Friday, February 28, 2014

The GOP blocks bill to help veterans

Alison Lundergan Grimes Shames Mitch McConnell Over His Vote Against Veterans
"Since there are nearly 340,000 veterans in Kentucky, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Alison Lundergan Grimes called out her opponent, Republican Mitch McConnell, for his vote to kill the veterans benefits bill with a cowardly procedural vote."

Safety Net Saved His Drunken Ass, But Rep. Josh Miller Opposes Medicaid For Everyone Else

Safety Net Saved His Drunken Ass, But Rep. Josh Miller Opposes Medicaid For Everyone Else

"If he's so into being a Republican, why didn't he refuse the government healthcare -- since he had no insurance of his own. If the government hadn't come to his rescue, I imagine he wouldn't have any kind of a life right now, but I guess he always knew how very exceptional he was."

A scam all along: Turns out GOP’s “tax the rich” plan is full of it

A scam all along: Turns out GOP’s “tax the rich” plan is full of it

"Republicans still are obsessed with taxing the poor to feed the rich -- they're just getting better at hiding it"

From "Subhuman Mongrel" To "Jim Crow" Laws: Conservatives Can't Stop Fighting Lost Cultural Battles
"No matter how many times the right-wing launches campaigns to portray Obama as an un-American traitorous foe, and no matter how many times they push to depict gays and lesbians as unworthy of American freedoms and protections, those culture wars and going to lose every time. Voters have broadcast that message for years now.
Yet somewhere right now right-wing activists, inspired by their far-right pundits, are busily plotting their next (and doomed) cultural war offensive."

New Climate Change Warning: So Simple A Teabagger Can Understand It (No Promises)

New Climate Change Warning: So Simple A Teabagger Can Understand It (No Promises)

"Scientific papers tend to be written for other scientists and therefore are very difficult for non-scientists to understand.  Thankfully, a more comprehensive paper has been released jointly by the US National Academy of Sciences and the U.K. Royal Society."

Senate Republicans Betray U.S. Vets By Blocking Veterans Benefits Bill
"The only message that can be taken away from today’s vote is that Senate Republicans think it is more important to deny President Obama a “win” than it is to help our nation’s veterans. The bill contained provisions that would restore the COLA for vets, and protect them from losing their benefits in the event of another government shutdown. It also would have authorized the construction of 27 new clinics and medical facilities, and it would have provided tuition assistance to post-9/11 vets.
It is the kind of legislation that used to be a no brainer, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the same group of Republicans who think that they shouldn’t have to pay the nation’s bills also want to renege on their obligations to our veterans.
Senate Republicans committed a disgraceful betrayal of the promise that has been made to those who put their lives on the line for this country. I hope this is a wake up call for vets who think that the Republican Party has their interests at heart."

The dying right: Why Christian fundamentalists are in panic mode

The dying right: Why Christian fundamentalists are in panic mode

"The Christian Right’s dirty little secret is they are acutely aware that changing demographics are running against them."

The Deficit Fell Faster Last Year Than Any Since The End Of World War II
"The federal budget deficit fell faster last year than in any year since the end of World War II, according to a Treasury Department report on Thursday. It declined from $1.1 trillion in 2012 to $680 billion in 2013.
That represents the smallest deficit since 2008 in nominal terms. It’s now 4.1 percent of GDP, dropping from a high of more than 10 percent during the depths of the recession. It’s less than half of what it was in 2009, when the recession ended."

Mitch McConnell is Building a Republican Army to Kill the Minimum Wage
"We all know that Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is against raising the minimum wage. He voted against it 16 times.
But McConnell is supporting U.S. Senate candidate and North Carolina state House Speaker Thom Tillis. Tillis is not only against raising the minimum wage, but he thinks the entire minimum wage idea should be eliminated."

The right’s Ayn Rand hypocrisy: Why their “religious” posture is a total sham

The right’s Ayn Rand hypocrisy: Why their “religious” posture is a total sham

"Speaking of Rand in 2005, Paul Ryan noted “I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are … It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.” Ryan went on to claim that Rand was the very reason he went into politics in the first place, and that it’s important for the future of America to return to Rand’s vision. Though he’s since repudiated – to some confusing degree – his former commitment to Rand, Ryan’s policies have undergone no significant changes between the before and after."

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Maine's Paul LePage Might Just Be the Worst Governor of All | The Nation

Maine's Paul LePage Might Just Be the Worst Governor of All | The Nation

"The first-term governor packed his administration with lobbyists and used his office to promote their environmental-deregulation agenda, and allegedly went so far as to fire a state employee who testified in favor of policies the administration opposed.

Gov. LePage also attempted to gut his state’s open records act, and is under investigation by the federal government for trying to bully employees of the state Department of Labor into deciding more cases in favor of business."

Right wing video circulating depicting Obama being assassinated in a Theater like Abraham Lincoln
"Alex Jones’ site Infowars condones the implications in the cartoon and cannot seem to fathom why the creator of Conrad the Constitution, Tim Fox, has been paid a visit by the Secret Service concerning his work, which is titled, Obama Assassination."

Republicans Busted for Trying to Use Fake IRS Scandal To Protect the Koch Brothers
"Why are Republicans trying to force the IRS to look the other way? Because Republicans can’t win elections without dark money spreading lies about Democrats. Republicans can’t afford to run on issues. They have to run on smears, since their policies are determined by the Koch Brothers et al, and thus benefit the top 1% instead of the people.
The Republican intention was to manipulate the IRS with a fake story that got a lot of press and thus would be the narrative that stuck in the public’s mind. The press has moved on and barely managed, if at all, to clarify that there was no scandal other than the fact that Republicans lied and schemed to manufacture this fake scandal for the cameras. The Republicans were pulling a classic Karl Rove — attack and put the IRS on the defense, along with the Obama administration as a whole. This way no one would feel free to actually investigate Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers, etc, because it would look bad.
But it backfired."

