Friday, October 31, 2014

Grimes sues Kentucky GOP over McConnell mailer

Grimes Suing KY GOP, McConnell For Campaign Mailer Aiming To Suppress Vote

Grimes Suing KY GOP, McConnell For Campaign Mailer Aiming To Suppress Vote

"because if he can't win it fairly, he's fine with cheating, as are his billionaires.

Come on, Kentucky. You can pull this off. Just ignore this crap and go vote."

Alison Lundergan Grimes Calls For Federal Investigation Into McConnell Voter Intimidation
"McConnell is betting that by breaking federal and state law so close to election day, he will get the benefit that comes from his illegal activity at the cost of a slap on the wrist later. As the Michele Bachmann case illustrates, the federal government doesn’t take kindly to illegal campaign activities.
Sen. McConnell is taking a huge risk by openly violating state and federal law. The fact the McConnell campaign chose to go down this desperate path demonstrates that the election in Kentucky is very close. The race is close that intimidating a few thousand voters into not showing up at the polls might make the difference between victory and defeat.
It isn’t surprising that the big champion of the Koch brothers’ efforts to buy the government is so willing to keep regular folks from voting. What is shocking is the brazen stupidity of McConnell’s tactics."

Alison Grimes Files For Injunction Against McConnell For Illegal Voter Suppression Tactics
"McConnell’s voter suppression effort has caused election officials in Eastern Kentucky to issue an alert"

Mitch McConnell Resorts to Lying to Win, Claims ‘Nobody Wants to Privatize Social Security’
"Mitch McConnell knows he can’t win his Senate seat in Kentucky if he tells the truth about his big money agenda. But sometimes he slips up, just like the newer candidates, and out comes the privatization talk that Republicans know kills campaigns. So now Mitch McConnell is pretending it makes him gag to have anyone suggest he’s ever said what he’s spent years trying to achieve.
Makes you wonder why McConnell is so ashamed of his party’s agenda. If it’s so great, why not be honest about it?"

Under scrutiny, Baker’s sad story doesn’t hold water

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Guess Who’s About to Buy Congress | The Nation

Guess Who’s About to Buy Congress | The Nation

"Thanks to weak campaign finance laws, however, we will likely never know who exactly is bankrolling this massive presence in the midterm elections. “When large corporations decide they want to get their own candidates into office but they don’t want to be seen doing it, they call the US Chamber,” said Lisa Gilbert, director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division."

While Alison Lundergan Grimes Speaks to 16,000 Only 250 Show Up For McConnell Rally
"McConnell is a thirty-year incumbent with no positive accomplishments to run on and no vision for the future of Kentucky."

Mitch McConnell Limps Through His Reelection Campaign's Closing Hours

Mitch McConnell Limps Through His Reelection Campaign's Closing Hours

"There were more out-of-state Republican personalities than there were voters."

Hurricane Sandy Activist: Christie Still Sitting On $800 Million In Disaster Relief. Why?

Hurricane Sandy Activist: Christie Still Sitting On $800 Million In Disaster Relief. Why?

"It would be nice to see some follow up on this story to find out just what happened to that money and why no one's been auditing how it's been spent."

Ernst Lies, Gardner Won't Answer Questions, And Other Tales From Koch-fueled Election

Ernst Lies, Gardner Won't Answer Questions, And Other Tales From Koch-fueled Election

"The lies, the evasion, the phobic avoidance -- it would all be pretty entertaining if the stakes weren't so high. But they are, indeed: McConnell promised the Kochs and their billionaire friends that the Senate just wouldn't debate proposals to help low and middle income folks like minimum wage, unemployment comp, and student loans, and that he would help Wall Street, big oil and coal companies, and health insurance companies by attaching riders to budget bills to force deregulation of those industries.

The biggest question of this election is whether the Republicans will win control of the Senate, so that McConnell can work his magic for his billionaire friends. But right behind that in importance is this inextricably linked question: do the Koch candidates win their incredibly close elections? The biggest investments (as they call them) the Kochs have made are in Senate races in NC, LA, AK, AR, IA, CO, and of course to support their loyal follower McConnell in KY. And they have made winning the Governor's races in WI, MI, FL, NE, KS, and AZ a huge priority as well. And pretty much all of these races are too close to call."

Washington has a dark money problem

Worst Candidate Of The Day: Scott Brown

Worst Candidate Of The Day: Scott Brown

"Scott Brown, who's running for the Senate in Maine continues xenophobic campaign by lying about illegals bringing whooping cough and polio across the border."

Ernst’s extremist remarks become an issue as election nears

Women-Hating Republicans Are Making a Major Effort to Appear Pro-Choice
"We see Scott Brown of Massachusetts/New Hampshire trying the same thing. Now Scott can’t decide where he’s from. He might be running in Maine next, if the NH gig doesn’t work out for him. But for now he’s not only trying to pretend he is NOT the guy from MA, but he is trying to pretend he is women-friendly."

Angus King switches support to Mike Michaud: He'll 'represent the majority of Maine people'
"Hours after Maine independent Eliot Cutler announced that while he wasn't abandoning his campaign for governor, his supporters should "vote their conscience," the state's independent senator, Angus King, switched his endorsement from Cutler to Democrat Mike Michaud"

An IUD is not an ongoing abortion in your body

Meet Another GOP Candidate Who's Pretending He's Pro-Choice
"Over the past few weeks, a number of Republican candidates have run deceptive advertisements or used sneaky language to paper over their hardline views on reproductive rights. Pols who've done this include Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Senate hopeful Scott Brown in New Hampshire, and Colorado gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez. Now you can add another name to the list of pro-life GOPers who are suddenly talking about choice: Oregon's Dennis Richardson."

Governor Silences Rape Victims, Can’t Answer Why, Then Buries The Video

10 Most Insane Fear-Mongering GOP Lies in Time for Halloween
"As Halloween approaches, the Republican Party is offering up its own scares, pulling out its worst scaremongering tactics to try to use fear to get voters to the polls for their candidates."

Jon Stewart Remakes Koch Brothers Commercial So That It Actually Tells The Truth (Video)

Jon Stewart Remakes Koch Brothers Commercial So That It Actually Tells The Truth (Video)

"People should really be aware of who the Koch brothers are. They’re not just your typical right-wing conservatives. These are extremely radical Libertarian conservatives who essentially want to abolish any and all government regulations and put an end to almost all social programs."

Papantonio: The Republicans Trained Circus Monkeys on Minimum Wage

This C.E.O. Destroys GOP Lies About The Minimum Wage By Paying $50K Annually

This C.E.O. Destroys GOP Lies About The Minimum Wage By Paying $50K Annually

"the company has a 10 percent turnover rate - 65 percent below the industry average of 75 percent, and he credits the company's exemplary treatment of workers for that particular success."

Papantonio: Republican Budget Cuts Are Breeding Corruption

Republican reaction to Ebola vs. Republican reaction to AIDS

Republican reaction to Ebola vs. Republican reaction to AIDS

"Now that nurse Amber Vinson has been cleared of Ebola, our Ebola “epidemic” is down to one person in the United States. But if you turn on right wing media, you’d think that the land was awash in people dying of this virus and we should all hover inside, deeply afraid."

Papantonio: SCOTUS Laughs At Your Voting Rights

Why GOP Control of the Senate Would Be a Disaster | The Nation

Why GOP Control of the Senate Would Be a Disaster | The Nation

"Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, has already promised the Koch brothers that “we’re not going to be debating all these gosh-darn proposals…like raising the minimum wage…extending unemployment…the student loan package"."

Scott Brown Caught In Major Lie About His Favorite ISIS Lie

Supreme Court’s corruption naiveté: What a new report says about money’s poisonous effect on politics

Supreme Court’s corruption naiveté: What a new report says about money’s poisonous effect on politics

"Does money in politics foster corruption?

To most observers, the answer is a plain “of course.” But under Chief Justice John Roberts, the U.S. Supreme Court has answered in the negative, making sweeping statements about the innocuousness of a political system drenched in contributions from corporations and wealthy and individuals."

In Record 'Dark Money' Election, Chamber of Commerce Top Shadowy Spender: Report

In Record 'Dark Money' Election, Chamber of Commerce Top Shadowy Spender: Report

"The term "dark money" refers to funds spent to influence elections by 501(c) groups such as the Chamber, which are not required to disclose the sources of their funds. The U.S. Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision opened the door to unprecedented outside spending to influence elections"

In The Battle Of Billionaires, Karl Rove Wins And America Loses

Yet Another Chapter Of 'They Only Win When They Cheat'

Yet Another Chapter Of 'They Only Win When They Cheat'

"Of course they're going to remove names of legitimate voters! They're going to steal this election, as they've done before. Is anyone ever going to stop them?"

