Thursday, October 31, 2013
MSNBC's All In Reports on Devastating Food Stamp Cuts Rest of the Media is Ignoring
MSNBC's All In Reports on Devastating Food Stamp Cuts Rest of the Media is Ignoring
"These right-wingers hate the poor. They hate minimum wage which might help lift them out of poverty. They hate taxes if they're going to the "lazy moochers" who don't deserve to have food put in their mouths. And they don't want to do a thing about outsourcing and shipping jobs overseas. And they hate public education. But they expect everyone to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps by whatever means necessary. It's long past time these people were shown the door."
"These right-wingers hate the poor. They hate minimum wage which might help lift them out of poverty. They hate taxes if they're going to the "lazy moochers" who don't deserve to have food put in their mouths. And they don't want to do a thing about outsourcing and shipping jobs overseas. And they hate public education. But they expect everyone to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps by whatever means necessary. It's long past time these people were shown the door."
25 Facts Right-Wingers Desperately Want Us to Forget | Alternet
25 Facts Right-Wingers Desperately Want Us to Forget | Alternet
"Now that we have named the disease, we have to point to the cure: the facts. Here are 25 facts that right-wingers often forget, overlook, omit or ignore."
"Now that we have named the disease, we have to point to the cure: the facts. Here are 25 facts that right-wingers often forget, overlook, omit or ignore."
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
How 2016 Could Be An Even Bigger Democratic Blowout Than 2008
How 2016 Could Be An Even Bigger Democratic Blowout Than 2008: Democrats could make progress in 2016 toward a decades-long aspiration: a Bobby Kennedy-style coalition that unites minorities, young people, and educated liberals with working class whites.
Monday, October 28, 2013
The New Nullification Movement | The Nation
The New Nullification Movement | The Nation
"In reality, the two-tiered system of registration being set up in Arizona and Kansas has far less to do with stopping voter registration fraud (which, as shown, is very rare in both states) than with “nullifying” federal laws that Republicans don’t like, such as Obamacare. There’s a symmetry between shutting down the government and creating separate and unequal systems of voting. It’s a strategy that dates back to the antebellum South, when fierce segregationists like John C. Calhoun tried to prevent the federal government from interfering with slavery and taxing the region."
"In reality, the two-tiered system of registration being set up in Arizona and Kansas has far less to do with stopping voter registration fraud (which, as shown, is very rare in both states) than with “nullifying” federal laws that Republicans don’t like, such as Obamacare. There’s a symmetry between shutting down the government and creating separate and unequal systems of voting. It’s a strategy that dates back to the antebellum South, when fierce segregationists like John C. Calhoun tried to prevent the federal government from interfering with slavery and taxing the region."
Santorum: Cruz ‘Did More Harm’ Than Good During Shutdown Fight
Santorum: Cruz ‘Did More Harm’ Than Good During Shutdown Fight:
"The harm Cruz did does not extend only to the GOPs image, though. As Cruz and other Republicans opposed raising the debt ceiling, the shutdown and the simultaneous threat of default cost the economy $24 billion, according to Standard & Poor’s, and at least 120,000 jobs, according to the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers. A similar fight in 2011 cost the country as many as a million jobs. And the GOP’s preferred spending cuts are crushing economic growth too. So when it comes to fully recovering from the recession and its aftermath, it isn’t just Ted Cruz causing problems. Republican policy priorities are causing more harm than good too."
"The harm Cruz did does not extend only to the GOPs image, though. As Cruz and other Republicans opposed raising the debt ceiling, the shutdown and the simultaneous threat of default cost the economy $24 billion, according to Standard & Poor’s, and at least 120,000 jobs, according to the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers. A similar fight in 2011 cost the country as many as a million jobs. And the GOP’s preferred spending cuts are crushing economic growth too. So when it comes to fully recovering from the recession and its aftermath, it isn’t just Ted Cruz causing problems. Republican policy priorities are causing more harm than good too."
Friday, October 25, 2013
PERRspectives: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Affair with Obamacare
PERRspectives: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Affair with Obamacare
"The Affordable Care Act, Republicans and their right-wing water carriers warn, is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery and theFugitive Slave Act. But for Congressional Republicans in general and Paul Ryan in particular, Obamacare also happens to be the love that dare not speak its name. After all, Ryan's dangerous and unpopular voucher scheme to privatize Medicare not only depends on the success of the very kind of health insurance exchanges he now decries, but also requires the ACA to cover the 65 and 66 year-old beneficiaries he would drop from the program covering 49 million seniors. And as it turns out, the same Paul Ryan who would defund, delay or repeal Obamacare nevertheless wants to keep every penny in new revenue it generates in order to fund his massive tax cut windfall for the wealthy."
"The Affordable Care Act, Republicans and their right-wing water carriers warn, is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery and theFugitive Slave Act. But for Congressional Republicans in general and Paul Ryan in particular, Obamacare also happens to be the love that dare not speak its name. After all, Ryan's dangerous and unpopular voucher scheme to privatize Medicare not only depends on the success of the very kind of health insurance exchanges he now decries, but also requires the ACA to cover the 65 and 66 year-old beneficiaries he would drop from the program covering 49 million seniors. And as it turns out, the same Paul Ryan who would defund, delay or repeal Obamacare nevertheless wants to keep every penny in new revenue it generates in order to fund his massive tax cut windfall for the wealthy."
North Carolina GOP Official Resigns After Racist 'Daily Show' Interview
North Carolina GOP Official Resigns After Racist 'Daily Show' Interview
"The chickens are coming home to roost in North Carolina, as at least one official decided to speak candidly about their voter suppression efforts."
"The chickens are coming home to roost in North Carolina, as at least one official decided to speak candidly about their voter suppression efforts."
Republicans Demand Social Security And Medicare Cuts, Is It Reported? | Common Dreams
Republicans Demand Social Security And Medicare Cuts, Is It Reported? | Common Dreams
"Republicans are demanding cuts in Social Security and Medicare if Democrats want to change the terms of the “sequester.” I’m sure their Tea Party “base” would be shocked if they understood this. So would most Americans. So is the media giving Americans the information they need in order to make informed decisions?"
"Republicans are demanding cuts in Social Security and Medicare if Democrats want to change the terms of the “sequester.” I’m sure their Tea Party “base” would be shocked if they understood this. So would most Americans. So is the media giving Americans the information they need in order to make informed decisions?"
