Friday, January 31, 2014

All In’s Guide to the Christie Subpoenas

STUDY: Average Obamacare Plans Are Cheaper Than Employer-Sponsored Ones
"Premiums for most health plans sold through Obamacare’s state and federal marketplaces are lower than those for the average employer-sponsored plan, according to a new analysis by consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)."

The difficulty of being Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
"And yet, in her district, people are flocking to Obamacare — well beyond the national average. Though she has been screening town hall meetings to highlight only critics of the new law, her constituents are doing something entirely different in making their personal health decisions. Which is a problem not just for McMorris Rodgers, but for most Republicans; the policies demanded by the party are often directly harmful to the actual constituents who keep them in office. The solution for this is, by and large, the solution we saw in McMorris Rodgers' State of the Union response. You say nothing, and you say nothing as generically as possible, and you hope and pray that nobody will point out that you have just spent so much time saying empty nothings"

‘Dumocrap Slut’ Sandra Fluke Mulls Run For Congress, Right Wing Explodes With Misogyny
"A political party, by and large, is its base. The GOP has to appeal to its voters or they will not vote. It really is that simple. So when the base looks at Sandra Fluke and declares that she is a slutty whore, how do you think the GOP will treat her? Keep in mind, Sandra Fluke’s crime was to make the argument that, yes, women require birth control and it should be a mandatory part of any insurance policy. What a dirty tramp. And that, my friends, is where the GOP’s War on Women comes from. It’s what their base wants.
For this reason, the GOP and conservative entertainment complex have spent the last 3 years completely alienating female voters."

Follow the money

GOP’s Obamacare fiction series: Latest horror story a creation from start to finish

GOP’s Obamacare fiction series: Latest horror story a creation from start to finish

"A lot of people have made a lot of relevant points about “Bette” — whose Obamacare “horror story” figured prominently in the official GOP response to the State of the Union address delivered by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash: Greg Sargent notes that Bette’s story reflects the GOP’s reluctance to help constituents navigate the law, even if it means making their lives worse; Steve Benen adds that it’s a sad comment on the GOP’s Obamacare “train wreck” narrative that they have such a hard time finding horror stories that stand up to scrutiny."

Second Christie Pal Invokes Fifth Amendment Rights
"Bill Stepien, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's (R) former campaign manager, on Friday became the second Christie ally to invoke his 5th Amendment rights in response to the investigation of the George Washington Bridge lane closures."

Top Christie Aide Says Governor Was Aware Of Bridge Lane Closures
"Former Port Authority official David Wildstein — the former director of interstate capital projects — said in a letter released by his lawyer that the Christie administration ordered the closure of the traffic lanes and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago."

Congressman Admits Racism A Factor In GOP Oppostion To Immigration Reform

Congressman Admits Racism A Factor In GOP Oppostion To Immigration Reform

"If you watch Fox News or listen to AM hate talk radio you've probably heard manyconservatives proclaim that racism is dead so git along little dogie."

Jon Stewart Destroys Republican Lies About Their Willingness to Work with President Obama (VIDEO)
"And for the best example of this, honestly look no further than their opposition to the Affordable Care Act. This is a law that’s based on a previous law in Massachusetts (actually it’s essentially identical) that was passed by a Republican governor named Mitt Romney (you know, their 2012 Presidential candidate) and the whole idea of an “individual mandate” was originally a Republican idea.
Yet somehow now it’s “radical leftist socialism"."

Illinois Republican who blamed LGBTs for autism and tornadoes still wants their votes
"The Illinois Republican candidate who blamed LGBT people for autism and extreme weather events is reaching out to the community and soliciting their votes. Susanne Atanus, congressional candidate for Illinois’ District 9 told LGBT newspaper the Windy City Times that the LGBT community needs her and that she needs them.
However, when the Times asked about statements Atanus made in an editorial endorsement meeting with the Chicago Daily Herald, the candidate stuck by her statements that God has sent autism, dementia, and extreme weather as punishments for increasing acceptance of same-sex marriage in this country.
“God is super angry,” she said."

Conservatives’ ridiculous war on the Girl Scouts

Conservatives’ ridiculous war on the Girl Scouts

"First, the frothing conservatives declared war on Halloween. Then, they declared war on the imagined war on Christmas. Now, in what is rapidly becoming a new seasonal tradition, the right is going after those cookie brandishing kids in green. It’s time again for the war on Girl Scouts."

Rove: Wendy Davis Doesn't Sound Like a Texan Because She Said 'Gal'

Rove: Wendy Davis Doesn't Sound Like a Texan Because She Said 'Gal'

"Here's 'Bush's Brain' with the latest round of attacks on Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis. Keep in mind this is the same man who encouraged George W. Bush to go buy that campaign prop of a ranch down in Crawford, Texas."

Mitch McConnell Thinks You’re Stupid
"McConnell's brilliance is just how much dishonesty he can pack into so few words."

These Five States Aren’t Lifting A Finger To Implement Obamacare
"Most states are tackling at least one of the ACA’s three major components: enforcing its market reforms and consumer protections, establishing a state-run insurance marketplace, and agreeing to its optional Medicaid expansion. Seven states have taken charge of all three. However, the researchers write, “[a]t the other end, five states — Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming — declined to play a role in implementing the law’s three major components. These states will not enforce the market reforms, will have a federally facilitated marketplace where the state will play no formal role, and declined to expand Medicaid.”
These five states’ decision not to run their own marketplaces isn’t uncommon, considering that 36 states have defaulted to a federal exchange. Rejecting the Medicaid expansion is somewhat more rare, since 26 states and the District of Columbia have already opted for it and several others could still do so in 2014. But the fact that these states won’t even oversee basic consumer protections and reforms through local regulatory agencies suggests a desire to be a total dead-end when it comes to health reform."

Study: Thousands Of People Will Die In States That Don't Expand Medicaid
"Researchers from Harvard University and City University of New York have estimated that between 7,115 and 17,104 deaths will be "attributable to the lack of Medicaid expansion in opt-out states" in a study published in Health Affairs."

