Friday, August 29, 2014
Seven Disturbing Quotes From the Koch Summit Speeches
Seven Disturbing Quotes From the Koch Summit Speeches
"It's no secret that McConnell has relied on the Koch brothers (Charles and David) in the past. The "important work" McConnell refers to is their use of dark money groups to further their political and economic interests."
"It's no secret that McConnell has relied on the Koch brothers (Charles and David) in the past. The "important work" McConnell refers to is their use of dark money groups to further their political and economic interests."
Thursday, August 28, 2014
How a Mining Company Paid to Play in Walker’s Wis.
How a Mining Company Paid to Play in Walker’s Wis.
"Documents released last Friday afternoon from the John Doe investigation into potentially illegal campaign activities by the Scott Walker campaign during the recalls of 2011-2012 contained hard evidence of what many Wisconsinites have long suspected: that corporations whose sights are set on extracting resources for private gain are paying big bucks to rewrite our laws in their favor."
"Documents released last Friday afternoon from the John Doe investigation into potentially illegal campaign activities by the Scott Walker campaign during the recalls of 2011-2012 contained hard evidence of what many Wisconsinites have long suspected: that corporations whose sights are set on extracting resources for private gain are paying big bucks to rewrite our laws in their favor."
Women think the GOP is 'stuck in the past.' Reince Priebus tries to find the good news.
"Reince Priebus is frantically trying to spin the internal Republican polls finding that women don't like the Republican Party because it's "intolerant," "lacking in compassion," and "stuck in the past"."
"Reince Priebus is frantically trying to spin the internal Republican polls finding that women don't like the Republican Party because it's "intolerant," "lacking in compassion," and "stuck in the past"."
Koch-Sucking Republican Governors Association Caught On Video Heaping Praise On Evil Koch Brothers!
Koch-Sucking Republican Governors Association Caught On Video Heaping Praise On Evil Koch Brothers!
"What do the Koch brothers get for their campaign funding and lavish hospitality? Anything they want. And now, GOP governors are up for sale."
"What do the Koch brothers get for their campaign funding and lavish hospitality? Anything they want. And now, GOP governors are up for sale."
GOP Study Shows Women Think GOP Policies Stink
GOP Study Shows Women Think GOP Policies Stink
"Republicans are working on their microtargeting skills this week because they've produced a study -- one they actually paid for -- advising them that women just don't care much for Republicans.
Yes, this is a problem, and it's one they're not going to get around easily. What do you expect when your party holds hearings on women's health and only invites men to testify? Or consistently votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which is giving a deep and lasting benefit to women, especially single women?
Or when your leaders come out and say women are a bunch of sluts who just want birth control to sleep around?"
"Republicans are working on their microtargeting skills this week because they've produced a study -- one they actually paid for -- advising them that women just don't care much for Republicans.
Yes, this is a problem, and it's one they're not going to get around easily. What do you expect when your party holds hearings on women's health and only invites men to testify? Or consistently votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which is giving a deep and lasting benefit to women, especially single women?
Or when your leaders come out and say women are a bunch of sluts who just want birth control to sleep around?"
Mitch McConnell Runs Away From Reporters After Leak Of Secret Speech To the Kochs
"In the leaked audio, McConnell admitted that the Kochs run the Republican Party, and that he will be carrying out their agenda if Republicans win the majority in the Senate. The leak of the secret speech combined with McConnell’s promise to shut down the government if Obama doesn’t do what he wants has led to McConnell literally running away from the media."
"In the leaked audio, McConnell admitted that the Kochs run the Republican Party, and that he will be carrying out their agenda if Republicans win the majority in the Senate. The leak of the secret speech combined with McConnell’s promise to shut down the government if Obama doesn’t do what he wants has led to McConnell literally running away from the media."
A Kentucky Objection to McConnell’s Pandering to Millionaires and Billionaires | The Nation
A Kentucky Objection to McConnell’s Pandering to Millionaires and Billionaires | The Nation
"Within hours after the revelation of McConnell promising a room full of millionaires and billionaires that he would block minimum-wage increases, the extension of unemployment benefits and student-loan debt relief, his Democratic challenger was signaling that the senator would be held to account at home."
"Within hours after the revelation of McConnell promising a room full of millionaires and billionaires that he would block minimum-wage increases, the extension of unemployment benefits and student-loan debt relief, his Democratic challenger was signaling that the senator would be held to account at home."
Mitch McConnell's Campaign Manager Linked To Iowa Bribery Case
Mitch McConnell's Campaign Manager Linked To Iowa Bribery Case
"Mitch McConnell has a big problem. Even bigger than his suckup speech at the Koch summit."
"Mitch McConnell has a big problem. Even bigger than his suckup speech at the Koch summit."
Secret audio nails Scott Walker! A humiliating suck-up to the Koch brothers
Secret audio nails Scott Walker! A humiliating suck-up to the Koch brothers
"it may finally backfire in Wisconsin, as voters realize their governor is a wholly owned Koch subsidiary."
"it may finally backfire in Wisconsin, as voters realize their governor is a wholly owned Koch subsidiary."
Caught on Tape: What Mitch McConnell Complained About to a Roomful of Billionaires
Caught on Tape: What Mitch McConnell Complained About to a Roomful of Billionaires
"Senate Republicans, led by McConnell, successfully filibustered a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, a widely popular measure that would increase wages for at least 16.5 million Americans. Earlier in the year, McConnell also led a filibuster of a three-month extension of unemployment insurance to some 1.7 million Americans."
"Senate Republicans, led by McConnell, successfully filibustered a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, a widely popular measure that would increase wages for at least 16.5 million Americans. Earlier in the year, McConnell also led a filibuster of a three-month extension of unemployment insurance to some 1.7 million Americans."
Mitch McConnell Promises the Kochs That Republicans Can Do Their Bidding With 51 Votes
"The heavily Koch gifted Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is pretty desperate to win the Senate for Republicans. He’s got a lot on the agenda. A lot he can’t tell you about.
Republicans have to keep their real agendas secret, or no one would vote for them."
"The heavily Koch gifted Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is pretty desperate to win the Senate for Republicans. He’s got a lot on the agenda. A lot he can’t tell you about.
Republicans have to keep their real agendas secret, or no one would vote for them."
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
McConnell Disses Student Loans, Minimum Wage, And More At Koch Summit (Audio)
McConnell Disses Student Loans, Minimum Wage, And More At Koch Summit (Audio)
"Just days before he addressed the Koch brothers’ billionaire donor summit, McConnell was instrumental in blocking Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to help Americans refinance their growing student loan debt."
"Just days before he addressed the Koch brothers’ billionaire donor summit, McConnell was instrumental in blocking Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to help Americans refinance their growing student loan debt."
McConnell Promises Billionaire Donors He Won’t Waste Time On ‘Gosh Darn’ Minimum Wage Increases
"At a Koch Brothers-hosted secret strategy conference of right-wing millionaire and billionaire political activists in June, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) promised that if his party wins control of the United States Senate this November, the Senate will not waste time on things like increasing the minimum wage for people making only about $15,000 annually. Instead, audio of his remarks obtained by The Nation reveals, his Senate will focus on repealing Wall Street reforms, environmental protections, and affordable healthcare."
"At a Koch Brothers-hosted secret strategy conference of right-wing millionaire and billionaire political activists in June, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) promised that if his party wins control of the United States Senate this November, the Senate will not waste time on things like increasing the minimum wage for people making only about $15,000 annually. Instead, audio of his remarks obtained by The Nation reveals, his Senate will focus on repealing Wall Street reforms, environmental protections, and affordable healthcare."
Secret audio nails Mitch! Endangered McConnell busted humiliating himself on tape
Secret audio nails Mitch! Endangered McConnell busted humiliating himself on tape
"This year Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell chose to spend Father’s Day with two GOP political sugar-daddies, Charles and David Koch, at their annual retreat, this time at the lovely St. Regis Monarch Bay resort in Orange County, Calif. As befit the day, McConnell brought the love: “I want to start by thanking you, Charles and David, for the important work you’re doing. I don’t know where we’d be without you"."
"This year Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell chose to spend Father’s Day with two GOP political sugar-daddies, Charles and David Koch, at their annual retreat, this time at the lovely St. Regis Monarch Bay resort in Orange County, Calif. As befit the day, McConnell brought the love: “I want to start by thanking you, Charles and David, for the important work you’re doing. I don’t know where we’d be without you"."
Caught on Tape: What Mitch McConnell Complained About to a Roomful of Billionaires (Exclusive) | The Nation
Caught on Tape: What Mitch McConnell Complained About to a Roomful of Billionaires (Exclusive) | The Nation
"The main thrust of McConnell’s remarks to the Koch conference were about his pet issue, campaign finance, which he regards as a matter of free speech."
"The main thrust of McConnell’s remarks to the Koch conference were about his pet issue, campaign finance, which he regards as a matter of free speech."
