Monday, June 30, 2014

The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats | Common Dreams

The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats | Common Dreams

"At the same time that people like you and me are thriving beyond the dreams of any plutocrats in history, the rest of the country—the 99.99 percent—is lagging far behind. The divide between the haves and have-nots is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1 percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.

But the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.

And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last."

Karl Rove Continues To Conflate Birth Control With Abortion

Karl Rove Continues To Conflate Birth Control With Abortion

"Of course what Turdblossom and MacCallum failed to tell the audience is that themorning after pill and other methods of birth control the court ruled on today do not cause abortions."

The Time A Corporation Cited Religious Freedom As A Way To Avoid Desegregation | Right Wing Watch

The Time A Corporation Cited Religious Freedom As A Way To Avoid Desegregation | Right Wing Watch

"In her dissent in the Hobby Lobby case today, Justice Ginsburg mentioned a 1968 precedent in which the owner of a chain of barbecue restaurants in South Carolina "refused to serve black patrons based on his religious beliefs opposing racial integration"."

PERRspectives: Hobby Lobby and the Religious Freedom Frauds

PERRspectives: Hobby Lobby and the Religious Freedom Frauds

"But even more reprehensible than social conservatives' whining about the war against the separation of church and state they started is their transparent hypocrisy on the issue of religious liberty itself."

PERRspectives: Republicans Can't Quit Brownback Mountain

PERRspectives: Republicans Can't Quit Brownback Mountain

"For Republicans, it is the love that dare not speak its name. Tax cuts don't pay for themselves by generating economic growth so explosive that government revenues exceed the levels they would have otherwise reached. Ever since the Laffer Curve was first sketched on a napkin for the likes of Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan, federal tax cuts have instead produced only record income inequality and mushrooming national debt. Nevertheless, GOP orthodoxy is unchanged, even as Governor Sam Brownback's tax cuts for the rich and small businesses truly are what's the matter with Kansas."

The Republican “rebrand” is officially dead, and Republicans killed it

The Republican “rebrand” is officially dead, and Republicans killed it

"Fittingly, this story of agonizing slow-motion political death begins with Mitt Romney. Back during the 2012 Republican primaries, when Mitt was still trying to prove that he was sufficiently conservative, he proposed “self-deportation” as a policy for dealing with undocumented immigration. It was one of those quintessentially Romney-esque moments that dogged him throughout the campaign. When Mitt ended up losing the Latino vote by 44 points, Republicans realized that being the party of “self-deportation” was not a viable option."

How One GOP-Controlled Committee Is Waging a War on Science
"The GOP’s relentless promotion of the fossil-fuel industry is undermining the nation's scientific credibility."

UPDATED: 10 Right-Wing Media Myths About The Hobby Lobby Case, Debunked
"Right-wing media continue to advance multiple myths to support the owners of Hobby Lobby, despite the fact that these arguments have been repeatedly debunked by legal experts, religious scholars, and medical professionals."

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Darrell Issa Crashes and Burns When Pressed By CNN For The IRS Scandal Smoking Gun

"It was more than a year ago that the IRS didn’t just target conservative groups. They were examining both conservative and liberal groups. After the Citizens United decision, the IRS was flooded with applications for tax exempt status by conservative groups. The reason why these groups were flagged is because they were breaking the law by engaging in partisan political activities while claiming to be social welfare organizations.
The point of the Republican targeting of the IRS has always been to warn the agency to stay away from the conservative dark money groups. Republicans are trying to protect the power of right-wing billionaires to try secretly to buy elections.
There is no evidence to support what Issa is claiming, but there is plenty of evidence that Issa’s investigation is a politically motivated witch hunt. The real criminal here isn’t Lois Lerner. It’s Darrell Issa."

When Public Servants Demonize the Poor | Common Dreams

When Public Servants Demonize the Poor | Common Dreams

"I hope Arizona voters see Huppenthal for what he is — dangerous and wrong — and reject him. His defeat would send a strong message: Characterizing the poor as un-Christian is politically off limits."

Saturday, June 28, 2014

President Obama Perfectly Mocks Over 5 Years of Republican Propaganda and Obstruction
"They’ve spent the last 5+ years selling their propaganda that any Republican who might dare work with President Obama is essentially a traitor to the United States.  He could give them 80 percent of what they wanted on an issue, and whichever Republicans sided with him would be immediately bashed by the tea party as R.I.N.O’s."

The Racism Behind Boehner's Threats to Sue Obama
"This new attack by Boehner on Obama's legitimacy as president is nothing more than an extension of the earlier Republican Birther attack."

Michigan Republican Wants Voters To Ignore His Weird Sexual Fetish And Elect Him Anyway
"Jordan Haskins wants Michigan voters to know that he has put his past behind him, and is ready to serve. The 24-year-old, running as a Republican for Michigan’s 95th district state House seat, is a felon, who has served time in two states. According to, Haskins’ crimes include things such as breaking and entering, trespassing, and destruction of property. But, by Haskins’ own admission, his criminal past, which includes prison time in North Carolina and Michigan, is related to something known as "cranking"."

Three Crazy Stories That PROVE The GOP Is Going Off The Deep End

Are Colorado Republicans Insane?

Are Colorado Republicans Insane?

"This is why there should be a Great Wall between church and state that is impenetrable. This guy is a nut. He makes Rafael Cruz look sane. And he's now a Republican candidate for state office in Colorado."

Here's The Republican Scandal Machine In 10 Easy Steps

Friday, June 27, 2014

Virginia GOPers Illegally Enter Gov's Office In Quest To Block Medicaid Expansion

Virginia GOPers Illegally Enter Gov's Office In Quest To Block Medicaid Expansion

"The trick is, Gov. Terry McAuliffe only has so long to examine the budget, and the Republicans are doing what is called "upping the ante." This involves illegal entry into the governor's office, and then acting all shocked and amazed that the governor noticed!"

