This Was One of The Least Productive Years Ever for Congress
"Congress is on track to have one of the least productive years in modern history, having passed only 52 bills since January, just 44 which are considered “substantive”—far below the average of 70 in the years 1990-2012."
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The Tea Party gave birth to this: Christian American Patriots Militia calling for Obama’s assassination
"The Secret Service is aware of the threats. The page has been reported numerous times."
"The Secret Service is aware of the threats. The page has been reported numerous times."
Jim Garrow and Erik Rush Obama Should Be Stood Against Wall and Shot
"Republicans have become obsessed not with simply impeaching or imprisoning President Obama, but with killing him."
"Republicans have become obsessed not with simply impeaching or imprisoning President Obama, but with killing him."
Did Karl Rove’s super PAC commit perjury?
Did Karl Rove’s super PAC commit perjury?
"The return, signed under penalty of perjury, specified that the grants would be used for social welfare purposes, “and not for political expenditures, consistent with the organization’s tax-exempt mission.” But that’s not what happened."
"The return, signed under penalty of perjury, specified that the grants would be used for social welfare purposes, “and not for political expenditures, consistent with the organization’s tax-exempt mission.” But that’s not what happened."
Heart of Darkness: Criminal Investigation of WI Recall $
Heart of Darkness: Criminal Investigation of WI Recall $
"The controversy immediately kicked off a struggle for control of the Wisconsin Senate. Between 2011 and 2012 Wisconsin voters across the state knocked on doors, circulated recall petitions, and put an unprecedented number of state officials up for recall. Thirteen state senators eventually faced recall elections. Close to one million people signed recall petitions for the Governor and Lt. Governor, and even before an election was certified, outside money began to saturate the state. $137.5 million is estimated to have been spent on the recalls in total, the vast majority from out-of-state players.
The source of much of that spending remains unknown. Millions were spent by "dark money" nonprofits -- most of them organized under 501(c)(4) of the tax code -- that allow deep pocketed donors to hide their identity."
"The controversy immediately kicked off a struggle for control of the Wisconsin Senate. Between 2011 and 2012 Wisconsin voters across the state knocked on doors, circulated recall petitions, and put an unprecedented number of state officials up for recall. Thirteen state senators eventually faced recall elections. Close to one million people signed recall petitions for the Governor and Lt. Governor, and even before an election was certified, outside money began to saturate the state. $137.5 million is estimated to have been spent on the recalls in total, the vast majority from out-of-state players.
The source of much of that spending remains unknown. Millions were spent by "dark money" nonprofits -- most of them organized under 501(c)(4) of the tax code -- that allow deep pocketed donors to hide their identity."
Billionaires' Bad Day: New Rules Would Rein in Nonprofits
Billionaires' Bad Day: New Rules Would Rein in Nonprofits
"The fact that these groups were ever considered "social welfare" groups in the first place is laughable. I'm waiting for them to start screeching on Fox about how they're taking away their "free speech" and how terrible the IRS "thugs" are for finally trying to curb some of this activity."
"The fact that these groups were ever considered "social welfare" groups in the first place is laughable. I'm waiting for them to start screeching on Fox about how they're taking away their "free speech" and how terrible the IRS "thugs" are for finally trying to curb some of this activity."
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Republicans continue efforts to suppress the vote in places where it will do them the most good
"Shaming the GOP for its determination to shave a few points off Democratic election turnout obviously hasn't had an impact. Unblushable, the party is still at it. Instead of doing all they can to encourage every eligible person to vote, Republicans have been relentlessly imposing new restrictions to make it harder"
"Shaming the GOP for its determination to shave a few points off Democratic election turnout obviously hasn't had an impact. Unblushable, the party is still at it. Instead of doing all they can to encourage every eligible person to vote, Republicans have been relentlessly imposing new restrictions to make it harder"
Some Florida Election Supervisors Stunned By New Voter Restrictions
"Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) chief election official issued new rules Monday night that could hamper absentee voting, just months before Floridians in the state’s 13th Congressional district take part in a special election to replace the late Rep. C.W. Bill Young (R). The seat was held by Republicans for decades, but is now considered a tossup."
"Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) chief election official issued new rules Monday night that could hamper absentee voting, just months before Floridians in the state’s 13th Congressional district take part in a special election to replace the late Rep. C.W. Bill Young (R). The seat was held by Republicans for decades, but is now considered a tossup."
Right-Wing Militia Leader Says Constitution Gives Him The Right To Assassinate President Obama (IMAGE)
"These threats justify why the Department of Homeland Security and a West Point think-tank classified right-wing extremists as a dangerous threat to the country. Ever since Obama took office, the right has gone completely crazy with hate. They have zero ideas and are incapable of winning elections by making a reasonable case to voters. They can’t even bring themselves to compromise on anything. So they threaten the nation with guns and violent revolution in order to scare Americans and get their way."
"These threats justify why the Department of Homeland Security and a West Point think-tank classified right-wing extremists as a dangerous threat to the country. Ever since Obama took office, the right has gone completely crazy with hate. They have zero ideas and are incapable of winning elections by making a reasonable case to voters. They can’t even bring themselves to compromise on anything. So they threaten the nation with guns and violent revolution in order to scare Americans and get their way."
Michigan GOP Recruits Civil Rights Act Critic Rand Paul To Launch African American Outreach Project
"While Paul has since denied ever making the comments, he has repeatedly criticized the Civil Rights Act of 1964′s bans on whites-only lunch counters and discrimination by private employers."