The Truth About President Obama And Executive Power

In 120 Years Republicans Only Cry Tyranny When the Black President Uses Executive Orders
"For example, on December 23rd the President signed an order titled “Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay” that mirrors an order Bush signed in December 2008 titled “Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay.” On May 21, 2013 the President signed an order titled “Providing an Order of Succession within the Department of Agriculture” that Bush called “Amending the Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture” and signed it in January 2009 days before leaving office. President Obama signed an order titled “Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees” on September 20, 2013, and Bush signed the “Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees” on September 28, 2007. On December 7, 2012 President Obama signed an order titled “Establishing the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force” that Bush signed on November 1, 2005 only titled “Creation of the Gulf Coast Recovery and Rebuilding Council.” The executive orders are nearly identical, but when a Black President signs them he is a dictator, oversteps his authority, and thinks he is a king."

Why the GOP’s civil war is only going to get uglier

Why the GOP’s civil war is only going to get uglier

"Ultimately, the Republican Party’s civil war will be long and protracted, especially given the vast sums of money involved in determining a winner. The Chamber of Commerce’s war chest and Karl Rove’s epic fundraising will only go so far in overcoming a triumvirate that not only has boots on the ground in the form of enthusiastic ballot box lever pullers, but also the financial backing of America’s most prominent libertarians: Charles and David Koch."

Terrorized by Their Base, Republicans Try To Hide Their Efforts to Get Something Done
"So Republicans are going to try to keep feeding the base their hate crack, but secretly work with Democrats to pass just enough that they can’t be labeled the party that hates everyone, refuses to pay its bills, and is deliberately stopping the economic recovery. If you’re looking for courage or integrity, best look elsewhere"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Provision Requiring Lawmakers to Disclose Subsidies Removed From Final Farm Bill

Provision Requiring Lawmakers to Disclose Subsidies Removed From Final Farm Bill

"I guess this shouldn't surprise anyone. It looks like members of Congress are tired of allowing the rest of us to know just how much they receive in farm subsidies.

The Environmental Working Group reported that "15 members of Congress or their spouses benefitted from a total of $237,921 in taxpayer-funded farm subsidy payments last year." Thanks to a provision slipped quietly into the new farm bill, we won't have access to that information.

Heaven forbid someone might use the information to criticize them for taking their corporate welfare while at the same time being more than willing to cut food stamps for those living in poverty."

Big paper defends Perkins 1% persecution

Obamacare is ‘working all the way around’

Conservative activist: Obama is a ‘rabid dog’ who needs to be ‘put down’ in a revolt
"Late last year, Garrow claimed that the president had a plan to boost his poll numbers by announcing that scientists had made contact with extraterrestrials, and then he said U.S. troops would be ordered to attack Americans who doubted the fake alien story."

Texas Textbooks Expected To Conform To Extremists' Standards

Texas Textbooks Expected To Conform To Extremists' Standards

"The Texas School Board's upcoming textbook evaluation will be focused on making sure students are unaware and uninformed."

The GOP Psyche: An Explainer

The GOP Psyche: An Explainer

"The GOP believes they’re patriots and the stewards of free markets. Once that belief collides with facts, like conservative policies asphyxiating the middle class, they have to make it the fault of an enemy. Meaning: To Republicans a Democratic twice elected (by huge margins) President has to be a foreign Muslim treasonous dictator whose economic policies are killing us all because otherwise everything they’ve ever held true is a lie.
This explains why Republicans have to be against anything proposed by the man the Heritage Foundation’s president, Jim DeMint, hilariously calls our Imperial President. Unilaterally giving federal janitors a raise doesn’t exactly make one Darth Vader unless your own sense of self is in a death grip.
In cognitive dissonance theory, proof doesn’t matter in self-perception. History can be revised to gel with belief."

You Don't Say: Republicans Admit Anti-Immigrant Movement Driven By Racism | Right Wing Watch

You Don't Say: Republicans Admit Anti-Immigrant Movement Driven By Racism | Right Wing Watch

"Buzzfeed’s John Stanton today managed to get Republican lawmakers on record admitting that the movement to stop immigration report is at least party driven by racial animosity. One Southern Republican member of Congress, who requested anonymity, told Stanton outright that “part of it…it’s racial.” South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham put it a little more delicately, referring to “ugliness around the issue of immigration"."

Congresswoman Says She Supports Equal Pay Laws, Voted Against Them Four Times
"But McMorris Rodgers actually voted against laws meant to address the pay disparity between men and women four times. She voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act twice, which lengthened the time for victims of pay discrimination to file a complaint. She also voted twice against the Paycheck Fairness Act, a measure aimed at closing the gender wage gap by ending the practice of salary secrecy, thus giving women and others a better chance of rooting out discrimination, narrowing the guidelines for what pay disparities are justified, and strengthening penalties for discrimination as a way to deter it, among other things.
Republicans may say they support equal pay, but they voted unanimously against the Paycheck Fairness Act in the Senate 2010 and just 10 voted for it in the House. Senate Republicans blocked it again in 2012 with a filibuster."

The Truth About Executive Orders Republicans Won’t Like Seeing
"In fact, President Obama hasn’t even used the executive order all that much. Five years into his presidency, he’s issued 167 executive orders – about 33.4 per year.

Here are the last four presidents who’ve served consecutive terms and how many executive orders they’ve issued, as well as their average per year:

Ronald Reagan: 381 total, 47.6 per year

Bill Clinton: 364 total, 45.5 per year

George W. Bush: 291 total, 36.4 per year

Barack Obama: 167 so far, 33.4 per year (projected total 267)

And no, those numbers aren’t “liberally biased” – they’re all linked and sourced to our National Archives.

So I’ll just go ahead and clarify these numbers for those who might not be able to understand them.
Out of the past four two-term presidents, the one who’s issued the most executive orders would be – “conservative hero,” “fiscally responsible,” “small government loving,” “Constitutional legend” Ronald Reagan."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

History undercuts right’s exec order freakout

Thom Hartmann: What Obama Didn't Say, But Really Should Have -- The True State of Our Union
"Thanks to the disastrous Citizen’s United decision, the Conservatives on the bench have made it possible for billionaires to flood our democracy with corporate cash, which is slowly destroying the democratic principles that our founding fathers fought and died for.
The Supreme Court has also said that corporations are protected by the 14th Amendment.
They’ve said that Wal-Mart and Apple are just like you and me.
They are not. They are voluntary associations. The Bill of Rights was not written to protect the East India Company, it was written to protect individual people.
We need to undo the damage that the Supreme Court has done, and amend our Constitution to clearly and explicitly say that "corporations are not people, and money is not speech"."