The State of Voting in 2014

The State of Voting in 2014

"As we approach the 2014 election, America is still in the midst of a high-pitched and often highly partisan battle over voting rights. On one side are politicians passing laws and executive actions that would make it harder for many citizens to vote. This started after the 2010 midterm elections, when new state legislative majorities pushed a wave of laws cracking down on voting. On the other side are groups of voters and advocates pushing back — in the legislatures, at the ballot box, and especially in the courts."

John Boehner Caught Blatantly Lying About Job Creation by Fact Checking Site
"Boehner said, “The nearly six-year delay in approving Keystone is costing Americans more than 100,000 jobs and nearly a million barrels of oil a day.” Now, I can’t really comment about the “million barrels of oil a day” claim, but I do know that the oil that would be carried by the pipeline isn’t coming through the United States to make us energy independent. It’s going to be taken and sold on the global market to the highest bidder. Besides, it’s not American oil. It’s Canadian. But as far as the claim of “100,000 jobs,” that’s complete nonsense. Boehner pulled this off a 2011 study that even TransCanada, the company building the pipeline, calls irrelevant."

Why Tennessee is the most corrupt state in the union

Why Tennessee is the most corrupt state in the union

"In general, corruption’s deleterious effect on public policy is a serious problem — and not just a purely political problem either. It is a destructive force that can make or break an entire local economy."

Source: Mississippi Tea Party Figure Charged With Election Stunt Kills Himself

Source: Mississippi Tea Party Figure Charged With Election Stunt Kills Himself

"Mark Mayfield of Ridgeland, an attorney and state and local tea party leader, was arrested last month along with Richard Sager, a Laurel elementary school P.E. teacher and high school soccer coach. Police said they also charged John Beachman Mary of Hattiesburg, but he was not taken into custody because of "extensive medical conditions." All face felony conspiracy charges. Sager also was charged with felony tampering with evidence, and Mary faces two conspiracy counts."

The Ultra-Right-Wing State Nobody Mentions

The Ultra-Right-Wing State Nobody Mentions

"The national media should call the politics, governors and legislatures of Indiana, what they are: archconservative. Indiana should be spoken of in the same way that Wisconsin, Arizona and Texas are. The state should be seen as deeply anti-immigrant, institutionally racist, anti-poor, corporatist, privateering, anti-choice and conservative. Indiana, in fact, has been at the forefront of the conservative agenda in the states, and it should be known as such to the rest of the nation."

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Current House: Least productive ever?

Arkansas GOP Official Resigns After Saying Hillary 'Would Get Shot At The State Line'

Arkansas GOP Official Resigns After Saying Hillary 'Would Get Shot At The State Line'

When asked by Dave Catanese of US News & World Report how Hillary Clinton would fare in Arkansas if she pursued the presidency in 2016, 2nd Congressional District chairman Johnny Rhoda told U.S. News, "She'd probably get shot at the state line."

Right-wing smear machine hits a snag

Looks Like Colorado Springs Will Send The Very First Exorcist To State House

Looks Like Colorado Springs Will Send The Very First Exorcist To State House

"Just let that sink in: a man who thinks that "Obamacare causes cancer," that the Bible commands people to own guns in order to "defend themselves against left wing crazies," and that the FCC is allowing demonic spirits to "molest and visually rape your children" is now a Republican candidate for office"

The Reality Is That There Is No Difference Between Republican and Tea Party Candidates
"There may be “moderate” Republicans in Congress and state legislatures, but they are few and far between and for the most part are not what reasonable Americans would consider “moderate” at all. Republicans may appear moderate to garner electoral support during election years, but when it comes time to cast their votes, they are as extreme as the teabaggers and it is time to call the entire Republican Party what it really is; an anti-American and anti-government extremist sect."

Wacko Alert!

Wacko Alert!

"And somebody is making money off of this" Another right wing conspiracy theory. Disgusting!

Ark. GOP Official Resigns After Saying Hillary Clinton Would “Probably Get Shot At The State Line”
"The Arkansas GOP official who said Hillary Clinton would “probably get shot at the state line” if she returned as a presidential candidate has resigned."

Rafael Cruz Preaches Seven Mountains Theology, Tells Activists To 'Stop Electing The Village Idiot' | Right Wing Watch

Rafael Cruz Preaches Seven Mountains Theology, Tells Activists To 'Stop Electing The Village Idiot' | Right Wing Watch

"Rafael Cruz, the father of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and a regular campaign surrogate, delivered his usual stump speech at today’s Road to Majority summit, filled with David Barton-inspired pseudo-history and Christian Nationalism. Echoing Barton, Cruz preached Seven Mountains Dominionism, which as we have noted in the past seeks to give right-wing Christians authority “over the seven forces that shape and control our culture: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion.”
While preaching against the separation of church and state and the supposed “onslaught against Christianity and against righteousness” in American culture, Cruz said the church should have “an influence upon every area of society.”

Watch This Fox Host Push Four Myths About Hobby Lobby In 17 Seconds
"Fox News host Martha MacCallum described the pending Hobby Lobby case -- a challenge to the Affordable Care Act's requirement that all employer-sponsored health insurance cover contraceptives as part of preventive services -- by repeating four right-wing media myths in the span of 17 seconds."

Why Do Right-Wing Christians Think 'Religious Freedom' Means Forcing Their Faith on You?
"While it seems like a leap even for the most delusional conservatives to believe that their religious freedom can only be protected by giving Christians broad power to force their faith on others, a new report from the People For the American Way shows how the narrative is constructed. The report shows that Christian conservative circles have become awash in legends of being persecuted for their faith, stories that invariably turn out to be nonsense but that “serve to bolster a larger story, that of a majority religious group in American society becoming a persecuted minority, driven underground in its own country.” This sense of persecution, in turn, gives them justification to push their actual agenda of religious repression under the guise that they’re just protecting themselves."