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Paul Ryan is the latest Republican to get an earful on immigration
Paul Ryan is the latest Republican to get an earful on immigration
"Ryan’s vote for the anti-DACA measure, and Paul’s stated support for it, are problematic because they reinforce the perceived Republican antipathy toward Hispanics. But they also make perfectly clear that all the pro-reform talk from Ryan and Paul in the aftermath of 2012 was a put-on. A few nice words about immigration reform are meaningless when they’re paired with a voting record that stands firmly athwart any progress on the issue."
"Ryan’s vote for the anti-DACA measure, and Paul’s stated support for it, are problematic because they reinforce the perceived Republican antipathy toward Hispanics. But they also make perfectly clear that all the pro-reform talk from Ryan and Paul in the aftermath of 2012 was a put-on. A few nice words about immigration reform are meaningless when they’re paired with a voting record that stands firmly athwart any progress on the issue."
Monday, August 25, 2014
Paul Ryan stars as 'Artful Dodger' during book-signing tour
"Actually, there's not much artful in Rep. Paul Ryan's dodging of this senior lady's questions about why he wants to slash Medicare and Medicaid while giving a $5 trillion tax break to millionaires. He's just there for the photo op, dammit. And to make a few bucks off of his book. He's not there to, you know, engage with people about the policies he talks about in his book."
"Actually, there's not much artful in Rep. Paul Ryan's dodging of this senior lady's questions about why he wants to slash Medicare and Medicaid while giving a $5 trillion tax break to millionaires. He's just there for the photo op, dammit. And to make a few bucks off of his book. He's not there to, you know, engage with people about the policies he talks about in his book."
Gov. Christie Shifted Pension Cash To High Risk Funds, Cost Taxpayers $3.8 Billion
Gov. Christie Shifted Pension Cash To High Risk Funds, Cost Taxpayers $3.8 Billion
"Chris Christie has built up support for his presidential run by setting up an arrangement where Wall Street bankers could skim large fees off the top of pension funds, and then turned around and blamed state retirees for the shortfall. This kind of expensive nonsense is what we always get when voters are naive enough to put Republicans in charge"
"Chris Christie has built up support for his presidential run by setting up an arrangement where Wall Street bankers could skim large fees off the top of pension funds, and then turned around and blamed state retirees for the shortfall. This kind of expensive nonsense is what we always get when voters are naive enough to put Republicans in charge"
Paul Ryan Goes Full Koch Head With His Cowardly Support of Government Shutdowns
"Paul Ryan has long been a Koch favorite, so it isn’t a surprise that he would support government shutdowns in the name of party unity. Rep. Ryan made it clear in the same interview that if Mitt Romney doesn’t run for president in the same interview, he probably will. This is why Ryan is working so hard to rehab his one percenter image with empty talk about poverty."
"Paul Ryan has long been a Koch favorite, so it isn’t a surprise that he would support government shutdowns in the name of party unity. Rep. Ryan made it clear in the same interview that if Mitt Romney doesn’t run for president in the same interview, he probably will. This is why Ryan is working so hard to rehab his one percenter image with empty talk about poverty."
Rand Paul’s latest cowardice: There’s a reason why he runs away from immigration policy
Rand Paul’s latest cowardice: There’s a reason why he runs away from immigration policy
"Rand Paul’s position on immigration is that he has no position. He’ll just go with whatever the Republican consensus is at any given moment and try to make it his own."
"Rand Paul’s position on immigration is that he has no position. He’ll just go with whatever the Republican consensus is at any given moment and try to make it his own."
Wisconsin Company Donated To Scott Walker Weeks After Questionable Tax Credit Deal Went Through
"Less than a month after voting to give a Wisconsin furniture company a $6 million tax credit that allows it to lay off half its in-state workforce, Gov. Scott Walker (R) received $20,000 in campaign donations from the company’s leadership, a newspaper in the state reports."
"Less than a month after voting to give a Wisconsin furniture company a $6 million tax credit that allows it to lay off half its in-state workforce, Gov. Scott Walker (R) received $20,000 in campaign donations from the company’s leadership, a newspaper in the state reports."
Secret $700,000 Donation Has Scott Walker Scrambling to Address ‘Appearance of Corruption’ | The Nation
Secret $700,000 Donation Has Scott Walker Scrambling to Address ‘Appearance of Corruption’ | The Nation
"The documents, released as part of legal wrangling over a “John Doe” investigation into alleged fund-raising abuses during the recall elections of 2011 and 2012, have revealed both big contributions and the big concerns of a key investigator about “an appearance of corruption"."
"The documents, released as part of legal wrangling over a “John Doe” investigation into alleged fund-raising abuses during the recall elections of 2011 and 2012, have revealed both big contributions and the big concerns of a key investigator about “an appearance of corruption"."
Saturday, August 23, 2014
House GOP candidate: Female senators are “undeserving bimbos in tennis shoes”
House GOP candidate: Female senators are “undeserving bimbos in tennis shoes”
"The GOP's Jim Hagedorn also derided American Indians, mocked the LGBTQ community, and insulted President Obama"
"The GOP's Jim Hagedorn also derided American Indians, mocked the LGBTQ community, and insulted President Obama"
Boston Brown brags about voting for Romneycare in Massachusetts to attack Obamacare in New Hampshire
"Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown says New Hampshire should vote him back into the U.S. Senate because he voted for Romneycare in Massachusetts"
"Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown says New Hampshire should vote him back into the U.S. Senate because he voted for Romneycare in Massachusetts"
New Emails Shed Light On Walker Campaign Amid Legal Probe
"Walker aides urged the campaign to take money from the billionaire Koch Brothers and casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. "Ask for $1m now," Doner told Walker in an email as he prepared to visit Adelson in Las Vegas."
"Walker aides urged the campaign to take money from the billionaire Koch Brothers and casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. "Ask for $1m now," Doner told Walker in an email as he prepared to visit Adelson in Las Vegas."
Friday, August 22, 2014
Bam! Rush Limbaugh Loses 4 Radio Stations in 3 Weeks
"Rush Limbaugh and his Hate Radio Parade pals, Beck and Hannity, are being traded in for contemporary/pop music, country music, classical music, sports and non-English speaking programs. It seems, finally, the radio stations are realizing what thousands of his sponsors have found out, the hard way. Rush Limbaugh is very bad for business. And his radio daddy, Clear Channel, is all too familiar with a failing business."
"Rush Limbaugh and his Hate Radio Parade pals, Beck and Hannity, are being traded in for contemporary/pop music, country music, classical music, sports and non-English speaking programs. It seems, finally, the radio stations are realizing what thousands of his sponsors have found out, the hard way. Rush Limbaugh is very bad for business. And his radio daddy, Clear Channel, is all too familiar with a failing business."
Governor Ultrasound Takes The Stand, Puts Family Values On Parade
Governor Ultrasound Takes The Stand, Puts Family Values On Parade
"McDonnell did a wonderful job of playing the sad trombone for the jury about his marriage but wasn't quite so successful when it came to explaining his acceptance of gifts, trips and airplane rides. It seems that his strategy is simply to argue that Maureen was the one who instigated all of the goodie-giving"
"McDonnell did a wonderful job of playing the sad trombone for the jury about his marriage but wasn't quite so successful when it came to explaining his acceptance of gifts, trips and airplane rides. It seems that his strategy is simply to argue that Maureen was the one who instigated all of the goodie-giving"
Texas Journalists Urge National Press To Take Perry Case More Seriously
"Forrest Wilder, who is covering the story for the Texas Observer, noted in a recent piece that the criminal complaint against Perry filed in June 2013 by Texans for Public Justice was assigned to a Republican judge who then appointed a former prosecutor in the George H.W. Bush administration as special prosecutor."
"Forrest Wilder, who is covering the story for the Texas Observer, noted in a recent piece that the criminal complaint against Perry filed in June 2013 by Texans for Public Justice was assigned to a Republican judge who then appointed a former prosecutor in the George H.W. Bush administration as special prosecutor."
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda
"You can compare the agenda of the KKK with the agenda of the republican and tea parties, to determine for yourself what, if any, differences there are between them."
"You can compare the agenda of the KKK with the agenda of the republican and tea parties, to determine for yourself what, if any, differences there are between them."
The Growing GOP Push To Shut Down The Government Again
"Nationally, the shutdown and the uncertainty over whether lawmakers would vote to raise the country’s debt ceiling reduced economic output by 0.25 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013 and cost about 120,000 private sector jobs in the first two weeks of October."
"Nationally, the shutdown and the uncertainty over whether lawmakers would vote to raise the country’s debt ceiling reduced economic output by 0.25 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013 and cost about 120,000 private sector jobs in the first two weeks of October."
Mitch McConnell Promises More Government Shutdowns If GOP Wins Senate Majority
Mitch McConnell Promises More Government Shutdowns If GOP Wins Senate Majority
"Mitch McConnell seems to be shooting himself in the foot with this one, since it was universally unpopular with everyone but Teabirchers."