A Declaration of the End of the Reagan Era

An ‘All In’ guide to Christie’s troubles

GOP responds to SOTU

Why Libertarians Play the Clowns in the Circus Show Called the Republican Party
"Ultimately, the Republican Party’s civil war will be long and protracted, especially given the vast sums of money involved in determining a winner. The Chamber of Commerce’s war chest and Karl Rove’s epic fundraising will only go so far in overcoming a triumvirate that not only has boots on the ground in the form of enthusiastic ballot box lever pullers, but also the financial backing of America’s most prominent libertarians: Charles and David Koch."

Why Does Paul Ryan Hate Hourly Workers?

Why Does Paul Ryan Hate Hourly Workers?

"Listen to Paul Ryan's arguments against the minimum wage here and see if you can actually identify anything that sounds logical."

True GOP SOTU Response Caught On Tape

True GOP SOTU Response Caught On Tape

"mashup of Republicans' classless response to the president's policy proposals speak far louder than Cathy McMorris-Rodgers did."

How Fox Anchor MacCallum Responds To Call For Equal Pay: Most Women Don't Want "A Little Special Handout"
"Fox Anchor MacCallum Responds To Call For Equal Pay: Most Women Don't Want "A Little Special Handout"."

Obama Goes Full Feminist: ‘Time To Do Away With Workplace Policies That Belong In A ‘Mad Men’ Episode’
"The President’s ‘Mad Men’-era assessment is apt. Women earn less than their male counterparts in the United States no matter their job, industry, or education. Nationally, women earn 77 cents on a man’s dollar — and that number is not getting better. It affects women right out of college and women at the tops of their fields. While the President kicked off his time in office way back in 2008 with the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act, additional protections against the gender wage gap — namely the Paycheck Fairness Act — have remained in a holding pattern in Congress."

Here's what Obama said that made Republicans sit on their hands
"Republicans couldn't bring themselves to applaud. And if you can't understand why in the world they'd be against all that stuff, then you definitely should be voting Democratic in November."

The Stealth Privatization of Pennsylvania's Bridges

The Stealth Privatization of Pennsylvania's Bridges

"Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett's administration has decided to sign a 40-year contract to privatize the state's crumbling bridges, but there has been little to no media coverage of the deal and what it will mean for two generations of Pennsylvanians."

Secret Court Ruling Could Undermine Wisconsin Campaign Finance Law

Secret Court Ruling Could Undermine Wisconsin Campaign Finance Law

"The implication of this secret ruling, if it is upheld, is that a candidate for Wisconsin office can now operate hand-in-glove with a nonprofit like Wisconsin Club for Growth -- which can accept unlimited donations and is under no obligation to disclose those donations -- as long as Wisconsin Club for Growth's ads omit words like "vote for" or "vote against." This would have the effect of undermining the state campaign finance laws that limit how much an individual can donate to a candidate and require disclosure, election law experts say."

Why A Congressman Threatened To Throw A Reporter Off A Balcony Last Night
"NY1 reporter Michael Scotto was referring to an ongoing federal investigation into whether Grimm illegally solicited and accepted contributions from foreign donors, offered to help a foreign national get a green card in exchange for campaign cash, and filed false campaign finance disclosures. A new report last week also suggested that he may have engaged in a controversial — and potentially illegal — “donor swapping” scheme, circumventing campaign contribution limits by having donors make contributions to a different campaign and then having that candidate transfer the money."

GOP Lawmaker Threatens Reporter With Violence (VIDEO)
"The allegations have involved Rep. Grimm, himself. Several campaign contributors told the FBI that they were told by both Grimm and Durand that they would find ways to accept donations which exceeded the federal limit. That’s a definite no-no and could get Grimm in a LOT of trouble."

Staten Island Republican caught bullying reporter: ‘I will break you in half’
"Questions began to mount concerning Grimm’s finances after one of his fundraisers, Diana Durand, was arrested by federal officials earlier this month on suspicion of using fake donors to funnel nearly $10,000 into his campaign."

GOP Congressman Threatens Reporter Live On Air

GOP Congressman Threatens Reporter Live On Air

""A New York congressman threatening a reporter live on air. Seems the heat is getting to Michael Grimm." Just don't ever ask him about his corruption."

TDS: Peter Schiff Suggests the 'Mentally Retarded' Could be Paid $2 an Hour

TDS: Peter Schiff Suggests the 'Mentally Retarded' Could be Paid $2 an Hour

"This is what Republicans and wingnut libertarians think of most of us. They just usually don't say it out loud as Peter Schiff did to The Daily Show's Samantha Bee."

Rand Paul Doesn't Know How To Stop Digging The Hole He's In

Rand Paul Doesn't Know How To Stop Digging The Hole He's In

"Rand's got to be pretty desperate to start banging this drum before Hillary decides to run, especially since she was the wronged party in the whole thing. It's ancient history now, but certainly doesn't reflect badly on her."

GOP Congressman Threatens to Toss Journalist Off Balcony | Common Dreams

GOP Congressman Threatens to Toss Journalist Off Balcony | Common Dreams

Looks like this Congressman doesn't like local news reporters asking about his own corruption.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rep. Randy Weber's (TX) Repulsive SOTU Tweet: 'Kommandant-In-Chef,' 'Socialist Dictator', A-Lying'

Rep. Randy Weber's (TX) Repulsive SOTU Tweet: 'Kommandant-In-Chef,' 'Socialist Dictator', A-Lying'

"But for some Republicans, the presidency holds no meaning, especially if a black Democratic politician holds the office."