Facing Overwhelming Opposition, Arizona Governor Vetoes Anti-Gay Bill
"After a week of national backlash, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) has vetoed SB 1062, which would have allowed religious beliefs to be used to justify discrimination against LGBT people and others. Explaining her veto, Brewer said, “I call them like I see them despite the cheers or boos from the crowd.” She added that the bill does not address a specific concern and that she knows of no examples of how religious liberty has been under attack."

Georgia Lawmaker Exploits Loophole In His Own Lobbying Law To Fundraise For ALEC
"Last year, Georgia Speaker of the House David Ralston (R) wrote an ethics reform law he claimed would completely ban lobbyist gifts to state legislators. But a 2013 fundraising letter he authored took advantage of a loophole by asking for businesses and lobbyists to contribute to a “scholarship fund” to pay expenses for legislators to attend the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) pro-corporate conferences."

WATCH: Fox News Analyst Blames Civil War And Jim Crow On Abraham Lincoln
"Judge Andrew Napolitano claimed if it weren’t for Abraham Lincoln, slavery would have died and Jim Crow would never have happened."

PERRspectives: Camp's House GOP Tax Plan Hits Blue Staters Hard

PERRspectives: Camp's House GOP Tax Plan Hits Blue Staters Hard

"If Camp's plan became law, the dynamic of "red state socialism" by which federal tax dollars generally flow from wealthier Democratic states to less well-off Republican ones would only become more pronounced. Red state spending on education, unemployment insurance and (more than ever) health care has been and will continue to be underwritten by blue state taxpayers."

‘Obama Assassination’ Cartoon Prompts Visits From The Secret Service (Video)

‘Obama Assassination’ Cartoon Prompts Visits From The Secret Service (Video)

"The rest of us see threatening the President as a felony under U.S Code Title 18, Section 871." Remember, Republicans built this.

I lost my dad to Fox News: How a generation was captured by thrashing hysteria

I lost my dad to Fox News: How a generation was captured by thrashing hysteria

"I do not blame or condemn my father for his opinions. If you consumed a daily diet of right-wing fury, erroneously labeled “news,” you could very likely end up in the same place. Again, this is all by design. Let’s call it the Fox News effect. Take sweet, kindly senior citizens and feed them a steady stream of demagoguery and repetition, all wrapped in the laughable slogan of “fair and balanced.” Even watching the commercials on Fox, one is treated to sales pitches for gold and emergency food rations, the product cornerstones of the paranoid. To some people the idea of retirees yelling at the television all day may seem funny, but this isn’t a joke. We’re losing the nation’s grandparents, and it’s an American tragedy."

Stealing Election 2014: Ohio GOP Kills Sunday and Weekday Early Voting! (Video)

Stealing Election 2014: Ohio GOP Kills Sunday and Weekday Early Voting! (Video)

"According to a report from the Associated Press, thanks to Secretary of State John Husted, Ohio voters will no longer have the option of early voting on Sundays or weekday nights." The only way republicans have a shot is to prevent as many people as possible from voting.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fox News Has A Nasty Anti-Gay Hangover
"Now, many of the network's personalities are waking up to the harsh reality that their words have consequences. They're in the uncomfortable position of to decide between disowning the right-wing talking points they helped promote or siding with measures that even they admit look a lot like pro-segregation laws.
It can't be a very pleasant feeling. But it's exactly what happens when a network's commitment to appealing to anti-gay anxieties overrides its interest in honest and fair reporting."

Where did all the anti-gay bills come from?

How right-wing media helped push anti-gay bills

Tucker Carlson Is A Worthless Person: It's 'Fascism' To Treat Gays Equally

Tucker Carlson Is A Worthless Person: It's 'Fascism' To Treat Gays Equally

"As usual, Fox News was there to bail him out and give him a weekend job and the only way he can keep it is if he makes ludicrous arguments that are patterned around Louis Gohmert."

Arkansas GOP Pushes To End Medicaid Expansion, Kick 100K Off Coverage

Arkansas GOP Pushes To End Medicaid Expansion, Kick 100K Off Coverage

"Despite voting to expand Medicaid last year under a modified proposal referred to as the 'private option,' Arkansas lawmakers are having a tough time renewing it, preferring to see over 100,000 poor people closed out of access to health care. Worse yet, the actual expansion has only been in effect for two months."

How John Birch Society Paranoia Killed An Alabama County's Growth Plan

How John Birch Society Paranoia Killed An Alabama County's Growth Plan

"Claiming fears of black helicopters and Agenda 21, the John Birch Society, Americans for Prosperity and other radical groups killed a reasonable growth plan."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Texas Tea Party candidate Chris Mapp won’t apologize for anti-immigrant racial slur

Texas Tea Party candidate Chris Mapp won’t apologize for anti-immigrant racial slur

"Republican Senate hopeful Chris Mapp says that in Texas, using this slur is as "normal as breathing air"."

Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us

WATCH: Tea Party Candidate For Senate Caught Posting Grisly X-Rays With Callous Comments Online
"If you thought that, after Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert and Rand Paul, tea party politicians just could not get any worse, wait until you meet Dr. Milton Wolf. Wolf, who is a candidate for the US Senate, is currently employed as a radiologist, in Johnson County, KS. Earlier this week the Topeka Capital-Journal exposed the doctor’s disturbing habit of taking pictures of patient x-rays and posting them online."

“The Daily Show” destroys Fox News libertarian Andrew Napolitano for blaming the Civil War on Abraham Lincoln

“The Daily Show” destroys Fox News libertarian Andrew Napolitano for blaming the Civil War on Abraham Lincoln

""The Daily Show's" "senior black correspondent" eviscerates a clueless defense of the Confederacy"

CT Gov. Malloy Takes Michael Steele to School Over Minimum Wage

CT Gov. Malloy Takes Michael Steele to School Over Minimum Wage

"He shut down Steele's talking points on the CBO report. He whacked the Republicans for having absolutely no alternatives to offer to raising the minimum wage and just saying no at every turn. And he made a compelling case for the fact that standing up for making a living wage is standing up for the working class, and you either care about lifting people out of poverty, or you don't. It's as simple as that."