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Mississippi Candidate Has Ties to Secessionist Groups
Mississippi Candidate Has Ties to Secessionist Groups
"Is it even possible to run to the right of an ultra-conservative Mississippi senator? In Mississippi, it seems that it is, provided you spout neoconfederate views, are a birther, and a reactionary."
"Is it even possible to run to the right of an ultra-conservative Mississippi senator? In Mississippi, it seems that it is, provided you spout neoconfederate views, are a birther, and a reactionary."
The Affordable Care Act’s Lower-Than-Projected Premiums Will Save $190 Billion
"These savings will boost the health law’s amount of deficit reduction by 174 percent and represent about 40 percent of the health care savings proposed by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform—commonly known as the Simpson-Bowles commission—in 2010.
Moreover, we estimate that lower premiums will lower the number of uninsured even further, by an additional 700,000 people, even as the number of individuals who receive tax credits will decline because insurance is more affordable."
"These savings will boost the health law’s amount of deficit reduction by 174 percent and represent about 40 percent of the health care savings proposed by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform—commonly known as the Simpson-Bowles commission—in 2010.
Moreover, we estimate that lower premiums will lower the number of uninsured even further, by an additional 700,000 people, even as the number of individuals who receive tax credits will decline because insurance is more affordable."
6 Most Brazen Right-Wing Lies About Obamacare | Alternet
6 Most Brazen Right-Wing Lies About Obamacare | Alternet
"These are not the hackneyed GOP talking points about death panels, job killers and government bureaucrats coming between patients and doctors. These are far more fanciful efforts that stretch the limits of credulity and appear to have more in common with satire than actual news reporting. But this is what it has come to as Obamacare has finally reached the consumer stage and conservatives are desperate to keep people from discovering its benefits."
"These are not the hackneyed GOP talking points about death panels, job killers and government bureaucrats coming between patients and doctors. These are far more fanciful efforts that stretch the limits of credulity and appear to have more in common with satire than actual news reporting. But this is what it has come to as Obamacare has finally reached the consumer stage and conservatives are desperate to keep people from discovering its benefits."
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Three Extreme Right-Wing Ideologies Have Taken Over the Republican Party -- and Could Destroy It Forever | Alternet
Three Extreme Right-Wing Ideologies Have Taken Over the Republican Party -- and Could Destroy It Forever | Alternet
"The overlapping ideologies of Ayn Rand capitalists, Christian fundamentalists and neo-Confederate white supremacists is a toxic mix"
"The overlapping ideologies of Ayn Rand capitalists, Christian fundamentalists and neo-Confederate white supremacists is a toxic mix"
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Coulter 'Proud of Republicans' For ‘Magnificent, Run Beautifully’ Government Shutdown
Coulter 'Proud of Republicans' For ‘Magnificent, Run Beautifully’ Government Shutdown
"These millionaire pundits might think this is some sort of a game where the real damage done to people's lives and livelihoods don't matter much, but I doubt most of the public shares their view of the harm that was done to the country due to Republicans' brinksmanship, pure spite and their desire to lash out due to their overwhelming hatred of President Obama."
"These millionaire pundits might think this is some sort of a game where the real damage done to people's lives and livelihoods don't matter much, but I doubt most of the public shares their view of the harm that was done to the country due to Republicans' brinksmanship, pure spite and their desire to lash out due to their overwhelming hatred of President Obama."
Texas Republican Judge Switches Party, Denouncing GOP as Party of Bigots and Hate-Mongers | Alternet
Texas Republican Judge Switches Party, Denouncing GOP as Party of Bigots and Hate-Mongers | Alternet
"A Republican Judge from San Antonio, Texas, has announced he is quitting the GOP and will seek re-election as a Democrat, saying that he can no longer be part of political party whose identity is based on hate, bigotry and destrying people’s lives."
"A Republican Judge from San Antonio, Texas, has announced he is quitting the GOP and will seek re-election as a Democrat, saying that he can no longer be part of political party whose identity is based on hate, bigotry and destrying people’s lives."
Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring About 'End Time Transfer of Wealth' | Alternet
Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring About 'End Time Transfer of Wealth' | Alternet
"In other words, the "great transfer of wealth" is about more than wishful thinking. It's about an ongoing effort, by leaders and institutions of the evangelical right, to gradually gobble up the secular sphere of government."
"In other words, the "great transfer of wealth" is about more than wishful thinking. It's about an ongoing effort, by leaders and institutions of the evangelical right, to gradually gobble up the secular sphere of government."
Monday, October 21, 2013
A Field Guide to the Koch O’ Nuts Behind the Near Government Default
A Field Guide to the Koch O’ Nuts Behind the Near Government Default
"It’s time for a fact check. The Koch family foundations and the newest known Koch vehicle -- Freedom Partners, which is staffed with by operatives connected to the Kochs and housed in the same building as Charles Koch’s foundation -- have bankrolled practically every group working to create a fake grassroots uprising against the ACA. Many of the groups linked to the Kochs have also pushed an extreme “shut-it-down” position that led the U.S. to the brink of a historic government debt default."
"It’s time for a fact check. The Koch family foundations and the newest known Koch vehicle -- Freedom Partners, which is staffed with by operatives connected to the Kochs and housed in the same building as Charles Koch’s foundation -- have bankrolled practically every group working to create a fake grassroots uprising against the ACA. Many of the groups linked to the Kochs have also pushed an extreme “shut-it-down” position that led the U.S. to the brink of a historic government debt default."
Poll Indicates Dems Could Win 'Sizable Majority' in 2014
Poll Indicates Dems Could Win 'Sizable Majority' in 2014
"A new survey of 25 GOP-held districts shows dwindling favorability for Republican members of the House in the wake of the recent government shutdown."
"A new survey of 25 GOP-held districts shows dwindling favorability for Republican members of the House in the wake of the recent government shutdown."
McDowell County, USA Has Close to Haiti's Life Expectancy: Welcome to Third World America | Alternet
McDowell County, USA Has Close to Haiti's Life Expectancy: Welcome to Third World America | Alternet
"The Affordable Care Act is merely a small step in the direction of universal healthcare. One need only look at the data on life expectancy among Americans to realize how badly health care reform is needed in the United States. People in much of Europe are, on the whole, outliving residents of the U.S., which in some places, is looking more and more like a Third World country when it comes to life expectancy.
