruction of Obama's Judges Began in 2009

"In the immediate aftermath of the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell (R-KY) unveiled another unprecedented tactic in their once-unimaginable campaign of obstructionism. The GOP's immaculate rejection of any Court nominee in the final year of Obama's presidency isn't just belied by Supreme Court history. As it turns out, McConnell himself was among those both denouncing that so-called "Thurmond Rule" and voting for the confirmation of Justice Anthony Kennedy in the last year of Ronald Reagan's tenure. But largely overlooked in the Republicans' Supreme sabotage is this. The GOP hasn't just erected never before seen roadblocks to judicial nominees in the last year of Barack Obama's presidency; Republicans did it in year one as well."

All The Arguments Against Obama Nominating The Next Supreme Court Justice, Debunked
"Republicans have advanced a number of arguments to defend their position. None of them hold up to scrutiny."

How Republicans turned the unprecedented into the new normal
"As it has turned out, during the Obama years Republicans have made sure the Senate rarely has the capacity to do any business at all. By 2013, the GOP had filibustered 27 of Obama's executive branch nominees, compared to just seven during Dubya's eight years in office. As Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who once demanded an “up-or-down vote” on President Bush’s nominees, proclaimed three years ago during the confirmation process for Republican Chuck Hagel as Obama’s new Secretary of Defense: “There is a 60-vote threshold for every nomination.” If that seems at odds with the traditional understanding that a simple majority wins in the Senate, that’s because Mitch McConnell’s Republicans simply did away with tradition for nominations and just about everything else. When they weren't filibustering people, the GOP was blocking legislation at more than twice the rate of any previous Congress. (The GOP Senate minority actually started that practice during the last two years of President Bush's tenure. As Republican Sen. Trent Lott put it in 2007, "The strategy of being obstructionist can work or fail. So far it's working for us.")"

Supreme Court Snub Is Ultimate Delegitimization Of First Black President
"the effort to challenge Obama's office began immediately. On January 20, 2009, just hours after the president took his oath of office on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, House and Senate Republicans, including current House Speaker Paul Ryan and former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), gathered at the Caucus Room in Washington to brainstorm all of the ways they could make Obama a one-term president. Absent from the meeting was now-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, but he would say publicly in 2010 that "the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president"."

The Caucus Room Conspiracy Part 2 - SCOTUS

The right’s SCOTUS unreality: Republicans are justifying obstructionism by just making stuff up

The right’s SCOTUS unreality: Republicans are justifying obstructionism by just making stuff up

"The problem they encounter is that there is no actual principle that justifies blocking a Supreme Court nominee for nearly a year and denying them so much as a confirmation hearing. To get around this hurdle, they appear to have settled on a novel tactic: They’re just going to make stuff up. Not surprisingly, much of this nonsense is coming from Senate Republicans themselves."

Trump Vows To Terminate 22 Million Americans Healthcare In SC Victory Speech
"The election isn’t about a reality television star leading the Republican Party. 2016 is really about the unrelenting Republican quest to harm as many non-wealthy Americans as possible with a destructive agenda. For tens of millions of Americans, the 2016 election could be a matter of life and death."

Republican Redux: Governor Bruce Rauner Brings Ruin to Illinois
"Sound familiar? It should. Rauner’s playbook isn’t his own. Rather he is simply falling in with the larger Republican national strategy we have seen Sam Brownback in Kansas, Scott Walker in Wisconsin, and Rick Snyder in Michigan, among other governors, pursue and implement to their citizenry’s detriment. The strategy is that articulated back in the day by Grover Norquist, namely that of “starving the beast,” the beast supposedly being government itself, although in reality the effect of this strategy is that the people are starved in Illinois, just as the people in Flint are poisoned. The impulse behind this strategy—or at least the looming prospect to result from it—is to destroy the public sphere, privatize all that can be privatized, and, of course, re-distribute wealth back to the wealthiest by cutting their taxes because there will be no public sphere to fund—and no sense of a public good."

N Carolina GOP Caught In Racial Gerrymandering

N Carolina GOP Caught In Racial Gerrymandering

"the Republican-led state legislature of North Carolina has been scrambling to redraw their 1st and 12th congressional districts in time for this year's election. Why? Because in February, a federal court ruled the current boundaries to be unconstitutional due to the glaringly obvious attempt at racial gerrymandering."

38% Of Trump Supporters Wish The South Won The Civil War

WATCH: John Oliver’s hilarious ad tells Senate to ‘Do your f*cking job’ and vote to replace Scalia

WATCH: John Oliver’s hilarious ad tells Senate to ‘Do your f*cking job’ and vote to replace Scalia

"Oliver ripped into Republicans for their ever-evolving reasons for trying to hold off voting on a new U.S. Supreme Court justice to replace the late Antonin Scalia."

Paul Krugman: Why GOP Establishment Darling Marco Rubio Is Actually a Fringe Crackpot @alternet

Paul Krugman: Why GOP Establishment Darling Marco Rubio Is Actually a Fringe Crackpot @alternet:

"But not to worry: Mr. Rubio insists that his tax cuts would pay for themselves, by unleashing incredible economic growth. Never mind the complete absence of any evidence for this claim — in fact, the last two Democratic presidents, both of whom raised taxes on the rich, both presided over better private-sector job growth than Mr. Bush did (and that’s even if you leave out the catastrophe of Mr. Bush’s last year in office)."

Yes, Republican Audience Actually Booed Debate Moderator For Fact Checking Ted Cruz
"if you are considering voting for any of the Republican candidates in this election season, you probably have a very serious aversion to things like facts and reality."