"Mitch McConnell seems to be shooting himself in the foot with this one, since it was universally unpopular with everyone but Teabirchers."
Its racism, not “principled conservatism”: The South, civil rights, GOP myths — and the roots of Ferguson
Its racism, not “principled conservatism”: The South, civil rights, GOP myths — and the roots of Ferguson
"So, there’s nothing new in the claim that “principled conservatism” has nothing to do with race. If you want to be a true believer, it’s the very first lie that you have to believe."
"So, there’s nothing new in the claim that “principled conservatism” has nothing to do with race. If you want to be a true believer, it’s the very first lie that you have to believe."
How Fox News silenced Obama on race
How Fox News silenced Obama on race
"But wait, Fox News can stop the president from speaking his mind? The sounds preposterous and defeatist, right? But when you add up six years worth of unhinged racial fear mongering from the conservative press and portions of the Republican Party, when you acknowledge that reality, you begin to understand the hesitation."
"But wait, Fox News can stop the president from speaking his mind? The sounds preposterous and defeatist, right? But when you add up six years worth of unhinged racial fear mongering from the conservative press and portions of the Republican Party, when you acknowledge that reality, you begin to understand the hesitation."
Palin Goes 0-for-2 In Alaska As Clout Disappears Nationally
Palin Goes 0-for-2 In Alaska As Clout Disappears Nationally
"For some reason, the Quitter seems to have lost her influence with her formerly rabid fans."
"For some reason, the Quitter seems to have lost her influence with her formerly rabid fans."
New Information Might Help Send Rick Perry Straight to Prison
"Because nothing at all sounds corrupt about a governor using their power to try to force the resignation of someone investigating his office for corruption, knowing that he would be able to personally handpick whomever would take over the investigation. Na, that doesn’t sound corrupt at all."
"Because nothing at all sounds corrupt about a governor using their power to try to force the resignation of someone investigating his office for corruption, knowing that he would be able to personally handpick whomever would take over the investigation. Na, that doesn’t sound corrupt at all."
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
More government shutdowns! McConnell admits what GOP Senate will wreak
More government shutdowns! McConnell admits what GOP Senate will wreak
"Mitch McConnell reveals his plan for a Republican Senate is to take hostages and bring back crisis government"
"Mitch McConnell reveals his plan for a Republican Senate is to take hostages and bring back crisis government"
Bobby Jindal Has Perfectly Demonstrated How Trickle-Down Economics Is A Scam
"Last year, Governor Jindal made the remark that President Obama could learn something from Louisiana as part of a speech he made ahead of President Obama’s trip to New Orleans. Perhaps he’s right, we can all learn something from Louisiana and Bobby Jindal – and that is trickle-down economics is nothing more than a massive scam. "
"Last year, Governor Jindal made the remark that President Obama could learn something from Louisiana as part of a speech he made ahead of President Obama’s trip to New Orleans. Perhaps he’s right, we can all learn something from Louisiana and Bobby Jindal – and that is trickle-down economics is nothing more than a massive scam. "
Central American Kids We Sent Back Were Killed After Return
Central American Kids We Sent Back Were Killed After Return
"Because wingers don't have a conscience to speak of, I'm sure this won't bother them but it sure grinds the hell out of me."
"Because wingers don't have a conscience to speak of, I'm sure this won't bother them but it sure grinds the hell out of me."
Conservative Senator Can’t Stand Fox News: ‘They’re Totally Not Fair And Totally Not Balanced’ (VIDEO)
"Fox News claims every day to be “fair and balanced” in its coverage of the news. As we all know and have consistently pointed out, that claim is a blatant lie since Fox is basically the propaganda arm of the Republican Party."
"Fox News claims every day to be “fair and balanced” in its coverage of the news. As we all know and have consistently pointed out, that claim is a blatant lie since Fox is basically the propaganda arm of the Republican Party."
How Conservatives Co-Opt & Pollute Language
"The reason conservative talking heads promote this ridiculous propaganda is so their herds of followers stay hateful, fearful and angry."
"The reason conservative talking heads promote this ridiculous propaganda is so their herds of followers stay hateful, fearful and angry."
Republican House hopeful Mark Walker: 'If I was given a chance to impeach Obama ... yes, I would'
"This, folks, is your modern Republican Party. Walker is the kind of crazy-uncle candidate that the John Boehners of the world are desperate to keep locked in the attic. But tea party anger has burst into flames in more corners of the country than the GOP's beleaguered fire department can possibly contain."
"This, folks, is your modern Republican Party. Walker is the kind of crazy-uncle candidate that the John Boehners of the world are desperate to keep locked in the attic. But tea party anger has burst into flames in more corners of the country than the GOP's beleaguered fire department can possibly contain."
Fox News is the Fear-Mongering Propaganda Machine That’s Dividing This Nation
"I didn’t even get into how fact-checking site Politifact found that, in the comments they’ve investigated from the network, Fox News only told the truth 18 percent of the time. Or when one of their contributors, Lauren Ashburn, said that Fox News shouldn’t be held accountable for conspiracy theories or misinformation pushed on the network."
"I didn’t even get into how fact-checking site Politifact found that, in the comments they’ve investigated from the network, Fox News only told the truth 18 percent of the time. Or when one of their contributors, Lauren Ashburn, said that Fox News shouldn’t be held accountable for conspiracy theories or misinformation pushed on the network."
Sunday, August 17, 2014
5 Worst Right-Wing Moments This Week: Limbaugh Set to Drown in Own Toxic Spewage
"Rush Limbaugh’s toxicity reaches new heights with Robin Williams comments."
"Rush Limbaugh’s toxicity reaches new heights with Robin Williams comments."
Saturday, August 16, 2014
GOP’s post-racial fantasy: Secession, delusion and the truth about America’s most hateful dividers
GOP’s post-racial fantasy: Secession, delusion and the truth about America’s most hateful dividers
"This is not just the language of racism—a broad, often nebulous term. It’s the language of theocratic white nationalism–which is a great deal more specific."
"This is not just the language of racism—a broad, often nebulous term. It’s the language of theocratic white nationalism–which is a great deal more specific."
Kochs Are The Kiss Of Death In Michigan
Kochs Are The Kiss Of Death In Michigan
"Imagine that: When people know the Kochs want someone elected, they don't want them!"
"Imagine that: When people know the Kochs want someone elected, they don't want them!"
GOP’s 30-year spin job is over: Why we are not a center-right nation
GOP’s 30-year spin job is over: Why we are <em>not</em> a center-right nation
"In short, this “average American” holds views that line up almost exactly with a center-left political ticket"
"In short, this “average American” holds views that line up almost exactly with a center-left political ticket"
Friday, August 15, 2014
Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power
Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power
"It doesn't pay to threaten public corruption investigators with defunding when you're a public official, as Rick Perry has now discovered"
"It doesn't pay to threaten public corruption investigators with defunding when you're a public official, as Rick Perry has now discovered"
All the GOP Candidates Kiss the Ring Of the Radical Christian Right
"Reed appeared to be finished in 2004 when email exchanges with lobbyist Jack Abramoff revealed he was directly involved in the theft of $44 million from American Indian tribes that sent Abramoff to prison. Reed is resilient: today, he claims more than 800,000 supporters of the nonprofit organization he launched in 2009."
"Reed appeared to be finished in 2004 when email exchanges with lobbyist Jack Abramoff revealed he was directly involved in the theft of $44 million from American Indian tribes that sent Abramoff to prison. Reed is resilient: today, he claims more than 800,000 supporters of the nonprofit organization he launched in 2009."
IA-Sen: Joni Ernst (R) Spouted Glenn Beck's 'Agenda 21' Conspiracy Theory
"Yep, the more and more we know about Ernst, the more of a nut we realize she truly is."
"Yep, the more and more we know about Ernst, the more of a nut we realize she truly is."
Confidential Memo: Former Koch Group Insider Fears the Tea Party Is Fading
"An ex-state director for Americans for Prosperity bemoans the decline of the tea party movement."
"An ex-state director for Americans for Prosperity bemoans the decline of the tea party movement."
The Loony Bin Known as Boehner's House of Representatives Is Messing Up Just About Everything
"These ideological zealots are nutty, but they're clogging the roadway, preventing any of the progress that America desperately needs."
"These ideological zealots are nutty, but they're clogging the roadway, preventing any of the progress that America desperately needs."
Christie's Campaign Team Was In Close Contact With Pension Board
Christie's Campaign Team Was In Close Contact With Pension Board
"It raises the prospect of action from the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is tasked with enforcing pay-to-play laws."
"It raises the prospect of action from the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is tasked with enforcing pay-to-play laws."