Utah lawmaker targets women with new divorce barriers so men aren’t ‘surprised’
"Utah state Rep. Jim Nielson (R) says that he is sponsoring a bill to force divorcing couples to take classes because he says that men are often “surprised” when women want to end the marriage."

Rand Paul Hits Rock Bottom By Accusing Bill Clinton Of Sexual Violence Towards Women
"Why does he have to make up so much stuff? The reason is because Rand Paul is a pathological liar. Once he tells something dishonest, he has to keep building on it and adding to it. The lie has to keep getting bigger and bigger. That is all he knows. He can’t help himself."

The Radical Right Can Sit Down And Shut Up, Equality Is Here To Stay
"You are not a special privileged class above everyone else because you are a heterosexual Christian, you are the same as everyone else – and it’s time for you to get over yourselves. So, like the disgruntled old man at the game Friday night, you have a couple of choices. You can sit down, shut up and go about living your life with all of the rights that other people are just now getting to enjoy. Or you can move to a place where the laws are actually based on religion, the LGBT community is pushed so far into the closet they might as well be in Narnia, and Christianity is actually persecuted. It’s called Saudi Arabia, and I’ll be glad to help you pack."

Apple Warns Arizona Governor Anti-Gay Bill Will Hurt Highly Anticipated Sapphire Glass Factory
"Apple called up Arizona’s governor, Jan Brewer (R) Tuesday to urge her to veto the state’s anti-gay bill.
The state’s controversial SB 1062 bill allows individuals to discriminate against LGBT people and potentially other groups based on a religious objection."

Arizona bill’s other outrage: Why anti-gay bigotry is just the beginning
"Legalizing discrimination is horrible enough. But a sneaky pro-corporate provision in the bill will also shock you"

How Fox News Helped Promote State Anti-Gay Segregation Bills
"Fox News has spent the last several months championing anti-gay business owners who refuse to serve gay customers - depicting efforts to prevent discrimination as threats to religious liberty. Now, with several states debating bills that would legalize homophobic discrimination in business and employment, Fox News is now defending the extreme, anti-gay segregation policies it helped to create."

Arizona Super Bowl Committee Urges Veto Of State’s ‘License To Discriminate’ Law
"As Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) considers whether to sign a law that would give businesses a “license to discriminate” against LGBT people, the state’s Super Bowl host committee is urging her to stamp a veto on the bill."

Ten Of The Most Ludicrous Fox News Guests
"People that just missed the cut include a self-proclaimed prophet who warned that the Antichrist "will employ precisely the same methods" as President Obama and the author of the birther tomes Where's The Birth Certificate? and Where's The Real Birth Certificate? "

GOP’s secret idiot? If George P. Bush is its future, the party’s in trouble

GOP’s secret idiot? If George P. Bush is its future, the party’s in trouble

"Not many Texas voters really understand what the land commissioner does, making it the perfect office for someone with a lot of money and/or name recognition but no prior experience. Unfortunately, it is actually a pretty powerful state office, responsible for millions of acres of land, including mineral rights leasing, making it perhaps not the best office for a political neophyte with no prior government experience."

5 hypocritical credos GOP uses to justify inequality

5 hypocritical credos GOP uses to justify inequality

"John Boehner and Paul Ryan's idea of trickle-down economics subsidizes the rich and ignores unemployment"

White America’s “waiver mania”: The right’s plot to minimize its culture war defeat

White America’s “waiver mania”: The right’s plot to minimize its culture war defeat

"Rather than deny America's cultural shifts, conservatives have a new strategy: exemption from laws that offend them"

Virginia Senator: Women Are Childbearers Who 'Some Call Mothers'

Virginia Senator: Women Are Childbearers Who 'Some Call Mothers'

"Virginia State Senator Steve Martin was upset over a Valentine from pro-choice groups, and lost his composure long enough to express his true feelings toward women."

Monday, February 24, 2014

Republicans Deny Science, History, Math and Reality – Then Want Us to Take Them Seriously?
"Republicans seem to have created this world where “truth” lies not in what’s actually real but in what they want to be real, and it’s a sad sight to behold."

Michele Bachmann’s political analysis is moronic — and the Republican Party knows it

Michele Bachmann’s political analysis is moronic — and the Republican Party knows it

"No, white guilt didn't elect Obama -- it was the non-white vote. That's why the GOP's trying to quash it"

Conservative Lawmakers And Arizona Businesses Urge Governor To Veto Anti-Gay Bill
"According to Kirstin Jarnagin, vice president of the Arizona Lodging and Tourism Assocation, people are already cancelling trips to Arizona because of the negative perception the bill has brought to the state."

Georgia Wants to Allow Businesses to Kick Gay People Out of Diners
"A bill moving swiftly through the Georgia House of Representatives would allow business owners who believe homosexuality is a sin to openly discriminate against gay Americans by denying them employment or banning them from restaurants and hotels."

Pressure Mounts for AZ Gov. Jan Brewer to Veto New 'Sharia Law' Against Gays

Pressure Mounts for AZ Gov. Jan Brewer to Veto New 'Sharia Law' Against Gays

"For all their fear-mongering of Sharia Law being brought to these shores, they're the ones embracing the same concepts in the name of hatred and bigotry. It's been the religious right that has lead the charge against all forms of laws protecting gays from discrimination and acts of violence and now they want to put into place theocratic laws to further harm the gay community. Fortunately, not all Arizonians feel the same way as the Center for Arizona Policy and Alliance Defending Freedom do."

The Politics of Hate: The Cornerstone of the Republican Party
"Anyone who denies that the tea party is built on a foundation of racism is either lying to you or lying to themselves. As the saying goes, “Not all tea partiers are racist, but almost all racists are members of the tea party.” But conservative hate goes well beyond simple racism. They hate Muslims, women, homosexuals, immigrants, people on welfare, the poor in general – pretty much anyone who isn’t a straight, white Christian male."

Walker’s weak attempt to avoid controversy

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fox Pundit Asks if America Should Eliminate Minimum Wage Because Switzerland Doesn't Have One

Fox Pundit Asks if America Should Eliminate Minimum Wage Because Switzerland Doesn't Have One

"The pundits on Faux "news" continue to cheer for a race to the bottom on wages in the United States."