Hypocrite Mike Huckabee Supported Contraception Coverage While Governor of Arkansas
"There is no shortage of examples of Republicans opposing and rejecting President Obama’s proposals they supported when a white man was president, and it is proof their five year obstructionism, attempts to thwart economic recovery, and assault on Americans is borne of racism to portray the Black President as incapable of leading the country out of their 8 year disaster while Bush was president.
Early in Obama’s first term, Republicans vehemently opposed the idea of economic stimulus, and yet in 2002 Paul Ryan made an impassioned plea for stimulus, including extending unemployment benefits, in a package supported by George W. Bush. Ryan said at the time “What we’re trying to accomplish today with the passage of this third stimulus package is to create jobs and help the unemployed.” Six years later, the Republican Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 was praised by white president Bush as providing “a booster shot for our economy” that Eric Cantor, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and nearly 200 other Republicans agreed was necessary to keep the economy running smoothly."

A Declaration of the End of the Reagan Era

A Declaration of the End of the Reagan Era

"In every meaningful way, Reaganomics is alive and well, and still controlling our economy.
But what has 33 years of failed Reaganomics brought us?
It's brought us record levels of financial instability. It's brought us trade policies that have destroyed the working class, and union policies that have destroyed labor in America.
But most importantly, it's brought us tax policies that have exacerbated inequality, wrecked our economy, and put us at the mercy of boom and bust cycles.
When Ronald Reagan stepped foot inside the White House, the top marginal tax rate was at 74 percent, and a third of the federal government's income came from corporations.
Today, the top tax rate is sitting at 39%, most rich people pay a maximum of 20%, and corporations are only paying around 11% of the total cost of running the federal government.
Thanks to 33 years of failed Reaganomics, many Americans have bought the lie that tax cuts are a cure all for a struggling economy."

Laura Ingraham: "We Can Then Wall Off Detroit" If Immigrants Move There
"Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham derided Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder's plan to attract skilled immigrants to work and live in bankrupt Detroit, saying "we can then wall off Detroit" to keep those immigrants from moving to other parts of the country."

This Is The 7th Time A GOP Chairman Has Tried To Reach Out To Minorities
"On Friday, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus proudly told his party’s annual winter meeting that their efforts to “engage with voters of all backgrounds” are working. But despite his words of inclusion — and that of several of his predecessors — the party’s continued opposition to voting rights, protecting women’s reproductive health, comprehensive immigration reform, and LGBT equality has rendered these efforts largely fruitless."

Five Important Sex Lessons For GOP Lawmakers

Huckabee is hardly the first lawmaker to make an illogical comment about reproductive health that seems to belie the way that women’s reproductive systems actually work. Gaffes of this nature have become a  serious problem for the GOP party, particularly as it attempts to  attract more female voters.
Republicans have held some  training sessions to help teach lawmakers how to better talk to women, but the issue may have deeper roots than a lack of PR savvy. Some lawmakers simply need to go back to health class. Here are five important lessons about reproductive health that GOP politicians should commit to memory

Elaborate network obscures Koch influence

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Desperate Rand Paul Uses Monica Lewinsky To Attack Hillary Clinton
"This is an act of desperation on the part of Sen. Paul and any other Republicans who embrace this line of attack. Republicans used the very same attacks on the Clintons in the 1990s. If this is the best argument against Hillary Clinton that Rand Paul has to offer, Republicans are in big trouble. Attacking Bill Clinton’s moral character didn’t work for Republicans in the 1990s, and it is going to be even less effective in 2016.
If Rand Paul is the Chris Christie alternative, Republicans might be staring down the barrel of another big presidential election defeat, because going retro 90s on the Clintons isn’t going to work."

Fox News analyst tells Tea Party group he can lead a military coup against Obama
"A retired Army general and Fox News analyst told a Tea Party group that he would lead a military coup against the U.S. government, if only reluctantly." The face of a traitor.

GOP In Shambles As Poll Finds Americans View Democrats as More Ethical and Honest
"Republicans have been fundamentally dishonest with the American people. After they took control of the House in 2010, John Boehner said the Republican agenda was all about jobs. He and his caucus then spent years on dozens of attempts to repeal the ACA. Boehner’s Republican House majority hasn’t proposed or passed a single jobs bill. However, they have voted to cut food stamps, energy assistance, aid for veterans, food for senior citizens, unemployment benefits, and almost every other aid program for the poor and middle class that you can think of.
While cutting programs for the poor and middle class, Republicans have aggressively pushed an agenda of tax cuts and benefits for corporations and the wealthy. This survey reveals that the American people are paying attention to what Republicans have been up to. Republicans can’t disguise their plans to cut taxes for the wealthy as a jobs bill, and expect no one to notice what they are really up to.
Republicans have shown repeatedly during the Obama presidency that they don’t care about the problems of average Americans."

Explaining the Debt Ceiling for Dummies – The Republican Edition
"This is something every single Republican in Congress knows. So when they sit there and repeat their worn out propaganda (which is exactly what it is – blatant propaganda) about raising the debt ceiling is tantamount to “giving the president a blank check,” they’re flat-out lying.
The debt ceiling is simply a procedural vote that allows the United States government to pay money that it’s already agreed to pay.
Also known as money we’ve already approved to spend in various spending bills passed by Congress. Again, it has nothing to do with new spending."

Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz Openly Threaten The Country With Economic Catastrophe
"Republicans like John Boehner who owns stock in seven Canadian tar sand companies have, like Mitch McConnell, lied and claimed building the pipeline will be a jobs bonanza for Americans, but with only less than 2,000 temporary jobs, and 15 permanent jobs, constructing the pipeline is nothing more than a gift to the Koch brothers and oil export industry as well as an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen on American soil."

GOP ACA Replacement Plan: Repeal, Raise Rates, Roll Out Old Ideas

GOP ACA Replacement Plan: Repeal, Raise Rates, Roll Out Old Ideas

"Yes, it's a joke. They'll use this to try and convince independents they're very, very serious about a replacement for the ACA. But the replacement is unserious, and anyone who has coverage under the ACA knows it."