Lindsey Graham: White men in ‘male-only clubs’ will do great if I’m president

Lindsey Graham: White men in ‘male-only clubs’ will do great if I’m president

"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who recently began floating the idea of running for the presidency, was caught on tape joking about how well white men would do if he won"

Governor Scott Walker: Ladies’ man?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fox Host Who Demagogued Gas Prices Now Asks If Cheap Gas Hurts The Economy
"Fox on gas prices last year: "More pain at the pump"
Fox on gas prices today: “Cheap gas hurts economy”

Fox News contorts to blame Obama for gas prices, high and low

Georgia County GOP Chairman Arrested for Sexual Battery and Attempted Rape
"The Georgia GOP is having a hard time winning over women. Its Senate candidate, David Perdue, downplayed a pay discrimination lawsuit by saying “it was less than 2,000 women.”
This past Friday Billy Joe Turnage, the chairman of the Union County Republican Party, was arrested for aggravated sexual battery and an attempt to commit rape."

Georgia GOP county chair accused of attempted rape after crime is broadcast live on Skype

Georgia GOP county chair accused of attempted rape after crime is broadcast live on Skype

"The chair of a county Republican Party in Georgia was recently arrested after he was allegedly broadcast on Skype sexually assaulting and attempting to rape a woman."

Facing bad jobs numbers, candidate tries denial

Mitch McConnell Scam Exposed: Fake Kentucky Supporter In Ad Has Never Voted
"Things continue to get worse for Sen. Mitch McConnell. Not only has McConnell spent tens of thousands of dollars on fake supporters, but one of the women featured in an ad touting women who support McConnell isn’t from Kentucky, and has never voted."

What Happens When People—Rather Than Politicians—Are Given the Chance to Vote for a Higher Minimum Wage? | The Nation

What Happens When People—Rather Than Politicians—Are Given the Chance to Vote for a Higher Minimum Wage? | The Nation

"You can tell how popular the upcoming state minimum wage ballot initiatives are from the opposition tactics conservatives are deploying."

How Cheap Wind Energy Threatens To Upend The Kansas Governor’s Race And Upset The Koch Brothers
"Kansas is not only home to plentiful wind resources, it is also home to the ultraconservative Kochs, whose affiliated groups have spearheaded many of the attacks on clean energy across the country."

Mitch McConnell Spent Nearly $75,000 To Fly In Fake Supporters For Events
"McConnell’s concern for Kentucky is as real as the fake supporters that he paid to have flown into the Bluegrass State.
In just six days, Kentuckians have a chance to elect a senator that will care about them."

Kansas Governor Is Forcing Disabled People Off Medicaid
"The conservative experiment in Gov. Sam Brownback’s Kansas has led to more suffering across the board — not just for the state’s economy, but for people with disabilities who are losing life-sustaining services."

Junk Deal: GOP Governor Nathan Deal And The Longest Running Scandal in Georgia’s History
"While Gov. Deal touts his years of experience, his track record during 34 years in public office is an uninspiring legacy of corruption, self-service and failed leadership.
Gov. Deal’s ethics problems are legendary, to be sure. In 2010, he resigned from Congress to escape likely ethical sanctions for using his position for his own personal financial benefit. He immediately launched his campaign for governor, but the pattern of corruption continued, resulting in a wide-ranging ethics probe, cover-up and federal investigation reaching inside the Office of the Governor. In 2014, the resulting whistleblower lawsuits cost Georgia taxpayers over $3 million dollars.
While many are aware of Gov. Deal’s ethical lapses, few understand the pattern of corruption that entwined Gov. Deal’s political positions and aspirations with his personal finances and businesses."

Georgia governor’s corruption shocker: Right-winger’s shady get-rich scheme could be wildest GOP scandal

Georgia governor’s corruption shocker: Right-winger’s shady get-rich scheme could be wildest GOP scandal

"No-bid contracts, backroom arm-twisting, sweetheart deals for family. Add the FBI and this is one juicy scandal"

#JimCrowGeorgia: Is This Really Where Businesses Want To Base Their Headquarters?

#JimCrowGeorgia: Is This Really Where Businesses Want To Base Their Headquarters?

"There are several Fortune 500 companies* headquartered in Georgia. So while the courts may not listen to voters, the companies who are based there might be interested in consumers who say they will boycott their products until the state of Georgia stops suppressing the vote"

Rush Limbaugh’s gross closing argument: How GOP still relies on race-baiting

Rush Limbaugh’s gross closing argument: How GOP still relies on race-baiting

"Limbaugh makes plain the GOP’s midterm strategy, with the special twist of making Obama the scary black man menacing “five white women,” the eternal storyline of racists everywhere."

‘Turn LePage’ on a radical governor

Scott Walker Plays Equal Pay Shell Game

Scott Walker Plays Equal Pay Shell Game

"Scott Walker's at it again -- this time, claiming he supports equal pay for women when he repealed a law that guaranteed it."

PERRspectives: Why It's Time for Myth McConnell to Go

PERRspectives: Why It's Time for Myth McConnell to Go

"As it turns out, Mitch McConnell is also the GOP's mythmaker-in-chief, a hyper-partisan more than willing to tell the biggest lies on the biggest issues in order to mislead the American public, all in the service of his Republican Party.

Whether he's discussing taxes, health care, the economy, the debt or pretty much anything else, virtually all of Myth McConnell's talking points are tried--and untrue."

Mitch McConnell Desperately Tries To Backtrack On ACA Repeal

Mitch McConnell Desperately Tries To Backtrack On ACA Repeal

"If every single one of the people who are benefitting from the ACA in Kentucky chose to vote for the Senator most likely to preserve it, McConnell would be dead in the water.

He's running scared."

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Brownback Covered Budget Deficit By Tossing Disabled People Off Medicaid

Brownback Covered Budget Deficit By Tossing Disabled People Off Medicaid

"That Kansas "experiment" just keeps getting worse and worse. Between the draconian cuts to public schools, the teacher abuse, and the big tax benefits for the Koch brothers, Sam Brownback has created a Third World country right in the heartland."

Chris Christie Isn’t Just Tired Of Minimum Wage, He Simply Can’t Care

BREAKING: Court Refuses To Intervene In Case of 40,000 Missing Voters In Georgia
"On Tuesday, Judge Christopher Brasher of the Fulton County Superior Court denied a petition from civil rights advocates to force Georgia’s Secretary of State to process an estimated 40,000 voter registrations that have gone missing from the public database."

Republicans scramble to hide their real minimum wage stances
"No wonder Republicans in close races are changing positions on this issue: raising the minimum wage is enormously popular, with even a majority of Republicans in some states supporting it. In fact, minimum wage support is an outlier issue in some extremely red states. The key is letting voters know where Republicans really stand."

The GOP is tired of the minimum wage

GA Senate GOPer: 'Only 2,000 Women' Sued My Company For Pay Discrimination

GA Senate GOPer: 'Only 2,000 Women' Sued My Company For Pay Discrimination

"This is really how Republicans think: "What's the big deal? It was only 2,000 women." (Actually, Dave, it was 2,000 households you shortchanged, but hey, who's counting?) The current crop of Republicans have been steeped like Randian tea bags for so long in the extremist philosophies of greed and power, they really don't think there's anything wrong with them. And why would they? They only associate with other rich people, who are marinated in the same oily ideals. It's only when they get in front of the public as candidates that it begins to look like a problem"

Scott Walker knows the best way to support equal pay is to repeal equal pay laws

Scott Walker knows the best way to support equal pay is to repeal equal pay laws

"Confused by Walker expressing his support for equal pay laws by not supporting equal pay laws? Don’t be. Everyone knows that the best way to support something is to not support it."

Scott Walker Hides His Equal Pay Record Behind This Lying Smile

Power Players Behind the Corporate Takeover of Pennsylvania Schools

Power Players Behind the Corporate Takeover of Pennsylvania Schools

"In 2007, Philly rolled out the red carpet for state legislators and lobbyists attending the annual “State and Nation” policy summit of the American Legislative Exchange Council. Pennsylvania legislators appropriated a whopping $50,000 of taxpayer money to help pay for the event, including $3,000 for cheesecake lollipops.