6 Signs of Psychosis From GOP Fringe This Week
"Last week was filled with more idiotic outbursts from right-wingers, except some of them went beyond infantile rants and raves to posing real-life harm. As is often the case on the fringe these days, the tone was set by the biggest bigot from the biggest state, Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz."

Another “Patriot” Terrorist Plot Results in Multiple Arrests
"Those involved in “Patriot” groups often tout their main goal as protecting Americans and their freedoms, but a new terrorist plot by three Georgia “patriots” has brought the danger of militia groups back into the national spotlight. The three men, who were arrested on Feb. 15, planned on purchasing explosive devices to attack government infrastructure. Fortunately, those plotting the terrorist attack proved to be less than intelligent, and this ultimately led to their capture."

Scott Walker Falls Apart When Asked About Incriminating Emails On Fox News
"Earlier in the interview, Walker was rolling along, lying about his jobs record in Wisconsin. He was selling himself to Republicans as a potential 2016 nominee. Host Chris Wallace was playing his usual Fox News role. He asked a question that was open ended enough for Walker to explain the emails. The trouble started when Gov. Walker decided not to answer Wallace’s question about personal knowledge of illegal activities.
Scott Walker is guilty. He can hide behind the fact that he hasn’t been charged with a crime yet, but he knew that what his county workers were doing was illegal."

Tea Party protesters call Charlie Crist a ‘commie whore’ who looks ‘like an AIDS victim’
"A group of Tea Party-affiliated protesters disrupted a book signing by former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist (D), calling the former Republican a “commie whore” and shouting that he “looks like an AIDS victim"."

Walker-gate: Emails show Gov Scott Walker aides ran illegal vote-purging scheme
"After emails from Governor Scott Walker’s top aides were scrutinized, an interesting detail or ten emerged. Walker’s top aides engaged in an illegal scheme to “cage” Wisconsin voters in the weeks ahead of the 2010 gubernatorial election.
Voter caging is essentially voter suppression. It’s an illegal campaign practice used to purge voters from the rolls, which we’ve witnessed before. Typically, minority neighborhoods are targeted."

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Scott Walker Emails Show Staffers At Work On Illegal Voter Caging

Scott Walker Emails Show Staffers At Work On Illegal Voter Caging

"Republicans don't really care for democracy. That's why they have no compunction about stealing votes in every way possible"

Anti-gay discrimination passes AZ legislature

McCrory: ‘I’ve not been served a subpoena’

Arizona Pizzeria Takes Stand Against Bigoted Lawmakers With This AWESOME Sign!

Arizona Pizzeria Takes Stand Against Bigoted Lawmakers With This AWESOME Sign!

"The Arizona legislature sent Governor Jan Brewer a bill that would allow business owners to turn away gay and lesbian customers, employers to deny fair pay to women, and pretty much whatever they want as long as it is done in the name of religious freedom — and an Arizona pizzeria sent legislators a very clear message in response."

War declared on the ‘private option’

New voter suppression laws hit Ohio

Don’t forward in Wisconsin

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ohio Kills Key Programs To Ease Access To The Ballot
"In 2012, 59,000 Ohio voters took advantage of a six-day early voting period during which they could simultaneously register and cast a ballot, known as the “Golden Week.” The week was particularly useful to the elderly, low-income voters, and all others with limited time or means of transportation. But the Ohio legislature passed a bill this week that would eliminate that week, and a second suppressive bill that would end the successful practice of mailing absentee ballots to every registered voter. Gov. John Kasich (R) plans to sign both party-line measures, and voting rights groups are already queueing up lawsuits to challenge the new attempts to curb voting opportunities." Because republicans can't win without cheating, and they know it.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party
"Most people have gotten the sense that rising diversity is making life hard for the Republican Party; ditto for the rise of the notably progressive Millennial generation. But there’s a lot more to American demographics than that — and it turns out that some of the lesser-discussed demographic patterns are likely to do quite a bit of damage to Republicans’ electoral fortunes as well."

Hannity's Financial Ties To Tea Party Worse Than You Think
"Fox News is allowing Sean Hannity to promote the Tea Party Patriots on its airwaves even though the group is financially connected to the conservative host."

Billionaire Tim Draper's Plan For California: Break It!

Billionaire Tim Draper's Plan For California: Break It!

"Peter Theil, the oligarch PayPal made, is completely on board with the whole idea of Silicon Valley seceding, along with many other young, too-rich-too-soon techie types who toy with ideas like offshore platforms for tech businesses so they can duck taxes and regulations.

Draper has come up with an angle to snow Californians. We're all supposed to be excited at the prospect of having 10 California senators instead of 2. Never mind that he's hoping at least six of the ten would be conservative or libertarian. That needn't be mentioned."

Another Obamacare Scare Story Shot Down

Another Obamacare Scare Story Shot Down

"Another day, another Americans for Prosperity ad intended to kill a few more scared Republicans. The Kochs should be ashamed."

4 Ways Conservatives Are Fighting to Control Women's Sex Lives
"Whether it’s Rush Limbaugh calling women who take birth control “sluts” or Mike Huckabee mansplaining why it’s actually “empowering” to deny women insurance coverage for contraception, one point remains clear: Conservatives want to enshrine religiously defined norms about sexuality into law."

How ALEC helped Duke Energy block stricter coal ash rules
"Duke Energy is not only the nation's largest electric utility but one of its political powerhouses. Besides the millions of dollars the North Carolina-based company spends on federal and state campaign contributions and lobbying, another tool it has used to get its way in the public policy arena is the American Legislative Exchange Council."

Anti-science NC leaders no laughing matter

Thursday, February 20, 2014

PERRspectives: Five Years after Santelli's Rant, a Look Back at 10 Lessons for Tea Baggers

PERRspectives: Five Years after Santelli's Rant, a Look Back at 10 Lessons for Tea Baggers

"Call it the Iron Law of Birtherism: the movement which denies President Obama's Hawaiian birth is strongest precisely in those states where Republicans poll best and health care is worst."