Tea Party troll Todd Kincannon goes on misogynistic anti-Wendy Davis Twitter rant

Tea Party troll Todd Kincannon goes on misogynistic anti-Wendy Davis Twitter rant

A former GOP operative provides an ugly view into what motivates some of the right's hatred for the Texas Democrat

Poll Shows 80 Percent Of Americans Don’t Trust Republicans To Run The Nation
"According to the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll, a stunning 80 percent majority do not trust Republicans to govern the nation. Worse, the GOP can’t even get 20 percent of Americans to trust them. That number stands at just 19 percent. We’re talking about a major political party that desperately hopes to take over the Senate and keep control of the House in 2014 and find a viable candidate to capture the White House in 2016. These poll numbers should totally embarrass Republicans."

GOP’s hot new craze: Why everyone wants to give a State of the Union response this year

GOP’s hot new craze: Why everyone wants to give a State of the Union response this year

"Last year, the official Republican response to the president’s State of the Union address was delivered by a famously parched Sen. Marco Rubio. Then there was another response, from Sen. Rand Paul, representing the Tea Party. This year, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers will deliver the official Republican response, followed by a Tea Party response from Sen. Mike Lee. And then Rand Paul will also deliver a response, representing… himself."

Dim and divisive Rand Paul self-destructs, again

Dim and divisive Rand Paul self-destructs, again

"Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is what you get when traditional and corrosive American nepotism meets the 21st century GOP echo chamber: a pampered princeling whose dumb ideas have never been challenged by reality."

It's Not Just Dave Agema: 5 RNC Committee Members Who Have Pushed Anti-Gay Bigotry | Right Wing Watch

It's Not Just Dave Agema: 5 RNC Committee Members Who Have Pushed Anti-Gay Bigotry | Right Wing Watch

"With GOP leaders calling for Michigan Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema to resign over his latest anti-gay outbursts, we were surprised that Agema’s views would really be that shocking in a party that, as former GOProud leader Jimmy LaSalvia puts it, has a wide “tolerance for bigotry.”

Republicans like RNC chairman Reince Priebus may think by denouncing Agema’s rhetoric they are putting distance between the GOP and extremists. But at the end of the day, the party’s platform embraces the extreme anti-LGBT agenda that Agema represents, opposing not just marriage equality but also civil unions, fair employment practices, non-discrimination policies, hate crimes laws and LGBT-inclusive foreign policy."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mitch McConnell Threatens To Destroy The Economy Unless Obama Approves Keystone XL
"McConnell said that he is going to use the debt ceiling to get the Keystone XL pipeline approved. While Republicans keep touting the project as a jobs provider and a path towards energy independence, it will not do either of those things. Instead, it is something the Koch Brothers want passed so they can rake in billions and billions of dollars. In essence, it is yet another social welfare program for billionaires that Republicans are trying to sell to the American public as necessary for the economy and the country’s energy needs."

PERRspectives: For Conservatives, Everything is the Holocaust

PERRspectives: For Conservatives, Everything is the Holocaust

"Here's a friendly suggestion for the Holocaust peddlers of the GOP and its allies in the gilded class and the religious right. The next time you feel compelled to compare, say, Head Start, a carbon tax, food stamps or just about any other Democratic policy to Nazi Germany's extermination of six million Jews, just repeat this helpful phrase silently to yourself.

Never again.

That done, conservatives can get back to what they do best: comparing everything to slavery."

Will the GOP Get Away With Its Economic Sabotage?

Will the GOP Get Away With Its Economic Sabotage?

"Republicans smell an election opportunity – but only if they can keep the economy down, jobs down and wages down."

Van Susteren and Roberts Dismiss Obstructionism: 'Deal with it'

Van Susteren and Roberts Dismiss Obstructionism: 'Deal with it'

"See that long blue bar under Obama's name? That's the number of times cloture has been sought from a filibuster. The last five presidents put together had to do it 393 times. With three years still left in his second term, Obama's agenda has already dealt with it 307 times. If the Republicans continue apace, that number will be in the 490s by the end of his term, significantly more than the last five presidents together."

Renewable Energy Is ‘Stalinist’ Mandate, Says Ohio Legislator
"Senator Kris Jordan (R-Ostrander), the sponsor of the bill, and Seitz are both members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an organization funded by fossil fuel companies, corporate interests, and the ultra-conservative Koch brothers that pushes controversial far-right policies at the local level, including Stand Your Ground laws, attacks on minimum wage laws, and school privatization.
ALEC spent much of 2013 trying to repeal state clean energy laws like Ohio’s, and failed miserably. But they’re still at it. Seitz sponsored a bill that would have only weakened Ohio’s renewable requirement in 2013, but it didn’t get enough support to move forward. So he’s shifted support to full repeal."

Sexist Attacks On Wendy Davis In The Media Reach A New Low
"The right-wing media has done some pretty awful things over the last decade. The lack of truth and accountability in reporting has grown steadily worse, since the country first gutted the FCC, back in the days of Ronald Reagan. The constant half truth reporting on non-existent scandals, combined with the shockingly biased coverage of just about everything done in the White House was, up until recently, the defining low to which the US media had sunk. But the recent sexist attacks on Wendy Davis have, yet again, lowered the bar to new depths of vulgarity."

While Lying About the ACA Ted Cruz Demands An Apology From President Obama
"Ted Cruz is lying about the ACA, and demanding that President Obama apologize for things that have not happened. Cruz has invented his own Obamacare reality. He is still trotting out the same lies that he touting during the government shutdown. Sen. Cruz has managed to rewrite history to absolve from any blame from the government shutdown that he caused, and he expects President Obama to apologize for Cruz’s imaginary Obamacare disaster.
Sen. Cruz is one who owes America an apology for orchestrating a government shutdown that cost taxpayers $24 billion. President Obama has nothing to apologize for. In fact, he deserves praise for opening the door for tens of millions of Americans to get access to affordable health care.
It is the height of arrogance for Ted Cruz to demand anything from President Obama. Cruz is entitled to nothing, but the contempt and scorn that he has already earned from millions of Americans.
Just remember, as Ted Cruz enjoys his Goldman Sachs provided health insurance, he wants to take yours away."