The event apparently had a lasting impact as the ALEC agenda has continued to roll though the hallways of the state capitol in Harrisburg in the years since. After Governor Corbett took office in 2010, ALEC bill after ALEC bill was introduced and signed into law. To accomplish this feat a well-orchestrated cast of characters -- including politicians, state “think tanks” and advocacy organizations -- are singing from the same hymnal, and being bankrolled by the same interests. Behind the scenes, we find charter school magnates, ideological interests and deep-pocketed investors pumping millions into campaign coffers while playing the education “market” like a game of poker."

Judge offers BS reasons for refusing to rule on 40,000 missing voter registrations in Georgia
"A cynic might think that this is yet one more voter suppression technique in a state with a long history of such suppression. And it appears the suppressors may get away with it."

Republican Assault Against Voting At Full Racist Blast

Democrats Pound Republicans Over Their Push to Privatize and Cut Social Security
"The Tea Party extremism of the modern day Republican Party is being used against them in the final push toward the midterm elections this November 4th, with Democrats pounding Republicans over their efforts to privatize and cut Social Security and Medicare."

Alaska Tea Party Rep. Don Young is the Personification of Everything That is Wrong With America
"For more than forty years he’s been Alaska’s only Representative. He’s a blatant racist and an outspoken misogynist, who openly waxes nostalgic for the good old days when white men didn’t have to share power with anybody else. He uses racial slurs openly, in public conversation with constituents, in interviews, and does not understand or care why it’s wrong. He’s loudly, obnoxiously homophobic. He’s a jingoist. He’s anti-science in a state that depends for its very existence on science and engineering. He’s anti-science in the state that is most directly affected by the terrible results of ignoring science. During what was arguably the single most important vote in the House in the last forty years, Don Young went on Safari to Africa.
Don Young is an outdated Neanderthal who long ago lost touch with the modern world.
He’s 81 years old and he’s not going to change and he’s made that goddamned clear. And he doesn’t have to. He’s going to go right on being Don Young."

Mitch McConnell Writes $1.8 Million Check To His Campaign

Mitch McConnell Writes $1.8 Million Check To His Campaign

"McConnell also has a problem with the truth. First, he tried to bury the fact that he pays people to show up at his events.

Then it turns out his "strong Kentucky women" aren't all from Kentucky. Imagine that."

Scott Walker denies Wisconsin workers a living wage

The Project 2017: GOP ACA Replacement They Don't Want You To See

The Project 2017: GOP ACA Replacement They Don't Want You To See

"Let me introduce you to The Project 2017, headed up by Bill Kristol and Dan Senor, among others, and presumably funded by the usual billionaire suspects. The Project 2017 has a comprehensive plan outlined on their website for how they propose to replace the ACA.

First, we start with full repeal of the Affordable Care Act. That means pre-existing conditions are once again in play, no premium assistance, no co-pay assistance, no state exchanges, no minimum benefits, and annual and lifetime caps on what insurers must pay are reinstated. Also, premiums would not be limited for different age bands, so that 60-year olds could pay as much as 10 or 15 times what a 20-year old might pay."

Mitch McConnell finally confirms he wants to repeal health insurance for 500,000 Kentuckians
"For the past several months, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has tried to have it both ways on Kynect, Kentucky's popular implementation of Obamacare that has delivered health insurance to more than 500,000 Kentuckians. On the one hand, McConnell has said he wants to repeal Obamacare, but on the other hand, he also says Kynect should remain in place if Kentucky wants to keep it.
There's no reasonable way to square those two positions—you can't repeal Obamacare without repealing Kynect, and you can't keep Kynect without keeping Obamacare—but that hasn't stopped McConnell from taking them both."

Pig In A Poke: Mitch McConnell Refuses To Admit His Plans For Social Security

Pig In A Poke: Mitch McConnell Refuses To Admit His Plans For Social Security

"Mitch McConnell doesn't want to discuss what he'll do if reelected -- especially when it comes to Social Security:"

Watch Mitch McConnell Dodge a Simple Question About His Senate Agenda
"he wouldn’t answer a straightforward question about whether the GOP will resume efforts to privatize Social Security, if they regain control of Congress."

McConnell Reeling After 2 Biggest Newspapers In Kentucky Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes
"Sen. McConnell has amassed a huge amount of political power. He could have used that power to help Kentuckians. What he chose to do with that power speaks volumes about his priorities. Instead of working with Democrats to help the people back home, McConnell put every ounce of his energy and effort into turning the once formidable Senate into a machine of dysfunction that is nearly incapable of working in the manner that the Founders intended.
The national political media have been blinded by McConnell’s power and longevity. They are refusing to see what is happening on the ground in Kentucky. McConnell’s money and influence may be enough to keep him hanging on, but both editorials echoed the feelings of millions of voters in the state who are ready for a change."

The 11 top lies of Mitch 'Myth' McConnell
"Mitch McConnell is also the GOP's mythmaker-in-chief, a hyper-partisan more than willing to tell the biggest lies on the biggest issues in order to mislead the American public, all in the service of his Republican Party.
Whether he's discussing taxes, health care, the economy, the debt, or pretty much anything else, virtually all of Myth McConnell's talking points are tried—and untrue."

Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes
"Two major Kentucky newspapers have endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate over incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).
The Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader both ran editorials Sunday in support of the Democrat, who currently serves as Kentucky's Secretary of State."

‘Kynect-ing’ Kentucky to Allison Lundergan Grimes

Hispanic man delivers absentee ballots in Arizona: Conservatives demand he be killed
"This may be the stupidest conservative panic to come over the transom all year."

Right wing hysteria builds as election approaches

Chris Christie’s Fear Mongering Ebola Quarantine Of Nurse Blows Up In His Face
"He also brushed off criticism from health experts."

Watch: With Just a Hug, Obama Destroys Republican Fear-Mongering Over Ebola (Video)
"Try that sometime, Fox…it’d be a nice break from the usual terror-mongering."

Rand Paul Wants You To Be So Fearful Of Ebola That He’ll Lie Through His Teeth To Make It Happen

Rand Paul Wants You To Be So Fearful Of Ebola That He’ll Lie Through His Teeth To Make It Happen

"Here we have a United States senator ignorantly pushing total and complete nonsense, despite the fact that nearly every medical expert on the planet (as well as the facts of what we’ve seen this past month in this country) is completely contradicting everything he said. This just another example where facts and reality don’t seem to matter to Republicans. Their “reality” is seemingly based on what they want to be real, instead of actual reality."

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Six of the most unbelievable Republican statements about voter suppression

Six of the most unbelievable Republican statements about voter suppression

"You would think that making it easier for citizens to vote would be something for everyone in a democracy to celebrate. But the shocking remarks by these six government officials — some of whom will be on the November ballot — tell a different story."

Gov Chris Christie Refuses To Release Results Of Pay-To-Play Investigation

Gov Chris Christie Refuses To Release Results Of Pay-To-Play Investigation

"The documents being withheld pertain to an investigation of Charlie Baker's $10,000 contribution to the New Jersey Republican State Committee."

The Great Kansas Tea Party Disaster
"That word, "experiment," has come to haunt Brownback as the data rolls in. The governor promised his "pro-growth tax policy" would act "like a shot of adrenaline in the heart of the Kansas economy," but, instead, state revenues plummeted by nearly $700 million in a single fiscal year, both Moody's and Standard & Poor's downgraded the state's credit rating, and job growth sagged behind all four of Kansas' neighbors. Brownback wound up nixing a planned sales-tax cut to make up for some of the shortfall, but not before he'd enacted what his opponents call the largest cuts in education spending in the history of Kansas."

Debunking Chris Christie's Minimum Wage Nonsense
"After Christie vetoed an increase in the Garden State, Democratic legislators put it on the ballot, and the voters approved raising the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $8.25. Yet while four of the top 10 states in employment performance this year were among those that raised the wage -- specifically Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Florida -- Christie's New Jersey was not among them.
So bad was his economic management that New Jersey marked the worst performance of any state, period -- with a net decline in employment of more than 0.5 percent by last summer.
No wonder he's tired of hearing about higher wages. And no doubt working families are equally tired of hearing from him."