Ohio Charter School Scandal Grows as Kasich Ascends National Stage
"Ohio state education officials are now admitting that Ohio has almost ten times as many failing charter schools as the state initially claimed. This revelation comes as Ohio tries to hang onto a $71 million federal charter school grant in the wake of scandals over misleading the grant application reviewers and breaking state law by altering charter school performance statistics. That was the largest grant award by the U.S. Department of Education last year. Ohio newspapers and the Center for Media and Democracy reported last October that the Ohio Department of Education's claims about the excellence of the state's charter-school system were intentionally misleading."

Cambridge Analytica: The Data Lords Who Want To Make Ted Cruz President

Cambridge Analytica: The Data Lords Who Want To Make Ted Cruz President

"According to this profile, "Alexander James Ashburner Nix is financial analyst and a Director at the Strategic Communication Laboratories, a military propaganda company." In other words, Nix specializes in controlling information to shape public perceptions to order for his customers, which include police agencies, militaries, and the United Nations. The term 'PsyOps,' short for psychological operations, is a common catch-all for this business. The missions vary. Sometimes SCL and its partner, Behavioural Dynamics Institute, are employed to counter someone else's propaganda; at other times, clients hire them to muddy the waters with disinformation. Ideas like 'truth' and 'democracy' are entirely relative at SCL, which branched out of its original commercial business into military/government ventures and "election management" about 20 years ago."

Idaho Republicans Want The Bible In Science Class

Poll Fails To Support McConnell’s Motivations For Blocking Supreme Court Nominees
"The poll found that 51 percent of likely voters believe that Obama nominate Scalia’s successor, and 53 percent believe the Senate should not “reject or refuse to consider” the nomination. In fact, only 35 percent favor the kind of obstruction advocated by McConnell."

Surprise, Mitch McConnell Is Total Hypocrite On SCOTUS Noms

Surprise, Mitch McConnell Is Total Hypocrite On SCOTUS Noms

"There is no Thurmond Rule, said McConnell. "Senator Specter has researched that thoroughly"."

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Marco Rubio Busted At CNN Town Hall For Lie Behind Blocking Obama SCOTUS Nominee
"Rubio’s talking point has already been debunked by reality and fact checkers over and over again, but he said it again anyway."

Sandra Day O'Connor: President Obama Should Fill The Supreme Court Vacancy

Sandra Day O'Connor: President Obama Should Fill The Supreme Court Vacancy

"Some common sense, at a time when it's been noticeably absent from the conversation."

Americans Tell Senate GOP To Let President Obama Pick Supreme Court Nominee (IMAGE)
"All told, 51 percent of Americans say President Obama is still the commander-in-chief, therefore he should get to replace Scalia, while only 43 percent say he shouldn’t. An even bigger percentage of people, 53 percent, say Senate Republicans should not stand in his way. Only 35 percent say Senate Republicans should remain the obstructionist a**holes they are."

Marco Rubio: It's A 'Myth' That Republicans Are The Party Of Rich People

Milwaukee Co Exec Abele: Make The Poor Pay For Bucks Arena!

Milwaukee Co Exec Abele: Make The Poor Pay For Bucks Arena!

"Last summer, Scott Walker and his little mini-me, the plutocrat and Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, wanted to help build a new Bucks arena. Even though the new owners are worth more than $5 billion, Walker and Abele promised that the taxpayers would pay for half of the arena."

Southern Poverty Law Center: Republican Party Is Now A Hate Group
"86% of Americans killed by terrorists since 9/11 were the victims of right-wing terror. Right-wing terrorists have killed over 350 Americans since 9/11, while Islamic terrorists have killed 89."

Kansas Supreme Court Orders Lawmakers To Fix School Funding That’s Biased Against Poor Districts
"Kansas’ temporary school funding law is biased against poorer school districts, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled Thursday, aligning with a lower court’s decision. The ruling was the result of a lawsuit from four school districts that cited “wealth-based disparities” as the reason for poorer school districts’ insufficient school funding."

John Kasich Will Create A Government Agency To Promote Christianity (VIDEO)
"While all of the 2016 republican candidates may be well-suited to open their own mega-churches or launch a right wing radio program, not a single one of them is fit to become the next president of the United States."

Idaho Republicans Push Bill To Let Teachers Use Bible In Science Class
"Students in Idaho are one vote away from having the Bible shoved down their throats in every subject in school."

Trump’s Rise Is The Product Of A Broken Media

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mitch McConnell Is Already Threatening To Block The Next President’s Supreme Court Nominee Too
"Now, however, McConnell appears to be having second thoughts — not about blocking Obama’s nominee; he’s fully committed to that position — but about whether it is a good idea to allow the next president to fill the seat either"

Senate GOP Refuses To Hold Hearings For Obama SCOTUS Nominee

Senate GOP Refuses To Hold Hearings For Obama SCOTUS Nominee

"Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate will refuse to consider any nominee to the United States Supreme Court that our current President nominates."

It’s The Kochs, Not Republicans Prohibiting A SCOTUS Nominee Vote
" if anyone thinks the Koch brothers are not behind the “let the people decide” who is the new Supreme Court justice they are not just outrageously ignorant; they are stupid. For example, a Koch-founded organization, the Wellspring Committee funds another Koch 501(c)4 social welfare organization, the “Judicial Crisis Network.” The Judicial Crisis Network’s only purpose is issuing Koch propaganda to influence public opinion, and to either reward or punish Republican Senators depending on whether or not they vote in lockstep to advance the Koch Brothers’ interests. Since the Kochs’ interests are founded on abolishing all federal regulations as “unconstitutional,” specifically those affecting the oil, gas and coal industries, it is crucial that the Kochs maintain control of the Supreme Court; it is why they desperately want to keep their conservative majority intact. It is also why Republicans immediately obeyed the Kochs and began telling Americans it was their right to decide who nominates the “right kind of prospective Justice"."