10 Most Absurd Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: Pity the 1% Edition
"So much right-wing craziness this week, it's difficult to know where to start."

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tea Party Republican spews vile, sexist Twitter attacks at Wendy Davis
"Former head of the South Carolina Republican Party, Tea Party activist Todd Kincannon has unleashed a vile parade of hateful, sexist insults aimed at Texas Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis."

Republicans Are In Total Retreat As Obamacare Enrollment Skyrockets Past 3 Million
"The mainstream media isn’t reporting this, but the ACA is turning into a huge victory for President Obama.
Before leaving on their current vacation, Republicans signaled their defeat by voting to fund the healthcare law for 2014. Now Republicans like John Boehner and John McCain are completely dropping the repeal and only repeal ruse, and suggesting that the GOP needs to come up with its own healthcare alternative.
It’s too late for alternative plans. The ACA is the law of the land. Millions of people have signed up. This isn’t a policy discussion anymore. Republicans can’t escape the fact that any alternative that they suggest will involve taking health insurance away from millions of people.
The time for Republicans to suggest policy alternatives was in 2009 and 2010, but they chose to demonize the ACA instead of engaging in a serious discussion about healthcare. They put all of their eggs in the ACA failure basket, and now that the program is a success, they suddenly want to talk about healthcare.
The ACA was the original Republican healthcare plan. Anything that they come up with now will be smoke and mirrors that won’t cover the uninsured."

Iowa Republican Party Posts Graphic Mocking Racism
"But the GOP continues to be its own worst enemy. The Republican National Committee also congratulated Rosa Parks last month for ending racism in America, while prominent Republicans have insisted the justice system is colorblind. Yet another example is Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who has compared immigrants to violent criminals and drug mules to make the GOP’s case for holding up long-awaited immigration reform."

Conservative Hollywood Group Cries Persecution Over Pending Tax Exemption

Conservative Hollywood Group Cries Persecution Over Pending Tax Exemption

"Once again, it appears the IRS is doing their job and acting on behalf of the taxpayers who are being asked to foot the bill for this group's existence. It seems conservatives have difficulty understanding that they have absolute freedom to gather and invite whoever they want to their schmoozefests, but if they want a tax deduction for it, they have to abide by the rules."

GOP Wife-Beater Running Against Susan Collins

GOP Wife-Beater Running Against Susan Collins

"Another exception to social norms for Republicans: It's perfectly acceptable to beat your wife, be convicted, and still be eligible to run for office."

Bailout Architect Runs For California Governor; World Laughs | Common Dreams

Bailout Architect Runs For California Governor; World Laughs | Common Dreams

"Again, this came from a guy who handed out hundreds of billions of dollars of welfare to Wall Street companies, effectively subsidizing the massive compensation packages of Wall Street executives. This same person then went to work for a company that got a fat government contract to help other Wall Street investors unload their bonehead investments on the taxpayer.

Then, after all that rescue money disappeared, Kashkari made the interesting observation that there was not enough left over to pay benefits for other people. So, he effectively said to Americans on benefits, stop being so selfish. Tighten your belts. All of us will suffer otherwise.

This is the person who has now decided to run for Governor of California."

5 Right-Wing Myths About Raising the Minimum Wage, Debunked
"Corporations like Walmart and McDonalds like the current situation of really low wages at the bottom because it puts more into the pockets of those at the top. So the corporate/conservative machine is grinding out propaganda against raising the minimum wage. Here is a look at six of the most common propaganda points they’re trying to trick us with."

We May Finally Find Out Who Is Funding One Of The Nation’s Shadiest Dark Money Groups
"Last week, the all-Republican Texas Supreme Court rejected a request by a conservative “dark money” group to keep its donors secret. The lawsuit alleges that the Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA) illegally “coordinated” its ads with Attorney General Greg Abbott’s (R) 2002 campaign. If evidence emerges that the LEAA coordinated with Abbott’s campaign, then the millions of dollars it spent on ads could be considered illegal in-kind campaign contributions. That could spell trouble for Abbott’s 2014 gubernatorial campaign, which currently has a huge fundraising advantage over his leading opponent, state Sen. Wendy Davis (D)."

The GOP’s birth control issue

Friday, January 24, 2014

Republicans planning three separate responses to State of the Union speech
"Ah, but ever since Bush-era conservatism collapsed under the weight of, well, the Bush administration, we've been pretending that something called the tea party movement is an entirely separate party that just happens to be made up entirely of Republicans and is spoken for in Congress entirely by Republicans, and so they have decided they need their own "response" to the State of the Union and to the traditional Republican "response"."

Boehner: ‘I have to be the Gestapo’ because nothing is ‘conservative enough’ for Tea Party
"House Speaker John Boehner went on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night and blamed Republicans for shutting down the government last year.
Although Senate Republicans like Ted Cruz continue to insist that the government shutdown was the fault of President Obama, Speaker Boehner frankly admitted that the gambit was undertaken by members of his own party."

Mike Huckabee used to be a contraception coverage 'Uncle Sugar'
"But it's exactly the women who Republicans keep claiming they're trying to woo who might have problems with everything about this, from the Uncle Sugar-libido talk to the hypocrisy."

Rick Santorum Defends Huckabee Rant About The 'War On Women'

Rick Santorum Defends Huckabee Rant About The 'War On Women'

"Santorum and Huckabee's religious beliefs regarding the ladies have nothing in common with most women in America, and he's lying when he says they do."

Karl Rove’s “behemoth” targeted: How his plan to skirt the law could backfire

Karl Rove’s “behemoth” targeted: How his plan to skirt the law could backfire

"So far, Rove has evaded punishment for violating campaign finance laws -- but a new lawsuit may change all that"

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Tells The GOP To Tone Down The Rhetoric

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Tells The GOP To Tone Down The Rhetoric

"Also, Priebus and his cronies gave near-unanimous approval Friday to a package of rules changes that would condense the 2016 presidential nominating calendar and help the party avoid the kind of protracted party infighting that dented GOP nominee Mitt Romney's general election appeal in 2012. The changes dovetail with the party's desire to move the convention from late summer to a June window, which would make the next Republican National Convention the earliest convention in either party since 1948. The RNC has announced its support for the June move but will formally vote on the change at a later date. The Tea Party folks are upset by this rule change because they know this process favors the very rich in the GOP. This shows how worried the GOP is about the state of the Republicans."