"While Paul has since denied ever making the comments, he has repeatedly criticized the Civil Rights Act of 1964′s bans on whites-only lunch counters and discrimination by private employers."
4 Ways the Koch Brothers' Wealth Is Beyond Comprehension | Alternet
4 Ways the Koch Brothers' Wealth Is Beyond Comprehension | Alternet
"Charles and David Koch are both members of the .00001%. That's a group of twenty individuals who have a total net worth of over a half-trillion dollars , about $26 billion each."
"Charles and David Koch are both members of the .00001%. That's a group of twenty individuals who have a total net worth of over a half-trillion dollars , about $26 billion each."
Darrell Issa's Traveling Obamacare Hearings Exclude ACA Supporters
Darrell Issa's Traveling Obamacare Hearings Exclude ACA Supporters
"In his traveling road show of “hearings” on the Affordable Care Act rollout, Darrell Issa has hand-picked the people testifying, and has excluded those who want to speak in favor of the ACA."
"In his traveling road show of “hearings” on the Affordable Care Act rollout, Darrell Issa has hand-picked the people testifying, and has excluded those who want to speak in favor of the ACA."
Wealthy Libertarians Are Driving Poverty, Unemployment, and Anti-Government Discontent
"There is a reason the Koch brothers and their cohort ALEC are funneling millions to anti-government teabaggers and religious right anti-choice activists, and it is part of their plan to stir up opposition to equal rights, religious freedom, and particularly the federal government and social programs. Inciting discontent and division among the population, coupled with their job-killing austerity economics, stagnating wages, and domestic spending cuts is the recipe for the growth of fascism and at some point the people will look to a champion who will promise a path to economic prosperity if they are given authority to transform America according to the Koch brothers’ libertarian vision of no federal government, no regulations, no taxation, a return to Christian moral values, and free market capitalism that is code for corporate owned-and-operated government."
"There is a reason the Koch brothers and their cohort ALEC are funneling millions to anti-government teabaggers and religious right anti-choice activists, and it is part of their plan to stir up opposition to equal rights, religious freedom, and particularly the federal government and social programs. Inciting discontent and division among the population, coupled with their job-killing austerity economics, stagnating wages, and domestic spending cuts is the recipe for the growth of fascism and at some point the people will look to a champion who will promise a path to economic prosperity if they are given authority to transform America according to the Koch brothers’ libertarian vision of no federal government, no regulations, no taxation, a return to Christian moral values, and free market capitalism that is code for corporate owned-and-operated government."
Monday, November 25, 2013
New Tax Return Shows Karl Rove's Group Spent Even More On Politics Than It Said
New Tax Return Shows Karl Rove's Group Spent Even More On Politics Than It Said
"Social welfare nonprofits, also known as dark money groups because they don't have to report their donors, are allowed to spend money on politics as long as their primary purpose is social welfare. The groups often count so-called issue ads that stop short of advocating for or against a candidate and grants toward that social welfare mission. Since the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision allowed corporations and unions to spend directly on election ads, these nonprofits have turned into the vehicle of choice for anonymous spending, dumping more than $254 million into the 2012 elections.
"Social welfare nonprofits, also known as dark money groups because they don't have to report their donors, are allowed to spend money on politics as long as their primary purpose is social welfare. The groups often count so-called issue ads that stop short of advocating for or against a candidate and grants toward that social welfare mission. Since the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision allowed corporations and unions to spend directly on election ads, these nonprofits have turned into the vehicle of choice for anonymous spending, dumping more than $254 million into the 2012 elections.
Of the 150 or so social welfare nonprofits that reported spending to the Federal Election Commission during the 2012 election cycle, Crossroads was king, the biggest anonymous spender by far. Americans for Tax Reform came in fourth, with $15.8 million."
Sunday, November 24, 2013
10 Acts of Madness By Right Wingers This Week -- Limbaugh's Rape Fantasies Edition | Alternet
10 Acts of Madness By Right Wingers This Week -- Limbaugh's Rape Fantasies Edition | Alternet
"There were lots of right-wing lunacies tossed around throughout the Conservoverse this week, but first on that filibuster thing"
"There were lots of right-wing lunacies tossed around throughout the Conservoverse this week, but first on that filibuster thing"
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Say What? Civil Rights Act Critic Rand Paul Tapped to Launch African American Outreach Project in Michigan | Alternet
Say What? Civil Rights Act Critic Rand Paul Tapped to Launch African American Outreach Project in Michigan | Alternet
"The Michigan Republican Party will launch its new African American Engagement Office in Detroit next month, aiming to improve on the mere two percent of the vote their presidential nominee received in the city last year. To headline this event, the party has enlisted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) — though Paul has been an outspoken critic of the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
"The Michigan Republican Party will launch its new African American Engagement Office in Detroit next month, aiming to improve on the mere two percent of the vote their presidential nominee received in the city last year. To headline this event, the party has enlisted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) — though Paul has been an outspoken critic of the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
Friday, November 22, 2013
How the Republican Tempest Over the Affordable Care Act Diverts Attention from Three Large Truths | Common Dreams
How the Republican Tempest Over the Affordable Care Act Diverts Attention from Three Large Truths | Common Dreams
"Having failed to defeat the Affordable Care Act in Congress, to beat it back in the last election, to repeal it despite more than eighty votes in the House, to stop it in the federal courts, to get enough votes in the Supreme Court to overrule it, and to gut it with outright extortion (closing the government and threatening to default on the nation’s debts unless it was repealed), Republicans are now down to their last ploy."