"The Affordable Care Act is merely a small step in the direction of universal healthcare. One need only look at the data on life expectancy among Americans to realize how badly health care reform is needed in the United States. People in much of Europe are, on the whole, outliving residents of the U.S., which in some places, is looking more and more like a Third World country when it comes to life expectancy.
There is a considerable amount of data on life expectancy among Americans, much of it disturbing."
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Shutdown Will Continue To Damage Economy Through The Holiday Season, Economists Predict
Shutdown Will Continue To Damage Economy Through The Holiday Season, Economists Predict: Thousands of workers, bracing for the next budget crisis, will likely hold back on Christmas shopping and other economic activity.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Fact-Checking Fox: What Real Journalism Looks Like
Fact-Checking Fox: What Real Journalism Looks Like
"The stubborn need to oppose something even when it goes against their own self-interest is a uniquely conservative and bewildering phenomenon. Fox News' exploitation of their own choices for ratings and demagogue points is predictable and disgusting."
"The stubborn need to oppose something even when it goes against their own self-interest is a uniquely conservative and bewildering phenomenon. Fox News' exploitation of their own choices for ratings and demagogue points is predictable and disgusting."
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans: Volunteers with the conservative organization are distributing misleading flyers, attending committee hearings, and intimidating constituents.
10 Reasons Why the Tea Party is So Unpopular | Alternet
10 Reasons Why the Tea Party is So Unpopular | Alternet
"Now that the federal government has reopened and its debt limit raised, the Tea Party is more unpopular with Americans than ever—including among moderate Republicans—polls are finding, with analysts asking if the Tea Party is part of the GOP at all."
"Now that the federal government has reopened and its debt limit raised, the Tea Party is more unpopular with Americans than ever—including among moderate Republicans—polls are finding, with analysts asking if the Tea Party is part of the GOP at all."
Friday, October 18, 2013
House Republicans Say They Are Punishing Obama By Refusing To Vote on Immigration Reform
"It will come as a shock to many House Republicans to learn that they are being paid by the American people to vote on things. Voting is a part of their job description. When they refuse to vote, they are sending the message that they aren’t interested in doing their jobs.
The real reason why Boehner won’t bring the immigration reform bill to the floor for a vote is that there are enough votes between Democrats and Republicans to pass it. Since it would make the tea party faction angry, Boehner can’t allow the House to properly function."
"It will come as a shock to many House Republicans to learn that they are being paid by the American people to vote on things. Voting is a part of their job description. When they refuse to vote, they are sending the message that they aren’t interested in doing their jobs.
The real reason why Boehner won’t bring the immigration reform bill to the floor for a vote is that there are enough votes between Democrats and Republicans to pass it. Since it would make the tea party faction angry, Boehner can’t allow the House to properly function."
Free Consultations: After Shutdown, Fox Advises GOP On Image Rehabilitation
"Fox News offered the Republican Party advice on how they might recover from the GOP-led government shutdown that damaged the images of both Republicans and the tea party and caused at least $24 billion in economic harm."
"Fox News offered the Republican Party advice on how they might recover from the GOP-led government shutdown that damaged the images of both Republicans and the tea party and caused at least $24 billion in economic harm."
Republicans Have Resumed Their Koch Funded Seditious Conspiracy To Destroy Government
"Americans have witnessed Republicans engage in a concerted effort over the past two-and-a-half years to bring the government to its knees because the people elected an African American as President. In Early in 2012 Republicans began warning their members that “armed revolution” would be necessary to impose their will on the people if President Obama won re-election in 2012. Although they have not yet brought out their considerable arsenals, they are rebelling against the Constitutional government and are more than willing to see its demise than give up their coup d’état to rule by extremist minority."
"Americans have witnessed Republicans engage in a concerted effort over the past two-and-a-half years to bring the government to its knees because the people elected an African American as President. In Early in 2012 Republicans began warning their members that “armed revolution” would be necessary to impose their will on the people if President Obama won re-election in 2012. Although they have not yet brought out their considerable arsenals, they are rebelling against the Constitutional government and are more than willing to see its demise than give up their coup d’état to rule by extremist minority."
Ted Cruz Is A Grifter Who Believes In Divine Wealth Transfers
Ted Cruz Is A Grifter Who Believes In Divine Wealth Transfers
"It's all just a big con to pull some money out of your pocket and slip it into theirs. Of course Ted Cruz will never stop. The combination of greed, hubris and his own narcissism make him King Grifter, but little else."
"It's all just a big con to pull some money out of your pocket and slip it into theirs. Of course Ted Cruz will never stop. The combination of greed, hubris and his own narcissism make him King Grifter, but little else."
Republicans Have Done Real Damage to the Economy
Republicans Have Done Real Damage to the Economy
"Republicans have been obstructing ... everything. The ongoing economic damage has been just incredible but because it gradually worsens things the public is not as aware as they should be. There are two obstructions taking place. In the Senate Republicans have been filibustering every bill, every nominee ... everything. In the House the "Hastert Rule" prevents the majority of the Congress from being able to vote. By preventing bills from coming up for a vote if they might be passed by a majority that includes Democrats and some "RINO" Republicans, anything that could help the country and economy is blocked."
"Republicans have been obstructing ... everything. The ongoing economic damage has been just incredible but because it gradually worsens things the public is not as aware as they should be. There are two obstructions taking place. In the Senate Republicans have been filibustering every bill, every nominee ... everything. In the House the "Hastert Rule" prevents the majority of the Congress from being able to vote. By preventing bills from coming up for a vote if they might be passed by a majority that includes Democrats and some "RINO" Republicans, anything that could help the country and economy is blocked."
Ted Cruz Single-Handedly Blocks FCC Nominee Over Concerns That He’ll Make Elections More Transparent
Ted Cruz Single-Handedly Blocks FCC Nominee Over Concerns That He’ll Make Elections More Transparent:
"Cruz’s stated reason for blocking Wheeler is that he’s concerned the FCC nominee may try to make spending by corporations and millionaire donors seeking to influence elections more transparent."
"Cruz’s stated reason for blocking Wheeler is that he’s concerned the FCC nominee may try to make spending by corporations and millionaire donors seeking to influence elections more transparent."