The Republican Party’s electoral philosophy: Cheating wins

The Republican Party’s electoral philosophy: Cheating wins

"To a large extent, the radicalism of the Tea Party and the Republican Party at-large is due to the fact that they don’t represent the population at large; they represent a primarily white and middle- to high-income voting bloc. And that’s how Republicans want to keep it; they know they can’t win in fair race, so like Dick Dasterdly and Muttley, they set all sorts of obstacles in their opponents’ way. Hopefully, much like Dick Dasterdly and Muttley, their plan will blow up in their faces: Voters will be so angry about Republican attempts to suppress the vote that they’ll turn out in even higher numbers."

Young Hot Women Should Date, Not Vote, Says Fox News

Colorado Reporters Fact-Check Malkin And Kelly On Voting Rules

Colorado Reporters Fact-Check Malkin And Kelly On Voting Rules

"Well, it certainly made a great line for a movie promo. Too bad it's completely false, but Michelle Malkin hasn't ever really been a fan of facts anyway."

Steve Southerland explains, badly, why he voted against the Violence Against Women Act
"Rep. Steve Southerland, the Florida Republican who gained infamy with his men-only fundraising ("tell the misses not to wait up") and lame defense of his men-only fundraising ("Listen: Has Gwen Graham ever been to a lingerie shower? Ask her.") is still explaining, badly, his record. In particular, his vote against the Violence Against Women Act."

Revealed: A New Ethics Scandal Involving the GOP’s South Dakota Senate Candidate | The Nation

Revealed: A New Ethics Scandal Involving the GOP’s South Dakota Senate Candidate | The Nation

"Once viewed as a lock for Republicans, the race for the open US Senate seat in South Dakota is now very competitive as corruption allegations plaguing GOP candidate and former Governor Mike Rounds boost the prospects of his challengers, including Democrat Rick Weiland and independent candidates Larry Pressler and Gordon Howie. In particular, Rounds has been dogged by accusations that an EB-5 visa program heavily promoted by his administration violated the law as it provided American visas to wealthy Chinese investors.

Now records reveal that the same state agency that oversaw the controversial visa program also extended taxpayer assistance to companies in which Rounds and his campaign manager, Rob Skjonsberg, are investors."

In Debate, A Defensive Steve King Shocks Audience
"Mowrer first called King out for “fear mongering” about Ebola, and then called for a “calm, deliberate” approach to dealing with the disease, dictated by the best advice of medical and transportation experts, not xenophobic knee jerk reactions. He then pointed out that King’s role in the Tea Party led government shutdown and the resulting sequester had cut funding to the NIH & CDC dramatically, causing possibly life saving experiments to be abandoned, and undercutting our nation’s preparedness to deal with a crisis like Ebola. And that’s when the train came off the tracks for King.
Visibly shaken, King angrily denied blame for the shut down, insisting that it was President Obama who shut down the government – drawing shocked gasps and groans of the audience in reaction to the blatant falsehood."

Could this be why Joni Ernst is afraid of the Iowa press?
"Ernst wants to privatize Social Security and Medicare."

Friday, October 24, 2014

'Koch Congress' Could Make Oligarchy Official

'Koch Congress' Could Make Oligarchy Official

"At a time when most Americans agree that the country has too much power in too few hands, the world’s two wealthiest men are only six seats away from seizing the Senate and consolidating their current control of the House. The result could be a full “Koch Congress” that further rigs the rules in their favor.

Libertarian billionaires Charles and David Koch have a combined net worth four times that of well-known Democratic donor George Soros, and one hundred times that of Tom Steyer.

This summer, participants in the Kochs’ secret billionaires’ summit pledged to raise $500 million to take the Senate in 2014 midterm elections. After four decades of funding front groups and an elaborate ideology they call “economic freedom,” the Kochs embody today’s emerging American oligarchy. No one else can even compare.

At risk are the rights of all Americans, especially women, workers, voters, veterans, as well as the protection of our rapidly warming Earth, since the Kochs’ end game is to defend their carbon based wealth by continuing to pollute politics and the planet for free. In all the noise of this election season, there has been little discussion of the fact that two billionaire brothers are about to have “power of the purse” over the world’s wealthiest nation."

North Carolina Republicans still trying to suppress the student vote
"Young people, including students, are not second-class citizens. And officials and partisans who treat them that way when they seek to exercise their constitutional rights ought to face public disdain. And legal action."

Papantonio: How To Tell When Rick Scott Is Lying -- A Voter's Guide

Alaska Republican Horrifies High School with Speech Involving Bull Fornication and Suicide
"United States Representative Don Young (R-AK) may have just found himself uninvited from any future high school assemblies after giving a stunning speech that involved bull sex and comments on suicide on Tuesday morning."

Candidate for Texas’ Lt. Governor Thinks God Speaks to America Through Duck Dynasty
"Oh, and Patrick is leading Democratic State Senator Leticia Van de Putte in the polls, so a preemptive “good job” to Texas Republicans, for angling someone stupider than Rick Perry in a position where they could possibly become the governor of the nation’s second largest state."

Stamp Your Passport For Reagan, The Right Wing Wonderland

Homophobic GOP Candidate Who Threatened Gay ‘Gremlins’ With Cannon Brings ‘Gun’ This Time
"If we ever needed a perfect example of the constant escalation of conservative rhetoric that exists when they salivate over depriving a group of people of equal rights, we need look no further than South Carolina GOP Congressional candidate Anthony Culler."

Rep. Steve King: 'I don't expect to meet' gay people in heaven
"King comes off as the ultimate Godfearing Conservative. It's a worldview in which "cohabiters" are destined for Hell, but Sen. David Vitter still gets to ride a private limo into Heaven because he's different. Divorced people are sinners, unless you yourself are one of them. And you must strictly obey the rules of your church as the only true path to salvation, unless your church starts getting more tolerant than you are in which case they can go right to Hell along with the cohabiters and the divorcees and the fornicators.
I'm impressed. You always expect to see a glimmer of good in someone, some spark of kindness that you can seize on to say all right, that person isn't always a monster. King never really delivers on that; on pretty much any topic you can name that he has voiced an opinion on, his opinion is mean and bitter and self-centered and self-righteous and just reading it makes you a little carsick, like you've just spent twenty minutes on a windy road with a bag over your head. But enjoy him, Iowa. If it were up to him the whole lot of you would be burning in Hell, but that's what you elected him to say, right?"

Politician Pervs Out & Then Gets Hideously Ugly

A Retired Navy Vet Smacks Down Michael Savage for Insulting Troops With PTSD
"Conservatives like Savage, i.e. conservatives that have themselves never served not a single day in their lives, love the military … just so long as those soldiers are dying heroically in a foreign land while killing people conservatives hate and fear.
Conservatives like Savage love ships and tanks and guns and bullets, they love the bombs and they love the bloody carnage. They stand, flag in hand and tear in eye, as Johnny marches off to war. But when Johnny comes home again, if he does, broken, battered, maimed, damaged, why conservatives are nowhere to be found – unless it’s convenient.
So long as they can use us veterans to attack the president, to further their own political agenda, to squeeze just one more drop of blood from us, one more dollar of profit, conservatives love us."

Kansas revenue numbers are in—Brownback economy downgraded from 'bad' to 'nightmare'
"It was reported in April that tax revenue in Kansas was down 45 percent due to Gov. Sam Brownback's destructive policies. Things were so bad that in August Standard & Poor downgraded the credit rating for the state.
Well, the new revenue figures from June to September are in and it's even worse than imagined"

Republican Congressman Unaware There Is No Surgeon General To Address Ebola - Or Why

Republican Congressman Unaware There Is No Surgeon General To Address Ebola - Or Why

"Chaffetz, in lockstep with his Republican colleagues, has blasted the President for not doing enough to secure the embassy in Benghazi, Libya, but he previously voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security. He was probably unaware of that, too."

Time to End FL Gov. Rick Scott's Tea Party Experiment

In One Fell Swoop Obama Announces Solar Jobs For 50,000 Veterans and Takes On Climate Change
"The White House announced that beginning this fall the United States will launch a six-year job training program for America’s Veterans in the growing solar panel installation industry. Since Republicans have relentlessly obstructed jobs programs for America’s Veterans, the President took it upon himself to enact the program at American military bases and provide job training for at least 50,000 veterans."

Joni Ernst Dodges Iowa Press, Retreats To Fox News Instead

Joni Ernst Dodges Iowa Press, Retreats To Fox News Instead

"Ernst always has time for Fox News it seems, basically free advertising. She's made several other appearances on that network in the past week as well, but won't talk to the Des Moines Register, the largest daily in the state."

