Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Politician Crook Of The Year

2014 Politician Crook Of The Year

"Christie is at the heart of a scandal to redirect billions of dollars in pension money to his Wall Street pals at the expense of public workers, sparking resignations and accusations.

Christie is also mismanaging federal Hurricane Sandy funds when he's not bullying selfless Ebola aid nurses.

Christie isn't just a crook. He's also a bully, and that quality seems to protect him from any consequences for whatever he decides to do."

Here Are Some of the Craziest Right-Wing News Stories From 2014
"Fear of Ebola. Fear of Obamacare. Fear of ISIS. Fear of immigration. Fear of gays and lesbians. Fear of the government. Fear, fear, fear. Be afraid, be very afraid."

The Year In Paranoia: The Five Craziest Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Of 2014 | Right Wing Watch

The Year In Paranoia: The Five Craziest Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Of 2014 | Right Wing Watch

"2014 was a great year for conspiracy theorists running for office, but these extreme politicians couldn’t do it without the help of a conservative media bent on pushing outlandish conspiracy theories from the fringe into the mainstream."

Fox News' End Of Year 'Worst In Media' List Is Unintentionally Hysterical

Fox News' End Of Year 'Worst In Media' List Is Unintentionally Hysterical

"Elisabeth Hasselbeck and former Cosmo Centerfold /monotone host at Faux, Scott Brown, asked a reporter from the Daily Signal who she thought was the worst of the worst in 2014.

In case you're unsure of what the Daily Signal actually is, it's the multimedia news organization of the Heritage Foundation, who is incredibly close to their friends at the good ol' John Birch Society. These are the "Agenda 21, FEMA Camps," tin-foil hat-wearing contingent of the racist organization. Of course their opinion is sought on Fox News!"

There's a Big Anniversary This January That the Christian Right Doesn't Want You to Know About
"The day commemorates the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786.
Why is this seemingly obscure piece of Revolutionary-era legislation so vital? And why doesn’t the Christian Right want you to know anything about it?
The bill, authored by Thomas Jefferson and later pushed through the state legislature by then member of the House of Delegates, James Madison, is regarded as the root of how the framers of the Constitution approached matters of religion and government, and it was as revolutionary as the era in which it was written.
It not only disestablished the Anglican Church as the official state church, but it provided that no one can be compelled to attend any religious institution or to underwrite it with taxes; that individuals are free to believe as they will and that this “shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.”
As a practical matter, this meant that what we believe or don’t believe is not the concern of government and that we are all equal as citizens."

Steve Scalise’s White Supremacy Scandal Is a Crucial Test For Rand Paul For 2016

Steve Scalise’s White Supremacy Scandal Is a Crucial Test For Rand Paul For 2016

"Luckily for Paul, he wasn’t running for president then, or when he said he didn’t really believe in the Civil Rights Act, because he could just throw a hissy fit when pressed on the issue."

Steve Scalise’s Problem Is the Republican Party’s Problem | The Nation

Steve Scalise’s Problem Is the Republican Party’s Problem | The Nation

"It will be hard for Republicans to suggest that they are on the side of the future when, at this point in American history, they have someone in a top leadership position in the House facing questions about his appearance at a white-supremacist event and who opposed the King holiday."

Ex-KKK Leader Threatens To Name Other Republicans He’s Friends With If Media Doesn’t Back Off Scalise
"But the real anger didn’t start until he turned on the Republicans who are now disavowing Duke to distance themselves from Scalise. In a turn that can only backfire spectacularly, Duke threatened conservatives with revealing the names of politicians he has secret ties with if they don’t start standing up for Scalise."

Chris Christie Poised To Sign Bill Paving The Way For Corporations To Control Water In New Jersey
"With a stroke of a pen, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie could pave the way for corporations to control the state’s water supply without the consent of the voting public."

Poll: Americans show confidence in economic recovery

Three ways the GOP will sabotage the government and the economy in 2015
"After simple math showed that his tax-cut windfall for the wealthy would add trillions to the national debt, Ryan among other conservatives decided to change the way the CBO does math."

Republicans Plan Another Bush Trickle Down Assault In 2015
"It is noteworthy that Paul Ryan intends on reinstituting an exclusively Republican CBO to approve the Republican trickle-down tax scheme as an economic boon to fool Americans into thinking that after thirty years, trickle down will work…this time."

Round Goes the Revolving Door: Black Water Lobbyist to Run House Intel Committee
"After lobbyist-run SuperPACs and big money efforts dominated the last election, legislators are now appointing lobbyists to literally manage the day-to-day affairs of Congress."

The True Welfare Queen Finally Exposed!

Chuck Todd accidentally tells the truth…

Robert Reich: GOP's Economic Plan Has No Basis In Reality
"one of the first acts of the Republican congress will be to fire Doug Elmendorf, current director of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, because he won’t use “dynamic scoring” for his economic projections.
Dynamic scoring is the magical-mystery math Republicans have been pushing since they came up with supply-side “trickle-down” economics."

The True Costs of Corporate Welfare
"the nation's biggest welfare recipients - rich people and big corporations - are making out like bandits, because the welfare they take isn't for food or housing - it's to increase their profits and wealth.
As Paul Bucheit points out over at Common Dreams, the average US family pays a staggering $6,000 each year in subsidies to big business.
Think about that for a second.
Each year, you're forking over around $6,000 of your hard-earned money to big banks, fossil fuel giants and massive transnational corporations that already rake in billions and billions of dollars in profits.
But you don't see conservatives arguing against that.
So, where is all of that money going?
Of that $6,000, $870 goes to direct subsidies for corporations, including the likes of Exxon, Shell, BP and other fossil fuel giants that are taking our money and destroying our environment at the same time.
Meanwhile, hundreds more go to corporations as indirect subsidies.
Researchers at the University of Illinois and University of California-Berkeley found that US taxpayers pay a staggering $243 billion each year in indirect subsidies to the fast food industry alone."

How American Corporations and the Super Rich Steal From the Rest of Us
"Exxon has almost 80% of its productive oil and gas wells in the U.S. but declared only 17% of its income here. The company used a theoretical tax to account for 83% of last year's income tax bill, and paid less than 2% of its total income in current U.S. taxes."

George Carlin Had The GOP Figured Out 35 Years Ago

George Carlin Had The GOP Figured Out 35 Years Ago

"He noted the corruption and criminality rampant in the Reagan administration way back in 1988 and Reagan is considered by today's Tea Party adherents to have been "too liberal."

"I really haven't seen this many people in one place," he observed in the opening of a monologue, "since they took the group photograph of all the criminals and lawbreakers in the Ronald Reagan administration."

By the end of Reagan's term in office 138 officials in his administration had been either indicted or investigated for wrong-doing and we are not talking about low-level players here, we are talking about members of his cabinet.

"These are the ‘law and order' people," Carlin noted, referring to conservative of his day. "These are the people who are against street crime. They want to put street criminals in jail to make life safer for the business criminals. They're against street crime providing that street isn't Wall Street"."

Big Things Obama Did In 2014 Despite Republican Stonewalling
"While Obama failed to secure congressional approval for raising the federal minimum wage and establishing new workplace protections for LGBT individuals, he issued executive orders in 2014 enacting those protections for the portion of the economy under his control: federal contractors. That means all 2 million Americans connected to federal contracts will earn at least $10.10 per hour, and enjoy equal protections if they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Obama's push has been followed by numerous states and cities raising their minimum wage."

The year in Obamacare
"The end of the year finds the uninsured rate 30 percent lower this year than in 2013. And healthcare spending grew slower in 2013 than it had in the past 53 years. Oh, and the law helped save 50,000 lives because it's made hospitals safer. Enrollments have outpaced expectations, and it looks like the uninsured rate could reach historic lows by the end of this enrollment period.
Twelve months of Obamacare show that, despite all the politics, the policy continues to work and work very, very well. But you won't hear that from the traditional media, because the political story is the only one they seem capable of reporting any more."

Obama economy soars in 2014

Elizabeth Warren's brainchild continues to show good government in action
"As of the agency's third birthday back in July, it had recovered more than $4.6 billion—yes billion for consumers harmed by illegal practices by financial institutions.
That's an agency that is really working, that's demonstrating that government is good. No wonder Republicans want to kill it. That, and the fact that it's $4.6 billion less that Wall Street has to spend on them in the next election. Which means it will be another prime target for repeal by the Republican Congress, because there is absolutely no question who Republicans are working for."