Gordon Klingenschmitt, The Demon-Obsessed Anti-Gay Exorcist, Wins GOP Primary In Colorado | Right Wing Watch

Gordon Klingenschmitt, The Demon-Obsessed Anti-Gay Exorcist, Wins GOP Primary In Colorado | Right Wing Watch

"Just let that sink in: a man who thinks that "Obamacare causes cancer," that the Bible commands people to own guns in order to "defend themselves against left wing crazies," and that the FCC is allowing demonic spirits to "molest and visually rape your children" is now a Republican candidate for office"

Rise of a right-wing quack: Faux-historian David Barton’s shocking new influence

Rise of a right-wing quack: Faux-historian David Barton’s shocking new influence

"David Barton -- Glenn Beck's favorite "historian" -- is a discredited fraud. Which makes his new ascent terrifying"

Darrell Issa On DREAMers: Deport Them!

Darrell Issa On DREAMers: Deport Them!

"We agree that the whole GOP rebranding thing is deader than a doornail, right? And because it's dead, Republican lawmakers are scurrying like cockroaches to hate on all people who are present in this country because their parents brought them here."

Conservatives, Conspiracies and a Republican Party that’s Always Crying Wolf
"Ever since President Obama was first elected it’s been a near endless stream of right-wing conspiracies and nonsense.  It’s reached such a point that conservatives, and the Republican party, have essentially become the “boy” who cried wolf. They’ve lied, blatantly misinformed and perpetuated so many ridiculous ideas that it’s impossible for any non-conservative Americans to take anything they say seriously."

How Republicans Made Congress Stupid
"A debilitating brain drain has actually been under way in Congress for the past twenty-five years, and it is Sensenbrenner and his conservative colleagues who have engineered it."

IRS scandal gets the Jon Stewart treatment

Cavuto Gets Into Shouting Match With Bachmann Over Boehner Lawsuit And Threat To Defund Executive Branch

Cavuto Gets Into Shouting Match With Bachmann Over Boehner Lawsuit And Threat To Defund Executive Branch

"So, just how crazy do you have to be to in order be too crazy for Fox's Neil Cavuto? This crazy..."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How the Iraq War Launched the Modern Era of Political BS
"The role of Fox News. In a pioneering study that laid the groundwork for much future work, the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland used a series of post-Iraq War polls (conducted from June through September in 2003) to analyze the the preponderance of false beliefs about the war. The study first defined three clear falsehoods: (1) real evidence linking Iraq and Al Qaeda had been uncovered; (2) WMD had been discovered in Iraq following the US invasion; and (3) global public opinion was in favor of the US invasion. Then, it examined the likelihood of holding such incorrect beliefs based upon a person's political party affiliation and habits of news consumption.
Fox viewers led the way in embracing these false assertions, with 80 percent of them believing at least one of the three. For consumers of both NPR and PBS, in contrast, only 23 percent believed one or more of these pro-war myths."

Fox News Host Rips Michele Bachmann Apart For Being A ‘Silly’ Hypocrite (VIDEO)
"It’s actually hard to contain your laughter when Bachmann says “the American people are absolutely outraged.” Take note, Congresswoman: an extremist fraction of the Republican Party is not “the American People.” And being outraged over something they clearly don’t understand doesn’t constitute a real “outrage."."

Mitch McConnell is ‘Irritated’ Because Everyone in Kentucky Hates His Bridge To Poverty Plan
"McConnell’s political problems don’t end with the fact that he has nothing to offer but the same failed philosophy that killing jobs and reducing wages benefits everyone."

Fox News’ Lauren Ashburn Says It’s Not Fair to Blame Fox News for Misinformation
"it is hardly surprising that a network that prefers lies to facts would shy away from taking responsibility for those lies when, inevitably, they are questioned."

Fox News Contributor Whines ‘It’s Just Not Fair’ to Hold Network Accountable for Conspiracy Theories (Video)
"This is a reality Ms. Ashburn seems unable to grasp. Then again, this is the same woman who found the need to attack President Obama for being a good father just a few months back, so her stupidity shouldn’t come as a surprise."

It’s Time We Investigate Darrell Issa’s Unethical Behavior After He Admits He’s Corrupt (Video)
"So here we have the Committee Chairman Darrell Issa admitting that this isn’t any kind of investigation into the truth. Nope. It’s a partisan witch hunt set out to “prove” the asinine conspiracy theories that he wants to be real."

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Arizona Chamber of Commerce drops plan to honor school chief after he's exposed as online creep
"Last week, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal admitted that he frequently blogs at both liberal and conservative websites. He often writes as "Thucydides," a historian sockpuppet who frequently defends the policies of one John Huppenthal, such as his key role in banning textbooks from Tucson's ethnic studies program."

Arizona GOPer: 'We All Need To Stomp Out' Spanish TV Stations, Newspapers
"More anonymous online posts have been attributed to the Arizona Republican who's spent years as a prolific and provocative commenter on local political blogs."

Southern GOPer Says Only Christians Should be Protected by Constitution
"Loudermilk and Hice, of course, are seeking to succeed Phil Gingrey and Paul Broun, respectively, in the House. So the sanity threshold is set pretty low."

Mississippi, dependent on federal largess, murders their cash cow today
"Mississippi is one of those welfare states—states that receive more in federal money than it sends back to Washington in tax receipts. In fact, Mississippi ranks first in receiving federal largess.
The money comes in the form of farm subsidies, military spending, anti-poverty aid and retirement programs. As one of (if not THE) nation's poorest states, Mississippi is dependent on the feds for an astonishing 45.84 percent of revenues. Without the feds, Mississippi is a third-world country."