GOP lawsuit: Wall Street has a Constitutional right to corrupt politicians
GOP lawsuit: Wall Street has a Constitutional right to corrupt politicians
"Wall Street is one of the biggest sources of funding for presidential campaigns, and many of the Republican Party’s potential 2016 contenders are governors, from Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Perry of Texas to Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Scott Walker of Wisconsin. And so, last week, the GOP filed a federal lawsuit aimed at overturning the pay-to-play law that bars those governors from raising campaign money from Wall Street executives who manage their states’ pension funds."
"Wall Street is one of the biggest sources of funding for presidential campaigns, and many of the Republican Party’s potential 2016 contenders are governors, from Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Perry of Texas to Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Scott Walker of Wisconsin. And so, last week, the GOP filed a federal lawsuit aimed at overturning the pay-to-play law that bars those governors from raising campaign money from Wall Street executives who manage their states’ pension funds."
GOP Seeks to Further Weaken Campaign Finance Laws
GOP Seeks to Further Weaken Campaign Finance Laws
"Republican lawmakers hoping to rake in more campaign cash from Wall Street are challenging a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule that limits the amount of money financiers can give to governors and state officials."
"Republican lawmakers hoping to rake in more campaign cash from Wall Street are challenging a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule that limits the amount of money financiers can give to governors and state officials."
Thursday, August 14, 2014
For youth, the South is hostile territory
"Of the 10 states with the best conditions for children and youth, only one was in the South -- Virginia, which came in at number 10. But of the 10 states with the worst conditions for youth, seven were in the South. From rock-bottom up, the 10 worst states for young people turned out to be Mississippi, District of Columbia, Florida, Arkansas, New Mexico, Arizona, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Kentucky."
"Of the 10 states with the best conditions for children and youth, only one was in the South -- Virginia, which came in at number 10. But of the 10 states with the worst conditions for youth, seven were in the South. From rock-bottom up, the 10 worst states for young people turned out to be Mississippi, District of Columbia, Florida, Arkansas, New Mexico, Arizona, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Kentucky."
American Apartheid: White Majority Districts Represented By 95% Of US House Republicans
American Apartheid: White Majority Districts Represented By 95% Of US House Republicans
"This situation has been accomplished through gerrymandering. By seizing state legislatures during the tea party wave of 2010, Republicans were able to rearrange congressional districts and make it possible for Obama to win Pennsylvania by 5 points while only five Democrats won in the state's 18 US House races."
"This situation has been accomplished through gerrymandering. By seizing state legislatures during the tea party wave of 2010, Republicans were able to rearrange congressional districts and make it possible for Obama to win Pennsylvania by 5 points while only five Democrats won in the state's 18 US House races."
GOP’s shady “news” websites: Republicans get into the propaganda game
GOP’s shady “news” websites: Republicans get into the propaganda game
"Greg Walden's NRCC set up fake websites to fool people into reading GOP propaganda"
"Greg Walden's NRCC set up fake websites to fool people into reading GOP propaganda"
Likely Congressman Opposes MLK Day, Supports ‘Don’t Say Gay,’ Thinks Women Don’t Want Equal Pay
"Wisconsin Republicans may not have gotten the message the RNC has been pushing about how to avoid offending women and minorities."
"Wisconsin Republicans may not have gotten the message the RNC has been pushing about how to avoid offending women and minorities."
GOP launches fake news sites to trick voters and blast Dems
GOP launches fake news sites to trick voters and blast Dems
"This isn’t the first time this cycle that the NRCC has pulled a move like this, either. Earlier last year, they launched a series of fake websites intended to look like they represented a Democratic candidate. Public outcry compelled them to abandon these forgeries, but evidently the NRCC still likes the strategy, overall."
"This isn’t the first time this cycle that the NRCC has pulled a move like this, either. Earlier last year, they launched a series of fake websites intended to look like they represented a Democratic candidate. Public outcry compelled them to abandon these forgeries, but evidently the NRCC still likes the strategy, overall."
Tea Party quack’s new target: Sal Russo’s plan for Silicon Valley
Tea Party quack’s new target: Sal Russo’s plan for Silicon Valley
"Tea Party Express's Sal Russo has made a killing ripping off right-wingers. But this is his most audacious task yet"
"Tea Party Express's Sal Russo has made a killing ripping off right-wingers. But this is his most audacious task yet"
Tea Party official opens Miss. meeting with prayer asking for violence against Republicans
"Johnson spoke out against mainstream media reporters and defended McDaniel supporters who conspired to break into a nursing home to photograph Cochran’s ailing wife."
"Johnson spoke out against mainstream media reporters and defended McDaniel supporters who conspired to break into a nursing home to photograph Cochran’s ailing wife."
Fox pundit’s disgusting Michelle Obama remarks: First lady “needs to drop a few”
Fox pundit’s disgusting Michelle Obama remarks: First lady “needs to drop a few”
"Keith Ablow, Fox News’ psychiatry contributor and adult baby, was on Outnumbered today to talk about First Lady Michelle Obama’s various health campaigns and to spew general hate."
"Keith Ablow, Fox News’ psychiatry contributor and adult baby, was on Outnumbered today to talk about First Lady Michelle Obama’s various health campaigns and to spew general hate."
Doctor on Fox News Disgustingly Implies Michelle Obama is Fat, ‘Needs to Drop a Few’ (Video)
"But this is just more of the same slander the right has been lobbing toward this family since Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination for president in 2008. Because while the four female co-hosts didn’t go along with Ablow’s disgusting comments, at the start of the segment they were clearly mocking the First Lady’s efforts to fight childhood obesity by encouraging healthier meals in our public schools. It’s just more of what we’ve all come to expect from Fox News and the right-wing media. Childish, immature, juvenile level insults meant to pander to the most ignorant among us. And this segment was a prime example of all of that."
"But this is just more of the same slander the right has been lobbing toward this family since Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination for president in 2008. Because while the four female co-hosts didn’t go along with Ablow’s disgusting comments, at the start of the segment they were clearly mocking the First Lady’s efforts to fight childhood obesity by encouraging healthier meals in our public schools. It’s just more of what we’ve all come to expect from Fox News and the right-wing media. Childish, immature, juvenile level insults meant to pander to the most ignorant among us. And this segment was a prime example of all of that."
Super Bowl Champion Swats Away Fox Host's Criticism Of Michelle Obama
"Wilson appeared on the cable news channel to promote a United Way program aimed at stamping out childhood hunger and, from the beginning, Fox host Neil Cavuto tried his best to pit the Super Bowl champion against First Lady Michelle Obama."
"Wilson appeared on the cable news channel to promote a United Way program aimed at stamping out childhood hunger and, from the beginning, Fox host Neil Cavuto tried his best to pit the Super Bowl champion against First Lady Michelle Obama."
Fox News host brings Michelle Obama hate to Russell Wilson interview
"Quick, can you tie an interview with Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson to an irrational hatred for the First Lady? No? Well then I guess you can't be on Fox News."
"Quick, can you tie an interview with Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson to an irrational hatred for the First Lady? No? Well then I guess you can't be on Fox News."
Monday, August 11, 2014
As Congress Leaves Workers Behind, Corporate Profits Hit a New High
"Over and over, Republicans stick it to the workers of this country while giving handouts to corporations. Corporations made it through the Bush recession by harming workers. Corporations are doing pretty well, but then, they’ve been subsidized by taxpayers in many cases, while the workers of America have not."
"Over and over, Republicans stick it to the workers of this country while giving handouts to corporations. Corporations made it through the Bush recession by harming workers. Corporations are doing pretty well, but then, they’ve been subsidized by taxpayers in many cases, while the workers of America have not."
Pro-Business? Research Shows GOP “Pro-Business” Policies Hurt Business, Kill Economic Growth
"We hear it all the time, republicans are “Pro-business.” They promise if they’re elected, they’ll pass “business friendly” legislation. They claim that their policies will lead to economic growth and job creation. It’s time for a reality check. An analysis of all 50 states clearly shows the negative correlation between the GOP’s ‘pro-business’ policies and job creation and economic growth. In fact, the study shows that the more ALEC backed ‘pro-business’ legislation a state has in place, the worse that state performs, economically.
Two separate studies confirm that the higher a state ranks on the GOP ‘business friendly’ policy charts, the worse it performs economically."
"We hear it all the time, republicans are “Pro-business.” They promise if they’re elected, they’ll pass “business friendly” legislation. They claim that their policies will lead to economic growth and job creation. It’s time for a reality check. An analysis of all 50 states clearly shows the negative correlation between the GOP’s ‘pro-business’ policies and job creation and economic growth. In fact, the study shows that the more ALEC backed ‘pro-business’ legislation a state has in place, the worse that state performs, economically.
Two separate studies confirm that the higher a state ranks on the GOP ‘business friendly’ policy charts, the worse it performs economically."