First Look At A Mitch McConnell-Run Senate

First Look At A Mitch McConnell-Run Senate

"McConnell often talks out of both sides of his mouth, as he did when he stood on the Senate floor and claimed that Republicans were fighting against stagnant wages, and then turned around two days later and announced a plan to lower the wages of construction workersin order to fund the building of a new bridge in Kentucky. So much for looking out for the people that put in a hard days work."

Mitch McConnell Reminds Everyone He Tried to Privatize Social Security | The Nation

Mitch McConnell Reminds Everyone He Tried to Privatize Social Security | The Nation

"With less than two weeks to go in the Kentucky Senate race, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made the unusual choice to bring up his past support for privatizing Social Security. In a speech before the Louisville Rotary Club, McConnell recalled how hard he worked to get then-President George W. Bush’s plan through Congress in 2005."

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mitch McConnell Gets Caught Trying To Disguise His Paid Supporters As Sound Crew
"McConnell can’t admit that he has to pay people to show up at his rallies, so his campaign invented the excuse that a bus full of fake supporters are the sound crew. The problem is that the media can watch a second bus full of people in red McConnell t-shirts who aren’t working with sound equipment stand around and cheer for Mitch.
Sen. McConnell is lying, and the media caught him."

Why Conservatives Opt for Propaganda Over Reality
"watching Fox News actually makes you less informed than if you don't watch any news at all. In a 2012 study, Fox News viewers rated the absolute lowest in ability to correctly answer questions on a quiz about recent news events. People who didn’t take in any news programs at all did better on the quizzes. NPR listeners rated the best."

GOP candidate with fetish-related felony record warns against ‘homosexual agenda’

GOP candidate with fetish-related felony record warns against ‘homosexual agenda’

"A Michigan Republican with a criminal record for breaking into cars and masturbating is urging residents to move out of state to avoid the “homosexual agenda"."

New Pew Study Exposes Rush Limbaugh for the Fraud That He Is

New Pew Study Exposes Rush Limbaugh for the Fraud That He Is

"It’s no wonder that independent studies have found that people who watched no news at all were more accurately informed about basic facts and events going on in our country than someone who cited Fox News as their main source of information. It’s not just that Fox News shows bias towards conservative ideologies, but they’re blatantly misinforming Americans about basic facts. Will this information make any difference in the minds of conservatives? Of course not. Those who trust Limbaugh are going to continue trusting him and those who don’t weren’t ever going to in the first place. And because this survey wasn’t done by a right-wing source, conservatives will just dismiss it anyway. But it is interesting nonetheless as this marks yet another survey that’s been conducted about the trustworthiness of news sources where the conservative-leaning sources were found to be the most dishonest."

Scottie's terrible horrible no good very bad debate
"But the most entertaining whopper from Scottie of the evening, at least for the New Hampshire crowd, was when Todd asked him why he passed up on the opportunity to run for the Senate again in Massachusetts special elections. "Because I live here," said Scottie, and you can immediately hear the laughs and the skeptical guffaws from the crowd. He doubles down, "I was born at the Portsmouth Naval shipyard!" And the crowd laughs even harder. "My mom was a waitress at Hampton Beach!" And the crowd gives up on him entirely.
Ah, Scottie, thanks for all the laughs. But we really won't miss you when you're gone. On the other hand, there are 48 other states you could try."

Fox News Baselessly Blames Calls For Minimum Wage Increase For Drop In McDonald's Profits
"The Fox hosts also left out another important detail -- earlier this year, Thompson announced McDonald's would "support legislation that moves forward" on a minimum wage increase"

Fox News Quietly Corrects Congressman’s Mistake On Ebola Response
"In February, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) officially placed a hold on the nomination.
Chaffetz seemed unaware of this wrinkle during his Fox interview, and his office would not return repeated requests for comment. Confusing matters even further, a article summarizing the Chaffetz interview appears to have changed his wording to correct the error."

Texas’ massive screw-up: How Rick Perry failed a basic test on Ebola

Texas’ massive screw-up: How Rick Perry failed a basic test on Ebola

"So much of the appeal Rick Perry is trying to manufacture is based on showy demonstrations of manly action that give the look and flavor of “leadership.” He’s putting on a show and trusting that his audience – reporters and Republican activists – won’t actually care if he produces any results. It worked during the border crisis, but the Ebola breakdown is different; lapses that occurred under his watch fed directly into a nationwide panic."

Why is Joni Ernst hiding from the Iowa press?
"So we've got one case where Ernst's campaign scheduled then canceled a meeting and at least two where she simply avoided a meeting. That looks like a pattern, and a sensible one for a candidate who's doing her best to keep her extreme positions under the radar.
There's another pattern, too: Michigan Republican Terri Lynn Land is similarly avoiding an editorial board interview. It's almost like they have something to hide. (They do: Their unpopular positions on everything from the minimum wage to birth control access.)"

Scott Brown’s latest Obamacare fantasy: We can repeal the ACA but keep all the good ACA stuff, with magic

Scott Brown’s latest Obamacare fantasy: We can repeal the ACA but keep all the good ACA stuff, with magic

"Another day in the life of Campaign 2014, another dollop of Obamacare BS. Another Republican saying we can just repeal the Affordable Care Act, but keep all of the nice things about the Affordable Care Act. Everyone can have all the health care they want, without any of the negative complications of trying to make that happen within a private insurance marketplace.

Sen. Mitch McConnell has been leading the charge here. The man’s untouchable in terms of candidates trying to have it both ways on Obamacare. He’s trying to convince the Kentucky electorate that Obamacare can be repealed “root and branch,” but none of the 500,000 people who’ve gained coverage would lose their coverage."

Mitch McConnell Won't Admit He Pays People To Attend His Rallies (Hint: He Does)

Mitch McConnell Won't Admit He Pays People To Attend His Rallies (Hint: He Does)

"Nothing new for McConnell, but when you're as flush with Koch money as he is this election his habits have just become even more blatant."

Scott Brown’s Big-Money Sellout
"As a state legislator, Brown bragged that he was someone who "bucks the system often." Today, he is relying on the system—dominated by millionaires and billionaires, overrun with money, and cloaked in secrecy—to get back to the Senate."

Most powerful Republican in Alabama indicted on corruption charges

Christie’s gross confession: “Moderate” admits GOP’s voter suppression agenda

Christie’s gross confession: “Moderate” admits GOP’s voter suppression agenda

"Now it looks like Christie thinks the road back to the White House for the GOP is the tried and true path of voter suppression."

Rick Scott’s minimum wage nonsense: Watch the Republican humiliate himself with stumbling debate response

Rick Scott’s minimum wage nonsense: Watch the Republican humiliate himself with stumbling debate response

"Scott’s response was patently ridiculous and nonsensical, of course, but it’s worth noting that the minimum wage hasn’t kept up with key market measures like inflation and worker productivity"

The scandal that threatens Alaska Republicans
"All bets are off. Particularly when Republicans look the other way as children are targeted."

S.C. House Speaker To Resign, Plead Guilty To Ethics, Misconduct Charges

S.C. House Speaker To Resign, Plead Guilty To Ethics, Misconduct Charges

"The Charleston Republican is facing nine charges including two counts of misconduct in office, six counts of using campaign funds for personal use, and one count of false reporting candidate campaign disclosures.

Harrell was released on bond in late September after facing allegations that he doctored flight records, reimbursed himself for flights that he didn't take and unlawfully paid himself tens of thousands of dollars from his campaign account."

Looking into Rick Scott’s ‘unsavory’ past

Author says South should form new nation without gays and Hispanics called ‘Reagan’

Author says South should form new nation without gays and Hispanics called ‘Reagan’

"A conservative columnist and former aide to President Ronald Reagan called on southern states to secede and form an ultraconservative new nation named after his old boss."

GOP congressional candidate: Public schools remind me of Nazi Germany

GOP congressional candidate: Public schools remind me of Nazi Germany

"The newly unearthed audio helps cement Hice’s status as one of the most rabidly right-wing congressional candidates this cycle."

Do Not Let Republican Candidates Hide Their Extremism These Midterms
"The mainstream media isn’t going to tell you about right wing extremism unless it is impossible to ignore, and as you’ve no doubt noticed"

Student loans and school funding cuts force Republicans on the defensive
"The Republican education agenda—privatization in the name of "school choice" and funding cuts—generally gets positive media coverage. But Republicans are getting an ugly reminder this election season that actual voters aren't so gullible."