Chris McDaniel Closes Out Senate Race By Campaigning With Bryan Fischer And Wayne Allyn Root | Right Wing Watch

Chris McDaniel Closes Out Senate Race By Campaigning With Bryan Fischer And Wayne Allyn Root | Right Wing Watch

"Republican Senate candidate Chris McDaniel spent this weekend rolling around Mississippi on the Tea Party Express bus, along with a motley assortment of fringe right-wing extremists."

David Gregory Allows Rand Paul's Debunked Benghazi Lies To Go Unchallenged

David Gregory Allows Rand Paul's Debunked Benghazi Lies To Go Unchallenged

"From this Sunday's Meet the Press, host David Gregory once again proves himself to be about as useful as a potted plant when Republicans come on his show and tell already debunked lies"

Fifty Years After Freedom Summer, the Voting Rights Act Is Needed More Than Ever | The Nation

Fifty Years After Freedom Summer, the Voting Rights Act Is Needed More Than Ever | The Nation

"New restrictions will be in place for the first time in fifteen states in the 2014 election. All across the country, we’re seeing the most significant push to restrict voting rights since Reconstruction.
Partisanship is a strong motivating factor for the voting changes—GOP legislatures or governors enacted eighteen of the twenty-two new restrictions.
So is race. According to the Brennan Center: “Of the 11 states with the highest African-American turnout in 2008, 7 have new restrictions in place. Of the 12 states with the largest Hispanic population growth between 2000 and 2010, 9 passed laws making it harder to vote.”
These disturbing facts suggest that the strong protections of the VRA are still needed. Nearly two-thirds of the states previously covered under Section 4 of the VRA, nine in fifteen, passed new voting restrictions since 2010.
Take another look at the maps above. You’ll see that the South continues to restrict voting rights more aggressively than anywhere else in the country."

Election Rigging, Dark Money in Cantor's 'Upset' Loss to Koch Stealth Candidate

Election Rigging, Dark Money in Cantor's 'Upset' Loss to Koch Stealth Candidate

"The first alarm is the hidden connection that Professor David Brat's victory had to the Koch Brothers dark money network: hundreds of millions of dollars in "charitable contributions" to inoculate American academic institutions and media with extremist libertarian philosophy, promoting the Ayn Randian culture of greed while boosting radical Tea Party candidates. The net effect has been to undermine the civility of American politics, divide the Republican Party, stalemate Congress and hobble government institutions."

Racist tactic emerges in GOP primary fight

Contentious GOP primary consistently weird

The 7 craziest right-wing conspiracy theories involving America and concentration camps

The 7 craziest right-wing conspiracy theories involving America and concentration camps

"in the past few years, thanks in large part to Fox News host turned conservative media mogul Glenn Beck, specters of concentration camps have started turning up everywhere a conservative looks, from climate change resolutions to census forms to job postings."

Rand Paul Blames Dick Cheney For Iraq Crisis

Rand Paul Blames Dick Cheney For Iraq Crisis

"History tells us that the lying warmongers were wrong on every count and we are still paying a price on those lies."

Conservatives Hate The Idea Of The Commons – They Want Everything To Be In Corporate Hands
"Are we surprised that the Americans for Prosperity, is partially financed by the Koch brothers, is a Bronze Member of ALC?"

Jindal riles up the ‘radical right’

Monday, June 23, 2014

Far right’s “monstruous” lies: Palin, Limbaugh and Medicaid fight in Virginia

Far right’s “monstruous” lies: Palin, Limbaugh and Medicaid fight in Virginia

"The willingness to concoct, promulgate and defend lies like these is amoral enough. That they’re intended to restrict healthcare access to people who really need it is just monstrous. And you get very little sense that conservatives care or even recognize this for the problem that it is."

Grand Old (white) Party: How Republicans just blew a shot to broaden their reach

Grand Old (white) Party: How Republicans just blew a shot to broaden their reach

"And as the nation becomes increasingly brown and the rainbow coalition that twice elected Barack Obama continues to reflect a sea-change of progressive, liberal attitudes, the Grand Old Party remains overwhelmingly white, dominated by men so intent on maintaining power that they refuse to see the coming of the tide."

6 Despicable Right-Wing Outrages This Week—The War on Women Rages On
"George Will stumbles around defending his controversial rape column and pretty much says the same thing all over again."

Bobby Jindahl Promotes 'A Hostile Takeover' Of Washington D.C.

Bobby Jindahl Promotes 'A Hostile Takeover' Of Washington D.C.

"This is truly nutty stuff coming out of Louisiana's governor. Comments like this are usually made by the Posse Comitatus and the Christian Identity movement. Instead of sounding like an elected public official, Gov. Jindal sounded an awful lot like Jerad and Amanda Miller, the husband and wife team responsible for the Las Vegas shooting spree designed to bring on the coming revolution."

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Private Wealth, Public Squalor: America’s Dilemma | Common Dreams

Private Wealth, Public Squalor: America’s Dilemma | Common Dreams

"Profits are at record heights and wages near record lows as a portion of the economy. CEO pay soars to new heights. The wealthiest 1 percent pockets nearly all of the nation’s income growth, while typical household income continues to decline."

Rand Paul Blames Dick Cheney For Iraq Crisis

Rand Paul Blames Dick Cheney For Iraq Crisis

"Adding, “And what’s going on now — I don’t blame on President Obama,” he said."

New problems for Gov. Scott Walker

Former PA Health Employees: We Were Told Not To Talk About Fracking Illnesses

Former PA Health Employees: We Were Told Not To Talk About Fracking Illnesses

"Pennsylvania, land of ethical giants! Nice corrupt little relationship the Corbett administration has with the fracking industry, don't you think?"