"Having failed to defeat the Affordable Care Act in Congress, to beat it back in the last election, to repeal it despite more than eighty votes in the House, to stop it in the federal courts, to get enough votes in the Supreme Court to overrule it, and to gut it with outright extortion (closing the government and threatening to default on the nation’s debts unless it was repealed), Republicans are now down to their last ploy."
Surprise! GOP Following Scripted Plan To Attack Obamacare
Surprise! GOP Following Scripted Plan To Attack Obamacare
"I know you are shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that all the Obamacare noise over the last month is the product of a very carefully orchestrated public relations campaign."
"I know you are shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that all the Obamacare noise over the last month is the product of a very carefully orchestrated public relations campaign."
Conservatives Trying to Resurface Compassionate Conservative Bunk | Alternet
Conservatives Trying to Resurface Compassionate Conservative Bunk | Alternet
"Paul Ryan, whose policy ideas are disastrous for the poor, is cynically trotting out the old "compassionate-conservative" canard."
"Paul Ryan, whose policy ideas are disastrous for the poor, is cynically trotting out the old "compassionate-conservative" canard."
Thursday, November 21, 2013
McConnell: 'Senate Republicans Have Been Very, Very Fair To Obama'
McConnell: 'Senate Republicans Have Been Very, Very Fair To Obama'
"McConnell essentially argued that Republican obstruction was all the Democrats fault, that they were responsible for the filibusters because they kept trying to do things-- as opposed to the do nothing GOP -- like allow the president to appoint people to vacant court seats. McConnell's lies and the conviction with which he expressed them was indeed a disturbing thing to behold."
"McConnell essentially argued that Republican obstruction was all the Democrats fault, that they were responsible for the filibusters because they kept trying to do things-- as opposed to the do nothing GOP -- like allow the president to appoint people to vacant court seats. McConnell's lies and the conviction with which he expressed them was indeed a disturbing thing to behold."
The Senate GOP's Unprecedented Obstruction In Five Charts | Right Wing Watch
The Senate GOP's Unprecedented Obstruction In Five Charts | Right Wing Watch
"And the blanket filibuster of D.C. Circuit nominees is just the latest in the GOP’s onslaught of unprecedented obstruction under President Obama. Here are four charts showing just how far Republican obstruction has gone in the Obama administration."
"And the blanket filibuster of D.C. Circuit nominees is just the latest in the GOP’s onslaught of unprecedented obstruction under President Obama. Here are four charts showing just how far Republican obstruction has gone in the Obama administration."
How the GOP Is Literally Killing Its Voters | Alternet
How the GOP Is Literally Killing Its Voters | Alternet
"In the past, there were many Republicans who saw the value of having a social safety net. Today’s Tea Party Republicans, however, believe in assaulting the poor and the middle class at every turn—and the older whites who vote for them are not exempt. Between butchering the food stamp program, opposing healthcare reform, trying to turn Social Security over to the whims of Wall Street, and going out of their way to eliminate what’s left of the New Deal, modern-day Republicans are no friends of older Americans—including their older white male rural base."
"In the past, there were many Republicans who saw the value of having a social safety net. Today’s Tea Party Republicans, however, believe in assaulting the poor and the middle class at every turn—and the older whites who vote for them are not exempt. Between butchering the food stamp program, opposing healthcare reform, trying to turn Social Security over to the whims of Wall Street, and going out of their way to eliminate what’s left of the New Deal, modern-day Republicans are no friends of older Americans—including their older white male rural base."
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Today in Hypocrisy: Anti-Drug GOP Congressman Busted on Coke Charge - Truthdig
Today in Hypocrisy: Anti-Drug GOP Congressman Busted on Coke Charge - Truthdig
"Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla., who backed proposed rules to let states require drug tests of welfare recipients, was sentenced Wednesday morning to a year’s probation after being caught with a small amount of cocaine last month in Washington, D.C."
"Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla., who backed proposed rules to let states require drug tests of welfare recipients, was sentenced Wednesday morning to a year’s probation after being caught with a small amount of cocaine last month in Washington, D.C."
Facebook: Assassination Threats Stay, Pregnant Bellies Go
Facebook: Assassination Threats Stay, Pregnant Bellies Go
"This isn't the first assassination threat posted on social media and it won't be the last. Mr. Wilhelmsen is a militia man, a self-proclaimed good Christian who is standing up for his country while he calls for the assassination of our President just days ahead of the 50-year observance of the anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination."
"This isn't the first assassination threat posted on social media and it won't be the last. Mr. Wilhelmsen is a militia man, a self-proclaimed good Christian who is standing up for his country while he calls for the assassination of our President just days ahead of the 50-year observance of the anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination."
Colbert Skewers Bachmann for Calling Herself a Genius
Colbert Skewers Bachmann for Calling Herself a Genius
"Bachmann actually had the nerve to call herself a "genius" for supposedly predicting the problems with the health care law, and Colbert decided to play a montage of her "greatest hits" to... ahem... "prove" her point."
"Bachmann actually had the nerve to call herself a "genius" for supposedly predicting the problems with the health care law, and Colbert decided to play a montage of her "greatest hits" to... ahem... "prove" her point."
Paul Ryan's Poverty Plan: Cutting Government Assistance, and Jesus
Paul Ryan's Poverty Plan: Cutting Government Assistance, and Jesus
"I think he's busy re-reading Atlas Shrugged and brushing up on his Ayn Rand."
"I think he's busy re-reading Atlas Shrugged and brushing up on his Ayn Rand."