Thom Tillis’ big health care flip-flop

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

FBI: 'Active' Investigation Continues Into Scandal Embroiling GOP Senate Nominee
"The FBI confirmed Wednesday that its investigation into the South Dakota immigration-visa program that has ensnared Republican Senate nominee Mike Rounds remains "active," the Argus Leader reported."

How Rep. Cory Gardner’s Policy Positions Hurt Women and Families
Thousands of Colorado women could lose their insurance.
Women could once again be charged more just because of their gender.
520,000 Colorado women would pay more for preventive services.
696,000 Colorado women would return to facing lifetime limits on care.

AG Candidate Supports Reforming John Doe Law to Protect Politicians

AG Candidate Supports Reforming John Doe Law to Protect Politicians

"When asked how he would reform the John Doe law, Schimel cited a law passed by politicians to protect politicians in the middle of an investigation."

Rounds admits he knew aide was headed to beef plant he'd just authorized $600,000 in state loans for
"In a huge admission, former South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds, who is running for Senate, acknowledged Tuesday that he did in fact know that a top former cabinet official, Richard Benda, was going to work for investors running a meatpacking concern called Northern Beef, right around the same time that Rounds signed off on a special $600,000 state loan package to the company that Benda had urged. That money went directly into Benda's pockets, as he paid himself $225,000 a year to oversee the now-failed plant."

GOP Senate candidate exposed: How Thom Tillis helped banks shaft poor borrowers

GOP Senate candidate exposed: How Thom Tillis helped banks shaft poor borrowers

"A new report sheds light on how the North Carolina House speaker went to bat for his financial industry backers"

Christie Pretty Much Admits GOP Needs To Control State 'Voting Mechanisms' To Win

Christie Pretty Much Admits GOP Needs To Control State 'Voting Mechanisms' To Win

"Governor Christie pushed further into the contentious debate over voting rights than ever before, saying Tuesday that Republicans need to win gubernatorial races this year so that they’re the ones controlling “voting mechanisms” going into the next presidential election."

Financial guru Dave Ramsey: Jesus was wrong to say rich people can’t go to heaven

Financial guru Dave Ramsey: Jesus was wrong to say rich people can’t go to heaven

"The financial self-help author Dave Ramsey dismissed as heretics Christians who took Jesus at his word on his famous quote about rich people, camels, and heaven."

Corrupt Congressman Threatens Critics With More Corruption

Republicans Have Sold the Soul of the American Worker to the Devil Known as Corporate Greed

Republicans Have Sold the Soul of the American Worker to the Devil Known as Corporate Greed

"What Republicans have done is managed to convince tens of millions of Americans to sell the soul of this nation to the greed of corporate America all for promises that will never be delivered."

Conservative Radio Host Mocks Troops Suffering from PTSD as ‘Weak,’ Belittles Those Suffering from Depression

Conservative Radio Host Mocks Troops Suffering from PTSD as ‘Weak,’ Belittles Those Suffering from Depression

"This was honestly one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever listened to or read. The absolute ignorance about mental illness, and the absolute disrespect shown toward our men and women in uniform, is appalling. And when he talks about us “being laughed at,” it’s people like him who are the reason why so many nations laugh at us. Though Michael Savage isn’t just an embarrassment to this country, but the entire human race. Anyone who supports this knuckle-dragging Neanderthal should be absolutely ashamed of themselves."

America’s dangerous “partisan” myth: Here’s what (and who) is really dividing us

America’s dangerous “partisan” myth: Here’s what (and who) is really dividing us

"There has been one insurmountable impediment to compromise in the Obama era, and it goes by the initials G.O.P."

Democrats Surge As Michelle Nunn Leads Georgia Senate Race In Third Straight Poll
"While the eyes of the nation are on Kentucky, there is an upset brewing in the Georgia Senate contest. A new poll released today, became the third in a row that shows Democrat Michelle Nunn leading David Perdue."

Ad shows Wisconsin voters the real Glenn Grothman in all his nutso glory
"And as astounding as those Grothman statements are, they're just scratching the surface. This is a man who has said "Quite frankly, it's scandalous that lawyers are leading people to believe that the lead paint in these houses is responsible for the increases in the (lead) levels in their blood"."

Chris Christie Says He's 'Tired of Hearing About the Minimum Wage'

Chris Christie Says He's 'Tired of Hearing About the Minimum Wage'

"Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey and potential Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election, is facing criticism after he declared on Tuesday that he is "tired of hearing about the minimum wage"."

Republican Leader Faces 20 Years In Jail As He’s Indicted On 23 Felony Corruption Charges
"Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard was indicted by a grand jury on 23 separate felony corruption charges Monday. The Republican leader was booked on the charges Monday afternoon and his trial is scheduled to start October 27th."

Fox News Admits GOP Is Trying To Increase Obamacare Premiums, Then Tries To Cover It Up
"Fox News admitted on Tuesday that a conservative-led lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act would raise health care premiums for millions of Americans. But then in its on-screen chyron, the network sought to attribute the increases not to the litigants involved in the case, but to President Obama, potentially confusing viewers."

Obamacare Worst Nightmare Hilariously Coming True For Republicans

The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are the Most Misinformed
"Authoritarian people have a stronger emotional need for an outlet like Fox, where they can find affirmation and escape factual challenges to their beliefs."

Papantonio: How Florida Elected A Criminal Governor

We Have A Winner! Keith Ablow Is The Biggest Race-Hustler On Fox News
"Despite all the competition for the title, Ablow, the sire of the Fox News Medical A-Team, can now be crowned the biggest race-hustler on a network teeming with them."

Papantonio: Republicans Blocking The Vote At All Costs

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Spending for ALEC Member Tillis Breaks All Records in NC Senate Race

Spending for ALEC Member Tillis Breaks All Records in NC Senate Race

"The Kochs are spending big to advance the career of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) leader Thom Tillis."

Republicans Love Latinos, Except When Hating Them Gets More Votes

Fox News Panelist Defends President Obama, Slams Tactics Her Network Often Uses Against Him (Video)

Fox News Panelist Defends President Obama, Slams Tactics Her Network Often Uses Against Him (Video)

"As most of us know, about 95 percent of what keeps Fox News going these days is devoting nearly every show on their network to bashing President Obama. Pretty much no matter what the president says or does, Fox News is often right there to tell conservatives exactly why it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to the United States."

Sarah Palin's SuperPAC Reportedly Donates Only 3% To GOP Candidates She Endorses

Sarah Palin's SuperPAC Reportedly Donates Only 3% To GOP Candidates She Endorses

"OpenSecrets reveals the most important contribution Sarah Palin's political SuperPAC makes is to Sarah Palin herself -- perhaps to the tune of 97 percent!"

Sarah Palin’s PAC Is A Massive Million Dollar Scam

Pregnant woman's choice: Work overtime or lose your job. Thanks, GOP.
"As Republicans try to win by whipping up fear of Ebola and terrorism, voters need to know that what the GOP wants to distract them from is bills like the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act."

Civil Rights Heroine Says Alison Lundergan Grimes Will Continue the Fight
"Senator Georgia Powers, a civil rights heroine who in 1967 became the first woman and first person of color elected to the Kentucky State Senate, cut a powerful radio ad for Democratic U.S. Senatorial candidate and Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes."

Wisconsin workers fight against union-busting

3,000 Flock To See Bill Clinton and Alison Grimes While McConnell Rally Draws Crickets
"The mainstream media are saying that Grimes is the candidate who is running a bad campaign, but she isn’t the candidate who has to pay people to be her friend. Anytime a campaign has to start busing in and paying supporters to be there, it is a sign of a campaign that lacks support."

10 Republican Talking Points and What Conservatives Really Mean When They Say Them

10 Republican Talking Points and What Conservatives Really Mean When They Say Them

"If Fox News says it, you can damn sure bet conservatives all over this country will be parroting it within 24-48 hours. Words and phrases repeated over and over and over until they’re etched in the minds of nearly every conservative in this country. They don’t even have to make any sense. They just have to sound good."