Kevin McCarthy’s Rise to Majority Leader Is Great News For The Polluting Koch Brothers
"McCarthy will hardly take any steps to help low-wage workers or create jobs nationally when he adamantly opposes a major job creation project in his home state and congressional district, and there is good reason why. McCarthy is an adamant foe of California’s high speed rail (HSR) project like his cohorts in the House because, as a typical Republican, he is beholden to the oil industry and counts among his top ten campaign contributors Chevron and Occidental Petroleum. California’s oil and gas producers are already drawing up a list of favors the new Majority Leader owes them as recompense and it includes killing jobs for Californians."

Friday, June 20, 2014

Judith Miller Wants The Media To Leave Poor Dick Cheney Alone

Judith Miller Wants The Media To Leave Poor Dick Cheney Alone

"Miller was a willing participant in selling the lies, not just some impartial observer. It would be "helpful" if any of the ones who lied us into invading Iraq were actually held accountable for their actions. It would be "helpful" if Faux "news" were taken off the air and no longer allowed to spread right wing propaganda and the opportunity to attempt to rehabilitate former Cheney stenographers like Judith Miller."

US civil rights legacy tested 50 years after ‘Freedom Summer’

Scott Walker: The Karl Rove, 'Secret Email,' 'Criminal Scheme' Candidate | Common Dreams

Scott Walker: The Karl Rove, 'Secret Email,' 'Criminal Scheme' Candidate | Common Dreams

"Even worse for a governor who has already had to try an explain away highly´controversial emails from former aides, as well as the investigations, prosecutions and convictions of aides, appointees, allies and campaign donors, are the actual details of the documents that were ordered unsealed by Federal Appeals Judge Frank Easterbrook."

Liberal Group: Sheldon Adelson Illegally Gave $1M To Pro-Corbett PAC

Liberal Group: Sheldon Adelson Illegally Gave $1M To Pro-Corbett PAC

"an Adelson contribution of nearly $1 million ended up in Corbett's campaign account, in violation of the state gaming law's prohibition of casino owners giving political contributions in Pennsylvania."

Bradley Foundation Bankrolled Groups Pushing Back on Scott Walker John Doe Criminal Probe

Bradley Foundation Bankrolled Groups Pushing Back on Scott Walker John Doe Criminal Probe

"The Bradley Foundation ties to Walker and others under investigation run deep."

Scott Walker under investigation

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Chris McDaniel's Shady Racist Friends Hosted Heritage Hater Brigitte Gabriel

Chris McDaniel's Shady Racist Friends Hosted Heritage Hater Brigitte Gabriel

"With the Mississippi runoff right around the corner, TeaBircher Chris McDaniel's racist associations are coming sharply into focus."

Scott Walker Is A Crook, Just Like You Always Thought | Common Dreams

Scott Walker Is A Crook, Just Like You Always Thought | Common Dreams

"With prosecutors reportedly likewise closing in on Chris Christie, it could be tough for the GOP to find any unindicted presidential candidates."

Governor Scott Walker Accused Of ‘Criminal Scheme’
"Prosecutors allege Walker was part of a “criminal scheme” to circumvent state election laws."

Sources: Prosecutor Closing In On Chris Christie

Sources: Prosecutor Closing In On Chris Christie

"There's so much dirt there, and investigators have been patiently sifting. Looks like they have enough to start bringing indictments"

16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform
"Immigrants, gay people, children, minority voters, the environment, elderly Americans and, of course, President Obama, are the big losers in the Texas Republican Party’s 2014 platform. Meanwhile, rich taxpayers, conspiracy theorists and Wall Street make out like gangbusters."

Judge Strikes Down NC GOP's Effort To Silence Moral Monday Protesters

Judge Strikes Down NC GOP's Effort To Silence Moral Monday Protesters

"North Carolina Republicans must be shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that the First Amendment doesn't just apply to them!"

Prosecutors Allege Gov. Scott Walker At Heart Of 'Criminal Scheme'

Prosecutors Allege Gov. Scott Walker At Heart Of 'Criminal Scheme'

"Scott Walker is now implicated in an illegally coordinated fundraising effort or as prosecutors call it, a "criminal scheme"."

How Politicians Are Using Taxpayer Money To Fund Their Campaign To Sell Off America’s Public Lands
"In addition to using taxpayer funds to advance unconstitutional bills to seize federal lands, the ALC also relies on financial support from the mining industry and fossil fuel interest groups. Americans for Prosperity, for example — another group financed by the Koch brothers — is listed as a “Bronze Member” of ALC."

GOP Candidate Refers To Whites As ‘Traditional’ Voters, Wants to ‘Divide and Conquer’ the Poor
"The cornerstone of the continued Republican success across the South over the last few decades has been the “Southern Strategy,” and his remarks show all the hallmarks of someone who uses that strategy to gin up the base every election. The problem for Thom Tillis and the rest of the GOP is that this blueprint cannot work forever with the shrinking of his “traditional population.” You see, while using the racial dogwhistles and xenophobia has worked for all this time to convince poor and working class whites that minorities were their enemy, it doesn’t work so well on the younger and more diverse voting population that is moving into North Carolina and other states across the South like Texas, Virginia, or Georgia."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dick Cheney Should be Rotting in The Hague, Not Writing Editorials

Dick Cheney Should be Rotting in The Hague, Not Writing Editorials

"He lied his way into an illegal war, profited off that war, and shredded the Constitution."