Badgergate: A new problem for GOP governors

Corporate Faces Behind Privatized Public Services Exposed | Common Dreams

Corporate Faces Behind Privatized Public Services Exposed | Common Dreams

"To some it may come as no surprise that America's highest paid government workers are not teachers, nurses, or sanitation workers. However, according to a report released Wednesday by the Center for Media and Democracy, the highest paid "government workers" are not even employees of the federal government."

CNN Mum on Continued Use of White Supremacist ‘Expert’ on Racial Issues

CNN Mum on Continued Use of White Supremacist ‘Expert’ on Racial Issues

"Frank Taaffe, a self-styled “expert” who appeared on a number of talk programs on CNN and its Headline News subsidiary to offer his views on racially charged criminal trials, has recently emerged as an entrenched figure in the far-right white supremacist movement."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The GOP refusal to expand Medicaid is a disaster

Arkansas lawmaker promotes bill to keep uninsured in the dark about healthcare options
"A Republican lawmaker in Arkansas is attempting to insert an amendment into a Medicaid expansion bill that is designed to prevent the state from using federal funds to promote Obamacare, explaining that he doesn’t want uninsured Arkansans to know about their healthcare options.
According to ThinkProgress, State Rep. Nate Bell (R) admitted that, by denying the state of Arkansas the ability to use federal funds allocated for advertising the Affordable Care Act (ACA), he is “trying to create a barrier to enrollment"."

Emails Reveal Scott Walker's Personal Clown Car

Emails Reveal Scott Walker's Personal Clown Car

"If nothing else, this trove of emails offers a look inside Scott Walker's administration and the way they approached everything. Hint: They were high-handed, arrogant, and lacked any shame about what they did, including the time spent on the taxpayers' dime to get Scott Walker elected."

The Koch Brothers and Libre, Their Hispanic Voter Project

The Koch Brothers and Libre, Their Hispanic Voter Project

"The irony of the Libre/Koch Brothers campaign against Obamacare congressional supporters in districts, is that those districts contain large numbers of Hispanics in desperate need of health care options."

Five Reasons the 1% Do Not Want Unemployment to Decrease

Five Reasons the 1% Do Not Want Unemployment to Decrease

"The most important value to high unemployment to the 1% is in the ever-increasing profit margin that comes from lowering the cost of labor by decreasing salaries and benefits. This result from competition for jobs among a group of desperate employment seekers is that they have no choice but to accept low-paying jobs.
Therefore, while the media likes to use the benchmark unemployment statistics as a sign of the economy "improving" if the government figure goes down, the 1% actually sees its lopsided share of US assets increase when the unemployment figures are higher and wages lower.
This reality, largely ignored by the mainstream media, is of course facilitated by the globalization of jobs to lower cost (often slave wage) settings, devaluing the US labor market even further."

Starting Today, Gov. Scott Walker is Officially in Hot Water | Common Dreams

Starting Today, Gov. Scott Walker is Officially in Hot Water | Common Dreams

"Today a court of appeals in Madison, Wisconsin, will release thousands of previously sealed emails that belong to convicted felon and former Scott Walker aide Kelly Rindfleisch."

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

PERRspectives: Georgia Republicans are Killing Hospitals--and People

PERRspectives: Georgia Republicans are Killing Hospitals--and People

"By now, millions of Americans--most of them in red states-- are growing familiar with the "coverage gap." Thanks to their rejection of the Affordable Care Act's expansion of Medicaid in states they control, GOP leaders are leaving at least five million people in an insurance "dead zone," earning too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to obtain federal subsidies to purchase coverage on their. As a recent Harvard study suggests, that Republican dead zonewill a very real body count, with as many as 17,000 people forecast to needlessly die each year for lack of health insurance.

But GOP obstruction won't just kill people in places like Texas, Mississippi and many more. As the case of Georgia shows--where over 600,000 residents will fall into the coverage gap and as many as 1,175 will die this year--Republican policy is killing hospitals, too."

10 Charts Show a New Gilded Age for the One Percent

10 Charts Show a New Gilded Age for the One Percent

"Of course, America's super rich don't want to go back to some mythical Golden Age. As the numbers show, this is their Golden Age. And as the obscenely wealthy pull away from the merely wealthy, Tom Perkins, Sam Zell, Ken Langone and their exclusive club know they've never had it so good."

Republicans vs. Science

Filthy rich but secretly terrified: Inside the One Percent’s sore-winner backlash

Filthy rich but secretly terrified: Inside the One Percent’s sore-winner backlash

"Why are the super-rich whining so much? They rigged the game for themselves, but are terrified of being discovered"

Nixon still runs the GOP: How the white South dominates the party

Nixon still runs the GOP: How the white South dominates the party

"If the Republican Party changed the South politically, less discussed is the question of how the South has influenced the GOP.  The Southern transformation of the Republican Party has shaped its persona in fundamental ways."

Watch Rachel Maddow Expose Sneaky Republicans Hiding Votes From Tea Party (Video)

Watch Rachel Maddow Expose Sneaky Republicans Hiding Votes From Tea Party (Video)

"Rachel Maddow has exposed the lengths that Republicans will go to in order to keep their base from knowing that they have voted in a way that will upset the Tea party extremists within their ranks and done the job beautifully."

Monday, February 17, 2014

PERRspectives: CBO Destroyed GOP Lies about Obama Stimulus Program

PERRspectives: CBO Destroyed GOP Lies about Obama Stimulus Program

"As their recent disinformation campaign over mythical Obamacare job losses shows, Republicans love the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Except when they hate the CBO, which is most of the time. After all, GOP leaders are using the fifth anniversary of the $787 billion Obama economic stimulus program to mark it is a failure despite the fact that the CBO--and most other analysts--long ago declared it a success."

A Reading Guide on the Billionaire Koch Brothers

A Reading Guide on the Billionaire Koch Brothers

"how the brothers’ political views “dovetail with [their] corporate interests"."