Americans feeling effects of improved economy

The Incomprehensibly Stupid Things Said by Republicans in 2014
"Which says far more about Fox News and its audience than the people about whom those lies are told."

Tea Party Texan Calls Obama A 'Tyrant On The Throne' For Using Veto Pen

Tea Party Texan Calls Obama A 'Tyrant On The Throne' For Using Veto Pen

"President Obama has rarely used his veto pen during his almost six years in office, has proclaimed that will likely change when the new Congress is seated. Predicting that he will be faced with bills that outlaw a woman's right to choose, bills to bring more Christianity to secular public schools and bills that will demolish regulations that protect Americans from irresponsible corporations; President Obama knows damned well he had better be prepared to veto all sorts of insanity."

10 Reasons A Vote For Republicans Is A Vote For Racism
"if you vote Republican, you are basically turning a blind eye to the racism put forth by many in the party, and in effect, allowing a racist political agenda to be played out. So, logic dictates that if you vote Republican, you are voting for an overall racist philosophy. Sure, you can try to rationalize it away, you can become angry and defensive and/or you can call me names – hey, it wouldn’t be the first time – but none of that will negate the fact that when you vote for GOP, you are perpetuating the idea that white people are the superior race."

The Creepy Misogynist Movement That's Making Conservatives Even More Sexist
"conservatives on Fox News and other right-wing outlets seem to want to take it a step further, arguing that, in 21st-century America, women are actually oppressing men."

Michael Grimm’s sick, final con: Using Staten Island voters on his way out the door

Michael Grimm’s sick, final con: Using Staten Island voters on his way out the door

"It will take some time, specifically until the announcement of his criminal sentence, to fully appreciate the snow job Michael Grimm just pulled on Staten Island voters. But we already know plenty enough to call it a criminal’s virtuoso parting heist."

Rep Michael Grimm Resigns After Criminally Embarrassing His Party

David Duke hearts Scalise ... and Scalise compares the League of Women Voters to white supremacists
"Things are getting a bit more awkward for Rep. Steve Scalise, the number three Republican in the House of Representatives, following Monday's revelation that he spoke at a white supremacist rally sponsored by David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan."

Scalise in 1999 Interview: I Share Many of the Same ‘Conservative’ Views as David Duke
"Further complicating things for Scalise, Duke made a public statement yesterday coming to the defense of the GOP House Minority Whip, calling him a “fine family man” and emphasizing their close relationship.
“Scalise would communicate a lot with my campaign manager, Kenny Knight,” Duke told the Huffington Post in an interview. “That is why he was invited and why he would come [to the EURO convention]. Kenny knew Scalise, Scalise knew Kenny. They were friendly.”
It’s interesting to note that the other GOPers in the Roll Call article outright condemned David Duke. Scalise was the only one who seemed congenial about him."

House Republican Leader Spoke at White Supremacist Event Organized by a Neo-Nazi

House Republican Leader Spoke at White Supremacist Event Organized by a Neo-Nazi

"if you want to stop being known as the “party of racists” you really need to stop having members of your party busted for being racists."

Hate Group Scandal Engulfs Top Republican Congressman

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Gathering

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Gathering

"Bottom line: This wasn't any accidental booking with people Scalise didn't know to be white supremacists. He knew exactly who and what they were, and fed them exactly what they expected.

This guy is the House Majority Whip. He was (and likely still is) the Congressional go-to for Ginni Thomas' Groundswell group. Republicans have installed white supremacist sympathizers, at the very least, in the highest levels of their leadership."

Worst 2014 Smears From Right-Wing Websites
"Right-wing media websites continued to undermine their credibility in 2014 by peddling a number of false, ridiculous, and bigoted smears."

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Steve Scalise claims ignorance

Conservatives Simply Cannot Accept Their Own Insanity

Conservatives Simply Cannot Accept Their Own Insanity

"Both sides do not do what those crazy Republicans on that list do. They simply don't. There is a material difference between having ideological differences of opinion and self-indulgent, beyond-all-norms insanity. Democrats don't shut down the government, but Ted Cruz did. No Democrats exorcise demons on YouTube, but Klingenschmitt does. I could go on, but you get the idea.

There is simply no equivalent from the Democrats. None. Anyone who tells you there are similar Dems has fallen prey to the terrible BSDI disease -- Both Sides Do It.

Both Sides do not do it. One side does, and they do it intentionally to create political space to maneuver us farther and farther right."

The horrible year in cable news (pt. 1): How we all lost our minds

The horrible year in cable news (pt. 1): How we all lost our minds

"Here are 2014′s most irresponsible, outrageous, unforgivable moments of sensationalism and fear mongering."

SPLC Releases Map Of Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Confederate, Patriot Groups

SPLC Releases Map Of Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Confederate, Patriot Groups

"As you might have gathered, it kind of seems as though Nazis and bigots the nation over are really only happy when there's a Republican in office."

The worst of conservative media in 2014

Holiday Bright Spots For Progressives

Holiday Bright Spots For Progressives

"Voters Agree With Progressives

The fact is that voters agree with Democrats on most issues. When you word the questions fairly, people want government to fight for them, raise wages, provide a good retirement, protect the environment, make workplaces safe and other items on the progressive policy agenda. They want Social Security expanded. They want help for the less fortunate. They want fair trade agreements instead of job-killing, corporate-favoring trade deals. When you take the word "Obama" out of Obamacare, people even like the components of the new health plan."

2014: The Year In Conservative Media Ethics
"The ethical mess that was Fox News in 2014 is perhaps best embodied by Scott Brown, the former senator turned Fox News contributor turned Senate candidate (again) turned Fox News contributor (again)."

Monday, December 29, 2014

Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) To Resign After Felony Plea Deal

Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) To Resign After Felony Plea Deal

"Rep. Michael Grimm who plead guilty to one felony count of tax evasion last week, will give up his seat in the House after talking to Speaker Boehner."

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Think About It: The U.S. is Both the Richest Country and the Most Unequal: 8 Consequences of American Greed
"America is the richest country in all of history. We have the largest economy and the largest number of millionaires and billionaires. At the same time, we lead the developed world in economic inequality. In 1965, CEOs received $20 for every dollar earned by the average worker. Today the gap is $354 to $1.
These are more than cold statistics. They also tell the story of a nation in serious trouble. Runaway inequality is lacerating the fabric of our society. Here are a few of the festering wounds."

Friday, December 26, 2014

The FCC Just Mysteriously Lost Almost 800,000 Net Neutrality Comments

The FCC Just Mysteriously Lost Almost 800,000 Net Neutrality Comments

"These missing comments threaten to drown out the voices of the pro-net neutrality groups yet again, rendering them silent."

First Order Of Business For New GOP-Led Congress: Cook The Books

First Order Of Business For New GOP-Led Congress: Cook The Books

"Republicans are readying their plans for their new majority, but first they have some tweaks to make in order to cook the books a bit with the CBO. They call it "dynamic scoring", but it's really a way to make tax cuts look awesome while jacking the cost for health care."

It’s A Wonderful Life, Comrade

It’s A Wonderful Life, Comrade

"It turns out Ayn Rand helped the FBI analyze films for "Communist" content, and one of their targets was "It's A Wonderful Life"."

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Poor, Misunderstood Mr. Potter? Watch Jimmy Kimmel’s Satire Of ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ (VIDEO)
"Kimmel and his writers present Mr. Potter as a mistreated, wrongly disliked rich man. A man who has a plan to make Bedford Falls into a “modern entertainment and business mecca” that would create hundreds of new jobs. But one man stands in his way; “Draft-dodger George Bailey.” George, you see, is a [cue scary music] … socialist!"

Ayn Rand helped the FBI investigate whether ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ was commie propaganda

Ayn Rand helped the FBI investigate whether ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ was commie propaganda

"Since then, the movie has been more than redeemed as it slowly became a sentimental and beloved holiday perennial. And if anything, its portrayal of a villainous banker has been vindicated a thousand fold as in the last seven years we’ve seen fraudulent mortgages and subsequent foreclosures, bankers unrepentant after an unprecedented taxpayer bailout and unpunished after a mindboggling spree of bad calls, profligacy and corkscrew investments that raked in billions while others suffered the consequences."