The Gall Of Dick Cheney

The Gall Of Dick Cheney

"Dick Cheney was the virtual co-president with George Bush from 2000-2008, and between the two of them, they made up the worst president in all of our lifetimes. He lied us into attacking a country that didn't attack us, which has now destabilized the entire Middle East and fueled new terrorist groups around the world. The idea that he can shovel crap around without batting an eye or taking any kind of responsibility is astounding."

Glenn Beck admits liberals were right about invading Iraq

Glenn Beck admits liberals were right about invading Iraq

"Speaking on his radio show on Tuesday, conservative commentator Glenn Beck delivered a rare admission, saying that the latest disorder in Iraq is yet more proof that liberals who opposed the invasion in 2003 were right all along."

The shocking numbers: Americans are dangerously ignorant on politics

The shocking numbers: Americans are dangerously ignorant on politics

"There are a great number of reasons for the decline in American political literacy. One that cannot be overlooked is the absence of national standards, which is why American children know so much less about their history than European children know about the history of their native lands. Another is the collapse of journalistic standards."

Robert Scheer: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush’s Horrifying Legacy - Robert Scheer - Truthdig

Robert Scheer: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush’s Horrifying Legacy - Robert Scheer - Truthdig

"The Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush’s enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush’s quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies."

Extremist neocon dunces: They weren’t just wrong — they have no following anymore!

Extremist neocon dunces: They weren’t just wrong — they have no following anymore!

"Armchair war heroes Bill Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz are back, all over the television"

Iraq Vet Blasts Romney and Iraq Revisionists With Damning Letter
"Mitt Romney is the same guy who proudly took part in “pro-Vietnam” draft rallies. Of course Mittens didn’t join up himself on the account of trying to convince French people that drinking wine is bad. Lecturing poor people on the merits of war is what guys like him do best. However, one Iraq vet happened to take great exception to Romney’s above-mentioned comment."

Glenn Beck Admits Liberals Were Right About Iraq War

Glenn Beck Admits Liberals Were Right About Iraq War

"this is something I thought I'd never hear come out of his mouth. He actually admitted that liberals were right about about the Iraq war."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Americans poorly served by media on Iraq, Benghazi

Candidate haunted by past statements on race

Benghazi Suspect Says Yes, It Was The Video

Benghazi Suspect Says Yes, It Was The Video

"Remember when the New York Times did that exhaustive breakdown of the Benghazi tragedy a few months back and also said it was the video? Right awaySenators McCain and Graham led the charge against it, claiming it was just hack journalism. Yet here we are with the confirmation right out of the mouth of the suspect."

A major capture in the Benghazi case

This is what an Obamacare victory looks like

Ugly, Paranoid, Divisive Politics: The GOP Are All Know-Nothings Now
"The objects of demonization have changed, but today’s anti-immigration rhetoric, and its embedding in the broader rhetoric of “taking our country back,” along with various means of voter suppression to limit the influence of cultural others is virtually identical to what the Know-Nothings were up to, but bears no resemblance at all to the Republicans of that same time."

Heritage Foundation Benghazi Panel Goes Full On Xenophobic Against Female Muslim Student

Heritage Foundation Benghazi Panel Goes Full On Xenophobic Against Female Muslim Student

"The actions of panel members at the Heritage Foundation makes certain things very clear. "

The ALEC Angle in Scott Walker's "Toxic Strain of Racial Politics"

The ALEC Angle in Scott Walker's "Toxic Strain of Racial Politics"

"But Walker has long backed policies that have a disproportionate impact on people of color, particularly the harsh sentencing laws he pushed as a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) that have contributed to Wisconsin's worst-in-the-country record of racial disparities in incarceration."

Wingnuts’ sheltered fantasy: This is the far right’s scary myopic vision

Wingnuts’ sheltered fantasy: This is the far right’s scary myopic vision

"The bubble around the conservative movement is no accident. It has been spawned from the desire of those on the far right to isolate themselves in every conceivable way from any group that is at all different. Ultimately, this isolation is both self-reinforcing and politically toxic, and as Beutler pointed out, it creates a cultural petri dish from which twisted conspiracy theories can emerge."

GOP White Power Candidate: Blacks And Latinos Replacing ‘Traditional Population’
"Can liberals please stop being so P.C. and admit that the GOP is a racist party? Certainly not everyone who is a Republican is racist, but it’s a safe bet to say that almost any racist is a Republican. We see this from members of the Tea Party who hold up repulsive and disgusting signs that say “Go back to Africa” at their rallies, to Alaskan Rep. Don Young calling Hispanics “wetbacks,” to Republican congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado saying that working with President Obama on the debt ceiling was like “touching a tar baby"."

Republicans Really Needs to Stop Pretending That The Tea Party Isn’t Filled with Racists
"So, let’s see. The tea party just happened to get going right around the time our country elected its first African-American president, they’re extremely anti-Muslim (and anti anybody who isn’t Christian), anti-immigration, and the strongest conservative areas of this country are often the same areas of our country that opposed civil rights and desegregation.
But these people are trying to tell me that the party isn’t largely being driven by racism and bigotry?
If the Republicans who aren’t racist actually had any courage inside of them, they’d take a stand against the obvious racism that’s continuing to take over their party. Because that’s what the tea part is mostly driven by – ignorance, racism and bigotry."

Stone Gays To Death Or Risk God's Wrath, Says GOP Candidate

Tea Party Congressman Charged With Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud, Perjury, And More!

Tea Party Congressman Charged With Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud, Perjury, And More!

"GOPer and congresscritter Michael Grimm is looking at spending the rest of his life behind bars, if convicted of all the charges for various forms of fraud he’s been indicted for."

Koch-Funded Group Won’t Back Kansas Republicans Who Supported Clean Energy
"A Republican state legislator in Kansas is being targeted by a new Koch-funded effort to oust those who want to support Kansas’ wind industry."