Fox Celebrates Fifth Anniversary of Stimulus by Spreading GOP Zombie Lies on Recovery

Fox Celebrates Fifth Anniversary of Stimulus by Spreading GOP Zombie Lies on Recovery

"It's been five years since the passage of the stimulus package that saved millions of jobs when our economy was in a free fall, but that hasn't stopped Faux "news" and the Republicans from continuing to spread the zombie lie that the Recovery Act supposedly didn't work."

Republicans Slam Stimulus On Fifth Anniversary — But Most Took Credit For It Back Home
"over half of the GOP caucus praised the effects of the stimulus or took credit for the federal dollars in their home districts and states — despite repeatedly voting against it in Washington D.C."

Cheers for the Recovery Act on its 5th Birthday, Jeers for the Anti-Recovery Act We’ve (Implicitly) Passed in the Past Three Years

Cheers for the Recovery Act on its 5th Birthday, Jeers for the Anti-Recovery Act We’ve (Implicitly) Passed in the Past Three Years

"Today marks the fifth anniversary of the signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, or simply the Recovery Act). Passed after a six-month stretch during which the economy lost an average of 750,000 jobs each month, ARRA was the single biggest contributor to stopping the economic freefall that followed the bursting of the housing bubble. To be clear, the assessment that the ARRA contributed significantly to ending the Great Recession is not a contested opinion among macroeconomists, or at least not among those macroeconomists whose paycheck depends on correctly predicting what will impact economic activity."

Saturday, February 15, 2014

This Missouri Congressman Wants Parents to Be ‘Warned’ if Schools Teach Evolution to Children

This Missouri Congressman Wants Parents to Be ‘Warned’ if Schools Teach Evolution to Children

"A Missouri state Representative has launched another attack on science, introducing a law requiring any school district that teaches evolution to “warn” parents ahead of time so that they may opt their children out of the course before it is taught."

A Portrait of Time Warner's Active Role in ALEC

A Portrait of Time Warner's Active Role in ALEC

"How is this possible? How could tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and lobbying expenditures for the benefit of Ohio lawmakers have completely disappeared from public sight?

The answer is a pretty straightforward one: Ohio law contains numerous disclosure exemptions for items of worth (be they cash, meals, or plane tickets) received by lawmakers in conjunction with events held by certain legislative membership organizations."

Tennesee Preacher Refuses to Marry Whites and Blacks Because Communism (Video)

Tennesee Preacher Refuses to Marry Whites and Blacks Because Communism (Video)

"Driving his point home, Brother Donny explains the real problem with the mixing of races: that’s right–Communism.

“Communism, has infiltrated our message. Not through Stalin, not through Mussolini, but through mixed marriages,” he claims."

Let Citizens Vote? Not In Republican World [Stunning Quote]

Ted Cruz’s imperialist fantasy: Why his latest anti-Obama epithet is so dangerous

Ted Cruz’s imperialist fantasy: Why his latest anti-Obama epithet is so dangerous

"When Cruz says we're living under an "imperial presidency," his ignorance and hypocrisy are staggering. Here's why"

Petrified of the Tea Party: GOP Cowards Reach Pathetic New Low In Vote Scheme
"Our standard for courage is shamefully low when Mitch McConnell gets praised for ending the debt-ceiling stand off."

Friday, February 14, 2014

Pope jumps into spending arms race for NC judges
"First Art Pope helped change the rules about money's influence in electing judges to North Carolina courts. Now, the GOP mega-donor is mobilizing special-interest donors -- and spending his own family fortune -- to take advantage of the new money-fueled judicial election system he helped create."

TN Senator Shows South How To Block Unions By Lying, Bullying, And Breaking The Law (VIDEO)
"VW has actually been campaigning for the UAW. The company wants to establish a management-labor work council in the plant. Such councils in its other plants help make decisions about how the plants are run. In the U.S., by law, that requires union representation for the workers."

Kansas's Radical Attack on Gays and Lesbians

Kansas's Radical Attack on Gays and Lesbians

"Not only does the state's proposed law allow private businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples; it permits state employees to deny them basic services."

Louisiana Obamacare Attack Ads Use Actors To Tell Made-Up Horror Stories

Louisiana Obamacare Attack Ads Use Actors To Tell Made-Up Horror Stories

"I guess the real people they tried to use in other ads got tired of having their stories debunked by actual real reporters, so now AfP is running ads with actors and fake stories. How ethical of them!"

Koch Brothers Hire Paid Actors To Star In Attack Ad Claiming Obamacare Hurts Louisiana Residents
"Indeed, it’s a not new tactic. The Koch-backed organization, which has poured millions into a misinformation campaign against health reform over the past several months, also hired a paid actress from Maryland to star in an anti-Obamacare ad targeted at Alaska residents."

Lawmakers Threaten Workers Over Union Vote Their Bosses Welcome
"Watson’s threats and Corker’s cajoling come even though Volkswagen has welcomed the United Auto Workers into its Chattanooga factory and sought to bring German labor organizing ideas to Tennessee. The German company is accustomed to working with worker groups in its facilities in Europe and is seeking to establish the same kind of positive rapport with its labor force in the American south"

Fox Enters Tennessee Labor Fight With Anti-Worker Binge
"All Volkswagen plants currently have union representation besides Chattanooga and two plants in China. And the German company has praised the benefits such organization has brought to its other plants -- As The Washington Post wrote, "the company even sees its culture of worker codetermination as a 'competitive advantage,'" according to Volkswagen's global works council leader, Bernard Osterloh. As UC Berkley's Harley Shaiken has explained, this competitive advantage has already helped boost Volkswagen's bottom line -- the company "has led all major automakers in raising shareholder value" over the last three years and was "virtually tied for second place in global auto production in 2012"."

GOP senator tries to influence union vote

INSTITUTE INDEX: Just how cozy are Gov. McCrory and Duke Energy?
"Given Duke Energy's 2012 operating revenues of $19.6 billion, the fine's dollar equivalent for a person earning a $60,000 salary: $.30"

Authorities: Ohio Republican ripped off investors to fund campaign and friend’s church
"An Ohio Republican already facing more than 100 years in prison on 16 felony charges was slapped Thursday with 53 additional counts." 