Mike Huckabee Flip-Flops And Claims That He Never Said That He Wanted Obama Impeached
"The truth is that Mike Huckabee is trying to have it both ways. He wants to speak the impeachment code to Republican voters, but he doesn’t want the rest of the electorate to be aware of his extreme agenda."
"The truth is that Mike Huckabee is trying to have it both ways. He wants to speak the impeachment code to Republican voters, but he doesn’t want the rest of the electorate to be aware of his extreme agenda."
Tea Party Wave Stripped Southern Black Legislators Of Power
Tea Party Wave Stripped Southern Black Legislators Of Power
"Much of this disempowerment - which Zengerle compares to the post-Reconstruction period after the Civil War - is the result of Republican gerrymandering."
"Much of this disempowerment - which Zengerle compares to the post-Reconstruction period after the Civil War - is the result of Republican gerrymandering."
Fact Checkers Agree With Wendy Davis: Greg Abbott Chose a Corporation Over a Rape Victim
"Republicans seem to be in office only to give “business” a free ride with taxpayer subsidies while they gun for less regulations amounting to zero accountability.
Plenty of responsible business owners manage to make a profit while also being accountable – in fact, back in the old days, a business’s reputation was part of its assets, and being accountable to the community was part of that. Thus, a business would do a background check on men it was sending into the homes of women who were likely to be alone just because it was the right thing to do for their own sake."
"Republicans seem to be in office only to give “business” a free ride with taxpayer subsidies while they gun for less regulations amounting to zero accountability.
Plenty of responsible business owners manage to make a profit while also being accountable – in fact, back in the old days, a business’s reputation was part of its assets, and being accountable to the community was part of that. Thus, a business would do a background check on men it was sending into the homes of women who were likely to be alone just because it was the right thing to do for their own sake."
Welcome to TV hell: 8 things you learn watching Sarah Palin’s insane new channel
Welcome to TV hell: 8 things you learn watching Sarah Palin’s insane new channel
"Sarah Palin TV runs with more of an “Impeach Obama Around the Clock” kind of theme, along with some of Palin’s homespun homilies. Here are some of the more ridiculous morsels of content streamed on the site."
"Sarah Palin TV runs with more of an “Impeach Obama Around the Clock” kind of theme, along with some of Palin’s homespun homilies. Here are some of the more ridiculous morsels of content streamed on the site."
What We Lost 40 Years Ago When Nixon Resigned
"Today perhaps 100,000 lobbyists work Washington and the state capitals. Today money talks more than anyone could have imagined when Nixon henchmen had the equivalent of less than $2 million in today’s money for dirty tricks.
And we suffer as a result, paying tribute to big corporations that refuse to invest much of their shareholders’ money in America or pay taxes on their profits, while demanding hidden gifts of taxpayer dollars to pay for new factories or offices."
"Today perhaps 100,000 lobbyists work Washington and the state capitals. Today money talks more than anyone could have imagined when Nixon henchmen had the equivalent of less than $2 million in today’s money for dirty tricks.
And we suffer as a result, paying tribute to big corporations that refuse to invest much of their shareholders’ money in America or pay taxes on their profits, while demanding hidden gifts of taxpayer dollars to pay for new factories or offices."
GOP: How Dare You Say What I Said About Impeachment | The Nation
GOP: How Dare You Say What I Said About Impeachment | The Nation
"Here’s the bottom line: Boehner responded to impeachment talk from his right wing by filing a lawsuit. Yet when Democrats responded to that same impeachment talk from the same right wing, Boehner claims that it doesn’t exist—and if it does, the Dems are behind it."
"Here’s the bottom line: Boehner responded to impeachment talk from his right wing by filing a lawsuit. Yet when Democrats responded to that same impeachment talk from the same right wing, Boehner claims that it doesn’t exist—and if it does, the Dems are behind it."
Fox News and Fox News Latino Cover The Same Story, Hilarity Ensues
"And this makes sense given Fox’s business model. Fox News is a money-making operation and fear gets clicks. The media organization knows its audience and its audience expects a certain amount of anti-immigrant rhetoric in its daily news."
"And this makes sense given Fox’s business model. Fox News is a money-making operation and fear gets clicks. The media organization knows its audience and its audience expects a certain amount of anti-immigrant rhetoric in its daily news."
It’s even worse than Fox News: How Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann get away with it
It’s even worse than Fox News: How Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann get away with it
"It was fine for conservative Republicans to make all sorts of noise about impeaching Obama—since 2009, starting with Michael Savage, a mere 50 days after Obama’s inauguration, and with Darrell Issa jumping in as early as 2010—just as they clamor about Obama not even really being president (“show us the real birth certificate!”), about using ACORN to steal his way into the White House, about being secretly Muslim, etc. With so many scurrilous false accusations flooding the lifeblood of the Republican Party, how could they not talk about impeaching him? Yet, when Democrats recently got serious about pushing back? Now, all of a sudden, it’s a matter of politics! Partisan spin! Cynical manipulation! And what’s truly pathetic, the Beltway media (typified by Politico) eats it up, or else “balances” it by blaming both sides (à la MSNBC’s Chuck Todd) — as the Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky and the Nation’s Leslie Savan scathingly pointed out, after which Michele Bachmann and Steve King both engaged in more impeachment talk!"
"It was fine for conservative Republicans to make all sorts of noise about impeaching Obama—since 2009, starting with Michael Savage, a mere 50 days after Obama’s inauguration, and with Darrell Issa jumping in as early as 2010—just as they clamor about Obama not even really being president (“show us the real birth certificate!”), about using ACORN to steal his way into the White House, about being secretly Muslim, etc. With so many scurrilous false accusations flooding the lifeblood of the Republican Party, how could they not talk about impeaching him? Yet, when Democrats recently got serious about pushing back? Now, all of a sudden, it’s a matter of politics! Partisan spin! Cynical manipulation! And what’s truly pathetic, the Beltway media (typified by Politico) eats it up, or else “balances” it by blaming both sides (à la MSNBC’s Chuck Todd) — as the Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky and the Nation’s Leslie Savan scathingly pointed out, after which Michele Bachmann and Steve King both engaged in more impeachment talk!"
Fox News Runs Hour-Long Free Campaign Ad For Scott Brown
Fox News Runs Hour-Long Free Campaign Ad For Scott Brown
"Fox News propped up Scott Brown by paying him as a contributor and then made a donation of 60 minutes of prime air time to pimp his candidacy. At some point this has to become an in-kind contribution. Doesn't it?"
"Fox News propped up Scott Brown by paying him as a contributor and then made a donation of 60 minutes of prime air time to pimp his candidacy. At some point this has to become an in-kind contribution. Doesn't it?"
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law (Updated)
Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law (Updated)
"The numbers in these two charts come from Budget of the United States Government: Historical Tables Fiscal Year 2015. They are just the amounts that the government spent and borrowed, period, Anyone can go look them up. People who claim that Obama "tripled the deficit" or increased it or anything of the sort are either misled or are trying to mislead. President Obama inherited a budget deficit of $1.4 trillion from President Bush's last budget year and annual budget deficits have gone down dramatically since."
"The numbers in these two charts come from Budget of the United States Government: Historical Tables Fiscal Year 2015. They are just the amounts that the government spent and borrowed, period, Anyone can go look them up. People who claim that Obama "tripled the deficit" or increased it or anything of the sort are either misled or are trying to mislead. President Obama inherited a budget deficit of $1.4 trillion from President Bush's last budget year and annual budget deficits have gone down dramatically since."
Senate Republicans hold up money to test evidence in rape cases
"The problem is the usual one: Republicans are demanding poison pill amendments in an effort to either scuttle the bill or at least delay it."
"The problem is the usual one: Republicans are demanding poison pill amendments in an effort to either scuttle the bill or at least delay it."
Fox's Charles Payne Says Walgreens CEO 'Destroyed Capitalism' By Staying In The U.S.
Fox's Charles Payne Says Walgreens CEO 'Destroyed Capitalism' By Staying In The U.S.
"Given his track record, no one should be surprised that Fox's so-called "business analyst" Charles Payne would say this about the news that Walgreens won't leave the U.S. to avoid paying their taxes"
"Given his track record, no one should be surprised that Fox's so-called "business analyst" Charles Payne would say this about the news that Walgreens won't leave the U.S. to avoid paying their taxes"
House Intel Committee Finds No Benghazi Scandal; Will Boehner Ignore Its Findings?
House Intel Committee Finds No Benghazi Scandal; Will Boehner Ignore Its Findings?
"After nearly two years of investigations, millions of dollars spent, tens of thousands of pages of documents handed over by the administration, a Republican-led committee is about to release a report stating that there is no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Obama White House. In fact, nearly all of the accusations levied against the White House over the past year by conservatives in Congress, and amplified by the media, have now been determined to be false—by a Republican jury."
"After nearly two years of investigations, millions of dollars spent, tens of thousands of pages of documents handed over by the administration, a Republican-led committee is about to release a report stating that there is no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Obama White House. In fact, nearly all of the accusations levied against the White House over the past year by conservatives in Congress, and amplified by the media, have now been determined to be false—by a Republican jury."