Poll: Tea Party Less Popular Than Ever
Poll: Tea Party Less Popular Than Ever
"Negative views of the tea party have nearly doubled over the past two years, making the conservative movement more unpopular than ever"
"Negative views of the tea party have nearly doubled over the past two years, making the conservative movement more unpopular than ever"
The Abject Failure of Reaganomics
"House Republicans got next to nothing from their extortion strategy of taking the government and the economy hostage, but they are sure to continue obstructing programs that could create jobs and start rebuilding the middle class. What they won’t recognize is the abject failure of Reaganomics"
"House Republicans got next to nothing from their extortion strategy of taking the government and the economy hostage, but they are sure to continue obstructing programs that could create jobs and start rebuilding the middle class. What they won’t recognize is the abject failure of Reaganomics"
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Beer Offensive: The Koch Brothers Try to Bribe College Students Not to Sign Up for Obamacare with Brewskies | Alternet
Beer Offensive: The Koch Brothers Try to Bribe College Students Not to Sign Up for Obamacare with Brewskies | Alternet
"What's a family values conservative to do when every effort to protect millions of Americans from the scourge of affordable healthcare fails?
"What's a family values conservative to do when every effort to protect millions of Americans from the scourge of affordable healthcare fails?
Break out the beer, of course. The latest campaign to kill off Obamacare in its infancy is now playing out on college campuses where a conservative group known as Generation Opportunity (GO), who are funded in part by the billionaire Koch brothers, is using the lure of free beer and "opt out" beer koozies to persuade young students not to buy health insurance – or, at least, not to buy it from the Obamacare exchanges."
Houston Paper Revokes Cruz Endorsement
Houston Paper Revokes Cruz Endorsement
"Ted Cruz’s hometown paper, the Houston Chronicle, took back their endorsement of him on Wednesday—and even claimed they only endorsed him with “many reservations” in the first place."
"Ted Cruz’s hometown paper, the Houston Chronicle, took back their endorsement of him on Wednesday—and even claimed they only endorsed him with “many reservations” in the first place."
Thanks To Obamacare, Oregon Cut Its Unsinsured Population By 10 Percent Over The Past Two Weeks
Thanks To Obamacare, Oregon Cut Its Unsinsured Population By 10 Percent Over The Past Two Weeks: 56,000 new people have signed up for Oregon's Medicaid program so far this month. Most of them wouldn't be eligible for coverage without Obamacare.
The Tea Party and the Economy: It's Like Putting an Arsonist in Charge of the Fire Department
The Tea Party and the Economy: It's Like Putting an Arsonist in Charge of the Fire Department
"The uncertainty of never knowing when an economic hostage taker is going to hold a gun to the head of the United States takes its toll."
"The uncertainty of never knowing when an economic hostage taker is going to hold a gun to the head of the United States takes its toll."
Republicans Owe Us 24 Billion Dollars Plus for the Government Shutdown
"The shutdown cost us at least $24 billion dollars. The shutdown that got Republicans nothing but funding at sequester levels that they claimed wasn’t theirs and blamed Obama for, but now claim as a victory – that sequester."
"The shutdown cost us at least $24 billion dollars. The shutdown that got Republicans nothing but funding at sequester levels that they claimed wasn’t theirs and blamed Obama for, but now claim as a victory – that sequester."
Ken Cuccinelli Donor Linked To Kidnapping Case, Anti-Semitic Newspapers | Right Wing Watch
Ken Cuccinelli Donor Linked To Kidnapping Case, Anti-Semitic Newspapers | Right Wing Watch
"While Ken Cuccinelli may be the top law enforcement officer in the Commonwealth of Virginia, that hasn’t stopped him from taking campaign contributions for his gubernatorial bid from a Religious Right activist linked to a kidnapping investigation. Blue Virginia notes that Cuccinelli donor Philip Zodhiates of Response Unlimited is tied to the Lisa Miller kidnapping case."
"While Ken Cuccinelli may be the top law enforcement officer in the Commonwealth of Virginia, that hasn’t stopped him from taking campaign contributions for his gubernatorial bid from a Religious Right activist linked to a kidnapping investigation. Blue Virginia notes that Cuccinelli donor Philip Zodhiates of Response Unlimited is tied to the Lisa Miller kidnapping case."
GOP Rep: Agreement to Reopen Government is a Victory for America and a Defeat for Ted Cruz
"One of the most vocal GOP critics of Ted Cruz has been House Republican Peter King. He hasn’t pulled any punches when he’s discussed the idiocy behind Cruz’s push to shut down the government to defund “Obamacare"."
"One of the most vocal GOP critics of Ted Cruz has been House Republican Peter King. He hasn’t pulled any punches when he’s discussed the idiocy behind Cruz’s push to shut down the government to defund “Obamacare"."
GOP congressman smacks down Tea Party
"Louisiana Republican Charles Boustany expressed his great frustration with the “20-30″ members of Congress who make up the Tea Party wing, accusing them of caring more about appearances and ideological purity than actually governing."
"Louisiana Republican Charles Boustany expressed his great frustration with the “20-30″ members of Congress who make up the Tea Party wing, accusing them of caring more about appearances and ideological purity than actually governing."
Orrin Hatch Slams Heritage: ‘It’s In Danger Of Losing Its Clout And Its Power’
Orrin Hatch Slams Heritage: ‘It’s In Danger Of Losing Its Clout And Its Power’: "Is Heritage going to go so political that it really doesn't amount to anything anymore?" Hatch asked.
Health Care Hypocrisy | Common Dreams
Health Care Hypocrisy | Common Dreams
"While going to extremes to keep millions of Americans from getting vitally needed health coverage, Cruz repeatedly refused to answer whether taxpayers covered his health care. Finally, he piously responded that he was eligible for taxpayer coverage, but had nobly declined.
Such slapstick! It turns out that Ted was fibbing, for he’s covered by his wife’s policy. As a millionaire top executive at Goldman Sachs, she and her family are given gold-plated Cadillac coverage by the Wall Street giant. Goldman pays some $40,000 a year for her and Ted’s policy — a benefit-cost that the firm passes on to us taxpayers by deducting it from its corporate tax bill. Hilarious, huh?"
"While going to extremes to keep millions of Americans from getting vitally needed health coverage, Cruz repeatedly refused to answer whether taxpayers covered his health care. Finally, he piously responded that he was eligible for taxpayer coverage, but had nobly declined.
Such slapstick! It turns out that Ted was fibbing, for he’s covered by his wife’s policy. As a millionaire top executive at Goldman Sachs, she and her family are given gold-plated Cadillac coverage by the Wall Street giant. Goldman pays some $40,000 a year for her and Ted’s policy — a benefit-cost that the firm passes on to us taxpayers by deducting it from its corporate tax bill. Hilarious, huh?"