Happy Selfish Christmas! 21 Ayn Rand Holiday Cards
"Some warm and festive cheer from the right-wing author."

The Perpetual Conservative Hissyfit: “If Liberals Are For It, I’m Against It!”

The Perpetual Conservative Hissyfit: “If Liberals Are For It, I’m Against It!”

"the blatant hypocrisy and “whatever Obama says, I’m against it” behavior from the right is both staggering, and sadly effective when you realize how many people continue to vote against their self-interests."

U.S. economy grew 5% in third quarter — fastest rate in 11 years

U.S. economy grew 5% in third quarter — fastest rate in 11 years

"The 5 percent third quarter growth rate came after GDP grew 4.6 percent in the second quarter. The economy has now had its strongest consecutive quarters of growth since 2003."

Thanks, Obama! Economy Surges Forward As GDP Growth Fastest In More Than A Decade
"This is just the latest in a string of good economic news for this current administration. Currently, the unemployment rate is at 5.8%, and job growth is at its strongest level since the Clinton Administration. Low gas prices are allowing consumers to spend more money elsewhere. While wages aren’t rising as fast as they should, they are finally moving up. Overall, Obama’s economy is humming along and is actually an improvement over the campaign promises from Mitt Romney in 2012."

Kansas academic petitions judge to keep Koch brothers correspondence sealed

Kansas academic petitions judge to keep Koch brothers correspondence sealed

"An academic at the University of Kansas has petitioned a judge to prevent his correspondence with his benefactors, foundations set up by the billionaire Koch brothers, from being made public under freedom of information laws.

Dr Arthur Hall, founder and director of the Center for Applied Economics at the university’s business school in Lawrence, Kansas is locked in a bitter fight with students who want to extract the documents as part of their exploration of potential conflicts of interest involving the Kochs."

What Can You Get When You Buy A Politician?

As Income Inequality Rises, America’s Middle Class Shrinks
"America needs a vibrant and prosperous middle class to drive economic growth. Unfortunately, with the increasing economic inequality of the past several decades, the United States has become less of a middle-class nation, and those in the middle have found themselves increasingly financially squeezed and struggling to get by."

The Wealth Gap Between Rich And Poor Is The Widest Ever Recorded
"The wealth disparity between upper and middle income Americans has hit a record high, according to a new Pew Research Center Report. On average, today’s upper-income families are almost seven times wealthier than middle-income ones, compared to 3.4 times wealthier in 1984. When compared to lower income family wealth, upper income family wealth is 70 times larger.
It has come to the point where only the top 10 percent of Americans are seeing their wealth grow while the bottom 90 get less and less of the pie each year. The driving force of this wealth chasm are the top 0.1 percent, who have seen their share of the nation’s wealth grow the most over the past decades, from 7 percent in 1979 to 22 percent today. In fact, the top 0.1 percent are now worth more than the entire bottom 90 percent of the U.S. population, according to the report, which adjusts for the shrinking size of the American family so as to enable comparisons across time periods."

Republicans still deny climate change

This Is the Stupidest Anti-Science Bull**** of 2014
"2014 had its fair share of landmark scientific accomplishments: dramatic cuts to the cost of sequencing a genome; sweeping investigations of climate change impacts in the US; advances in private-sector space travel, and plenty more. But there was also no shortage of high-profile figures eager to publicly and shamelessly denounce well-established science—sometimes with serious consequences for public policy."

The Republicans' greatest hoax?

David Barton Disciple Joining U.S. House Next Year Vows Holy War on Nonbelievers
"during this time of year, fake Christians like Loudermilk want to force everybody else to be Christian too. No exceptions. You know, like the good old days when Jesus and his disciples sat around the Christmas tree and exchanged presents, and cavemen cavorted with their pet velociraptors in a game of polo, and when the Founding Fathers were digging frantically through the Bible for clues as to how to write the U.S. Constitution.
Yes. Those good old days. Those non-existent, never-happened good old days."

Religious extremist event draws objections from university community

Remember When Republicans Filibustered The Cybersecurity Bill?

Remember When Republicans Filibustered The Cybersecurity Bill?

"They watered it down hoping to get Republican votes, made the rules optional, etc -- and it was filibustered anyway."

9 Signs the Kochs Have Created Their Own National Political Party
"If you want to see how super-wealthy citizens and private corporations are using private money and secretive tactics to gain and consolidate their power and influence, pushing agendas that often prey on middle- and working-class Americans—look no further. Here are nine hallmarks of the Koch Party."

Koch Brothers More Powerful Than You Think

GOP Quietly Admits There's No IRS Scandal Involving The White House

GOP Quietly Admits There's No IRS Scandal Involving The White House

"In a pre-Christmas document dump, Darrell Issa's committee admitted there was no wrongdoing by the White House with regard to the IRS non-scandal."

Darrell Issa’s Report Blows Up In His Face and Destroys The IRS Scandal
"In over 200 pages, the Republicans could not find one piece of concrete evidence that the White House had anything to do with IRS’s behavior. Issa rejected all evidence that progressive groups were also targeted, and he continues to ignore the reason that the IRS targeted the 501(c) groups. The conservative groups were breaking the law by asking to tax-exempt status despite the fact that they were engaging in partisan political activity.
The IRS should have been targeting the groups because they were trying to get out of paying taxes. Issa’s own report confirms that there was no White House conspiracy. Obama wasn’t using the IRS to hold down conservatives. Issa was lying. He refuses to release the full transcripts of the interviews. The full evidence reveals that there is nothing to the IRS conspiracy theory. That is why Darrell Issa refuses to make all of the interview transcripts public.
Darrell Issa spent two years as chairman of the Oversight Committee trying to get Obama. In the end, Issa fell flat on his face, and his years of conspiracy theory went up in flames."

Darrell Issa Report on the IRS Reveals Surprising Results

Chuck Todd Gives Breitbart News A Big Wet Kiss

Chuck Todd Gives Breitbart News A Big Wet Kiss

"The day Breitbart "News" is considered a legit news organization will be the same day the right-wing takeover of broadcast and online news is complete, and not one day sooner."

GOP State Rep Who Performed Exorcism on Obama Wants to Replace Obamacare With Jesuscare (VIDEO)
"Klingenschmitt, who once tried to exorcise demons from President Barack Obama’s dark, filthy soul and was discharged from the Navy after he disobeyed orders and politicked in uniform, said on his Pray in Jesus’ Name show that people should rely on God for their health care"

Jindal Rally Organizers Remove Controversial Prayer Guide, Still Think Gays Are Responsible For Natural Disasters | Right Wing Watch

Jindal Rally Organizers Remove Controversial Prayer Guide, Still Think Gays Are Responsible For Natural Disasters | Right Wing Watch

"Last week, we reported that the anti-gay, Christian nationalist organizers of a supposedly nonpolitical prayer rally that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is hosting next month had reused some materials from a similar rally hosted by Texas Gov. Rick Perry back in 2011, including a prayer guide blaming LGBT rights and legal abortion for natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina."

Dick Cheney and Evangelical Christians Epitomize Dark Age Barbarism
"America’s Christians were more likely than the general public to support acts of torture."

My horrible right-wing past: Confessions of a one-time religious right icon

My horrible right-wing past: Confessions of a one-time religious right icon

"the subtext to the GOP assault on us in 2016 will be religious extremism — again. And now it has a racist twist. Look at the right’s reaction to the events in Ferguson. Look at the continuing anti-Obama ugliness far past mere political difference. For the Republicans the next election won’t be about politics. it will be a holy war — again."

SPLC Releases Map Of Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Confederate, Patriot Groups

SPLC Releases Map Of Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Confederate, Patriot Groups

"As you might have gathered, it kind of seems as though Nazis and bigots the nation over are really only happy when there's a Republican in office."

Decency not enough to force Grimm from office

Republican congressman Michael Grimm pleads guilty to tax evasion but won't resign from office
"Grimm quickly declared that he would not resign from the House, despite previously promising to leave if convicted."

Michael Grimm Convicted But Still In Congress

Rep. Grimm To Plead Guilty To One Felony Count

Rep. Grimm To Plead Guilty To One Felony Count

"the guy's a former FBI agent, they should throw the book at him with the maximum sentence. But I'll be very surprised if this guy serves even a day. Hell, they'll probably give him his own Fox show!"