Abbott Responds to Former Staffer's 'Illegal Immigrant' Game by Linking Wendy Davis to 'Satan'
Abbott Responds to Former Staffer's 'Illegal Immigrant' Game by Linking Wendy Davis to 'Satan'
"Greg Abbott, the Republican candidate for Texas governor, has responded to the news that a former staffer had organized a “Catch an Illegal Immigrant" game at the University of Texas at Austin by linking his Democratic opponent, state Sen. Wendy Davis, to Satanism."
"Greg Abbott, the Republican candidate for Texas governor, has responded to the news that a former staffer had organized a “Catch an Illegal Immigrant" game at the University of Texas at Austin by linking his Democratic opponent, state Sen. Wendy Davis, to Satanism."
Fact Check: Social Security Does Not Increase the Deficit | Alternet
Fact Check: Social Security Does Not Increase the Deficit | Alternet
"There are basically two categories of people who want to see Social Security cut: 1) financiers who wish to move us toward privatized retirement accounts so that they can charge us fees; and 2) rich people who do not like to pay taxes. Their main champions are conservatives at the Heritage Foundation, libertarians at the Cato Institute and Wall Street financier Pete Peterson."
"There are basically two categories of people who want to see Social Security cut: 1) financiers who wish to move us toward privatized retirement accounts so that they can charge us fees; and 2) rich people who do not like to pay taxes. Their main champions are conservatives at the Heritage Foundation, libertarians at the Cato Institute and Wall Street financier Pete Peterson."
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
State Policy Network: The Straw That Stirs the Conservative Movement
State Policy Network: The Straw That Stirs the Conservative Movement
"As might be expected the Koch Brothers have their imprint writ large over the SPN: The September event was attended by "representatives from Koch Industries, the Charles Koch Institute, and Charles Koch Foundation, and other the Koch-funded groups such as David Koch's Americans for Prosperity, Generation Opportunity, and the Association for American Innovation, which is now called 'Freedom Partners' and is funded to an unknown extent by the fortunes of the billionaire Koch brothers, housed in the same building as other Koch front groups, staffed by Koch operatives, and stacked with a board full of Koch insiders"."
"As might be expected the Koch Brothers have their imprint writ large over the SPN: The September event was attended by "representatives from Koch Industries, the Charles Koch Institute, and Charles Koch Foundation, and other the Koch-funded groups such as David Koch's Americans for Prosperity, Generation Opportunity, and the Association for American Innovation, which is now called 'Freedom Partners' and is funded to an unknown extent by the fortunes of the billionaire Koch brothers, housed in the same building as other Koch front groups, staffed by Koch operatives, and stacked with a board full of Koch insiders"."
WI Club for Growth, Target of Walker Recall Probe, at Center of Dark Money Web
WI Club for Growth, Target of Walker Recall Probe, at Center of Dark Money Web
"Governor Scott Walker's campaign and dozens of Republican-aligned political groups have been subpoenaed in a wide-ranging probe into potential campaign finance violations during Wisconsin's contentious 2011 and 2012 recall elections, and a group at the center of the storm appears to be Wisconsin Club for Growth, one of the top spenders during the recalls and whose leaders have close ties to Governor Walker and national donors, including the Koch brothers."
"Governor Scott Walker's campaign and dozens of Republican-aligned political groups have been subpoenaed in a wide-ranging probe into potential campaign finance violations during Wisconsin's contentious 2011 and 2012 recall elections, and a group at the center of the storm appears to be Wisconsin Club for Growth, one of the top spenders during the recalls and whose leaders have close ties to Governor Walker and national donors, including the Koch brothers."
WSJ: Scott Walker's Campaign is Target of Extensive Investigation
WSJ: Scott Walker's Campaign is Target of Extensive Investigation
"Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's campaign office and about 30 conservative groups have been subpoenaed by a special prosecutor, and the homes of at least three people connected to the campaign have been raided, according to The Wall Street Journal. Among the groups subpoenaed were the Wisconsin Club for Growth; Karl Rove’s American Crossroads; the Republican Governors Association; and the state’s largest business lobbying group, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. The subpoenas came out of a secret John Doe investigation of Walker’s campaign and allies."
"Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's campaign office and about 30 conservative groups have been subpoenaed by a special prosecutor, and the homes of at least three people connected to the campaign have been raided, according to The Wall Street Journal. Among the groups subpoenaed were the Wisconsin Club for Growth; Karl Rove’s American Crossroads; the Republican Governors Association; and the state’s largest business lobbying group, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. The subpoenas came out of a secret John Doe investigation of Walker’s campaign and allies."
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Terrifying Future Envisioned By Libertarians | Alternet
The Terrifying Future Envisioned By Libertarians | Alternet
"The future will belong to those who prepare public policy for that eventuality, and who work to put politicians in power who are ready to enact that policy when the time comes, and when the demographics of the nation have altered enough to make it possible.
Whatever happens, the libertarian fairy dreams of men like Tyler Cowen must not be allowed to become realities."
"The future will belong to those who prepare public policy for that eventuality, and who work to put politicians in power who are ready to enact that policy when the time comes, and when the demographics of the nation have altered enough to make it possible.
Whatever happens, the libertarian fairy dreams of men like Tyler Cowen must not be allowed to become realities."