Chuck Todd Is Wrong: New Poll Shows Alison Lundergan Grimes Positioned To Win In Kentucky
"Todd was so busy cheerleading for McConnell that he ignored the fundamental dynamics of this election.
Mitch McConnell is not popular. McConnell has run a terrible reelection campaign about nothing. The biased Republican polls have created a false narrative of McConnell momentum that doesn’t exist. These are things that Beltway Boys like Chuck Todd don’t see.
Todd was wrong. Instead of being disqualified, Alison Lundergan Grimes is in a position to be the next senator from Kentucky."

A shady scandal afoot in South Dakota?

Terri Lynn Land the latest Republican to oppose a federal minimum wage
"Add Michigan's Terri Lynn Land to the list of Republican candidates who don't have the nerve to argue for a lower minimum wage in their own states, but also don't think there should be any federal minimum wage at all."

Businesses Agree—It’s Time To Raise the Minimum Wage

Businesses Agree—It’s Time To Raise the Minimum Wage

"The last barricades in the right wing’s fight to prevent increases in the minimum wage are starting to fall, as even the businesses that minimum wage opponents are supposedly protecting from having to pay a decent wage are saying, “Enough! It’s time to raise the minimum wage"."

GOP’s minimum wage disaster: How Chris Christie and Scott Walker are stepping in it

GOP’s minimum wage disaster: How Chris Christie and Scott Walker are stepping in it

"The GOP, it seems, is functionally incapable of talking about the minimum wage without botching basic facts or seeming downright insensitive. No, minimum wage hikes don’t kill job growth, and no, Joni Ernst, most minimum wage earners aren’t high school students who just need a little “starter wage.” The callousness caucus, though, will hear none of it."

Chris Christie Is So Tired Of Hearing About The Minimum Wage

Chris Christie Is So Tired Of Hearing About The Minimum Wage

"No, Chris, I'm sure what parents aspire to is having their son go to work as a Wall Street lobbyist, buy his way to a U.S. Attorney appointment and then lie his way into the state house!"

15,000 postal service jobs could disappear

Just how nuts is Republican Sen. Rand Paul?
"There's talk of him running for president, you know. That would be pretty damn funny, except for the part where a sizable chunk of the entire Republican base, fed chunks of these various conspiracy theories on a daily basis by Fox News, is perfectly willing to believe all of this stuff. The line between fringe groups and Reince Priebus Republicanism has been blurred to the point of near-invisibility as the party (did I mention Fox News?) seeks to embrace any scrap of hokum that could usefully inflame their base. Whether it be Rand Paul, or Ben Carson, or (sigh) apparently every last Texas Republican, it's the Alex Jones Republicans who are in charge. If all of that has resulted in a national leadership that has proven itself something between incompetent and incoherent, that's hardly a surprise."

Politicians Who Say ‘I’m Not A Scientist’ On Climate Offer Their Advice On Ebola
"Now, that same attitude of ignoring science when it doesn’t support personal politics is spreading to Ebola."

Shady campaign ads in Sunshine State

Ted Cruz Looks Like an Absolute Idiot Discussing Ebola During CNN Interview (Video)

Ted Cruz Looks Like an Absolute Idiot Discussing Ebola During CNN Interview (Video)

"For people like Cruz, the facts aren’t supporting the misinformation and fear-mongering nonsense they’re trying to spread. So the only thing that’s left for someone like Cruz to do is try to discredit the experts and push their propaganda as long as possible. Even if reality isn’t supporting anything that he’s saying. Then again, when have reality or facts ever stopped Republicans from believing their own delusions?"

The Ebola Truthers Have Arrived and Their Conspiracy Theories Are Completely Insane
"InfoWars is proving itself to be the festering hive of this burgeoning Ebola-conspiracy movement"

Mary Burke turns up the heat on Scott Walker

Monday, October 20, 2014

Republican's Blame Ebola on Obama Ploy Backfires
"the GOP has systematically whittled away vital funding for dozens of health programs since 2010. The CDC, much the whipping agency for the supposed Obama health dereliction, was stripped of nearly $600 million; millions that could have gone to ramp up monitoring, screening, and education programs, as well as research on vaccines to deal with infectious and communicable diseases. The names of the more than two dozen Republicans who poleaxed the CDC budget have been published. And to no surprise the bulk of them are either directly affiliated with or have been in part bankrolled by tea party factions."

Voter Caging Is Back In Wisconsin

Voter Caging Is Back In Wisconsin

"I can't help but keep thinking about just how bad the Teapublican agenda really is that they have to go to such extremes to have even a chance of winning."

Pushing Back Against Sheldon Adelson’s Flood Of Slime

Pushing Back Against Sheldon Adelson’s Flood Of Slime

"Vegas-Macau gambling kingpin Sheldon Adelson, who fronts for organized crime and launders money from China into America politics, has decided to try to win Henry Waxman’s congressional seat on Los Angeles’ west side— from Malibu down through Santa Monica, Venice, El Segundo and Manhattan Beach to Redondo Beach, Torrance, Rancho Palos Verdes and Harbor City— for a Republican stooge he can easily control, Elan Carr."

“We can fight back”: Elizabeth Warren comes out swinging on midterm trail

“We can fight back”: Elizabeth Warren comes out swinging on midterm trail

"Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren barnstormed three Senate battlegrounds over the weekend, delivering voters a two-pronged message: “the game is rigged,” and the only solution is to fight back against the vested interests who have hijacked the political system."

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Red State Privatization Horror Story
"Every time some Republican governor proposes letting private corporations run our schools or our prisons, it's really only because, as Harry Truman said, "The Republicans believe in taking care of big business first and letting the little fellow take care of himself." With a few exceptions like Teddy Roosevelt, it's been that way since the 1880s, and probably always will be"

Raising The Minimum Wage Would Save Billions

Here’s More Great Economic News For Democrats To Hammer Republicans With
"The growth at the national level decimates the Republican arguments that unless Washington adopts the failed and economically disastrous Koch “red-state model” Mitch McConnell promises to inflict on the entire nation, the economy is doomed. For the uninformed, the storied “red-state model” entails epic tax cuts for the rich and corporations in conjunction with eliminating all environmental, financial, and workplace regulations to create jobs and grow the economy. Every Republican-led state putting the Koch’s “model” in place is suffering gross revenue shortfalls, non-existent job creation, credit downgrades, job losses, and severe cuts to services across the board, but primarily for the underprivileged."

Obama’s Budget Deficit = The Best In Decades

6 Dumbest Right-Wing Moments This Week: Ebola Stupidity Rages On
"Because nothing ever bad happens when Republicans are in the White House. 9/11 attacks don’t occur (under Bush), we don't start stupid wars in Iraq (Bush), and AIDS doesn’t become an epidemic (under Reagan). Because Mitt would have waved his magic Ebola wand, and everyone would be safe."

Walkergate: Collaboration Cubed Equals Corruption

Walkergate: Collaboration Cubed Equals Corruption

"The collaboration between Walker and his dark money allies grows to deeper depths of corruption"

What The Hell Have Republicans Really Done For Conservative Voters?

What The Hell Have Republicans Really Done For Conservative Voters?

"Has this “trickle-down” economics made them rich? And don’t give me this “well Democrats keep preventing it from working properly” nonsense. Taxes have remained at all-time lows since Reagan. The rich are doing better than they ever have in this country. Many large corporations are making billions. So don’t give me this crap about taxes or regulations. If those were really burdens to our economy, then the rich would be suffering too. And they’re not. In fact, they’re flourishing."

Don’t Let The Republican Tactic of Suppress and Confuse Steal Your Voice
"The bottom line is Republicans have a two-pronged approach to stealing the election in 2014 – suppress and confuse. Aside from Republicans working the legal system, they have help from the Koch Brothers to stir the waves of confusion by sending out false information about registering, voting day and voting requirements. When they were caught, Americans for Prosperity said oops. The latest claim is they “accidentally” sent Arkansas voter information to voters in North Carolina."

Wingnuts’ “incompetent” irony: Why they’re hollering nonsense at another bureaucrat

Wingnuts’ “incompetent” irony: Why they’re hollering nonsense at another bureaucrat

"House members like Marsha Blackburn gathered on the Hill to fling dumb questions at the CDC director. Here's why"

New Poll Shows Republicans Are Running Against The Top Issue for Working Women
"Sadly for the Republican Party, they bet against equal pay, voting against it seven times."

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Who Is That Mystery Megadonor Trying To Buy A Judge's Election In Missouri?

Who Is That Mystery Megadonor Trying To Buy A Judge's Election In Missouri?

"Who would want to drop six figures into the campaign of a guy who had less than $100 just a month ago? Why, someone who wants all the judges in the state capital to be Republicans, of course!"