Americans Demanded Obama Pick Next Justice And Republicans Just Gave Them A Massive Middle Finger
"Senate Republicans, led by their Obstructor-in-Chief Mitch McConnell, have repeatedly made the astounding claim that they will refuse to hold nomination hearings for any person Obama may choose. Sight unseen. Instead, they will spend the next 340 days with an empty seat on the Supreme Court – a glowing middle finger neon sign built in the way of the democratic process. For their part, the American people have made it absolutely clear that this sort of political point scoring is inappropriate, offensive, and unwanted. When Fox News (Fox News!) ran a poll asking if Americans supported Obama naming a new justice, an overwhelming majority said yes."

Republicans Spit On The American People By Denying Obama SCOTUS Nominee A Hearing
"Republicans will play anarchists for $100, and gamble losing the Senate just to deny President Obama his Constitutional duty and right, as well as deny the American people their input, which they gave twice in 2008 and again in 2012 when they re-elected President Obama by five million votes."

Koch Brothers Declare War On Electric Cars

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Your Daily “The System Is Rigged” Reminder: Big Bank CEOs Getting Massive Raises While Wages Stagnate
"And what exactly do these financial Lords of the Universe do in exchange for such outsized paychecks? Not much, apparently – at least, not nearly as much as is expected from the rest of us. CEOs themselves like to boast that their excessive compensation is well-deserved because they “work” to improve the performance of their companies. However, research indicates that there is virtually no connection between CEO pay and company performance. In fact, many of America’s largest corporations rig the system by exaggerating reported profits and setting growth projections at ridiculously low levels. According to Columbia University law professor Robert Jackson, Jr., corporate directors are “deliberately setting performance targets low so the management doesn’t have to meet market expectations in order to get paid.” Not only does this gaming of the system put tens of millions of dollars into the pockets of overpaid CEOs who really do little more than spend mornings on the phone and afternoons on the back nine with fellow executives, it robs the U.S. Treasury – and by extension, we, the taxpayers of this country – of billions of dollars every year. Part of the problem is the tax code itself, which has long been rigged to favor the wealthy and corporations. Attorney Michael Donan, who served in the Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Policy under Clinton and Bush, points out that IRS rules are ambiguous. They allow a corporation to make its own definition of what constitutes performance, “more or less as it chooses.” Essentially, obscene CEO compensation constitutes a major corporate tax write-off. Donan says, “Officers can receive payments that satisfy the exemption even if the stock price is falling, revenues are falling and earnings are falling. Failure can be treated as success for purposes of the exemption"."

You Simply Can't Earn a Living in America on the Minimum Wage @alternet

You Simply Can't Earn a Living in America on the Minimum Wage @alternet:

"Keep in mind that not raising wages costs you money. Those minimum wage workers who can't make enough and need to go on food assistance? Well, Walmart isn't paying for those food stamps (now called SNAP), you are. The annual bill that states and the federal government foot for working families making poverty-level wages is $153 billion. A single Walmart Supercenter costs taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year in public assistance money, and Walmart employees account for 18% of all food stamps issued. In other words, those everyday low prices at the chain are, in part, subsidized by your tax money. If the minimum wage goes up, will spending on food benefits programs go down? Almost certainly. But won't stores raise prices to compensate for the extra money they will be shelling out for wages? Possibly. But don't worry -- raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would mean a Big Mac would cost all of 17 cents more."

KY Gov. Matt Bevin Slashes Funding For Ethics Investigations, Elections Oversight
"The cuts are clearly designed to give corrupt Tea Party politicians like himself free reign in the state, without fear of political or legal repercussions."

Why Our Government Isn't Listening: How Greed Is at the Root of US Suffering
"This political system - the organization that dictates the rules that control people's lives - is, as Sen. Elizabeth Warren says, "rigged." There is a reason corporate profits are at an 85-year high, while workers' pay is at a 65-year low. There is a reason Congress is a millionaires' club. US legislators and corporate executives are tied together in a reciprocal, remunerative relationship. A handful of individuals and their corporations openly spend millions in political campaign contributions (and millions more anonymously in dark money), as well as $2.6 billion every year to lobby Congress (more than the Senate and House budget combined). Corporate executives profit from this investment in corporate welfare (subsidies, grants, incentives, tax breaks and tax loopholes), the preservation of the destructive status quo, and beneficial (or the lack of detrimental) legislation that their lobbyists actually help to write."

One Percenters Get Their Own Special Social Welfare Deal @alternet

One Percenters Get Their Own Special Social Welfare Deal @alternet:

"The IRS declared that an association called Crossroads GPS is a nonprofit social welfare group. That makes Crossroads GPS a sibling to agencies like Little Sisters of the Poor, the American Red Cross and the Humane Society. Except that Crossroads, spawned by Republican strategist Karl Rove, spends every clandestine million dollars it collects to benefit the rich, not to help hurricane victims or homeless veterans or abandoned puppies."

All The Arguments Against Obama Nominating The Next Supreme Court Justice, Debunked
"Republicans have advanced a number of arguments to defend their position. None of them hold up to scrutiny."