Tea Party Group Wants Disclosure Exemption On Grounds That The Movement Is Small, Powerless, And Harassed
Tea Party Group Wants Disclosure Exemption On Grounds That The Movement Is Small, Powerless, And Harassed: The Federal Election Commission is scheduled to vote Thursday on a request by the Tea Party Leadership Fund to be exempted from campaign disclosure laws, based on alleged "sustain harassment and severe hostility" to Tea Party activists by the federal government and the general public.
Wisconsin Republicans Roll Anti-Democratic Measures Through Assembly
Wisconsin Republicans Roll Anti-Democratic Measures Through Assembly
"Wisconsin Republicans rolled a raft of anti-democrat measures through the legislature late Thursday night, ranging from additional restrictions on voting to new limits on the right to recall elected officials, following a recall effort against Governor Scott Walker last year."
"Wisconsin Republicans rolled a raft of anti-democrat measures through the legislature late Thursday night, ranging from additional restrictions on voting to new limits on the right to recall elected officials, following a recall effort against Governor Scott Walker last year."
ALEC Mulls Assault On Constitution’s 17th Amendment — The Direct Election Of Senators
ALEC Mulls Assault On Constitution’s 17th Amendment — The Direct Election Of Senators: Say goodbye to voting for Senators by popular vote?
Sunday, November 17, 2013
10 Deranged Dispatches From the Right-Wing Wackosphere This Week | Alternet
10 Deranged Dispatches From the Right-Wing Wackosphere This Week | Alternet
"It’s been a busy week for all manner of charlatans, religious and otherwise."
"It’s been a busy week for all manner of charlatans, religious and otherwise."
Friday, November 15, 2013
FEC Poised To Give Tea Party Group Disclosure Exemption
FEC Poised To Give Tea Party Group Disclosure Exemption
"Anyone who thinks the Kochs and their compatriots wouldn't use this as their primary avenue for buying elections hasn't been paying close attention to much of anything."
"Anyone who thinks the Kochs and their compatriots wouldn't use this as their primary avenue for buying elections hasn't been paying close attention to much of anything."
Justice Clarence Thomas' Newest Ethics Breach
Justice Clarence Thomas' Newest Ethics Breach
"Justice Thomas has once again graced the Federalist Society with his presence for their annual fundraiser, without shame or apology, along with fellow justices Alito and Scalia. In their minds, this is perfectly fine for them to do because they have cheerfully waived the ethics rules other judges must abide by."
"Justice Thomas has once again graced the Federalist Society with his presence for their annual fundraiser, without shame or apology, along with fellow justices Alito and Scalia. In their minds, this is perfectly fine for them to do because they have cheerfully waived the ethics rules other judges must abide by."
Michele Bachmann Lies, Obamacare Edition
Michele Bachmann Lies, Obamacare Edition
"Just in case there was any doubt, this is really just another day, another Bachmann lie."
"Just in case there was any doubt, this is really just another day, another Bachmann lie."
Chris Christie Is an Extreme Right-Winger -- Don't Fall for His "Moderate" Act | Alternet
Chris Christie Is an Extreme Right-Winger -- Don't Fall for His "Moderate" Act | Alternet
"Behind the facade, Christie is a Bush/Cheney-esque neoconservative promoting the old politics of division and ignorance."
"Behind the facade, Christie is a Bush/Cheney-esque neoconservative promoting the old politics of division and ignorance."
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity Spent Record $122 Million In 2012
Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity Spent Record $122 Million In 2012: Americans for Prosperity, the tax-exempt conservative political organization created by oil billionaires David and Charles Koch, spent more in 2012 than in all previous years combined.
Today’s Republicans Really Are More Radical Than Ever
Today’s Republicans Really Are More Radical Than Ever: American reactionaries are more powerful today than they ever have been before. But the true history of their rise also points to their undoing.
Paul Ryan Gets 700,000 ‘No’ Votes on Social Security Cuts | Common Dreams
Paul Ryan Gets 700,000 ‘No’ Votes on Social Security Cuts | Common Dreams
"Rep. Paul Ryan now has a clear, unmistakable message about where the American Majority stands on his ideas for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits – no, no, 700,000 times no."
"Rep. Paul Ryan now has a clear, unmistakable message about where the American Majority stands on his ideas for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits – no, no, 700,000 times no."
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
How Republicans Rig the Game
"Despite the fact that Republican Congressional can didates received nearly 1.4 million fewer votes than Democratic candidates last November, the Republicans lost only eight seats from their historic 2010 romp, allowing them to preserve a fat 33-seat edge in the House."
"Despite the fact that Republican Congressional can didates received nearly 1.4 million fewer votes than Democratic candidates last November, the Republicans lost only eight seats from their historic 2010 romp, allowing them to preserve a fat 33-seat edge in the House."
Top Senate Republican: ‘Sequestration Is Working’
Top Senate Republican: ‘Sequestration Is Working’: There is little evidence that sequestration is working as it devastates the economy and many Americans' lives.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Support Increase in Minimum Wage | Common Dreams
Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Support Increase in Minimum Wage | Common Dreams
"Critics have blasted a call for a $9 minimum wage as not nearly enough, and MIT's Living Wage Calculator shows that rate would still leave many without a living wage."
"Critics have blasted a call for a $9 minimum wage as not nearly enough, and MIT's Living Wage Calculator shows that rate would still leave many without a living wage."
Stop Being 'Reasonable' With These Global Warming Enablers
Stop Being 'Reasonable' With These Global Warming Enablers
"First of all, let's get the terms straight. They're not climate change "deniers". They're climate change enablers.And I don't care if they're sincerely misinformed Christianists, Teabaggers, plutocrats or just stupid. Stop treating them as if they might have a point. They don't."