Friday, August 8, 2014
Republican Dreams Shattered as Koch Ideology Flops In Red State Kansas
"Kansas is going broke and on the path to bankruptcy thanks to Brownback’s adherence to the Republican habit of giving the state’s assets to the rich in the form of tax cuts. For the second time in two months, another credit rating agency downgraded Kansas financial situation. Moody’s downgraded Kansas in May, and this week Standard and Poor’s followed suit citing “a structurally unbalanced budget following state income tax cuts” that a Kansas professor of public finance said will certainly get worse. Kenneth Kriz said, “not only was the state downgraded, but it was put on what is called a ‘negative outlook’ watch” he claims means more downgrades are likely. Kriz continued that “the real issue here is business. One of the things businesses look at when deciding on an area is the credit rating.” Kansas is lagging the nation in job creation, revenue is non-existent, education is starved of funding, and the state could not afford $100,000 to keep homeless shelters for children open. However, the economic devastation is just one aspect of a completely Republican government."
"Kansas is going broke and on the path to bankruptcy thanks to Brownback’s adherence to the Republican habit of giving the state’s assets to the rich in the form of tax cuts. For the second time in two months, another credit rating agency downgraded Kansas financial situation. Moody’s downgraded Kansas in May, and this week Standard and Poor’s followed suit citing “a structurally unbalanced budget following state income tax cuts” that a Kansas professor of public finance said will certainly get worse. Kenneth Kriz said, “not only was the state downgraded, but it was put on what is called a ‘negative outlook’ watch” he claims means more downgrades are likely. Kriz continued that “the real issue here is business. One of the things businesses look at when deciding on an area is the credit rating.” Kansas is lagging the nation in job creation, revenue is non-existent, education is starved of funding, and the state could not afford $100,000 to keep homeless shelters for children open. However, the economic devastation is just one aspect of a completely Republican government."
Democrats Have a Chance To Take Out Both Rick Snyder and Scott Walker In The Same Year
"A new poll of Michigan shows Gov. Rick Snyder (R) in a statistical tie with Mark Schauer 44.6%-44.3%. This poll along with a new poll of Wisconsin reveal that Democrats have a golden opportunity to beat Snyder and Walker in the same year."
"A new poll of Michigan shows Gov. Rick Snyder (R) in a statistical tie with Mark Schauer 44.6%-44.3%. This poll along with a new poll of Wisconsin reveal that Democrats have a golden opportunity to beat Snyder and Walker in the same year."
Grifters Glenn Beck And Ralph Reed Whine About Religious Persecution
Grifters Glenn Beck And Ralph Reed Whine About Religious Persecution
"Why Ralph Reed is taken seriously by anyone, I do not know. There was never a bigger con artist than Reed."
"Why Ralph Reed is taken seriously by anyone, I do not know. There was never a bigger con artist than Reed."
Thursday, August 7, 2014
It’s Time To Send the GOP a Message
"The GOP blocked a bill that would have ended tax breaks bestowed on corporations for offshoring factories and jobs.
Only one Senate Republican voted for the Bring Jobs Home Act—the bill that would have replaced corporate reprobate rebates with rewards for firms that move factories back to America. Americans of all political persuasions object to paying higher taxes to offset the cost of coddling corporate defectors. The GOP’s filibustering of this bill is dereliction of duty."
"The GOP blocked a bill that would have ended tax breaks bestowed on corporations for offshoring factories and jobs.
Only one Senate Republican voted for the Bring Jobs Home Act—the bill that would have replaced corporate reprobate rebates with rewards for firms that move factories back to America. Americans of all political persuasions object to paying higher taxes to offset the cost of coddling corporate defectors. The GOP’s filibustering of this bill is dereliction of duty."
Oklahoma GOP Gov. Mary Fallin tries to distance herself from outrageously racist flyer
Oklahoma GOP Gov. Mary Fallin tries to distance herself from outrageously racist flyer
"A flyer distributed by the Republican Party of Garvin County, Oklahoma has engendered a significant amount of criticism for being incredibly racist"
"A flyer distributed by the Republican Party of Garvin County, Oklahoma has engendered a significant amount of criticism for being incredibly racist"
Majority of Americans disapprove of Republican lawsuit against the president
"Like shutting down the government, it's a transparently stupid idea that House Republicans are undertaking only because they are obsessed with their own internal battles to do something more anti-Obama than the next guy. As we've repeatedly seen, the party has given up all pretense of playing to the center, preferring endless base-rattling in an effort to squeeze out the votes they need from their dwindling ranks of increasingly hard-right supporters."
"Like shutting down the government, it's a transparently stupid idea that House Republicans are undertaking only because they are obsessed with their own internal battles to do something more anti-Obama than the next guy. As we've repeatedly seen, the party has given up all pretense of playing to the center, preferring endless base-rattling in an effort to squeeze out the votes they need from their dwindling ranks of increasingly hard-right supporters."
So Sue Me: Obama Trails In Executive Order Rankings
So Sue Me: Obama Trails In Executive Order Rankings
"Some intriguing numbers: Obama’s 183 executive orders compare favorably to George W. Bush’s 291, Richard Nixon’s 346, Bill Clinton’s 364, and Ronald Reagan’s 381. The 147 in Obama’s first term was less than the 166 of George H.W. Bush and the 169 logged by Gerald Ford. In fact, you have to go back to William McKinley to find someone with a lower rate of executive order signing."
"Some intriguing numbers: Obama’s 183 executive orders compare favorably to George W. Bush’s 291, Richard Nixon’s 346, Bill Clinton’s 364, and Ronald Reagan’s 381. The 147 in Obama’s first term was less than the 166 of George H.W. Bush and the 169 logged by Gerald Ford. In fact, you have to go back to William McKinley to find someone with a lower rate of executive order signing."
Cuckoobird Michele Bachmann Wants to Impeach Obama, Then Calls Impeachment a Democratic Plot
"In an appearance on “ The Lars Larson Show” last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann repeated GOP talking points about how President Obama is somehow behind the Republican-led effort to impeach him."
"In an appearance on “ The Lars Larson Show” last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann repeated GOP talking points about how President Obama is somehow behind the Republican-led effort to impeach him."
The Tea Party Pushes Democrats Towards Victory By Declaring National Impeach Obama Week
"The Tea Party is an out of control entity full of birthers and fringers that the Republican Party only thought they had control over. So, yet another fail courtesy of the Tea Party for the GOP. This time, it’s Obama impeachment craze. Even as Republican leaders try to pretend they aren’t heading toward impeachment, all signs to reality tell quite another story."
"The Tea Party is an out of control entity full of birthers and fringers that the Republican Party only thought they had control over. So, yet another fail courtesy of the Tea Party for the GOP. This time, it’s Obama impeachment craze. Even as Republican leaders try to pretend they aren’t heading toward impeachment, all signs to reality tell quite another story."
GOP wimps suddenly fear social issues: How tables turned on religious right
GOP wimps suddenly fear social issues: How tables turned on religious right
"After years spent setting the terms of the national debate and wearing their opposition to reproductive rights as a badge of honor, Republicans may finally be in a defensive crouch. Just this week, we saw Rand Paul tell an audience in Iowa that “almost nobody in here wants to ban birth control” while — as Harwood noted — Republicans across the country are struggling to make the same case. The Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision may have been welcome news to the Green family, and it may have even made Republicans feel pretty good about so-called religious liberty, but politicizing birth control doesn’t bode well for the party’s long-term prospects."
"After years spent setting the terms of the national debate and wearing their opposition to reproductive rights as a badge of honor, Republicans may finally be in a defensive crouch. Just this week, we saw Rand Paul tell an audience in Iowa that “almost nobody in here wants to ban birth control” while — as Harwood noted — Republicans across the country are struggling to make the same case. The Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision may have been welcome news to the Green family, and it may have even made Republicans feel pretty good about so-called religious liberty, but politicizing birth control doesn’t bode well for the party’s long-term prospects."
North Carolina's Billionaire Budget Warden Art Pope Quits
North Carolina's Billionaire Budget Warden Art Pope Quits
"It doesn't look seemly for a billionaire to buy elections while still serving as the budget warden of a state, so Art Pope submitted his resignation just in time to spend some serious bucks buying himself a Senator and more extremists for the North Carolina state legislature."
"It doesn't look seemly for a billionaire to buy elections while still serving as the budget warden of a state, so Art Pope submitted his resignation just in time to spend some serious bucks buying himself a Senator and more extremists for the North Carolina state legislature."
Rand Paul's Pattern Of Reaganesque Deceit And Denial
Rand Paul's Pattern Of Reaganesque Deceit And Denial
"The latest incident with Rand Paul and immigration activists is just one in a long pattern of lies cleaned up with abject denial."