GOP’s plot against democracy: Why it really wants to depress the vote

GOP’s plot against democracy: Why it really wants to depress the vote

"In addition to their philosophical opposition to democracy, Republicans have a more pragmatic reason to making voting as difficult as possible: Recent national election results show an unmistakable correlation between turnout and Democratic Party success. As Dave Weigel points out, some of the commission’s recommendations will make it easier for traditionally Republican blocs like religious voters (and military voters! and the elderly!) to vote, but Republicans believe, with plenty of supporting evidence, that in America in 2014, bigger turnout means more Democratic voters. A bipartisan commission won’t convince Republicans to abandon their campaign to use every tool at their disposal to depress the vote."

Will the last Republican woman turn out the lights?

Will the last Republican woman turn out the lights?

"So Republicans can dismiss their troubles with women as a “Todd Akin problem,” or a “Dick Black problem,” but they have a Republican problem: too many Republicans genuinely believe that women are the second sex, the fairer sex, the weaker sex. To reduce women to their libidos is the very definition of making them “sex objects,” but Mike Huckabee – and sadly, maybe even Michael Steele – can’t understand that."

A Rand Paul Presidential Campaign Would Teach Americans Just How Vicious and Anti-Social the Libertarian Agenda Is
"Rand Paul hates things like Social Security and Medicare. He thinks both programs should be handed over to Wall Street CEO's and health care executives, so that they can be privatized and made profitable.
He hates long-term unemployment benefits and opposes a minimum wage altogether.
He has even said that companies should be able to discriminate based on race, gender or sexual orientation.
Economically, he thinks everything should be privatized, with the only exceptions being the military, police forces and the judicial system.
And he is totally opposed to a woman's right to choose to have an abortion.
But most people don't know that these are Paul's positions."

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The GOP ‘war on women’ hasn’t died down

Congressional Candidate Who Justified Marital Rape Has Dropped Out
"State Senator Richard Black (R-VA) has ended his short-lived campaign for retiring Rep. Frank Wolf’s congressional seat. Instead, he will remain in the Virginia Senate, where Black has become notorious for remarks on sexual assault, abortion, contraception, and LGBT issues."

Trickle Down Disaster – The Right’s Suicidal Obsession (VIDEO)
"When first proposed by now-discredited economist Milton Friedman, “Trickle Down Economics” was sold with the promise that if the wealthy were to gain more wealth, through tax incentives and corporate welfare, that glut of wealth would spread throughout the economy through investments, sales, etc. After 40 years, we have to conclude that there is no trickle down."

Supreme Court to decide if political groups can lie in advertising

Supreme Court to decide if political groups can lie in advertising

"Republican lawyers are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to declare that they have a First Amendment right to lie during political campaigns."

The McDonnell indictment is as sordid as you think it was
"the indictment details all the ways the McDonnells tried to hide their scheme—their failure to report their loans, gifts, and Star Scientific stock in various documents. Maureen lied to investigators about their family's relationship to JW ("close friends" are exempt from the gift rule in those disclosure forms), she lied about the existence of loan documentation, etc, etc, etc. There was some frantic effort to clean up their mess—update disclosure forms, ask JW's brother for an invoice for his work on their house, and return the dresses JW had bought Maureen.
But yeah, too little, way too late.
In case you were wondering, the governor of Virginia is among the highest paid in the country, earning $175,000. And of course, he gets a car, security detail and mansion. Maybe it's not enough to pay for $10,000 Oscar de la Renta dresses, but hey, isn't that what post-office K-Street gigs are for? The worst part about this whole affair is that they could've had all this and more, legally, had they just waited four years to become lobbyists."

Will The GOP Get Away With Its Economic Sabotage? | Common Dreams

Will The GOP Get Away With Its Economic Sabotage? | Common Dreams

"Republicans smell an election opportunity – but only if they can keep the economy down, jobs down and wages down. Most recently to keep people and the economy miserable they filibustered long-term unemployment assistance, and are working to cut back from the meager 26 weeks of assistance the states offer."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Trickle-Down Economics and Broken Promises
"Americans have seen income inequality rise over the past few decades, yet contrary to long-held trickle-down beliefs that rising inequality is not broadly benefiting society by bringing with it stronger economic growth. The research presented here demonstrates that inequality is not necessary for sustained economic growth and that inequality may actually dampen growth. This flies in the face of a core tenet of trickle-down theory, which errone- ously vouches for the necessity of extreme inequality to generate growth.
As we get a clearer picture of the dangers of income inequality to our economic growth and prosperity, policymakers in Washington will be confronted with a clear choice: to attempt to grow the economy from the top down or from the middle out. Trickle-down economics is severely flawed; for decades, its associated economic policies have gener- ated high levels of inequality, justifying that inequality with faulty logic, and most likely, dampened levels of economic growth."

Exclusive: How ALEC serves the right

Why ALEC is so effective

The real problem with the American right: Aging, white radicals

The real problem with the American right: Aging, white radicals

"But the 2013 experience suggests they are so in hock to aging, white, conservative reactionaries that taking on new debts with minorities, gay people, single women and so on entails the risk of defaulting on the old ones.
Another way of saying this is that Republicans have depleted most of their crossover potential. And that’s a pretty novel problem for a modern American political party. It’s manifest in the GOP establishment’s pusillanimous relationship with conservatives."

Why The Heritage Foundation Hired An Activist As Its Chief Economist
"Heritage’s new chief economist is a man who not only doesn’t have an economics Ph.D., but cannot even accurately describe the views of people who do."

Charges filed against Virginia governor, wife

Charges for McDonnells turns scandal serious

Still fraught: The idea of a black president

Why ALEC matters

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Former Virginia Governor And Wife Indicted On 14 Felony Counts Over Gifts Scandal
"While this marks the first time the former Virginia Attorney General has been on the receiving end of a criminal indictment, this is not McDonnell’s first time under ethical fire: in 2005, he exploited a loophole to evade disclosure requirements, hiding corporate contributors to his AG campaign."