"First of all, let's get the terms straight. They're not climate change "deniers". They're climate change enablers.And I don't care if they're sincerely misinformed Christianists, Teabaggers, plutocrats or just stupid. Stop treating them as if they might have a point. They don't."
GOP Food Stamp Cuts Would Kick 170,000 Vets Out of the Program
"In addition to reducing housing aid, and denying health care to vets, the GOP is also trying to remove thousands of vets from the food stamp program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP."
"In addition to reducing housing aid, and denying health care to vets, the GOP is also trying to remove thousands of vets from the food stamp program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP."
GOP Did Contribute To Obamacare, Study Finds – Turns Out They Wrote A Large Portion
"For the final bill, over 10% came from House Republicans, and almost 30% came from Senate Republicans. That brings the total GOP contribution to Obamacare to 38.5%, meaning that over a third of Obamacare was written by the Republican party."
"For the final bill, over 10% came from House Republicans, and almost 30% came from Senate Republicans. That brings the total GOP contribution to Obamacare to 38.5%, meaning that over a third of Obamacare was written by the Republican party."
Why the Hate-Filled, Retrograde Politics of the Tea Party Are Here to Stay | Alternet
Why the Hate-Filled, Retrograde Politics of the Tea Party Are Here to Stay | Alternet
"The Republican Party is not only the party of plutocrats and oligarchs; it’s also the party of the South. The party’s leaders are predominantly southern."
"The Republican Party is not only the party of plutocrats and oligarchs; it’s also the party of the South. The party’s leaders are predominantly southern."
Sexist Rush Limbaugh Refers to Single Mothers as "Semen Receptacles"
"The right wing talk show host made the comment about unmarried Democratic mothers voting in this week's Virginia gubernatorial race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli."
"The right wing talk show host made the comment about unmarried Democratic mothers voting in this week's Virginia gubernatorial race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli."
Monday, November 11, 2013
Koch Group Throws Boozy Anti-Obamacare Tailgate Party At College Football Game
Koch Group Throws Boozy Anti-Obamacare Tailgate Party At College Football Game: The game day bash included a "fleet of Hummers," according to a Generation Opportunity spokesperson, in addition to beer pong, models, and anti-Obamacare rhetoric.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
GOP Donors Seek To Oust Michigan Tea Party Congressmen Over Shutdown
GOP Donors Seek To Oust Michigan Tea Party Congressmen Over Shutdown: The growing rift between Tea Party conservatives and the moneyed GOP establishment may have finally broken out into open hostilities.
Who Is Chief Right Wing Whacko this Week? It Might Surprise You | Alternet
Who Is Chief Right Wing Whacko this Week? It Might Surprise You | Alternet
"Rand Paul may have assumed the mantle of Wacko-in-Chief this week, but lots of lesser known right-wing nutjobs had banner weeks as well."
"Rand Paul may have assumed the mantle of Wacko-in-Chief this week, but lots of lesser known right-wing nutjobs had banner weeks as well."
Saturday, November 9, 2013
PERRspectives: Republicans Put Red State Hospitals at Risk
PERRspectives: Republicans Put Red State Hospitals at Risk
"Among the myriadtactics Republicans are using to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, the "coverage gap" is perhaps the most visible. Because 26 GOP-led states have refused to accept the federally-funded expansion of Medicaid to their residents earning up to 138% of the poverty level, at least five million Americans will needlessly be left without health insurance in 2014. As it turns out, that Republican rejection will deal a second body blow to the red state health care systems that need help most by draining funds from hospitals that currently serve the uninsured."
"Among the myriadtactics Republicans are using to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, the "coverage gap" is perhaps the most visible. Because 26 GOP-led states have refused to accept the federally-funded expansion of Medicaid to their residents earning up to 138% of the poverty level, at least five million Americans will needlessly be left without health insurance in 2014. As it turns out, that Republican rejection will deal a second body blow to the red state health care systems that need help most by draining funds from hospitals that currently serve the uninsured."
It’s Official: When It Comes To Immigration, House GOP Can Only Agree On Deporting DREAMers
It’s Official: When It Comes To Immigration, House GOP Can Only Agree On Deporting DREAMers: Despite insisting that comprehensive immigration reform was still a "priority," Republicans will not take-up the issue this year.
Republican Lawyers Who Gutted 1965 Voting Rights Act Seek Millions From Taxpayers | Alternet
Republican Lawyers Who Gutted 1965 Voting Rights Act Seek Millions From Taxpayers | Alternet
"The lawyers who argued the case destroying the law now want taxpayers to pay them."
"The lawyers who argued the case destroying the law now want taxpayers to pay them."
Even Right-Wingers Become Liberals When They Turn Off Fox News | Alternet
Even Right-Wingers Become Liberals When They Turn Off Fox News | Alternet
"America's center is to the left, and even Tea Partyers are liberals when they turn off Rush and learn real facts."
"America's center is to the left, and even Tea Partyers are liberals when they turn off Rush and learn real facts."
Friday, November 8, 2013
How the Koch Brothers Organized the Federal Shutdown
How the Koch Brothers Organized the Federal Shutdown
"The Koch machine has now been rather well documented, via leaks from the Kochs' periodic secret bundling-conferences."
"The Koch machine has now been rather well documented, via leaks from the Kochs' periodic secret bundling-conferences."
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Laura Ingraham Forgets When The Government Shutdown Happened
"Many right-wing media personalities have denied the economic effects of the shutdown after failing to pin blame for the shutdown on someone other than the congressional GOP."