"The latest incident with Rand Paul and immigration activists is just one in a long pattern of lies cleaned up with abject denial."
Mike Huckabee Says President Obama Can Be Impeached Once Republicans Win The Senate
"With each day, Republicans are getting bolder. They are starting not even to try to hide their real plan if they win control of the Senate."
"With each day, Republicans are getting bolder. They are starting not even to try to hide their real plan if they win control of the Senate."
Alison Lundergan Grimes Slams Mitch McConnell In Speech Highlighting War On Women (VIDEO)
"Republicans constantly claim to be the party of “family values” but they ignore and obstruct closing the pay gap between men and women that would actually help families. Women voted overwhelming for Democrats in 2012. The 18 point gender gap is just one of the reasons why President Obama beat Mitt Romney that year."
"Republicans constantly claim to be the party of “family values” but they ignore and obstruct closing the pay gap between men and women that would actually help families. Women voted overwhelming for Democrats in 2012. The 18 point gender gap is just one of the reasons why President Obama beat Mitt Romney that year."
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Wingnut scams the troops: How Tea Party quack uses fake charities to get rich
Wingnut scams the troops: How Tea Party quack uses fake charities to get rich
"Meet Sal Russo, the man accused of running a faux veterans charity and Tea Party PAC -- to shadily pocket millions"
"Meet Sal Russo, the man accused of running a faux veterans charity and Tea Party PAC -- to shadily pocket millions"
Sucker! Tea Party Tied ‘Charity’ Just Swindling The Ill Informed
"This meant that money given to the so-called charity for care packages was instead being used to promote Tea Party candidates as well as to fatten Mr. Russo’s wallet."
"This meant that money given to the so-called charity for care packages was instead being used to promote Tea Party candidates as well as to fatten Mr. Russo’s wallet."
Tax dodger Running for Governor in Illinois
Tax dodger Running for Governor in Illinois
"Rauner's story shows what's behind all that union-bashing and belt-tightening for the poor and middle class--rightwing billionaires like Rauner push these policies, even as they play by an entirely different set of rules, dodging taxes, pulling strings, and get special treatment most people could never afford."
"Rauner's story shows what's behind all that union-bashing and belt-tightening for the poor and middle class--rightwing billionaires like Rauner push these policies, even as they play by an entirely different set of rules, dodging taxes, pulling strings, and get special treatment most people could never afford."
Mitch McConnell touts support for Violence Against Women Act—which he's voted against repeatedly
"He did not sponsor the legislation in 1993, when it finally did advance to the floor—and then he voted against it!
More recently, when it came time to re-authorize the act last year, McConnell voted against doing so, even though it passed by a lopsided 78-22 margin. That means McConnell wanted to make sure he was on record as opposing the bill, probably because he feared a GOP primary challenge.
But now that it suits him to pretend like he's a champion of women, that's exactly what he's doing."
"He did not sponsor the legislation in 1993, when it finally did advance to the floor—and then he voted against it!
More recently, when it came time to re-authorize the act last year, McConnell voted against doing so, even though it passed by a lopsided 78-22 margin. That means McConnell wanted to make sure he was on record as opposing the bill, probably because he feared a GOP primary challenge.
But now that it suits him to pretend like he's a champion of women, that's exactly what he's doing."
Every Republican must answer: Has Barack Obama really been waging a 'war on whites'?
"Mo Brooks is a hateful demagogue of the lowest order. That we know. What we don't know is this: Are there any Republicans out there willing to stand up and reject his hate?"
"Mo Brooks is a hateful demagogue of the lowest order. That we know. What we don't know is this: Are there any Republicans out there willing to stand up and reject his hate?"
Don't Believe the Haters—The Truth About the U.S. Post Office
"Late in 2006, the lame duck Republican Congress rammed into law a cockamamie requirement that the Postal Service must pre-fund the retiree health benefits of everyone it employs or expects to employ for the next 75 years. Hello? That includes workers who're not even born yet! No other business in America is required to pre-fund such benefits for even one year. To add to Congress' cockamamie-ness, the service is being forced to put up all of that money within just 10 years -- which has been costing USPS more than $5 billion a year. That artificial burden accounts for 100 percent of the so-called "losses" the media keep reporting.
It's like tying an anvil around someone's neck, throwing the person out of a boat, and saying, "Swim to shore, sucker"."
"Late in 2006, the lame duck Republican Congress rammed into law a cockamamie requirement that the Postal Service must pre-fund the retiree health benefits of everyone it employs or expects to employ for the next 75 years. Hello? That includes workers who're not even born yet! No other business in America is required to pre-fund such benefits for even one year. To add to Congress' cockamamie-ness, the service is being forced to put up all of that money within just 10 years -- which has been costing USPS more than $5 billion a year. That artificial burden accounts for 100 percent of the so-called "losses" the media keep reporting.
It's like tying an anvil around someone's neck, throwing the person out of a boat, and saying, "Swim to shore, sucker"."
Twitter Hilariously Smacks Down Bigoted GOP Rep's #WarOnWhites Assertions
Twitter Hilariously Smacks Down Bigoted GOP Rep's #WarOnWhites Assertions
"Rather than own up to his ignorance, Brooks defended his statement that white people have it tough because of President Obama."
"Rather than own up to his ignorance, Brooks defended his statement that white people have it tough because of President Obama."
The States With The Highest Uninsurance Rates Are All Led By Republicans
"The 10 states with the highest percentage of uninsured adult residents all have one thing in common: They’re led by Republican governors or legislatures."
"The 10 states with the highest percentage of uninsured adult residents all have one thing in common: They’re led by Republican governors or legislatures."
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Sen. Rand Paul Claims He Had Another Interview And Wasn't Really Running From DREAMer
Sen. Rand Paul Claims He Had Another Interview And Wasn't Really Running From DREAMer
"Sorry Sen. Paul, but you're going to have to come up with a better excuse than this one for why you turned tail and ran when you were obviously still in the middle of finishing a meal as soon as you heard the word DREAMer from your unwelcome guest Erika Andiola's mouth."
"Sorry Sen. Paul, but you're going to have to come up with a better excuse than this one for why you turned tail and ran when you were obviously still in the middle of finishing a meal as soon as you heard the word DREAMer from your unwelcome guest Erika Andiola's mouth."
The “War On Whites” And The GOP’s Very Serious Problem With Racism
"This is the very real problem that the GOP finds itself facing right now. If they were to pivot to Hispanic voters, they would anger their current base of support which right now is comprised primarily of white, often older people. If the GOP stays the current course, they will soon be relegated to being a regional party, only representing mostly rural areas scattered across the southern parts of the country."
"This is the very real problem that the GOP finds itself facing right now. If they were to pivot to Hispanic voters, they would anger their current base of support which right now is comprised primarily of white, often older people. If the GOP stays the current course, they will soon be relegated to being a regional party, only representing mostly rural areas scattered across the southern parts of the country."
20 Conservative Media Figures Who Helped Shady "Pro-Troop" Charity Raise Money
"Numerous conservative radio, cable news, and Internet media stars provided testimonials and other support to Move America Forward, a purported "pro-troop" charity that funneled money to the GOP consultants who run it."
"Numerous conservative radio, cable news, and Internet media stars provided testimonials and other support to Move America Forward, a purported "pro-troop" charity that funneled money to the GOP consultants who run it."
‘Pro-troop’ conservative charity mainly exists to funnel money to Tea Party Express founder
"A conservative charity group that claimed to be sending care packages to U.S. Marines in Afghanistan has been exposed as a fraudulent operation dedicated to pumping millions of dollars into the accounts of a Tea Party loyalist and his political consulting groups."
"A conservative charity group that claimed to be sending care packages to U.S. Marines in Afghanistan has been exposed as a fraudulent operation dedicated to pumping millions of dollars into the accounts of a Tea Party loyalist and his political consulting groups."
Scott Walker Is Reeling As Wisconsin Governor’s Race Is a Dead Heat
"Walker has taken a prosperous state and thrown it in the dumpster in the name of right-wing ideology. Scott Walker wants to run for president in 2016, but if Democrats have their way he is soon going to be an unemployed former governor and the poster child for the failure of the Koch agenda."
"Walker has taken a prosperous state and thrown it in the dumpster in the name of right-wing ideology. Scott Walker wants to run for president in 2016, but if Democrats have their way he is soon going to be an unemployed former governor and the poster child for the failure of the Koch agenda."
There’s No ‘War on Whites’ | The Nation
There’s No ‘War on Whites’ | The Nation
"There's an obvious ridiculousness to Congressman Mo Brooks's comment about there being a "war on whites" that isn't worth examining."
"There's an obvious ridiculousness to Congressman Mo Brooks's comment about there being a "war on whites" that isn't worth examining."
Steve King relishes new leadership role, hints at impeachment
"This is what House Speaker John Boehner gets for allowing Rep. Steve King to lead, on anything."