NY Republican Lawmaker Accused Of Molesting Boy Scouts Refuses To Resign

NY Republican Lawmaker Accused Of Molesting Boy Scouts Refuses To Resign

"Michael Kelsey, a Republican lawmaker in Dutchess County, New York is refusing to step down as he awaits his next court date for charges of inappropriately touching two 15-year-old boys during a Boy Scout trip last August."

Monday, December 22, 2014

Walkergate Was About To Go Nationwide

Walkergate Was About To Go Nationwide

"The scary part about all this is that these cases are headed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear at least some of them. Four out of the seven justices are beholden to the dark money special interests that are behind these lawsuits and don't seem likely to recuse themselves like ethical judges would do."

Papantonio: How To Buy A Legal System

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Time for some Made in America holiday shopping
"Buying American-made products is a great way to support the American economy and jobs."

Wall Street Thinks Elizabeth Warren Is The Devil

Republicans welcome a flood of lobbyists to Capitol Hill
"if you were outraged that Citigroup basically wrote the Wall Street bailout provision in the spending bill that passed last week, prepare for a lot more like that."

Bush 3.0

Jeb Bush: The Worst Republican Traits In One Package

Someone Just Bet $1 Million You’re Still Ready For Romney

Someone Just Bet $1 Million You’re Still Ready For Romney

"a Ready For Romney super PAC with an accompanying web site launched this week. It’s headed by someone named Jeffrey Goff, who a quick FEC disclosure search reveals matches the name of several former low-level Romney donors. People linked to the Romney campaign seem not to know who this is, but The Weekly Standard does report the website was designed by a teenager for $300.

By all looks, the website is not worth that $300. (Sorry, kid.) But it does look about the way you’d expect Mitt Romney’s website to look"

Jeb Bush’s damning secret history

Jeb Bush’s damning secret history

"If Bush runs, extremism and corruption in the Sunshine State during his tenure will provide ample fodder for investigative reporters and primary opponents, as will many episodes in his long business career."

Sanders Slams GOP For Maneuvering to Slash Social Security and Medicare

Sanders Slams GOP For Maneuvering to Slash Social Security and Medicare

"U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Friday slammed the GOP for jockeying to slash Social Security and Medicare in the next Congress, denouncing the plan as a "moral outrage"."

Friday, December 19, 2014

You Can’t Handle The Truthiness: Saying Goodbye To ‘Stephen Colbert’
"What started as a pointed satire of Bill O’Reilly’s show quickly evolved into a weird, wonderful entity unto itself."

Stephen Colbert Goes Out With A Bang in Amazing Final Segment of ‘The Colbert Report’ (Video)

Stephen Colbert Goes Out With A Bang in Amazing Final Segment of ‘The Colbert Report’ (Video)

"For nearly a decade, his show featured a man pretending to be another man who was essentially mocking another man – Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly."

5 Worst Republican Lies About Income Inequality
"Since 1980, the income of the bottom 90 percent of Americans has increased a meager $303 or 1 percent. The top 1 percent’s income has more than doubled, increasing by about $500,000. And the really, really rich, the top 10th of 1 percent, made out, dare I say, like bandits, quadrupling their income to $22 million.
Meanwhile a full-time worker’s wage was 11 percent lower in 2004 than in 1973, adjusting for inflation even though their productivity increased by 78 percent. Productivity gains swelled corporate profits, which reached an all time high in 2010. And that in turn fueled an unprecedented inequality within the workplace itself. In 2010, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, the average CEO in large companies earned 325 times more than the average worker."

GOP Rep Who Owns '' Being Sued For Sexual Harassment; Said He Had 'Wet Dreams' About Staffer

GOP Rep Who Owns '' Being Sued For Sexual Harassment; Said He Had 'Wet Dreams' About Staffer

"It seems wingnut Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold has got more problems than just whether he owns some colorful domain names. He's also being sued for sexually harassing one of his employees."

GOPer Sued Over Wet Dreams, Drunk Threesomes & A Dirty Website

Priorities for the new Republican Congress? Rolling back consumer protection for air travelers
"From the "things that make absolutely no sense unless there is serious corruption" files, Congress is looking to roll back regulations meant to protect air travelers in the U.S.
What are these suffocating restrictions airlines simply can't operate under? A ban on deceptive advertising that has only been in effect since 2012. With Republicans set to take over the legislative agenda in the new year, there are indications that one of the first orders of business will be passing the deceptively named Transparent Airlines Act"

Bernie Sanders: Destroy the big banks before the big banks destroy you

Bernie Sanders: Destroy the big banks before the big banks destroy you

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) plans a legislative push for the breakup of Wall Street’s largest banks and lifting the cap on contributions to Social Security.

“If Congress cannot regulate Wall Street, there is just one alternative,” said Sanders in a speech Saturday. “It is time to break these too-big-to-fail banks up so that they can never again destroy the jobs, homes, and life savings of the American people"."

A devastating blow to retirees

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Absurd Fox News Host Tries to Attack Elizabeth Warren, Defend Wall Street (Video)

Absurd Fox News Host Tries to Attack Elizabeth Warren, Defend Wall Street (Video)

"Of course people in the financial industry and Wall Street think Warren is “the devil” – she’s leading the charge to put an end to b.s. they’ve been getting away with far too long. I’m sure big tobacco thought the same thing about politicians who went after big tobacco decades ago for lying to the American public. Anyone, or group, is always going to think those trying to expose their lies are “the devil” because the last thing they want to do is be exposed or have action taken against them. Though it’s clear Francis is nothing but a shill for Wall Street. But excuse me if I’m not overly concerned, nor do I care, about the opinions of individuals who work for one of the most corrupt and unethical sectors in all of our economy. Wall Street is essentially nothing more than an elaborate version of Las Vegas where the powerful, rich and big banks treat the American people, and our economy, like high stakes poker.

Except when they lose, they don’t actually lose – we do."

Fox Shows The Extent Of Conservative Fear Of Elizabeth Warren (VIDEO)
"Of course O’Reilly is trying his best to defame Warren and as you’ll see he throws several outright lies into his diatribe. But if this shows us anything, it shows that Conservatives must really be afraid of her. And what that really means is that Elizabeth Warren is surely doing something right!"

Sanders Has a Couple More Good Ideas: Break Up Big Banks, Expand Social Security

Sanders Has a Couple More Good Ideas: Break Up Big Banks, Expand Social Security

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has announced his intention to push for new pieces of legislation in the next session, one of which would break up the nation's largest Wall Street banks and another that would expand the Social Security program for all Americans."

Elizabeth Warren Just Gave One of the Best Speeches That I’ve Ever Seen (Video)

Elizabeth Warren Just Gave One of the Best Speeches That I’ve Ever Seen (Video)

"I just don’t see how any rational person could be against what she said. We’re not talking about partisan politics, this is just common sense stuff. I’m not sure why anyone would honestly believe that it’s a good idea to have one of the most corrupt institutions in this country, the financial sector, directly influencing (or damn near writing it themselves) legislation that makes it easier for them to pull the same kind of bullsh*t they pulled prior to our 2008 economic collapse. That’s like giving a burglar the password to the alarm and keys to your house. It makes absolutely no sense."

Elizabeth Warren Offers 9 Damned Good Reasons to Split Citibank into Pieces
"Citigroup spends millions to get billions from taxpayers"

Senator Tom Coburn’s Departing ‘F**k You’ To Veterans (VIDEO)
"The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for Veterans bill passed the House last week with an actual bi-partisan vote. Then it went to the Senate, where it was thought that the same thing would happen, leaving only the need for a Presidential signature. That’s what it was expected to do….
Enter Tom Coburn, idiot Senator from Oklahoma. He put a block on the bill. Why? It’s too expensive, he says. Expensive? Where was his cry of “it’s too expensive” when the vote was cast to send these men and women to war? And how much is “too expensive,” anyway? How does $22 million sound? I don’t know about you but it sounds like a bargain to me. Considering that the military budget is in the billions of dollars, the cost of this bill is small change.
Coburn, who takes pride in his nickname, “Dr. No,” is one of the most conservative members of Congress. Not surprising in that Koch Industries is one of his major donors. That’s when he’s there. According to GovTrack, Coburn missed 238 of 3,133 votes, or 7.6% during his tenure. The median is 2.1% for lifetime records of sitting senators. Just this last few weeks, he missed 60 of 88 votes, putting him in the 99th percentile. Too bad he didn’t just miss this latest vote."