"Many right-wing media personalities have denied the economic effects of the shutdown after failing to pin blame for the shutdown on someone other than the congressional GOP."
How The Shutdown Hurt The Country’s Businesses
How The Shutdown Hurt The Country’s Businesses:
"Standard & Poor’s estimated that the shutdown would shave percentage points off of GDP growth, costing the economy $24 billion, nearly the same as paying for a year of Head Start, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Women Infants and Children (WIC) program combined."
"Standard & Poor’s estimated that the shutdown would shave percentage points off of GDP growth, costing the economy $24 billion, nearly the same as paying for a year of Head Start, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Women Infants and Children (WIC) program combined."
Fox Pundits Terribly Upset That 'Comrade Bill de Blasio' Might Raise Taxes on Rich New Yorkers
Fox Pundits Terribly Upset That 'Comrade Bill de Blasio' Might Raise Taxes on Rich New Yorkers
"If anyone thought the vitriol directed towards our first black, Democratic, moderate president who has been called everything in the book from dictator, to Marxist, to Socialist, to Communist was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Here's what we get to look forward to for years on end now that New York has elected an actual liberal/progressive to be their new mayor."
"If anyone thought the vitriol directed towards our first black, Democratic, moderate president who has been called everything in the book from dictator, to Marxist, to Socialist, to Communist was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Here's what we get to look forward to for years on end now that New York has elected an actual liberal/progressive to be their new mayor."
John Stossel 'Upset' Poor People Aren't Selling Kidneys for $1,200 -- Like in Iran!
John Stossel 'Upset' Poor People Aren't Selling Kidneys for $1,200 -- Like in Iran!
"Libertarian Fox Business host John Stossel on Thursday said he was outraged that most government services like the military and "organ selling" had not been turned over to private business."
"Libertarian Fox Business host John Stossel on Thursday said he was outraged that most government services like the military and "organ selling" had not been turned over to private business."
Rand Paul is sinking fast — but hopes we won’t notice
Rand Paul is sinking fast — but hopes we won’t notice
"Attacked for plagiarism, he takes his column to the Breitbart fringe and pummels Chris Christie as a distraction."
"Attacked for plagiarism, he takes his column to the Breitbart fringe and pummels Chris Christie as a distraction."
Colorado State Senator Goes ‘Birther’ At Political Breakfast
Colorado State Senator Goes ‘Birther’ At Political Breakfast: The U.S. Senate hopeful told a Republican breakfast on Friday that President Obama hails from Kenya.
Pete Sessions Admits Sole Mission Is Winning Senate, Not Governing
Pete Sessions Admits Sole Mission Is Winning Senate, Not Governing
"Pete Sessions just came right out and said it: House Republicans are not in Washington, DC to govern. They're there to create messaging opportunities to gain control of the Senate."
"Pete Sessions just came right out and said it: House Republicans are not in Washington, DC to govern. They're there to create messaging opportunities to gain control of the Senate."
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Top Texas Republican Thinks Abortion Caused Global Warming
Top Texas Republican Thinks Abortion Caused Global Warming: David Barton: "A door has been opened and we have said, you know, we embrace a wicked policy. Okay, then I’ll take my hand of protection off your nation, and whap! Here comes storms like we’ve never seen before..."
The Tenth Amendment Is Dead As A National Political Issue
The Tenth Amendment Is Dead As A National Political Issue: Ken Cuccinelli is the original gangster of tentherism. And he just lost to a real life House of Cards character.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Why Ken Cuccinelli Lost The Election
Why Ken Cuccinelli Lost The Election: By defeating Republican nominee Ken Cuccinelli II in the gubernatorial election Tuesday, Virginia voters rejected one of the most openly-right wing politicians in the country.
Monday, November 4, 2013
15 Things You Need To Know About David Barton, The Man Who Could Be Texas's Next Senator | Right Wing Watch
15 Things You Need To Know About David Barton, The Man Who Could Be Texas's Next Senator | Right Wing Watch
"David Barton’s dishonest and discredited pseudo-history hasn’t stopped him from becoming a star within the Republican Party. Despite the glaring flaws and political bias found in his work, not to mention the fact that actual conservative Christian scholars are among his most vocal critics, GOP candidates for office consistently seek Barton’s advice, counsel and endorsements."
"David Barton’s dishonest and discredited pseudo-history hasn’t stopped him from becoming a star within the Republican Party. Despite the glaring flaws and political bias found in his work, not to mention the fact that actual conservative Christian scholars are among his most vocal critics, GOP candidates for office consistently seek Barton’s advice, counsel and endorsements."
How Cable News Mainstreams Outright Con Men Like Ralph Reed
How Cable News Mainstreams Outright Con Men Like Ralph Reed
"Ralph Reed came through the ranks of conservatism through the College Republicans, which was headed by Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist back in the 80's. He suddenly turned into a religious-right zealot during that time and then capitalized on the poll results he collected from Pat Robertson's failed presidential run in 1988 and then ran the faith-based caucus called the Christian Coalition.
His loyalty to Jack Abramoff never wavered and when he was caught lying to his coalition so he could reap in millions of dollars from the gaming industry as well as the Choctaws Indian tribe, disgrace followed."
"Ralph Reed came through the ranks of conservatism through the College Republicans, which was headed by Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist back in the 80's. He suddenly turned into a religious-right zealot during that time and then capitalized on the poll results he collected from Pat Robertson's failed presidential run in 1988 and then ran the faith-based caucus called the Christian Coalition.