Backfire! GOP Hostage-Taking Boosts Obamacare's Popularity | Alternet
Backfire! GOP Hostage-Taking Boosts Obamacare's Popularity | Alternet
'The GOP-led federal government shutdown over Obamacare has dramatically backfired on Republicans. Nearly two-thirds of active voters, the largest share yet, support the health insurance reform law and want it to work, new nationwide polling has found."
'The GOP-led federal government shutdown over Obamacare has dramatically backfired on Republicans. Nearly two-thirds of active voters, the largest share yet, support the health insurance reform law and want it to work, new nationwide polling has found."
Tea Party's Popularity Reaches New Low, Poll Finds
"Unfavorable views of the tea party have nearly doubled over the past two years, making the conservative movement more unpopular than ever, a Pew Research survey released Wednesday finds."
"Unfavorable views of the tea party have nearly doubled over the past two years, making the conservative movement more unpopular than ever, a Pew Research survey released Wednesday finds."
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Here Lies the Tea Party, 2009 - 2013
Here Lies the Tea Party, 2009 - 2013
"This why the John Birch Society ran into a wall: the American people did not share its racist, anti-government values. The Tea Party has run into that wall."
"This why the John Birch Society ran into a wall: the American people did not share its racist, anti-government values. The Tea Party has run into that wall."
Historian: Tea Party Rise Tied to 'Continuing Abandonment' Of Responsibility By Media
Historian: Tea Party Rise Tied to 'Continuing Abandonment' Of Responsibility By Media
"A press devoted to searching for and reporting the truth, wherever it might lead, would have kept the public better informed of the basic details of the government shutdown and debt-ceiling showdowns. It also would have reported seriously the hard truths of the Tea Party "insurgency," including how it was largely created and has since been bankrolled by oil-and-gas moguls like David and Charles Koch of Koch Industries, and by a panoply of richly endowed right-wing pressure groups like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and Jim DeMint's Heritage Foundation. It also would have reported on the basic reason for the hard right's growing domination of the Republican Party, which has been the decay of the party at every level, including what passes for its party leadership"
"A press devoted to searching for and reporting the truth, wherever it might lead, would have kept the public better informed of the basic details of the government shutdown and debt-ceiling showdowns. It also would have reported seriously the hard truths of the Tea Party "insurgency," including how it was largely created and has since been bankrolled by oil-and-gas moguls like David and Charles Koch of Koch Industries, and by a panoply of richly endowed right-wing pressure groups like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and Jim DeMint's Heritage Foundation. It also would have reported on the basic reason for the hard right's growing domination of the Republican Party, which has been the decay of the party at every level, including what passes for its party leadership"
Robertson: Tea Party Politicians Need To 'Grow Up' | Right Wing Watch
Robertson: Tea Party Politicians Need To 'Grow Up' | Right Wing Watch
"When Pat Robertson thinks you’ve moved too far to the right, you know you’re in trouble."
"When Pat Robertson thinks you’ve moved too far to the right, you know you’re in trouble."
Joe Lhota: 'Don't Lump Me In With National Republicans'
Joe Lhota: 'Don't Lump Me In With National Republicans'
It's not easy running for mayor of New York City with the republican anvil hanging around your neck
It's not easy running for mayor of New York City with the republican anvil hanging around your neck
Tea Party Nation Whines "The Complete Surrender of the Republican Party"
"Thank you, President Obama for just saying no to the Tea Party extortionists. You can't negotiate with extremists who hold America hostage in a brazen attempt to nullify two presidential elections."
"Thank you, President Obama for just saying no to the Tea Party extortionists. You can't negotiate with extremists who hold America hostage in a brazen attempt to nullify two presidential elections."
Republican Extremism and the Lessons of History
"This crisis is about nothing other than the Republican Party – its radicalization, its stunning lack of leadership and its disregard for the Constitution"
"This crisis is about nothing other than the Republican Party – its radicalization, its stunning lack of leadership and its disregard for the Constitution"
Matt Drudge Predicts Pelosi Will Be Next Speaker
"Conservative news aggregator Matt Drudge seemed to suggest Wednesday that Democrats will win back control of the House of Representatives next year.
In a message to his more than 200,000 followers on Twitter, Drudge predicted that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will soon return to the post she held from 2007 until 2011"
"Conservative news aggregator Matt Drudge seemed to suggest Wednesday that Democrats will win back control of the House of Representatives next year.
In a message to his more than 200,000 followers on Twitter, Drudge predicted that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will soon return to the post she held from 2007 until 2011"
Things Are So Bad for GOP That Conservatives Are Rooting for Dems To Take Back the House
"Rod Dreher at the American Conservative wrote a column yesterday that called out the Republican Party as not being conservative. He sadly concluded that they are loonies and they can’t be trusted with power."
"Rod Dreher at the American Conservative wrote a column yesterday that called out the Republican Party as not being conservative. He sadly concluded that they are loonies and they can’t be trusted with power."
The Government Shutdown Has Cost The Economy $24 Billion
The Government Shutdown Has Cost The Economy $24 Billion:
"Standard & Poor’s calculates that the shutdown that has so far lasted just over two weeks has taken $24 billion out of the economy, shaving at least 0.6 percent off of GDP in the fourth quarter."
"Standard & Poor’s calculates that the shutdown that has so far lasted just over two weeks has taken $24 billion out of the economy, shaving at least 0.6 percent off of GDP in the fourth quarter."
Congressman Says GOP Can’t Pass Immigration Reform Because Obama Will Destroy Them
Congressman Says GOP Can’t Pass Immigration Reform Because Obama Will Destroy Them: After the shutdown and debt ceiling fights, Rep. Raul Labrador said it would be a "very big mistake" for House Republicans to address immigration.
Misunderestimating Who They Are: They Like To Destroy Things
Misunderestimating Who They Are: They Like To Destroy Things
"If you listen to right-wing radio, watch FOX News and read their online media and take it seriously (because they do) then you would know that many on the right don’t want to live in a country that has Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, the minimum wage, Food Stamps, immigration, public schools, infant nutrition programs and the rest of the things government does to make our lives better. Andthey don't want anyone else to live in a country that has those things, either.