PERRspectives: The 1 Percenters are Right: Let's Go Back to the Good Old Days

PERRspectives: The 1 Percenters are Right: Let's Go Back to the Good Old Days

"But the Dow Jones hasn't just doubled since Obama entered the White House. There's no shortage of studies to show that stock market returns are higher under Democratic leadership. As Slate in 2002 and the New York Times in 2003 found, "It's not even close. The stock market does far better under Democrats." And as Bloomberg News documented two years ago, Barack Obama has been no exception"

Brent Bozell Always Attacks Lazy Media, Gets Outed With Ghostwritten Columns

Brent Bozell Always Attacks Lazy Media, Gets Outed With Ghostwritten Columns

"Brent Bozell, head of the conservative Media Research Center, who always chides lazy journalists, gets caught being the truly lazy and hypocritical one: He never wrote his own syndicated columns."

Gun-Toting Life Promoting Montana Republican Jailed For Child Abuse

Gun-Toting Life Promoting Montana Republican Jailed For Child Abuse

"There is a special cave in the darkest pit of hell for people like this. I don't care who you are, you do not beat up little kids. Period. This is just more evidence that the whole "value life" line these guys spew is cynical and empty. This guy is unworthy to hold any office other than maybe Chairman of Prison Toilet Cleanup."

Old Photos Surface Showing Breitbart, O’Keefe Hobnobbing with White Nationalists

Old Photos Surface Showing Breitbart, O’Keefe Hobnobbing with White Nationalists

"Photographs published this week by an anti-racist website show the late Andrew Breitbart, a leading figurehead among mainstream conservatives, and his onetime protégé James O’Keefe – whose undercover videos are credited with causing the demise of the community organizing group ACORN – rubbing elbows with young white nationalists at two different right-wing conferences."

Why Are GOP Politicians and Anti-Union Groups Interfering With the VW Vote?

Why Are GOP Politicians and Anti-Union Groups Interfering With the VW Vote?

"Finally, the most notable feature of the VW campaign has been the unprecedented campaign of intimidation by shadowy anti-union organizations. Right-wing activists, including Grover Norquist and the Koch brothers, are furious that VW management has not attempted to pressure workers to vote "no." So they have stepped into the breach. Ludicrously misnamed organizations such as the Workplace Fairness Institute, Worker Freedom Institute and Center for Worker Freedom have attempted to transform the union election into a sleazy political campaign: They have suggested that UAW-represented auto companies are bankrupt, when in fact they are thriving, with Ford posting record profits; they have told workers that unionization would "imperil the fate of their employer," when in fact VW would be delighted to have a cooperative relationship with unionized workers within the plant; and they have spread ludicrous right-wing fantasies, such as the union "wants your guns." No other democratic country has organizations such as these - peddling outright falsehoods - that are dedicated to undermining workers' right to choose a union."

David Cay Johnston Takes Apart Chris Christie's False Meme on 'Income Equality'

David Cay Johnston Takes Apart Chris Christie's False Meme on 'Income Equality'

"Everyday Americans who haven't had their brains fried by right-wing hate talk or Faux "news" have known for some time that trickle-down doesn't work and that the game has been rigged for the rich and against the average working person who is just trying to get by for a very long time now."

Kansas Republicans Violate The Constitution By Passing Anti-Gay Segregation Law
"Christian lawmakers give government employees the right to deny services to gays in the name of “religious liberty,” and every government employee will receive explicit permission to discriminate against gays including any Kansas government worker. For example, if a gay person calls the police because they are being assaulted, an officer can refuse to help them if interacting with gays violates their religious principles. State hospitals can prevent gays from entering and deny them treatment with impunity, and gays will be barred from public parks, public pools, or any institution operating under the aegis of Kansas state theocracy; including the public school system.
The theocrats supporting the religious law claim it only applies gay couples, as if that makes the edict acceptable, but the text of the bill is absent any principles limiting it to gay couples, or straight people, whose very existence Christians feel violates their religious liberty."

How the Christian Right and Tea Party Make the GOP Unhinged
"It seems stupid, but if you think about it, what other choice do they have? As the McMorris Rodgers speech indicated, there’s a dearth of ideas outside of waging war on women in the current Republican Party. Right now, Republicans are primarily defined by what they’re against and they don’t seem to be for much of anything: Against minimum wage rises, against healthcare reform, against government interventions to improve the economy, against everything Obama does no matter what ( including taking pictures of his dog), against food stamps, against against against. They may occasionally make gestures toward the hint of an idea that they might want to replace the policies they’re against with some other policies, but no one really believes this. House Republicans spend more time passing pointless repeal bills of the ACA than they do passing bills that do anything at all."

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sen. Corker wants workers to vote against UAW

Rand Paul's Deluded Fantasy that Marriage Magically Fixes Poverty
"The reality of poverty is just too important to be governed by blind faith."

Rick Scott renews voter purge in Florida

Securities Fraud Investigation Nabs Ohio Republican Along With A 'Secretive' Church

Securities Fraud Investigation Nabs Ohio Republican Along With A 'Secretive' Church

"Ohio state representative, Peter Beck (R-54) was just indicted on 53 counts. He already is facing 16 felony counts from an indictment last July."

Tens of thousands in North Carolina vow 'not now, not ever'
"Tens of thousands of marchers took to the streets of Raleigh, North Carolina, Saturday to show their opposition to the extreme right-wing agenda that has gripped the state since the Tea Party gained control of the legislature and governor's office."

Wisconsin Club for Growth Makes False Claims to Federal Court

Wisconsin Club for Growth Makes False Claims to Federal Court

"Latest Effort by Eric O’Keefe and Wisconsin Club for Growth to End Criminal Investigation Makes False Claims to Federal Court"

Koch brothers breaking all spending records to defeat Democrat Kay Hagan
"The Koch brothers are so intent on buying the Senate, they'll spend anything to make it happen. Right now, they are focusing primarily on one race: Democrat Kay Hagan's Senate seat in North Carolina. It's a twofer for them: in attacking Hagan, they're boosting one of their reliable lackeys in state House Speaker Thom Tillis."