His loyalty to Jack Abramoff never wavered and when he was caught lying to his coalition so he could reap in millions of dollars from the gaming industry as well as the Choctaws Indian tribe, disgrace followed."
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Lies, Nonsense and Totally Off-the-Wall Behavior -- 10 Doozies from the Nutty Right Wing This Week | Alternet
Lies, Nonsense and Totally Off-the-Wall Behavior -- 10 Doozies from the Nutty Right Wing This Week | Alternet
"Some really crazy things came out of the mouths of the frothing right wing this week"
"Some really crazy things came out of the mouths of the frothing right wing this week"
Friday, November 1, 2013
Rise Again: The Creation of the Modern Nullification Movement
Rise Again: The Creation of the Modern Nullification Movement
"But third, and this is the most dangerous for the future of Constitutional government in the United Staes, Ted Cruz and the “Tea Party” GOP minority in the House of Representatives have created something very important: the modern version of what is called “Nullification.” In this he has already been successful. The original version of Nullification was an attempt by the Slave Power to protect its interests even though they represented a minority of the then popular vote in the United States. The present one is an attempt by representatives of a wing of the Corporate Power to protect its interests, even though they too represent a minority of the popular vote in the United States."
"But third, and this is the most dangerous for the future of Constitutional government in the United Staes, Ted Cruz and the “Tea Party” GOP minority in the House of Representatives have created something very important: the modern version of what is called “Nullification.” In this he has already been successful. The original version of Nullification was an attempt by the Slave Power to protect its interests even though they represented a minority of the then popular vote in the United States. The present one is an attempt by representatives of a wing of the Corporate Power to protect its interests, even though they too represent a minority of the popular vote in the United States."
GOP Lawmaker Speaking to Tennessee Neo-Confederate Secessionist Group This Weekend
GOP Lawmaker Speaking to Tennessee Neo-Confederate Secessionist Group This Weekend
"As The Tennessean reported on Thursday, the Southern National Congress' website announced that both state Rep. Judd Matheny (R) and state Sen. Frank Niceley (R) would be attending a weekend session to discuss legislation supporting the idea that the Southern states could again secede and form their own government."
"As The Tennessean reported on Thursday, the Southern National Congress' website announced that both state Rep. Judd Matheny (R) and state Sen. Frank Niceley (R) would be attending a weekend session to discuss legislation supporting the idea that the Southern states could again secede and form their own government."
Tea Partiers Gang Up In Colorado To Capture Local School Boards
Tea Partiers Gang Up In Colorado To Capture Local School Boards
"What Gessler and his moneybags pals are doing in Douglas County isn't all that different from what Republicans do in general. They move in gangs, they capture big bucks to buy the office and then pay off their sugar daddies with quid pro quo activities like suppressing the vote, weakening campaign finance laws, and busting unions.
"What Gessler and his moneybags pals are doing in Douglas County isn't all that different from what Republicans do in general. They move in gangs, they capture big bucks to buy the office and then pay off their sugar daddies with quid pro quo activities like suppressing the vote, weakening campaign finance laws, and busting unions.
Is it any wonder the parents in Douglas County are aggravated? What happened to caring about the children, after all?"
The Stunning Collapse Of Infrastructure Spending In One Chart
The Stunning Collapse Of Infrastructure Spending In One Chart:
"Infrastructure spending levels are tied fairly directly to economic performance. Continued underfunding in this arena over the coming years will cost businesses a trillion dollars in lost sales and cost the economy 3.5 million jobs. Infrastructure spending enjoys overwhelming support from voters."
"Infrastructure spending levels are tied fairly directly to economic performance. Continued underfunding in this arena over the coming years will cost businesses a trillion dollars in lost sales and cost the economy 3.5 million jobs. Infrastructure spending enjoys overwhelming support from voters."
Fewer than 1/4th of Republicans Support Electing More Women to Congress | Alternet
Fewer than 1/4th of Republicans Support Electing More Women to Congress | Alternet
"New poll reveals staggering partisan gender divide on women in politics."
"New poll reveals staggering partisan gender divide on women in politics."
Mitch McConnell Declares War on Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and Tea Party Outside Groups
"In an abrupt change in strategy, Sen. Mitch McConnell has decided to go after Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, the Senate Victory Fund and other conservative groups who are backing his primary challenger."
"In an abrupt change in strategy, Sen. Mitch McConnell has decided to go after Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, the Senate Victory Fund and other conservative groups who are backing his primary challenger."
WATCH: Ted Cruz's Dad Calls US a "Christian Nation," Says Obama Should Go "Back to Kenya"
"A sermon Rafael Cruz delivered in August 2012 at an Irving, Texas, mega-church has also come under scrutiny. At that event, he asserted that Christian true believers are "anointed" by God to "take dominion" of the world in "every area: society, education, government, and economics." He was preaching a particular form of evangelical Christianity known as Dominionism (a.k.a. Christian Reconstructionism) that holds that these "anointed" Christians are destined to take over the government and create in practice, if not in official terms, a theocracy."
"A sermon Rafael Cruz delivered in August 2012 at an Irving, Texas, mega-church has also come under scrutiny. At that event, he asserted that Christian true believers are "anointed" by God to "take dominion" of the world in "every area: society, education, government, and economics." He was preaching a particular form of evangelical Christianity known as Dominionism (a.k.a. Christian Reconstructionism) that holds that these "anointed" Christians are destined to take over the government and create in practice, if not in official terms, a theocracy."
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