Robert Reich: 3 biggest right-wing lies about poverty

Robert Reich: 3 biggest right-wing lies about poverty

"Rather than confront poverty by extending jobless benefits to the long-term unemployed, endorsing a higher minimum wage, or supporting jobs programs, conservative Republicans are taking a different tack.

They’re peddling three big lies about poverty."

Monday, June 16, 2014

PERRspectives: 10 Lessons from Bush's Fiasco in Iraq

PERRspectives: 10 Lessons from Bush's Fiasco in Iraq

"But foaming-at-the-mouth Republicans and their furious right-wing allies aren't just wrong. They are desperately trying to evade paternity for a world-historical calamity they birthed and still support."

New Study Finds 14 of The 15 Biggest ‘Moocher States’ Are Republican Controlled
"The majority of Americans, especially those living in Democratic-controlled states, are more than happy to help their brethren living in pathetic Republican-controlled states because they comprehend that this is supposed to be a United States. However, they would overwhelmingly prefer their tax dollars went to education, infrastructure repair, and providing Veterans with the highest quality healthcare. Unfortunately, that cannot happen when their tax dollars are supporting tax cuts for the rich and corporations in Republican states mooching off the federal government"

Study: The Top 10 Most Corrupt States

Study: The Top 10 Most Corrupt States

"The corrupt states are based on the number of convictions of public officials for violations of federal corruption laws between 1976 and 2008."

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Votes Against VA Bill, Voted For Both Wars
"Bob Corker, Ron Johnson and Jeff Sessions were the only senators that voted against a bipartisan veterans’ benefits bill earlier this week. Yes, out of all the senators voting, these three were the only ones who had a problem with the bill which was introduced by Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), and John McCain (R-Arizona)."

Office Of Congressional Ethics Cites Steve Stockman’s Dishonesty

Office Of Congressional Ethics Cites Steve Stockman’s Dishonesty

"Stockman’s campaign style has been an insult to democracy. Confronted with his criminal record, Stockman tried to make it go away with hilarious lawsuit threats against anyone who published his mugshot. Stockman’s disgusting campaign office was the perfect metaphor for his career as the sloppiest, laziest member of Congress, and now it seems he won’t even be leaving Congress cleanly, either."

TX Republican stands by racist remarks

Friday, June 13, 2014

What Happens When the Tea Party Goes to Washington

What Happens When the Tea Party Goes to Washington

"So, not only did Brat say he doesn't believe in the minimum wage, he also implied that he's in favor of continuing the Reaganomics policies that have destroyed our country, and destroyed the middle-class.

Believe it or not, there was a time in America when the middle-class was booming, and when libertarian economics was just a pipe dream."

The 5 Craziest Planks in Draft Texas GOP Platform
"No science in schools, guns everywhere, church and state united! Egads!"

The right’s despicable class war: Why they paint the poor as anti-American

The right’s despicable class war: Why they paint the poor as anti-American

"For wingnuts like David Brat, bashing poor people as unethical is just one more arrow in their bullying quiver"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thanks To Obamacare, Minnesota’s Uninsurance Rate Has Dropped 40 Percent
"The number of uninsured people in Minnesota has plunged to the lowest level in state history, following Obamacare’s six month open enrollment period that allowed people to sign up for new health plans, according to a new analysis from University of Minnesota researchers."

The Wilks Brothers: Fracking Sugar Daddies For The Far Right | Right Wing Watch

The Wilks Brothers: Fracking Sugar Daddies For The Far Right | Right Wing Watch

"These gifts amount to a massive infusion of funds into some of the most aggressive right-wing organizations that are fighting legal equality for LGBT people, access to contraception and abortion services for women, and promoting the Tea Party’s vision of a federal government that is constitutionally forbidden from protecting American workers, consumers, and communities by regulating corporate behavior."

David Brat Represents A 'Taliban-Like Insurgency'

David Brat Represents A 'Taliban-Like Insurgency'

"In fact, you could argue that he pretty much owes his job to people like the Koch brothers and their cronies. John Allison, the former CEO of BB&T bank and the current head of the Koch-founded Cato Institute, gave Brat's college a $500,000 fellowship back in 2010 so he could teach Ayn Rand and libertarianism at Randolph Macon University. Like hundreds of other college professors across the country these days, David Brat is really just a bought-and-paid-for shill of Charles and David Koch and their buddies.
The Kochs and their network have been funding academic institutions for years, most notably George Mason University's Mercatus Center, because they knew they had to bring up young academics in their libertarian money tradition in order to fully realize their political ambitions.
Brat's campaign manager, 23-year old Zachary Werrell, cut his political teeth at Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty, which is closely affiliated with Americans for Prosperity and the Kochtopus. His treasurer is Steven D'Ambrosia, an executive with Altria Corporation."

Why Does the Right Embrace Ignorance as a Virtue?
"Spouting off about stuff you know nothing about is traditionally considered unwise. But as the Republican war on science intensifies, ignorance has started to become not only less of a handicap, but a point of pride. In the face of expertise and facts, being belligerently ignorant—and offended that anyone dare suggest ignorance is less desirable than knowledge—has become the go-to position for many conservative politicians and pundits."

The Ayn-Rand Loving Billionaires and Vast Right-Wing Machine Behind David Brat
"So, Dave Brat is far more than just a college professor who beat Eric Cantor in a fluke of a primary.
He is a complete shill for Ayn Rand-loving libertarians and the Koch Brothers.
And he is apparently a graduate of the Kochtopus’ “Teach Ayn Rand in College, Do Well, and We’ll Send You to Washington” program."