How Republicans Are Trying To Nullify The 2012 Election
"Most importantly, polling indicates that voters took these questions seriously. An August 2012 survey found that 63 percent of all voters (and a majority of independent voters and presidential “swing” voters) said Supreme Court nominations were “an important consideration” in their vote. The same survey found that 54 percent worried that Romney would nominate justices who would “consistently favor corporations over ordinary Americans.” President Obama has not appointed a single Supreme Court justice yet in this term — but, after seeing his two nominations in the first term and hearing clearly divergent visions from his campaign and Romney’s, nearly 5 million more Americans voted for Obama than voted for his opponent."

Paul Ryan, who has no Supreme Court say, says Republicans should block an Obama nominee
"Let's rework that a bit: The Republican Congress has tried everything it could to cripple every branch of government, including the judiciary, because destroying government is the only unifying issue in the party."

20,776,265 Reasons Why The GOP Should Confirm Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee
"Using this methodology, 170,761,428.5 people are represented by Democratic senators, while only 149,985,163.5 are represented by Republicans. You can check our work here. An alternative method of measuring how much Senate malapportionment advantages Republicans is to look at the total number of votes cast in the last three election cycles (each cycle, one-third of the Senate stands for election, so the current Senate was assembled from the results of these three elections). According to the voting reform group FairVote, “the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes." So the United States Senate is only marginally more democratic than the British House of Lords. The most populous state, California, has 39,144,818 residents and two Democratic senators. Meanwhile, the least populous state, Wyoming, has 586,107 residents and two Republican senators. That means that a voter in Wyoming has nearly 67 times as much input in the makeup of the United States Senate as a voter from California. So much for one person/one vote."

Obama On Supreme Court, 2016 Presidential Race - Full Press Conference

A historian sets Ted Cruz straight after he makes ridiculous claims about the Supreme Court

A historian sets Ted Cruz straight after he makes ridiculous claims about the Supreme Court

"If he honestly believes it is not legitimate to nominate and confirm a justice in an election year, Ted Cruz must hate the appointment of Chief Justice John Marshall. John Adams nominated him in January 1801, after he lost his re-election bid to Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800. Adams was a lame duck in the truest sense of the term—he was serving out the remainder of his term after being repudiated by the voters. Yet he did not hesitate to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court, and Marshall was confirmed by a lame duck Senate. Perhaps the most striking irony of Cruz’s position (and increasingly the position of the entire Republican Party) is that this absurd debate is taking place over the replacement of Antonin Scalia. If there is one thing Scalia was known for, it is his originalist interpretation of the Constitution: it means what the founding generation said it meant. So it seems appropriate to ask: what did the Founders actually do in such circumstances? In the final year of his presidency, George Washington had two nominations to the Supreme Court approved by the Senate. It was an election year and he was not running for reelection. It doesn’t get more “original intent” than that. Adams could easily have left the Supreme Court vacancy for Jefferson—who had already been elected, after all, and would take office in a matter of weeks—and didn’t. That seems as clear as it could be. The founders saw no impediment to a president in the final year–or even in the final weeks–of the presidency successfully appointing new justices to the Supreme Court. What about Cruz’s contention about the last 80 years? Even that does not hold up."

Former Bush AG Smacks Down GOP for Obstructing Obama on Scalia's Replacement (Video)

Former Bush AG Smacks Down GOP for Obstructing Obama on Scalia's Replacement (Video)

"During an interview Monday morning, Gonzales told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that it’s the president’s job to fill the vacancy and Senate Republicans should do their job by not trying to delay doing so for almost a year."

It Takes A Special Kind Of Stupid To Be A Modern Day Republican

It Takes A Special Kind Of Stupid To Be A Modern Day Republican

"Republicans tell lie after lie after lie, with practically none of them coming true, and Republican voters never seem to realize that they're being lied to and manipulated. Then again, in a rather odd phenomenon, these people seem to believe in a reality where all of these lies are true – even if there's no credible evidence outside of right-wing blogs and memes to "prove" any of it. While I know there are sane, moderate Republicans still left out there, they really no longer have a party. Long gone are the days of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower. Now it's a party built on fear, hate, bigotry, racism, religious fanaticism and the myth of Ronald Reagan. It's supported by people whose own politicians treat them like mindless idiots – and they absolutely love every minute of it."

Glenn Beck: God Allowed Scalia To Die In Order To Highlight The Importance Of Electing Ted Cruz

Glenn Beck: God Allowed Scalia To Die In Order To Highlight The Importance Of Electing Ted Cruz: "Glenn Beck was on the road today and unable to host his radio program, but he did find time to call in and offer his theory about why God allowed Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia to die so close to the next presidential election. After Beck's co-host Pat Gray wondered why God simply didn't allow Scalia to live until after the election, Beck called in to assert that God had allowed Scalia to die at this time in an effort to wake up America up to the fact that his nation is on the verge of totally losing its liberty unless it elects Ted Cruz as president."

Inaction on Flint sparks call for 'disruptive civil disobedience'

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Media's Complicity In GOP Obstruction: Scalia Replacement Edition

Media's Complicity In GOP Obstruction: Scalia Replacement Edition

"This is the only story that should be printed or broadcast: President Obama is duty-bound under the Constitution to appoint a successor, and he will do that. The Senate is duty-bound under the Constitution to advise and consent. Advise and consent is not obstruction. Advise and consent means having a hearing and taking a vote on Obama's choice to succeed Justice Scalia. That is the only narrative that should be in play here. Period. Media needs to stop enabling the tantrums and start telling the country the truth. President Obama can and shall appoint a successor to Justice Scalia, because it is his duty to do so. When we elected him in 2012, the US Supreme Court was very much on everyone's mind. Nothing has changed -- it's still very much an issue in this cycle. But we also did not elect him for a 3-year term, and so Republicans just need to get over it and move on."