2014's Final Act Of Republican Obstruction, And How The D.C. Press (Again) Looked Away
"Veterans' advocates were stunned by the Republican's stalling maneuver. "It's a shame that after two decades of service in Washington, Sen. Coburn will always be remembered for this final, misguided attack on veterans nationwide," said Paul Rieckhoff, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America."

Coburn obstinate in blocking veterans suicide prevention bill

Right-wing radicals plot takeover of rural Arizona county to test nutty political theories

Right-wing radicals plot takeover of rural Arizona county to test nutty political theories

"The former Graham County, Arizona, sheriff and failed congressional candidate made news earlier this year when he proposed using women as human shields in the Bundy ranch standoff.

Mack, a board member of the Oath Keepers organization, is also known for promoting birther and other conspiracy theories on conservative and white nationalist radio programs."

John Kasich: Schools must partner with religious groups to receive mentoring funds

John Kasich: Schools must partner with religious groups to receive mentoring funds

"Under the program, schools don’t have the option to partner with a business and a secular nonprofit; a religious group must be part of the mix."

See you later, least productive Congress

Wingnuts’ tax reckoning: Why Sam Brownback’s job is about to get really miserable

Wingnuts’ tax reckoning: Why Sam Brownback’s job is about to get really miserable

"Given that Kansas has already implemented some of the country’s largest cuts in education funding, slashed mental health services (after which suicides spiked by 30 percent), and kicked more than 1,400 disabled people off its Medicaid rolls, it’s unclear what other savage cuts Merrick and Co. would have Brownback pursue. The governor himself has already given Kansans an idea of what the next four years have in store, announcing last week that he will cut highway funding and reduce contributions to the state’s pension fund, which is already one of the worst-funded in the nation."

How Brownback Is Relying On O-Care To Close Kansas' Huge Budget Hole
"Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) is calling all hands on deck to fix his state's huge self-imposed budget crisis, which nearly cost him re-election this year, and the staunch conservative is now receiving an assist from an unlikely source: Obamacare."

Sam Brownback, Obamacare’s newest patient: Why Kansas is undergoing a revolution

Sam Brownback, Obamacare’s newest patient: Why Kansas is undergoing a revolution

"But for now it’s full steam ahead for his radically conservative tax policy, which endures only because successful government programs like the Affordable Care Act are there to help subsidize Brownback’s economic fantasy."

The right is coming for your birth control — they just don’t want you to know it yet

The right is coming for your birth control — they just don’t want you to know it yet

"Rand Paul wants you to believe that Republicans don’t want to “ban birth control,” just as Joni Ernst wants you to believe that her support of personhood is a private matter that will have no policy ramifications. These are lies. Whether or not the right will own up to its dishonesty, and, as Dreweke points out, reveal the “full breadth of their anti–reproductive health and rights agenda” depends on if the public will keep letting them get away with it."

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Obamacare rolls surging ahead of Dec. 15 deadline
"New enrollees must sign up by Dec. 15, while existing customers have until Feb. 15, 2015, to reenroll."

Bob McDonnell Looking At 10 Years In The Big House

Bob McDonnell Looking At 10 Years In The Big House

"The federal agency that will play a pivotal role in guiding the sentence of former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell has recommended that the onetime Republican rising star spend at least 10 years and a month in prison, according to several people familiar with the matter."

Lindsey Graham: Elizabeth Warren Is ‘The Problem’ With Our Government

Lindsey Graham: Elizabeth Warren Is ‘The Problem’ With Our Government

"of course she is – she’s “the problem” for senators like Graham who are nothing but shills for these corrupt financial institutions. These are the people who are directly responsible for our economic crash, yet jackasses like Graham are desperately doing anything and everything they can to help ensure that they’re allowed to do it again."

How Ayn Rand Helped Turn the U.S. Into a Selfish, Greedy Nation
"Rand’s impact has been widespread and deep. At the iceberg’s visible tip is the influence she’s had over major political figures who have shaped American society. In the 1950s, Ayn Rand read aloud drafts of what was later to become Atlas Shrugged to her “Collective,” Rand’s ironic nickname for her inner circle of young individualists, which included Alan Greenspan, who would serve as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 1987 to 2006.
In 1966, Ronald Reagan wrote in a personal letter, “Am an admirer of Ayn Rand.” Today, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) credits Rand for inspiring him to go into politics, and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) calls Atlas Shrugged his “foundation book.” Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) says Ayn Rand had a major influence on him, and his son Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is an even bigger fan. A short list of other Rand fans includes Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Christopher Cox, chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission in George W. Bush’s second administration; and former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford.
But Rand’s impact on U.S. society and culture goes even deeper."

Watch: Michele Bachmann Whines About Obama Being ‘Condescending’ Toward Her During Christmas Party

Watch: Michele Bachmann Whines About Obama Being ‘Condescending’ Toward Her During Christmas Party

"Typically when someone who’s very intelligent is approached by someone who isn’t with some kind of asinine comment, it’s really difficult not to be at least a tad bit condescending. Especially when it’s someone like Michele Bachmann who’s structured a large part of her political career around lying about the president."

6 Insanely Stupid Right-Wing Moments this Week: Michele Bachmann Drops a Bombshell
"Michele Bachmann has just one big wish for Christmas this year: Mr. President, please bomb Iran. That’s what the outgoing Minnesota Rep. told President Obama at the White House holiday party on Monday.
Festive, no?
Bachmann described her exchange with the President to the ultra-Conservative site the Washington Free Beacon.
"I turned to the President and I said, something to the effect of, ‘Mr. President, you need to bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities, because if you don’t, Iran will have a nuclear weapon on your watch and the course of world history will change. . . . And he got his condescending smile on his face and laughed at me and said, ‘Well, Michele, it’s just not that easy.’"
Imagine that. The President did not take this insane woman's foreign policy suggestion seriously."

US Probation Office Recommends Ten Years In Prison For GOP Ex-Governor Bob McDonnell
"The U.S. probation office recommends that former Virginia governor Robert McDonnell spend at least ten years in prison for the eleven counts of corruption he was found guilty of committing. The probation office calculated a recommended sentence of between ten and thirteen years in prison for the disgraced public official."

At least 10 years in prison recommended for ex-Virginia governor

Bachmann Complains That Obama Was 'Fairly Condescending' To Her When She Asked Him To Bomb Iran At W.H. Christmas Party

Bachmann Complains That Obama Was 'Fairly Condescending' To Her When She Asked Him To Bomb Iran At W.H. Christmas Party

"Poor Michele. She's a victim, don't you know. And of course it has to be sexism and not the fact that she's bats**t crazy that President Obama was condescending to her."

The sick motivation behind the religious right’s Obamacare sabotage

The sick motivation behind the religious right’s Obamacare sabotage

"What they want is to build a theocracy from the ground up, where the poor and the needy are abjectly dependent on a church that can yank away the necessities of life if it judges them insufficiently compliant, and so the masses will have no choice but to be corralled and steered. Even today, we can see this conservative vision put into practice, and witness the terrible consequences that result when it blocks the government from helping the needy. Consider Mississippi, which is both the most religious and has the most churches per capita of any U.S. state. If rosy visions like Ernst’s were true, Mississippi would be the best place in the country to live. But in reality, it’s the poorest and (by life expectancy) sickest state."

Louisiana Gov. Jindal’s prayer rally handouts blame gays and abortion for Hurricane Katrina

Louisiana Gov. Jindal’s prayer rally handouts blame gays and abortion for Hurricane Katrina

"materials being distributed ahead of the rally blame LGBT acceptance and legal abortion for natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina and the devastating tornado system that leveled the town of Joplin, Missouri."

Blatant Racism on Full Display During Tea Party Rally in Front of White House (Video)

Blatant Racism on Full Display During Tea Party Rally in Front of White House (Video)

"shouldn’t the people who said these things then be arrested for threatening the life of the president? I mean, who brings rope to a protest? Not only that, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who hears these comments and can’t help but envision a lynching during a KKK rally. But, again, according to most conservatives, race has nothing to do with this blind and irrational hatred of President Obama - absolutely nothing."