"If you listen to right-wing radio, watch FOX News and read their online media and take it seriously (because they do) then you would know that many on the right don’t want to live in a country that has Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, the minimum wage, Food Stamps, immigration, public schools, infant nutrition programs and the rest of the things government does to make our lives better. Andthey don't want anyone else to live in a country that has those things, either.
They are willing to destroy the village to keep the village from having those things. If you don't "get that" before entering into negotiations, you're at risk of making a terrible mistake -- like the sequester."
Paul Ryan's Peddling a 'Shock Doctrine' Cure | Common Dreams
Paul Ryan's Peddling a 'Shock Doctrine' Cure | Common Dreams
"If you are looking for certainties in American politics, count on this one: If a crisis of governing develops, the advocates for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will arrive with a plan to resolve the standoff by balancing budgets on the backs of America’s most vulnerable citizens.
Cue Paul Ryan.
The House Budget Committee chairman, a Republican from Janesville, has for the better part of a decade been the most determined advocate on Capitol Hill for the Wall Street agenda that says earned-benefit programs should be reshaped as investment vehicles and voucher schemes that will benefit brokers and the health insurance industry."
"If you are looking for certainties in American politics, count on this one: If a crisis of governing develops, the advocates for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will arrive with a plan to resolve the standoff by balancing budgets on the backs of America’s most vulnerable citizens.
Cue Paul Ryan.
The House Budget Committee chairman, a Republican from Janesville, has for the better part of a decade been the most determined advocate on Capitol Hill for the Wall Street agenda that says earned-benefit programs should be reshaped as investment vehicles and voucher schemes that will benefit brokers and the health insurance industry."
Ted Cruz Admits Budget Standoff Was All About Fundraising
Ted Cruz Admits Budget Standoff Was All About Fundraising: Asked what he has gained from holding-up a deal for weeks, Cruz pointed to a political petition he has been promoting for days.
House Republican Wingnuts Still Stuck on Stupid
House Republican Wingnuts Still Stuck on Stupid
"These people are not fit for governing and should never, ever be allowed again to threaten the full faith and credit of the United States government and the possibility of sending us into another recession or a depression."
"These people are not fit for governing and should never, ever be allowed again to threaten the full faith and credit of the United States government and the possibility of sending us into another recession or a depression."
Guilty of Sedition? Tea Party Threatens America’s Economic and Political Systems | Alternet
Guilty of Sedition? Tea Party Threatens America’s Economic and Political Systems | Alternet
"The behavior of the GOP’s extremist faction is looking increasingly outlandish and unprecedented, like the machinations of some lunatic fringe in a country far, far away. But they're right here. They want to destroy the U.S. government and they will plainly thwart laws they don’t like in the name of foolhardy austerity and unregulated markets. Hindering a law by using threats or force, by the way, is sedition, and some have argued that the Tea Party members are guilty of this crime."
"The behavior of the GOP’s extremist faction is looking increasingly outlandish and unprecedented, like the machinations of some lunatic fringe in a country far, far away. But they're right here. They want to destroy the U.S. government and they will plainly thwart laws they don’t like in the name of foolhardy austerity and unregulated markets. Hindering a law by using threats or force, by the way, is sedition, and some have argued that the Tea Party members are guilty of this crime."
We Are Witnessing the Emergence of a Political Process That Allows Right-Wing Billionaires the Power to Turn off Govt. Like a Switch | Alternet
We Are Witnessing the Emergence of a Political Process That Allows Right-Wing Billionaires the Power to Turn off Govt. Like a Switch | Alternet
"Charles and David Koch and other right-wing billionaires and near-billionaires are blind with anger after wasting millions of dollars on Mitt Romney, Karl Rove and the Republican Party in a failed attempt to defeat Barack Obama, the Democrats and health-care reform. These were the guys who smirked knowingly when Romney sneered at “the 47 percent” of Americans who receive some government help; they got snappish when Obama called them “fat cats”; they demanded the honorific title of “job creators"."
"Charles and David Koch and other right-wing billionaires and near-billionaires are blind with anger after wasting millions of dollars on Mitt Romney, Karl Rove and the Republican Party in a failed attempt to defeat Barack Obama, the Democrats and health-care reform. These were the guys who smirked knowingly when Romney sneered at “the 47 percent” of Americans who receive some government help; they got snappish when Obama called them “fat cats”; they demanded the honorific title of “job creators"."
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The National Memo » Poll: Disapproval Of Republicans Hits New High
The National Memo » Poll: Disapproval Of Republicans Hits New High
"Even among Republicans, 49 percent disapprove of their own party’s actions.
The survey is just the latest in a series of polls showing that the prolonged government shutdown and debt ceiling debate are taking a serious toll on the Republican Party’s brand."
"Even among Republicans, 49 percent disapprove of their own party’s actions.
The survey is just the latest in a series of polls showing that the prolonged government shutdown and debt ceiling debate are taking a serious toll on the Republican Party’s brand."
5 Charts Show the U.S. Has No Debt Crisis
5 Charts Show the U.S. Has No Debt Crisis
"The drastic reductions in state and local government spending fueled not just the direct loss of 737,000 public sector jobs by this summer, but constituted a major drag on the private sector economy as well. All told, the Economic Policy Institute estimates, austerity policies cost the American people 3 million jobs.
All of which is why the GOP must end the its hostage-taking of the federal government and the American economy once and for all. The numbers are clear. The U.S. does not have a debt crisis, but a jobs crisis. We've already cut enough spending for the time being. That's why Republicans should end their government shutdown"
"The drastic reductions in state and local government spending fueled not just the direct loss of 737,000 public sector jobs by this summer, but constituted a major drag on the private sector economy as well. All told, the Economic Policy Institute estimates, austerity policies cost the American people 3 million jobs.
All of which is why the GOP must end the its hostage-taking of the federal government and the American economy once and for all. The numbers are clear. The U.S. does not have a debt crisis, but a jobs crisis. We've already cut enough spending for the time being. That's why Republicans should end their government shutdown"
That awkward moment a House Republican explains why they rigged the rules to keep the govt shut down
"Republican House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions was busted changing the rules of the House so that only Eric Cantor or a Republican designated by him, can bring the Senate bill to the House floor. Republicans already have control of the House, but this dirty little trick makes it impossible for any Democrat or moderate Republican have a say-so in the process of opening our government."
"Republican House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions was busted changing the rules of the House so that only Eric Cantor or a Republican designated by him, can bring the Senate bill to the House floor. Republicans already have control of the House, but this dirty little trick makes it impossible for any Democrat or moderate Republican have a say-so in the process of opening our government."