Senator Who Once Railed Against Delaying SCOTUS Confirmations Says He’ll Delay SCOTUS Confirmation
"The last justice to be confirmed during a presidential election was Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was nominated by President Reagan in 1987, was confirmed by a vote of 97-to-0 in February 1988. Grassley, who was then a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, voted to confirm Kennedy."

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are lying about Supreme Court nominations. Go figure.
"Cruz repeated it on ABC's This Week, with a slight, extremely oily tweak, when George Stephanopoulos reminded him that Kennedy was confirmed in February 1988. An election year."

Media Is Playing a Dangerous Game to Go Along With GOP's Plot to Prevent Obama From Naming Scalia's Replacement @alternet

Media Is Playing a Dangerous Game to Go Along With GOP's Plot to Prevent Obama From Naming Scalia's Replacement @alternet:

"the press continued its habit of looking away from the GOP's stunning record of institutional obstructionism since 2009."

Debunking the Absurd Republican Reasons for Blocking Obama from Naming Scalia's Replacement

Debunking the Absurd Republican Reasons for Blocking Obama from Naming Scalia's Replacement

"Republicans are literally trying to argue that a president should ignore their duties for nearly 25 percent of their second term as president."

Samantha Bee slams Mitch McConnell for wiping his ‘obstructionist a**’ on the document Scalia held dear

Samantha Bee slams Mitch McConnell for wiping his ‘obstructionist a**’ on the document Scalia held dear

"Bee ran a clip of Fox News talking about the Thurmond Rule derived from former Senator Strom Thurmond who decided that the summer before an election all appointments should be held up. The thing is, The Thurmond Rule isn’t actually a rule or a law, it’s just something he did back in 1968. Also, it isn’t the summer, it isn’t even spring."

Seth Meyers destroys GOP Scalia hypocrisy

Seth Meyers destroys GOP Scalia hypocrisy

"Seth Meyers took “A Closer Look” ay Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing."

Bush AG Alberto Gonzales: ‘No question’ Obama has ‘obligation’ to fill Supreme Court vacancy

Bush AG Alberto Gonzales: ‘No question’ Obama has ‘obligation’ to fill Supreme Court vacancy

"According to SCOTUSblog, there is no tradition of leaving a Supreme Court seat vacant because of an election year."

Ted Cruz doesn't think the black president gets a full four year term
"So we're really having the conversation, then, about whether to keep the Supreme Court in effective limbo for an entire session because Senate Republicans simply don't want Barack Obama to execute that particular duty. It's going to be a thing. The Republicans are unanimous—the sitting president, the one that they subjected to birtherism, to "You Lie!" outbursts by southern politicians, to constant public suppositions that he was secretly working for the benefit of Kenya and/or Muslims, the president who has supposedly been just about to take everyone's guns and/or let the furriners take over each and every month from his inauguration onwards, and not a bit of it having anything to do with the president being black, we are told, those same folks are now quite insistent that the president must simply give up this power, too, because of a brand-new but deeply held tradition that says he just should, that's why. And at least two thirds of the pundit corps are going to run with this like it's a serious argument, because they are stupid, stupid people who simply repeat whatever their preferred candidates say and don't give a damn if it makes a lick of sense. Sure, why not. Presidential terms only last three years now. Everybody knows that."

GOP threatens US system of government with SCOTUS stand off

Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To Sabotage US Economy with Frank Luntz
A reminder that the republican plan for obstruction goes back to inauguration night 2009. Remember republicans don't deny this, in fact they bragged about it. "During the four hour meeting: The senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation. These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy."

Watch Reagan’s Ghost Scold Congress: It’s Your “Constitutional Obligation” To Fill Supreme Court Vacancy
"In this clip from the C-SPAN archives, President Reagan implores his Congress and the American people to fulfill their “constitutional obligation” and restore the Supreme Court to its full strength following the 1987 retirement of Justice Lewis F. Powell, whom he replaced with Justice Anthony Kennedy. Reagan had 13 months left in his term."

There's no precedent for blocking a judiciary nominee in an election year, and Republicans know it
"Boy, Republicans sure do have short memories. And selective interpretations of how things work."

As Obama Moves To Replace Scalia, The Press Enables Radical GOP Obstruction
"For years under Obama, Republicans have systematically destroyed Beltway norms and protocols, denying the president his traditional latitude to govern and make appointments. It's sad that in Obama's final year in office, the press is still turning a blind eye to the GOP's radical nature."

PROOF Republicans Claiming Obama Shouldn’t Pick Supreme Court Justice Are Hypocrites (QUOTES)
"Here’s the thing about history, though — it will come back to bite you when you least expect it, and prove that you may, in fact, be a huge hypocrite."

Hey Republicans-The American People HAVE Spoken!

Mitch McConnell In 2005 Disagrees With Mitch McConnell Now On Obama Replacing Scalia

Mitch McConnell In 2005 Disagrees With Mitch McConnell Now On Obama Replacing Scalia

"Republicans and Conservatives have made it clear. They will block anyone Obama nominates to replace Scalia – even if they agreed that that person is a good choice to sit on the highest court in the land. In other words, nothing has changed with the GOP. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct."

Elizabeth Warren Rips Into Republicans For Pledging To Block Supreme Court Process
"In the wake of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s unexpected death on Saturday, Senate Republicans have promised to block any of president Obama’s nominations to the Supreme Court."

Republicans: Black President Only Gets to Appoint Scotus 3/5ths of the Time

Ted Cruz Repeats Lie About SCOTUS Nominations, Vows To Block Anyone Obama Chooses (VIDEO)
"After being embarrassed on live television Saturday night when John Dickerson fact-checked his lie about Supreme Court history, Ted Cruz showed no shame as he repeated the same line on Sunday."