Oklahoma GOPer: “We would be totally in the right” if the state started executing gay people

Oklahoma GOPer: “We would be totally in the right” if the state started executing gay people

"Scott Esk is a conservative Republican running for a seat in the Oklahoma state Legislature, and he says he wants to apply Biblical principles to Oklahoma law. He also thinks that gay people should be put to death by stoning. And he isn’t doing much to hide the fact that he believes gay people deserve to be murdered, either."

WATCH: Oklahoma Tea Party Hopeful Supports Stoning Gays To Death

WATCH: Oklahoma Tea Party Hopeful Supports Stoning Gays To Death

"Voters in Oklahoma’s State House District 91 currently have a candidate put before them that is either in the wrong century or on the wrong continent."

New Ayn Rand Nutjob Goes to Washington? The Scary Economic Thinking of Dave Brat
"America’s big banks and corporate giants are always ready to fund college professors who are willing to embrace discredited economic theories that support their power."

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Michigan Republican Insists Dark Money is “The American Way”

"The country is lost I’m afraid. Not because of Obamacare, not because of gay marriage, but because you have politicians coming out with statements like “facts don’t matter any more” or “bribery is American as Apple pie” without any retribution. It’s just so sad. The Republicans really have lost their minds. Terri Land has made it clear she doesn’t care to win from the public that elects her, just the dark money that funds her pathetic campaign.
I’m so glad the GOP feels that bribery is the American way. Why do the rest of us get thrown in jail for it then?"

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ingraham Warns GOP That Passing Immigration Reform Will Cost Them 2016 Presidential Race

Ingraham Warns GOP That Passing Immigration Reform Will Cost Them 2016 Presidential Race

"Ingraham has been demagoguing the issue of immigration reform since she's been on the air, and she's been going after Cantor for it on the radio day in and day out."

Father Of Amanda Miller Lashes Out At Jerad As Portrait Of Las Vegas Killers Emerges

Father Of Amanda Miller Lashes Out At Jerad As Portrait Of Las Vegas Killers Emerges

"How many more troubled people will be drawn into the Patriot movement's zealous hatred of the government? How many more people will die because of Republican talkers incessant need to ratchet up their hyperbolic attacks on our airwaves that helps fuel these twisted minds into acts of violence?"

Breaking: Disgraced ‘Kissing Congressman’ ADMITS Taking Cash For Votes!

Breaking: Disgraced ‘Kissing Congressman’ ADMITS Taking Cash For Votes!

"McAllister, who ran on “Christian values,” admitted on  Thursday to another thing Jesus might not like: allowing his votes to be bought. While explaining how “money controls Washington” and work on Capitol Hill is  “steady cycle of voting for fundraising and money instead of voting for what is right,” McAllister admitted that he has voted against legislation with a payoff in mind."

How Fox News Covers Right-Wing Cop Killers
"The chilling details of Sunday's Las Vegas ambush produced public shock and intense media coverage. One major news outlet seemed to lag behind, though: Fox News."

How the Right-wing Echo Chamber Helped Spawn the Las Vegas White Supremacist Shooters
"The Right-wing echo chamber helped to spawn the mass shooters named "Jared" and "Amanda".
Birtherism, an embrace of the neo-confederacy, a worshipful attitude towards the Confederate flag (i.e. "the American Swastika") and the CSA, along with an open embrace of anti-black affect and white racial resentment in a concerted effort to delegitimate the United States' first black president, are the "polite" face of American white supremacy in the first decades of the 21st century.
The Republican Party is a white identity organization.
Complementing this claim, social scientists have highlighted how the Tea Party, a herrenvolk organization motivated by white racism under the guise of "taking our country back"--which begs the question "from who?"--creates a sense of white racialized self-interest among its members. Moreover, Tea Party organizations are a way for "old school" white supremacists to recruit new members from the angry white men (and women) who constitute the more extreme elements in the Republican Party."

Alex Jones Once Again Proves That He’s a Disgusting Human Being
"Though there is a bit of irony concerning his comments considering the two shooters were found to have been anti-government radicals who followed Alex Jones and other radical conservative websites, and were some of the individuals who showed up in support of welfare rancher Cliven Bundy. But let’s be real, Alex Jones has become a millionaire preying on the most ignorant among us. And the worst part is, time and time again nothing he says ever comes true – yet his herds of sheep who follow him never seem to question his sanity. Jones is nothing more than a disgusting parasite who represents the worst parts of the human race. Anyone who believes the nonsense he spews out should be absolutely ashamed of themselves."

Alex Jones loses it: Harry Reid staged ‘false flag’ Vegas shooting with MK-ULTRA mind control
"On his Monday radio show, Jones immediately called the shooting a “false flag” operation by the U.S. government."

Extremist killers leave political breadcrumbs

Monday, June 9, 2014

Vegas Cop Killers Awash in White Supremacy, Rightwing Conspiracy | Common Dreams

Vegas Cop Killers Awash in White Supremacy, Rightwing Conspiracy | Common Dreams

"The perpetrators in Las Vegas who shot and killed three people on Sunday—including two police officers gunned down while eating lunch in a pizzeria—were reportedly members of the white supremacy movement who espoused rabid anti-government and racist views."

5 Doomed, Hilarious Efforts by the Religious Right to Disprove Science
"What happens when you’re part of a religious and political movement whose ideology is contradicted by well-established science? You’ve gotta get creative. Here are the five most ridiculous explanations religious conservatives have conjured up to outflank science, from gay armies to magic birds to the existence of the Loch Ness Monster."

Louisiana GOP Governor Bobby Jindal Signs Bill Banning Lawsuits Against Oil And Gas Industry
"It’s official. Republicans love oil and gas companies so much that they’re willing to ban people from filing lawsuits filed against them."

6 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: I’m Not A Scientist But I’m Going to Wage War On Science Anyway
"The “I’m not a scientist, but” statement of faux humility was the most popular refrain this week in Republican circles, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and press conferences."