Shutdown's Radical Birther Streak Cannot Be Ignored
"If anyone's surprised that a proud and unapologetic birther (in 2013!) was front-and-center at a right-wing anti-Obama rally this week, or that the birther charade plays a central role in government shutdown activism, then they haven't being paying close enough attention to the conservative movement in America."
"If anyone's surprised that a proud and unapologetic birther (in 2013!) was front-and-center at a right-wing anti-Obama rally this week, or that the birther charade plays a central role in government shutdown activism, then they haven't being paying close enough attention to the conservative movement in America."
Tea Party Terrorist Republicans Are on an Economic Suicide Mission to Harm Obama
"Each of the GOP’s economic disasters has cost the nation dearly including the 2007-08 crash that killed tens-of-millions of jobs and decimated the world’s economy, and in 2011 they cost America a million jobs, nearly $19 billion in interest fees, and a sequester slated to kill over a million jobs within the next year. There is no telling what the current crisis will cost the nation or how devastating the next planned crisis will be will be to the economy, but if Republicans prevail there is little doubt the cost will be painful because the GOP is highly motivated to keep the economy in dire straits."
"Each of the GOP’s economic disasters has cost the nation dearly including the 2007-08 crash that killed tens-of-millions of jobs and decimated the world’s economy, and in 2011 they cost America a million jobs, nearly $19 billion in interest fees, and a sequester slated to kill over a million jobs within the next year. There is no telling what the current crisis will cost the nation or how devastating the next planned crisis will be will be to the economy, but if Republicans prevail there is little doubt the cost will be painful because the GOP is highly motivated to keep the economy in dire straits."
Deficits are Rapidly Shrinking, Spending is Flat under Obama
Deficits are Rapidly Shrinking, Spending is Flat under Obama
"Simply put, there is no crisis to justify the additional spending cuts Republicans are now trying to extort. As it turns out, federal spending has hardly budged while deficits have plummeted since Barack Obama first took the oath of office in January 2009."
"Simply put, there is no crisis to justify the additional spending cuts Republicans are now trying to extort. As it turns out, federal spending has hardly budged while deficits have plummeted since Barack Obama first took the oath of office in January 2009."
After Sparking Outrage In Detroit, Koch Brothers’ Tar Sands Waste Now Piling Up In Chicago
After Sparking Outrage In Detroit, Koch Brothers’ Tar Sands Waste Now Piling Up In Chicago: Petroleum coke, a byproduct of tar sands refining, is building up along Chicago's Calumet River and alarming residents.
3 Ways Regular Americans Will Be Hurt by a Debt Ceiling Default | Alternet
3 Ways Regular Americans Will Be Hurt by a Debt Ceiling Default | Alternet
"From credit cards to mortgages, pain will be felt across the country."
"From credit cards to mortgages, pain will be felt across the country."
How Republicans Came To Own Sequestration’s Devastating Cuts As A Victory
How Republicans Came To Own Sequestration’s Devastating Cuts As A Victory: Republicans originally pinned the damage from sequestration on President Obama, but now embrace the cuts as a win.
Scott Walker Creates Phantom Jobs To Boost Aides’ Pay
Scott Walker Creates Phantom Jobs To Boost Aides’ Pay: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has so far fallen well short on his promise of 250,000 new jobs by 2015.
Read This One Document If You Want To Understand Why Republicans Followed Ted Cruz Off A Cliff
Read This One Document If You Want To Understand Why Republicans Followed Ted Cruz Off A Cliff: Together, the Republicans who believe that Obama's banishing God and those who believe he's banished liberty make up the most dangerous of armies -- the kind that believes it must fight to the end or be vanquished completely. And Ted Cruz is the general leading them to their last stand.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Get Nervous: The Fate of the Country Is in John Boehner’s Hands | Alternet
Get Nervous: The Fate of the Country Is in John Boehner’s Hands | Alternet
"With a Senate deal imminent, the speaker has a choice to make: His job or our economy. He could go either way."
"With a Senate deal imminent, the speaker has a choice to make: His job or our economy. He could go either way."
Crazy Larry Klayman Joins Melee At White House, Demands Obama Put Down Koran, Surrender
Crazy Larry Klayman Joins Melee At White House, Demands Obama Put Down Koran, Surrender
"Klayman's funding comes from billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who has some serious legal problems right now. Adelson seems to have no problem with this kind of dangerous and violent rhetoric from Klayman, especially if it means he can duck federal charges."
"Klayman's funding comes from billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who has some serious legal problems right now. Adelson seems to have no problem with this kind of dangerous and violent rhetoric from Klayman, especially if it means he can duck federal charges."
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Tea Partiers March To White House To Protest Monument Shutdown They Caused
Tea Partiers March To White House To Protest Monument Shutdown They Caused
"Yeah, really great form there, teaBirchers. I think it's great that you're outside the White House protesting with a Confederate flag. Sort of highlights all the racism pouring out of you onto the airwaves quite nicely. Kudos to CNN for covering their backsides by keeping the shot aimed straight in and missing that little piece."
"Yeah, really great form there, teaBirchers. I think it's great that you're outside the White House protesting with a Confederate flag. Sort of highlights all the racism pouring out of you onto the airwaves quite nicely. Kudos to CNN for covering their backsides by keeping the shot aimed straight in and missing that little piece."
Eric Cantor Given Total Control Of House In Late Night Rule Change By GOP (VIDEO)
"In the dead of night before the shutdown, the Republicans forced through a rule change, one which effectively handed over control of the government over to one man, Eric Cantor. You see, under the rules of the house, the members of the house had the ability to put the Senate resolution to a vote in the house. However, the rule change pushed through in the dead of night without any oversight or debate instead put the authority to proceed into the hands of the majority leader in the house, Eric Cantor. This is the same Eric Cantor who is known for having gutted anti-corruption and bribery legislation. And now, he runs the show. Even House Speaker John Boehner can not bring it up to a vote."
"In the dead of night before the shutdown, the Republicans forced through a rule change, one which effectively handed over control of the government over to one man, Eric Cantor. You see, under the rules of the house, the members of the house had the ability to put the Senate resolution to a vote in the house. However, the rule change pushed through in the dead of night without any oversight or debate instead put the authority to proceed into the hands of the majority leader in the house, Eric Cantor. This is the same Eric Cantor who is known for having gutted anti-corruption and bribery legislation. And now, he runs the show. Even House Speaker John Boehner can not bring it up to a vote."