Why Republicans Have Only Themselves to Blame If Trump Wins the Nomination

Why Republicans Have Only Themselves to Blame If Trump Wins the Nomination:

"More importantly, back in 2010, it was the so-called conservatives who claimed that letting corporations and billionaires spend unlimited amounts of cash in our election cycle was a great win for free speech. That infamous Citizens United ruling has a lot to do with why the Grand Old Party has no grand plan to defeat the bombastic billionaire."

Trump threatens to sue Cruz

WATCH: Donald Trump just attacked ‘unstable ‘liar’ Ted Cruz and ‘choke artist’ Marco Rubio

WATCH: Donald Trump just attacked ‘unstable ‘liar’ Ted Cruz and ‘choke artist’ Marco Rubio

"Donald Trump reinvigorated his attacks on Ted Cruz’s “lies” during his South Carolina press conference on Monday. “I have never, ever met a person that lies more than Ted Cruz,” Trump told reporters."

Trump Threatens Birther Lawsuit Against Ted Cruz

Trump Threatens Birther Lawsuit Against Ted Cruz

"Donald Trump is pulling out all the stops against Ted Cruz after Saturday night's debate. In a press conference today, Trump threatened to file a birther lawsuit against Cruz if he doesn't apologize for his lies about Trump."

Trump Threatens Independent Run If RNC Doesn’t Condemn Cruz’s Attacks
"Donald Trump is again hinting at a possible independent run for president if the Republican National Committee (RNC) doesn’t condemn Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for his recent barrage of political attacks against the billionaire."

Trump Booed for Reminding GOP of Bush's 9/11 Failure and Iraq War Lies

Trump Booed for Reminding GOP of Bush's 9/11 Failure and Iraq War Lies

"The loudest boos of the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Saturday night came as billionaire real estate mogul and media personality Donald Trump reminded the audience that President George W. Bush, in fact, did not "keep us safe" on 9/11 and that when talking about the 2003 invasion of Iraq it's important to remember that the central premise used by his administration was a lie."

Republican Hopefuls Utterly Implode in Most Entertaining Debate Yet
"On a night that began on a somber note with the death of conservative hero and unrepentant bigot Antonin Scalia, the debate quickly descended into a six-car train wreck. John Kasich summed the night up elegantly after a particularly childish Trump-Bush exchange: "I think we're fixing to lose the election to Hillary Clinton if we don't stop this." Indeed. There's no doubt that Clinton and Bernie Sanders were the big winners of the night; this was by far the ugliest debate the Republicans have put on."

Republicans BOO Facts During The Latest Debate

Ted Cruz Gets Called Out By Debate Moderator For Making Up Facts About The Supreme Court
"Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) declared that President Obama should not nominate a successor this year and that the decision should be left for the next president. “We have 80 years of precedent of not confirming Supreme Court Justices in an election year,” he said. CBS’ John Dickerson then pressed Cruz on whether anyone has been confirmed in an election year, pointing to current Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s confirmation in 1988. Cruz appeared confused."

One Chart Obliterates The Republican Argument For Obstructing Obama’s SCOTUS Nominee
"Let it be clear from this point on that there is one party to blame for the “divide”, and that party is not in the White House. The party to blame for the “divide” is the same party that is on record as making obstruction their only goal during Obama’s presidency."

Hillary Clinton Schools Republicans with a SCOTUS Confirmation History Lesson
"Sure, Republicans can blame the fact that they don’t plan on working this year, but that might not play well in an election year. So at some point in the next 340 days, they ought to be able to show up to work and take a vote to confirm President Obama’s nominee."

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Found Dead at West Texas Ranch @alternet

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Found Dead at West Texas Ranch @alternet:

"The supreme court justice Antonin Scalia has died. He was 79."

Republican Debate Audience Boos Fact-Checking

Karl Rove's Dark Money Gets IRS Non-Profit Status

Karl Rove's Dark Money Gets IRS Non-Profit Status

"Crossroads had been the most active of the nonprofits that are funneling cash into politics — often called dark money because the original source of the funds may be kept secret if the organizations have social welfare as their primary purpose. During the 2012 cycle, Crossroads reported spending almost twice as much on political ads as the next most-active nonprofit, Americans for Prosperity, which is backed by conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch."

John Kasich is a right-wing Trojan Horse: Why the GOP establishment’s newest pick should make everybody worried

John Kasich is a right-wing Trojan Horse: Why the GOP establishment’s newest pick should make everybody worried

"Like so many right-wingers he seems confused about how government works."

Donald Trump Celebrates New Hampshire Win By Retweeting White Supremacist
"There really is no low too low for Republican Donald Trump."

Donald Trump’s white America is revolting: New numbers show just how noxious the GOP front-runner’s coalition is

Donald Trump’s white America is revolting: New numbers show just how noxious the GOP front-runner’s coalition is

"In a Herrenvolk society, the racial in-group is fully enfranchised while the racial out-group is marked as an “anti-citizen” that is not worthy of full democratic rights."

Ted Cruz Caught Sending FAKE Gov't Checks To Voters In Texas

Cruz Campaign Defends Controversial Pastor Who Says God Sent Hitler To Hunt Jews

Cruz Campaign Defends Controversial Pastor Who Says God Sent Hitler To Hunt Jews:

"Among Bickle's more radical views is his prophecy that as the End Times approach, all Jews will be given a chance to accept Jesus, warning that if they do not accept "the grace" of Christ, God will then "raise up a hunter" who will kill two-thirds of them "and the most famous hunter in recent history is a man named Adolf Hitler"."