Arizona Pastor Boasts About Tricking Rabbis Into Participating In Anti-Semitic Film

Arizona Pastor Boasts About Tricking Rabbis Into Participating In Anti-Semitic Film

"Anderson, whose Tempe-based Faith Temple Baptist Church is among the most hardcore anti-LGBT hate groups in the country, has attracted attention for his rants wishing death upon President Obama and gays and lesbians"

Iraq vet’s parents: GOP Sen. ‘Dr. No’ is blocking bill to help prevent military suicides

Iraq vet’s parents: GOP Sen. ‘Dr. No’ is blocking bill to help prevent military suicides

"The bill, which passed in the House by a voice vote on Tuesday, is named after a 28-year-old Iraq and Afghanistan veteran who committed suicide three years ago, after he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

But Coburn, who has earned the nickname “Dr. No” for his willingness to block legislation, has imposed a parliamentary hold on the Hunt bill."

Tom Coburn blocking veteran suicide prevention bill

Chris Hayes Rants At Torture Apologists And Moral Idiots

Chris Hayes Rants At Torture Apologists And Moral Idiots

"Their distraction technique is the "whatabout-ism", or what I called "both sides"."

Who's responsible for the CIA's torture policy?
"a gallery displaying those who played key roles in setting and supporting the CIA's policies and actions, along with highlights from the Senate report's disclosures about their involvement."

The Torture-Free TRUE Story of The Best USMC Interrogator in WWII
"You can argue whether or not the Cheney Clan are a bunch of lying, cowardly, hypocrites who betray their nation when it's convenient.
You can argue whether or not the Bush Clan are a bunch of lying, cowardly, conniving weasels who betray their nation when it's profitable.
You can debate whether enablers like Richard Cohen and Peggy Noonan substituted sophistry for sound judgment and pretend it's journalism.
But there are three things you can't do:
1) You can't ignore facts just because they are inconvenient.
2) You can't deny that USMC Major Sherwood F. Moran was a hero in WWII.
3) You can't continue to leave him out of any debate on torture."

PERRspectives: LDS Members Played Key Roles for Bush Torture Team

PERRspectives: LDS Members Played Key Roles for Bush Torture Team

"As the Salt Lake Tribune first fretted in April 2009, "LDS lawyers, psychologists had a hand in torture policies." At the top of that list of Mormon Torquemadas are John "Bruce" Jessen and James Mitchell, the two psychologists who designed and also later helped administer the vicious, violent and virtually worthless torture tactics. Many in the CIA itself worried about their regimen reverse-engineered from the American military's own SERE ("Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape") program."

Chris Hayes: Don’t change the subject on torture

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Elizabeth Warren's Searing Anti-Wall Street Speech Struck A GOP Nerve
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) managed to get under Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) skin with a speech Friday night bashing CitiGroup's deep ties to Washington"

Banks press to keep risky moves covered by taxpayers

Senate struggles as objections to spending bill grow

Li'l Luke Russert Sneers At Elizabeth Warren On Air

Li'l Luke Russert Sneers At Elizabeth Warren On Air

"Watch Li'l Luke Russert sneer at Elizabeth Warren and call her a purity troll for daring to stand up for ordinary people instead of Wall Street's interests."

Media misses focus of Democrats’ objection to bank provision

Elizabeth Warren to Citigroup: Dodd-Frank 'should have broken you into pieces'
"She also found a point of agreement between conservatives and progressives.
"Democrats don't like Wall Street bailouts; Republicans don't like Wall Street bailouts; the American people are disgusted by Wall Street bailouts," she said. Yet Congress is on verge of passing a bill that will do nothing for middle-class Americans, she said, "but raise the risk that taxpayers will have to bail out the biggest banks once again"."

Friday, December 12, 2014

Remarks by Senator Warren on Citigroup and its bailout provision

Republican Nightmares Come True As Bernie Sanders Gets A Big Promotion In The Senate
"Bernie Sanders will now be in a position to be a major pain in the neck to the Koch brothers and the Republicans that they fund."

How Citigroup Lobbyists And JP Morgan’s CEO Just Took Public Oversight Of Wall Street Back 14 Years
"The idea was to gain additional leverage for a controversial deregulatory measure by attaching it to much bigger legislation that funds basic government services, in hopes of quieting opponents. Republicans worked with the lobbyists, according to Politico, beginning with a June hearing of the Appropriations Committee.
At that hearing, Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-KS) proposed the amendment that would later find its way into the “cromnibus.” When one Democrat objected, asking why a body that has always decried making policy in spending bills would adopt that approach on behalf of Wall Street’s interests, Chairman Hal Rodgers (R-KS) joked, “Just because.” Then Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) pointed out that tucking controversial deregulatory measures into spending bills played a big role in bringing about the financial crisis that had precipitated the reforms Yoder was seeking to undercut.
“I think what the gentleman is trying to do is really dangerous,” Kaptur said, “and it doesn’t belong in this committee.”
Yoder’s amendment was approved without a formal, recorded vote. The success appears to have emboldened lobbyists, who redoubled their efforts to wedge the measure into spending bills beginning in September according to Politico’s sources. Now the Citigroup-written, Yoder-deployed measure is days away from becoming law."

Closing act for 113th Congress

Violent Calls For Lynching Obama At Anti-Immigration Rally

Violent Calls For Lynching Obama At Anti-Immigration Rally

"How many of them do you think claim to be good Christians? At least we can take some solace in the fact that almost no one showed up, despite the way the event was hyped by The National Review: Sheriffs Plan Massive Gathering in Washington to Oppose Executive Amnesty."

Republican Congressman’s Disrespectful Comment About Native Americans Stuns Local Tribes

Republican Congressman’s Disrespectful Comment About Native Americans Stuns Local Tribes

"is anyone really shocked to see a Republican make some sort of insensitive or offensive remark toward a minority group? That’s the sad state of affairs for the GOP nowadays. I’m not even sure if you can still refer to it as “headline news” for someone from their party to say something blatantly offensive about minorities."

‘American Freedom’ protesters call for Obama’s lynching: ‘Hang the Kenyan traitor’

‘American Freedom’ protesters call for Obama’s lynching: ‘Hang the Kenyan traitor’

"The anti-immigration protesters, some dressed in powdered wigs and Colonial-era garb, gathered in front of the White House to call for the president’s impeachment or hanging as a traitor"

Rick Snyder’s conservative utopia

Fox News tells women to 'be reasonable' and accept unequal pay
"Revel in your crappy pay, ladies! Embrace it as a personal virtue. If you're having trouble paying the bills, remind yourself that at least it's a sign you're more sensible than men."

Stephen Colbert schooled Fox News hard: Comedy, Bill O’Reilly and the exposure of right-wing patriotism lies

Stephen Colbert schooled Fox News hard: Comedy, Bill O’Reilly and the exposure of right-wing patriotism lies

"The comedian's hyper-patriotic persona was the key to parodying blathering know-nothings like Fox's Bill O'Reilly"

Fox & Friends Devolves into One of the Most Absurd Segments in the History of Cable “News”

Fox & Friends Devolves into One of the Most Absurd Segments in the History of Cable “News”

"Fox News isn’t a cable news network – it’s nothing but a conservative entertainment channel."

How Does Kansas’ GOP Governor Want to Solve His State’s Budget Woes? More Budget Cuts
"You’ll recall that Brownback has drove his state into the dirt; Kansas is so broke that it had to turn to selling sex toys seized in a raid as a means to make money. The sale didn’t help, though, and the state continues to be beset by serious financial woes. As a result, Brownback decided he was going to take a different approach to the problem in the new plan he unveiled today: Even deeper spending cuts."

The Top 5 Things That Screw Over Americans in 2015 Spending Bill

GOP lawmaker to DC residents: If you don't like taxation without representation, move
"Congressional Republicans are once again showing their concern for local control by including a provision in the spending bill that would block Washington, DC, from legalizing marijuana. Residents of the District voted overwhelmingly for legalization in November, but it is within Congress' power to say "screw them," and that's just what Maryland Rep. Andy Harris is saying."

Congress To D.C. Voters: No Democracy For You

Citigroup Wrote the Wall Street Giveaway The House Just Approved
"The Citi-drafted legislation will benefit five of the largest banks in the country—Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo. These financial institutions control more than 90 percent of the $700 trillion derivatives market. If this measure becomes law, these banks will be able to use FDIC-insured money to bet on nearly anything they want. And if there's another economic downturn, they can count on a taxpayer bailout of their derivatives trading business."