The Right Is About To Declare War On Marijuana
"Now that Obama has stated that marijuana is no worse than alcohol, we have the perfect test to prove ODS. Up until now, marijuana legalization has been a bipartisan issue. The right wing opposes the War on Drugs because it’s a HUGE waste of money and hasn’t worked. The libertarian right wing wants marijuana to be legal because they don’t like the idea of the evil government telling them they can’t get high. The left wing opposes keeping marijuana illegal for the same reasons as well as the blatantly racist way the law is enforced. Somehow, despite blacks and whites consuming marijuana at the same rate, blacks are four times more likely to be arrested for it.
But because of the additional social justice angle for liberals, pot legalization is slowly becoming a “liberal” cause. The theory of Obama Derangement Syndrome tells us that the right will reflexively oppose it."

Missouri GOP: Allow Parents to Pull Their Kids From Creationism in Science Classes

Missouri GOP: Allow Parents to Pull Their Kids From Creationism in Science Classes

"Missouri Republicans have drafted a bill that would allow parents to pull their children from science classes that are teaching the theory of evolution. According to the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), Missouri’s House Bill 1472 would effectively “eviscerate” the teaching of biology in the state."

Bob McDonnell, Wife Charged In Gifts Case
"Days after he left office, former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) and his wife, Maureen McDonnell, were charged Thursday in federal court with illegally accepting gifts, trips, and loans from a Virginia businessman and political donor.
The indictment was filed in the U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., charging them each with 13 federal crimes."

Bob McDonnell, Wife Charged In Corruption Case

Bob McDonnell, Wife Charged In Corruption Case

"Federal charges have been filed against former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell and his wife for taking gifts in exchange for political favors."

Sean Hannity Threatens To Leave New York Over Andrew Cuomo's Words Against Extremist Conservative Politicians

Sean Hannity Threatens To Leave New York Over Andrew Cuomo's Words Against Extremist Conservative Politicians

"Oh, lookie here. Glenn Beck is begging to take him to Texas.

Beck put his two cents in Tuesday on his Twitter account:#SeanHannity come down to Dallas. The blaze has studios for you here. We also have fish and water!

I'd say that's a match made in heaven and they didn't even need Christian Mingle to hook up."

Michigan GOPer: 'Herd all the Indians' to Detroit, build a fence and throw them some corn

Michigan GOPer: 'Herd all the Indians' to Detroit, build a fence and throw them some corn

"A Republican county official in Michigan is in hot water after making racial comments about Detroit, including the idea that the city should be turned into a detention center for "all the Indians"."

Pennsylvania Republican celebrates MLK Day with proposal to legalize discrimination
"under Denlinger’s proposed Freedom of Conscience Amendment, “employers, store owners, realtors, motel managers, etc., could deny jobs, groceries, homes or rooms to anyone (tall, short, pregnant, Catholic, Jewish, gay, Goth, Democrat, newspaper columnist) offending their beliefs. Just as long as those beliefs are ‘sincerely held"."

Rape Insurance, Drug Mules And Other Reasons Why The GOP Rebranding Effort Isn’t Going So Well
"The public isn’t buying the rebranding. According to a recent Gallup poll, “32 percent have a favorable opinion of the GOP now, compared with 43 percent immediately after President Barack Obama’s re-election"."

Prostitute-Loving GOP Senator David Vitter Will Run For Governor In Louisiana
"Vitter, of course, is most noted for his involvement in the ‘D.C. Madam’ scandal, as his phone number was found among the records of a Washington, D.C. prostitution service during a bust in 2007. It was reported that he apparently liked to wear diapers when visiting with his favorite hookers. He did not resign, nor did the Republican Party pressure him to. It appeared that the main reason they decided to forgive the so-called ‘family values’ Senator was that the Governor of Louisiana at the time was a Democrat, and it was likely that she’d appoint a Democrat to replace Vitter.
That incident wasn’t the only time that Vitter had his name associated with prostitutes. When he was thinking about running for governor in 2003, the Louisiana Weekly ran a story stating that Vitter had visited with a prostitute. Rather than deal with the messiness of the story going wide, Vitter dropped out of the race, stating he was having family problems."

Meet the New Kochs: The DeVos Clan's Plan to Defund the Left
"THE DEVOSES sit alongside the Kochs, the Bradleys, and the Coorses as founding families of the modern conservative movement. Since 1970, DeVos family members have invested at least $200 million in a host of right-wing causes—think tanks, media outlets, political committees, evangelical outfits, and a string of advocacy groups. They have helped fund nearly every prominent Republican running for national office and underwritten a laundry list of conservative campaigns on issues ranging from charter schools and vouchers to anti-gay-marriage and anti-tax ballot measures. "There's not a Republican president or presidential candidate in the last 50 years who hasn't known the DeVoses," says Saul Anuzis, a former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party."

Fox Uses War Criminal Oliver North to Push for Endless War in the Middle East

Fox Uses War Criminal Oliver North to Push for Endless War in the Middle East

"If there's one thing you can count on from Fox, it's that they're going to rely on their viewers having absolutely no knowledge about the history of the United States and they're really counting on them forgetting the last half a century or so and just erasing it from their memory banks altogether. Iran-Contra never happened. George W. Bush was a hero for invading a couple of countries that were not a threat to us and was spreading "freedom." And President Obama screwed us in the Middle East because he decided to "cut and run" instead of keeping our military there forever."

PERRspectives: Ted Cruz Forgets Iran-Contra, Cites Reagan Approach to Tehran

PERRspectives: Ted Cruz Forgets Iran-Contra, Cites Reagan Approach to Tehran

"The Iran-Contra scandal, as you'll recall, almost laid waste to the Reagan presidency. Desperate to free U.S. hostages held by Iranian proxies in Lebanon, President Reagan provided weapons Tehran badly needed in its long war with Saddam Hussein (who, of course, was backed by the United States). In a clumsy and illegal attempt to skirt U.S. law, the proceeds of those sales were then funneled to the contras fighting the Sandinistas in Nicaragua."