Pro-Trump Alex Jones Threatens Violence Against Supporters Of "Inhuman, Parasitical Maggot," "Hitler" Bernie Sanders
"Conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones, who is being courted by Donald Trump's presidential campaign, is smearing Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as "a dangerous, evil," man comparable to Hitler and Lenin, and falsely claiming he wants to put people in "forced relocation" camps. Jones has also launched unhinged attacks against "stupid" and "self-propelled trash" Sanders supporters, suggesting they need to have their "jaws broken" and their "moron heads" slapped."

Busted: Kochs Funding Bundy Militia, Rancher Extremists So They Can Drill On Public Land
"Both the ALC and FIA are part of a dizzying array of shadowy groups that channel money from big-ticket conservative donors like the Kochs to anti-government terrorists like the Bundys."

Cliven Bundy's Indictment Charges Massive Conspiracy - UPDATED

Cliven Bundy's Indictment Charges Massive Conspiracy - UPDATED

"He'll be in the clink for the rest of his life after this trial, alongside his sons."

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Emails Indicate Flint Lead Tests Withheld from Public at Snyder's Command

Emails Indicate Flint Lead Tests Withheld from Public at Snyder's Command

"redacted emails released last month by the governor indicate that his administration was informed of problems with Flint's water many months before, as early as Feb. 2015"

A Modesty Proposal | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Elizabeth Warren: Justice System Rigged In Favor Of The Wealthy

Ted Cruz is in Big Trouble With Jewish Groups Over Highly Controversial Endorsement

Ted Cruz is in Big Trouble With Jewish Groups Over Highly Controversial Endorsement

"You essentially lose any right to call yourself remotely pro-Israel or pro the Jewish community when you refer to Hitler as a “hunter” that was sent by God to eradicate Jewish people."

Ted Cruz Defends Endorsement From Pastor Who Believes Hitler Was ‘Hunter’ Sent By God
"Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz isn’t backing away from the endorsement of Mike Bickle, a controversial evangelical pastor who once characterized Hitler as “a hunter” sent by God to go after Jews who don’t to convert to Christianity."

Ted Cruz draws support from America's darkest fringe

The Koch Brothers' Dirty War on Solar Power
"investor-owned utilities, together with Koch-brothers-funded front groups like American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), are mounting a fierce, rear-guard resistance at the state level – pushing rate hikes and punishing fees for homeowners who turn to solar power. Their efforts have darkened green-energy prospects in could-be solar superpowers like Arizona and Nevada. But nowhere has the solar industry been more eclipsed than in Florida, where the utilities' powers of obstruction are unrivaled.

The Kochs Are Ghostwriting the United States' Story
"In other words, Koch and his brother David and the extraordinary machine they have built in cahoots with fellow billionaires and others, have spent hundreds and hundreds of millions to get their way - "the great wealth grab" in the words of Richard Eskow - all part of one long story told in pursuit of a specific end: to make the needs of the very, very few our nation's top priority and to thwart or destroy any group effort among the poor and middle class to do or say otherwise."

Have The Kochs Finally Been Caught?

Corporations Killed Medicine. Here's How to Take It Back
"Playing the role of modern-day lords of the manor are pharmaceutical corporations, which have taken a good that was once considered off-limits for private profiteering and turned it into an expensive commodity."

Bloodsucking Big Pharma Vultures Plan To Rig 2016 Election

Maine Joins the Growing List of States to Vote on Marijuana Legalization This Year @alternet

Maine Joins the Growing List of States to Vote on Marijuana Legalization This Year @alternet:

"It looks like Mainers will be voting on legalization in November."

5 New Discoveries That Will Shake Up Our Understanding of Marijuana @alternet

5 New Discoveries That Will Shake Up Our Understanding of Marijuana @alternet:

"New research shows marijuana may have more uses (and benefits) than we thought."

WI Supreme Court Again Tries Thwarting SCOTUS Review of Its Conflicts of Interest
"Last week, the Wisconsin Supreme Court's majority took another step to insulate itself from review by the U.S. Supreme Court, the latest twist in the long-running "John Doe" legal saga that has brought national attention to dysfunction on the state's highest court."

Scumbag Shkreli Has Made Pharma Greed A Campaign Issue

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Inequality Against Democracy: 10 Facts About the 1 Percent

Inequality Against Democracy: 10 Facts About the 1 Percent

"Political choices are shaping a new class of super-wealthy Americans. And, conversely, the super-wealthy are shaping our political choices. A Princeton study by political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded that “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.” A government controlled by wealthy individuals and large corporations will be much more likely to harm the environment and subvert democratic processes. It will cater to the defense industry abroad and the for-profit prison industry at home. It will hamper racial justice, because true equality cannot be achieved without effort and cost. Its policies are likely to foster growing instability at home and abroad, affecting virtually every aspect of foreign and domestic policy. That is why runaway inequality is the central issue of our time. It stifles democracy and leads to a more dangerous world. We should, of course, demand that political candidates advocate the right social, foreign policy, and environmental decisions. But even the best candidates will find it impossible to consistently carry out the best policies in a society where so few have so much and so many have so little. Here’s the good news: Today’s inequality was created by choice, which means we can make different choices. We can end the great wealth grab – by strengthening collective bargaining rights, regulating Wall Street and large corporations, fixing our tax system, and renegotiating bad deals like NAFTA while blocking such deals in the future. Ending the great wealth grab will improve life for most Americans, and will make it easier to reclaim our democracy."

Thank You New Hampshire! | Bernie Sanders

Jeb Bush Unveils Sneaky New Plan To Make Citizens United Even Worse
"Simply put, Bush would permit a level of corruption that even the Roberts Court views as intolerable."