The GOP's Vicious Internal War: Republican Establishment Trying To Exile Tea Partiers And Extremists
"The Republican Party is seeing some of the nastiest intra-party fights since the 2012 presidential primaries, as corporate lobbyists and national party leaders battle upstart Tea Partiers and loudmouth Washington ideologues over what defines the party now and who will be this year’s candidates for Congress."

Tea Party’s fringe isolation: How a conspiracist mind-set poses long-term electoral danger

Tea Party’s fringe isolation: How a conspiracist mind-set poses long-term electoral danger

"From economics to immigration, fear of mythical evil characterizes the loony right -- and now they'll pay the price"

More Evidence That WI Gov. Scott Walker Is Under Investigation

More Evidence That WI Gov. Scott Walker Is Under Investigation

"Wisconsin's 4th Circuit Court of Appeals unsealed some documents last week as it rejected a challenge to the probe filed by three of the unnamed "special interest groups" that had received subpoenas in the investigation."

Wisconsin Speaker Claims ‘Nobody Cares’ That He Owes His Job To Rigged Maps
"Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R) owes his job to gerrymandered maps. In 2012, 53 percent of Wisconsin’s voters cast a ballot for a Democratic member of the state assembly. Nevertheless, Vos’ Republicans hold a massive 60-39 seat advantage. The state’s legislative maps were drawn by Republicans and signed into law by Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
Nevertheless, Vos claimed that “nobody cares” about redistricting during a meeting with the Wisconsin State Journal’s editorial board. He added that the “legislature are the people who are elected to draw the maps. We’re the ones that are accountable, [and] if people were upset about the way that the maps were drawn, we would not have won election.”
Except, of course, for the fact that the voters of Wisconsin tried to vote Vos’ Republicans out of office. Or, at least, 53 percent of them did."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bachmann Opposes Reform Because Immigrants Aren't Republicans

Bachmann Opposes Reform Because Immigrants Aren't Republicans

"So Bachmann is opposing it because immigrants aren't conservative Republicans, right? That "dynamic" she's so afraid of is the one where the nativists lose."

Wisconsin Republicans Want To Prohibit Local Minimum Wage Laws
"State Rep. Chris Kapenga (R) has introduced a bill that “prohibits local governments from enacting or enforcing a minimum wage law,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday."

Playing God (But As An Ill-Informed, Merciless Idiot) | Common Dreams

Playing God (But As An Ill-Informed, Merciless Idiot) | Common Dreams

"Today Gov. Paul "How Did I Ever Get This Job?' LePage is expected to veto a bill providing first responders and at-risk users with Naloxone, a nasal-spray-like drug that can reverse overdoses, because he thinks it will encourage drug use"

The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet
"Banks are no longer just financing heavy industry. They are actually buying it up and inventing bigger, bolder and scarier scams than ever"

Democrats File a Complaint Against Darrell Issa’s IRS Scandal Co-Conspirators
"Darrell Issa has a history of criminal activity and he brought that corrupt mindset to the House Oversight Committee. Issa knew full well that meeting with George to discuss an active investigation without Democrats on the committee in attendance, and withholding substantive evidence from the full committee, is unethical at least and in many people’s minds is downright criminal. For George’s part, he willingly participated in the conspiracy as a political partisan that is contrary to his job description as an independent government watchdog, but he is a Bush appointee and his loyalties obviously lie with the Republicans and their five year conspiracy to thwart the Obama presidency, economic recovery, and United States’ government."

Fox Host Finally Accepts The Truth About Benghazi Talking Points
"Kelly's admission that the administration's talking points were not manipulated for political reasons marks the devastation of yet another Benghazi myth hyped by the right-wing media. Earlier that day, Fox largely ignored the House committee report's finding that there was no stand-down order given to prevent military support from reaching Benghazi, a hoax long touted by the network."

NC Republicans Fight Subpoena of Voter ID Emails Saying Accountability is a “Burden”
"North Carolinians are abundantly aware that Republicans have done much more than pass new voter ID requirements. They eliminated straight party ticket voting, early voting, voter awareness programs and pre-registration while making it easier for corporate outsiders to buy North Carolina’s elected representatives. The vote suppression law is one of the many reasons an estimated 80,000 North Carolinians joined the Moral Monday’s march in Raleigh last weekend."

Rewrite: ‘enforce the law’

Clinton vs. Paul vs. Rove

Rand Paul’s bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he’s wrong about poor women and marriage

Rand Paul’s bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he’s wrong about poor women and marriage

"Conservatives are convinced the greatest tool to lift people out of poverty is marriage. Here's why that's insane"

Meet The Other Billionaire Brothers Funding Right-Wing Causes

Meet The Other Billionaire Brothers Funding Right-Wing Causes

"Flush with their new wealth, both brothers set up foundations and set about the business of being charitable fellows, while reaping a nice tax benefit for their largesse. Dan Wilks limited the majority of his charitable activity to church donations and crisis centers, but Farris Wilks linked arms with the Kochtopus and helped fund many right-wing, anti-choice efforts around the country in 2012 through the Thirteen Foundation."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Krugman: We Live In Age of Angry Billionaires

Krugman: We Live In Age of Angry Billionaires

"The latest cliché to spew out of self-righteous, self-unaware Republicans like Paul Ryan is this idea of the "dignity of work." This overused phrase is a bad joke when seen through the lens of workers earning $7.25 per hour while billionaires earn that in seconds without lifting a finger."

Florida County Eliminates Minority-Heavy Polling Places
"But it is unclear whether voter accessibility is a sincere priority for him. In 2011, while serving in the Florida Senate, he endorsed making it hard to vote: “I wouldn’t have any problem making it harder. I would want them to vote as badly as I want to vote. I want the people of the state of Florida to want to vote as bad as that person in Africa who’s willing to walk 200 miles…This should not be easy.” He made that comment as he supported a voter suppression bill that reduced the number of days for early voting in Florida and helped create long lines across the state."