Saturday, October 12, 2013
The Republican Party is Now Historically Unpopular
The Republican Party is Now Historically Unpopular
"By eight percentage points and with only one year until midterm elections, Americans say they prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to one controlled by the GOP."
"By eight percentage points and with only one year until midterm elections, Americans say they prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to one controlled by the GOP."
Friday, October 11, 2013
Hypocrites! Corporate Leaders Bemoan the Default Crisis Created by Tea Partiers They Funded | Alternet
Hypocrites! Corporate Leaders Bemoan the Default Crisis Created by Tea Partiers They Funded | Alternet
"Yes, the frightened corporate leaders surely know how this happened -- because their money funded the tea party candidates and organizations responsible for the crisis."
"Yes, the frightened corporate leaders surely know how this happened -- because their money funded the tea party candidates and organizations responsible for the crisis."
The GOP: From "Permanent Republican Majority" to Permanent Minority Government
The GOP: From "Permanent Republican Majority" to Permanent Minority Government
"The Republican Party has now clearly recognized that a) the demographics of the nation are working against them, while at the same time b) their ability to cover up what their real agenda is is diminishing.
And so, created by such organizations as the Koch Brothers-plus innocent-sounding American Legislative Exchange Council, Rove's rather crude cheat-the-vote and manipulate-the-voters program has been replaced"
"The Republican Party has now clearly recognized that a) the demographics of the nation are working against them, while at the same time b) their ability to cover up what their real agenda is is diminishing.
And so, created by such organizations as the Koch Brothers-plus innocent-sounding American Legislative Exchange Council, Rove's rather crude cheat-the-vote and manipulate-the-voters program has been replaced"
False Equivalence: How So-Called 'Balance" Makes the Media Dangerously Dumb | Alternet
False Equivalence: How So-Called 'Balance" Makes the Media Dangerously Dumb | Alternet
"Let us state this unequivocally: false equivalency – the practice of giving equal media time and space to demonstrably invalid positions for the sake of supposed reportorial balance – is dishonest, pernicious and cowardly."
"Let us state this unequivocally: false equivalency – the practice of giving equal media time and space to demonstrably invalid positions for the sake of supposed reportorial balance – is dishonest, pernicious and cowardly."
The Eight Craziest Things Ted Cruz Said Today
The Eight Craziest Things Ted Cruz Said Today: "The Republican Party is in free-fall, thanks in large part to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Just over a week after Cruz successfully pushed House Republicans to shut down the government in a effort to defund the Affordable Care Act, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found just 24 percent of the country has a favorable view of the GOP and even less think well of the Tea Party. A larger portion of Americans blame Republicans for the shutdown than the portion that blamed Gingrich’s Republicans for shutting down the government in 1995-96. If a House election were held today, Democrats would win the popular vote by a 47 to 39 margin — all but ensuring that Nancy Pelosi would regain the speaker’s gavel."
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Conservatives Thumb Their Noses At Constitutional Duties
Conservatives Thumb Their Noses At Constitutional Duties
"By pushing us closer and closer to the edge of the debt ceiling abyss, Congressional Republicans may already be in violation of the 14th amendment. It's time to remind them that they don't get to pick and choose the parts of the Constitution they like. The entire document applies to their actions in this debacle, and they should be held accountable."
"By pushing us closer and closer to the edge of the debt ceiling abyss, Congressional Republicans may already be in violation of the 14th amendment. It's time to remind them that they don't get to pick and choose the parts of the Constitution they like. The entire document applies to their actions in this debacle, and they should be held accountable."
PERRspectives: There is No Debt Crisis. There Should No Debt Ceiling Deal for the GOP.
PERRspectives: There is No Debt Crisis. There Should No Debt Ceiling Deal for the GOP.
"After slashing $2.5 trillion from the next decade's red ink in just the past two years, the U.S. national debt as a percentage of the American economy has stabilized. It is worth noting that only about a quarter of the deficit reduction comes from new revenues. (If all of the Bush tax cuts had been allowed to expire as part of January's fiscal cliff deal, U.S. debt would plummet from around 70 to about 50 percent of GDP.) May's 2013 deficit projection was now $642 billion,half the level Barack Obama faced on the day he first took the oath of office in 2009. As the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) explained just last month, for the next decade U.S. national debt will remain at sustainable, stable levels"
"After slashing $2.5 trillion from the next decade's red ink in just the past two years, the U.S. national debt as a percentage of the American economy has stabilized. It is worth noting that only about a quarter of the deficit reduction comes from new revenues. (If all of the Bush tax cuts had been allowed to expire as part of January's fiscal cliff deal, U.S. debt would plummet from around 70 to about 50 percent of GDP.) May's 2013 deficit projection was now $642 billion,half the level Barack Obama faced on the day he first took the oath of office in 2009. As the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) explained just last month, for the next decade U.S. national debt will remain at sustainable, stable levels"
GOP Governor To Congressional Republicans: Stop Trying To Defund Obamacare
GOP Governor To Congressional Republicans: Stop Trying To Defund Obamacare: Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) says Arizona stands to lose money as a result of the GOP's demands.
'Don't Fart And Point at the Dog'
'Don't Fart And Point at the Dog'
"Jon Stewart gives some sage advice to Republicans on taking ownership of the mess they've created with the government shutdown."
"Jon Stewart gives some sage advice to Republicans on taking ownership of the mess they've created with the government shutdown."
Nobody Sane Likes the Republican Party Anymore
"Republican favorability ratings have been hovering within a few points of 40 percent ever since 2006. Then Ted Cruz mounted his filibuster, Republicans starting threatening to crash the economy, and their favorability crashed ten points to 28 percent, the lowest in history. As we all know, the Crazification Factor is 27 percent, which means that literally nobody sane approves of the Republican Party any longer."
"Republican favorability ratings have been hovering within a few points of 40 percent ever since 2006. Then Ted Cruz mounted his filibuster, Republicans starting threatening to crash the economy, and their favorability crashed ten points to 28 percent, the lowest in history. As we all know, the Crazification Factor is 27 percent, which means that literally nobody sane approves of the Republican Party any longer."
Gallup: GOP Favorability Plunges To Record Low
"Only 28 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, according to findings from Gallup released Wednesday."
"Only 28 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, according to findings from Gallup released Wednesday."
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
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