A majority of low-wage workers earn so little they must rely on public assistance to make ends meet

A majority of low-wage workers earn so little they must rely on public assistance to make ends meet:

"When corporations pay wages so low that working people must rely on public assistance, taxpayers are effectively subsidizing these companies to make up the difference between what workers make and what they need to support themselves and their families. Meanwhile, corporations continue to post extraordinarily high profits and CEOs’ salaries continue to climb. Of the many policies that would lift wages, raising the minimum wage is the simplest way to help millions of low-paid workers pay the bills and ensure that businesses are doing their fair share to provide working families with the means to a decent life. Higher wages would also free up billions of dollars that could be used to strengthen anti-poverty programs, fund new education initiatives, or make economy-boosting investments."

Flint Water Crisis Is What Happens With A Republican Government

IRS Gives Up, Grants Karl Rove's Dark Money Group "Social Welfare" Certification
"The IRS has granted nonprofit status to Karl Rove's dark money political operation, Crossroads GPS, which for the past five years has pushed the legal envelope in order to influence elections but keep its donors secret. Formed in the wake of Citizens United, Crossroads GPS has been one of the biggest secretly-funded political players, raising and spending $330 million on election-related ads attacking Democratic candidates or praising Republicans, but without doing anything that might be described as advancing "social welfare." Although the majority opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision endorsed disclosure of donors, in the five years following the decision, spending by secretly-funded 501(c)(4) nonprofits has exploded."

The Conservative Playbook for Keeping ‘Dark Money’ Dark

The Conservative Playbook for Keeping ‘Dark Money’ Dark

"In internal memos, groups opposing tighter state campaign finance rules coach their local supporters on how to battle disclosure of political donors."

The Republican Plot To Steal The 2016 Election

Federal Court Says North Carolina’s Racially Motivated Gerrymandering Is Unconstitutional

Federal Court Says North Carolina’s Racially Motivated Gerrymandering Is Unconstitutional

"Shortly after North Carolina Republicans took over the state legislature in 2010, they drew up new district maps to determine the boundaries of congressional and state legislative districts, carving them up to their partisan advantage. On Friday, a federal court declared that two of those congressional districts were gerrymandered in a way that was racially discriminatory, deliberately clustering many black voters — who often vote Democratic — into large, oddly shaped districts in violation of their constitutional rights."

Federal Court Says North Carolina’s Gerrymandered Maps Are Unconstitutional
"No state has done more in the post-Jim Crow era to restrict voting rights than North Carolina. Just weeks after the Supreme Court gutted a key provision of the Voting Rights Act, the state enacted a comprehensive voter suppression law that pulled together many different provisions used to restrict voting in other states. Meanwhile, its congressional maps offer only the illusion of a democracy. During the last presidential election, Republican candidate Mitt Romney received just over 50 percent of the popular vote in North Carolina. Nevertheless, Republicans won 9 of the state’s 13 seats in the U.S. House under North Carolina’s gerrymandered maps."

How States Rig Elections

An Astonishing Breakdown Showing How Much of a Liar Donald Trump Really Is

An Astonishing Breakdown Showing How Much of a Liar Donald Trump Really Is

"Only 7 percent of Trump’s statements have been deemed honest while a whopping 77 percent have been deemed dishonest."

Rubio’s Billionaires Keeping His Pathetic Campaign Alive

Marco Rubio is no moderate
"As it turns out, there's only one problem with the Marco the Moderate Myth: It simply isn't true. As a quick glance at his past record and proposals for the future shows, Marco Rubio is a reactionary ideologue whose extremism has only increased during his short tenure in the Senate."

Sanders: We need a political revolution

Krugman: Not Failure, Not Even Reality Will Stop the Republicans From Dropping Their Canned Talking Points
"Think about the doctrines every Republican politician now needs to endorse, on pain of excommunication. First, there’s the ritual denunciation of Obamacare as a terrible, very bad, no good, job-killing law. Did I mention that it kills jobs? Strange to say, this line hasn’t changed at all despite the fact that we’ve gained 5.7 million private-sector jobs since January 2014, which is when the Affordable Care Act went into full effect. Then there’s the assertion that taxing the rich has terrible effects on economic growth, and conversely that tax cuts at the top can be counted on to produce an economic miracle. This doctrine was tested more than two decades ago, when Bill Clinton raised tax rates on high incomes; Republicans predicted disaster, but what we got was the economy’s best run since the 1960s. It was tested again when George W. Bush cut taxes on the wealthy; Republicans predicted a “Bush boom,” but actually got a lackluster expansion followed by the worst slump since the Great Depression. And it got tested a third time after President Obama won re-election, and tax rates at the top went up substantially; since then we’ve gained eight million private-sector jobs. Oh, and there’s also the spectacular failure of the Kansas experiment, where huge tax cuts have created a budget crisis without delivering any hint of the promised economic miracle. But Republican faith in tax cuts as a universal economic elixir has, if anything, grown stronger, with Mr. Rubio, in particular, going even further than the other candidates by promising to eliminate all taxes on capital gains."

Chris Christie and Marco Rubio Unwittingly Exposed Default Republican Position on Literally Everything
"The fact is, the GOP has been running on the same platform for 30 years — cut taxes for the rich, privatize everything, dismantle worker’s rights and gut the government. These policies are getting harder and harder to justify given they haven’t worked for the vast majority of the population, and nearly turned the country into a banana republic under the stewardship of George W. Bush. The Republicans can’t run a presidential election on their bold new ideas, because they have no new bold ideas."

Clinton won't privatize the VA, says 'let's fix it'