Showdown mounts over Cromnibus bill

Bernie Sanders Stands Up To Wall Street And The Kochs While Ripping Cromnibus Bill
"Between the gift to Wall Street and the continued rollback of campaign finance laws, this is a bad piece of legislation."

The Congressional Career Of Michele Bachmann Finally Comes To Its Nutty Conclusion

The Congressional Career Of Michele Bachmann Finally Comes To Its Nutty Conclusion

"One of the most devoutly Dominionist (Fundamentalist Christian), and homophobic Teaparty Republicans is finally gracing Minnesotans with her departure. Michele Bachmann, one of the corrupt and notoriously cheap members of the House, gave her farewell speech yesterday. As one might expect from the delusional and intellectually deficient Congresswoman, her speech was filled with lies and statements that were laden with religious proclamations."

Is the Koch Brothers' Curriculum Coming to Your Kids School?

Nancy Pelosi Halts The Republican Effort to Totally Screw Women Over In Government Funding Bill
"Yes, Republicans thought that they’d use a funding bill to control women’s access to contraception while giving corporations more rights."

Email of Florida GOP Consultants Reveals the Gerrymandering of Democracy

Email of Florida GOP Consultants Reveals the Gerrymandering of Democracy

"in Pennsylvania and North Carolina where Democrats won the congressional vote in 2012, Republicans won 21 of the 31 seats in the US Congress, roughly 2/3's - even though the party lost the majority of the vote in both states in 2012. That is ruinous to democracy and goes a long way toward explaining how the Republicans, particularly their right wing, have helped thwart popular government programs and policies."

N.J. Pension Funds To Sue Christie Over $2.4B Money Grab

N.J. Pension Funds To Sue Christie Over $2.4B Money Grab

"Christie agreed to increase payments into the system in return for a reform package that raised the retirement age from 62 to 65, eliminated cost-of-living increases for retirees, and required workers to contribute more toward their pensions and health benefits.

But instead of pumping in extra money, Christie grabbed $2.4 billion from pension payments to balance budgets over two years after revenue collections fell far short of projections."

Spending bill battered from both sides

Rick Perry: The Bible proves that poverty is inevitable

Rick Perry: The Bible proves that poverty is inevitable

"Texas may have the country’s highest rate of people who lack health insurance and rank in the top 10 states with the highest poverty levels, but Gov. Rick Perry can’t be bothered."

Rep. Michele Bachmann delivers her farewell address
"So let us wish Rep. Michele Bachmann well in her new career of waiting to be indicted for campaign finance oopsies"

Possible shutdown over pro-Wall Street bill

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sen. Warren urges Republicans to oppose bailout provision in government funding bill

Congress Is Showing How Eager It Is To Gut Financial Reform
"The plan to tie financial de-regulation to the funding bill is part of a strategy by Wall Street’s allies in Congress to use any leverage necessary to weaken oversight of our financial institutions. As one senior GOP aide explained, “The regulatory reforms in the cromnibus [funding bill] are the first cracks in the Dodd-Frank armor…. If liberal Democrats vote for this package it shows that conservatives can use must pass legislation to repeal the regulatory state.”
This strategy is on display elsewhere in Congress this week. Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chairman of the House Committee that has oversight over our financial system, is insisting that any extension of Terrorism Risk Insurance include an unrelated provision that will weaken separate Dodd-Frank reforms intended to make swaps trades less risky."

Congress to Reinstate Taxpayer Subsidies for Reckless Derivatives Trading

Congress to Reinstate Taxpayer Subsidies for Reckless Derivatives Trading

"After reckless derivatives trading helped bring the global economy to its knees in 2008, prompting a Congressional bailout worth some $700 billion and Federal Reserve emergency loans worth trillions, Section 716 was implemented "as a commonsense provision to protect taxpayers from future derivatives deals gone awry," says economist Simon Johnson. The measure took "the state out of subsidizing some of these particularly high risk derivatives."

But America's "too big to fail" banks desperately want to continue business as usual. Citi, which itself was rescued by taxpayers to the tune of $100 billion in Federal Reserve loans, wrote the provision, says the New York Times.

You remember Citi: the behemoth bank was instrumental in killing the Glass-Steagall law that for 60 years separated everyday banking from high-stakes, high-speed trading. Citibank merged with Travelers Insurance to form Citigroup in 1998, and later became one of the first too-big-to-fail banks to collapse in the financial crisis.

The Times detailed that "Citigroup's recommendations were reflected in more than 70 lines of the House committee's 85-line bill. Two crucial paragraphs, prepared by Citigroup in conjunction with other Wall Street banks, were copied nearly word for word."

Good riddance, Darrell Issa: A wasteful blowhard’s humiliating history

Good riddance, Darrell Issa: A wasteful blowhard’s humiliating history

"During the Bush administration, the California congressman used his perch to obstruct investigations, defend unethical acts, and attack those who dared to accuse a Republican White House of wrongdoing."

Closing act for Issa’s political theater

Warren: CitiGroup 'Literally' Wrote Last-Minute Budget Bill Provision

Warren: CitiGroup 'Literally' Wrote Last-Minute Budget Bill Provision

"The provision, which Warren said was added by surprise, would eliminate a requirement under the Dodd-Frank financial reform law that banks trade financial derivatives separately from regular bank accounts, which are protected through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)."

Why right-to-work-for-less is stupid for Wisconsin- and everywhere else
"one look at the economic figures would tell you that states that have right-to-work-for-less laws generally end up worse off than states who don't, with lower wages for their workers. And low wages are Wisconsin's biggest economic PROBLEM, and doubling down on that trend isn't really the way to solve it."

Trillion Dollar Spending Bill Rigs The System More Than Ever

Elizabeth Warren: Bank giveaway a budget deal breaker

Spending bill add-ons raise liberal ire, threaten passage

How The U.S. Supreme Court Turned Into A Corporate Echo Chamber

How The U.S. Supreme Court Turned Into A Corporate Echo Chamber

"A Reuters examination of nine years of cases shows that 66 of the 17,000 lawyers who petitioned the Supreme Court succeeded at getting their clients' appeals heard at a remarkable rate. Their appeals were at least six times more likely to be accepted by the court than were all others filed by private lawyers during that period.

The lawyers are the most influential members of one of the most powerful specialties in America: the business of practicing before the Supreme Court. None of these lawyers is a household name. But many are familiar to the nine justices. That's because about half worked for justices past or present, and some socialize with them.

They are the elite of the elite: Although they account for far less than 1 percent of lawyers who filed appeals to the Supreme Court, these attorneys were involved in 43 percent of the cases the high court chose to decide from 2004 through 2012."

Energy Companies Team Up With State Attorney Generals To Kill EPA Regulations

Energy Companies Team Up With State Attorney Generals To Kill EPA Regulations

"Kochtopia! What energy producers want, energy producers are going to get, whether it's on a national scale or state-by-state."

The Torture Report Reminds Us of What America Was
"In some future college classroom, a professor will require her students to read about the things this country did in the early years of the 21st century. She’ll assign portions of the Senate torture report. There will be blank stares and apathetic yawns. There will be essays and writing assignments. The students will come to know that this country isn’t always something to be proud of."

Torture Report Details Long List Of America’s Brutal Crimes

Are Rush Limbaugh And Fox News Still Laughing About Torture?
"the nearly decade-long campaign to laugh off torture and treat the brutal practice as a running joke helps highlight how truly radical the conservative media in America have become."

Report exposes ineptitude of Bush-era torture program

Senate Report: CIA Torture Was Brutal and Ineffective | The Nation

Senate Report: CIA Torture Was Brutal and Ineffective | The Nation

"If there’s one sentence to take away from the report, it’s this: “the use of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques was not an effective means of obtaining accurate information or gaining detainee cooperation.” The report found literally not one instance where torture led to a useful piece of information that couldn’t have been otherwise obtained by routine interrogation. This undercuts virtually every defense made by Bush officials of the CIA program."