The Right's Sneaky New Strategy to Take Control of Women's Lives
"Recent months have revealed a scary new trend in the anti-choice movement: claiming, falsely, that anti-choice conservatives are the ones trying to give women more control over their reproductive decision-making. Yes, the new lie coming from anti-choicers is to pretend, as hard as it may be to believe, that they are actually pro-choice."

Walkergate: Collaboration Cubed Equals Corruption

Walkergate: Collaboration Cubed Equals Corruption

"The collaboration between Walker and his dark money allies grows to deeper depths of corruption"

The Myth Of Susan Collins

The Myth Of Susan Collins

"The Beltway myth that there are actually moderate Republicans left in Congress is one they love to perpetuate. These days, if a Republican refuses to shut down the federal government because of Obamacare they are now considered moderate."

The Hypocrisy of Minimum Wage Sabotage | Brainwash Update

The GOP could still blow this: How Iowa and Georgia could screw up the party’s plans for Senate control

The GOP could still blow this: How Iowa and Georgia could screw up the party’s plans for Senate control

"While Ernst is especially extreme in her conservatism, her Romneyesque comments about the government-dependent may do her just as much damage among the Iowa’s remaining undecided voters. Similarly, Perdue would likely be holding a modest lead right now if not for his tone-deaf outsourcing remark."

Watch This Senate Candidate Dodge Question On Abortion For Rape Victims
"While the amendment did not make it past Iowa’s Democratically-controlled Senate last year, Ernst told the Sioux City Journal in Iowa this week that if she were elected to the U.S. senate, she would support a federal personhood measure."

How John Oliver and Stephen Colbert Foiled the GOP's Lame Quest for Cool
"The fact that the GOP decided to try to turn around voter patterns by simply rebranding, rather than addressing voter concerns, gave satirical comedians an entertaining opportunity to expose the flaws in this strategy. More than simple mockery, the satire of these ads has helped citizens understand the faulty logic to the very idea of GOP rebranding. And it has done so in a way that reminds citizens what’s at stake in the upcoming elections."

“The Daily Show” destroys Sam Brownback’s failed conservative experiment

“The Daily Show” destroys Sam Brownback’s failed conservative experiment

"Watch the clip below to learn what Kansas is going to do about it (spoiler alert: vote Democrat)."

Must-see morning clip: Jon Stewart schools Bill O’Reilly in explosive white-privilege debate

Must-see morning clip: Jon Stewart schools Bill O’Reilly in explosive white-privilege debate

"Watch the clip below for eight minutes of infuriating stubbornness on the part of O’Reilly"

GOP forgets anti-czar nonsense, calls for Ebola czar

7 Most Absurd Instances of GOP Fearmongering (ISIS Is Coming!)
"The GOP is scared its 2014 “wave” isn’t materializing, so it’s trying to scare voters. How? Pretty much with anything in the news cycle.
By now the GOP was supposed to be well on its way to taking a solid Senate majority, along with another big chunk of the House. Things aren’t turning out that way: all the Senate races that were supposed to by settled by now instead remain neck and neck; the states the GOP was eyeing for expansion, like Minnesota, have turned back to the Democrats; and new vulnerable states like South Dakota and Kansas have opened up.
To make matters worse, the standard bludgeons that the GOP used in 2010—namely spending and the economy—have been subsumed by progress. The unemployment rate has dipped below 6% in half the time Mitt Romney promised he would effect as president, while the deficit continues to plummet ( actually faster than is good for the economy). Meanwhile Obamacare has been effectively neutralized as a campaign issue.
This has left the GOP with nothing but fear mongering."

Wingnuts’ “incompetent” irony: Why they’re hollering nonsense at another bureaucrat

Wingnuts’ “incompetent” irony: Why they’re hollering nonsense at another bureaucrat

"House members like Marsha Blackburn gathered on the Hill to fling dumb questions at the CDC director. Here's why"

Fight over missing Georgia voter registrations heats up

The Smoking Ebola Gun: Rand Paul’s Senate Hold Is Why The Nation Has No Surgeon General
"The Republican obstruction strategy of “stall and block” is coming back to haunt Republicans in many ways, not the least of which is the country’s realization that we have no Surgeon General as we face the Ebola crisis."

Rand Paul stoops low to stoke Ebola fears

Iowa’s Tea Party disaster: Joni Ernst’s shocking ideas about the welfare state

Iowa’s Tea Party disaster: Joni Ernst’s shocking ideas about the welfare state

"How the wingnut potentially on the verge of joining the Senate uses shoddy history to justify her radical beliefs"

Ernst to Iowa voters: Don't worry, personhood bill I support is too extreme to become law
"Only in Republican world would "vote for me because my extreme positions are too extreme to actually become law" seem like a good argument for electing a candidate."

Friday, October 17, 2014

Vote suppression in Kansas backfiring against Kris Kobach

"More Money Than I Could Count": Mitch McConnell's Very Special Relationship With Lobbyists
"There may be no Washington lawmaker cozier with K Street than Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). DC law firms and lobbying shops are stuffed with ex-McConnell staffers and pals. And he uses them well to preserve his power and position."

Even Red-State Voters Want to Raise the Minimum Wage | The Nation

Even Red-State Voters Want to Raise the Minimum Wage | The Nation

"Eighty percent of Americans want to hike wages, but powerful Republicans keep saying no."

2014: The GOP’s fear campaign

Koch Group Sends Fake Voter Information To Discourage Illinois Voters

Koch Group Sends Fake Voter Information To Discourage Illinois Voters

"This is how they do it. Peel off a few votes here, and a few there. Send some fraudulent, official-looking forms out with incorrect dates to dead people, whatever. They might be caging, which is the act of sending mailings out to see what comes back, so they can challenge voters at the ballot box."

Joni Ernst's Extreme Right Wing Views Revealed In Secret Audio Tape

Joni Ernst's Extreme Right Wing Views Revealed In Secret Audio Tape

"Although Joni Ernst hasn't exactly hidden her weird Tea Party ideology before, in a new audio tape that Radio Iowa just released, we do get a glimpse at her unfettered beliefs and let me tell you, they are very scary."

Watch GOP Senate Cory Gardner candidate shamelessly dodge questions on personhood legislation

Watch GOP Senate Cory Gardner candidate shamelessly dodge questions on personhood legislation

"Colorado Republican Cory Gardner stumbles when confronted with support for extreme legislation"

Public education, private profits: Inside a charter school power broker’s million-dollar scam

Public education, private profits: Inside a charter school power broker’s million-dollar scam

"In late February, the North Carolina chapter of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation — a group co-founded by the libertarian billionaire Koch brothers — embarked on what it billed as a statewide tour of charter schools, a cornerstone of the group’s education agenda. The first — and it turns out, only — stop was Douglass Academy, a new charter school in downtown Wilmington."

Tom Cotton still not coming clean on his extreme position on Medicaid
"Cotton can't say it out loud during a high-profile campaign, particularly when the health of so many Arkansans is at stake"

Obamacare Ends Big Pharma’s Bribe Machine

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert Makes Possibly the Most Absurd Comments Concerning Ebola Yet (Audio)

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert Makes Possibly the Most Absurd Comments Concerning Ebola Yet (Audio)

"when it comes to members of our Congress, Louie Gohmert is one of the biggest jokes there is."

Fox News Contributor Claims Obama Wants Ebola To Spread In US Because He Hates America
"The problem that exists with Ablow is that he’s trotted out by Fox News on a daily basis as a legitimate psychiatrist whose opinion should be taken seriously. While we all know that Fox News is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, it still tries to position itself as a real news outlet. Yet, they have one of their featured contributors going out there and spewing the kind of conspiracy-fueled nonsense that would make even the most racist birther blush."

Massive voter registration drive in Georgia fights voter suppression
"the Center for American Progress and the Southern Elections Foundation found that if 60 percent of unregistered African Americans and other people of color in Georgia registered to vote, their votes would likely be enough to sway statewide elections."

Remember The Last Time Rick Scott Worked The Refs At A Gubernatorial Debate?

Remember The Last Time Rick Scott Worked The Refs At A Gubernatorial Debate?

"If only he'd been such a stickler for the rules when his company was stealing all that money from Medicare!"

Did You Miss the Real Rick Scott Debate Scandal?

8 Key Senate Races And Why You Need To Vote
"We can’t afford to sit this one out."