"This is what House Speaker John Boehner gets for allowing Rep. Steve King to lead, on anything."
Rand Paul’s stunning cowardice: Wants to be president but fears a DREAMer
Rand Paul’s stunning cowardice: Wants to be president but fears a DREAMer
"While low-rent congressman Steve King debated a DREAMer, Paul dropped his burger and ran."
"While low-rent congressman Steve King debated a DREAMer, Paul dropped his burger and ran."
Rand Paul Flees While Steve King Belittles DREAMers on Immigration (Video)
"this video has it all. Rand Paul running away like a coward, some blatant bigotry (and borderline racism) by King, the ignorant conservative in the background shouting “Go home!,” and even the complete disrespect of someone who died fighting for this country."
"this video has it all. Rand Paul running away like a coward, some blatant bigotry (and borderline racism) by King, the ignorant conservative in the background shouting “Go home!,” and even the complete disrespect of someone who died fighting for this country."
Fox Pundits Attack NLRB For Ruling Stopping Corporations Shielding Themselves From Lawsuits
Fox Pundits Attack NLRB For Ruling Stopping Corporations Shielding Themselves From Lawsuits
"If there's one thing you can count on, it's the pundits over at Faux "news" complaining heavily any time there's a ruling that favors workers over large corporations and businesses."
"If there's one thing you can count on, it's the pundits over at Faux "news" complaining heavily any time there's a ruling that favors workers over large corporations and businesses."
Pro-Troop Charity Misleads Donors While Lining Political Consultants' Pockets
Pro-Troop Charity Misleads Donors While Lining Political Consultants' Pockets
"The charity was launched in part by Sal Russo, one of the most prominent figures in the Tea Party movement."
"The charity was launched in part by Sal Russo, one of the most prominent figures in the Tea Party movement."
GOP’s “toxic” laundering scheme: How echoes of Jack Abramoff are emerging
GOP’s “toxic” laundering scheme: How echoes of Jack Abramoff are emerging
"If there’s one thing Republicans have learned over the years it’s to never let legalities stand in the way of a good fundraising scam. And one of their best cons ever was Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed’s brilliant scheme to con millions from Indian tribes to run a supposedly religious based anti-gambling campaign against the tribes rivals in order to gain exclusive gambling rights. And even better was the revelation that they were ripping off their own Christian clients as well."
"If there’s one thing Republicans have learned over the years it’s to never let legalities stand in the way of a good fundraising scam. And one of their best cons ever was Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed’s brilliant scheme to con millions from Indian tribes to run a supposedly religious based anti-gambling campaign against the tribes rivals in order to gain exclusive gambling rights. And even better was the revelation that they were ripping off their own Christian clients as well."
House Intelligence Committee's Benghazi Report Concludes No Wrongdoing By Obama Administration
House Intelligence Committee's Benghazi Report Concludes No Wrongdoing By Obama Administration
"This should put an end to the Republican conspiracy theories on Benghazi, but we know it won't."
"This should put an end to the Republican conspiracy theories on Benghazi, but we know it won't."
Alison Lundergan-Grimes Unleashes Epic Smackdown Right To Mitch McConnell's Face
Alison Lundergan-Grimes Unleashes Epic Smackdown Right To Mitch McConnell's Face
"The look on his easily worth the ticket price!"
"The look on his easily worth the ticket price!"
McDonnell Trial A Shocking Case For Virginia
"Evidence shows Williams gave a $50,000 loan to the McDonnells, paid $15,000 for catering at the wedding of one of their daughters, took Maureen McDonnell on a $19,000 shopping spree at Oscar de la Renta and Bergdorf Goodman in Manhattan and bought the governor an engraved $6,500 Rolex at a jewelry shop in Malibu."
"Evidence shows Williams gave a $50,000 loan to the McDonnells, paid $15,000 for catering at the wedding of one of their daughters, took Maureen McDonnell on a $19,000 shopping spree at Oscar de la Renta and Bergdorf Goodman in Manhattan and bought the governor an engraved $6,500 Rolex at a jewelry shop in Malibu."
Witness: Maureen McDonnell Pitched Company's 'MS Cure' To Ann Romney
"Phil Cox, who ran former Gov. Bob McDonnell’s (R) political action committee, testified in court Monday that the governor's wife, Maureen, tried to promote the dietary supplement Anatabloc to both Mitt and Ann Romney the same day her husband endorsed Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination for President.
The Washington Post reported on the testimony as part of the ongoing federal corruption trial against the McDonnells."
"Phil Cox, who ran former Gov. Bob McDonnell’s (R) political action committee, testified in court Monday that the governor's wife, Maureen, tried to promote the dietary supplement Anatabloc to both Mitt and Ann Romney the same day her husband endorsed Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination for President.
The Washington Post reported on the testimony as part of the ongoing federal corruption trial against the McDonnells."
Wingnuts run the GOP now: Tea Party haters got everything they wanted on immigration
Wingnuts run the GOP now: Tea Party haters got everything they wanted on immigration
"GOP goes nativist: "It's like I ordered it off the menu," says far-right Rep. Steve King of new immigration bill."
"GOP goes nativist: "It's like I ordered it off the menu," says far-right Rep. Steve King of new immigration bill."
Sovereign Citizens Now Considered Top Terrorist Threat In United States
Sovereign Citizens Now Considered Top Terrorist Threat In United States
"A consortium of law enforcement intelligence agencies has ranked various terrorist threats in terms of the perception of those that pose the greatest current national security risks. Sovereign citizens topped the list, shifting from Islamic extremists in prior years."
"A consortium of law enforcement intelligence agencies has ranked various terrorist threats in terms of the perception of those that pose the greatest current national security risks. Sovereign citizens topped the list, shifting from Islamic extremists in prior years."
Attempted Cover-Up Of Georgia Republican Governor’s Corruption Costs Taxpayers Millions
"Sadly, the corruption in Nathan Deal administration is not at all unique among GOP governors."
"Sadly, the corruption in Nathan Deal administration is not at all unique among GOP governors."
Monday, August 4, 2014
As Congress Adjourns, GOP Declares 'Omission Accomplished'
As Congress Adjourns, GOP Declares 'Omission Accomplished'
"Congress has adjourned for summer recess after a session that can safely be described as “historic,” both for its historic lack of accomplishment and the historically low regard in which it is now held by the public.
But let’s be clear: This shameful record is not an example of “government failure.” It is a demonstration of what happens when people who are opposed to government, for reasons of both ideology and self-interest, are given positions of power within it and do not face a sufficiently eloquent and well-organized opposition.
Doing nothing is not a bug for Republicans in Congress. It is a feature."
"Congress has adjourned for summer recess after a session that can safely be described as “historic,” both for its historic lack of accomplishment and the historically low regard in which it is now held by the public.
But let’s be clear: This shameful record is not an example of “government failure.” It is a demonstration of what happens when people who are opposed to government, for reasons of both ideology and self-interest, are given positions of power within it and do not face a sufficiently eloquent and well-organized opposition.
Doing nothing is not a bug for Republicans in Congress. It is a feature."
A Reminder to Republicans of Just How Bad Things Were Under George W. Bush
Where are we at today?
Well: Unemployment is down to 6.2%.
We’ve seen the best year of job gains since 1999.
Stocks have hit record highs.
53 straight months of private sector job growth.
We’ve created 9.9 million jobs during that span.
We haven’t started any wars.
The rate of uninsured Americans fell to its lowest level since Gallup starting tracking the number in 2008. Down almost 5 percent in just the last year alone.
Deficits have been cut in half.
Among many other things.
So, when conservatives say that we’re much worse off now than when President Obama took office, they’re either blatantly altering history to suit their talking points – or they have absolutely no damn idea what it is that they’re talking about."
Where are we at today?
Well: Unemployment is down to 6.2%.
We’ve seen the best year of job gains since 1999.
Stocks have hit record highs.
53 straight months of private sector job growth.
We’ve created 9.9 million jobs during that span.
We haven’t started any wars.
The rate of uninsured Americans fell to its lowest level since Gallup starting tracking the number in 2008. Down almost 5 percent in just the last year alone.
Deficits have been cut in half.
Among many other things.
So, when conservatives say that we’re much worse off now than when President Obama took office, they’re either blatantly altering history to suit their talking points – or they have absolutely no damn idea what it is that they’re talking about."
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Busting the seven great myths of poverty
"Every one of these arguments that are used to belittle and ostracize the poor can be disproved with minimal research."
"Every one of these arguments that are used to belittle and ostracize the poor can be disproved with minimal research."
The raging contradiction at the heart of the conservative “reform” movement
The raging contradiction at the heart of the conservative “reform” movement
"Republicans are desperate for a facelift, but their new effort to appear compassionate collapses under scrutiny"
"Republicans are desperate for a facelift, but their new effort to appear compassionate collapses under scrutiny"
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