Senate releases report on CIA torture

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Senate report: CIA misled the country

The 5 Most Damning Revelations From The CIA’s Report On Bush-Era Torture
"Though former Bush administration officials — who officially approved the methods in August of 2002 — have argued that the revelations could endanger American security at home and abroad, the report completely discredits the former president’s long-standing claims that torture prevented attacks against America and helped capture high value terrorist targets"

PERRspectives: President Obama's Nuclear Option on Torture

PERRspectives: President Obama's Nuclear Option on Torture

"while many of the GOP's best and brightest want to torpedo the federal government over Barack Obama's immigration actions that have both the law and historical precedent on their side, actual presidential lawlessness remains unpunished. As this week's release of the Senate Intelligence Committee's highly redacted torture report will remind Americans, under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, the United States brutalized terror detainees in ways that both shock the conscience and violate U.S. and international law."

How Republicans in Congress Working Feverishly to Block Legal Marijuana in the Nation's Capital
"The Washington, DC city council approved marijuana decriminalization earlier in 2014. District voters went even further than the council in last month's elections, approving an initiative to legalize the possession and cultivation of small amounts of pot with a whopping 70% of the vote.
Now, congressional Republicans are working feverishly to block the District from putting the results of this exercise in democracy into effect."

Michigan House Just Passed Bill That Would Deprive LGBT People of Their Most Basic Rights
"The Michigan House of Representatives just gave the nod to bigots to discriminate against LGBT people under the guise of religious freedom. The “Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” a bill that allows people with “deeply-held religious beliefs” to deny LGBT people services -- including life-saving health care or medication -- was passed by Statehouse Republicans this weekend."

Elizabeth Warren blasts Wall Street sweetheart deal in spending bill
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren is not happy about the plan to weaken regulation of big banks that Republicans managed to insert in the spending bill."

Elizabeth Warren Rips Wall Street and Shreds House GOP Over Government Funding Bill
Warren said, "Now, the House of Representatives is about to show us the worst of government for the rich and powerful. The House is about to vote on a budget deal. A deal negotiated behind closed doors that slips in a provision that would let derivatives traders on Wall Street gamble with taxpayer money and get bailed out by the government when their risky bets threaten to blow up our financial system. These are the same banks that nearly broke the economy in 2008 and destroyed millions of jobs.
And now, no debate and no discussion, Republicans in the House of Representatives are threatening to shut down the government if they don’t get a chance to repeal it. That raises a simple question. Why? If this rule brings more stability to our financial system. If this rule helps prevent future government bailouts. Why in the world would anyone want to repeal it? Let alone hold the entire government hostage to ram through this appeal. The reason unfortunately is simple. It’s about money, and it’s about power. Because while this legal change could pose serious risks to our entire economy, it will also make a lot of money for a handful of our biggest banks."

Giveaways To Wall Street and Nation's Wealthiest in Spending Bill Make 'Great Train Robbery Look Like a Misdemeanor'

Giveaways To Wall Street and Nation's Wealthiest in Spending Bill Make 'Great Train Robbery Look Like a Misdemeanor'

"it is deplorable that such radical changes to campaign finance reform rules are being attempted without public input or broad discussion."

8 Things To Know About The ‘Cromnibus’ Budget Deal Congress Just Unveiled
"Campaign finance regulations have already crumbled in a variety of ways in recent years, and the cromnibus contains a provision that would gut what’s left of them."

America’s Most Accomplished Looters: The Great Pension Robbery

America’s Most Accomplished Looters: The Great Pension Robbery

"First they come for public pensions and no one notices. Then they come for private pensions. Will anyone stop them before they get to Social Security?"

Sunday, December 7, 2014

ALEC Fumes: Transparency Threatens Corporate Free Speech!

ALEC Fumes: Transparency Threatens Corporate Free Speech!

"After spending hundreds of millions of undisclosed funds on state and federal elections, the corporate members of the American Legislative Exchange Council are demanding that state legislators preserve their "right" to anonymously spend money on politics and curry favor with elected officials, and to thwart shareholder efforts to hold the corporations they own accountable."

Conservatives’ pockmarked past: Who owns the soul of America?

Conservatives’ pockmarked past: Who owns the soul of America?

"Ask a conservative to name one domestic program initiated by a conservative majority that the nation remembers and takes pride in."

Deficits, Schmeficits: Congress Refuses to Add to the Deficit—Except When Giving Tax Breaks to Big Business | Economic Policy Institute

Deficits, Schmeficits: Congress Refuses to Add to the Deficit—Except When Giving Tax Breaks to Big Business | Economic Policy Institute

"It is hypocritical for Congress to cite deficit concerns when blocking legislation that would help low- and middle-income Americans, and then to disregard these deficit concerns when considering tax extenders overwhelmingly beneficial to big business."

Wall Street Launches Assault On Your Money

Michigan License To Discriminate A Portent Of Impending Theocracy
"The latest religious tyranny is Michigan House Bill 5958, The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) that legalizes a Christian extremist’s religious freedom to discriminate, among other atrocities in an alleged civilized society. But even that description understates the abomination about to be forced on Michigan residents as a prelude to the theocracy about to be unleashed on America. The law makes it legal to refuse service, deny employment, housing, and violate other citizens’ rights, any rights, if a theocrat claims it violates their religious freedom and objects on religious grounds. The bill’s proponents cried foul and claimed H.B. 5958 is not a “license to discriminate,” but a Democratic representative proved it is that and much more.
The Democratic representative, Jeff Irwin, was concerned the RFRA was more than protecting religious freedom so he introduced an amendment to the legislation that explicitly stated that RFRA would not permit evangelical actions such as putting up a sign that says, “No Christians will be served.” Obviously, a bill that was not a license to discriminate would not necessitate such an amendment, and to prove the religious Republicans were lying, the amendment was rejected out-of-hand by the majority Republicans who would not countenance language that explicitly forbid discrimination masked as “religious freedom"."

Government Debt And Deficit: Obama vs. Bush

Deconstructing the Myth of the Conservative “Christian”

Deconstructing the Myth of the Conservative “Christian”

"They seem to believe that because many of them have a solid attendance record at church and blindly follow a few handpicked excerpts from the Bible, that they’re suddenly “closer to Christ.” Except, being a Christian and following the Bible are not mutually exclusive. It’s very possible to believe in the Bible – without actually being a Christian. And most of what right-wing ideology is based on comes from the Old Testament, which was before Jesus Christ. The Republican party’s claim that they’re the “party for Christian values” is an absolute myth. If someone is pressed to label a party that most represents “Christian values,” it’s Democrats. They’re the party that wants to see that every American has access to health care; that poor people have food on their table; that our elderly have programs that help them survive; that our students have access to a quality education; and that our economic polices are built upon helping the poor and the middle class instead of giving more to the richest among us. But I know the right-wing response to that: Yeah, and they also support abortion and gay marriage. Well, guess what two issues Jesus Christ never spoke about? If you guessed abortion and homosexuality you would be absolutely correct. So you can’t really claim “Christian” values based on two topics on which Jesus Christ never spoke."

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Now they’re trying to steal 2016: The demented GOP schemes to rewire the Electoral College and elect a Tea Party president

Now they’re trying to steal 2016: The demented GOP schemes to rewire the Electoral College and elect a Tea Party president

"Republicans have only won the popular vote for president once in the last 25 years, a steep decline in their fortunes from the period from 1972 to 1988, when they won the popular vote every time but one–1976, the aftermath of Watergate. Add to that massive policy failures and demographic trends against them, and the motivations to cheat are overwhelming."

Friday, December 5, 2014

Don’t look now, US economy booming!

Riiiiiiiiiight, Reince. We can surely count on your crew to produce jobs
"Saying things would be better if Republicans were in charge conveniently ignores history and the fact that today, as usual, they have no agenda for making things better for the 99 percent, only for the 1 percent. And they prove it every time they get hold of the reins."

Thanks, Obama! 2014 Is Best Year For Job Growth Since Bill Clinton Was President
"While income inequality and stagnant wages are a real concern that needs to be addressed immediately, there is still a lot of good news in this report. The fact that we have seen the best job growth in this country in 15 years is something that should be celebrated."

We Need to Start Holding Tax-Dodging Banksters Accountable
"over the last decade, corporate tax avoidance has cost the US government over $3.09 trillion."

Wall St. Demanding Deregulation For Derivatives In Government Shutdown Bill

Wall St. Demanding Deregulation For Derivatives In Government Shutdown Bill

"Wall Street lobbyists are trying to secure taxpayer backing for many derivatives trades as part of budget talks to avert a government shutdown."